Chapter 3. Resolved Issues

3.1. ESB

Table 3.1, “ESB Issues Resolved in 6.1” lists the issues resolved in version 6.1.
Table 3.1. ESB Issues Resolved in 6.1
ENTESB-505rest and secure-rest examples fail on AIX with java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/cxf/jaxrs/impl/ResponseBuilderImpl
ENTESB-572log:tail and pressing Ctrl-D freezes karaf shell console
ENTESB-584Temporary file lingers when returning a file to web service in a camel route
ENTESB-605pax-url does not handle escaped characters in url.
ENTESB-606smx4-features-4.5.0.redhat-6-1-x-stable has test failures on AIX, Solaris, and Windows
ENTESB-633auto-enlisting JDBC drivers in Aries transaction manager is broken
ENTESB-674NullPointer exception on HttpGenerator.toString(
ENTESB-697Possible issue with using a http.nonProxyHost and adding a features repository
ENTESB-704Refresh of the Spring Conetxt causes of CPU spin in Jetty when using SSL configuration
ENTESB-715Jetty port conflict cause the ESB to hang
ENTESB-716Generated KARAF-service file fails on Solaris
ENTESB-720Aries JPA does not compile under JDK 7
ENTESB-732log:tail throws a NullPointerException
ENTESB-733Backspace stops working after shutdown command
ENTESB-734No brokerName=root found after restarting Fuse ESB with kill command in root container
ENTESB-737fab ignore the proxy configuration in settings.xml
ENTESB-738LDAPLoginModule in Fuse ESB only returns first role
ENTESB-740camel-nmr component should use the sync API if NMR is XA enabled
ENTESB-744 SASL-authenticate error in fabric-linkedin-zookeeper
ENTESB-745Fuse extra CXF zip doesn't include the netty transport
ENTESB-746camel-netty-http route throws java.lang.IllegalStateException
ENTESB-752CXF examples pom version are not updated
ENTESB-753Unable to admin:create new instance after installing roll-up patch
ENTESB-756Update to Pax Web 1.1.15
ENTESB-767JBoss Fuse 6.0.0 is affected by CVE-2013-2160
ENTESB-769wrong SNAPSHOT version in pom.xml in extras Camel quickstarts
ENTESB-770EBComponents CxfSeSpringTest and other tests in engines/servicemix-cxf-se hang
ENTESB-774Exception when adding hawtio profile to root container in fabric
ENTESB-775FabricAuthenticationException when creating child container in fails to create child container when connecting from root container
ENTESB-777 fails to create profile
ENTESB-778Version numbers are not specified in Create new Profile dialog
ENTESB-779Version name not used while version creation
ENTESB-780After pressing Cancel button in Create profile/version the dialog doesn't open again without page refresh
ENTESB-781Camel waiting thread hangs JBoss EAP shutdown / app undeployment
ENTESB-782No authentication is required when accessing
ENTESB-783Version name, container name and other input fields have no restrictions on amount of characters entered
ENTESB-784Error creating containers from profile
ENTESB-785Openning Karaf tab in results in Exception in
ENTESB-786Exception in when browsing some endpoints
ENTESB-788Leveldb error on startup - kit -018
ENTESB-789 JBoss Fuse 6.0.0 is affected by CVE-2013-1768
ENTESB-790Fuse ESB Enterprise 7.1.0 is affected by CVE-2013-1768
ENTESB-793clone container created using admin:clone command doen't log anything in the log file except lock statement.
ENTESB-799Error installing camel-jms (kit -021)
ENTESB-800Logging out of JBoss 6.1 full build 022 shows a NPE in some fabric activemq code
ENTESB-801Camel Validator component fails to resolve imported schemas
ENTESB-803Comment out javax.activation;version in jre properites
ENTESB-804CVE-2013-2035 HawtJNI: predictable temporary file name leading to local arbitrary code execution
ENTESB-805Security prereqs have changed for 6.1
ENTESB-806cxf-nmr trasport doesn't support the JAXWS async API
ENTESB-808More than one bundle is providing package javax.transaction
ENTESB-809In Firefox input fileds for container creation are not dispalyed
ENTESB-810camel-netty-http - HTTP Header Host not created properly
ENTESB-811Chunked HTTP responses break Netty with ClassCastException
ENTESB-812Can't properly configure SSLContextParameters using Blueprint
ENTESB-819spring upgrade to 3.1.4 in JBoss Fuse 6.0
ENTESB-821two version of javax.xml.crypto package exported from container
ENTESB-823NullPointerException when sending empty message to cxf endpoint via nmr
ENTESB-824Warning: encoding "UTF-8" not supported, using UTF-8 - repeatedly logged to the console
ENTESB-827Some profiles fail to provision
ENTESB-829The "--force" option is not honored when setting a bundle level below 50.
ENTESB-832JBoss Fuse 6.0.0 is affected by CVE-2013-4221
ENTESB-833add a NPE guard for MimetypesFileTypeMap
ENTESB-836Build -043 Permission denied to run JBoss Fuse and to access the examples directory
ENTESB-837org.apache.servicemix.bundles.commons-beanutils missing import of org.apache.commons.collections
ENTESB-840JBoss Fuse 6.0.0 is affected by CVE-2013-2172
ENTESB-841Using admin:clone with the ssh-port, rmi-server-port, and rmi-port options causes java.nio.channels.OverlappingFileLockException
ENTESB-843JBoss Fuse 6.0.0 is affected by CVE-2013-4152
ENTESB-844CXF can't be installed - duplicate imports
ENTESB-848JBoss Fuse 6.0.0 is affected by CVE-2013-2192
ENTESB-849Getting some errors in log when starting bin\Fuse (-046 kit)
ENTESB-851Errors at startup for
ENTESB-852fabric:create fails in -049
ENTESB-853Error deploying the secure-soap example with 6.1.0 build 049
ENTESB-854Error deploying the jms example with 6.1.0 build 049
ENTESB-855Unable to initialise camel blueprint due to missing properties file
ENTESB-856container create hangs on -050 build
ENTESB-8586.1.0.redhat-054: ResolutionException on creating child container with mq/example-mq profile
ENTESB-8596.1.0.redhat-054: log:tail command writes to console after canceling it
ENTESB-8606.1.0.redhat-054 Creating a container based on example-camel fails with error reported in an INFO message
ENTESB-861Unable to create zookeeper server configuration build 054 and 057
ENTESB-862can't access examples folder with 6.1.0 build 054
ENTESB-864In the description of hawtio container the list of profiles is not updated after adding/deleting a profile.
ENTESB-865JMSSecurityException is thrown when sending a message to a queue/topic in hawtio in ActiveMQ section
ENTESB-867Configuration of the AcitveMQ JMX Service URL is done in multiple configuration files
ENTESB-869smx4-features-4.5.0.redhat-6-1-x-stable build fails on multiple platforms
ENTESB-871Permissions in examples directory are messed up
ENTESB-874Camel - The creation of the UnitOfWork should be done after the exchange is populated so that the notification sent contains meaningful data
ENTESB-876Karaf stable build for JBoss Fuse 6.1 fails
ENTESB-877Special characters are dropped when generating the LDAP the user and role filters.
ENTESB-880We should identify an NMR endoint by EndpointName + ServiceName + InterfaceName in CXF NMR transport.
ENTESB-881Allow to specify InterfaceName/ServiceName in Camel NMR component.
ENTESB-882Camel-FOP issues
ENTESB-883When creating a child container, the default karaf/karaf user is used by default
ENTESB-885JBoss Fuse Wrapper Service: karaf-service script does not properly set the RUN_AS_GROUP variable if a primary group is not set
ENTESB-886Fragment bundle can't be deployed if its version has non-numeric characters
ENTESB-894JMS request/reply
ENTESB-895Netty Boss thread exceptions
ENTESB-896aries-blueprint-1.0.1.redhat-6-1-x-stable-checkin TestRegistrationListener.testWithAutoExportEnabled() fails
ENTESB-897aries-jmx-1.0.1.redhat-6-1-x builds have 4 test failures
ENTESB-898karaf-2.3.0.redhat-6-1-x AdminServiceImplTest has 3 failures
ENTESB-899karaf-2.3.0.redhat-6-1-x UpdateCommandTest and EditCommandTest fail
ENTESB-900archetypes-2013.01.0.redhat-6-1-x-stable tests fail on windows
ENTESB-901karaf-2.3.0.redhat-6-1-x-stable ExecuteTest.testExecute fails
ENTESB-902org.apache.zookeeper.KeeperException$NoAuthException: KeeperErrorCode = NoAuth when Zookeeper password field left empty in hawtio Create Fabric tab
ENTESB-903After creating fabric from hawtio root container doesn't start noremally
ENTESB-906aries-jmx-1.0.1.redhat-6-1-x-stable BlueprintMBeanTest.BlueprintSample test fails
ENTESB-907Problem starting fuse minimal distro
ENTESB-909Error trying to build examples, could not resolve dependencies
ENTESB-910BundleException: Unresolved constraint trying to start esb
ENTESB-911Trouble connecting to local fabric from inside JBDS FUse plugins
ENTESB-914Rename demos directory to "quickstarts"
ENTESB-915aries-jpa-1.0.1.redhat-6-1-x-stable fails with compile errors on JDK6
ENTESB-916aries-util-1.0.1.redhat-6-1-x-stable FileSystemTest.zipCloseableZipSimplePerformanceTest fails on Windows JDK6
ENTESB-917cxf-2.7.0.redhat-6-1-x-stable AsyncHTTPConduitTest may be hanging on Ubuntu JDK6
ENTESB-918smx4-features-4.5.0.redhat-6-1-x-stable SmxToCxfTest.testInvokingServiceFromCXFClient is failing
ENTESB-919smx-components-2013.01.0.redhat-6-1-x-stable ScriptingComponentTest has intermittent failures
ENTESB-920HTTP to HTTP performance problems, very low TPS
ENTESB-921fabric create fails with Error executing command: No matching service for optional OSGi service reference
ENTESB-922Examples are building SNAPSHOTs in
ENTESB-923cxf-2.7.0.redhat-6-1-x-stable AutomaticWorkQueueTest fails intermittently on slower platforms
ENTESB-926NullPointerException attempting command completion
ENTESB-927IllegalStateException: Unknown protocol: fab trying to install Examples
ENTESB-928project version text in Example files needs to be replaced with actual version
ENTESB-930Warnings from Karaf webconsole
ENTESB-933Rest and Secure-rest examples fail to install with
ENTESB-934Soap Example does not work as specified in
ENTESB-935karaf-2.3.0.redhat-6-1-x-stable has 67 test failures
ENTESB-936Inconsistency of creating fabric from Hawtio and Shell Console
ENTESB-937Invalid parent profile of jboss-fuse-full profile
ENTESB-939org.apache.servicemix.cxf.transport.nmr.NMRConduitOutputStream.commitOutputMessage() does not propagate exception.
ENTESB-941error when install cxf-wsn feature
ENTESB-942error in the log when launch FUSE ESB
ENTESB-943Starting jboss fuse full distribution reports errors
ENTESB-946incorrect Karaf RolePrincipal classname used in NMR
ENTESB-952NPE in Karaf log:tail after a log:clear
ENTESB-953build 122 minimal distro fails with missing bundles
ENTESB-954Build 122 Full Distro: ServiceUnavailableException: The Blueprint container is being or has been destroyed after connecting to a container
ENTESB-955Netty content header doesn't take "action" into account
ENTESB-959Enable exclusive lock on MS SQL Server database
ENTESB-960Cannot create a fabric from within the JBoss Tooling/IDE
ENTESB-967jboss-fuse - If you startup jboss fuse and run it for a while without creating a fabric you get an ERROR log
ENTESB-968jboss-fuse - The terminal plugin does not work in FMC
ENTESB-969Camel routes activemq consumers stuck on lock
ENTESB-972Dashboards not loading correctly from fabric
ENTESB-974IllegalStateException: javax.jms.JMSException: Stopped. when editing route from HawtIO.
ENTESB-975ava.lang.OutOfMemoryError: PermGen space occures sometimes when installing bundles with cxf endpoints
ENTESB-976hawtio won't uncheck feature after install/uniinstall
ENTESB-978camel-netty-http - endpoint caching parame
ENTESB-982quickstart - secure-rest - Does not work following the instructions
ENTESB-988SyntaxError: Unexpected token - When clicked on Preferences in HawtIO
ENTESB-992Could not create a fabric using build -141 or -140
ENTESB-993Subscribers on a queue remain open and cause correlation issues
ENTESB-994There are two ASM bundles in JBoss Fuse 6.1
ENTESB-995Cant install specific build version of OpenShift cartridge - latest build is installed
ENTESB-996hawtio - Clicking on the red hat fuse management console logo on top left corner shows blank page
ENTESB-1001cxf-http-netty and camel-http-netty is using different version of netty
ENTESB-1003When installing 2 bundles using cxf-http-netty can't access ?wsdl
ENTESB-1005Hawtio console isn't present in last available build (147)
ENTESB-1006no -full distro in build 157
ENTESB-1007fabric-rest bundle not starting up properly
ENTESB-1009all CXF related quickstarts doesn't work in jboss-fuse-6.1.0.redhat-147 kit
ENTESB-1010Can't start fuse esb full on linux
ENTESB-1011latest 6.1 kit miss files|folders
ENTESB-1015inconsistent permissions on some directories in the install
ENTESB-1021The packaged version of aws-java-sdk in JBoss Fuse is not correct
ENTESB-1022User's public key gets encrypted if enabling encryption and the user tries to connect in
ENTESB-1024Selecting "Dashboard" in hawtio gives error
ENTESB-1029Need to deploy bundle mvn:org.apache.aries.transaction/org.apache.aries.transaction.jdbc/1.0.1.redhat-610139 out of the box in 6.1.
ENTESB-1032 TypeError: Cannot read property 'status' of null
ENTESB-1035Error when installing jpa-hibernate
ENTESB-1036smx4-nmr-1.6.0.redhat-6-1-x-stable ManagementStrategyTest has 20 failures
ENTESB-1037karaf-2.3.0.redhat-6-1 PropertiesLoginModuleTest.testNonExistantPropertiesFile fails on windows
ENTESB-1039Unable to install 'war' feature
ENTESB-1040Vulnerabilities findings on jboss fuse 6
ENTESB-1041spring artifacts like mvn:org.springframework/spring-xxx/3.2.4.RELEASE isn't a bundle anymore
ENTESB-1042fuse script for AIX should use JVM option: -Xdump:heap instead of IBM_JAVA_HEAPDUMP_TEXT to control production heapdumps
ENTESB-1043FuseentErprise build fails with default profiles
ENTESB-1045FuseentErprise build order
ENTESB-1047polish rest quickstart CrmTest
ENTESB-1048Cannot create ssh container
ENTESB-1049connector feature does not install
ENTESB-1050JBI features not installing within pax-exam
ENTESB-1051Cannot install JMS quickstart
ENTESB-1055Container creation method isn't update properly
ENTESB-1058can't install servicemix-saxon feature
ENTESB-1059can't install servicemix-drools feature
ENTESB-1061Error running jms quickstart (kit -204)
ENTESB-1063Update pax-jetty to 8.1.14.v20131031 in org.apache.karaf.features.core
ENTESB-1065can't find activemq-camel feature
ENTESB-1067The welcome page isn't displayed correctly and page title is not set properly
ENTESB-1068Bugs on Preferences page in hawtio
ENTESB-1069TypeError: Object # has no method 'remove' in hawtio when log level is set to Debug and opening the Attributes of Topic ActiveMQ.Advisory.MasterBroker
ENTESB-1071swagger feature need more bundle
ENTESB-1074Arrow buttons left and right don't move the cursor in Search fields
ENTESB-1075Hawtio shows incorrect user, and page title when opened in console in the 2nd tab in browser
ENTESB-1076Chart link is not bookmarkable in hawtio
ENTESB-1078jms quickstart hangs when installing feature (kit -311)
ENTESB-1079Not all attributes are present in JMX tab for activemq bean ActiveMQ.Advisory.MasterBroker
ENTESB-1081Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property '1' of null appeares after pressing Versions or JavaDoc buttons in hawtio Maven tab
ENTESB-1082Features status (installed/uninstalled) is not update automatically, page not refreshed, after changing its in hawtio
ENTESB-1083io.fabric8.fab.osgi.itests.FabSamplesWithCamelFeaturesTest.testCamelBlueprintShare test failing
ENTESB-1085Cannot access Apache CXF kit bin directory
ENTESB-1086Exception in hawtio when uninstalling a bundle on OSGI tab
ENTESB-1087Help topics don't correspond fully to the tabs available in hawtio
ENTESB-1088Creating durable subscriber results in error when selector is not specified in hawtio
ENTESB-1090When creating durable subscriber the highlightning of topic doesn't work correctly in Chrome
ENTESB-1091'IllegalArgumentException: URI is not absolute' when sending message to cxf enpoint in Camel
ENTESB-1094Exception after creating fabric from hawtio
ENTESB-1095FuseByExample SMX BootStraps gets NullPointerException on install
ENTESB-1099After pressing health tab in fabric, the top menu switchers to Container menu.
ENTESB-1100Status provision is empty after creating child container in non managed fabric
ENTESB-1101[KARAF-2035] - Not able to clone the root instance on Windows
ENTESB-1102FuseByExample camel-persistence-part1 README.txt refers to non-existent hsqldb jar
ENTESB-1103FuseByExample rider-auto-osgi needs updates before 6.1 releass
ENTESB-1104FuseByExample camel-dynamic-routing install dynamic-routing-newservice gets ClassNotFoundException
ENTESB-1106Karaf Shell plugin is not active in hawtio
ENTESB-1107When container has space in its name it can't start in hawtio
ENTESB-1109FuseByExample Horo-app fails on features:install horo-db
ENTESB-1110FuseByExample smx-application-plugins gets RuntimeCamelException on features:install flights-irish-airline
ENTESB-1112Fuse Fabric - Creating child container - Provision exception, lacks details
ENTESB-1113Health plugin - cubism java scrip error repeating forever
ENTESB-1116PermGen is never decreasing leading to out memory exception when redeploying bundles
ENTESB-1118admin shell script not working, missing shell scripts for win32 platform for child containers
ENTESB-11192 archetypes are missing our repository entries
ENTESB-1122CXF has multiple test failures on Hudson
ENTESB-1125cxf-http-netty-client feature - Seems like it does not stop netty thread pool when uninstalled
ENTESB-1126REST QuickStart fails to install with jboss-fuse-6.1.0.redhat-314
ENTESB-1127Unable to close repository for quickstarts
ENTESB-1128camel-cxf - cxf consumer may leak running CXF bus and other resources in the JVM
ENTESB-1130NPE in Karaf Shell
ENTESB-1133All tests fail on archetypes-2013.01.0.redhat-6-1-x-stable-platform on RHEL
ENTESB-1137smx4-components JAXBConverterLoadingSpringTest.initializationError fails on Hudson
ENTESB-1139smx4-features-4.5.0.redhat-6-1-x-stable-platform build does not run on AIX
ENTESB-1148Fuse 6.0 is affected by CVE-2013-4517 Apache Santuario XML Security for Java: Java XML Signature DoS Attack
ENTESB-1150Error importing files into fabric using CLI
ENTESB-1153SAP JCO :: Camel Component tests fail to run
ENTESB-1154Create dummy patch jars to test patch
ENTESB-1156Exception occurs when a feature repository is unavailable on the features page
ENTESB-1157Wrong feature URL for the fabric features.xml in quickstarts
ENTESB-1159Unable to start Fuse in OpenShift Enterprise instance
ENTESB-1175JMX user and password fields filled for child container in Firefox
ENTESB-1176Hawtio MQ tab doesn't show brokers in Firefox
ENTESB-1177Wiki tab is displayed twice in container view
ENTESB-1179camel-sap jar not included in JBoss-Fuse distribution
ENTESB-1180Component Example needs to be added to build
ENTESB-1181Libraries in profile cause container deployment to fail
ENTESB-1182JBoss Fuse - Welcome message does not mention fabric
ENTESB-1183NPE in pax-web when creating fabric
ENTESB-1184Adding kibana profile to root container causes hawtio to not work anymore
ENTESB-1185TODO in some of the fabric bundle names
ENTESB-1186hawtio - The UI cuts off sub tabs which makes it look bad and annoying to use
ENTESB-1187Fuse ESB minimal distro - Cannot creating containers in fabric that works
ENTESB-1189Maven tab is not always present in the default configuration of hawtio
ENTESB-1190Unresponsive script window appears after search in Maven tab in hawtio in Firefox
ENTESB-1191Feature details dialog doesn't disappear after installing a feature
ENTESB-1192[Fatal Error] :6:3: The element type "hr" must be terminated by the matching end-tag "</hr>". is written in fuse terminal, when installing a bundle with camel to hawtio
ENTESB-1202Hawtio web console is blocked after deploying insgiht-core, insight-kibana
ENTESB-1205profile-download not working due to missing servicemix-nmr version
ENTESB-1206Can not revert to the previous version config file in the howtio console
ENTESB-1207Reverting configuration in active profile crashes the container
ENTESB-1208Incorrect feature definition: process-fabric-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT
ENTESB-1216Incorrect feature definition: camel-disruptor-camel-2.12.0.redhat-610337
ENTESB-1217Incorrect feature definition: jclouds-aws-sts/jclouds-1.6.2-incubating
ENTESB-1218Incorrect feature definition: camel-cmis/2.12.0.redhat-610337
ENTESB-1221Fuse 6.0 is affected by CVE-2014-0050 apache-commons-fileupload: denial of service due to too-small buffer size used bt MultipartStream
ENTESB-1224NPE in io.fabric8.maven.impl.MavenProxyRegistrationHandler when remoteRepositories not set
ENTESB-1225Fabric Karaf Help command does not display something
ENTESB-1226hawtio - Creating container on openshift is not possible
ENTESB-1228Update to jclouds 1.7.1
ENTESB-1236NPE when installing the first patch on a standalone container
ENTESB-1237Quickstart examples has SNAPSHOT dependency instead of build number
ENTESB-1238Installing mq quickstart on local or openshift
ENTESB-1243soap, secure-soap, and secure-rest quickstarts need to be updated
ENTESB-1249patch:simulate should not update etc/
ENTESB-1250feature:install does not honor patch overrides
ENTESB-1254jboss-fuse-6.1.0.redhat-352 rest and soap quickstart install fail if deployed one after another
ENTESB-1256Xslt doesn't work in Fuse ESB 6.1 Beta
ENTESB-1259Unable to see output from python script with shell:exec
ENTESB-1260HTTP/FTP Deployment URL's for Libraries are not supported
ENTESB-1261Libraries deployed to child containers are not on the child container's classpath
ENTESB-1262Mixed version of Spring
ENTESB-1264servicemix-eip fails to install
ENTESB-1267Cancel button doesn't remove the changes to the name of the Dashboard, after reopening the edit form
ENTESB-1272hawtio feature includes hawtio-maven-indexer by default, which causes problems in no-internet sites
ENTESB-1277Configuration of CXF http-netty-server in blueprint doesn't work in Beta 2
ENTESB-1280CVE-2014-0120 hawtio-karaf-terminal is vulnerable to Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) attacks.
ENTESB-1281CVE-2014-0121 hawtio-karaf-terminal does not apply any authentication or authorization constraints by default
ENTESB-1282Creating child container with wrong Jmx credentials displays success message incorrectly
ENTESB-1283Non-unique quickstarts names
ENTESB-1284Cannot build quickstarts from parent pom placed in FUSE_DIR/qickstarts folder
ENTESB-1285Unable to install REST quickstart on ER3
ENTESB-1286hawtio doesn't display properly on IE9
ENTESB-1298fabric:create broken from client command script
ENTESB-1299Installing the eventadmin causes fails with ClassNotFound Errors
ENTESB-1300Fuse 6.0 is affected by CVE-2014-0054 Spring Framework: incomplete fix for CVE-2013-4152/CVE-2013-6429
ENTESB-1301Fuse 6.0 is affected by CVE-2014-1904 cross-site scripting flaw when using Spring MVC
ENTESB-1304[broken feature] camel-hbase/2.12.0.redhat-610362 requires javax.script package
ENTESB-1319notices file is essentially empty
ENTESB-1324Hawtio doesn't display mq brokers and groups correctly
ENTESB-1325hawtio not displaying correctly on IE 8 and IE 9.
ENTESB-1326notices generation doesn't work for Maven 3.1.1
ENTESB-1328[CXF] No SoapFault on one-way web service operations
ENTESB-1336Hawtio logs out a user in a very short time when main menu tabs are pressed
ENTESB-1337Cannot connect to new node created by fabric in OpenShift
ENTESB-1339Can't create new fuse application on OpenShift due to bad Cartridge-Vendor
ENTESB-1340Can't start child containers in build 372
ENTESB-1036smx4-nmr-1.6.0.redhat-6-1-x-stable ManagementStrategyTest has 20 failures
ENTESB-606smx4-features-4.5.0.redhat-6-1-x-stable has test failures on AIX, Solaris, and Windows
ENTESB-946incorrect Karaf RolePrincipal classname used in NMR
ENTESB-1037karaf-2.3.0.redhat-6-1 PropertiesLoginModuleTest.testNonExistantPropertiesFile fails on windows
ENTESB-1139smx4-features-4.5.0.redhat-6-1-x-stable-platform build does not run on AIX
ENTESB-606smx4-features-4.5.0.redhat-6-1-x-stable has test failures on AIX, Solaris, and Windows
ENTESB-719Dependency graph is different in JDK 6 and 7
ENTESB-913NPE in camel-nmr after installing p3 on 6.0
ENTESB-918smx4-features-4.5.0.redhat-6-1-x-stable SmxToCxfTest.testInvokingServiceFromCXFClient is failing
ESB-1764jpa-hibernate feature does not install correctly with equinox
ENTESB-802Upgrade to Spring 3.1.4 from 3.1.3
ENTESB-1058can't install servicemix-saxon feature
ENTESB-1264servicemix-eip fails to install
ENTESB-402smx-components-2012.01.0.fuse-7-1-x-stable-platform ExecEndpointTest timesout on Windows
ENTESB-770EBComponents CxfSeSpringTest and other tests in engines/servicemix-cxf-se hang
ENTESB-919smx-components-2013.01.0.redhat-6-1-x-stable ScriptingComponentTest has intermittent failures
SMXCOMP-976Intermittent test failure in servicemix-scripting
SMXCOMP-978SimpleBeanFactory should not throw exception in the getAliases() method
ENTESB-1133All tests fail on archetypes-2013.01.0.redhat-6-1-x-stable-platform on RHEL
ENTESB-900archetypes-2013.01.0.redhat-6-1-x-stable tests fail on windows
SMX4-1472servicemix-camel component should hornor the synchronous option
SMX4-1486Update to Camel 2.10.5
SMX4-1513add type check to avoid CCE in cxf nmr transport
SMX4-1546The cxf nmr transport should provide a synchronous option
SMX4-1585org.apache.servicemix.cxf.transport.nmr.NMRConduitOutputStream.commitOutputMessage() does not propagate exception.
SMX4-1666ensure nmr get injected when servicemix-camel bundle is started
SMX4-1447can't endorse activation smx activation-api-1.1 spec jar
SMX4-1534add a NPE guard for MimetypesFileTypeMap
SMX4-1624NPE in servicemix spec MailcapCommandMap
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