3.4. Web Services

Table 3.4, “Web Services Issues Resolved in 6.1” lists the issues resolved in version 6.1.
Table 3.4. Web Services Issues Resolved in 6.1
CXF-2701Make slf4j-jdk14 optional dependency in http-jetty
CXF-2704CXF JAX-RS "Content-Disposition" is lost for second multipart
CXF-3045cxf-codgen-plugin does hot support XMLBeans generated classes/sources properly
CXF-3329idl2wsdl: attributes of structs with the same name as a type do not show up in XSD
CXF-3613Various problems with "java.lang.Class"
CXF-4019wsdl2js creates code which when run causes error: 'returnObject' is undefined
CXF-4301Problem with Implicit Soap Headers and @ResponseWrapper in methods with multiple response attributes: NullPointerException in ReflectionServiceFactoryBean or Response-Marshalling Error
CXF-4391org.apache.cxf.configuration.spring.ConfigurerImpl.initWildcardDefinitionMap does not fail silently when bean names containing certain characters do not parse as a regex
CXF-4491WS-A FaultTo sending incoming headers to faultTo
CXF-4529PermGen Leak for CXFAuthenticator (WS Client Configuration)
CXF-4547java first externalAttachment wsdl enhancements
CXF-4550Wsdl2Java fails if tmp folder contains spaces
CXF-4551MTOM + SchemaValidation results in empty input stream from data handler
CXF-4552typical HTML form payload does not seem to work when HTML form is used
CXF-4554"http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/http/" should not be in the SoapTransportFactory active namespaces list
CXF-4556JAX-RS SAML TLS HolderOfKey check does not work
CXF-4557More unclosed XMLStreamReader/Writer - CXF-4523
CXF-4560Default JAX-RS SAML Claim NameFormat is incorrect
CXF-4562Soap Fault fields precedence is incorrect
CXF-4563Empty XML or JSON responses are not processed correctly on the client side
CXF-4564NPE in MavenToolErrorListener during wsdl2java code generation
CXF-4565The message flow is not correct when handler throw ProtocolException outbound
CXF-4566StaxTransformFeature outTransformElements does not work when converting namespaces
CXF-4567Couple error messages did not get moved to managers properties file
CXF-4569cxf-services-wsn-core doesn't support to be installed with other verion of CXF
CXF-4570Attachment Header Content-ID conversion
CXF-4572GZIPOutInterceptor not negotiating first without compressing
CXF-4573WADL to Java generator loses the namespace info for types from imported schemas
CXF-4579Exchange's out message is not set for recovered outbound WS-RM messages
CXF-4580InjectionUtils can not handle boolean properties with getters starting from 'is'
CXF-4581cxf-codegen-plugin tries to generate code during m2e "configuration" build
CXF-4583When the logical handler return false processing the outbound message, the SoapMessage's body is always empty.
CXF-4584org.w3c.dom.DOMException when sending soap11 request and returning soap12 response
CXF-4587Signature Confirmation does not work with TransportBinding and EndorsingSupportingToken
CXF-4591Fix @XmlTransient handling for exception types
CXF-4592Some tests fail when CachedOutputStream's file caching is enforced
CXF-4594Incompatible fault type is generated in the wsdl if no setter method in Exception
CXF-4595RequireClientCertificate is not validated
CXF-4598Error resolving inline schema references
CXF-4599Async HTTP may fail for large data due to a file caching issue
CXF-4601An invalid WS-RM message to a robust WS-RM endpoint may lead to NPE
CXF-4605SortedMap is not returned when another unrelated method exists in the interface
CXF-4608DOMSource is returned rather than StAXSource
CXF-4609Comparison problem in ImplicitGrantService.java
CXF-4611Set jaxws.provider.interpretNullAsOneway as true by default
CXF-4612SAML assertion element is not imported into SecurityHeader document
CXF-4613Token URI is missing ampersands
CXF-4614Error using role, tokenService and ValidationService when initialize client AccessTokenValidation.
CXF-4615OAuthRequestFilter.java should ignore HTTP OPTIONS verb
CXF-4616When creating DataContentHandler, defaultCommandMap should be considered.
CXF-4618DataSourceProvider is not closing inputstream acquired from DataSource
CXF-4620Exception at compilation when a 'space' character is present in maven local repository path
CXF-4623Marshalling Error during asynchronous service invocation when adding a soap header using a SOAPHandler
CXF-4630local part cannot be "null" when creating a QName
CXF-4631HttpUtils.toAbsoluteUri should use request.getServerPort() instead of request.getLocalPort()
CXF-4633Redirection based OAuth services need to return an error directly to the end user
CXF-4637Exception when validating access token on a resource server (OAuth2)
CXF-4640@PostConstruct methods invoked twice in Spring projects when using OSGi even with fix for CXF-3959
CXF-4642CXF feature can not be installed on Karaf 3 as it requires jetty to be below version 8
CXF-4643Initial non-GET request returns 404 if it has query parameters
CXF-4644shouldn't have dependency='true' for saaj-impl bundle
CXF-4645AsyncHTTPConduit does not re-use NTLM authenticated connections
CXF-4647A wrong soap action when using ws-addressing may lead to an empty response or the fault with the wrong action
CXF-4652Additional namespace is added when web service provider implements Provider<DOMSource>
CXF-4653CXF continuations portability issue
CXF-4659Policy configuration in spring cause SAXParseException if no internet connection available
CXF-4662Jaxb data binding jaxb.scanPackages does not support Boolean object
CXF-4665cxf-utils.js missing from release zip file
CXF-4666[OAuth2] securityContext problem on createSubject
CXF-4676Partial WSDL support in CXF
CXF-4678ConcurrentModificationException from WS-RM's RMOutInterceptor's acknowledgement update code
CXF-4679STS onBehalfOf validation should throw exception for invalid tokens in issue operation
CXF-4680Fault properties not ordered correctly in WSDL according to JAX-WS spec
CXF-4681CXF karaf feature cannot pass the karaf feature validate
CXF-4683workqueue configuration in BP does not derive the id attribute from the name attribute
CXF-4684SOAPFault message improvement in CXF when there is unchecked NPE
CXF-4687cxf-codegen-plugin breaks mvn deploy when proxy exists
CXF-4689stax outTransform feature may fail to remove the default namespace from an element
CXF-4690stax's inTransform feature does not work with a generic provider's Source based service
CXF-4694WS-RM is not returning a correct soap fault message to the client
CXF-4695autoRewriteSoapAddressForAllServices does not work for relative enpoint addresses
CXF-4697IllegalArgumentException thrown if I have a MultivaluedMap parameter in multipart/mixed Content Type
CXF-4699Schema validation on Weblogic 10.3 fails with AssertionError
CXF-4706javax.xml.bind.UnmarshalException at server startup
CXF-4707OasisCatalogManager throws exception with backslash URL reference to jax-ws-catalog.xml
CXF-4708Unnable to publish service when XmlAdapter has generic parameter
CXF-4711JAXBContextInitializer addType stopped handling recursive types (StackOverflow)
CXF-4713Method inherited from super interface can not be part of operations in wsdl
CXF-4714CopyingOutputStream may loop in some cases
CXF-4715WS-security encrypted elements with XPath . CXF generates wsu:Id attribute, XSD validation on Metro fails
CXF-4716WS-security policies enforcement with CXF server, bad policy selected
CXF-4718UsernameTokenInterceptor is not caching nonces
CXF-4720Binary size is equal with MTOM threshold should not be sent as attachment
CXF-4723stax outTransform may generate duplicate namespace declarations for global attributes
CXF-4725duplicated message key found
CXF-4727NullPointerException in org.apache.cxf.resource.ExtendedURIResolver
CXF-4728STS KeyIdentifier AttachedReference shouldn't use a URI fragment
CXF-4730unwanted {0} in the NO_SETTER_OR_FIELD_FOR_RESOURCE from cxf-api orgapachecxfcommoninjectionMessages.properties
CXF-4732Wrong port address generated in wsdl when using autoRewriteSoapAddressForAllServices
CXF-4735@XmlJavaTypeAdapter ignored on exception setters
CXF-4741Different conduits are used when configuring stub and sending actual message
CXF-4742Not possible to disable token renewal in STS client
CXF-4745jaxb errors when calling with @WebParam and header=true
CXF-4746STS issues invalid SAML 1.1 Assertions under certain conditions
CXF-4750Wrong return type for enumeration in generated service interface using xmlbeans
CXF-4752TransformOutInterceptor does not transform SoapFaults
CXF-4753stax outTransform cannot deep-drop an element that has some attributes
CXF-4755StackOverflowError when ASMHelper tries to getClassCode from a parametrized type <E extends Enum>
CXF-4758Receive error message when trying to connect to crm 2011 Webservices with https binding - javax.xml.ws.soap.SOAPFaultException: An error occurred when verifying security for the message.
CXF-4762HTTPS does not work with asynch client unless you specify port number
CXF-4765can't set timeout in message HTTPClientPolicy if it is not set in conduit
CXF-4766WADL to Java generator does not strip custom regular expressions from method names
CXF-4767JAX-RS endpoints fail to register properly with ws-discovery service
CXF-4769Refactor STSClient
CXF-4770When passing NULL @PathParam to JAXRS Client Proxy it now throws NullPointerException instead of IllegalArgumentException as in prior releases (2.7.0)
CXF-4771[OAuth 2] MAC Authorization Header is not parsed correctly
CXF-4773StackOverflowError when JAXBSchemaInitializer tries to process parametrized type Enum<E>
CXF-4774Java First ws policy attachments are not being serialised correctly
CXF-4775HttpHeaders.getRequestHeader splits complex header values
CXF-4781MacAccessTokenValidator needs a setter for the nonceVerifier variable
CXF-4784enhance CXF to follow jaxws spec when using RI or Axis2 client
CXF-4787WADL to Java generator uses the system encoding to create the files
CXF-4789EndorsingSupportingTokens do not respect ProtectTokens assertion from paired binding policy
CXF-4790Set lang and subcode for soapfault
CXF-4794Soap 1.1 service returns an invalid soap fault for soap 1.2 requests
CXF-4795Memory leaks in CXF with spring while using WebClient APIs
CXF-4796Accessing Conduit in JAX-RS ClientConfiguration causes NPE if failover is enabled
CXF-4797CachedWriter may leave temp files undeleted
CXF-4803NPE is thrown while enabling fine log level in TrustDecisionUtil if MessageTrustDecider from message context is used
CXF-4805SOAP services try to process HTTP 'OPTIONS'
CXF-4806When using Spring, cannot set Jetty engine connector to an instance of SslSelectChannelConnector
CXF-4810java.beans.IntrospectionException: java.lang.Exception not superclass of java.lang.Exception
CXF-4812NPE on MessageModeInInterceptor when sending empty SOAPBody
CXF-4813Java First @Policy at Operation level has some issues with supporting some policy alternatives
CXF-4814Support multiple AlgorithmSuite policy alternatives
CXF-4815Invalid login creds will send many requests to server
CXF-4816Allow use of @Policy on Service Implementation as alternative to Interface
CXF-4817JAX-RS AsyncResponse implementation needs to call AsyncContext.complete after the request is done
CXF-4818The body and header appears in reverse order for outbound soap message
CXF-4819CXF validates soapHeaders and barfs on mustUnderstand attributes
CXF-4820wsdl2js throws Exception
CXF-4831Support renewing SAML Tokens by default in the DefaultSecurityTokenServiceProvider
CXF-4833IndexOutOfBoundException when printing stacktrace for ToolException
CXF-4836ServiceImpl getPort does not need to throw Exception if the portName can not be found in portInfos
CXF-4838Server-side endpoint may throw an NPE when a request message arrives while the endpoint is being stopped but not yet stopped
CXF-4841STSClient AppliesTo is not working correctly in certain circumstances
CXF-4842Support Claims defined in Security Policy at IssuedToken/Claims
CXF-4844Response header Content-type not recognized for asynchronous soap/http
CXF-4847Data types not correctly published in WSDL from Exception classes
CXF-4848WebClient does not process GenericEntity correctly
CXF-4850Inheritance problem : An operation with name {} already exists
CXF-4851AttachmentDeserializer cannot handle attachments with Quoted Printable content transfer encoding in initializeRootMessage
CXF-4852Pre-Match ContainerRequestFilter can not replace request stream and URI
CXF-4855The server does not work with HTTP 1.0 clients (keep-alive not respected)
CXF-4856A java.lang.NullPointerException is thrown when publishedEndpointUrl is used
CXF-4858Maintain Session (Cookie) is not honoured when using NTLM
CXF-4860Request.Inpustream Lost
CXF-4863TerminateSequenceResponse must be returned in reponse to WS-RM 1.1 TerminateSequence
CXF-4870osgi field is always false when creating a SpringBus via SpringBusFactory in OSGI ENV
CXF-4872JSONProvider can not drop a root element if DOM Document is copied to JSON
CXF-4873javax.management.RuntimeOperationsException when register performance mbean using cxf webclient with an operation's uri containing some query params
CXF-4874Data types for Fields not correctly published in WSDL from Exception classes
CXF-4875NPE resolving policy reference
CXF-4876CXF RespectBinding feature does not support the customized binding info under operation and its sub element.
CXF-4877CXF will throw javax.wsdl.WSDLException: WSDLException: faultCode=OTHER_ERROR: Can't find prefix if the SEI has Action annotation
CXF-4879Error when http.proxy* system properties are empty
CXF-4881Wrong set custom trace function in cxf-utils.js
CXF-4888OAuthClientUtils ignore argument on getAccessToken()
CXF-4890issues with spring context override properties
CXF-4891Cannot set content-type header
CXF-4894Passing username and password to JAXRSClientFactory does not work
CXF-4895Changing TLS information after first call doesn't affect anything
CXF-4897STS: check not found certificates in DefaultSubjectProvider for symmetric key type
CXF-4901OnlySignEntireHeadersAndBody property validation doesn't check if a SOAP Body child was signed
CXF-4904Incorrect validation of Layout LaxTimestampFirst + LaxTimestampLast
CXF-4906Http Headers should ignore the case for "User-Agent"
CXF-4912cxf rest client always picks the first ResponseExceptionMapper for a method with different exception throws
CXF-4914ResponseBuilderImpl returns null on link() and links()
CXF-4918Cannot get xsd schema file when access wsdl file as "?wsdl" with auto redirect turned on
CXF-4920TransformationInInterceptor fails when XML contains same namespace with different prefixes
CXF-4922NPE is thrown at EP creation when no service class is specified and the wsdl cannot be loaded
CXF-4929JAX-RS 2.0 filters do not work correctly with generic entities and annotations
CXF-4932Illegal method arguments generated by Wadl2Java
CXF-4934JAXRSInvoker and Proxy classes (Spring Security)
CXF-4938Setting RuntimeDelegate instance in CXFNonSpringJaxrsServlet is too aggresive
CXF-4940CXF not (always) responding with the correct exception when working with an exception hierarchy
CXF-4941WS-RM related faults do not contain the correct addressing action
CXF-4944RequestDispatcherProvider always saves request URI properties as HTTP parameters
CXF-4946SourceGenerator needs to use URI resolve function when dealing with relative references containing parent folders
CXF-4947Potential problems with the JAXBContext being null
CXF-4949FIQL - searchContext returns null SearchCondition
CXF-4951cxf-codegen-plugin wsdlArtifact ignores classifier
CXF-4953JAXRSClientFactoryBean doesn't take the bus features into consideration
CXF-4954CryptoCoverageChecker prevents handling of SOAPFault-Responses
CXF-4957remove dependency="true" for jsr339-api specs bundle
CXF-4958jaxrs:providers tags seems to be ignored inside jaxrs:client
CXF-4960Race conditions in SOAP/HTTP startup
CXF-4964NPE is thrown when WS-RM's destination has no ackPolicy configured
CXF-4967JSONProvider will throw NPE if DOM Document is used and dropRootElement and ignoreNamespaces properties are set
CXF-4969ExceptionMapper not used for exception in resource setter
CXF-4970cxf servlet transport doesn't work when the endpoint deployed by using Spring within OSGi
CXF-4975CXFNonSpringJaxrsServlet needs to ensure an optional Application path starts from "/"
CXF-4977Client for .Net WCF using both WS-Trust and WS-SecureConversation
CXF-4979WadlGenerator generates invalid xml for QueryParameters with a default value containing " characters
CXF-4982Codegen maven plugin fails forked execution on Windows XP environment
CXF-4983Response.getStatusInfo does not work if the status code can not be mapped to Status enum
CXF-4985ResponseBuilder should set 204 status if the status has not been set and the entity is null
CXF-4986jax-rs2 request filter is unable to modify request header by adding a new header
CXF-4990When thrown the fault from logical handle, the namespace setting doesn't work
CXF-4991Classloading issue with EH-Cache availability checks
CXF-4992proxy sub-resources creating wrong request URIs with non-HTTP transports
CXF-4993LdapClaimsHandler can't find attributes if user authenticated against LDAP
CXF-4999publishedEndpointUrl ignored when wsdlLocation not used
CXF-5000NameBindings are ignored for Reader and Writer interceptors
CXF-5004NPE at StaxUtils.copy for empty namespaces under JDK's XMLStreamReader
CXF-5005Wrong EPR match in WSDiscoveryProvider::handleResolve
CXF-5009Allow multiple subcodes in a SOAP 1.2 fault
CXF-5011Fix NPE in WSS4JInterceptor
CXF-5012Possible regression in the way proxies handle HTTP errors
CXF-5013Need support for SHA256 Signature Algorithms
CXF-5014HTTP Response headers are split by default
CXF-5016ArithmeticException on ResponseTimeCounterMBean.getAvgResponseTime() after counter reset()
CXF-5017CrossOriginResourceSharingFilter FIELD_COMMA_PATTERN mangles firefox headers
CXF-5018EHCache TimeToLive value overriden in EHCacheReplayCache
CXF-5020add NPE guard when we restore original java.class.path system property
CXF-5021Static resources need the "application/javascript" content type for javascript files
CXF-5022Multiple JAX-RS services will start on the same address, but "last one" wins
CXF-5026JAX-RS Async client does not work if HTTP error is returned
CXF-5027JAX-RS XOP marshaller does not support SWA attachments
CXF-5030Exception in opensaml initialization in OSGi: NoClassDefFoundError: org/apache/xml/security/Init
CXF-5037DefaultSecurityContext Principal is incorrectly set from Subject
CXF-5040support new asm4 shade of xbean
CXF-5045UndeclaredThrowableException thrown in the client side when server responses with wsa:OnlyNonAnonymousAddressSupported soap12 version fault message
CXF-5046EncryptedSupportingTokens used with EncryptBeforeSigning does not encrypt Username token
CXF-5047Wrong soap:address generated in WSDL
CXF-5048StaticSTSProperties class requires a CXF message context to initialize using configure() method
CXF-5050Already connected exception when using CXF client to invoke to the server
CXF-5056EndorsingSupportingTokens with both transport security and message layer security applied
CXF-5057NPE at the decoupled endpoint when receiving a response message with an unknown identifier
CXF-5059Refine classloader in org.apache.cxf.wsdl11.WSDLManagerImpl
CXF-5061Invalid WSDL generated for List of Complex Type
CXF-5063When using AsyncHttpConduit with a certificate alias CXF hangs after a bunch of requests
CXF-5064XmlJavaTypeAdapter ignored on SOAP Headers
CXF-5065Subresource operations do not see root resource Produces or Consumes annotations
CXF-5066Annotation inheritance does not work if a non JAX-RS annotation is present on an implementation method
CXF-5067CXF JAX-RS reports 'localhost' to remote clients after an initial local access
CXF-5068Getting a cached base url from UriInfo object
CXF-5070CDATA sections are not taken into account by wsdl2java but are by xjc
CXF-5071Async Http transport: Injecting an sslSocketFactory in the tlsClientParameters has no effect
CXF-5073endless recursion in creating JAX-RS client proxy
CXF-5078WSDLGetInterceptor holds a lock for too long
CXF-5082JAX-RS frontend has non-optional dependency on blueprint
CXF-5084URIBuilder optimization prevents relative paths that startWith "h" "t" "t" "p"
CXF-5086JSONProvider can not read explicit collections if unmarshallAsJaxbElement property is set
CXF-5087ThreadLocal: BusFactory.threadBus is never removed, generates permgen out of memory error after some redeployments
CXF-5089java2ws generate both ref and nillabe attributes in a schema element
CXF-5092RequestTokenService signature verification bug [OAuthUtils]
CXF-5093HTTPConduit prevents AsyncConduit from sending the payloads when custom HTTP methods are used
CXF-5095Allow adding attachments to the contetx using jaxws attachments
CXF-5098References to Kerberos Tokens are not created correctly in responses
CXF-5099Optional extensions that refer to classes that cannot be found are not treated as optional
CXF-5100JAXB-based providers fail when they try to set JAXB RI-specific properties on non-RI implementations
CXF-5102schema resource loading code in various blueprint namespace handlers not working in some environment
CXF-5104JAX-RS not injecting contexts after resuming a suspended continuation
CXF-5108parameter beans feature not working through dynamic proxy based clients for JAXRS
CXF-5110Wrong processing of @XmlJavaTypeAdapter with RPC style endpoints
CXF-5111JAX-RS providers typed on arrays like String[] are not selected
CXF-5112OAuthUtils causes IllegalArgumentException when returning 400 instead of 401
CXF-5113leading spaces in karaf features.xml bundle elements lead to errors when using karaf 3.0.0
CXF-5114CXF Client issue when try to handle session for One-Way Operation call
CXF-5115Primitive arrays for capturing HTTP parameters are not supported
CXF-5116DelegatingInputStream created in AbstractHTTPDestination is cached into wrong Message instance
CXF-5119jetty endpoint may log exception when it is assigned to a non-default cxf bus in spring beans
CXF-5126Creation of SecurityContext from JAAS Subject causes incorrect Principal for Kerberos authentication
CXF-5129Content type is always "text/xml" in case of using @Context HttpServletResponse response
CXF-5133CXF STS renewed token not itself renewable.
CXF-5143http-conf:server blueprint configuration doesn't work
CXF-5144JAX-RS Client Proxy-based API connection leak
CXF-5146JAX-RS client proxies do not unwrap TypeVariables
CXF-5147NPE setting OUT param Holder to null
CXF-5154PEP only sends Operation Namespace + Name to the PDP
CXF-5157JAXRS JAASAuthenticationFilter not rfc2617 compliant for WWW-Authenticate realms
CXF-5161AbstranctGrantHandler checks against "authorization_code" instead of supplied grant type
CXF-5164Wrong class name in LogUtils.getL7dLogger() of org.apache.cxf.aegis.databinding.XMLStreamDataWriter class
CXF-5166Regression: Incompatibility with WAS JAXB 2.2
CXF-5167HEAD operation implementation is not compliant with specification
CXF-5176Aegis inheritance: inherited xml attributes appear twice
CXF-5178SOAP rpc/lit in/out headers aren't working for output from server
CXF-5181Blueprint start delays with policy fragments
CXF-5184javax.ws.rs.NotFoundException while using LoadDistributorFeature after failover of 1st node or with single node configured
CXF-5185Memory leak if no addresses are specified for SequentialStrategy
CXF-5186SOAP 1.2 fault reason xml:lang attribute not properly parsed on client side
CXF-5188Leaks in ServiceImpl when stopping/restarting bundles
CXF-5189Java transient modifier is ignored by JAXB databinding
CXF-5190Robus one-way not always working
CXF-5191StaxUtils readQName does not accept leading and trailing whitespaces
CXF-5194SoapHeaderInterceptor fails to validate SOAP header
CXF-5195Wrong schema may be returned from LSResourceResolver.resolveResource() with null system ID
CXF-5196Failover feature doesn't work when client uses async invocation
CXF-5197No Java extensionType found to represent {http://www.w3.org/2006/05/addressing/wsdl}UsingAddressing
CXF-5198FiqlParser fails to parse an expression with camel case when SearchBean is used
CXF-5199Using an EncryptBeforeSigning policy with no EncryptedParts/Elements results in no Signature in the request
CXF-5201jaxrs2: unable to intercept response to add new response headers
CXF-5202Missing some default value in the blueprint xml of XKMS osgi bundle
CXF-5204JAX-RS runtime checks TypeVariable bounds too early
CXF-5205Client SSL Cache Timeout default is specified in milliseconds rather than seconds
CXF-5206Update Jetty to the latest 8.x release for the next CXF 2.7.x
CXF-5214Using BeanParam in a subresource results in exception
CXF-5215-Psetup.eclipse fails on Windows
CXF-5217namespace should be null when we can not find related schema
CXF-5218WS-RM's destination's fault handling should distinguish protocol related faults from other faults
CXF-5219@XmlJavaTypeAdapter ignored for exception members
CXF-5225client.getConduit() does not set enough properties on message passed to ConduitSelector
CXF-5226OAuth public clients don't appear to work in RedirectionGrantServices
CXF-5228Rest client reports interface not visible for service interface
CXF-5230Message element is not generated for Exception class
CXF-5231NoSuchElementException in ClientFaultConverter when stack trace message contains line breaks
CXF-5232CXF unable to resolve wsdl when XLST Transformation applied
CXF-5233JMS Transport with Topic for Requests is not working if Response is required
CXF-5234Simple Frontend Client Proxy does not work with Blueprint
CXF-5237Schema validatation doesn't work in mtom enabled provider service
CXF-5240Jsonp interceptors do not work with GZIPOutInterceptor
CXF-5241No way to disable chunking with hc based transport
CXF-5242JMS Topic based replies can lose messages
CXF-5243JAX-RS 2.0 ContainerRequestContext#getEntityStream() doesn't return request payload
CXF-5244It is not possible to update Content-Type inside JAX-RS 2.0 ContainerRequestFilter
CXF-5245JAXRS SpringResourceFactory does not work correctly with lifecycle methods
CXF-5246Conflicting schema namespaces for services with same set of schema classes
CXF-5247JAXRS proxies do not work with BeanParams
CXF-5248Signed SAML assertion validation error w/ SupportingTokens only policy
CXF-5249JAX-RS 2.0 ContainerRequestContext#getMethod() doesn't return request HTTP-method
CXF-5250Too long the cer file name generated by XKMS service
CXF-5254Unmarshall exception if a sequence<string> is used in a struct.
CXF-5257cxf-rt-transports-jms jms expiration is not set in JMSUtils.setJMSMessageHeaderProperties()
CXF-5258Return type list of a typed type, e.g. List<Type<Typee>>, leads to ClassCastException
CXF-5259XKMS client does not start in Eclipse RCP
CXF-5260XKMS-client should not contain CryptoProviderFactory interface
CXF-5262ReaderInterceptor and WriterInterceptor contexts should select new MBR or MBW when possible
CXF-5265Netty Http transport can handler ?wsdl request rightly
CXF-5268Automatic WS-Policy computation should be possible on Dispatch clients without setting operation manually
CXF-5270XKMS Crypto Client does not check local keystore for "locate" if the alias is actually a Subject DN
CXF-5271Event.CLIENT_CREATED fired too soon
CXF-5272NPE will cause the camel-cxf endpoint start error in blueprint
CXF-5276TransformOutInterceptor needs to ignore messages with transform.skip property set
CXF-5278STS Renew returns incorrect lifetime
CXF-5280wsdl2java may fail to extract the wsma:Action attribute value
CXF-5284CXF clients do not work in Eclipse RCP: Exception says BindingProvider interface not visible
CXF-5285java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException in org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.model.wadl.WadlGenerator
CXF-5286Lengthy done-file names raise mojo exception
CXF-5287NPE at org.apache.cxf.maven_plugin.ClassLoaderSwitcher.restoreClassLoader
CXF-5289WADLGenerator misses Description annotations if they are bound to interfaces
CXF-5294XMLFaultOutInterceptor only marshals first detail element
CXF-5296OAuth2ClientUtils can not get access token if custom params contain semicolon or no token_type param is available
CXF-5299FiqlParser fails to parse an expression with child properties when SearchBean is used
CXF-5305STSClient does not send Renewing element in renewal RequestSecurityToken message
CXF-5306Soap body in header
CXF-5307Add DecoupledFaultHandler for request-response message when decoupled fault is supported
CXF-5316REST Overriding request URI doesn't change serviceBeans
CXF-5326Hardcoded reference to com.ibm.wsdl.util.xml.DOMUtils
CXF-5328JAX-RS ProviderFactory ignores MBR/MBW typed on Object for primitive arrays
CXF-5331Permission and Property are missing Serializable interface
CXF-5334WSDL Resolution Problem with SOAP 1.2
CXF-5335Incorrect handle of ws-policy 1.1 (Incorrect inclusion value: null)
CXF-5336WADLGenerator does not support XmlType, does not link JSON and misses package info for collections
CXF-5337HTTPConduit blocks DELETE with body
CXF-5340IDLToWSDL crashes with certain idl constructs
CXF-5341NPE in org.apache.cxf.jaxws.support.JaxWsEndpointImpl.checkRespectBindingFeature
CXF-5343ClientRequestFilterInterceptor uses a wrong phase
CXF-5346Shared filters registered through DynamicFeature are not considered
CXF-5347Request routing is broken when the URL contains both jsessionid and an extension
CXF-5348Exception mappers implementing ExceptionMapper through an abstract class are not mapped to the declared exception
CXF-5354faultTo address is ignored when fault is thrown
CXF-5357CORBA binding corrupts byte arrays
CXF-5359xkms.endpoint property change will not take effect automatically
CXF-5361Attachments iterator may incorrectly handle its remove operation
CXF-53652.7.7 schema validation seems broken
CXF-5366Authorization header is not set correctly in CXF HTTP digest authentication
CXF-53672.7.7 schema validation incorrectly detects schema include recursion
CXF-5368filename with ";" in file upload throws StringIndexOutOfBoundsException
CXF-5370Refactor STS logging to split mapping from log writing
CXF-5371JAXRSInInterceptor expects JAXRSInvoker to block if Response is already available
CXF-5372ServerEngineFactoryHolder should release JAXB classes when it is destroyed
CXF-5373Issue resolving AsynchResponse
CXF-5377LoggingInInterceptor is not logging the URL for SOAP or REST non-HTTP requests
CXF-5378CXF failover feature doesn't work in osgi
CXF-5381SAAJStreamWriter transforms DigestValue of custom signature
CXF-5383Trailing semi-colon in Content-Type line of header for MTOM attachments.
CXF-5384AccessTokenGrant should extend Serializable
CXF-5385CXF 2.7.7 on Websphere 8.5.0 is not able to generate WADL.
CXF-5386Multipart params of type InputStream don't show in generated WADL
CXF-5390AbstractSamlBase64InHandler goes into infinite loop when processing bad header value.
CXF-5391Response code is not logged for SOAP responses
CXF-5392Custom Marshalling Validation Event Handler
CXF-5394ImplicitGrantService always redirect to broken redirect url
CXF-5396AbstractGrant.toMap hardcode the grandType to Client_Credentials
CXF-5404NPE in AtomPojoProvider when no content (or content is empty)
CXF-5405WS-RM with anonymous endpoint throwing security policy validation exception for SequenceAck
CXF-5406ClassCastException in AtomPojoProvider when an Atom entry is returned with a media-type of application/atom+xml (no type parameter)
CXF-5412Big CXF Bundles have truncated Export-Package instruction
CXF-5414XMLStreamException when using Continuations in versions > 2.7.0
CXF-5415javax.management.RuntimeOperationsException when register performance mbean using cxf webclient with service name contains ?
CXF-5420Issue with EhCacheTokenStore using default LRU.
CXF-5421Servlet dependency in OAuth2 pom.xml should be with scope "provided"
CXF-5423Callbackhandlers and other resources aren't found if configured in blueprint config due to classloading issues
CXF-5426JAX-RS 2.0 Response.readEntity fails to read primitive values
CXF-5427set-jaxb-validation-event-handler=false not working when fault message is changed.
CXF-5433JAX-RS method invocation failes in case @Mutipart(required=false) is used on primitives
CXF-5434IllegalStateException calling Oneway method using JMS and WSA
CXF-5435WS-RM's retransmission should call conduit.close(message) after successful retransmission
CXF-5437JAXBDataBinding can not handle the exception with generic objects like ObjectWithGenerics<Boolean, Integer>
CXF-5442CXFAuthenticator causes classloader leaks
CXF-5445IgnoreNamespacesWriter does not handle qualified attributes
CXF-5446systests/jaxrs tests sometimes hang in CI
CXF-5447IllegalStateException: Already connected when sending empty POST request
CXF-5449FIQL parser having a problem with a JPA entity that contains a list of other entities.
CXF-5450With SAAJ In/Out forwarding, headers can cause an infinite loop and OOM
CXF-5452JAX-RS Client: post method call doesn't send data.
CXF-5453FIQL parser should support Beans with interfaces
CXF-5454Latest Jetty doesn't like the -D jvmargs added to generated build.xml
CXF-5455Generated servers only use first port impl
CXF-5458sts.token.validator.*TokenValidator instances don't set MessageContext on RequestData
CXF-5459Some imported xsd schemas are not resolved in spring when referenced from another schema
CXF-5465policy.xsd used in rt-ws-policy's blueprint configuration is inconsistent
CXF-5469JsonpInInterceptor casts to HttpServletRequest
CXF-5473JAX-RS schema validation: interpret schema loading problems as exceptions instead warnings
CXF-5476NPE while trying to create a dispatch for SOAP service without port address specified in WSDL
CXF-5480Element Id not unique in AbstractBindingBuilder
CXF-5484JAASAuthenticationFilter cannot separate 3rdParty java.security.Principals based on user/role
CXF-5491cxf 2.7.7 without the internet will throw Socket exception and wouldn't launch
CXF-5493SOAPFaultException has empty message in case of response containing CDATA in fault:faultstring (SOAP 1.1)
CXF-5494WADL to Java code generator can get element names with '-' added to Java method names
CXF-5497STSClient is not sending a KeySize for SecureConversation in every circumstance
CXF-5498W3CDOMStreamReader does not check the DOM-Level in all Cases
CXF-5500FINE logging could result in OOM
CXF-5503SAML 2.0 SenderVouches / IssuedToken policy bug
CXF-5505SpringBus should shutdown the bus when the application context is closed
CXF-5506Make ws-addressing schema available during blueprint schema resolution
CXF-5507Missing alternativeSelector handling in ws-policy feature's blueprint configuration
CXF-5508Request.evaluatePreconditions(Date, EntityTag) loses a non-null ResponseBuilder
CXF-5512@UseAsyncMethod annotation doesn't work for classes implementing Provider<T>
CXF-5516Decoupled endpoints are not compatible with @UseAsyncMethod annotation
CXF-5517Incorrect check for VOID type
CXF-5518Setting SecurityConstants.STS_TOKEN_ACT_AS as string improper handling
CXF-5520Setting SecurityConstants.STS_TOKEN_ON_BEHALF_OF as string improper handling
CXF-5523Allow override of DestinationRegistryImpl#getTrimmedPath method
CXF-5524JAXBContextInitializer addType stopped handling recursive types (StackOverflow)
CXF-5526Unresolvable transitive dependencies from Karaf
CXF-5527SAAJ API's can corrupt messages
CXF-5528CXF Blueprint resource classes should have a more simple definition
CXF-5529Deploy error when publishing CXF WebService to Glassfish4
CXF-5530Wrong error code for non existing client's
CXF-5532jax-ws-catalog.xml / @SchemaValidation / xsd-includes
CXF-5534ProviderFactory returns incorrect ExceptionMapper when no exact match is registered
CXF-5542JAX-RS providers shared between endpoints or clients with different buses lose injected TL proxies
CXF-5547HTTPConduit loses response headers if 202 with no body is returned
ENTESB-1001cxf-http-netty and camel-http-netty is using different version of netty
ENTESB-1038CXF Tests sometimes hang in systests/jaxrs
ENTESB-1085Cannot access Apache CXF kit bin directory
ENTESB-1122CXF has multiple test failures on Hudson
ENTESB-1328[CXF] No SoapFault on one-way web service operations
ENTESB-752CXF examples pom version are not updated
ENTESB-844CXF can't be installed - duplicate imports
ENTESB-917cxf-2.7.0.redhat-6-1-x-stable AsyncHTTPConduitTest may be hanging on Ubuntu JDK6
ENTESB-923cxf-2.7.0.redhat-6-1-x-stable AutomaticWorkQueueTest fails intermittently on slower platforms
ENTESB-941error when install cxf-wsn feature
SF-450After re-installation of the bundle with netty cxf and blueprint ?wsdl is not accessible
SF-468getJSONSchema() returns bad JSON
SF-469getJSONSchema() should honor multiple methods in the service model
SF-470JsonSchemaLookup should use a neat way to handle the case that can't find the json schema for a given class
SF-473cxf-java2wadl-plugin throw NPE when the resource class has @Resource annotation
SF-475JAASAuthenticationFilter cannot separate 3rdParty java.security.Principals based on user/role
SF-478Shutdown the thread pool when the application is shutdown in netty-http-transport-server
SF-479cxf-http-netty-client manages the worker and boss executor in NettyHttpConduitFactory
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