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Chapter 3. Setting up Clair on standalone Red Hat Quay deployments

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For standalone Red Hat Quay deployments, you can set up Clair manually.


  1. In your Red Hat Quay installation directory, create a new directory for the Clair database data:

    $ mkdir /home/<user-name>/quay-poc/postgres-clairv4
  2. Set the appropriate permissions for the postgres-clairv4 file by entering the following command:

    $ setfacl -m u:26:-wx /home/<user-name>/quay-poc/postgres-clairv4
  3. Deploy a Clair PostgreSQL database by entering the following command:

    $ sudo podman run -d --name postgresql-clairv4 \
      -e POSTGRESQL_USER=clairuser \
      -e POSTGRESQL_PASSWORD=clairpass \
      -e POSTGRESQL_DATABASE=clair \
      -e POSTGRESQL_ADMIN_PASSWORD=adminpass \
      -p 5433:5432 \
      -v /home/<user-name>/quay-poc/postgres-clairv4:/var/lib/pgsql/data:Z \
  4. Install the PostgreSQL uuid-ossp module for your Clair deployment:

    $ podman exec -it postgresql-clairv4 /bin/bash -c 'echo "CREATE EXTENSION IF NOT EXISTS \"uuid-ossp\"" | psql -d clair -U postgres'

    Example output



    Clair requires the uuid-ossp extension to be added to its PostgreSQL database. For users with proper privileges, creating the extension will automatically be added by Clair. If users do not have the proper privileges, the extension must be added before start Clair.

    If the extension is not present, the following error will be displayed when Clair attempts to start: ERROR: Please load the "uuid-ossp" extension. (SQLSTATE 42501).

  5. Stop the Quay container if it is running and restart it in configuration mode, loading the existing configuration as a volume:

    $ sudo podman run --rm -it --name quay_config \
      -p 80:8080 -p 443:8443 \
      -v $QUAY/config:/conf/stack:Z \
      {productrepo}/{quayimage}:{productminv} config secret
  6. Log in to the configuration tool and click Enable Security Scanning in the Security Scanner section of the UI.
  7. Set the HTTP endpoint for Clair using a port that is not already in use on the quay-server system, for example, 8081.
  8. Create a pre-shared key (PSK) using the Generate PSK button.

    Security Scanner UI

    Security Scanner

  9. Validate and download the config.yaml file for Red Hat Quay, and then stop the Quay container that is running the configuration editor.
  10. Extract the new configuration bundle into your Red Hat Quay installation directory, for example:

    $ tar xvf quay-config.tar.gz -d /home/<user-name>/quay-poc/
  11. Create a folder for your Clair configuration file, for example:

    $ mkdir /etc/opt/clairv4/config/
  12. Change into the Clair configuration folder:

    $ cd /etc/opt/clairv4/config/
  13. Create a Clair configuration file, for example:

    http_listen_addr: :8081
    introspection_addr: :8088
    log_level: debug
      connstring: port=5433 dbname=clair user=clairuser password=clairpass sslmode=disable
      scanlock_retry: 10
      layer_scan_concurrency: 5
      migrations: true
      connstring: port=5433 dbname=clair user=clairuser password=clairpass sslmode=disable
      max_conn_pool: 100
      migrations: true
      indexer_addr: clair-indexer
      connstring: port=5433 dbname=clair user=clairuser password=clairpass sslmode=disable
      delivery_interval: 1m
      poll_interval: 5m
      migrations: true
        key: "MTU5YzA4Y2ZkNzJoMQ=="
        iss: ["quay"]
    # tracing and metrics
      name: "jaeger"
      probability: 1
          endpoint: "localhost:6831"
        service_name: "clair"
      name: "prometheus"

    For more information about Clair’s configuration format, see Clair configuration reference.

  14. Start Clair by using the container image, mounting in the configuration from the file you created:

    $ sudo podman run -d --name clairv4 \
    -p 8081:8081 -p 8088:8088 \
    -e CLAIR_CONF=/clair/config.yaml \
    -e CLAIR_MODE=combo \
    -v /etc/opt/clairv4/config:/clair:Z \

    Running multiple Clair containers is also possible, but for deployment scenarios beyond a single container the use of a container orchestrator like Kubernetes or OpenShift Container Platform is strongly recommended.

3.1. Using Clair with an upstream image for Red Hat Quay

For most users, independent upgrades of Clair from the current version (4.7.2) are unnecessary. In some cases, however, customers might want to pull an image of Clair from the upstream repository for various reasons, such as for specific bug fixes or to try new features that have not yet been released downstream. You can use the following procedure to run an upstream version of Clair with Red Hat Quay.


Upstream versions of Clair have not been fully tested for compatibility with Red Hat Quay. As a result, this combination might cause issues with your deployment.


  1. Enter the following command to stop Clair if it is running:

    $ podman stop <clairv4_container_name>
  2. Navigate to the upstream repository, find the version of Clair that you want to use, and pull it to your local machine. For example:

    $ podman pull
  3. Start Clair by using the container image, mounting in the configuration from the file you created:

    $ podman run -d --name clairv4 \
    -p 8081:8081 -p 8088:8088 \
    -e CLAIR_CONF=/clair/config.yaml \
    -e CLAIR_MODE=combo \
    -v /etc/opt/clairv4/config:/clair:Z \
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