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Chapter 5. Managing hosted control planes
5.1. Managing hosted control planes on AWS
When you use hosted control planes for OpenShift Container Platform on Amazon Web Services (AWS), the infrastructure requirements vary based on your setup.
5.1.1. Prerequisites to manage AWS infrastructure and IAM permissions
To configure hosted control planes for OpenShift Container Platform on Amazon Web Services (AWS), you must meet the following the infrastructure requirements:
- You configured hosted control planes before you can create hosted clusters.
- You created an AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) role and AWS Security Token Service (STS) credentials. Infrastructure requirements for AWS
When you use hosted control planes on Amazon Web Services (AWS), the infrastructure requirements fit in the following categories:
- Prerequired and unmanaged infrastructure for the HyperShift Operator in an arbitrary AWS account
- Prerequired and unmanaged infrastructure in a hosted cluster AWS account
- Hosted control planes-managed infrastructure in a management AWS account
- Hosted control planes-managed infrastructure in a hosted cluster AWS account
- Kubernetes-managed infrastructure in a hosted cluster AWS account
Prerequired means that hosted control planes requires AWS infrastructure to properly work. Unmanaged means that no Operator or controller creates the infrastructure for you. Unmanaged infrastructure for the HyperShift Operator in an AWS account
An arbitrary Amazon Web Services (AWS) account depends on the provider of the hosted control planes service.
In self-managed hosted control planes, the cluster service provider controls the AWS account. The cluster service provider is the administrator who hosts cluster control planes and is responsible for uptime. In managed hosted control planes, the AWS account belongs to Red Hat.
In a prerequired and unmanaged infrastructure for the HyperShift Operator, the following infrastructure requirements apply for a management cluster AWS account:
One S3 Bucket
- OpenID Connect (OIDC)
Route 53 hosted zones
- A domain to host private and public entries for hosted clusters Unmanaged infrastructure requirements for a management AWS account
When your infrastructure is prerequired and unmanaged in a hosted cluster Amazon Web Services (AWS) account, the infrastructure requirements for all access modes are as follows:
- One VPC
- One DHCP Option
Two subnets
- A private subnet that is an internal data plane subnet
- A public subnet that enables access to the internet from the data plane
- One internet gateway
- One elastic IP
- One NAT gateway
- One security group (worker nodes)
- Two route tables (one private and one public)
- Two Route 53 hosted zones
Enough quota for the following items:
- One Ingress service load balancer for public hosted clusters
- One private link endpoint for private hosted clusters
For private link networking to work, the endpoint zone in the hosted cluster AWS account must match the zone of the instance that is resolved by the service endpoint in the management cluster AWS account. In AWS, the zone names are aliases, such as us-east-2b, which do not necessarily map to the same zone in different accounts. As a result, for private link to work, the management cluster must have subnets or workers in all zones of its region. Infrastructure requirements for a management AWS account
When your infrastructure is managed by hosted control planes in a management AWS account, the infrastructure requirements differ depending on whether your clusters are public, private, or a combination.
For accounts with public clusters, the infrastructure requirements are as follows:
Network load balancer: a load balancer Kube API server
- Kubernetes creates a security group
- For etcd (one or three depending on high availability)
- For OVN-Kube
For accounts with private clusters, the infrastructure requirements are as follows:
- Network load balancer: a load balancer private router
- Endpoint service (private link)
For accounts with public and private clusters, the infrastructure requirements are as follows:
- Network load balancer: a load balancer public router
- Network load balancer: a load balancer private router
- Endpoint service (private link)
- For etcd (one or three depending on high availability)
- For OVN-Kube Infrastructure requirements for an AWS account in a hosted cluster
When your infrastructure is managed by hosted control planes in a hosted cluster Amazon Web Services (AWS) account, the infrastructure requirements differ depending on whether your clusters are public, private, or a combination.
For accounts with public clusters, the infrastructure requirements are as follows:
Node pools must have EC2 instances that have
For accounts with private clusters, the infrastructure requirements are as follows:
- One private link endpoint for each availability zone
- EC2 instances for node pools
For accounts with public and private clusters, the infrastructure requirements are as follows:
- One private link endpoint for each availability zone
- EC2 instances for node pools Kubernetes-managed infrastructure in a hosted cluster AWS account
When Kubernetes manages your infrastructure in a hosted cluster Amazon Web Services (AWS) account, the infrastructure requirements are as follows:
- A network load balancer for default Ingress
- An S3 bucket for registry
5.1.2. Identity and Access Management (IAM) permissions
In the context of hosted control planes, the consumer is responsible to create the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) roles. The consumer is an automated process to generate the permissions files. The consumer might be the CLI or OpenShift Cluster Manager. Hosted control planes can enable granularity to honor the principle of least-privilege components, which means that every component uses its own role to operate or create Amazon Web Services (AWS) objects, and the roles are limited to what is required for the product to function normally.
The hosted cluster receives the ARN roles as input and the consumer creates an AWS permission configuration for each component. As a result, the component can authenticate through STS and preconfigured OIDC IDP.
The following roles are consumed by some of the components from hosted control planes that run on the control plane and operate on the data plane:
The following example shows a reference to the IAM roles from the hosted cluster:
... endpointAccess: Public region: us-east-2 resourceTags: - key: value: owned rolesRef: controlPlaneOperatorARN: arn:aws:iam::820196288204:role/example-cluster-bz4j5-control-plane-operator imageRegistryARN: arn:aws:iam::820196288204:role/example-cluster-bz4j5-openshift-image-registry ingressARN: arn:aws:iam::820196288204:role/example-cluster-bz4j5-openshift-ingress kubeCloudControllerARN: arn:aws:iam::820196288204:role/example-cluster-bz4j5-cloud-controller networkARN: arn:aws:iam::820196288204:role/example-cluster-bz4j5-cloud-network-config-controller nodePoolManagementARN: arn:aws:iam::820196288204:role/example-cluster-bz4j5-node-pool storageARN: arn:aws:iam::820196288204:role/example-cluster-bz4j5-aws-ebs-csi-driver-controller type: AWS ...
The roles that hosted control planes uses are shown in the following examples:
{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "elasticloadbalancing:DescribeLoadBalancers", "tag:GetResources", "route53:ListHostedZones" ], "Resource": "\*" }, { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "route53:ChangeResourceRecordSets" ], "Resource": [ "arn:aws:route53:::PUBLIC_ZONE_ID", "arn:aws:route53:::PRIVATE_ZONE_ID" ] } ] }
{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "s3:CreateBucket", "s3:DeleteBucket", "s3:PutBucketTagging", "s3:GetBucketTagging", "s3:PutBucketPublicAccessBlock", "s3:GetBucketPublicAccessBlock", "s3:PutEncryptionConfiguration", "s3:GetEncryptionConfiguration", "s3:PutLifecycleConfiguration", "s3:GetLifecycleConfiguration", "s3:GetBucketLocation", "s3:ListBucket", "s3:GetObject", "s3:PutObject", "s3:DeleteObject", "s3:ListBucketMultipartUploads", "s3:AbortMultipartUpload", "s3:ListMultipartUploadParts" ], "Resource": "\*" } ] }
{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "ec2:AttachVolume", "ec2:CreateSnapshot", "ec2:CreateTags", "ec2:CreateVolume", "ec2:DeleteSnapshot", "ec2:DeleteTags", "ec2:DeleteVolume", "ec2:DescribeInstances", "ec2:DescribeSnapshots", "ec2:DescribeTags", "ec2:DescribeVolumes", "ec2:DescribeVolumesModifications", "ec2:DetachVolume", "ec2:ModifyVolume" ], "Resource": "\*" } ] }
{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "ec2:DescribeInstances", "ec2:DescribeInstanceStatus", "ec2:DescribeInstanceTypes", "ec2:UnassignPrivateIpAddresses", "ec2:AssignPrivateIpAddresses", "ec2:UnassignIpv6Addresses", "ec2:AssignIpv6Addresses", "ec2:DescribeSubnets", "ec2:DescribeNetworkInterfaces" ], "Resource": "\*" } ] }
{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Action": [ "ec2:DescribeInstances", "ec2:DescribeImages", "ec2:DescribeRegions", "ec2:DescribeRouteTables", "ec2:DescribeSecurityGroups", "ec2:DescribeSubnets", "ec2:DescribeVolumes", "ec2:CreateSecurityGroup", "ec2:CreateTags", "ec2:CreateVolume", "ec2:ModifyInstanceAttribute", "ec2:ModifyVolume", "ec2:AttachVolume", "ec2:AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngress", "ec2:CreateRoute", "ec2:DeleteRoute", "ec2:DeleteSecurityGroup", "ec2:DeleteVolume", "ec2:DetachVolume", "ec2:RevokeSecurityGroupIngress", "ec2:DescribeVpcs", "elasticloadbalancing:AddTags", "elasticloadbalancing:AttachLoadBalancerToSubnets", "elasticloadbalancing:ApplySecurityGroupsToLoadBalancer", "elasticloadbalancing:CreateLoadBalancer", "elasticloadbalancing:CreateLoadBalancerPolicy", "elasticloadbalancing:CreateLoadBalancerListeners", "elasticloadbalancing:ConfigureHealthCheck", "elasticloadbalancing:DeleteLoadBalancer", "elasticloadbalancing:DeleteLoadBalancerListeners", "elasticloadbalancing:DescribeLoadBalancers", "elasticloadbalancing:DescribeLoadBalancerAttributes", "elasticloadbalancing:DetachLoadBalancerFromSubnets", "elasticloadbalancing:DeregisterInstancesFromLoadBalancer", "elasticloadbalancing:ModifyLoadBalancerAttributes", "elasticloadbalancing:RegisterInstancesWithLoadBalancer", "elasticloadbalancing:SetLoadBalancerPoliciesForBackendServer", "elasticloadbalancing:AddTags", "elasticloadbalancing:CreateListener", "elasticloadbalancing:CreateTargetGroup", "elasticloadbalancing:DeleteListener", "elasticloadbalancing:DeleteTargetGroup", "elasticloadbalancing:DescribeListeners", "elasticloadbalancing:DescribeLoadBalancerPolicies", "elasticloadbalancing:DescribeTargetGroups", "elasticloadbalancing:DescribeTargetHealth", "elasticloadbalancing:ModifyListener", "elasticloadbalancing:ModifyTargetGroup", "elasticloadbalancing:RegisterTargets", "elasticloadbalancing:SetLoadBalancerPoliciesOfListener", "iam:CreateServiceLinkedRole", "kms:DescribeKey" ], "Resource": [ "\*" ], "Effect": "Allow" } ] }
{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Action": [ "ec2:AllocateAddress", "ec2:AssociateRouteTable", "ec2:AttachInternetGateway", "ec2:AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngress", "ec2:CreateInternetGateway", "ec2:CreateNatGateway", "ec2:CreateRoute", "ec2:CreateRouteTable", "ec2:CreateSecurityGroup", "ec2:CreateSubnet", "ec2:CreateTags", "ec2:DeleteInternetGateway", "ec2:DeleteNatGateway", "ec2:DeleteRouteTable", "ec2:DeleteSecurityGroup", "ec2:DeleteSubnet", "ec2:DeleteTags", "ec2:DescribeAccountAttributes", "ec2:DescribeAddresses", "ec2:DescribeAvailabilityZones", "ec2:DescribeImages", "ec2:DescribeInstances", "ec2:DescribeInternetGateways", "ec2:DescribeNatGateways", "ec2:DescribeNetworkInterfaces", "ec2:DescribeNetworkInterfaceAttribute", "ec2:DescribeRouteTables", "ec2:DescribeSecurityGroups", "ec2:DescribeSubnets", "ec2:DescribeVpcs", "ec2:DescribeVpcAttribute", "ec2:DescribeVolumes", "ec2:DetachInternetGateway", "ec2:DisassociateRouteTable", "ec2:DisassociateAddress", "ec2:ModifyInstanceAttribute", "ec2:ModifyNetworkInterfaceAttribute", "ec2:ModifySubnetAttribute", "ec2:ReleaseAddress", "ec2:RevokeSecurityGroupIngress", "ec2:RunInstances", "ec2:TerminateInstances", "tag:GetResources", "ec2:CreateLaunchTemplate", "ec2:CreateLaunchTemplateVersion", "ec2:DescribeLaunchTemplates", "ec2:DescribeLaunchTemplateVersions", "ec2:DeleteLaunchTemplate", "ec2:DeleteLaunchTemplateVersions" ], "Resource": [ "\*" ], "Effect": "Allow" }, { "Condition": { "StringLike": { "iam:AWSServiceName": "" } }, "Action": [ "iam:CreateServiceLinkedRole" ], "Resource": [ "arn:*:iam::*:role/aws-service-role/" ], "Effect": "Allow" }, { "Action": [ "iam:PassRole" ], "Resource": [ "arn:*:iam::*:role/*-worker-role" ], "Effect": "Allow" } ] }
{ "Version": "2012-10-17", "Statement": [ { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "ec2:CreateVpcEndpoint", "ec2:DescribeVpcEndpoints", "ec2:ModifyVpcEndpoint", "ec2:DeleteVpcEndpoints", "ec2:CreateTags", "route53:ListHostedZones" ], "Resource": "\*" }, { "Effect": "Allow", "Action": [ "route53:ChangeResourceRecordSets", "route53:ListResourceRecordSets" ], "Resource": "arn:aws:route53:::%s" } ] }
5.1.3. Creating AWS infrastructure and IAM resources separate
By default, the hcp create cluster aws
command creates cloud infrastructure with the hosted cluster and applies it. You can create the cloud infrastructure portion separately so that you can use the hcp create cluster aws
command only to create the cluster, or render it to modify it before you apply it.
To create the cloud infrastructure portion separately, you need to create the Amazon Web Services (AWS) infrastructure, create the AWS Identity and Access (IAM) resources, and create the cluster. Creating the AWS infrastructure separately
To create the Amazon Web Services (AWS) infrastructure, you need to create a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) and other resources for your cluster. You can use the AWS console or an infrastructure automation and provisioning tool. For instructions to use the AWS console, see Create a VPC plus other VPC resources in the AWS Documentation.
The VPC must include private and public subnets and resources for external access, such as a network address translation (NAT) gateway and an internet gateway. In addition to the VPC, you need a private hosted zone for the ingress of your cluster. If you are creating clusters that use PrivateLink (Private
or PublicAndPrivate
access modes), you need an additional hosted zone for PrivateLink.
Create the AWS infrastructure for your hosted cluster by using the following example configuration:
--- apiVersion: v1 kind: Namespace metadata: creationTimestamp: null name: clusters spec: {} status: {} --- apiVersion: v1 data: .dockerconfigjson: xxxxxxxxxxx kind: Secret metadata: creationTimestamp: null labels: "true" name: <pull_secret_name> 1 namespace: clusters --- apiVersion: v1 data: key: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx kind: Secret metadata: creationTimestamp: null labels: "true" name: <etcd_encryption_key_name> 2 namespace: clusters type: Opaque --- apiVersion: v1 data: id_rsa: xxxxxxxxx xxxxxxxxx kind: Secret metadata: creationTimestamp: null labels: "true" name: <ssh-key-name> 3 namespace: clusters --- apiVersion: kind: HostedCluster metadata: creationTimestamp: null name: <hosted_cluster_name> 4 namespace: clusters spec: autoscaling: {} configuration: {} controllerAvailabilityPolicy: SingleReplica dns: baseDomain: <dns_domain> 5 privateZoneID: xxxxxxxx publicZoneID: xxxxxxxx etcd: managed: storage: persistentVolume: size: 8Gi storageClassName: gp3-csi type: PersistentVolume managementType: Managed fips: false infraID: <infra_id> 6 issuerURL: <issuer_url> 7 networking: clusterNetwork: - cidr: machineNetwork: - cidr: networkType: OVNKubernetes serviceNetwork: - cidr: olmCatalogPlacement: management platform: aws: cloudProviderConfig: subnet: id: <subnet_xxx> 8 vpc: <vpc_xxx> 9 zone: us-west-1b endpointAccess: Public multiArch: false region: us-west-1 rolesRef: controlPlaneOperatorARN: arn:aws:iam::820196288204:role/<infra_id>-control-plane-operator imageRegistryARN: arn:aws:iam::820196288204:role/<infra_id>-openshift-image-registry ingressARN: arn:aws:iam::820196288204:role/<infra_id>-openshift-ingress kubeCloudControllerARN: arn:aws:iam::820196288204:role/<infra_id>-cloud-controller networkARN: arn:aws:iam::820196288204:role/<infra_id>-cloud-network-config-controller nodePoolManagementARN: arn:aws:iam::820196288204:role/<infra_id>-node-pool storageARN: arn:aws:iam::820196288204:role/<infra_id>-aws-ebs-csi-driver-controller type: AWS pullSecret: name: <pull_secret_name> release: image: secretEncryption: aescbc: activeKey: name: <etcd_encryption_key_name> type: aescbc services: - service: APIServer servicePublishingStrategy: type: LoadBalancer - service: OAuthServer servicePublishingStrategy: type: Route - service: Konnectivity servicePublishingStrategy: type: Route - service: Ignition servicePublishingStrategy: type: Route - service: OVNSbDb servicePublishingStrategy: type: Route sshKey: name: <ssh_key_name> status: controlPlaneEndpoint: host: "" port: 0 --- apiVersion: kind: NodePool metadata: creationTimestamp: null name: <node_pool_name> 10 namespace: clusters spec: arch: amd64 clusterName: <hosted_cluster_name> management: autoRepair: true upgradeType: Replace nodeDrainTimeout: 0s platform: aws: instanceProfile: <instance_profile_name> 11 instanceType: m6i.xlarge rootVolume: size: 120 type: gp3 subnet: id: <subnet_xxx> type: AWS release: image: replicas: 2 status: replicas: 0
- 1
- Replace
with the name of your pull secret. - 2
- Replace
with the name of your etcd encryption key. - 3
- Replace
with the name of your SSH key. - 4
- Replace
with the name of your hosted cluster. - 5
- Replace
with your base DNS domain, such
. - 6
- Replace
with the value that identifies the IAM resources that are associated with the hosted cluster. - 7
- Replace
with your issuer URL, which ends with yourinfra_id
value. For example,
. - 8
- Replace
with your subnet ID. Both private and public subnets need to be tagged. For public subnets,
. For private subnets,
. - 9
- Replace
with your VPC ID. - 10
- Replace
with the name of yourNodePool
resource. - 11
- Replace
with the name of your AWS instance. Creating the AWS IAM resources
In Amazon Web Services (AWS), you must create the following IAM resources:
- An OpenID Connect (OIDC) identity provider in IAM, which is required to enable STS authentication.
- Seven roles, which are separate for every component that interacts with the provider, such as the Kubernetes controller manager, cluster API provider, and registry
- The instance profile, which is the profile that is assigned to all worker instances of the cluster Creating a hosted cluster separately
You can create a hosted cluster separately on Amazon Web Services (AWS).
To create a hosted cluster separately, enter the following command:
$ hcp create cluster aws \ --infra-id <infra_id> \1 --name <hosted_cluster_name> \2 --sts-creds <path_to_sts_credential_file> \3 --pull-secret <path_to_pull_secret> \4 --generate-ssh \5 --node-pool-replicas 3 --role-arn <role_name> 6
- 1
- Replace
with the same ID that you specified in thecreate infra aws
command. This value identifies the IAM resources that are associated with the hosted cluster. - 2
- Replace
with the name of your hosted cluster. - 3
- Replace
with the same name that you specified in thecreate infra aws
command. - 4
- Replace
with the name of the file that contains a valid OpenShift Container Platform pull secret. - 5
- The
flag is optional, but is good to include in case you need to SSH to your workers. An SSH key is generated for you and is stored as a secret in the same namespace as the hosted cluster. - 6
- Replace
with the Amazon Resource Name (ARN), for example,arn:aws:iam::820196288204:role/myrole
. Specify the Amazon Resource Name (ARN), for example,arn:aws:iam::820196288204:role/myrole
. For more information about ARN roles, see "Identity and Access Management (IAM) permissions".
You can also add the --render
flag to the command and redirect output to a file where you can edit the resources before you apply them to the cluster.
After you run the command, the following resources are applied to your cluster:
- A namespace
- A secret with your pull secret
- Three AWS STS secrets for control plane components
One SSH key secret if you specified the
5.1.4. Transitioning a hosted cluster from single-architecture to multi-architecture
You can transition your single-architecture 64-bit AMD hosted cluster to a multi-architecture hosted cluster on Amazon Web Services (AWS), to reduce the cost of running workloads on your cluster. For example, you can run existing workloads on 64-bit AMD while transitioning to 64-bit ARM and you can manage these workloads from a central Kubernetes cluster.
A single-architecture hosted cluster can manage node pools of only one particular CPU architecture. However, a multi-architecture hosted cluster can manage node pools with different CPU architectures. On AWS, a multi-architecture hosted cluster can manage both 64-bit AMD and 64-bit ARM node pools.
- You have installed an OpenShift Container Platform management cluster for AWS on Red Hat Advanced Cluster Management (RHACM) with the multicluster engine for Kubernetes Operator.
- You have an existing single-architecture hosted cluster that uses 64-bit AMD variant of the OpenShift Container Platform release payload.
- An existing node pool that uses the same 64-bit AMD variant of the OpenShift Container Platform release payload and is managed by an existing hosted cluster.
Ensure that you installed the following command-line tools:
Review an existing OpenShift Container Platform release image of the single-architecture hosted cluster by running the following command:
$ oc get hostedcluster/<hosted_cluster_name> \1 -o jsonpath='{.spec.release.image}'
- 1
- Replace
with your hosted cluster name.
Example output<4.y.z>-x86_64 1
- 1
- Replace
with the supported OpenShift Container Platform version that you use.
In your OpenShift Container Platform release image, if you use the digest instead of a tag, find the multi-architecture tag version of your release image:
Set the
environment variable for the OpenShift Container Platform version by running the following command:$ OCP_VERSION=$(oc image info \ -o jsonpath='{.config.config.Labels["io.openshift.release"]}')
Set the
environment variable for the multi-architecture tag version of your release image by running the following command:$ MULTI_ARCH_TAG=$(skopeo inspect docker:// \ | jq -r '.RepoTags' | sed 's/"//g' | sed 's/,//g' \ | grep -w "$OCP_VERSION-multi$" | xargs)
Set the
environment variable for the multi-architecture release image name by running the following command:$$MULTI_ARCH_TAG
To see the list of multi-architecture image digests, run the following command:
$ oc image info $IMAGE
Example output
OS DIGEST linux/amd64 sha256:b4c7a91802c09a5a748fe19ddd99a8ffab52d8a31db3a081a956a87f22a22ff8 linux/ppc64le sha256:66fda2ff6bd7704f1ba72be8bfe3e399c323de92262f594f8e482d110ec37388 linux/s390x sha256:b1c1072dc639aaa2b50ec99b530012e3ceac19ddc28adcbcdc9643f2dfd14f34 linux/arm64 sha256:7b046404572ac96202d82b6cb029b421dddd40e88c73bbf35f602ffc13017f21
Transition the hosted cluster from single-architecture to multi-architecture:
Set the
flag totrue
on your hosted cluster so that the hosted cluster can create both 64-bit AMD and 64-bit ARM node pools. Run the following command:$ oc patch -n clusters hostedclusters/<hosted_cluster_name> -p '{"spec":{"platform":{"aws":{"multiArch":true}}}}' --type=merge
Confirm that the
flag is set totrue
on your hosted cluster by running the following command:$ oc get hostedcluster/<hosted_cluster_name> -o jsonpath='{}'
Set the multi-architecture OpenShift Container Platform release image for the hosted cluster by ensuring that you use the same OpenShift Container Platform version as the hosted cluster. Run the following command:
$ oc patch -n clusters hostedclusters/<hosted_cluster_name> -p \ '{"spec":{"release":{"image":"<4.x.y>-multi"}}}' \1 --type=merge
- 1
- Replace
with the supported OpenShift Container Platform version that you use.
Confirm that the multi-architecture image is set in your hosted cluster by running the following command:
$ oc get hostedcluster/<hosted_cluster_name> \ -o jsonpath='{.spec.release.image}'
Check that the status of the
resource isProgressing
by running the following command:$ oc get hostedcontrolplane -n <hosted_control_plane_namespace> -oyaml
Example output
#... - lastTransitionTime: "2024-07-28T13:07:18Z" message: HostedCluster is deploying, upgrading, or reconfiguring observedGeneration: 5 reason: Progressing status: "True" type: Progressing #...
Check that the status of the
resource isProgressing
by running the following command:$ oc get hostedcluster <hosted_cluster_name> \ -n <hosted_cluster_namespace> -oyaml
Verify that a node pool is using the multi-architecture release image in your
resource by running the following command:$ oc get hostedcontrolplane -n clusters-example -oyaml
Example output
#... version: availableUpdates: null desired: image:<4.x.y>-multi 1 url: version: 4.16.5 history: - completionTime: "2024-07-28T13:10:58Z" image:<4.x.y>-multi startedTime: "2024-07-28T13:10:27Z" state: Completed verified: false version: <4.x.y>
- 1
- Replace
with the supported OpenShift Container Platform version that you use.
NoteThe multi-architecture OpenShift Container Platform release image is updated in your
resources, and hosted control plane pods. However, your existing node pools do not transition with the multi-architecture image automatically, because the release image transition is decoupled between the hosted cluster and node pools. You must create new node pools on your new multi-architecture hosted cluster.
Next steps
- Creating node pools on the multi-architecture hosted cluster
5.1.5. Creating node pools on the multi-architecture hosted cluster
After transitioning your hosted cluster from single-architecture to multi-architecture, create node pools on compute machines based on 64-bit AMD and 64-bit ARM architectures.
Create node pools based on 64-bit ARM architecture by entering the following command:
$ hcp create nodepool aws \ --cluster-name <hosted_cluster_name> \1 --name <nodepool_name> \2 --node-count=<node_count> \3 --arch arm64
Create node pools based on 64-bit AMD architecture by entering the following command:
$ hcp create nodepool aws \ --cluster-name <hosted_cluster_name> \1 --name <nodepool_name> \2 --node-count=<node_count> \3 --arch amd64
Verify that a node pool is using the multi-architecture release image by entering the following command:
$ oc get nodepool/<nodepool_name> -oyaml
Example output for 64-bit AMD node pools
#... spec: arch: amd64 #... release: image:<4.x.y>-multi 1
- 1
- Replace
with the supported OpenShift Container Platform version that you use.
Example output for 64-bit ARM node pools
#... spec: arch: arm64 #... release: image:<4.x.y>-multi
5.2. Managing hosted control planes on bare metal
After you deploy hosted control planes on bare metal, you can manage a hosted cluster by completing the following tasks.
5.2.1. Accessing the hosted cluster
You can access the hosted cluster by either getting the kubeconfig
file and kubeadmin
credential directly from resources, or by using the hcp
command line interface to generate a kubeconfig
To access the hosted cluster by getting the kubeconfig
file and credentials directly from resources, you must be familiar with the access secrets for hosted clusters. The hosted cluster (hosting) namespace contains hosted cluster resources and the access secrets. The hosted control plane namespace is where the hosted control plane runs.
The secret name formats are as follows:
. For example,clusters-hypershift-demo-admin-kubeconfig
. -
password secret:<hosted_cluster_namespace>-<name>-kubeadmin-password
. For example,clusters-hypershift-demo-kubeadmin-password
The kubeconfig
secret contains a Base64-encoded kubeconfig
field, which you can decode and save into a file to use with the following command:
$ oc --kubeconfig <hosted_cluster_name>.kubeconfig get nodes
The kubeadmin
password secret is also Base64-encoded. You can decode it and use the password to log in to the API server or console of the hosted cluster.
To access the hosted cluster by using the
CLI to generate thekubeconfig
file, take the following steps:Generate the
file by entering the following command:$ hcp create kubeconfig --namespace <hosted_cluster_namespace> \ --name <hosted_cluster_name> > <hosted_cluster_name>.kubeconfig
After you save the
file, you can access the hosted cluster by entering the following example command:$ oc --kubeconfig <hosted_cluster_name>.kubeconfig get nodes
5.2.2. Scaling the NodePool object for a hosted cluster
You can scale up the NodePool
object by adding nodes to your hosted cluster. When you scale a node pool, consider the following information:
- When you scale a replica by the node pool, a machine is created. For every machine, the Cluster API provider finds and installs an Agent that meets the requirements that are specified in the node pool specification. You can monitor the installation of an Agent by checking its status and conditions.
- When you scale down a node pool, Agents are unbound from the corresponding cluster. Before you can reuse the Agents, you must restart them by using the Discovery image.
Scale the
object to two nodes:$ oc -n <hosted_cluster_namespace> scale nodepool <nodepool_name> --replicas 2
The Cluster API agent provider randomly picks two agents that are then assigned to the hosted cluster. Those agents go through different states and finally join the hosted cluster as OpenShift Container Platform nodes. The agents pass through states in the following order:
Enter the following command:
$ oc -n <hosted_control_plane_namespace> get agent
Example output
NAME CLUSTER APPROVED ROLE STAGE 4dac1ab2-7dd5-4894-a220-6a3473b67ee6 hypercluster1 true auto-assign d9198891-39f4-4930-a679-65fb142b108b true auto-assign da503cf1-a347-44f2-875c-4960ddb04091 hypercluster1 true auto-assign
Enter the following command:
$ oc -n <hosted_control_plane_namespace> get agent \ -o jsonpath='{range .items[*]}BMH: {@.metadata.labels.agent-install\.openshift\.io/bmh} Agent: {} State: {@.status.debugInfo.state}{"\n"}{end}'
Example output
BMH: ocp-worker-2 Agent: 4dac1ab2-7dd5-4894-a220-6a3473b67ee6 State: binding BMH: ocp-worker-0 Agent: d9198891-39f4-4930-a679-65fb142b108b State: known-unbound BMH: ocp-worker-1 Agent: da503cf1-a347-44f2-875c-4960ddb04091 State: insufficient
Obtain the kubeconfig for your new hosted cluster by entering the extract command:
$ oc extract -n <hosted_cluster_namespace> \ secret/<hosted_cluster_name>-admin-kubeconfig --to=- \ > kubeconfig-<hosted_cluster_name>
After the agents reach the
state, verify that you can see the OpenShift Container Platform nodes in the hosted cluster by entering the following command:$ oc --kubeconfig kubeconfig-<hosted_cluster_name> get nodes
Example output
NAME STATUS ROLES AGE VERSION ocp-worker-1 Ready worker 5m41s v1.24.0+3882f8f ocp-worker-2 Ready worker 6m3s v1.24.0+3882f8f
Cluster Operators start to reconcile by adding workloads to the nodes.
Enter the following command to verify that two machines were created when you scaled up the
object:$ oc -n <hosted_control_plane_namespace> get machines
Example output
NAME CLUSTER NODENAME PROVIDERID PHASE AGE VERSION hypercluster1-c96b6f675-m5vch hypercluster1-b2qhl ocp-worker-1 agent://da503cf1-a347-44f2-875c-4960ddb04091 Running 15m 4.x.z hypercluster1-c96b6f675-tl42p hypercluster1-b2qhl ocp-worker-2 agent://4dac1ab2-7dd5-4894-a220-6a3473b67ee6 Running 15m 4.x.z
reconcile process eventually reaches a point where only Ingress and Console cluster operators are missing.Enter the following command:
$ oc --kubeconfig kubeconfig-<hosted_cluster_name> get clusterversion,co
Example output
NAME VERSION AVAILABLE PROGRESSING SINCE STATUS False True 40m Unable to apply 4.x.z: the cluster operator console has not yet successfully rolled out NAME VERSION AVAILABLE PROGRESSING DEGRADED SINCE MESSAGE 4.12z False False False 11m RouteHealthAvailable: failed to GET route ( Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused 4.12z True False False 10m 4.12z True False False 9m16s Adding node pools
You can create node pools for a hosted cluster by specifying a name, number of replicas, and any additional information, such as an agent label selector.
To create a node pool, enter the following information:
$ hcp create nodepool agent \ --cluster-name <hosted_cluster_name> \1 --name <nodepool_name> \2 --node-count <worker_node_count> \3 --agentLabelSelector size=medium 4
- 1
- Replace
with your hosted cluster name. - 2
- Replace
with the name of your node pool, for example,<hosted_cluster_name>-extra-cpu
. - 3
- Replace
with the worker node count, for example,2
. - 4
- The
flag is optional. The node pool uses agents with thesize=medium
Check the status of the node pool by listing
resources in theclusters
namespace:$ oc get nodepools --namespace clusters
Extract the
secret by entering the following command:$ oc extract -n <hosted_control_plane_namespace> secret/admin-kubeconfig --to=./hostedcluster-secrets --confirm
Example output
After some time, you can check the status of the node pool by entering the following command:
$ oc --kubeconfig ./hostedcluster-secrets get nodes
Verify that the number of available node pools match the number of expected node pools by entering this command:
$ oc get nodepools --namespace clusters Enabling node auto-scaling for the hosted cluster
When you need more capacity in your hosted cluster and spare agents are available, you can enable auto-scaling to install new worker nodes.
To enable auto-scaling, enter the following command:
$ oc -n <hosted_cluster_namespace> patch nodepool <hosted_cluster_name> \ --type=json \ -p '[{"op": "remove", "path": "/spec/replicas"},{"op":"add", "path": "/spec/autoScaling", "value": { "max": 5, "min": 2 }}]'
NoteIn the example, the minimum number of nodes is 2, and the maximum is 5. The maximum number of nodes that you can add might be bound by your platform. For example, if you use the Agent platform, the maximum number of nodes is bound by the number of available agents.
Create a workload that requires a new node.
Create a YAML file that contains the workload configuration, by using the following example:
apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: creationTimestamp: null labels: app: reversewords name: reversewords namespace: default spec: replicas: 40 selector: matchLabels: app: reversewords strategy: {} template: metadata: creationTimestamp: null labels: app: reversewords spec: containers: - image: name: reversewords resources: requests: memory: 2Gi status: {}
Save the file as
. Apply the YAML by entering the following command:
$ oc apply -f workload-config.yaml
Extract the
secret by entering the following command:$ oc extract -n <hosted_cluster_namespace> \ secret/<hosted_cluster_name>-admin-kubeconfig \ --to=./hostedcluster-secrets --confirm
Example output
You can check if new nodes are in the
status by entering the following command:$ oc --kubeconfig ./hostedcluster-secrets get nodes
To remove the node, delete the workload by entering the following command:
$ oc --kubeconfig ./hostedcluster-secrets -n <namespace> \ delete deployment <deployment_name>
Wait for several minutes to pass without requiring the additional capacity. On the Agent platform, the agent is decommissioned and can be reused. You can confirm that the node was removed by entering the following command:
$ oc --kubeconfig ./hostedcluster-secrets get nodes
For IBM Z agents, compute nodes are detached from the cluster only for IBM Z with KVM agents. For z/VM and LPAR, you must delete the compute nodes manually.
Agents can be reused only for IBM Z with KVM. For z/VM and LPAR, re-create the agents to use them as compute nodes. Disabling node auto-scaling for the hosted cluster
To disable node auto-scaling, complete the following procedure.
Enter the following command to disable node auto-scaling for the hosted cluster:
$ oc -n <hosted_cluster_namespace> patch nodepool <hosted_cluster_name> \ --type=json \ -p '[\{"op":"remove", "path": "/spec/autoScaling"}, \{"op": "add", "path": "/spec/replicas", "value": <specify_value_to_scale_replicas>]'
The command removes
from the YAML file, adds"spec.replicas"
, and sets"spec.replicas"
to the integer value that you specify.
Additional resources
5.2.3. Handling ingress in a hosted cluster on bare metal
Every OpenShift Container Platform cluster has a default application Ingress Controller that typically has an external DNS record associated with it. For example, if you create a hosted cluster named example
with the base domain
, you can expect the wildcard domain *
to be routable.
To set up a load balancer and wildcard DNS record for the *.apps
domain, perform the following actions on your guest cluster:
Deploy MetalLB by creating a YAML file that contains the configuration for the MetalLB Operator:
apiVersion: v1 kind: Namespace metadata: name: metallb labels: "true" annotations: management --- apiVersion: kind: OperatorGroup metadata: name: metallb-operator-operatorgroup namespace: metallb --- apiVersion: kind: Subscription metadata: name: metallb-operator namespace: metallb spec: channel: "stable" name: metallb-operator source: redhat-operators sourceNamespace: openshift-marketplace
Save the file as
. Enter the following command to apply the configuration:
$ oc apply -f metallb-operator-config.yaml
After the Operator is running, create the MetalLB instance:
Create a YAML file that contains the configuration for the MetalLB instance:
apiVersion: kind: MetalLB metadata: name: metallb namespace: metallb
Save the file as
. Create the MetalLB instance by entering this command:
$ oc apply -f metallb-instance-config.yaml
Create an
resource with a single IP address. This IP address must be on the same subnet as the network that the cluster nodes use.Create a file, such as
, with content like the following example:apiVersion: kind: IPAddressPool metadata: namespace: metallb name: <ip_address_pool_name> 1 spec: addresses: - <ingress_ip>-<ingress_ip> 2 autoAssign: false
Apply the configuration for the IP address pool by entering the following command:
$ oc apply -f ipaddresspool.yaml
Create a L2 advertisement.
Create a file, such as
, with content like the following example:apiVersion: kind: L2Advertisement metadata: name: <l2_advertisement_name> 1 namespace: metallb spec: ipAddressPools: - <ip_address_pool_name> 2
Apply the configuration by entering the following command:
$ oc apply -f l2advertisement.yaml
After creating a service of the
type, MetalLB adds an external IP address for the service.Configure a new load balancer service that routes ingress traffic to the ingress deployment by creating a YAML file named
:kind: Service apiVersion: v1 metadata: annotations: ingress-public-ip name: metallb-ingress namespace: openshift-ingress spec: ports: - name: http protocol: TCP port: 80 targetPort: 80 - name: https protocol: TCP port: 443 targetPort: 443 selector: default type: LoadBalancer
Save the
file. Enter the following command to apply the YAML configuration:
$ oc apply -f metallb-loadbalancer-service.yaml
Enter the following command to reach the OpenShift Container Platform console:
$ curl -kI
Example output
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Check the
values to verify that everything is running. Enter the following command:$ oc --kubeconfig <hosted_cluster_name>.kubeconfig get clusterversion,co
Example output
NAME VERSION AVAILABLE PROGRESSING SINCE STATUS 4.x.y True False 3m32s Cluster version is 4.x.y NAME VERSION AVAILABLE PROGRESSING DEGRADED SINCE MESSAGE 4.x.y True False False 3m50s 4.x.y True False False 53m
with the supported OpenShift Container Platform version that you want to use, for example,4.17.0-multi
Additional resources
5.2.4. Enabling machine health checks on bare metal
You can enable machine health checks on bare metal to repair and replace unhealthy managed cluster nodes automatically. You must have additional agent machines that are ready to install in the managed cluster.
Consider the following limitations before enabling machine health checks:
You cannot modify the
object. -
Machine health checks replace nodes only when at least two nodes stay in the
status for more than 8 minutes.
After you enable machine health checks for the managed cluster nodes, the MachineHealthCheck
object is created in your hosted cluster.
To enable machine health checks in your hosted cluster, modify the NodePool
resource. Complete the following steps:
Verify that the
value in yourNodePool
resource is greater than0s
. Replace<hosted_cluster_namespace>
with the name of your hosted cluster namespace and<nodepool_name>
with the node pool name. Run the following command:$ oc get nodepool -n <hosted_cluster_namespace> <nodepool_name> -o yaml | grep nodeDrainTimeout
Example output
nodeDrainTimeout: 30s
If the
value is not greater than0s
, modify the value by running the following command:$ oc patch nodepool -n <hosted_cluster_namespace> <nodepool_name> -p '{"spec":{"nodeDrainTimeout": "30m"}}' --type=merge
Enable machine health checks by setting the
field totrue
in theNodePool
resource. Run the following command:$ oc patch nodepool -n <hosted_cluster_namespace> <nodepool_name> -p '{"spec": {"management": {"autoRepair":true}}}' --type=merge
Verify that the
resource is updated with theautoRepair: true
value by running the following command:$ oc get nodepool -n <hosted_cluster_namespace> <nodepool_name> -o yaml | grep autoRepair
5.2.5. Disabling machine health checks on bare metal
To disable machine health checks for the managed cluster nodes, modify the NodePool
Disable machine health checks by setting the
field tofalse
in theNodePool
resource. Run the following command:$ oc patch nodepool -n <hosted_cluster_namespace> <nodepool_name> -p '{"spec": {"management": {"autoRepair":false}}}' --type=merge
Verify that the
resource is updated with theautoRepair: false
value by running the following command:$ oc get nodepool -n <hosted_cluster_namespace> <nodepool_name> -o yaml | grep autoRepair
Additional resources
5.3. Managing hosted control planes on OpenShift Virtualization
After you deploy a hosted cluster on OpenShift Virtualization, you can manage the cluster by completing the following procedures.
5.3.1. Accessing the hosted cluster
You can access the hosted cluster by either getting the kubeconfig
file and kubeadmin
credential directly from resources, or by using the hcp
command line interface to generate a kubeconfig
To access the hosted cluster by getting the kubeconfig
file and credentials directly from resources, you must be familiar with the access secrets for hosted clusters. The hosted cluster (hosting) namespace contains hosted cluster resources and the access secrets. The hosted control plane namespace is where the hosted control plane runs.
The secret name formats are as follows:
(clusters-hypershift-demo-admin-kubeconfig) -
password secret:<hosted_cluster_namespace>-<name>-kubeadmin-password
The kubeconfig
secret contains a Base64-encoded kubeconfig
field, which you can decode and save into a file to use with the following command:
$ oc --kubeconfig <hosted_cluster_name>.kubeconfig get nodes
The kubeadmin
password secret is also Base64-encoded. You can decode it and use the password to log in to the API server or console of the hosted cluster.
To access the hosted cluster by using the
CLI to generate thekubeconfig
file, take the following steps:Generate the
file by entering the following command:$ hcp create kubeconfig --namespace <hosted_cluster_namespace> \ --name <hosted_cluster_name> > <hosted_cluster_name>.kubeconfig
After you save the
file, you can access the hosted cluster by entering the following example command:$ oc --kubeconfig <hosted_cluster_name>.kubeconfig get nodes
5.3.2. Enabling node auto-scaling for the hosted cluster
When you need more capacity in your hosted cluster and spare agents are available, you can enable auto-scaling to install new worker nodes.
To enable auto-scaling, enter the following command:
$ oc -n <hosted_cluster_namespace> patch nodepool <hosted_cluster_name> \ --type=json \ -p '[{"op": "remove", "path": "/spec/replicas"},{"op":"add", "path": "/spec/autoScaling", "value": { "max": 5, "min": 2 }}]'
NoteIn the example, the minimum number of nodes is 2, and the maximum is 5. The maximum number of nodes that you can add might be bound by your platform. For example, if you use the Agent platform, the maximum number of nodes is bound by the number of available agents.
Create a workload that requires a new node.
Create a YAML file that contains the workload configuration, by using the following example:
apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: creationTimestamp: null labels: app: reversewords name: reversewords namespace: default spec: replicas: 40 selector: matchLabels: app: reversewords strategy: {} template: metadata: creationTimestamp: null labels: app: reversewords spec: containers: - image: name: reversewords resources: requests: memory: 2Gi status: {}
Save the file as
. Apply the YAML by entering the following command:
$ oc apply -f workload-config.yaml
Extract the
secret by entering the following command:$ oc extract -n <hosted_cluster_namespace> \ secret/<hosted_cluster_name>-admin-kubeconfig \ --to=./hostedcluster-secrets --confirm
Example output
You can check if new nodes are in the
status by entering the following command:$ oc --kubeconfig ./hostedcluster-secrets get nodes
To remove the node, delete the workload by entering the following command:
$ oc --kubeconfig ./hostedcluster-secrets -n <namespace> \ delete deployment <deployment_name>
Wait for several minutes to pass without requiring the additional capacity. On the Agent platform, the agent is decommissioned and can be reused. You can confirm that the node was removed by entering the following command:
$ oc --kubeconfig ./hostedcluster-secrets get nodes
For IBM Z agents, compute nodes are detached from the cluster only for IBM Z with KVM agents. For z/VM and LPAR, you must delete the compute nodes manually.
Agents can be reused only for IBM Z with KVM. For z/VM and LPAR, re-create the agents to use them as compute nodes.
5.3.3. Configuring storage for hosted control planes on OpenShift Virtualization
If you do not provide any advanced storage configuration, the default storage class is used for the KubeVirt virtual machine (VM) images, the KubeVirt Container Storage Interface (CSI) mapping, and the etcd volumes.
The following table lists the capabilities that the infrastructure must provide to support persistent storage in a hosted cluster:
Infrastructure CSI provider | Hosted cluster CSI provider | Hosted cluster capabilities | Notes |
Any RWX |
Basic: RWO | Recommended |
Any RWX | Red Hat OpenShift Data Foundation external mode | Red Hat OpenShift Data Foundation feature set | |
Any RWX | Red Hat OpenShift Data Foundation internal mode | Red Hat OpenShift Data Foundation feature set | Do not use | Mapping KubeVirt CSI storage classes
KubeVirt CSI supports mapping a infrastructure storage class that is capable of ReadWriteMany
(RWX) access. You can map the infrastructure storage class to hosted storage class during cluster creation.
To map the infrastructure storage class to the hosted storage class, use the
argument by running the following command:$ hcp create cluster kubevirt \ --name <hosted_cluster_name> \ 1 --node-pool-replicas <worker_node_count> \ 2 --pull-secret <path_to_pull_secret> \ 3 --memory <memory> \ 4 --cores <cpu> \ 5 --infra-storage-class-mapping=<infrastructure_storage_class>/<hosted_storage_class> \ 6
- 1
- Specify the name of your hosted cluster, for instance,
. - 2
- Specify the worker count, for example,
. - 3
- Specify the path to your pull secret, for example,
. - 4
- Specify a value for memory, for example,
. - 5
- Specify a value for CPU, for example,
. - 6
- Replace
with the infrastructure storage class name and<hosted_storage_class>
with the hosted cluster storage class name. You can use the--infra-storage-class-mapping
argument multiple times within thehcp create cluster
After you create the hosted cluster, the infrastructure storage class is visible within the hosted cluster. When you create a Persistent Volume Claim (PVC) within the hosted cluster that uses one of those storage classes, KubeVirt CSI provisions that volume by using the infrastructure storage class mapping that you configured during cluster creation.
KubeVirt CSI supports mapping only an infrastructure storage class that is capable of RWX access.
The following table shows how volume and access mode capabilities map to KubeVirt CSI storage classes:
Infrastructure CSI capability | Hosted cluster CSI capability | VM live migration support | Notes |
RWX: |
| Supported |
Use |
RWO | Not supported | Lack of live migration support affects the ability to update the underlying infrastructure cluster that hosts the KubeVirt VMs. |
RWO | Not supported |
Lack of live migration support affects the ability to update the underlying infrastructure cluster that hosts the KubeVirt VMs. Use of the infrastructure | Mapping a single KubeVirt CSI volume snapshot class
You can expose your infrastructure volume snapshot class to the hosted cluster by using KubeVirt CSI.
To map your volume snapshot class to the hosted cluster, use the
argument when creating a hosted cluster. Run the following command:$ hcp create cluster kubevirt \ --name <hosted_cluster_name> \ 1 --node-pool-replicas <worker_node_count> \ 2 --pull-secret <path_to_pull_secret> \ 3 --memory <memory> \ 4 --cores <cpu> \ 5 --infra-storage-class-mapping=<infrastructure_storage_class>/<hosted_storage_class> \ 6 --infra-volumesnapshot-class-mapping=<infrastructure_volume_snapshot_class>/<hosted_volume_snapshot_class> 7
- 1
- Specify the name of your hosted cluster, for instance,
. - 2
- Specify the worker count, for example,
. - 3
- Specify the path to your pull secret, for example,
. - 4
- Specify a value for memory, for example,
. - 5
- Specify a value for CPU, for example,
. - 6
- Replace
with the storage class present in the infrastructure cluster. Replace<hosted_storage_class>
with the storage class present in the hosted cluster. - 7
- Replace
with the volume snapshot class present in the infrastructure cluster. Replace<hosted_volume_snapshot_class>
with the volume snapshot class present in the hosted cluster.
NoteIf you do not use the
arguments, a hosted cluster is created with the default storage class and the volume snapshot class. Therefore, you must set the default storage class and the volume snapshot class in the infrastructure cluster. Mapping multiple KubeVirt CSI volume snapshot classes
You can map multiple volume snapshot classes to the hosted cluster by assigning them to a specific group. The infrastructure storage class and the volume snapshot class are compatible with each other only if they belong to a same group.
To map multiple volume snapshot classes to the hosted cluster, use the
option when creating a hosted cluster. Run the following command:$ hcp create cluster kubevirt \ --name <hosted_cluster_name> \ 1 --node-pool-replicas <worker_node_count> \ 2 --pull-secret <path_to_pull_secret> \ 3 --memory <memory> \ 4 --cores <cpu> \ 5 --infra-storage-class-mapping=<infrastructure_storage_class>/<hosted_storage_class>,group=<group_name> \ 6 --infra-storage-class-mapping=<infrastructure_storage_class>/<hosted_storage_class>,group=<group_name> \ --infra-storage-class-mapping=<infrastructure_storage_class>/<hosted_storage_class>,group=<group_name> \ --infra-volumesnapshot-class-mapping=<infrastructure_volume_snapshot_class>/<hosted_volume_snapshot_class>,group=<group_name> \ 7 --infra-volumesnapshot-class-mapping=<infrastructure_volume_snapshot_class>/<hosted_volume_snapshot_class>,group=<group_name>
- 1
- Specify the name of your hosted cluster, for instance,
. - 2
- Specify the worker count, for example,
. - 3
- Specify the path to your pull secret, for example,
. - 4
- Specify a value for memory, for example,
. - 5
- Specify a value for CPU, for example,
. - 6
- Replace
with the storage class present in the infrastructure cluster. Replace<hosted_storage_class>
with the storage class present in the hosted cluster. Replace<group_name>
with the group name. For example,infra-storage-class-mygroup/hosted-storage-class-mygroup,group=mygroup
. - 7
- Replace
with the volume snapshot class present in the infrastructure cluster. Replace<hosted_volume_snapshot_class>
with the volume snapshot class present in the hosted cluster. For example,infra-vol-snap-mygroup/hosted-vol-snap-mygroup,group=mygroup
. Configuring KubeVirt VM root volume
At cluster creation time, you can configure the storage class that is used to host the KubeVirt VM root volumes by using the --root-volume-storage-class
To set a custom storage class and volume size for KubeVirt VMs, run the following command:
$ hcp create cluster kubevirt \ --name <hosted_cluster_name> \ 1 --node-pool-replicas <worker_node_count> \ 2 --pull-secret <path_to_pull_secret> \ 3 --memory <memory> \ 4 --cores <cpu> \ 5 --root-volume-storage-class <root_volume_storage_class> \ 6 --root-volume-size <volume_size> 7
- 1
- Specify the name of your hosted cluster, for instance,
. - 2
- Specify the worker count, for example,
. - 3
- Specify the path to your pull secret, for example,
. - 4
- Specify a value for memory, for example,
. - 5
- Specify a value for CPU, for example,
. - 6
- Specify a name of the storage class to host the KubeVirt VM root volumes, for example,
. - 7
- Specify the volume size, for example,
As a result, you get a hosted cluster created with VMs hosted on PVCs. Enabling KubeVirt VM image caching
You can use KubeVirt VM image caching to optimize both cluster startup time and storage usage. KubeVirt VM image caching supports the use of a storage class that is capable of smart cloning and the ReadWriteMany
access mode. For more information about smart cloning, see Cloning a data volume using smart-cloning.
Image caching works as follows:
- The VM image is imported to a PVC that is associated with the hosted cluster.
- A unique clone of that PVC is created for every KubeVirt VM that is added as a worker node to the cluster.
Image caching reduces VM startup time by requiring only a single image import. It can further reduce overall cluster storage usage when the storage class supports copy-on-write cloning.
To enable image caching, during cluster creation, use the
argument by running the following command:$ hcp create cluster kubevirt \ --name <hosted_cluster_name> \ 1 --node-pool-replicas <worker_node_count> \ 2 --pull-secret <path_to_pull_secret> \ 3 --memory <memory> \ 4 --cores <cpu> \ 5 --root-volume-cache-strategy=PVC 6
- 1
- Specify the name of your hosted cluster, for instance,
. - 2
- Specify the worker count, for example,
. - 3
- Specify the path to your pull secret, for example,
. - 4
- Specify a value for memory, for example,
. - 5
- Specify a value for CPU, for example,
. - 6
- Specify a strategy for image caching, for example,
. KubeVirt CSI storage security and isolation
KubeVirt Container Storage Interface (CSI) extends the storage capabilities of the underlying infrastructure cluster to hosted clusters. The CSI driver ensures secure and isolated access to the infrastructure storage classes and hosted clusters by using the following security constraints:
- The storage of a hosted cluster is isolated from the other hosted clusters.
- Worker nodes in a hosted cluster do not have a direct API access to the infrastructure cluster. The hosted cluster can provision storage on the infrastructure cluster only through the controlled KubeVirt CSI interface.
- The hosted cluster does not have access to the KubeVirt CSI cluster controller. As a result, the hosted cluster cannot access arbitrary storage volumes on the infrastructure cluster that are not associated with the hosted cluster. The KubeVirt CSI cluster controller runs in a pod in the hosted control plane namespace.
- Role-based access control (RBAC) of the KubeVirt CSI cluster controller limits the persistent volume claim (PVC) access to only the hosted control plane namespace. Therefore, KubeVirt CSI components cannot access storage from the other namespaces.
Additional resources Configuring etcd storage
At cluster creation time, you can configure the storage class that is used to host etcd data by using the --etcd-storage-class
To configure a storage class for etcd, run the following command:
$ hcp create cluster kubevirt \ --name <hosted_cluster_name> \ 1 --node-pool-replicas <worker_node_count> \ 2 --pull-secret <path_to_pull_secret> \ 3 --memory <memory> \ 4 --cores <cpu> \ 5 --etcd-storage-class=<etcd_storage_class_name> 6
- 1
- Specify the name of your hosted cluster, for instance,
. - 2
- Specify the worker count, for example,
. - 3
- Specify the path to your pull secret, for example,
. - 4
- Specify a value for memory, for example,
. - 5
- Specify a value for CPU, for example,
. - 6
- Specify the etcd storage class name, for example,
. If you do not provide an--etcd-storage-class
argument, the default storage class is used.
5.3.4. Attaching NVIDIA GPU devices by using the hcp CLI
You can attach one or more NVIDIA graphics processing unit (GPU) devices to node pools by using the hcp
command-line interface (CLI) in a hosted cluster on OpenShift Virtualization.
Attaching NVIDIA GPU devices to node pools is a Technology Preview feature only. Technology Preview features are not supported with Red Hat production service level agreements (SLAs) and might not be functionally complete. Red Hat does not recommend using them in production. These features provide early access to upcoming product features, enabling customers to test functionality and provide feedback during the development process.
For more information about the support scope of Red Hat Technology Preview features, see Technology Preview Features Support Scope.
- You have exposed the NVIDIA GPU device as a resource on the node where the GPU device resides. For more information, see NVIDIA GPU Operator with OpenShift Virtualization.
- You have exposed the NVIDIA GPU device as an extended resource on the node to assign it to node pools.
You can attach the GPU device to node pools during cluster creation by running the following command:
$ hcp create cluster kubevirt \ --name <hosted_cluster_name> \1 --node-pool-replicas <worker_node_count> \2 --pull-secret <path_to_pull_secret> \3 --memory <memory> \4 --cores <cpu> \5 --host-device-name="<gpu_device_name>,count:<value>" 6
- 1
- Specify the name of your hosted cluster, for instance,
. - 2
- Specify the worker count, for example,
. - 3
- Specify the path to your pull secret, for example,
. - 4
- Specify a value for memory, for example,
. - 5
- Specify a value for CPU, for example,
. - 6
- Specify the GPU device name and the count, for example,
. The--host-device-name
argument takes the name of the GPU device from the infrastructure node and an optional count that represents the number of GPU devices you want to attach to each virtual machine (VM) in node pools. The default count is1
. For example, if you attach 2 GPU devices to 3 node pool replicas, all 3 VMs in the node pool are attached to the 2 GPU devices.
TipYou can use the
argument multiple times to attach multiple devices of different types.
5.3.5. Attaching NVIDIA GPU devices by using the NodePool resource
You can attach one or more NVIDIA graphics processing unit (GPU) devices to node pools by configuring the nodepool.spec.platform.kubevirt.hostDevices
field in the NodePool
Attaching NVIDIA GPU devices to node pools is a Technology Preview feature only. Technology Preview features are not supported with Red Hat production service level agreements (SLAs) and might not be functionally complete. Red Hat does not recommend using them in production. These features provide early access to upcoming product features, enabling customers to test functionality and provide feedback during the development process.
For more information about the support scope of Red Hat Technology Preview features, see Technology Preview Features Support Scope.
Attach one or more GPU devices to node pools:
To attach a single GPU device, configure the
resource by using the following example configuration:apiVersion: kind: NodePool metadata: name: <hosted_cluster_name> 1 namespace: <hosted_cluster_namespace> 2 spec: arch: amd64 clusterName: <hosted_cluster_name> management: autoRepair: false upgradeType: Replace nodeDrainTimeout: 0s nodeVolumeDetachTimeout: 0s platform: kubevirt: attachDefaultNetwork: true compute: cores: <cpu> 3 memory: <memory> 4 hostDevices: 5 - count: <count> 6 deviceName: <gpu_device_name> 7 networkInterfaceMultiqueue: Enable rootVolume: persistent: size: 32Gi type: Persistent type: KubeVirt replicas: <worker_node_count> 8
- 1
- Specify the name of your hosted cluster, for instance,
. - 2
- Specify the name of the hosted cluster namespace, for example,
. - 3
- Specify a value for CPU, for example,
. - 4
- Specify a value for memory, for example,
. - 5
- The
field defines a list of different types of GPU devices that you can attach to node pools. - 6
- Specify the number of GPU devices you want to attach to each virtual machine (VM) in node pools. For example, if you attach 2 GPU devices to 3 node pool replicas, all 3 VMs in the node pool are attached to the 2 GPU devices. The default count is
. - 7
- Specify the GPU device name, for example,
. - 8
- Specify the worker count, for example,
To attach multiple GPU devices, configure the
resource by using the following example configuration:apiVersion: kind: NodePool metadata: name: <hosted_cluster_name> namespace: <hosted_cluster_namespace> spec: arch: amd64 clusterName: <hosted_cluster_name> management: autoRepair: false upgradeType: Replace nodeDrainTimeout: 0s nodeVolumeDetachTimeout: 0s platform: kubevirt: attachDefaultNetwork: true compute: cores: <cpu> memory: <memory> hostDevices: - count: <count> deviceName: <gpu_device_name> - count: <count> deviceName: <gpu_device_name> - count: <count> deviceName: <gpu_device_name> - count: <count> deviceName: <gpu_device_name> networkInterfaceMultiqueue: Enable rootVolume: persistent: size: 32Gi type: Persistent type: KubeVirt replicas: <worker_node_count>
5.4. Managing hosted control planes on non-bare-metal agent machines
After you deploy hosted control planes on non-bare-metal agent machines, you can manage a hosted cluster by completing the following tasks.
5.4.1. Accessing the hosted cluster
You can access the hosted cluster by either getting the kubeconfig
file and kubeadmin
credential directly from resources, or by using the hcp
command line interface to generate a kubeconfig
To access the hosted cluster by getting the kubeconfig
file and credentials directly from resources, you must be familiar with the access secrets for hosted clusters. The hosted cluster (hosting) namespace contains hosted cluster resources and the access secrets. The hosted control plane namespace is where the hosted control plane runs.
The secret name formats are as follows:
. For example,clusters-hypershift-demo-admin-kubeconfig
. -
password secret:<hosted_cluster_namespace>-<name>-kubeadmin-password
. For example,clusters-hypershift-demo-kubeadmin-password
The kubeconfig
secret contains a Base64-encoded kubeconfig
field, which you can decode and save into a file to use with the following command:
$ oc --kubeconfig <hosted_cluster_name>.kubeconfig get nodes
The kubeadmin
password secret is also Base64-encoded. You can decode it and use the password to log in to the API server or console of the hosted cluster.
To access the hosted cluster by using the
CLI to generate thekubeconfig
file, take the following steps:Generate the
file by entering the following command:$ hcp create kubeconfig --namespace <hosted_cluster_namespace> \ --name <hosted_cluster_name> > <hosted_cluster_name>.kubeconfig
After you save the
file, you can access the hosted cluster by entering the following example command:$ oc --kubeconfig <hosted_cluster_name>.kubeconfig get nodes
5.4.2. Scaling the NodePool object for a hosted cluster
You can scale up the NodePool
object by adding nodes to your hosted cluster. When you scale a node pool, consider the following information:
- When you scale a replica by the node pool, a machine is created. For every machine, the Cluster API provider finds and installs an Agent that meets the requirements that are specified in the node pool specification. You can monitor the installation of an Agent by checking its status and conditions.
- When you scale down a node pool, Agents are unbound from the corresponding cluster. Before you can reuse the Agents, you must restart them by using the Discovery image.
Scale the
object to two nodes:$ oc -n <hosted_cluster_namespace> scale nodepool <nodepool_name> --replicas 2
The Cluster API agent provider randomly picks two agents that are then assigned to the hosted cluster. Those agents go through different states and finally join the hosted cluster as OpenShift Container Platform nodes. The agents pass through states in the following order:
Enter the following command:
$ oc -n <hosted_control_plane_namespace> get agent
Example output
NAME CLUSTER APPROVED ROLE STAGE 4dac1ab2-7dd5-4894-a220-6a3473b67ee6 hypercluster1 true auto-assign d9198891-39f4-4930-a679-65fb142b108b true auto-assign da503cf1-a347-44f2-875c-4960ddb04091 hypercluster1 true auto-assign
Enter the following command:
$ oc -n <hosted_control_plane_namespace> get agent \ -o jsonpath='{range .items[*]}BMH: {@.metadata.labels.agent-install\.openshift\.io/bmh} Agent: {} State: {@.status.debugInfo.state}{"\n"}{end}'
Example output
BMH: ocp-worker-2 Agent: 4dac1ab2-7dd5-4894-a220-6a3473b67ee6 State: binding BMH: ocp-worker-0 Agent: d9198891-39f4-4930-a679-65fb142b108b State: known-unbound BMH: ocp-worker-1 Agent: da503cf1-a347-44f2-875c-4960ddb04091 State: insufficient
Obtain the kubeconfig for your new hosted cluster by entering the extract command:
$ oc extract -n <hosted_cluster_namespace> \ secret/<hosted_cluster_name>-admin-kubeconfig --to=- \ > kubeconfig-<hosted_cluster_name>
After the agents reach the
state, verify that you can see the OpenShift Container Platform nodes in the hosted cluster by entering the following command:$ oc --kubeconfig kubeconfig-<hosted_cluster_name> get nodes
Example output
NAME STATUS ROLES AGE VERSION ocp-worker-1 Ready worker 5m41s v1.24.0+3882f8f ocp-worker-2 Ready worker 6m3s v1.24.0+3882f8f
Cluster Operators start to reconcile by adding workloads to the nodes.
Enter the following command to verify that two machines were created when you scaled up the
object:$ oc -n <hosted_control_plane_namespace> get machines
Example output
NAME CLUSTER NODENAME PROVIDERID PHASE AGE VERSION hypercluster1-c96b6f675-m5vch hypercluster1-b2qhl ocp-worker-1 agent://da503cf1-a347-44f2-875c-4960ddb04091 Running 15m 4.x.z hypercluster1-c96b6f675-tl42p hypercluster1-b2qhl ocp-worker-2 agent://4dac1ab2-7dd5-4894-a220-6a3473b67ee6 Running 15m 4.x.z
reconcile process eventually reaches a point where only Ingress and Console cluster operators are missing.Enter the following command:
$ oc --kubeconfig kubeconfig-<hosted_cluster_name> get clusterversion,co
Example output
NAME VERSION AVAILABLE PROGRESSING SINCE STATUS False True 40m Unable to apply 4.x.z: the cluster operator console has not yet successfully rolled out NAME VERSION AVAILABLE PROGRESSING DEGRADED SINCE MESSAGE 4.12z False False False 11m RouteHealthAvailable: failed to GET route ( Get "": dial tcp connect: connection refused 4.12z True False False 10m 4.12z True False False 9m16s Adding node pools
You can create node pools for a hosted cluster by specifying a name, number of replicas, and any additional information, such as an agent label selector.
To create a node pool, enter the following information:
$ hcp create nodepool agent \ --cluster-name <hosted_cluster_name> \1 --name <nodepool_name> \2 --node-count <worker_node_count> \3 --agentLabelSelector size=medium 4
- 1
- Replace
with your hosted cluster name. - 2
- Replace
with the name of your node pool, for example,<hosted_cluster_name>-extra-cpu
. - 3
- Replace
with the worker node count, for example,2
. - 4
- The
flag is optional. The node pool uses agents with thesize=medium
Check the status of the node pool by listing
resources in theclusters
namespace:$ oc get nodepools --namespace clusters
Extract the
secret by entering the following command:$ oc extract -n <hosted_control_plane_namespace> secret/admin-kubeconfig --to=./hostedcluster-secrets --confirm
Example output
After some time, you can check the status of the node pool by entering the following command:
$ oc --kubeconfig ./hostedcluster-secrets get nodes
Verify that the number of available node pools match the number of expected node pools by entering this command:
$ oc get nodepools --namespace clusters Enabling node auto-scaling for the hosted cluster
When you need more capacity in your hosted cluster and spare agents are available, you can enable auto-scaling to install new worker nodes.
To enable auto-scaling, enter the following command:
$ oc -n <hosted_cluster_namespace> patch nodepool <hosted_cluster_name> \ --type=json \ -p '[{"op": "remove", "path": "/spec/replicas"},{"op":"add", "path": "/spec/autoScaling", "value": { "max": 5, "min": 2 }}]'
NoteIn the example, the minimum number of nodes is 2, and the maximum is 5. The maximum number of nodes that you can add might be bound by your platform. For example, if you use the Agent platform, the maximum number of nodes is bound by the number of available agents.
Create a workload that requires a new node.
Create a YAML file that contains the workload configuration, by using the following example:
apiVersion: apps/v1 kind: Deployment metadata: creationTimestamp: null labels: app: reversewords name: reversewords namespace: default spec: replicas: 40 selector: matchLabels: app: reversewords strategy: {} template: metadata: creationTimestamp: null labels: app: reversewords spec: containers: - image: name: reversewords resources: requests: memory: 2Gi status: {}
Save the file as
. Apply the YAML by entering the following command:
$ oc apply -f workload-config.yaml
Extract the
secret by entering the following command:$ oc extract -n <hosted_cluster_namespace> \ secret/<hosted_cluster_name>-admin-kubeconfig \ --to=./hostedcluster-secrets --confirm
Example output
You can check if new nodes are in the
status by entering the following command:$ oc --kubeconfig ./hostedcluster-secrets get nodes
To remove the node, delete the workload by entering the following command:
$ oc --kubeconfig ./hostedcluster-secrets -n <namespace> \ delete deployment <deployment_name>
Wait for several minutes to pass without requiring the additional capacity. On the Agent platform, the agent is decommissioned and can be reused. You can confirm that the node was removed by entering the following command:
$ oc --kubeconfig ./hostedcluster-secrets get nodes
For IBM Z agents, compute nodes are detached from the cluster only for IBM Z with KVM agents. For z/VM and LPAR, you must delete the compute nodes manually.
Agents can be reused only for IBM Z with KVM. For z/VM and LPAR, re-create the agents to use them as compute nodes. Disabling node auto-scaling for the hosted cluster
To disable node auto-scaling, complete the following procedure.
Enter the following command to disable node auto-scaling for the hosted cluster:
$ oc -n <hosted_cluster_namespace> patch nodepool <hosted_cluster_name> \ --type=json \ -p '[\{"op":"remove", "path": "/spec/autoScaling"}, \{"op": "add", "path": "/spec/replicas", "value": <specify_value_to_scale_replicas>]'
The command removes
from the YAML file, adds"spec.replicas"
, and sets"spec.replicas"
to the integer value that you specify.
Additional resources
5.4.3. Handling ingress in a hosted cluster on non-bare-metal agent machines
Every OpenShift Container Platform cluster has a default application Ingress Controller that typically has an external DNS record associated with it. For example, if you create a hosted cluster named example
with the base domain
, you can expect the wildcard domain *
to be routable.
To set up a load balancer and wildcard DNS record for the *.apps
domain, perform the following actions on your guest cluster:
Deploy MetalLB by creating a YAML file that contains the configuration for the MetalLB Operator:
apiVersion: v1 kind: Namespace metadata: name: metallb labels: "true" annotations: management --- apiVersion: kind: OperatorGroup metadata: name: metallb-operator-operatorgroup namespace: metallb --- apiVersion: kind: Subscription metadata: name: metallb-operator namespace: metallb spec: channel: "stable" name: metallb-operator source: redhat-operators sourceNamespace: openshift-marketplace
Save the file as
. Enter the following command to apply the configuration:
$ oc apply -f metallb-operator-config.yaml
After the Operator is running, create the MetalLB instance:
Create a YAML file that contains the configuration for the MetalLB instance:
apiVersion: kind: MetalLB metadata: name: metallb namespace: metallb
Save the file as
. Create the MetalLB instance by entering this command:
$ oc apply -f metallb-instance-config.yaml
Create an
resource with a single IP address. This IP address must be on the same subnet as the network that the cluster nodes use.Create a file, such as
, with content like the following example:apiVersion: kind: IPAddressPool metadata: namespace: metallb name: <ip_address_pool_name> 1 spec: addresses: - <ingress_ip>-<ingress_ip> 2 autoAssign: false
Apply the configuration for the IP address pool by entering the following command:
$ oc apply -f ipaddresspool.yaml
Create a L2 advertisement.
Create a file, such as
, with content like the following example:apiVersion: kind: L2Advertisement metadata: name: <l2_advertisement_name> 1 namespace: metallb spec: ipAddressPools: - <ip_address_pool_name> 2
Apply the configuration by entering the following command:
$ oc apply -f l2advertisement.yaml
After creating a service of the
type, MetalLB adds an external IP address for the service.Configure a new load balancer service that routes ingress traffic to the ingress deployment by creating a YAML file named
:kind: Service apiVersion: v1 metadata: annotations: ingress-public-ip name: metallb-ingress namespace: openshift-ingress spec: ports: - name: http protocol: TCP port: 80 targetPort: 80 - name: https protocol: TCP port: 443 targetPort: 443 selector: default type: LoadBalancer
Save the
file. Enter the following command to apply the YAML configuration:
$ oc apply -f metallb-loadbalancer-service.yaml
Enter the following command to reach the OpenShift Container Platform console:
$ curl -kI
Example output
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Check the
values to verify that everything is running. Enter the following command:$ oc --kubeconfig <hosted_cluster_name>.kubeconfig get clusterversion,co
Example output
NAME VERSION AVAILABLE PROGRESSING SINCE STATUS 4.x.y True False 3m32s Cluster version is 4.x.y NAME VERSION AVAILABLE PROGRESSING DEGRADED SINCE MESSAGE 4.x.y True False False 3m50s 4.x.y True False False 53m
with the supported OpenShift Container Platform version that you want to use, for example,4.17.0-multi
Additional resources
5.4.4. Enabling machine health checks on non-bare-metal agent machines
You can enable machine health checks on bare metal to repair and replace unhealthy managed cluster nodes automatically. You must have additional agent machines that are ready to install in the managed cluster.
Consider the following limitations before enabling machine health checks:
You cannot modify the
object. -
Machine health checks replace nodes only when at least two nodes stay in the
status for more than 8 minutes.
After you enable machine health checks for the managed cluster nodes, the MachineHealthCheck
object is created in your hosted cluster.
To enable machine health checks in your hosted cluster, modify the NodePool
resource. Complete the following steps:
Verify that the
value in yourNodePool
resource is greater than0s
. Replace<hosted_cluster_namespace>
with the name of your hosted cluster namespace and<nodepool_name>
with the node pool name. Run the following command:$ oc get nodepool -n <hosted_cluster_namespace> <nodepool_name> -o yaml | grep nodeDrainTimeout
Example output
nodeDrainTimeout: 30s
If the
value is not greater than0s
, modify the value by running the following command:$ oc patch nodepool -n <hosted_cluster_namespace> <nodepool_name> -p '{"spec":{"nodeDrainTimeout": "30m"}}' --type=merge
Enable machine health checks by setting the
field totrue
in theNodePool
resource. Run the following command:$ oc patch nodepool -n <hosted_cluster_namespace> <nodepool_name> -p '{"spec": {"management": {"autoRepair":true}}}' --type=merge
Verify that the
resource is updated with theautoRepair: true
value by running the following command:$ oc get nodepool -n <hosted_cluster_namespace> <nodepool_name> -o yaml | grep autoRepair
5.4.5. Disabling machine health checks on non-bare-metal agent machines
To disable machine health checks for the managed cluster nodes, modify the NodePool
Disable machine health checks by setting the
field tofalse
in theNodePool
resource. Run the following command:$ oc patch nodepool -n <hosted_cluster_namespace> <nodepool_name> -p '{"spec": {"management": {"autoRepair":false}}}' --type=merge
Verify that the
resource is updated with theautoRepair: false
value by running the following command:$ oc get nodepool -n <hosted_cluster_namespace> <nodepool_name> -o yaml | grep autoRepair
Additional resources
5.5. Managing hosted control planes on IBM Power
After you deploy hosted control planes on IBM Power, you can manage a hosted cluster by completing the following tasks.
5.5.1. Creating an InfraEnv resource for hosted control planes on IBM Power
An InfraEnv
is a environment where hosts that are starting the live ISO can join as agents. In this case, the agents are created in the same namespace as your hosted control plane.
You can create an InfraEnv
resource for hosted control planes on 64-bit x86 bare metal for IBM Power compute nodes.
Create a YAML file to configure an
resource. See the following example:apiVersion: kind: InfraEnv metadata: name: <hosted_cluster_name> \1 namespace: <hosted_control_plane_namespace> \2 spec: cpuArchitecture: ppc64le pullSecretRef: name: pull-secret sshAuthorizedKey: <path_to_ssh_public_key> 3
- 1
- Replace
with the name of your hosted cluster. - 2
- Replace
with the name of the hosted control plane namespace, for example,clusters-hosted
. - 3
- Replace
with the path to your SSH public key. The default file path is~/.ssh/
Save the file as
. Apply the configuration by entering the following command:
$ oc apply -f infraenv-config.yaml
To fetch the URL to download the live ISO, which allows IBM Power machines to join as agents, enter the following command:
$ oc -n <hosted_control_plane_namespace> get InfraEnv <hosted_cluster_name> \ -o json
5.5.2. Adding IBM Power agents to the InfraEnv resource
You can add agents by manually configuring the machine to start with the live ISO.
Download the live ISO and use it to start a bare metal or a virtual machine (VM) host. You can find the URL for the live ISO in the
field, in theInfraEnv
resource. At startup, the host communicates with the Assisted Service and registers as an agent in the same namespace as theInfraEnv
resource. To list the agents and some of their properties, enter the following command:
$ oc -n <hosted_control_plane_namespace> get agents
Example output
NAME CLUSTER APPROVED ROLE STAGE 86f7ac75-4fc4-4b36-8130-40fa12602218 auto-assign e57a637f-745b-496e-971d-1abbf03341ba auto-assign
After each agent is created, you can optionally set the
for an agent:To set the
field for an agent, enter the following command:$ oc -n <hosted_control_plane_namespace> patch agent <agent_name> -p '{"spec":{"installation_disk_id":"<installation_disk_id>","approved":true}}' --type merge
To set the
field for an agent, enter the following command:$ oc -n <hosted_control_plane_namespace> patch agent <agent_name> -p '{"spec":{"hostname":"<hostname>","approved":true}}' --type merge
To verify that the agents are approved for use, enter the following command:
$ oc -n <hosted_control_plane_namespace> get agents
Example output
NAME CLUSTER APPROVED ROLE STAGE 86f7ac75-4fc4-4b36-8130-40fa12602218 true auto-assign e57a637f-745b-496e-971d-1abbf03341ba true auto-assign
5.5.3. Scaling the NodePool object for a hosted cluster on IBM Power
The NodePool
object is created when you create a hosted cluster. By scaling the NodePool
object, you can add more compute nodes to hosted control planes.
Run the following command to scale the
object to two nodes:$ oc -n <hosted_cluster_namespace> scale nodepool <nodepool_name> --replicas 2
The Cluster API agent provider randomly picks two agents that are then assigned to the hosted cluster. Those agents go through different states and finally join the hosted cluster as OpenShift Container Platform nodes. The agents pass through the transition phases in the following order:
Run the following command to see the status of a specific scaled agent:
$ oc -n <hosted_control_plane_namespace> get agent \ -o jsonpath='{range .items[*]}BMH: {@.metadata.labels.agent-install\.openshift\.io/bmh} Agent: {} State: {@.status.debugInfo.state}{"\n"}{end}'
Example output
BMH: Agent: 50c23cda-cedc-9bbd-bcf1-9b3a5c75804d State: known-unbound BMH: Agent: 5e498cd3-542c-e54f-0c58-ed43e28b568a State: insufficient
Run the following command to see the transition phases:
$ oc -n <hosted_control_plane_namespace> get agent
Example output
NAME CLUSTER APPROVED ROLE STAGE 50c23cda-cedc-9bbd-bcf1-9b3a5c75804d hosted-forwarder true auto-assign 5e498cd3-542c-e54f-0c58-ed43e28b568a true auto-assign da503cf1-a347-44f2-875c-4960ddb04091 hosted-forwarder true auto-assign
Run the following command to generate the
file to access the hosted cluster:$ hcp create kubeconfig --namespace <hosted_cluster_namespace> \ --name <hosted_cluster_name> > <hosted_cluster_name>.kubeconfig
After the agents reach the
state, verify that you can see the OpenShift Container Platform nodes by entering the following command:$ oc --kubeconfig <hosted_cluster_name>.kubeconfig get nodes
Example output
NAME STATUS ROLES AGE VERSION Ready worker 5m41s v1.24.0+3882f8f Ready worker 6m3s v1.24.0+3882f8f
Enter the following command to verify that two machines were created when you scaled up the
object:$ oc -n <hosted_control_plane_namespace> get
Example output
NAME CLUSTER NODENAME PROVIDERID PHASE AGE VERSION hosted-forwarder-79558597ff-5tbqp hosted-forwarder-crqq5 agent://50c23cda-cedc-9bbd-bcf1-9b3a5c75804d Running 41h 4.15.0 hosted-forwarder-79558597ff-lfjfk hosted-forwarder-crqq5 agent://5e498cd3-542c-e54f-0c58-ed43e28b568a Running 41h 4.15.0
Run the following command to check the cluster version:
$ oc --kubeconfig <hosted_cluster_name>.kubeconfig get clusterversion
Example output
NAME VERSION AVAILABLE PROGRESSING SINCE STATUS 4.15.0 True False 40h Cluster version is 4.15.0
Run the following command to check the Cluster Operator status:
$ oc --kubeconfig <hosted_cluster_name>.kubeconfig get clusteroperators
For each component of your cluster, the output shows the following Cluster Operator statuses:
Additional resources