
6.9.3. Configure User Role Assignment using the Management CLI

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Roles for a user to be included in and excluded from can be configured in the Management Console and the Management CLI. This topic only shows using the Management CLI.
The configuration of mapping users and groups to roles is located in the management API at: /core-service=management/access=authorization as role-mapping elements.
Only users of the SuperUser or Administrator roles can perform this configuration.
For easier access to the commands, in the Management CLI change to the /core-service=management/access=authorization location:
[standalone@localhost:9999] cd /core-service=management/access=authorization

Procedure 6.7. Viewing Role Assignment Configuration

  1. Use the :read-children-names operation to get a complete list of the configured roles:
    [standalone@localhost:9999 access=authorization] :read-children-names(child-type=role-mapping)
        "outcome" => "success",
        "result" => [
  2. Use the read-resource operation of a specified role-mapping to get the full details of a specific role:
    [standalone@localhost:9999 access=authorization] ./role-mapping=Administrator:read-resource(recursive=true)
        "outcome" => "success",
        "result" => {
            "include-all" => false,
            "exclude" => undefined,
            "include" => {
                "user-theboss" => {
                    "name" => "theboss",
                    "realm" => undefined,
                    "type" => "USER"
                "user-harold" => {
                    "name" => "harold",
                    "realm" => undefined,
                    "type" => "USER"
                "group-SysOps" => {
                    "name" => "SysOps",
                    "realm" => undefined,
                    "type" => "GROUP"
    [standalone@localhost:9999 access=authorization]

Procedure 6.8. Add a new role

This procedure shows how to add a role-mapping entry for a role. This must be done before the role can be configured.
  • Use the add operation to add a new role configuration.
    ROLENAME is the name of the role that the new mapping is for.
    [standalone@localhost:9999 access=authorization] ./role-mapping=Auditor:add             
    {"outcome" => "success"}
    [standalone@localhost:9999 access=authorization]

Procedure 6.9. Add a user as included in a role

This procedure shows how to add a user to the included list of a role.
If no configuration for a role has been done, then a role-mapping entry for it must be done first.
  • Use the add operation to add a user entry to the includes list of the role.
    /core-service=management/access=authorization/role-mapping=ROLENAME/include=ALIAS:add(name=USERNAME, type=USER)
    ROLENAME is the name of the role being configured.
    ALIAS is a unique name for this mapping. Red Hat recommends that you use a naming convention for your aliases such as user-USERNAME.
    USERNAME is the name of the user being added to the include list.
     [standalone@localhost:9999 access=authorization] ./role-mapping=Auditor/include=user-max:add(name=max, type=USER)
    {"outcome" => "success"}
    [standalone@localhost:9999 access=authorization]

Procedure 6.10. Add a user as excluded in a role

This procedure shows how to add a user to the excluded list of a role.
If no configuration for a role has been done, then a role-mapping entry for it must be done first.
  • Use the add operation to add a user entry to the excludes list of the role.
    /core-service=management/access=authorization/role-mapping=ROLENAME/exclude=ALIAS:add(name=USERNAME, type=USER)
    ROLENAME is the name of the role being configured.
    USERNAME is the name of the user being added to the exclude list.
    ALIAS is a unique name for this mapping. Red Hat recommends that you use a naming convention for your aliases such as user-USERNAME.
    [standalone@localhost:9999 access=authorization] ./role-mapping=Auditor/exclude=user-max:add(name=max, type=USER)
    {"outcome" => "success"}
    [standalone@localhost:9999 access=authorization]

Procedure 6.11. Remove user role include configuration

This procedure shows how to remove a user include entry from a role mapping.
  • Use the remove operation to remove the entry.
    ROLENAME is the name of the role being configured
    ALIAS is a unique name for this mapping. Red Hat recommends that you use a naming convention for your aliases such as user-USERNAME.
    [standalone@localhost:9999 access=authorization] ./role-mapping=Auditor/include=user-max:remove
    {"outcome" => "success"}
    [standalone@localhost:9999 access=authorization]
    Removing the user from the list of includes does not remove the user from the system, nor does it guarantee that the role won't be assigned to the user. The role might still be assigned based on group membership.

Procedure 6.12. Remove user role exclude configuration

This procedure shows how to remove an user exclude entry from a role mapping.
  • Use the remove operation to remove the entry.
    ROLENAME is the name of the role being configured.
    ALIAS is a unique name for this mapping. Red Hat recommends that you use a naming convention for your aliases such as user-USERNAME.
    [standalone@localhost:9999 access=authorization] ./role-mapping=Auditor/exclude=user-max:remove
    {"outcome" => "success"}
    [standalone@localhost:9999 access=authorization]
    Removing the user from the list of excludes does not remove the user from the system, nor does it guarantee the role will be assigned to the user. Roles might still be excluded based on group membership.
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