3.3. Routing

Table 3.3, “Routing Issues Resolved in 6.1” lists the issues resolved in version 6.1.
Table 3.3. Routing Issues Resolved in 6.1
CAMEL-4857Endpoint URI normalization: information in path is lost
CAMEL-5206Different servlets interfere with each other
CAMEL-5376Mail component does not work as expected (Email Deletion is partially broken et Disconnect does not work well)
CAMEL-5440mock endpoint should not add the expect header check task every time we call the expectedHeaderReceived()
CAMEL-5455Allow configuring dataCoding independend of alphabet
CAMEL-5459Folder closed too early when working asynchronously
CAMEL-5476HTTP GET request fails on Yahoo historical data download BUT AHC succeeds
CAMEL-5555In ScheduledRoutePolicy a suspended route cannot be started
CAMEL-5616Share properties configuration between CDI and CamelContext
CAMEL-5626JmsToJmsTransactedSecurityTest in camel-jms fails every now and then
CAMEL-5682possible NullPointerException in org.apache.camel.util.ObjectHelper.getCamelPropertiesWithPrefix(prefix, camelContext)
CAMEL-5684possible null pointer exception for FTP endpoint
CAMEL-5685File consumer - May delete file to early when using multicast
CAMEL-5741camel-cdi - Adding duplicate route builder beans to internal list
CAMEL-5844Camel Tracer not showing some EIP names
CAMEL-5876autoStartup=false in camelContext misbehaves
CAMEL-5885httpClient parameter prevent the use of Intercept in camel-http4.
CAMEL-5928SJMS component's pom.xml missing taskmanager package in camel.osgi.private.pkg
CAMEL-5964Camel feature file doesn't validate
CAMEL-6004Tokenize XML does not support self-closing XML tokens
CAMEL-6033NoRedeliveryOnShutdown doesn't work for DeadLetterChannel
CAMEL-6041Bindy does not handle separator at the end of quoted field, appends next field
CAMEL-6060spring-dm and blueprint - OSGi language resolver does not work
CAMEL-6078Multiple http4 components modify each other port setting
CAMEL-6093Multiple consumers exists on the same JMS endpoint uri and if you remove a consumer the other active consumers do not receive any messages anymore.
CAMEL-6107Language option not working for twitter streaming event filter
CAMEL-6109<to/> step in a <doCatch/> block runs when the <doTry/> tag is closed in the wrong place
CAMEL-6111camel-test-blueprint - May parse blueprint xml file concurrently and start 2 Camels
CAMEL-6133Logger destroyes SaxSource
CAMEL-6134camel-jclouds - Does not work in OSGi - Seems META-INF/services loader may not work
CAMEL-6136camel-xmlrpc: In message headers not preserved
CAMEL-6138camel-xmlrpc: dataformat not included in jar
CAMEL-6160CamelSpringJUnit4ClassRunner ignores annotation based context configurations.
CAMEL-6168SQL component will not look for parameters in header when no body in message
CAMEL-6171camel-cxf - Should detect existing User-Agent header to avoid adding duplicate
CAMEL-6187http4 component should default to charset based on content type
CAMEL-6188CXF cosumer should set Exchange's charset name, if content type provides one
CAMEL-6191Simple expression and predicate behaviors are different when accessing to map with a space in the key
CAMEL-6197Memory leak when using CometD producer
CAMEL-6219FTPOperations changeCurrentDirectory uses local OS path separator, instead of FTP Server. File upload fails.
CAMEL-6231Camel Split doesn't processes the payload of the file, received via FTP
CAMEL-6234camel-bindy - Multiple models in the same package lead to unpredictable results
CAMEL-6243npe when receiving a soapfault with the CXF_MESSAGE dataformat
CAMEL-6244camel:run in blueprint is broken
CAMEL-6250Setting id on endpoint in <from> may not work
CAMEL-6252camel-aws - Possible concurrent modification exception
CAMEL-6253JettyToCxfRs proxy doesn't work
CAMEL-6255NotifyBuilder - whenSentTo - Should be per exchange and not a shared state
CAMEL-6259Scheduled thread pools is not removed from JMX when shutting down
CAMEL-6261Simple ognl expression - Possible NPE when using String replaceFirst and replacing with an empty string
CAMEL-6262org.apache.camel.support.ServiceSupport: InputStream not being explicitly closed
CAMEL-6267camel-cxfrs blueprint configure could not be installed if there are some subelement settings
CAMEL-6271StringQuoteHelper - Should ignore whitespace between quoted parameters
CAMEL-6274camel-example-reportincident failed
CAMEL-6275camel-example-route-throttling failed
CAMEL-6276camel-example-spring-jms failed
CAMEL-6277camel-example-spring-security failed
CAMEL-6278camel-example-reportincident-wssecurity failed
CAMEL-6280camel-example-osgi failed
CAMEL-6281camel-example-cxf-tomcat failed
CAMEL-6283Restarting routes using sql aggregation repository may lead to Class loading issues
CAMEL-6284camel-fop - Does not propagate headers
CAMEL-6287UnknowHostException does not reach onCompletion() if consumer.bridgeErrorHandler is enabled
CAMEL-6291<routeContext> can't be reused in multiple contexts when propertly placeholder resolution is used
CAMEL-6297Commands doesn't support a custom JMX Agent
CAMEL-6298Camel dont set ID for ToDefinition object, when using validate in the route
CAMEL-6300AdviceWith doesn't work with doTry
CAMEL-6302Mina UDP default codec should keep the data as byte[]
CAMEL-6305debugBefore() and debugAfter() not called if unit test extends CamelBlueprintTestSupport
CAMEL-6307Regression in 2.11.0 bean invocation
CAMEL-6309Sftp upload to subdirectory does not work if home directory is root ("/" or "")
CAMEL-6311DeadLetterChannel - When messages sent to DLQ it should always regard it as handled = true
CAMEL-6312Setting exceptionHandler on consumer from uri should work
CAMEL-6313Property placeholder optimization broke placeholders in Spring camelContext configuration
CAMEL-6317Camel-validator not able to resolve schema when using useSharedSchema=false
CAMEL-6319Not possible to advice activemq endpoint with options
CAMEL-6322camel-example-cxf-osgi camel-example-cxf-blueprint have some warning when running the test
CAMEL-6323FixedLength Bindy DataFormat does not work with @Link
CAMEL-6326BridgePropertyPlaceholderConfigurer does not support nested Spring properties from System variables
CAMEL-6328Simple expression and predicate have different behaviors when used along with properties
CAMEL-6333StringQuoteHelper not able to handle single quote inside double quote
CAMEL-6335Sftp cannot change to parent directory in a stepwise fashion
CAMEL-6341DefaultShutdownStrategy shutdown timeout of 0 will never timeout and go in negative time
CAMEL-6348SecurityException in HDFS producer/consumer when no security configuration is present
CAMEL-6349camel-restlet - Should set response correctly on Exchange depending on has out or not
CAMEL-6352camel-shiro - Should detect new username if always reauthenticate is false
CAMEL-6358BigDecimalFormat can't deal with the number with big precision
CAMEL-6367The logic in stream producer should sync (lock) and not per method which is wrong
CAMEL-6374vm component - Stopping a route when using multipleConsumers should not stop MP if there is other routes using it
CAMEL-6375Headers are not set correctly in some situation
CAMEL-6385New restlet endpoints don't work if route is created after restlet server is started.
CAMEL-6390Route with suspended SedaConsumer can't be stopped correctly
CAMEL-6395bean language - Should always use ?method= as preferred way for specifying the method name, can cause problems with the old dot style
CAMEL-6396camel-solr - Should close its resources when stopping
CAMEL-6400CamelContext fails to start using placeholder in "simple" in conjunction with BridgePropertyPlaceholder
CAMEL-6404cCXF route proxy cannot return Fault message to client when Dataformat is CXF_MESSAGE
CAMEL-6413File consumer - Race condition for markerFile read lock strategy
CAMEL-6414LOG-Eip log an ERROR by evaluating Simple Language expression
CAMEL-6416ScriptBuilder Some scripting are exception lost
CAMEL-6421Graceful shutdown with maximum redeliveries enabled from seda route may hang
CAMEL-6432baseResource of Jetty ServletContextHandler does not work when project deployed as a bundle
CAMEL-6434The configAdminFileName property does not be picked up when run command: mvn camel:run
CAMEL-6436camel-rss and camel-atom - Should includes feeds with same pub timestamp as it okay
CAMEL-6440loss of data on xpath after cxf (payload-mode)
CAMEL-6441Exception in service start (when before start it was in stopped state) leaves service in starting state
CAMEL-6442camel-netty-http route throws java.lang.IllegalStateException
CAMEL-6443camel-quickfix - Engine that could not start (e.g. because of store creation problems) is still stored in the engiens map, thus making futher starts problematic
CAMEL-6447endChoice() has no effect in nested choice definition
CAMEL-6452FileUtil.getDefaultTempDir() causes a classloader leak in webapps
CAMEL-6455Bean component - Calling a bean with method name with () as empty parameter - Better error message if method does not exists
CAMEL-6461camel-quartz - Stateful job - Redeploying bundle/war and having changed endpoint uri issue
CAMEL-6464connectionTimeout property is ignored by JavaMail
CAMEL-6473NULL values are not supported in named parameters
CAMEL-6478TestNG test cases not working correctly with groups
CAMEL-6499Copy of GenericFileMessage returns NULL from toString
CAMEL-6501camel-cxf-transport's blueprint/camel.xsd xml schema is invalid
CAMEL-6504org.apache.camel.main.Main#doStop() throws java.lang.IndexOutOfBoundsException
CAMEL-6514SFTP: NPE if no private key file is supplied
CAMEL-6516camel-mina and camel-mina2 fail when configured with Spring or blueprint
CAMEL-6537Routing slip EIP - Does not send ExchangeSentEvent notifications
CAMEL-6538NPE in validator component if no classpath prefix
CAMEL-6540camel-netty - Add option to enrich Camel message with client certificate details to make it easy to get these details
CAMEL-6541DefaultUnitOfWork's headers for the original message are the same object as the in message headers
CAMEL-6544StringQuoteHelper should skip the separate character
CAMEL-6546Installation of camel-mybatis feature fails
CAMEL-6548XQueryBuilder will override any saxon Configuration provided
CAMEL-6549ManagedBacklogTracer implements an incorrectly named ManagedTracerBacklogMBean interface
CAMEL-6557AbstractListAggregationStrategy does not work with batch completion strategy
CAMEL-6561Inserting JSON like data with sql component cause a java.lang.StackOverflowError
CAMEL-6563camel-netty - unable to consume on UDP multicast addresses
CAMEL-6569xslt component with saxon=true does not work in OSGi
CAMEL-6571Wrong InputStream reference is used in method storeFile of class ScpOperations
CAMEL-6572Validator component - Loading resource on classpath with relative paths doesnt work in OSGi
CAMEL-6573adjust to the changed behavior in ehcache's CacheManager instance creation
CAMEL-6574FTP consumer does not detect file changes
CAMEL-6576Fix a potential NPE
CAMEL-6585camel-cxf should shutdown the bus when the endpoint is stopped.
CAMEL-6586JMX - browsable endpoints such as seda has some attributes listed as unavaiable
CAMEL-6592Invalid javadoc for org.apache.camel.spi.ShutdownStrategy#setTimeout
CAMEL-6593Predicates from java dsl are not dumped to xml correctly
CAMEL-6595camel-cmis component: test packages have the wrong name
CAMEL-6599camel-netty-http - Must include HOST header in client and server must validate HOST header exists
CAMEL-6602camel-cxf ClassCastException when use cxf FailoverFeature
CAMEL-6604Routing slip and dynamic router EIP - Stream caching not working
CAMEL-6605Custom HttpClientConfigurer makes Basic Authentication and Proxy settings ineffective
CAMEL-6606When restart camel, lucene index folder always by empty
CAMEL-6607Tokenize XML does not support child elements with names similar to their parent
CAMEL-6609CXF FailoverFeature does not take effect when camel-cxf producer uses async invocation
CAMEL-6610Always got IndexOutOfBoundsException when customized id of wireTap component
CAMEL-6614quartz consumer - Suspend and resume does not work
CAMEL-6617RabbitMQConsumer doesn't put the body into message
CAMEL-6624csv component doen't accept tab character as delimiter
CAMEL-6625potential NPE in CxfConsumer if the PAYLOAD not match the ServiceModel
CAMEL-6626Search critera for toSentDate throws NPE
CAMEL-6627Splitter should close iterator if there was an exception and stopOnException enabled
CAMEL-6630Validation using JAXB format is not thread safe
CAMEL-6641SJMS component throws class cast error when used with IBM Webshpere MQ
CAMEL-6652Resolving endpoints before route start leads to JMX registration failure
CAMEL-6656spring-batch - Looses headers
CAMEL-6658camel-example-loan-broker - is broken on master
CAMEL-6662camel-yammer - don't share requestor between different endpoint types
CAMEL-6663camel-sap-netweaver throws JsonParseException when using json=false option
CAMEL-6667Loop EIP doesn't honour copy option in some circumstances
CAMEL-6669doneFileName=${file:name} don't work with ftp component
CAMEL-6672RabbitMQConsumer doesn't call the queueDeclare rightly
CAMEL-6683camel-dozer - Does not work well in OSGi Blueprint
CAMEL-6684camel-cxf RAW message data format doesn't support MTOM
CAMEL-6687Using simple language OGNL expressions doesn't work for Bean Binding when a field is null
CAMEL-6690Memory leak SoapOutInterceptor.writeSoapEnvelopeStart with security headers
CAMEL-6691seda - queue size compare should use equals
CAMEL-6693Camel-5676 introduced a regression for JMX with spring/blueprint
CAMEL-6695mbeansRegistered in DefaultManagementAgent isn't ThreadSafe
CAMEL-6696camel-cxf should not setup the holder and wrapperClass interceptors in CXF_MESSAGE data format
CAMEL-6699camel-blueprint - Using routeContextRef to refer to a RouteBuilder in another bundle causes ClassCastException
CAMEL-6700camel-blueprint - Using <endpoint> and referrring to SSLContextParameters with property placeholders can lead to CircularDependencyException
CAMEL-6702camel-http4 - In bridge mode should use noop cookie store to not eat memory
CAMEL-6709camel-yammer - Endpoint yammer:current throwns JsonMappingException exception
CAMEL-6714Installation of camel-stomp feature fails
CAMEL-6723Message history - Possible ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
CAMEL-6726Camel-Redis: Serializer passed through URI is used only on consumer
CAMEL-6727XML Signature Component: Stream not closed in XmlSignerHelper.getXslTransform(String path)
CAMEL-6730camel-netty - RequestTimeout should not trigger if we read data
CAMEL-6740System property org.apache.camel.jmx.createRmiConnector is ignored with spring xml
CAMEL-6741Upgrade to hadoop 1.2.1
CAMEL-6743Using @Simple (or others) bean parameter binding for boolean type should eval as predicate
CAMEL-6750readLock=fileLock causes GenericFileOperationFailedException
CAMEL-6752Bean binding to covariant methods throws AmbiguousMethodCallException
CAMEL-6757scp task does not respect StrictHostKeyChecking option
CAMEL-6758Null Pointer exception when removing SjmsComponent
CAMEL-6762HttpConnectionManagerParams doesn't take effect when it is set to HttpComponent
CAMEL-6767rabbitmq component sends basic ack after channel closed when endpoint is set to autoAck
CAMEL-6770camel-resltet - Restlet producer problem after recent upgrade
CAMEL-6771ConcurrentModificationException thrown from inside camel splitter
CAMEL-6779StaxConverter: encoding problems for XMLEventReader and XMLStreamReader
CAMEL-6781IntrospectionSupport.setProperty ClassCastException if you have overloaded methods
CAMEL-6789Missing packages from camel-quartz2.jar
CAMEL-6790Resuming a bundle that uses blueprint+camel fails if it was suspended externally
CAMEL-6793Camel 2.12 shows unexpected warning "Cannot determine current route from Exchange"
CAMEL-6796camel-xmlsecurity - Some options is not exposed as getter/setters
CAMEL-6797camel-quartz2 - The test SpringQuartzConsumerTwoAppsClusteredFailoverTest fails and the same test passes well by camel-quartz
CAMEL-6800Bean language - Having dots in parameters cause bean id lookup problem
CAMEL-6802Using stopOnException in splitter should not copy result back as we should preserve original exchange
CAMEL-6804camel-facebook - Problem with jsonStoreEnabled option
CAMEL-6810Bean Component/BeanBinding: Body as InputStream parametr (specified as ${body} in route)
CAMEL-6817Multiple NPE during unmarshal with PGPDateFormat
CAMEL-6818Netty - SSLContext should be initialized once and reused - Also race condition in current code
CAMEL-6821RabbitMQ Component unable to transfer custom headers
CAMEL-6822camel-facebook - Error when calling endpoint with options from header and configuration bean
CAMEL-6823STOMP endpoint not configurable via URI options
CAMEL-6825Jetty component should remove httpClientMinThreads & httpClientMinThreads from parameters during endpoint creation
CAMEL-6828JettyContentExchange hides the original error
CAMEL-6832camel-qaurtz - Memory leak - when an exception is thrown during the scheduling phase
CAMEL-6839Facebook endpoint incorrectly sets the nameStyle field to GET_AND_SEARCH even when no search* candidate methods are found
CAMEL-6845Using recipient list to a route that has no error handler should allow caller route to trigger its error handler
CAMEL-6847FacebookConsumer does not decode the Reading since field correctly
CAMEL-6851Target name with underscores and cron expression throws Exception in QuartzComponent.createEndpoint
CAMEL-6853UnsafeUriCharactersEncoder is missing hex digits
CAMEL-6854Type conversion between DOMSource and InputStream breaks on Windows
CAMEL-6861camel-netty-http route cannot proxy the response which is chunked
CAMEL-6866ConcurrentModificationException when starting QuickFIX/J component with more than one engine
CAMEL-6867camel-hdfs - HdfsProducer filename collisions when Producer instance recreated
CAMEL-6870camel-script - Memory leak if creating a lit of expressions and predicates
CAMEL-6871Log compenent removes line separators from logged message
CAMEL-6872came-netty-http - Content-Type may have optional action parameter
CAMEL-6873Camel-Gson does not respect Exchange.CHARSET_NAME
CAMEL-6874camel-jpa - Avoid sharing the same EntityManager object across JpaEndpoint, it's Producers & Consumers as per se EntityManagers are not thread-safe.
CAMEL-6878camel-cxf-transport component does not include Content-Type in the map of headers
CAMEL-6880camel-http4 - Should support defining multiple components with different names
CAMEL-6881The XmlSignatureProcessor only supports the Santuario SecurityProvider
CAMEL-6888camel-jclouds JcloudsPayloadConverter doesn't copy the inputstream
CAMEL-6889CBR - Should break out if exception was thrown when evaluating predicate
CAMEL-6895camel-xmljson: Encoding is not considered while marhaling
CAMEL-6903camel-netty-http - Endpoint should include params in uri so they are unique
CAMEL-6905IMAP message flagged as SEEN following rollback
CAMEL-6910xslt endpoint - JMX attributes for state and camelId not available
CAMEL-6914Camel fails to send messages to IPv6 address with a port number
CAMEL-6915camel-jetty - jetty producer misses a colon in the getUrl of HttpOperationFailedException
CAMEL-6921camel-netty - producer channel pool should not close channel on destroy from pool, but noop
CAMEL-6922XmlConverter cannot convert from ElementNSImpl to Document
CAMEL-6926ContentType does not returns "multipart/form-data;boundary=---------------------------j2radvtrk"
CAMEL-6932The "dns.server" is not optional.
CAMEL-6936FTP route with idempotent repo does not detect modified files
CAMEL-6940tokenize xml for splitter throwing org.xml.sax.SAXParseException; XML documents structures must start and end within the same entity.
CAMEL-6941ConcurrentModificationException while shutting down camel
CAMEL-6945camel-netty-http producer should close the connection when the request connection header is close
CAMEL-6948ProducerCache should not only stop non-singelton Producers but also shutdown them afterwards as well if the given Producer is a ShutdownableService
CAMEL-6964Camel FileComponent: Done file will not be removed if moveFailed option is configured and an error occurs
CAMEL-6967Problem with trunking idempotent filestore when parent directory not exists
CAMEL-6974Missing fields in RestResources DTO in Salesforce component
CAMEL-6983camel-paxlogging ignores some properties from the local thread
CAMEL-6987JMX - browseMessageAsXml for files does not work if includeBody is enabled
CAMEL-6991Problem with stream caching and DefaultHttpBinding.writeResponse
CAMEL-6994Camel load balancers should be restartable
CAMEL-6996Missing "throw" statements in CdiCamelContext
CAMEL-7005camel-stream - stream in requires 2 x enter to react in console demo
CAMEL-7009RabbitMQ Consumer does not pick up REPLY_TO
CAMEL-7011Upgrade CXF version to 2.7.7
CAMEL-7016JMX - Update route from xml on route mbean should update current route only
CAMEL-7018Using custom beans with @ManagedResource shows unavailable standard attributes
CAMEL-7021Allow clearing of field 'Name' for upserts in Salesforce component
CAMEL-7025StaxConverter throws NPE
CAMEL-7028tooling - Using the embedded goal of the Camel Maven Plugin ends up with a NPE
CAMEL-7029quartz2 - Simple trigger should repeat forever by default
CAMEL-7031RabbitMQ Producer not able to use the default exchange
CAMEL-7035camel-core-osgi doesn't properly handle different version of the same bundle
CAMEL-7036Camel XSD validation not working with apache xerces
CAMEL-7037tooling - Using the embedded and run goals of the Juice Maven Plugin ends up with a NPE
CAMEL-7042Graceful shutdown of RabbitMQConsumer requires channel.close()
CAMEL-7044We should ignore the rabbitmq.ROUTING_KEY when bridgeEndpoint option is true
CAMEL-7045BacklogTracer - dumpTracedMessages should check for route id as well
CAMEL-7049Cannot set JMSReplyTo with a topic destination when sending a message to a queue
CAMEL-7052PGPDataFormat: Unable to encrypt using subkey
CAMEL-7055NullPointerException at FileInputStreamCache.<init>(FileInputStreamCache.java:52) in connection with DataFormat.marshal
CAMEL-7057Issue with password having double &&
CAMEL-7058camel-sql - Setting SQL_ROW_COUNT header is not updated if the header already exists
CAMEL-7061DefaultCxfRsBinding only uses Exchange.getOut()
CAMEL-7062Tracer, BacklogTracer and BacklogDebugger should stop/shutdown when Camel does that
CAMEL-7064JcrProducer ignores existing nodes and creates invalid node hierarchies
CAMEL-7068Flatpack skips 1 row every 2 rows when using split with streaming=true
CAMEL-7069Sending an empty soap body message to a generic provider camel-cxf consumer results in NPE
CAMEL-7073camel-restlet - request headers are sent in response
CAMEL-7077FtpEndpoint createRemoteFileOperations should keep the parameter for next invocation
CAMEL-7085ZooKeeperProducer should shutdown the ConnectionManager when it is closed
CAMEL-7087StreamCache does not reset at the end of the pipeline
CAMEL-7096The ObjectHelper#createIterator utility should properly adhere the java.util.Iterator contract
CAMEL-7100CLONE - Camel Splitter eat up exceptions recorded by the underlying Scanner
CAMEL-7102Broken JUnit classes for testing authentication in camel-jcr
CAMEL-7107camel-sjms NullPointerException in case of connection loss
CAMEL-7111Multicast EIP with only one child processor does not call aggregate strategy
CAMEL-7112A single call of consumerTemplate.receiveBody consumes more than one messages from a SEDA queue
CAMEL-7116JettyHttpProducer.doStop does not stop client thread pool
CAMEL-7120NullPointerException on BindyFixedLengthFactory.unbind()
CAMEL-7123Enable Xml Transformer security processing feature by default
CAMEL-7125tokenizeXml fails when attributes have a / in them
CAMEL-7129Remove the CamelXsltResourceUri header from xslt component
CAMEL-7130Set XsltBuilder allowStax attribute to be true by default
CAMEL-7132QuartzComponent with custom Scheduler and multiple contexts requires JMX to be enabled
CAMEL-7139Problem with MvelExpression class visibility between camel bundles
CAMEL-7141Custom HeaderFilterStrategy does not work when set it on either component or endpoint uri
CAMEL-7142CsvDataFormat unmarshal overwrites delimiter in static CSVStrategy strategies
CAMEL-7143camel-groovy - Evaluation returns 1st result only
CAMEL-7145Added username, password options on cxf endpoint
CAMEL-7146NPE in Aggregator when completionSize = 1
CAMEL-7155Incorrect implementation of the method StringHelper.hasStartToken()
CAMEL-7159camel-bindy not picking up @Link annotation items
CAMEL-7160Throttling has problems with rate changes
CAMEL-7161camel-dozer - Can cause dead-lock in init when using spring
CAMEL-7163BacklogDebugger - Should not change body/header type to string
CAMEL-7167AbstractListAggregationStrategy : at the end of the split, the body is not replaced by the agregated list
CAMEL-7172camel-netty - Some options in netty configuration do not support # lookup
CAMEL-7182camel-guice - PostConstruct do not throw checked exception
CAMEL-7183Failed to validate camel-fop feature
CAMEL-7185APT - Should check inherited class/interface for UriParam when scanning
CAMEL-7192PGPDataFormat: Sub-Key not supported for signing and correct selection of encryption/signing key via KeyFlag
CAMEL-7194[cxfrs] Bus features aren't initialized
CAMEL-7200getComponentDocumentation do not work in OSGi
CAMEL-7207CxfRsEndpoint should accept in/out interceptors and properties
CAMEL-7209NIOConverter.toByteArray return bad data.
CAMEL-7210getComponentDocumentation does not work if component name has dash in name
CAMEL-7213NIOConverter need to call flip() when we put something into the buffer
CAMEL-7219Language endpoint with constant cannot load from classpath
CAMEL-7230SJMS does not respect QoS settings (ttl/persistence) for sending to queues
CAMEL-7275Using doTry .. doCatch with recipient list should not trigger error handler during recipient list work
CAMEL-7279Yammer now uses bearer token for auth
CAMEL-7299camel-hbase feature should depend on scripting-api bundle
CAMEL-7310Restlet - Need to run in sync mode due bug in restlet
DIRMINA-908Mina 2.0.5 is no longer binary compatible with 2.0.4 due slight API change in IoAcceptor
ENTESB-11192 archetypes are missing our repository entries
ENTESB-1228Update to jclouds 1.7.1
ENTESB-1262Mixed version of Spring
MR-772In Facebook component for Fuse option jsonStoreEnabled=true doesn't enable to call DataObjectFactory.getRawJSON
MR-781Facebook endpoint incorrectly sets the nameStyle field to GET_AND_SEARCH even when no search* candidate methods are found
SMX4-1395EHCache bundle should include the META-INF/services so the ServiceLoader works
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