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Chapter 5. Testing Clair

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Use the following procedure to test Clair on either a standalone Red Hat Quay deployment, or on an OpenShift Container Platform Operator-based deployment.


  • You have deployed the Clair container image.


  1. Pull a sample image by entering the following command:

    $ podman pull ubuntu:20.04
  2. Tag the image to your registry by entering the following command:

    $ sudo podman tag <>/<user-name>/ubuntu:20.04
  3. Push the image to your Red Hat Quay registry by entering the following command:

    $ sudo podman push --tls-verify=false
  4. Log in to your Red Hat Quay deployment through the UI.
  5. Click the repository name, for example, quayadmin/ubuntu.
  6. In the navigation pane, click Tags.

    Report summary

    Security scan information appears for scanned repository images

  7. Click the image report, for example, 45 medium, to show a more detailed report:

    Report details

    See all vulnerabilities or only those that are fixable


    In some cases, Clair shows duplicate reports on images, for example, ubi8/nodejs-12 or ubi8/nodejs-16. This occurs because vulnerabilities with same name are for different packages. This behavior is expected with Clair vulnerability reporting and will not be addressed as a bug.

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