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18.12.3. Filtering Chain Priorities
As previously mentioned, when creating a filtering rule, all chains are connected to the root chain. The order in which those chains are accessed is influenced by the priority of the chain. The following table shows the chains that can be assigned a priority and their default priorities.
Chain (prefix) | Default priority |
stp | -810 |
mac | -800 |
vlan | -750 |
ipv4 | -700 |
ipv6 | -600 |
arp | -500 |
rarp | -400 |
A chain with a lower priority value is accessed before one with a higher value.
The chains listed in Table 18.1, “Filtering chain default priorities values” can be also be assigned custom priorities by writing a value in the range [-1000 to 1000] into the priority (XML) attribute in the filter node. Section 18.12.2, “Filtering Chains”filter shows the default priority of -500 for arp chains, for example.