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Chapter 7. Running a custom Clair configuration with a managed Clair database

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In some cases, users might want to run a custom Clair configuration with a managed Clair database. This is useful in the following scenarios:

  • When a user wants to disable specific updater resources.
  • When a user is running Red Hat Quay in an disconnected environment. For more information about running Clair in a disconnected environment, see Clair in disconnected environments.

    • If you are running Red Hat Quay in an disconnected environment, the airgap parameter of your clair-config.yaml must be set to true.
    • If you are running Red Hat Quay in an disconnected environment, you should disable all updater components.

7.1. Setting a Clair database to managed

Use the following procedure to set your Clair database to managed.


  • In the Quay Operator, set the clairpostgres component of the QuayRegistry custom resource to managed: true:

    kind: QuayRegistry
      name: quay370
      configBundleSecret: config-bundle-secret
        - kind: objectstorage
          managed: false
        - kind: route
          managed: true
        - kind: tls
          managed: false
        - kind: clairpostgres
          managed: true

7.2. Configuring a custom Clair database with a managed Clair configuration

Red Hat Quay on OpenShift Container Platform allows users to provide their own Clair database.

Use the following procedure to create a custom Clair database.


  1. Create a Quay configuration bundle secret that includes the clair-config.yaml by entering the following command:

    $ oc create secret generic --from-file config.yaml=./config.yaml --from-file extra_ca_cert_rds-ca-2019-root.pem=./rds-ca-2019-root.pem --from-file clair-config.yaml=./clair-config.yaml config-bundle-secret

    Example Clair config.yaml file

        connstring: port=5432 dbname=quay user=quayrdsdb password=quayrdsdb sslmode=disable
        layer_scan_concurrency: 6
        migrations: true
        scanlock_retry: 11
    log_level: debug
        connstring: port=5432 dbname=quay user=quayrdsdb password=quayrdsdb sslmode=disable
        migrations: true
        name: prometheus
        connstring: port=5432 dbname=quay user=quayrdsdb password=quayrdsdb sslmode=disable
        migrations: true

    • The database certificate is mounted under /run/certs/rds-ca-2019-root.pem on the Clair application pod in the clair-config.yaml. It must be specified when configuring your clair-config.yaml.
    • An example clair-config.yaml can be found at Clair on OpenShift config.
  2. Add the clair-config.yaml file to your bundle secret, for example:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Secret
      name: config-bundle-secret
      namespace: quay-enterprise
      config.yaml: <base64 encoded Quay config>
      clair-config.yaml: <base64 encoded Clair config>
    • When updated, the provided clair-config.yaml file is mounted into the Clair pod. Any fields not provided are automatically populated with defaults using the Clair configuration module.
  3. You can check the status of your Clair pod by clicking the commit in the Build History page, or by running oc get pods -n <namespace>. For example:

    $ oc get pods -n <namespace>

    Example output

    NAME                                               READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    f192fe4a-c802-4275-bcce-d2031e635126-9l2b5-25lg2   1/1     Running   0          7s

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