3.2. Messaging

Table 3.2, “Messaging Issues Resolved in 6.1” lists the issues resolved in version 6.1.
Table 3.2. Messaging Issues Resolved in 6.1
Issue NumberDescription
ENTMQ-94We have both activemq and mq webconsole listed in the features
ENTMQ-111standalone webconsole error "java.lang.IllegalStateException: Broker is not yet started" when master instance is restarted in master/slave pair.
ENTMQ-169Pending Queue Counter is incorrect when using durable topics
ENTMQ-173Broker may be unable to recover durable topic subscription from the kahadb journal
ENTMQ-224ER1: JMS TCKs violations: if connection is reused in EJB, second usage is out of transaction
ENTMQ-238jdbcPersistenceAdapter does not use lockCreateStatement value
ENTMQ-242Web Demo doesn't work
ENTMQ-243External broker clients using discovery protocol have osgi depdencies.
ENTMQ-250CR1: solaris 10 and aix 7.1 startup problem
ENTMQ-261The Resource Adapter ignores the JMSXGroupID when dispatching to MDBs
ENTMQ-273FMQNetworksFabricDiscovery.html in documentation incorrectly documents the Discovery URI as discovery://(fabric://nwBrokers)
ENTMQ-274Nullpointer when using TimeStampingBrokerPlugin & IndividualDeadLetterStrategy
ENTMQ-277Client connections are not being rebalanced when a new broker joins the network
ENTMQ-280Fix and merge https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/AMQ-4292 (persisted redelivery flag)
ENTMQ-282Un-browsable messages in broker mesh with large volume of data
ENTMQ-283org.apache.activemq.tooling:activemq-maven-plugin:5.8.0 - The parameters 'project' for goal org.apache.activemq.tooling:activemq-maven-plugin:5.8.0.redhat-60023:run are missing or invalid
ENTMQ-285consumer.close() on transacted session does not release prefetched messages
ENTMQ-286Updates to the configuring and running guide
ENTMQ-288second network connector in list not picking up configured network.userName
ENTMQ-289mq-web-console profile in fabric
ENTMQ-290mkahadb with perDestination="true" lazily loads kahadb journal files after startup
ENTMQ-293Problems with SSL & Java 7
ENTMQ-294Security guide updates required
ENTMQ-296ActiveMQResourceAdapter.getXARessources() broken
ENTMQ-299Make web console secured by default when it is deployed (hardening fix for CVE-2013-3060)
ENTMQ-304extras/apache-activemq-...-bin.zip is missing libraries for LevelDB persistence adapter
ENTMQ-309Deadlock when message expires on a temporary destination and queue is going away
ENTMQ-322Messages stuck in queue with redelivered=true
ENTMQ-329Broker recovery very slow when using jdbc persistence adapter and vmcursor
ENTMQ-331jdbcPersistenceAdapter does not auto select the appropriate Database JDBC adapter
ENTMQ-332 jdbcPersistenceAdapter: tablePrefix is ignored when the jdbcPersistenceAdapter.adapter attribute is set
ENTMQ-334Network consumers remaining when remote consumers are disconnected
ENTMQ-336Fuse bundles feature is missing in the distro
ENTMQ-337Improve DestinationFilter to allow any filter to unsubscribe its wrapped destination from a durable subscription
ENTMQ-338Persistent message lost when java.io.InterruptedIOException happens with manual invervention
ENTMQ-339JDBCIOExceptionHandler does not restart TransportConnector when JMX is enabled on broker - java.io.IOException: Transport Connector could not be registered in JMX
ENTMQ-340Negative JMX QueueSize attribute in due to purging a queue
ENTMQ-341Persistant message moved from ActiveMQ.DLQ to another queue can be lost
ENTMQ-342ServerSession of JCA resource adapter may close down in case of using failover transport preventing any further messages to be dispatched.
ENTMQ-346Master Slave not working well with mKahaDB
ENTMQ-349Can not remove default JMX port 1099 if the <managementContext connectorPort="2001"> section is located after <networkConnectors> section in activemq.xml file
ENTMQ-357When using store cursor with oracle persistent store, the broker is locking up when trying to receive messages
ENTMQ-358Missing library xpp, xml pull parser
ENTMQ-360QueueBrowser hangs when browsing large queues
ENTMQ-361The lease-database-locker does not work properly if master/slave broker servers are out of sync with Database server
ENTMQ-363Some jars missing in apache-activemq-5.8.0.redhat-60024
ENTMQ-366JDBCPersistence DB stopped during message send; JMSException is sent back to client rather than shutting down connection
ENTMQ-368JDBCPersistence DB stopped during message send with JDBCIOExceptionHandler configured; IOException/SQLException is sent back (sometimes) to the client before the transport connector is shutdown
ENTMQ-370Consume message in transaction not working with AMQP transport
ENTMQ-372Background and the text on the connection information screen for the amq web console in a-mq are both black
ENTMQ-375In some case, JMS browse return duplicate messages in infinite loop
ENTMQ-377java.lang.LinkageError when trying to start child container
ENTMQ-378Failover with client ack mode consumer can loose a message auto acked as a duplicate
ENTMQ-379JMS TCKs violation REGRESSION: InvalidDestinationException should be thrown on Session.unsubscribe("foo")
ENTMQ-380unsubscribed durable subscriptions come back after broker restarted
ENTMQ-382mq-discover; mq broker instances disappear from cluster-list when zookeeper session is expired and new session established - it can result in two active broker in master/slave setup.
ENTMQ-386activemq-osgi pegging CPU(s)
ENTMQ-387TotalMessageCount not decremented if the entire queue is removed
ENTMQ-389JBoss A-MQ 6.0.0 is affected by CVE-2013-4152
ENTMQ-394JMSClientTest.testTXConsumerAndLargeNumberOfMessages fails intermittently
ENTMQ-397populateJMSXUserID is not setting the JMSXUserID property on the JMS message
ENTMQ-400Message marshalledproperties corrupt when using composite destinations and message groups.
ENTMQ-402Fuse MQ: scheduled task used by LeaserLocker to renew lease is stopped when the new org.apache.activemq.broker.SuppressReplyException is thrown, allowing two brokers to become master.
ENTMQ-407Unable to add camel routes to activemq running in a karaf container
ENTMQ-410ActiveMQ creates & initializes ACTIVEMQ_LOCK in wrong database when using separate lock data source
ENTMQ-411 [org.apache.activemq.ActiveMQConnection] (ActiveMQ Transport: tcp://localhost/ dispatch paused, waiting for outstanding dispatch interruption processing (1) to complete..
ENTMQ-412Enable PooledConnectionFactory to retain the DestinationName that has been passed in.
ENTMQ-414Linkage error when restarting the container
ENTMQ-420Upgrade qpid client to 0.24
ENTMQ-423using LeaseDatabaseLocker; broker periodically fails to restart after losing and reacquiring the lease, fails with exception - javax.management.InstanceAlreadyExistsException: org.apache.activemq:type=Broker,brokerName=jdbcBroker,service=Health
ENTMQ-424runtime config url not available from pid factory - broker context is null
ENTMQ-429Resolve spring schema locally in karaf - runtime configuration plugin
ENTMQ-432Can't create replicated broker in a fabric connected A-MQ disto. Get: java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/linkedin/zookeeper/client/AbstractZKClient
ENTMQ-434Fabric Master node not starting up on fresh deployment
ENTMQ-435ZooKeeprMultiGroup for MQ is not closed when the mq-fabric bundle gets stopped.
ENTMQ-436'IOException: invalid record position' error shows up on a leveldb slave
ENTMQ-437NullPointerException when using replicated leveldb
ENTMQ-439Refine recent browseQueue enhancements (AMQ-4181)
ENTMQ-443Broker doesn't start after creating a Fabric inside jboss-fuse-full
ENTMQ-444Stuck messages in a network of brokers that don't get dispatched to consumer
ENTMQ-445java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded when runtimeConfigurationPlugin is added to activemq.xml with namespace prefix
ENTMQ-446Sometimes broker doesn't start after modifying activemq.xml when <runtimeConfigurationPlugin checkPeriod="1000"/> added to plugins
ENTMQ-447Improve checksum for corrupted journal files
ENTMQ-451activemq:dstat command can throw exception
ENTMQ-453lease-database-locker does not use the configured tablePrefix in UPDATE statement
ENTMQ-454After adding simpleAuthenticationPlugin to activemq.xml the changes are not applied by watcher
ENTMQ-455Modification of virtual destinations is not applied correctly by watcher
ENTMQ-457KahaDB index corrupted but no errors are reported
ENTMQ-458Watcher doesn't work for Destination policy gcInactiveDestinations
ENTMQ-459MQTT+NIO fails when 1000 clients publish 1 msg/sec
ENTMQ-461Bug in the WebConsole RemoteJMX connectivity
ENTMQ-462NPE when adding authorizationPlugin when using watcher
ENTMQ-464FuseByExample WebsocketExample JBoss A-MQ section fails to install
ENTMQ-465FuseByExample external-mq-fabric-client depends on FMC
ENTMQ-466AmqpErrorException occurs with multiple concurrent topic consumers
ENTMQ-467vm transport does not detect connection loss and is unable to reconnect
ENTMQ-468java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space Exception when sending big amount(1000+) of 1M non persistent messages to broker
ENTMQ-471Session.send() should return JMSException
ENTMQ-472Client Producer should return connection error
ENTMQ-473Master doesn't shutdown when leveldb quorum lost, reports the connection to the client is taking a long time to shutdown
ENTMQ-475Topic DurableConsumer do not consume messages after DB connection is restored by the Broker.
ENTMQ-476consumer.receive hangs when receiving message of size 1Mb with amqp
ENTMQ-477Method Connection.close() hangs after jmx broker restart with amqp
ENTMQ-479Session.createConsumer(destination) hangs after jmx broker restart with amqp
ENTMQ-483Fails to receive 2000 messages from queue with consumer.receive(5000) with amqp
ENTMQ-484Selectors don't work correctly for amqp with transport.transformer=raw
ENTMQ-485CMS package - failing integration tests
ENTMQ-486Durable subscriber doesn't recieve messages with levelDb running on amqp protocol
ENTMQ-488JDBCPersistenceAdapter: queue messages trapped in store when DB connection is lost and restored
ENTMQ-489activemqweb console is not able to display JMS Message Header values containing XML/HTML tag snippet
ENTMQ-491Durable subscriber doesn't recieve messages on amqp with client qpid-amqp-1-0-client-jms version 0.26-SNAPSHOT and 0.28-SNAPSHOT
ENTMQ-493Method session.createTopic(topicName) of qpid-amqp-1-0-client-jms creates queue instead of topic, unless its name is not prefixed with 'topic://'
ENTMQ-496JDBCPersistenceAdapter; When duplicate message occur from network producer, message is stuck in DB even when enableAudit="false"
ENTMQ-499[Doc] Update docs on making activemq-jaas work well with karaf (or any other) authentication module
ENTMQ-501" java.lang.ClassCastException: org.apache.activemq.command.ExceptionResponse cannot be cast to org.apache.activemq.command.IntegerResponse, attempting to automatically reconnect"
ENTMQ-505Reduce the reliance on fsync when writing to disk (AMQ-4947)
ENTMQ-506Parameter forwardOnly is not applied by watcher in virtual destinations
ENTMQ-507sending big amount(1000+) of 1M non persistent messages to broker raises following exception
ENTMQ-508No message received from topic
ENTMQ-509javax.transaction.RollbackException: ARJUNA016053: Could not commit transaction - when re-using UserTransaction
ENTMQ-510Not delivered messages after clean shutdown of master
ENTMQ-511Cannot start JBoss A-MQ server on Solaris
ENTMQ-513activemq-camel should explicitly Import-Package org.apache.activemq.pool
ENTMQ-515JBoss A-MQ 6.1.0 is affected by CVE-2013-6429
ENTMQ-517very large number of org.apache.activemq.ActiveMQSession$2 held and never released by ActiveMQConnection[ID:XXX] Scheduler thread.
ENTMQ-518Sockets in org.apache.activemq.transport.tcp.TcpTransportServer#socketQueue are not handled
ENTMQ-520Both test cases in LDAPLoginModuleTest are failing
ENTMQ-530ttl set on message is not converted to an expiry time stamp
ENTMQ-534disable jmx broker restart by default in a-mq
ENTMQ-536amqp - slow consume of large messages
ENTMQ-539Can't start broker after migration from 6.0
ENTMQ-541Leveldb Startup error in standalone distros
ENTMQ-542Broker with LevelDB (JNI driver) Could not load any of the index factory classes:leveldbjni.JniDBFactory on Windows
ENTMQ-545Broker side redeliveryDelay does not work
ENTMQ-546MQTT Interop test client fails against JBoss A-MQ
ENTMQ-547EMBARGOED A-MQ 6.0 is affected by CVE-2014-0003 Camel remote code execution via XSL
ENTMQ-548EMBARGOED A-MQ 6.0 is affected by CVE-2014-0002 Camel XML eXternal Entity (XXE) flaw in XSLT component
ENTMQ-551Session.commit() hangs when amqp+nio is used
ENTMQ-555A-MQ 6.0 is affected by CVE-2013-7285 XStream RCE due to insecure XML deserialization
ENTMQ-562Incorrect feature definition: mq-fabric-camel/6.1.0.redhat-SNAPSHOT
ENTMQ-563A-MQ 6.0 is affected by CVE-2014-0050 apache-commons-fileupload: denial of service due to too-small buffer size used bt MultipartStream
ENTMQ-566mq-default broker waits to become a master when it restarts from a configuration change
ENTMQ-568FilePendingMessageCursor cannot be cast to org.apache.activemq.broker.region.cursors.StoreDurableSubscriberCursor
ENTMQ-575EMBARGOED A-MQ 6.0 is affected by CVE-2014-0085 Apache Zookeeper: admin user cleartext password appears in logging
ENTMQ-578session.createConsumer(queue) fails after sending message of size 1 Mb for amqp+nio
ENTMQ-585A-MQ 6.0 is affected by CVE-2014-1904 cross-site scripting flaw when using Spring MVC
ENTMQ-592Error installing boot feature "patch": feature not found
ENTMQ-593LevelDB sync=true is not being honored.
ENTMQ-609 session = conn.createSession(false,Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE); hangs for amqp, and amqp+nio
AMQ-1063Journaled JDBC checkpoint fails with java.io.IOException: Already started.
AMQ-2505Problem with servicing broker messages when client hostName contains "language specific" characters (org.apache.activemq.util.IdGenerator problem)
AMQ-2536XPath selectors return false if xalan is not on the classpath
AMQ-2938ActiveMQ Console requires Jasypt bundle which is not part of the ActiveMQ features
AMQ-2942Can't configure an inactivity monitor for https transport
AMQ-2960PooledConnectionFactoryBean returns null in OSGi env sometimes
AMQ-3101Issues in password encryption
AMQ-3303Standalone Webconsole crashes when accessing master-slave failover activeMQ
AMQ-3350amq.js initHandler() method swallows first message received
AMQ-3447When MessageListenerServlet is running under servlet3, the continuation is not timing out.
AMQ-3560Destinations do not implement javax.resource.Referenceable and will not be registerable in JNDI by some compliant JCA containers.
AMQ-3580Documentation on integration with spring contains misleading part regarding embedded broker
AMQ-3725Kahadb error during SAN failover delayed write - Allow kahaDB to recover in a similar manner as the JDBC store using the IOExceptionHandler
AMQ-3776synchronization error in MessageListenerServlet.getAjaxWebClient
AMQ-3777Incorrect variable name in bin/activemq
AMQ-3922HSQLDB support is broken as wrong data type is used in HsqldbJDBCAdapter.java
AMQ-4073Cannot shut down broker under certain conditions with schedule delivery and producer flow control
AMQ-4092ConcurrentModificationException when using message groups
AMQ-4212Broker may be unable to recover durable topic subscription from the kahadb journal
AMQ-4277activemq-web - REST GET 204
AMQ-4325camel doen't honor credentials set on activemqcomponent bean via spring
AMQ-4343activemq-web-console can't be installed on Karaf 2.2.x
AMQ-4356unsubcribes DurableSuscriber does not work well with Virtual Topics
AMQ-4361Deadlock during close while publishing to flow-controlled queue
AMQ-4371RSS and ATOM feeds doesn't work in web-console
AMQ-4372WebConsole throw Java Heap Space when browse a queue with more than 100 elements
AMQ-4376JoramJmsTest QueueBrowserTest.testSenderBrowser fails intermittently.
AMQ-4413Persistent message loss when JMS durable subscriber reconnects regardless of message store impl.
AMQ-4428Don't swallow errors in IntrospectionSupport.setProperty
AMQ-4435ActiveMQConnectionFatory should populate "consumerFailoverRedeliveryWaitPeriod"
AMQ-4437JUnit deprecation warnings
AMQ-4441Race condition in PooledConnectionFactory.createConnection
AMQ-4461Priority backup with mulitple brokers
AMQ-4463org.apache.activemq.bugs.AMQ4368Test.testENTMQ220 fails intermittently
AMQ-4464NonBlocking redelivery redelivers messages in reverse order.
AMQ-4467Memory usage percent can be exceeded much if PFC is disabled
AMQ-4468TimeStampPlugin doesn't work with Stomp
AMQ-4469Maximum connections control can not work in concurrent environment
AMQ-4471Inconsistent messages with the WebSocket/Stomp Demo
AMQ-4472consumer.close() on transacted session does not release prefetched messages
AMQ-4475NullPointerException with IndividualDeadLetterStrategy and TimeStampBrokerPlugin
AMQ-4484NetworkConnectors create a consumer for queue://
AMQ-4485Skipped message dispatch with concurrent transacted sends at cursor memory limit
AMQ-4486ActiveMQResourceAdapter.getXARessources() broken
AMQ-4487java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space
AMQ-4495Imporve cursor memory management
AMQ-4500Changes to AMQ2832Test cause SparseAckReplayAfterStoreCleanupLevelDBStoreTest to fail
AMQ-4501Failover priorityBackup doesn't work if client accepts updates to its list of known URIs from the broker.
AMQ-4504Stalled pending message dispatch to composite destination consumer
AMQ-4505Client doesn't fail over to other broker if updateClusterClientsOnRemove = true
AMQ-4507FailoverTransport throws NullPointerException
AMQ-4512MemoryUsage waitForSpace in inconsistent state
AMQ-4513Deadlock can occur on dispose of TempQueue that contains expired Messages
AMQ-4516Don't decrement topic enqueues when messages are expired
AMQ-4517The Advisory for Messages being sent to the DLQ is sent regardless of the Message actually being DLQd
AMQ-4519MasterLevelDBStore does not shutdown its protocol server when stopped
AMQ-4529leveldb store NPEs when you send to a composite destination.
AMQ-4530activemq-web unable to show StringProperties on Message
AMQ-4531TcpTransportServer can leak FDs when maximumConnection is set and the limit exceeded
AMQ-4532shutdown of VMTransportServer should report disposed exception to peer pending requests
AMQ-4534When using ElectingLevelDBStore cannot delete all messages on startup
AMQ-4535activemq configured with leveldb commit fail when accessed by PutGet f-tion from IBM Perf Harness
AMQ-4540NetworkBridge - don't wait for ever for demandSubscription pending send responses on remove
AMQ-4542Broken javax.jms.Message.getObjectProperty(String)
AMQ-4544Cant send MQTT message to AMQP endpoints
AMQ-4548KahaDB can recover old inflight XA transactions that keep logs from being cleaned up.
AMQ-4554NumberFormatException when parsing JMSXProducerTXID
AMQ-4555Locking in SimpleCachedLDAPAuthorizationMap can lead to delays in Message dispatch.
AMQ-4559Minor error in org.apache.activemq.transport.amqp.JMSClientTest
AMQ-4560Exception from AMQP transport when dispatching Messages from the store.
AMQ-4562SimplePriorityMessageDispatchChannel.clear() needs to reset size attribute
AMQ-4563Persisted messages reappear after broker restart when using amqp
AMQ-4568org.apache.activemq.transport.amqp.AmqpTransformerTest#testRawTransformation hangs
AMQ-4575JDBCIOExceptionHandler does not restart TransportConnector when JMX is enabled on broker - java.io.IOException: Transport Connector could not be registered in JMX
AMQ-4576MQTT BlockingConnection.receive fails when subscribing multiple topics
AMQ-4581JDBCPersistenceAdapter can ignore statements settings depending on configuration order.
AMQ-4582Specifying invalid ciphersuite in SSL transport causes all available ciphersuites to be enabled
AMQ-4585MQTT BlockingConnection.receive fails when receiving pending messages after reconnect without cleaning session
AMQ-4587AMQP to JMS transformer fails to properly map AMQP specific property types like UnsignedInteger
AMQ-4588org.apache.activemq.util.IdGenerator calls non-configurable new ServerSocket(0);
AMQ-4589Race condition in AjaxListener causes lost messages
AMQ-4591CronParser bug on getNextScheduledTime to handle the once per minute case "* * * * *"
AMQ-4592MySQL 5.1.25 change driver name
AMQ-4595QueueBrowser hangs when browsing large queues
AMQ-4596AMQP: JMSSecurityExceptions are not propagated back to QPID client on authentication failures
AMQ-4598Negative JMX QueueSize attribute in due to purging a queue
AMQ-4599Only package the pure java LevelDB driver by default
AMQ-4604Update QPID Client version to 0.22
AMQ-4605AMQ2149KahaDBTest is redundant
AMQ-4606BrokerXmlConfigStartTest fails on activemq-leveldb-replicating.xml
AMQ-4609NetworkConnector MBean registered early, causing wrong MBean server to be started
AMQ-4610ActiveMQ shows icon in Dock on MacOSX (with solution)
AMQ-4623InstallService.bat, UninstallService.bat running failed on explorer(win32,64)
AMQ-4625XPP Pull parser lib missing from AMQ distro
AMQ-4628Improve Performance of JDBC store with large number of messages
AMQ-4629REST MessageServlet swallowing Messages on high traffic topic
AMQ-4634Rar losing messages when there is a XA trx timeout (jboss)
AMQ-4638Tell broker to use only the space it thinks it has
AMQ-4640We should run JoramJmsTests with amqp+nio
AMQ-4641JoramJmsTest QueryBrowserTest fails when run with amqp+nio
AMQ-4643JDBCPersistence DB stopped during message send with JDBCIOExceptionHandler configured; IOException/SQLException is sent back (sometimes) to the client before the transport connector is shutdown
AMQ-4645The lease-database-locker does not work properly slave broker ssytem clock is behind Database server
AMQ-4648fix script created by ./bin/activemq create to be able to pass command line args and run in the background
AMQ-4651Messages consumed in a TX from AMQP client are not removed from the Queue
AMQ-4655We should run JoramJmsTests with amqp+ssl
AMQ-4656Pending Queue Counter is incorrect when using durable topics
AMQ-4665Failover with client ack mode consumer can loose a message auto acked as a duplicate
AMQ-4670DurableSubDelayedUnsubscribeTest.testProcess fails intermittently
AMQ-4671REGRESSION: InvalidDestinationException should be thrown on Session.unsubscribe that has no sub
AMQ-4672[JMS Client] Set the SNI field on SSL connections
AMQ-4673Application that uses activemq-camel fails deploying to GlassFish v4
AMQ-4674ActiveMQ 5.x does not support the notion of a grace-period for heart beats as supported by the STOMP protocol
AMQ-4676ActiveMQ not compliant with JSR-250 (@PostConstruct, @PreDestroy)
AMQ-4677LevelDB can't move all message data logs that are no longer used
AMQ-4678Timeout for StompLoadTest.testStompUnloadLoad is too long
AMQ-4683Scheduler discards overdue messages on startup
AMQ-4685LDAPLoginModule throws InvalidNameException when resolving LDAP aliases
AMQ-4686Message browsing denied for stomp protocol 1.2
AMQ-4695Cannot connect as Anonymous over MQTT TransportConnector
AMQ-4696Durable Subscriptions are not created properly when using AMQP
AMQ-4702Error resolving org.jvnet.jaxb2_commons packages
AMQ-4704Stomp unit tests fail
AMQ-4705Add keep alive support to shared file locker
AMQ-4711totalMessageCount stat is not properly updated when destination is removed
AMQ-4712MQTT unit tests fail
AMQ-4713org.apache.activemq.transport.amqp.JMSClientTest.testTXConsumerAndLargeNumberOfMessages fails
AMQ-4714If multiple MessageInterceptors are registered, a stack overflow can occur
AMQ-4717populateJMSXUserID is not setting the JMSXUserID property on the JMS message in JMX
AMQ-4719Enable "Link Stealing" as an option on a Connector
AMQ-4725FailoverUriTest hangs
AMQ-4726Text information of ant producer durable option is not correct
AMQ-4729mKahaDB master slave needs lock when filtered adapter locks are created on the fly
AMQ-4731TempQueueMemoryTest started failing recently.
AMQ-4740heart-beat is disabled when connecting to web socket
AMQ-4741Qpid producer.send with sync_publish=true set against activemq blocks and doesn't return
AMQ-4744Support using LevelDB as a nested store in mKahaDB
AMQ-4746Applet ClassLoader Problems
AMQ-4747WARN in hawt.io console
AMQ-4748Default configuration raises an exception at shutdown
AMQ-4753amqp+nio+ssl: infinite loop during inital handshake with SSL + client certs
AMQ-4769Connection.close() throws exception if already closed.
AMQ-4785Failover maxReconnectAttempts=0 incorrectly calls org.apache.activemq.transport.TransportListener#transportInterupted
AMQ-4788Add support for allowing the broker to partition client client load across a broker cluster using a partitioning config
AMQ-4791[org.apache.activemq.ActiveMQConnection] dispatch paused, waiting for outstanding dispatch interruption processing (1) to complete..
AMQ-4798Destination limit for advisory topic very high after recent commit
AMQ-4813webconsole - Viewing message details when message ID contains a plus results in " No message could be found for ID {messageID}"
AMQ-4820runtime config - namespace prefix causes npe on config load
AMQ-4823NetworkConnector not registered in JMX when created from Broker View
AMQ-4829activemq:dstat command can throw error for topic subscriptions views
AMQ-4832Broker limits store space, not taking into account what it's already using
AMQ-4837LevelDB corrupted when in a replication cluster
AMQ-4840Invalid STOMP frame sent on websocket connections with heartbeats.
AMQ-4841lease-database-locker does not use the configured tablePrefix in UPDATE statement
AMQ-4853Advisory support leads to excessive CPU usage
AMQ-4854JmsRollbackRedeliveryTest.testRedeliveryWithPrefetch1 fails intermittently
AMQ-4855Typos in SubscriptionInfo
AMQ-4857WSServlet.doWebSocketConnect throws NPE if called with null protocol
AMQ-4869Wrong JMX object name created in RemoteJMXBrokerFacade
AMQ-4874DurableSubscriptionOfflineTest.testOrderOnActivateDeactivate fails on CI boxes
AMQ-4876SslContextNBrokerServiceTest fails intermittently on CI boxes
AMQ-4877QueueMbeanRestartTest fails intermittently
AMQ-4882LevelDB can get to a corrupt state when using XA transactions
AMQ-4884Wildcard matches do not match
AMQ-4886AMQ2149LevelDBTest hangs or fails frequently
AMQ-4887ActiveMQBytesMessage will lost content if message's property was set before copy
AMQ-4889ProxyConnector memory usage skyrockets when several ssl handshakes fails
AMQ-4892MQTT clients disconnecting due to socket error do not publish the configured last will and testament message.
AMQ-4893UTF8Buffer should be a valid object for setObjectProperty
AMQ-4896MQTT does not properly restore durable subs with the Paho client.
AMQ-4897Race condition in failover transport
AMQ-4899Multiple consumers of the same virtual topic queue cannot have different message selectors
AMQ-4904jdbc ioexception handler can restart transports in error after lease expriy
AMQ-4905runtime config - embed spring beans schema to avoid trip to the internet in osgi land
AMQ-4906advisory producerCount = 0 is not received on temporary queue
AMQ-4907kahadb - do some sanity check on the index when checkForCorruptJournalFiles
AMQ-4910Windows batch script doesn't like spaces in installation path
AMQ-4914AMQP consumer hangs when receiving large messages
AMQ-4917LevelDB store can fail when using durable subs
AMQ-4920AmqpErrorException occurs with multiple concurrent amqp topic consumers
AMQ-4923Replicated LevelDB: Loss of broker Quorum fails to fully stop the master
AMQ-4924Duplicate messages are left in the persistence store
AMQ-4927clients can not receive mqtt retained message
AMQ-4930java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space Exception when sending big amount(1000+) of 1M non persistent messages to broker
AMQ-4934JDBCPersistenceAdapter: queue messages trapped in store when DB connection is lost and restored
AMQ-4938Queue Messages lost after read timeout on REST API.
AMQ-4950" java.lang.ClassCastException: org.apache.activemq.command.ExceptionResponse cannot be cast to org.apache.activemq.command.IntegerResponse, attempting to automatically reconnect"
AMQ-4952When duplicate message occur from network producer, messages blocked by cursor audit are blocked till restart
AMQ-4958Ignored InterruptedException in IdGenerator
AMQ-4962Connections not closing on AMQP connector when client closes its side.
AMQ-4967activemq-camel should explicitly Import-Package org.apache.activemq.pool
AMQ-4970Deletion of a queue inaffective across broker restart
AMQ-4972FailoverConsumerTest.testPublisherFailsOver is failing
AMQ-4973UnreliableUdpTransportTest and MulticastTransportTest have test failures
AMQ-4974Remove NetworkConnectionsCleanedupTest?
AMQ-4975DbRestartJDBCQueueMasterSlaveLeaseQuiesceTest.testSendReceive fails intermittently
AMQ-4976Remove hawt.io console from official distro
AMQ-4977Memory leak in ConnectionStateTracker when browsing non-empty queues
AMQ-4978JoramJmsNioTest hangs intermittently
AMQ-4980MessageGroupLateArrivalsTest.testConsumerLateToBigPartyGetsNewGroup fails intermittently
AMQ-4988Possible case of curroption in Scheduler store
AMQ-4991JmsSendReceiveTwoConnectionsWithSenderUsingPoolTest.testSendReceive fails with NPE in PooledProducer
AMQ-4994Web Console - java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space - while browsing deep queues
AMQ-4995Runtime Configuration Plugin - reapply destination interceptor after reload
AMQ-4998Old Web Admin console does not manage - new parameter messageTTL consumerTTL connections.jsp and connections Panel display error messages
AMQ-5001AbortSlowAckConsumer0Test has multiple test failures
AMQ-5002AMQP: If a proton client only sets the ttl, and not the message timestamp, ActiveMQ does not handle the expiration correctly
AMQ-5003On overlapping Failover a session can consume large amounts of memory trying to clear consumer state.
AMQ-5006Upgrade surefire to the latest version
AMQ-5013RestPersistentTest sometimes hangs on CI boxes
AMQ-5017ActiveMQPrefetchPolicy.setAll sets inputStreamPrefetch incorrectly
AMQ-5021org.apache.activemq.bugs.MemoryUsageBlockResumeTest sometimes hangs
AMQ-5028Remove jetty and jsp compiler jars from web-console.war
AMQ-5029embedded webconsole broker does not resolve activemq.data system property
AMQ-5033webconsole url and html encoding missing
AMQ-5035deleting durable subscriber exception
AMQ-5036AMQ4914.testSendHugeMessage times out on slow CI boxes
AMQ-5038RAR - Active session can delay/block endpoint deactivation on shutdown
AMQ-5041JMSClientTest is hanging
AMQ-5042Session.commit() hangs when amqp+nio is used
AMQ-5043Improve MQTT spec compatibility
AMQ-5047Maven version affects packaging
AMQ-5051MQTTInactivityMonitor throws a NullPointerException
AMQ-5053BrokerRedeliveryTest.testNoScheduledRedeliveryOfExpired fails intermittently
AMQ-5054Display the number of active transactions and age of oldest transaction on a Connection's JMX info
AMQ-5058Broker MUST respond with CONNACK with return code 0x02 for zero length client id and 0 cleansession
AMQ-5059The first packet from client to Broker MUST be a CONNECT packet, Broker MUST disconnect when UNSUBSCRIBE is the first packet
AMQ-5062JMSClientNioTest fails intermittently
AMQ-5065MQTT Retained message QoS must be set to a maximum of Subscription's QoS
AMQ-5066Duplicate MQTT Subscription with a different QoS for the same Topic MUST remove the older Subscription
AMQ-5070Broker should stop accepting work when trying to shut down transports
AMQ-5071Wrong or incomplete log message in PooledTaskRunner class.
AMQ-5073Session.commit() hangs when amqp+nio+ssl is used
AMQ-5074MQTT paths with empty levels are not handled correctly
AMQ-5075AMQP Transport throws unauthorized access for all error that occur during a connection attempt
AMQ-5080RAR - missing messages on master slave failover
AMQ-5087RedeliveryPolicy redeliveryDelay is ignored if initialRedeliveryDelay is specified
AMQ-5089Inflight Count for topics is not correct
AMQ-5090Improve Failover transport transaction tracking
AMQ-5092MQTT uses duplicate packet IDs for PUBLISH messages
AMQ-5093ampq with nio or nio+ssl fails when sending large messages
AMQ-5096AMQP Protocol doesn't send back meaningfull errors for unauthroized access
AMQ-5099Useless or dead code in OpenWireFormat class.
AMQ-5101MQTT SUBACK packet MUST use return code 0x80 to report failed topic subscriptions
AMQ-5102AMQ4914Test.testSendHugeMessage times out on CI boxes
AMQ-5104Show non-durable Topic subscriptions on the web console
AMQ-5106unable to build trunk from scratch due to missing dependency
AMQ-5108MQTT subscriptions for cleansession=true MUST be non-durable
AMQ-5110No disposition set on Discharge response for AMQP TX commit or rollback
AMQ-5112MQTT server connections are not thread safe
AMQ-5113JmsCronSchedulerTest fails intermittently because of race condition in test
AMQ-5115LevelDB sync=true is not being honored.
APLO-245The LevelDB store does not seem to get cleaned/compacted
APLO-284Invalid log position warnings
ENTESB-1262Mixed version of Spring
ENTESB-788Leveldb error on startup - kit -018
ENTMQ-224ER1: JMS TCKs violations: if connection is reused in EJB, second usage is out of transaction
ENTMQ-304extras/apache-activemq-...-bin.zip is missing libraries for LevelDB persistence adapter
ENTMQ-394JMSClientTest.testTXConsumerAndLargeNumberOfMessages fails intermittently
ENTMQ-402Fuse MQ: scheduled task used by LeaserLocker to renew lease is stopped when the new org.apache.activemq.broker.SuppressReplyException is thrown, allowing two brokers to become master.
ENTMQ-418AMQ2149LevelDBTest hangs on AIX7 and Solaris
ENTMQ-439Refine recent browseQueue enhancements (AMQ-4181)
ENTMQ-444Stuck messages in a network of brokers that don't get dispatched to consumer
ENTMQ-445java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: GC overhead limit exceeded when runtimeConfigurationPlugin is added to activemq.xml with namespace prefix
ENTMQ-505Reduce the reliance on fsync when writing to disk (AMQ-4947)
ENTMQ-510Not delivered messages after clean shutdown of master
ENTMQ-520Both test cases in LDAPLoginModuleTest are failing
ENTMQ-546MQTT Interop test client fails against JBoss A-MQ
ZOOKEEPER-1334[ZOOKEEPER-1334] Zookeeper 3.4.x is not OSGi compliant - MANIFEST.MF is flawed
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