7.2. MTA のアセスメント質問集

Migration Toolkit for Applications (MTA) は、デフォルト または カスタム のアセスメント質問集を使用して、アプリケーションのコンテナー化に伴うリスクを評価します。


7.2.1. デフォルトのアセスメント質問集

Migration Toolkit for Applications (MTA) のデフォルトの質問集は、Legacy Pathfinder です。Pathfinder は質問集ベースのツールです。エンタープライズ Kubernetes プラットフォーム上のコンテナーにおけるアプリケーションのモダナイゼーションの適合性を評価するために使用できます。 


デフォルトの質問集は YAML ファイルにエクスポートできます。

例7.1 Legacy Pathfinder YAML ファイル

name: Legacy Pathfinder
description: ''
  - order: 1
    name: Application details
      - order: 1
        text: >-
          Does the application development team understand and actively develop
          the application?
        explanation: >-
          How much knowledge does the team have about the application's
          development or usage?
          - order: 2
            text: >-
              Maintenance mode, no SME knowledge or adequate documentation
            risk: red
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
          - order: 0
            text: unknown
            risk: unknown
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
          - order: 1
            text: >-
              Little knowledge, no development (example: third-party or
              commercial off-the-shelf application)
            risk: red
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
          - order: 3
            text: Maintenance mode, SME knowledge is available
            risk: yellow
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
          - order: 4
            text: Actively developed, SME knowledge is available
            risk: green
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
          - order: 5
            text: greenfield application
            risk: green
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
      - order: 2
        text: How is the application supported in production?
        explanation: >-
          Does the team have sufficient knowledge to support the application in
          - order: 3
            text: >-
              Multiple teams provide support using an established escalation
            risk: yellow
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
          - order: 0
            text: unknown
            risk: unknown
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
          - order: 1
            text: >-
              External support provider with a ticket-driven escalation process;
              no inhouse support resources
            risk: red
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
          - order: 2
            text: >-
              Separate internal support team, separate from the development
              team, with little interaction between the teams
            risk: red
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
          - order: 4
            text: >-
              SRE (Site Reliability Engineering) approach with a knowledgeable
              and experienced operations team
            risk: green
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
          - order: 5
            text: >-
              DevOps approach with the same team building the application and
              supporting it in production
            risk: green
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
      - order: 3
        text: >-
          How much time passes from when code is committed until the application
          is deployed to production?
        explanation: What is the development latency?
          - order: 3
            text: 2-6 months
            risk: yellow
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
          - order: 0
            text: unknown
            risk: unknown
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
          - order: 1
            text: Not tracked
            risk: red
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
          - order: 2
            text: More than 6 months
            risk: red
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
          - order: 4
            text: 8-30 days
            risk: green
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
          - order: 5
            text: 1-7 days
            risk: green
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
          - order: 6
            text: Less than 1 day
            risk: green
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
      - order: 4
        text: How often is the application deployed to production?
        explanation: Deployment frequency
          - order: 3
            text: Between once a month and once every 6 months
            risk: yellow
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
          - order: 0
            text: unknown
            risk: unknown
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
          - order: 1
            text: Not tracked
            risk: red
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
          - order: 2
            text: Less than once every 6 months
            risk: red
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
          - order: 4
            text: Weekly
            risk: green
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
          - order: 5
            text: Daily
            risk: green
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
          - order: 6
            text: Several times a day
            risk: green
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
      - order: 5
        text: >-
          What is the application's mean time to recover (MTTR) from failure in
          a production environment?
        explanation: Average time for the application to recover from failure
          - order: 5
            text: Less than 1 hour
            risk: green
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
          - order: 0
            text: unknown
            risk: unknown
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
          - order: 1
            text: Not tracked
            risk: red
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
          - order: 3
            text: 1-7 days
            risk: yellow
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
          - order: 2
            text: 1 month or more
            risk: red
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
          - order: 4
            text: 1-24 hours
            risk: green
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
      - order: 6
        text: Does the application have legal and/or licensing requirements?
        explanation: >-
          Legal and licensing requirements must be assessed to determine their
          possible impact (cost, fault reporting) on the container platform
          hosting the application. Examples of legal requirements: isolated
          clusters, certifications, compliance with the Payment Card Industry
          Data Security Standard or the Health Insurance Portability and
          Accountability Act. Examples of licensing requirements: per server,
          per CPU.
          - order: 1
            text: Multiple legal and licensing requirements
            risk: red
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
          - order: 0
            text: unknown
            risk: unknown
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
          - order: 2
            text: 'Licensing requirements (examples: per server, per CPU)'
            risk: red
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
          - order: 3
            text: >-
              Legal requirements (examples: cluster isolation, hardware, PCI or
              HIPAA compliance)
            risk: yellow
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
          - order: 4
            text: None
            risk: green
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
      - order: 7
        text: Which model best describes the application architecture?
        explanation: Describe the application architecture in simple terms.
          - order: 3
            text: >-
              Complex monolith, strict runtime dependency startup order,
              non-resilient architecture
            risk: yellow
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
          - order: 0
            text: unknown
            risk: unknown
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
          - order: 5
            text: Independently deployable components
            risk: green
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
          - order: 1
            text: >-
              Massive monolith (high memory and CPU usage), singleton
              deployment, vertical scale only
            risk: yellow
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
          - order: 2
            text: >-
              Massive monolith (high memory and CPU usage), non-singleton
              deployment, complex to scale horizontally
            risk: yellow
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
          - order: 4
            text: 'Resilient monolith (examples: retries, circuit breakers)'
            risk: green
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
  - order: 2
    name: Application dependencies
      - order: 1
        text: Does the application require specific hardware?
        explanation: >-
          OpenShift Container Platform runs only on x86, IBM Power, or IBM Z
          - order: 3
            text: 'Requires specific computer hardware (examples: GPUs, RAM, HDDs)'
            risk: yellow
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
          - order: 0
            text: unknown
            risk: unknown
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
          - order: 1
            text: Requires CPU that is not supported by red Hat
            risk: red
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
          - order: 2
            text: 'Requires custom or legacy hardware (example: USB device)'
            risk: red
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
          - order: 4
            text: Requires CPU that is supported by red Hat
            risk: green
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
      - order: 2
        text: What operating system does the application require?
        explanation: >-
          Only Linux and certain Microsoft Windows versions are supported in
          containers. Check the latest versions and requirements.
          - order: 4
            text: Microsoft Windows
            risk: yellow
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
          - order: 0
            text: unknown
            risk: unknown
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
          - order: 1
            text: >-
              Operating system that is not compatible with OpenShift Container
              Platform (examples: OS X, AIX, Unix, Solaris)
            risk: red
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
          - order: 2
            text: Linux with custom kernel drivers or a specific kernel version
            risk: red
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
          - order: 3
            text: 'Linux with custom capabilities (examples: seccomp, root access)'
            risk: yellow
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
          - order: 5
            text: Standard Linux distribution
            risk: green
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
      - order: 3
        text: >-
          Does the vendor provide support for a third-party component running in
          a container?
        explanation: Will the vendor support a component if you run it in a container?
          - order: 2
            text: No vendor support for containers
            risk: red
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
          - order: 0
            text: unknown
            risk: unknown
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
          - order: 1
            text: Not recommended to run the component in a container
            risk: red
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
          - order: 3
            text: >-
              Vendor supports containers but with limitations (examples:
              functionality is restricted, component has not been tested)
            risk: yellow
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
          - order: 4
            text: >-
              Vendor supports their application running in containers but you
              must build your own images
            risk: yellow
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
          - order: 5
            text: Vendor fully supports containers, provides certified images
            risk: green
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
          - order: 6
            text: No third-party components required
            risk: green
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
      - order: 4
        text: Incoming/northbound dependencies
        explanation: Systems or applications that call the application
          - order: 3
            text: >-
              Many dependencies exist, can be changed because the systems are
              internally managed
            risk: green
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
          - order: 0
            text: unknown
            risk: unknown
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
          - order: 4
            text: Internal dependencies only
            risk: green
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
          - order: 1
            text: >-
              Dependencies are difficult or expensive to change because they are
              legacy or third-party
            risk: red
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
          - order: 2
            text: >-
              Many dependencies exist, can be changed but the process is
              expensive and time-consuming
            risk: yellow
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
          - order: 5
            text: No incoming/northbound dependencies
            risk: green
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
      - order: 5
        text: Outgoing/southbound dependencies
        explanation: Systems or applications that the application calls
          - order: 3
            text: Application not ready until dependencies are verified available
            risk: yellow
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
          - order: 0
            text: unknown
            risk: unknown
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
          - order: 1
            text: >-
              Dependency availability only verified when application is
              processing traffic
            risk: red
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
          - order: 2
            text: Dependencies require a complex and strict startup order
            risk: yellow
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
          - order: 4
            text: Limited processing available if dependencies are unavailable
            risk: green
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
          - order: 5
            text: No outgoing/southbound dependencies
            risk: green
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
  - order: 3
    name: Application architecture
      - order: 1
        text: >-
          How resilient is the application? How well does it recover from
          outages and restarts?
        explanation: >-
          If the application or one of its dependencies fails, how does the
          application recover from failure? Is manual intervention required?
          - order: 0
            text: unknown
            risk: unknown
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
          - order: 1
            text: >-
              Application cannot be restarted cleanly after failure, requires
              manual intervention
            risk: red
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
          - order: 2
            text: >-
              Application fails when a soutbound dependency is unavailable and
              does not recover automatically
            risk: red
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
          - order: 3
            text: >-
              Application functionality is limited when a dependency is
              unavailable but recovers when the dependency is available
            risk: yellow
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
          - order: 4
            text: >-
              Application employs resilient architecture patterns (examples:
              circuit breakers, retry mechanisms)
            risk: green
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
          - order: 5
            text: >-
              Application containers are randomly terminated to test resiliency;
              chaos engineering principles are followed
            risk: green
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
      - order: 2
        text: How does the external world communicate with the application?
        explanation: >-
          What protocols do external clients use to communicate with the
          - order: 0
            text: unknown
            risk: unknown
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
          - order: 1
            text: 'Non-TCP/IP protocols (examples: serial, IPX, AppleTalk)'
            risk: red
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
          - order: 2
            text: TCP/IP, with host name or IP address encapsulated in the payload
            risk: red
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
          - order: 3
            text: 'TCP/UDP without host addressing (example: SSH)'
            risk: yellow
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
          - order: 4
            text: TCP/UDP encapsulated, using TLS with SNI header
            risk: green
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
          - order: 5
            text: HTTP/HTTPS
            risk: green
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
      - order: 3
        text: How does the application manage its internal state?
        explanation: >-
          If the application must manage or retain an internal state, how is
          this done?
          - order: 0
            text: unknown
            risk: unknown
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
          - order: 3
            text: State maintained in non-shared, non-ephemeral storage
            risk: yellow
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
          - order: 1
            text: Application components use shared memory within a pod
            risk: yellow
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
          - order: 2
            text: >-
              State is managed externally by another product (examples:
              Zookeeper or red Hat Data Grid)
            risk: yellow
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
          - order: 4
            text: Disk shared between application instances
            risk: green
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
          - order: 5
            text: Stateless or ephemeral container storage
            risk: green
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
      - order: 4
        text: How does the application handle service discovery?
        explanation: How does the application discover services?
          - order: 0
            text: unknown
            risk: unknown
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
          - order: 1
            text: >-
              Uses technologies that are not compatible with Kubernetes
              (examples: hardcoded IP addresses, custom cluster manager)
            risk: red
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
          - order: 2
            text: >-
              Requires an application or cluster restart to discover new service
            risk: red
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
          - order: 3
            text: >-
              Uses technologies that are compatible with Kubernetes but require
              specific libraries or services (examples: HashiCorp Consul,
              Netflix Eureka)
            risk: yellow
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
          - order: 4
            text: Uses Kubernetes DNS name resolution
            risk: green
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
          - order: 5
            text: Does not require service discovery
            risk: green
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
      - order: 5
        text: How is the application clustering managed?
        explanation: >-
          Does the application require clusters? If so, how is clustering
          - order: 0
            text: unknown
            risk: unknown
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
          - order: 1
            text: 'Manually configured clustering (example: static clusters)'
            risk: red
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
          - order: 2
            text: Managed by an external off-PaaS cluster manager
            risk: red
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
          - order: 3
            text: >-
              Managed by an application runtime that is compatible with
            risk: green
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
          - order: 4
            text: No cluster management required
            risk: green
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
  - order: 4
    name: Application observability
      - order: 1
        text: How does the application use logging and how are the logs accessed?
        explanation: How the application logs are accessed
          - order: 0
            text: unknown
            risk: unknown
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
          - order: 1
            text: Logs are unavailable or are internal with no way to export them
            risk: red
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
          - order: 2
            text: >-
              Logs are in a custom binary format, exposed with non-standard
            risk: red
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
          - order: 3
            text: Logs are exposed using syslog
            risk: yellow
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
          - order: 4
            text: Logs are written to a file system, sometimes as multiple files
            risk: yellow
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
          - order: 5
            text: 'Logs are forwarded to an external logging system (example: Splunk)'
            risk: green
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
          - order: 6
            text: 'Logs are configurable (example: can be sent to stdout)'
            risk: green
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
      - order: 2
        text: Does the application provide metrics?
        explanation: >-
          Are application metrics available, if necessary (example: OpenShift
          Container Platform collects CPU and memory metrics)?
          - order: 0
            text: unknown
            risk: unknown
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
          - order: 1
            text: No metrics available
            risk: yellow
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
          - order: 2
            text: Metrics collected but not exposed externally
            risk: yellow
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
          - order: 3
            text: 'Metrics exposed using binary protocols (examples: SNMP, JMX)'
            risk: yellow
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
          - order: 4
            text: >-
              Metrics exposed using a third-party solution (examples: Dynatrace,
            risk: green
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
          - order: 5
            text: >-
              Metrics collected and exposed with built-in Prometheus endpoint
            risk: green
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
      - order: 3
        text: >-
          How easy is it to determine the application's health and readiness to
          handle traffic?
        explanation: >-
          How do we determine an application's health (liveness) and readiness
          to handle traffic?
          - order: 0
            text: unknown
            risk: unknown
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
          - order: 1
            text: No health or readiness query functionality available
            risk: red
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
          - order: 3
            text: Basic application health requires semi-complex scripting
            risk: yellow
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
          - order: 4
            text: Dedicated, independent liveness and readiness endpoints
            risk: green
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
          - order: 2
            text: Monitored and managed by a custom watchdog process
            risk: red
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
          - order: 5
            text: Health is verified by probes running synthetic transactions
            risk: green
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
      - order: 4
        text: What best describes the application's runtime characteristics?
        explanation: >-
          How would the profile of an application appear during runtime
          (examples: graphs showing CPU and memory usage, traffic patterns,
          latency)? What are the implications for a serverless application?
          - order: 0
            text: unknown
            risk: unknown
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
          - order: 1
            text: >-
              Deterministic and predictable real-time execution or control
            risk: red
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
          - order: 2
            text: >-
              Sensitive to latency (examples: voice applications, high frequency
              trading applications)
            risk: yellow
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
          - order: 3
            text: Constant traffic with a broad range of CPU and memory usage
            risk: yellow
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
          - order: 4
            text: Intermittent traffic with predictable CPU and memory usage
            risk: green
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
          - order: 5
            text: Constant traffic with predictable CPU and memory usage
            risk: green
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
      - order: 5
        text: How long does it take the application to be ready to handle traffic?
        explanation: How long the application takes to boot
          - order: 0
            text: unknown
            risk: unknown
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
          - order: 1
            text: More than 5 minutes
            risk: red
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
          - order: 2
            text: 2-5 minutes
            risk: yellow
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
          - order: 3
            text: 1-2 minutes
            risk: yellow
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
          - order: 4
            text: 10-60 seconds
            risk: green
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
          - order: 5
            text: Less than 10 seconds
            risk: green
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
  - order: 5
    name: Application cross-cutting concerns
      - order: 1
        text: How is the application tested?
        explanation: >-
          Is the application is tested? Is it easy to test (example: automated
          testing)? Is it tested in production?
          - order: 0
            text: unknown
            risk: unknown
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
          - order: 1
            text: No testing or minimal manual testing only
            risk: red
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
          - order: 2
            text: Minimal automated testing, focused on the user interface
            risk: yellow
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
          - order: 3
            text: >-
              Some automated unit and regression testing, basic CI/CD pipeline
              testing; modern test practices are not followed
            risk: yellow
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
          - order: 4
            text: >-
              Highly repeatable automated testing (examples: unit, integration,
              smoke tests) before deploying to production; modern test practices
              are followed
            risk: green
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
          - order: 5
            text: >-
              Chaos engineering approach, constant testing in production
              (example: A/B testing + experimentation)
            risk: green
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
      - order: 2
        text: How is the application configured?
        explanation: >-
          How is the application configured? Is the configuration method
          appropriate for a container? External servers are runtime
          - order: 0
            text: unknown
            risk: unknown
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
          - order: 1
            text: >-
              Configuration files compiled during installation and configured
              using a user interface
            risk: red
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
          - order: 2
            text: >-
              Configuration files are stored externally (example: in a database)
              and accessed using specific environment keys (examples: host name,
              IP address)
            risk: red
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
          - order: 3
            text: Multiple configuration files in multiple file system locations
            risk: yellow
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
          - order: 4
            text: >-
              Configuration files built into the application and enabled using
              system properties at runtime
            risk: yellow
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
          - order: 5
            text: >-
              Configuration retrieved from an external server (examples: Spring
              Cloud Config Server, HashiCorp Consul)
            risk: yellow
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
          - order: 6
            text: >-
              Configuration loaded from files in a single configurable location;
              environment variables used
            risk: green
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
      - order: 4
        text: How is the application deployed?
        explanation: >-
          How the application is deployed and whether the deployment process is
          suitable for a container platform
          - order: 0
            text: unknown
            risk: unknown
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
          - order: 3
            text: Simple automated deployment scripts
            risk: yellow
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
          - order: 1
            text: Manual deployment using a user interface
            risk: red
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
          - order: 2
            text: Manual deployment with some automation
            risk: red
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
          - order: 4
            text: >-
              Automated deployment with manual intervention or complex promotion
              through pipeline stages
            risk: yellow
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
          - order: 5
            text: >-
              Automated deployment with a full CI/CD pipeline, minimal
              intervention for promotion through pipeline stages
            risk: green
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
          - order: 6
            text: Fully automated (GitOps), blue-green, or canary deployment
            risk: green
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
      - order: 5
        text: Where is the application deployed?
        explanation: Where does the application run?
          - order: 0
            text: unknown
            risk: unknown
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
          - order: 1
            text: Bare metal server
            risk: green
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
          - order: 2
            text: 'Virtual machine (examples: red Hat Virtualization, VMware)'
            risk: green
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
          - order: 3
            text: 'Private cloud (example: red Hat OpenStack Platform)'
            risk: green
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
          - order: 4
            text: >-
              Public cloud provider (examples: Amazon Web Services, Microsoft
              Azure, Google Cloud Platform)
            risk: green
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
          - order: 5
            text: >-
              Platform as a service (examples: Heroku, Force.com, Google App
            risk: yellow
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
          - order: 7
            text: Other. Specify in the comments field
            risk: yellow
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
          - order: 6
            text: Hybrid cloud (public and private cloud providers)
            risk: green
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
      - order: 6
        text: How mature is the containerization process, if any?
        explanation: If the team has used containers in the past, how was it done?
          - order: 0
            text: unknown
            risk: unknown
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
          - order: 1
            text: Application runs in a container on a laptop or desktop
            risk: red
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
          - order: 3
            text: Some experience with containers but not yet fully defined
            risk: yellow
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
          - order: 4
            text: >-
              Proficient with containers and container platforms (examples:
              Swarm, Kubernetes)
            risk: green
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
          - order: 5
            text: Application containerization has not yet been attempted
            risk: green
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
      - order: 3
        text: How does the application acquire security keys or certificates?
        explanation: >-
          How does the application retrieve credentials, keys, or certificates?
          External systems are runtime dependencies.
          - order: 0
            text: unknown
            risk: unknown
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
          - order: 1
            text: Hardware security modules or encryption devices
            risk: red
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
          - order: 2
            text: >-
              Keys/certificates bound to IP addresses and generated at runtime
              for each application instance
            risk: red
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
          - order: 3
            text: Keys/certificates compiled into the application
            risk: yellow
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
          - order: 4
            text: Loaded from a shared disk
            risk: yellow
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
          - order: 5
            text: >-
              Retrieved from an external server (examples: HashiCorp Vault,
              CyberArk Conjur)
            risk: yellow
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
          - order: 6
            text: Loaded from files
            risk: green
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
          - order: 7
            text: Not required
            risk: green
            rationale: ''
            mitigation: ''
  red: 5
  yellow: 30
  unknown: 5
  red: ''
  yellow: ''
  green: ''
  unknown: ''
builtin: true

7.2.2. カスタムのアセスメント質問集

Migration Toolkit for Applications (MTA) を使用すると、カスタムの YAML 構文を使用して質問集を定義し、カスタムのアセスメント質問集をインポートできます。YAML 構文は次の機能をサポートしています。


YAML 構文は、アプリケーションまたはアーキタイプに存在するタグに基づく質問の追加または除外をサポートします。次に例を示します。

  • アプリケーションまたはアーキタイプに Language/Java タグがある場合に、What is the main JAVA framework used in your application? という質問を質問集に追加します。

        - order: 1
          text: What is the main JAVA framework used in your application?
          explanation: Identify the primary JAVA framework used in your application.
            - category: Language
              tag: Java
  • アプリケーションまたはアーキタイプに Deployment/Serverless および Architecture/Monolith タグがある場合に、Are you currently using any form of container orchestration? という質問を質問集から除外します。

        - order: 4
          text: Are you currently using any form of container orchestration?
          explanation: Determine if the application utilizes container orchestration tools like Kubernetes, Docker Swarm, etc.
            - category: Deployment
              tag: Serverless
            - category: Architecture
              tag: Monolith

自動回答は、アプリケーションまたはアーキタイプに存在するタグに基づいて選択されます。たとえば、アプリケーションまたはアーキタイプに Runtime/Quarkus タグがある場合は、Quarkus の回答が自動的に選択され、アプリケーションまたはアーキタイプに Runtime/Spring Boot タグがある場合は、Spring Boot の回答が自動的に選択されます。

  text: What is the main technology in your application?
    explanation: Identify the main framework or technology used in your application.
        - order: 1
          text: Quarkus
          risk: green
            - category: Runtime
              tag: Quarkus
        - order: 2
          text: Spring Boot
          risk: green
            - category: Runtime
              tag: Spring Boot


  • category: 対象タグのカテゴリー (文字列)。
  • tag: ターゲットタグの定義 (String)。

たとえば、選択した回答が Quarkus の場合、評価対象のアプリケーションまたはアーキタイプに Runtime/Quarkus タグが適用されます。選択した回答が Spring Boot の場合、Runtime/Spring Boot タグが評価対象のアプリケーションまたはアーキタイプに適用されます。

  - order: 1
    text: What is the main technology in your application?
    explanation: Identify the main framework or technology used in your application.
      - order: 1
        text: Quarkus
        risk: green
          - category: Runtime
            tag: Quarkus
      - order: 2
        text: Spring Boot
        risk: green
          - category: Runtime
            tag: Spring Boot
... カスタム質問集の YAML テンプレート

次の YAML テンプレートを使用して、カスタムの質問集をビルドできます。このテンプレートは、Assessment questionnaires ページで Download YAML template をクリックするとダウンロードできます。

例7.2 カスタム質問集の YAML テンプレート

name: Uploadable Cloud Readiness Questionnaire Template
description: This questionnaire is an example template for assessing cloud readiness. It serves as a guide for users to create and customize their own questionnaire templates.
required: true
  - order: 1
    name: Application Technologies
      - order: 1
        text: What is the main technology in your application?
        explanation: Identify the main framework or technology used in your application.
          - category: Language
            tag: Java
          - order: 1
            text: Quarkus
            risk: green
            rationale: Quarkus is a modern, container-friendly framework.
            mitigation: No mitigation needed.
              - category: Runtime
                tag: Quarkus
              - category: Runtime
                tag: Quarkus
          - order: 2
            text: Spring Boot
            risk: green
            rationale: Spring Boot is versatile and widely used.
            mitigation: Ensure container compatibility.
              - category: Runtime
                tag: Spring Boot
              - category: Runtime
                tag: Spring Boot
          - order: 3
            text: Legacy Monolithic Application
            risk: red
            rationale: Legacy monoliths are challenging for cloud adaptation.
            mitigation: Consider refactoring into microservices.
      - order: 2
        text: Does your application use a microservices architecture?
        explanation: Assess if the application is built using a microservices architecture.
          - order: 1
            text: Yes
            risk: green
            rationale: Microservices are well-suited for cloud environments.
            mitigation: Continue monitoring service dependencies.
          - order: 2
            text: No
            risk: yellow
            rationale: Non-microservices architectures may face scalability issues.
            mitigation: Assess the feasibility of transitioning to microservices.
          - order: 3
            text: Unknown
            risk: unknown
            rationale: Lack of clarity on architecture can lead to unplanned issues.
            mitigation: Conduct an architectural review.

      - order: 3
        text: Is your application's data storage cloud-optimized?
        explanation: Evaluate if the data storage solution is optimized for cloud usage.
          - category: Language
            tag: Java
          - order: 1
            text: Cloud-Native Storage Solution
            risk: green
            rationale: Cloud-native solutions offer scalability and resilience.
            mitigation: Ensure regular backups and disaster recovery plans.
          - order: 2
            text: Traditional On-Premises Storage
            risk: red
            rationale: Traditional storage might not scale well in the cloud.
            mitigation: Explore cloud-based storage solutions.
          - order: 3
            text: Hybrid Storage Approach
            risk: yellow
            rationale: Hybrid solutions may have integration complexities.
            mitigation: Evaluate and optimize cloud integration points.
  red: 1
  yellow: 30
  unknown: 15
  red: Requires deep changes in architecture or lifecycle
  yellow: Cloud friendly but needs minor changes
  green: Cloud Native
  unknown: More information needed カスタム質問集のフィールド

required とマークしたカスタム質問集のフィールドはすべて必須であり、入力する必要があります。記入しないと、アップロード時に YAML 構文が検証されません。フィールドの各サブセクションは、YAML で新しい構造体またはオブジェクトを定義します。次に例を示します。

name: Testing
    red: 30
    yellow: 45
    unknown: 5
表7.1 カスタム質問集のフィールド

name (必須、文字列)

質問集の名前。このフィールドは、MTA インスタンス全体で一意である必要があります。

description (任意、文字列)


thresholds (必須)


  • red (必須、符号なし整数): リスクレベルを red とみなすために red の回答の割合がどの程度必要か (例: 30% の場合は 30)。
  • yellow (必須、符号なし整数): リスクレベルを yellow とみなすために yellow の回答の割合がどの程度必要か (例: 30% の場合は 30)。
  • unknown (必須、符号なし整数): リスクレベルを unknown とみなすために unknown の回答の割合がどの程度必要か (例: 30% の場合は 30)。

より高いリスクレベルが常に優先されます。たとえば、yellow のしきい値が 30%、red が 5% に設定され、アプリケーションまたはアーキタイプの回答が 35% yellow、6% red に設定されている場合、アプリケーションまたはアーキタイプのリスクレベルは red になります。

riskMessages (必須)

各リスクカテゴリーのレポートに表示されるメッセージ。risk_messages マップは次のフィールドで定義されます。

  • red (必須、文字列): red のリスクレベルのレポートに表示されるメッセージ。
  • yellow (必須、文字列): yellow のリスクレベルのレポートに表示されるメッセージ。
  • green (必須、文字列): green のリスクレベルのレポートに表示されるメッセージ。
  • unknown (必須、文字列): unknown のリスクレベルのレポートに表示されるメッセージ。

sections (必須)


  • name (必須、文字列): セクションに表示される名前。
  • order (必須、整数): セクション内の質問の順序。
  • comment (任意、文字列): セクションの説明。
  • questions (必須): セクションに属する質問のリスト。

    • order (必須、整数): セクション内の質問の順序。
    • text (必須、文字列): 質問。
    • explanation (任意、文字列): 質問に対する追加の説明。
    • includeFor (任意): リストであって、このリストに含まれるタグのいずれかが対象のアプリケーションまたはアーキタイプに存在する場合に、質問を表示するかどうかを定義するリスト。

      • category (必須、文字列): 対象タグのカテゴリー。
      • tag (必須、文字列): 対象タグ。
    • excludeFor (任意): リストであって、このリストに含まれるタグのいずれかが対象のアプリケーションまたはアーキタイプに存在する場合に、質問をスキップするかどうかを定義するリスト。

      • category (必須、文字列): 対象タグのカテゴリー。
      • tag (必須、文字列): 対象タグ。
    • answers (必須): 指定された質問に対する回答のリスト。

      • order (必須、整数): セクション内の質問の順序。
      • text (必須、文字列): 質問に対する回答。
      • risk (必須): 現在の回答の暗黙的なリスクレベル (red、yellow、green、または unknown)。
      • rationale (任意、文字列): リスクとみなされる回答の理由。
      • mitigation (任意、文字列): 回答が暗示するリスクに対する潜在的な軽減策の説明。
      • applyTags (任意): この回答が選択された場合に、評価対象のアプリケーションまたはアーキタイプに自動的に適用されるタグのリスト。

        • category (必須、文字列): 対象タグのカテゴリー。
        • tag (必須、文字列): 対象タグ。
      • autoAnswerFor (任意、リスト): アプリケーションまたはアーキタイプが評価されるときに、この回答が自動的に選択されるようにするタグのリスト。

        • category (必須、文字列): 対象タグのカテゴリー。
        • tag (必須、文字列): 対象タグ。
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