4.3. Routing

Table 4.3, “Routing Enhancements in 6.1” lists the enhancements in version 6.1.
Table 4.3. Routing Enhancements in 6.1
ENTESB-826Add EA repo to archetypes
ENTESB-961jboss-fuse - extras with Apache Camel included - Allow to run examples
CAMEL-3338DefaultProducer should use same isSingleton setting as its endpoint
CAMEL-4075Create camel-quartz2 component to support Quartz 2.1.x
CAMEL-4209Upgrade camel-guice to use guice 3.0
CAMEL-4224Add Lazy Connection to XMPP
CAMEL-4257Expose setDeliveryMode property in org.apache.camel.component.jms.JmsComponent
CAMEL-4515Spring-WS should populate Camel Header with the SOAP Header
CAMEL-4629Add support for loading script from file/classpath in the groovy/ognl/mvel etc components
CAMEL-4869camel-ahc - Provide easier realm configuration possibility
CAMEL-4928Async API support by the Timer component
CAMEL-4963antInclude support for case insensitive patterns
CAMEL-5240Upgrade to newer release of snmp4j
CAMEL-5269Make it possible to change the remote file name without changing the local file name
CAMEL-5278Allow JaxbDataFormat to (un)marshall with strict schema validation
CAMEL-5304Unable to turn-off n to r conversion in HL7Converter
CAMEL-5320camel-ftp - Add option to check files without downloading
CAMEL-5328Camel PropertiesComponent should support resolution of nested properties
CAMEL-5359camel-castor does not use mapping file to convert XML to Java
CAMEL-5383[JDBC component] Add ResultMetaData as a header value
CAMEL-5388Karaf command - ContextInfo - Should have verbose option
CAMEL-5396Improve performance of DefaultJmsKeyFormatStrategy
CAMEL-5439camel-ssh component should retrun the stander error and shell exist status
CAMEL-5441Remove the import package of META-INF.cxf from the camel cxf related examples
CAMEL-5445ManagementLoadTask - Background thread should defer starting till CamelContext has been started
CAMEL-5446Add option to disable ManagementLoadTask
CAMEL-5462Add tray support to camel-print
CAMEL-5479Add support for the InOut Message Exchange Pattern to the twitter UserProducer in order to be able to retrieve the unique identifier for the published tweet
CAMEL-5483Component for neo4j
CAMEL-5488Update and improve camel-hl7
CAMEL-5489Support for selection of direct-vm consumers
CAMEL-5492Add option to restrict HTTP method in camel-jetty and camel-servlet
CAMEL-5494Camel's JavaConfigContextLoader class lacks support for Camel's testing annotations
CAMEL-5503Expanding Bean Binding annotations to define explicitly what to apply it to
CAMEL-5541Update Camel-XMPP tests to use embedded Apache Vysper
CAMEL-5544Zookeeper route policy constructor has no need to throw exceptions
CAMEL-5546Zookeper master election logic is too tightly bound to the route policy logic
CAMEL-5550Add headerName option to xpath/xpath language
CAMEL-5551String types not converted from CLOB
CAMEL-5553support injection of Endpoint and @Produce @Consume annotations
CAMEL-5554allow XML DSL to work in CDI
CAMEL-5559Upgrade camel-solr to use http client 4.x
CAMEL-5560add support to camel:run for running CDI camel applications
CAMEL-5565creating camel routes with the Java DSL and using Endpoint objects (particularly if using dependency injection of them) doesn't expose the endpoint URIs to JMX and tooling
CAMEL-5566provide an annotation to auto-register a RouteBuilder with a CamelContext (lazily creating a new CamelContext if a different contextName is specified)
CAMEL-5568Remove Spring Reference from Camel Core Feature
CAMEL-5569Make Spring Optional Bundle Import for CXF Transport
CAMEL-5578Polish our pom's to be as DRY as possible
CAMEL-5579Add an abstract grouped by aggregator strategy that users can extend from.
CAMEL-5590when recursive=true in camel-file url then may cause camel context not started
CAMEL-5591Update Javassist bundle version
CAMEL-5603Camel endpoints with user info using @ sign in username or password should be encoded
CAMEL-5611Issue with JndiContext in camel tests
CAMEL-5613Provide robust connection support for JMX consumers
CAMEL-5630Add a printer prefix option on the camel-printer endpoint
CAMEL-5634camel-jaxb - Allow to control namespace prefixes
CAMEL-5640Camel Karaf Commands - Add timeout option to stop route command
CAMEL-5642Simple language - Limit escaping to newline related characters
CAMEL-5645Apns Component should allow sandbox/prod environment variable in apnsServiceFactory
CAMEL-5649Add no args constructor to Builder support class which is required by CDI
CAMEL-5658Add method on ExecutorServiceManager to get Camels ThreadFactory
CAMEL-5664Provides the replace wrap methods for calling the deprecated camel-core API
CAMEL-5667Update the camel-scala DSL with latest camel java DSL
CAMEL-5675Camel Route Startup Performance Slow
CAMEL-5713SMPP Consumer: support for address_range parameter
CAMEL-5724Spring-WS consumer and producer do not propagate some custome headers and attachements to a response message
CAMEL-5725Thread pool profile - maxQueueSize = 0 should mean no work queue in use
CAMEL-5726CamelContext - Add support for CamelContextAware on Language and DataFormat
CAMEL-5760Aggregate EIP - Allow custom AggregationStrategy to implement Service to have callbacks when starting/stopping the EIP
CAMEL-5765Simple language - Improve OGNL with hardcoded values for null bodies
CAMEL-5771IOHelper.getCharsetName() should lookup CHARSET_NAME in headers if exchange property is not set
CAMEL-5775Load balancer example - Should use the failover LB instead
CAMEL-5787Remove non Camel JARs from distro
CAMEL-5788PGP dataformat should support take the key parameter form message header dynamically.
CAMEL-5791Adding blueprint based camel-cxf tests using camel-test-blueprint
CAMEL-5793Clients referring to seda: endpoint without options in URI, create implicit endpoints
CAMEL-5799Add UpdateList, DeleteList and ExecutorType capabilities to mybatis component
CAMEL-5801Make it easy to configure thread name pattern in XML DSL
CAMEL-5829File consumer - Allow to configure logging level of read lock strategy
CAMEL-5849Upgrade camel-hibernate to Hibernate 4.1.x
CAMEL-5853Added CxfEndpointConfiguer to support configure the CXF endpoint programmatically
CAMEL-5863camel-jms - Name of request reply classes for fixed queue names should be renamed
CAMEL-5881FTP endpoints should support charset property like File endpoint does
CAMEL-5910Mail Producer should store the mail message id when it sends the message.
CAMEL-5931Upgrade Camel features to Spring 3.1 as minimum version
CAMEL-5932Update camel-jpa for Spring 3.1
CAMEL-5933Support Blueprint on Camel Transport of CXF
CAMEL-5937Added sinceId option for camel-twitter pulling the status
CAMEL-5940camel-cache - Add option to cache component to easily configure ehcache XML file to load by default
CAMEL-5954Unify the variables which are exports to script
CAMEL-5960Add routeId as function to simple language
CAMEL-5967support to specify the camelContext through the attribute of destination or conduite
CAMEL-5969OsgiServiceRegistry to lookup services with filter on name=blah
CAMEL-5972OsgiServiceRegistry.lookupByType() should use BundleContext.getServiceReferences()
CAMEL-5982Search on twitter without filtering old twits
CAMEL-5984Specification of the language for the search Consumer and Producer
CAMEL-5997Registry API changes to accomodate CDI
CAMEL-6006File and ftp built in idempotent consumer - Allow to customize key
CAMEL-6010camel-ibatis - Should load sql map in start instead of lazy getter
CAMEL-6019Add PGP signature and signature verification support to PGPDataFormat
CAMEL-6021camel-twitter - support for pagination
CAMEL-6022camel-twitter - limiting number of results per page
CAMEL-6026Add options to let user get control of http connection
CAMEL-6030camel-gae - Should not have Spring dependency
CAMEL-6031CamelContext - Should fallback and use SimpleRegistry if JndiRegistry cannot be used by default
CAMEL-6032servletcontextlistener - Allow to configure which registry to use / plugin custom registry
CAMEL-6039camel-bindy fixed length record improvements
CAMEL-6040Add an option to encrypt tmp files generated by Camel's CachedOutputStream
CAMEL-6042AggregateProcessor/AggregationRepository does not deal with optimistic locking - will not work correctly in a distributed environment
CAMEL-6043Improve the BeanInfo performance
CAMEL-6052Remove dependency on com.sun.script-jython-engine
CAMEL-6057Camel Spring registry does not look into parent contexts
CAMEL-6063Check if body is a MimeMessage and send it directly without create a MimeMessage from body and headers
CAMEL-6076deprecate the xxxRef options and provide the xxx option if it not exists yet
CAMEL-6080ability to change properties on CamelContext at runtime using jmx
CAMEL-6085support the set the cache-control header in camel-restlet
CAMEL-6088Add option to camel-crypto PGP to not always use CONSOLE for filename
CAMEL-6090Allow for streaming of remote file content
CAMEL-6091Improvement to SqlProducer class
CAMEL-6092Camel CXF should set the MEP according to the BindingOperationInfo
CAMEL-6119enhance Aggregator to allow forcing completion via a header and include the current message
CAMEL-6120camel-ssh - Use ResourceHelper to load keystore so its easy loadable from classpath/file etc
CAMEL-6122Upgrade component to jackson2
CAMEL-6131RouteDefinition.toString() should include the route Id
CAMEL-6144Optimistic Locking Required for JdbcAggregationRepository in order for Camel Aggregation to work in a Clustered environment
CAMEL-6146Tracer mbean name in JMX has no need for hexcode
CAMEL-6151Add support to DirectEndpoint for blocking until a consumer is available
CAMEL-6157Parametrized queries in JDBC component
CAMEL-6164camel-ftp - Add debug logging how long time it took to upload a file
CAMEL-6176Camel 2.10.1 incapable of working with + in endpoint URIs
CAMEL-6183xslt component - Add option to make it easy to use saxon as the transformer factory
CAMEL-6184CamelContext - removeComponent should stop component first to be similar to removeEndpoints
CAMEL-6186Enable sql component to doesn't try read the body.
CAMEL-6190stream cache - Spool to disk threshold is too slow and we should log on startup at INFO level what the setting is in use
CAMEL-6193mail component - When mapMailMessage=true we should eager map message
CAMEL-6195Improve tests for CAMEL-6090 to test for streams
CAMEL-6208RichTestUri should support the template requestBody and asynSend APIs
CAMEL-6227json data format - Add support for configuring gson options
CAMEL-6230Allow endpoints to configure useRawUri to force using raw uris
CAMEL-6235File consumer - preMove should happen after the file lock has been acquired
CAMEL-6239Add incrementing counter to processor / route mbeans so we know the exact order they were created / positioned in routes
CAMEL-6240Http4 component does not support PATCH
CAMEL-6247Avoid verbose stacktrace when stopping camel:run for illegal state during pojosr shutdown
CAMEL-6258Sql component - Add noop option to execute the query but dont change the message body afterwards
CAMEL-6260IllegalAccessException when setup statement in the camel-jdbc component
CAMEL-6264Camel 2.10 performance regression with added statistics in BaseTypeConverterRegistry
CAMEL-6265direct-vm component - The processor should support async routing engine
CAMEL-6266Support for SFTP through a proxy
CAMEL-6268camel-stream - Shutdown thread pool on consumer should happen faster
CAMEL-6272Bean - Improve choose method logic for no parameter methods
CAMEL-6282TypeConverterRegistry - Allow to enable or disable utilization statistics
CAMEL-6285Apache Camel uptime reported in logs - Add to the log message that its Apache Camel etc
CAMEL-6286Make SqsConsumer support async processors
CAMEL-6290camel-example-osgi - Should not output to system out, but use log instead
CAMEL-6292Camel archetype component - Use bundle packaging so component is ready to install in OSGi
CAMEL-6293ftp(s) producers should add the ftpReplyString to the header
CAMEL-6296Support httpConnectionManager.* parameters on Camel-Http (HttpClient3)
CAMEL-6299ServiceMBean - Should have an id so its easy to spot what the service is
CAMEL-6301Route and CamelContext MBean - Add reset method that also reset all its processors
CAMEL-6308ScheduledPollConsumer.startScheduler() access type should be "public", not "protected"
CAMEL-6310BlueprintCamelContext start() method should setup the TCCL
CAMEL-6318File consumer - Do not call contains on idempotent repository if its a directory
CAMEL-6330Control Bus - Add suspend and resume actions
CAMEL-6331camel-netty - Loading key store and trust stores should support classpath as well
CAMEL-6340Improve Groovy performance
CAMEL-6345CamelContext - Languages should be added as servies and stopped when stopping Camel
CAMEL-6346Camel blueprint main should support to set the ConfigAdmin persistent information
CAMEL-6347camel-spring-ws : Avoid the usage of CommonsHttpMessageSender in conjunction with the timeout or sslContextParameters options
CAMEL-6351camel-blueprint - Should support using placeholder namespace for using property placeholders on any type in the DSL
CAMEL-6354camel-shiro - Make it easier to configure username and password for subject
CAMEL-6355File consumer - Check in progress eager as well to avoid any very slight chance for duplicate pickup
CAMEL-6356link to camel registry in camel-stax is missing
CAMEL-6357Routing engine - Preparing exchange should cater for end user by mistake copy headers the wrong way
CAMEL-6361Validations exception should include line/column
CAMEL-6362camel-sjms - Consumers should always use dedicated Sessions
CAMEL-6363Allow to specify the string-template delimiters
CAMEL-6364Improve processors wrapping
CAMEL-6366SQL component - Add option to dictate if output is list, object or map
CAMEL-6368JDBC component - Add option to dictate if output is object, map, list
CAMEL-6370Populate all optional parameter for SubmitSm, SubmitMulti and DataSm to SMSC
CAMEL-6371Allow modifying the aggregation strategy by ProcessorFactories
CAMEL-6372camel-krati - KratiConsumer should support maxMessagesPerPoll
CAMEL-6377Optimize routing engine to reduce stack frames in use during routing and reduce callbacks
CAMEL-6378Java DSL - Using transacted and onException in same route - Validate that onException is first
CAMEL-6379json data format - Allow to configure jsonView in xml dsl
CAMEL-6381camel-bindy - Add option to tell bindy that the last field is till end of line
CAMEL-6383Disable tracer mbean/wrapped processor if not explicit enabled on camel context
CAMEL-6388Camel Properties component should support to load the properties from a instance of map
CAMEL-6393Making header propagation from cxf to camel consistent
CAMEL-6397camel-restlet - Allow to configure reuseAddress option
CAMEL-6402HTTP4 - Set the content length for requests, if known
CAMEL-6403Add support for UnitOfWork per request
CAMEL-6405seda/vm - Discard messages if shutting down route
CAMEL-6408cxf endpoint's should log the parsing exception when failing to extract the root element name
CAMEL-6417camel-http4 - Only one instance of SSLContextParameters can be supported per component
CAMEL-6418camel-sql - Allow to configure separator when using # placeholder and values is taken from message body
CAMEL-6422Add tokenizeXML to ValueBuilder
CAMEL-6426When StartupListener is called, camel is still in starting, not started state
CAMEL-6435Remove the obsolete 'transient' modifier from both the static/non-static SLF4J Logger fields.
CAMEL-6444Add Ip and Port Parameter
CAMEL-6446Support JAXB annotations in Jackson Data Format
CAMEL-6453Put the SSLSession instance into message header
CAMEL-6456camel-csv - Delimiter option should be useable in unmarshal as well
CAMEL-6463Camel routes added to context at wrong point of Spring lifecycle
CAMEL-6465Add greedy option to ScheduledPollConsumer
CAMEL-6466Log component URI parameters should be able to override custom formatter properties
CAMEL-6471CxfPayload - Dont output the body in toString if streaming mode
CAMEL-6474DOM2SAX doesn't provide the full support of SAX
CAMEL-6477allow loading of keyfile from classpath
CAMEL-6480Allow to turn off logging message body more easily
CAMEL-6481Can't access to length of Array (java) from simple language
CAMEL-6483Optimize writing response in camel-jetty
CAMEL-6485Performance improvement in DefaultCamelContext by delaying synchronized block
CAMEL-6494Allow for skipping fields and trailing characters in Bindy fixed-length records
CAMEL-6498Improvement to allow passing in a parameter to a NamedQuery via Camel JPA
CAMEL-6502Allow usage of Java KeyPair for SSH public key authentication in SFTP
CAMEL-6505GenericFileMessage should override copy() method
CAMEL-6508Recipient list EIP - Add property which endpoint an Exchange is from the recipient list
CAMEL-6510AggregationStrategy - Allow it to be a service to make it easier to have logic in start/stop if needed
CAMEL-6515camel-mongodb: Upgrade MongoDB driver from 2.9.1 to 2.11.2
CAMEL-6517Upgrade jclouds to 1.6.1-incubating
CAMEL-6521ActiveMQUuidGenerator should allow configuring server socket port number
CAMEL-6545seda producer - Add option to fail for non existing queue
CAMEL-6551FtpConsumer fills up log file with "Cannot connect/login" WARN level messages
CAMEL-6553bean component - Avoid WARN logging for not finding class when invoking a bean with constant values
CAMEL-6554Add sync option to LevelDBAggregationRepository to make it easy to configure
CAMEL-6556classpath problem with camel:run and provided dependencies
CAMEL-6559script builder synchronized the operation of evaluateScript
CAMEL-6564JMX - Services which can only be enlisted once should use fixed name
CAMEL-6570CLIENT_CREATED event can't be sent in the CXFEndpoint.createClientFactoryBean()
CAMEL-6580camel-jms - Dont allow CACHE_NONE for replyToCacheLevelName for temporary queues
CAMEL-6581SendProcessor - Use fixed destination allow routing engine optimizations
CAMEL-6583camel-jms - Add option to include optional JMSX properties in binding to Camel message
CAMEL-6590Restlet header warnings
CAMEL-6591SFTP endpoint fails if the server disconnected the socket
CAMEL-6594TypeConverterRegistry - Add api to remove converters
CAMEL-6597Camel conduit should support the JAXWS Async API out of box
CAMEL-6598camel-dozer - Only add 2nd type converter if bi-directionaly
CAMEL-6611camel-netty-http - If sending a plain request to SSL then we should send back nice error response
CAMEL-6619Ignore line breaks in camel-xmlsecurity component
CAMEL-6621Add ability to connect to SQS queue of different owner
CAMEL-6622Support XML Encryption 1.1 features in the camel-xmlsecurity component
CAMEL-6623Support attaching to SQS queues where the user doesn't have permission to list the queues (manually build URL)
CAMEL-6628ProducerTemplate - Allow to turn off event notifier
CAMEL-6629Add requestBufferSize and requestHeaderSize options for jetty
CAMEL-6634JMX Agent - Allow to use property placeholders for statisticsLevel option
CAMEL-6635PollingConsumer from a scheduled consumer such as file/ftp can use a regular thread pool instead of being scheduled
CAMEL-6637BeanIO Data Format logs at WARN level for conditions ignored in configuration
CAMEL-6639SimpleLanguage.simple should detect if its a predicate and use that instead
CAMEL-6640Migrate XML Security key cipher algorithm away from RSA v1.5
CAMEL-6642Allow to configure a custom ExpressionResultComparator for resequencer eip in xml
CAMEL-6644camel-netty - Add support for suspend/resume on netty TCP consumer
CAMEL-6651Calling processAnnotations when using the XStreamDataFormat's aliases are set
CAMEL-6653Support to set preferredAuthentications on SFTP
CAMEL-6655SMPP - add support of Vendor Specific Optional Parameter
CAMEL-6659Validate that onException,onCompletion etc must be configured at top-level in the rotues
CAMEL-6661xslt: TransformerException: include href is empty
CAMEL-6666camel-fop - Allow to use classpath for userConfigUrl parameter
CAMEL-6670Throttler EIP - Add JMX attribute to know if hit limit currently (eg its throttling state)
CAMEL-6671FTP consumer - Add option to not use LIST command
CAMEL-6674Add allowNull option to @Converter to allow type converters to return null as valid response for special use-cases
CAMEL-6677Allow customization of the JAXB underlying XMLStreamWriter
CAMEL-6678Throttler does not honor time slots after period expires
CAMEL-6680Simple language - Have singleton language for better performance
CAMEL-6686camel-quartz - scheduled route policy - Should support clustered jobs
CAMEL-6688ShutdownStrategy - Add option to suppress logging after context has been stopped in case of aggressive shutdown
CAMEL-6689ResourceHelper do not work with encoded file pathes
CAMEL-6692camel-jms - Topics should also be managed in JMX
CAMEL-6697camel-test-blueprint - Allow to register custom services in OSGi registry before Camel starts
CAMEL-6705DefaultStreamCachingStrategy - Check for enabled in shouldSpoolCache method
CAMEL-6706camel-blueprint - When having 2+ blueprint property placeholders then favor non default property value for overrides
CAMEL-6710Add endpoint to consume received messages in camel-yammer
CAMEL-6718Enable Streaming in MarschalProcessor
CAMEL-6722binding component - Should start/stop its child services
CAMEL-6724RegistryBean - Should avoid synchronized to getBean faster
CAMEL-6725Add cache option to beanRef and <bean> in the DSL
CAMEL-6728Configuring data format should have easier access to CamelContext
CAMEL-6729camel-jt400 - no longer able to configure a pollStrategy on Jt400DataQueueEndpoint
CAMEL-6734Introduce CamelFileNameConsumed Header
CAMEL-6737camel-archetype-web - Add goal to deploy to JBoss AS
CAMEL-6742PGP Data Format: enable configuration of public and secure key ring via byte array parameter
CAMEL-6745sftp consumer - Option ignoreFileNotFound should be used for ignoring file permission errors as well
CAMEL-6746vm component - Should keep track of active consumers on static level
CAMEL-6748CVE-2013-4330: Skipping Header Evaluation
CAMEL-6749mustache component - Should use app class loader to load templates
CAMEL-6754UnitUtilsTest cant manage a locale different from US
CAMEL-6760camel-test-blueprint - Possibility to configure Camel Context creation timeout
CAMEL-6761Upgrade to restlet 2.1.4
CAMEL-6763Add configurePollingConsumer method to DefaultEndpoint
CAMEL-6764camel-jms - Add workaround for AMQ to get JMSXUserID
CAMEL-6765RouteAware API to allow injecting the Route into Consumer or other services which may need it
CAMEL-6766InterceptFrom - Add support for using property placeholders
CAMEL-6769JndiRegistry - Implement the methods that return empty set
CAMEL-6772servletlistener component - Add messageHistory option
CAMEL-6773camel-quartz2 - scheduled route policy - Should support clustered jobs
CAMEL-6776Added setProperty DSL into camel-scala
CAMEL-6780Binding component - Avoid duplicate prepare
CAMEL-6786Preemptive authentication for http4 component
CAMEL-6795default spool directory in DefaultStreamCachingStrategy should be in a camel sub dir
CAMEL-6809rabbitmq.EXCHANGE_NAME header used in preference to uri exchange name
CAMEL-6834support to send the Representation object back
CAMEL-6835CamelBlueprintTestSupport should provide option of not generating test bundle
CAMEL-6837PGP Data Format:allow other JCE providers than BC
CAMEL-6838JMX Notification Trace Event Handler has no implementation for traceExchangeIn and traceExchangeOut
CAMEL-6841xpath() method in the RouteBuilder should support to specify the return type
CAMEL-6842XmlRpcDataFormat should support to access XmlRpcStreamRequestConfig and TypeFactory
CAMEL-6850Allow AWS SQS to not ack or even if it doesn't encounter an exception
CAMEL-6859camel-test - Should allow max port at IPv4 limit
CAMEL-6860PGP Data Format: parameterize encryption and hash algorithm
CAMEL-6862DefaultTimeoutMap - Should use start/stop to schedule the task, and cancel the task
CAMEL-6875PGP Data Format: Allow keyring with several secrete keys, keys with several UserIds, select keys in unmarschalling by keyId
CAMEL-6876camel-jpa - Like the JpaConsumer, also JpaProducer should provide the Header 'CamelEntityManager' of the IN payload
CAMEL-6879camel-restlet - restlet consumer should send back HTTP headers
CAMEL-6883CAMEL-SOAP uses wrong namespace
CAMEL-6894camel-netty-http - Should use orderedThreadPoolExecutor
CAMEL-6899Stream component has various problems.
CAMEL-6904Reduce logging noise when starting a Camel app in OSGi
CAMEL-6906PGPDataFormat: Enable Streaming during Unmarshaling
CAMEL-6907DefaultEndpoint - Add setProperties method like we have in DefaultComponent
CAMEL-6908camel-ftp - Using ftpClient.xxx options should support reference lookup in registry
CAMEL-6909RabbitMQ Support for Exchange Type
CAMEL-6911PGPDataFormat: encryption with several public keys and compression algorithm
CAMEL-6916PropertyPlaceHolder : IgnoreMissingLocation should protect from unresolvable system variable location
CAMEL-6938JMX names - Should not include hostname by default
CAMEL-6946camel-netty - Use ConnectionException instead of CamelException if cannot connect to remote server
CAMEL-6947camel-rabbit - RabbitMQ producer should start|stop more cleanly
CAMEL-6951camel-core - Improve ServiceHelper utility class.
CAMEL-6952RabbitMQProducer should support RoutingKey option
CAMEL-6953Simple expression "${headers.CamelHttpUrl} contains 'foo'" never becomes true
CAMEL-6954camel-mina2 - UDP protocol should use worker pool as well
CAMEL-6957CxfEndpoint setServiceClass should check the empty String
CAMEL-6958Add shutdown timeout to context-info karaf command
CAMEL-6959Update to XML Security 1.5.6
CAMEL-6960ActiveMQ uuid generator - should sanitize hostname
CAMEL-6961Make Camel core bundle configurable to generate less or smaller log messages itself
CAMEL-6962Allow binding name to be specified in JibxDataFormat
CAMEL-6970camel-mina2 - Mark a potential WriteFuture#getException() as the root cause of the thrown CamelExchangeException when writing into a session fails
CAMEL-6972JMX MBean naming - Use symbolicName instead of bundleId as default for OSGi naming
CAMEL-6973Add a simple expression for null
CAMEL-6981Route model should include attribute if id is custom assigned or auto generated
CAMEL-6982Karaf Camel commands - Polish table output
CAMEL-6990Add language to ValueBuilder so you can more easily use custom languages in Java DSL
CAMEL-6995Language component - Add option to reuse compiled script or not
CAMEL-7000Avro DataFormat - Should initialize using start|stop logic instead of at runtime
CAMEL-7001Avro DataFormat - Classloading issue with loading schema
CAMEL-7002PGPDataFormat: restrict verifying public keys and allow several signatures
CAMEL-7004CamelContextMBean - Add attributes for total/started routes
CAMEL-7014Potential problem with camel-restlet if unavailable
CAMEL-7020Make camel servlet related components deployable on OSGi with servlet 3.0
CAMEL-7026camel-jms - Allow a message to control the request timeout using a header
CAMEL-7034camel-quartz - Should auto assign scheduler instance name with camel management name
CAMEL-7060camel-netty-http - Do not url decode headers by default
CAMEL-7066Unable to use Twitter Camel Component with proxy settings
CAMEL-7067JcrProducer should not store all exchange properties in the target JCR node
CAMEL-7072Veracode compliance. Use of Externally-Controlled Input to Select Classes or Code ('Unsafe Reflection') (CWE ID 470) in AnnotationTypeConverterLoader
CAMEL-7075Veracode compliance. Improper Resource Shutdown or Release (CWE ID 404) in FileInputStreamCache
CAMEL-7076spring-event should not be auto enlisted
CAMEL-7078camel-cxf-transport component should propagate SecurityContext
CAMEL-7079Improvements to camel-shiro's ShiroSecurityProcessor
CAMEL-7080Add support of lazy load to csv data format
CAMEL-7082Supporting to set more work thread in camel-restlet component
CAMEL-7083Log a warning when default encryption keys used
CAMEL-7086Allow multiple Zookeeper servers in endpoint
CAMEL-7088Veracode compliance. Improper Resource Shutdown or Release (CWE ID 404) in FileLockExclusiveReadLockStrategy
CAMEL-7099csv data format - Make use of buffered I/O while unmarshalling
CAMEL-7103camel-quartz - Store trigger information in job map
CAMEL-7109Attachments are not correctly ordered
CAMEL-7113Ignored InterruptedException in IdGenerator
CAMEL-7117JettyHttpProducer.client._threadPool contains non-daemon threads only
CAMEL-7119AggregationStrategies - Add useOriginal
CAMEL-7122javascript language not resolving
CAMEL-7131Set some default feature of DocumentFactoryBuilder
CAMEL-7134camel-twitter supports to configure if using SSL or not
CAMEL-7137camel-salesforce - Make it easier to configure in blueprint
CAMEL-7140camel-quartz - loading properties file should support file path
CAMEL-7150Provides options to setup the parameter on the WebSocketServlet
CAMEL-7154InterceptSendToMockEndpointStrategy - easier to add custom logic
CAMEL-7164TypeConverterRegistry - More JMX details
CAMEL-7176camel-vertx - Should support async request/reply
CAMEL-7177camel-vertx - Should allow to use clustered and non clustered vertx
CAMEL-7181Propagate the attachments information when the CXF endpoint is POJO and disable the MTOM
CAMEL-7186Add @UriParam to components in camel-core
CAMEL-7187apt document generator - OSGi split package issue when writing to same package
CAMEL-7188ManagedCamelContext - Find component names doesnt work
CAMEL-7195Default ehcache.xml configure from camel-cache jar should not rely on multicast
CAMEL-7203DefaultUnitOfWork - Optimize to only do defensive copy if useOriginalMessage is enabled
CAMEL-7205camel-twitter - Add JMX operations so users can see/change configuration at runtime
CAMEL-7208ManagedCamelContext - addOrUpdateRoutesFromXml should support decoding xml
CAMEL-7215Stop and un-schedule jobs on removal of route
CAMEL-7267camel-salesforce - Problem deploying to karaf containers
CAMEL-7295camel-quickfix feature should install correct mina bundle
CAMEL-1069camel-mail - add option for searchterm
CAMEL-3096Create a simple example for JDBC - camel-example-jdbc
CAMEL-3104ExchangeBuilder to create messages using fluent builder style
CAMEL-3215@PropertyInjected - An annotation to inject a property from Camel properties
CAMEL-4327Resequencer should include option to never deliver out-of-sequence messages
CAMEL-4691New camel-cmis component
CAMEL-4876Add support for a "back-off multiplier" capability to the ScheduledPollConsumer
CAMEL-4974Hide or Encrypt some informations in the JMX MBeans
CAMEL-5219create camel-elasticsearch component
CAMEL-5416Camel Simple JMS Component
CAMEL-5438Dynamic resolve property for CamelContext
CAMEL-5447Automatically create camel context instance in CDI containers
CAMEL-5477Camel component contribution for CouchDB
CAMEL-5481add elasticsearch GET & DELETE support
CAMEL-5516@Consume and @Produce annotations - Allow to refer to property on bean with the endpoint to use
CAMEL-5538Add skipFaultLogging option to disable the Fault logging in PhaseInterceptorChain
CAMEL-5549create a VTD-XML component
CAMEL-5617Added an option in MainSupport to load the camel route builder
CAMEL-5643JDBC aggregation repository - Allow users to store body and arbitrary headers as text within a datasource
CAMEL-5651Control Bus EIP
CAMEL-5698Allow to set a custom LogFormatter in the Log component
CAMEL-5734Cold restart via JMX
CAMEL-5758Add support for Spring Activation profile annotation from Spring 3.1
CAMEL-5778Add camel-xmlrpc component
CAMEL-5807Data format for Base64 encode/decode
CAMEL-5815camel-spring-ws - Support for WS-Addressing Action
CAMEL-5817LDAP component that is able not only to read from LDAP, but also bind/unbind nodes
CAMEL-5819camel-netty - Add timeout option
CAMEL-5820Allow to use property placeholders in <route> id attribute
CAMEL-5822Add JMX operation to reset throughput logger
CAMEL-5827camel-bindy - Handle implied-decimal values
CAMEL-5828Offer LMAX Disruptor pattern as an endpoint in CAMEL
CAMEL-5842camel-ldap - Allow to configure SSL using Camels SSL support
CAMEL-5843camel-zookeeper - Add functionality to delete a node
CAMEL-5893JAXB FallbackTypeConverter support to check the isPrettyPrint setting from camel property
CAMEL-5898Extend Java DSL for Groovy routes
CAMEL-5906camel-servlet - Create a camel filter for starting Camel without using Spring XML etc
CAMEL-5912Add url rewrite plugin to http components
CAMEL-5916CXFRS: Simpler, higher-level binding style injecting headers, attachments and entity
CAMEL-5918Add performance tests
CAMEL-5976camel-sql - Add support for batch consumer
CAMEL-5977camel-sql - Add support for map based parameters
CAMEL-6000camel-mongodb - Dynamically add indexes to collections
CAMEL-6016Simple language - Add type function which can refer to a constant or enum
CAMEL-6047Validator component - Add option to validate against message header instead of body
CAMEL-6061Add support for zip file format
CAMEL-6067Provider deleteJob=true|false as an option for Quartz component
CAMEL-6096Camel SQS has no reasonable way to add arbitrary delays to messages
CAMEL-6115Add a global interceptor mechanism
CAMEL-6139Split the content of a Zip File
CAMEL-6147improve the stream:file to be able to auto close when it detects the splitter is done
CAMEL-6148BacklogTracer - Allow to capture message tracers and store in backlog for retrieval on demand (pull based)
CAMEL-6165camel-stomp - A java based stomp component using stompjms client
CAMEL-6194Create @PreConsumed Annotation or Fix @Consumed Annotation For JPA Component
CAMEL-6222camel-example-blueprintweb - An example like the tomcat example but using blueprint-web to be Spring free example
CAMEL-6225Add support for deleting the local file after uploading to S3
CAMEL-6236dataformat component - To make it easier to use data formats as if it was another component
CAMEL-6237Karaf command for profile routes
CAMEL-6304make it easier to auto-document components/endpoints (like maven goals); use annotations to automatically generate configuration documentation
CAMEL-6306provide a way to introspect a component, find the various parameters available and their types so that tooling can provide forms to let users create & customise endpoints
CAMEL-6320Provide support for ICAL data format
CAMEL-6324Camel karaf command to show type converter utilization stats
CAMEL-6327camel-netty-http - Netty based HTTP component
CAMEL-6339XML Signature Component in camel/components/xmlsecurity
CAMEL-6343Stax support for toggling namespace awareness
CAMEL-6359camel-bindy - new EnumFormat
CAMEL-6384Add debugger mbean for tooling
CAMEL-6389Add a mvel templating component along with the mvel expression language
CAMEL-6391provide an endpoint path completion API so that we can complete endpoint paths (e.g. directory names, queue names, database table names) inside Karaf commands, IDEs or web consoles
CAMEL-6394provide an API on ComponentConfiguration & JMX to get the JSON Schema of the parameters of a component/endpoint for tooling
CAMEL-6398Weather component
CAMEL-6407Include message history in stacktraces from error handler, making it easier to know where the problem was
CAMEL-6419Controlbus - Add stats action to get performance statics in XML
CAMEL-6424camel-netty-http - Add support for basic auth
CAMEL-6428Salesforce Component
CAMEL-6431camel-geocoder component
CAMEL-6467Add Mustache Component
CAMEL-6476StreamCachingStrategy - A better strategy
CAMEL-6479New FileExist option for File component: TryRename
CAMEL-6488camel-netty-http - Add support for sharing port in Karaf between Camel bundles
CAMEL-6493camel-yammer - component to interact with yammer social network
CAMEL-6506CometdComponent does not allow addition of serverlisteners to the bayeux server
CAMEL-6507Add aggregate ability to camel-mongodb
CAMEL-6522camel-netty - Allow sharing boss and worker thread pools
CAMEL-6534Component for RabbitMQ
CAMEL-6539Typeconverter for Spring Resource abstraction
CAMEL-6542Camel Toolbox: Useful Aggregation Strategies
CAMEL-6575Enhancements for camel-avro
CAMEL-6588Choose BlockingQueue implementation in Seda component
CAMEL-6603Long <-> Date TypeConverter
CAMEL-6631SchedulerPollConsumer - Allow to configure scheduler to use eg camel-quartz for scheduling the task
CAMEL-6638create a camel component for vertx
CAMEL-6650AggregationStrategy - Allow to use a pojo with no Camel API dependencies
CAMEL-6676Add support for Facebook
CAMEL-6681Configurable LockType for JpaConsumer
CAMEL-6739Maven archetype for creating new Camel with CXF project
CAMEL-6830Create camel-ical feature
CAMEL-6868camel-rabbitmq- Support clustered brokers using multiple addresses when calling ConnectionFactory
CAMEL-6933Support Xerces global features configuration
CAMEL-6971Supprts to set the Providers and SchemaLocation in CXFRsEndpoint
CAMEL-6993Use varargs in PredicateBuilder
CAMEL-7022UnitOfWorkFactory - for spi to allow users to plugin custom uow classes
CAMEL-7023Add hawtio goal to camel plugin
CAMEL-7101Add aggregation strategy to aggregate multiple messages into a zip file
CAMEL-7105Add ability to send html emails and auto reconnect for sqs queues
CAMEL-5486ConnectionResource Refactoring and OSGi Export Fix
CAMEL-5497Add Batch Transaction Support
CAMEL-5502SjmsEndpoint getDestinationName() Doesn't Remove Parameters
CAMEL-5614Use single package for core of camel-cdi
CAMEL-5805OSGi support of camel-xmlrpc
CAMEL-5814support to configure the XmlRpcClient
CAMEL-6149Karaf command for backlog tracer
CAMEL-6246Improve unit tests for the optimistic aggregate repo
CAMEL-6654Attachments with null filename should not be allowed
CAMEL-4643Make it easier to check outdated dependencies and avoid duplicate/different version definitions
CAMEL-5443Move performance tests to dedicated section under integration tests
CAMEL-5511Upgrade camel-http4 to http client 4.2.1
CAMEL-5552made camel-cmis support osgi
CAMEL-5584camel-quickfix - Remove QuickfixjEngine's forcedShutdown field as setting it to true/false has no effect.
CAMEL-5586camel-elasticsearch: Fail constantly on CI server and local machine
CAMEL-5589Prefer to make use of StringBuilder instead of StringBuffer where applicable
CAMEL-5619Add blueprint example for XPath on headers
CAMEL-5648camel-example-cdi - The two maven profiles inside this example's POM (glassfish / jboss) don't work properly
CAMEL-5672Avoid using the System.out / System.error PrintStreams for logging
CAMEL-5674Upgrade Pax Exam to 2.6.0
CAMEL-5721Remove not used NodeFactory and re-use code for setting expressions in the DSL
CAMEL-5740Upgrade to slf4j 1.7.2
CAMEL-5768Upgrade to Spring 3.1.x by default and add Spring 3.0 integration tests.
CAMEL-5874Make sure the xmlrpc producer copy the header of in message to the out message
CAMEL-5903Upgrade OSGi bundles with latest SMX bundle release
CAMEL-5904Upgrade to Netty 3.6.1
CAMEL-5915camel-test-spring should not include the classes from camel-test
CAMEL-5919Remove support for junit 3.x in Camel test components
CAMEL-5921Upgrade to twitter4j 3.0.x
CAMEL-5923Upgrade to string template 4.0
CAMEL-5934Cleanup pom.xml to have maven plugins using properties for their versions so its easier to upgrade
CAMEL-5936Upgrade to servicemix specs 2.2.0
CAMEL-5939camel-test-spring - Deprecate classes in junit4 package to avoid split package problem with OSGi
CAMEL-5947upgrade to axiom 1.2.14 and abdera 1.1.3
CAMEL-6011Upgrade to Scala 2.10
CAMEL-6036Comment doesnt fit to code in code snippet
CAMEL-6050Camel Maven Plugins - Fix the warnings Maven reports while building the Camel plugins
CAMEL-6112camel-blueprint - Use same version of Aries Blueprint et all as Karaf 2.3.1
CAMEL-6125OSGi test failures on Karaf 2.3.1
CAMEL-6153Rename camel-neo4j and camel-redis to include spring in their name
CAMEL-6156blueprint-cxf-test - Fails on trunk with 1 test error
CAMEL-6182Merge the camel-scala-extra into camel-scala
CAMEL-6192Remove EnhancedThrowableRenderer from log4j.properties as it has a bug
CAMEL-6241camel-bindy: Bunch of the tests fail if the language of the JRE default Locale is something other than english, e.g. "de"
CAMEL-6249Update the config.properties to mach the exported packages for Karaf 2.3.x
CAMEL-6315Remove camel-scala29 from next release
CAMEL-6344camel-bean-validator - Upgrade to latest hibernate validator
CAMEL-6392ResourceEndpoint duplicated between camel-core and camel-spring. Should be removed from camel-spring
CAMEL-6412camel-itest - Fix the Maven critical warning about camel-validator-test-resources.jar
CAMEL-6486Upgrade camel-bean-validator to JSR349 (Bean Validation 1.1)
CAMEL-6487camel-ftp - Upgrade to commons net 3.3
CAMEL-6495Upgrade to Hazelcast 2.6
CAMEL-6497Upgrade to commons-logging 1.1.3
CAMEL-6518Upgrade javax.mail/mail from 1.4.5 to 1.4.7
CAMEL-6519Upgrade org.hibernate:hibernate-entitymanager to 4.2.2.Final
CAMEL-6527Upgrade net.sf.ehcache:ehcache to 2.7.2
CAMEL-6528Upgrade net.sf.saxon:Saxon-HE to
CAMEL-6529Upgrade com.sun.xml.parsers:jaxp-ri from 1.4.2 -> 1.4.5
CAMEL-6530Upgrade com.amazonaws:aws-java-sdk to 1.4.7
CAMEL-6531Upgrade org.mvel:mvel2 to 2.1.6.Final
CAMEL-6532Upgrade org.beanio:beanio to 2.0.6
CAMEL-6533Upgrade org.apache.openejb:openejb-core to 4.5.2
CAMEL-6536camel-test-osgi - JClouds upgrade causes unit test to not compile
CAMEL-6555camel-netty - Upgrade to Netty 4 or 5
CAMEL-6567Upgrade to Spring Batch 2.2.1
CAMEL-6578Upgrade CXF to 2.7.6 / 2.6.9
CAMEL-6587Cannot build camel with maven 3.1
CAMEL-6596We use some outdated Maven plugins. We should check whether we can upgrade
CAMEL-6673spi-annotations should be shaded into camel-core
CAMEL-6805All the 4 tests by MongoDbIndexTest are failing
CAMEL-6806Upgrade org.apache.httpcomponents to 4.3
CAMEL-6849Update to jruby 1.7.5
CAMEL-6852camel-apns - Upgrade to 0.2.x
CAMEL-6877examples - camel-examples-etl is broken
CAMEL-6882examples - Make camel-examples-etl to work properly inside Karaf
CAMEL-6923camel-zookeeper - Documentation has missing options and some misleading as well
CAMEL-6966Update the Fuse related maven repo
CAMEL-7032Align the netty version of camel components
CAMEL-7065Disable generate manul build by using profile fastinstall
CAMEL-7098csv data format - Simplify and clean-up the unmarshalling logic
CAMEL-7110Upgrade OpenJPA version to 2.3.0
CAMEL-7170Upgrade to CXF 2.7.10
CAMEL-7216Upgrade to xstream 1.4.7
CAMEL-7223camel-solr - Avoid using hard-coded ports for the unit-tests
CAMEL-7289Update MQTT client library dependency to latest version 1.10
ENTESB-1220Update to RH built native libs
ENTESB-814Add fusesource repo to Camel archetypes
CAMEL-5700enhance camel-cdi to support annotatedtypes
CAMEL-6003Aggregator EIP to support an AggregatorRepository, to store in flight Exchanges
CAMEL-6792Camel Test Support needs a new Method
CAMEL-7006Make method asService protected in class CamelBlueprintTestSupport
CAMEL-7184Improve camel-quickfix component to lazy create its engine on demand
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