Este conteúdo não está disponível no idioma selecionado. ARP/RARP
Protocol ID: arp or rarp
Rules of this type should either go into the root or arp/rarp chain.
Attribute Name | Datatype | Definition |
srcmacaddr | MAC_ADDR | MAC address of sender |
srcmacmask | MAC_MASK | Mask applied to MAC address of sender |
dstmacaddr | MAC_ADDR | MAC address of destination |
dstmacmask | MAC_MASK | Mask applied to MAC address of destination |
hwtype | UINT16 | Hardware type |
protocoltype | UINT16 | Protocol type |
opcode | UINT16, STRING | Opcode valid strings are: Request, Reply, Request_Reverse, Reply_Reverse, DRARP_Request, DRARP_Reply, DRARP_Error, InARP_Request, ARP_NAK |
arpsrcmacaddr | MAC_ADDR | Source MAC address in ARP/RARP packet |
arpdstmacaddr | MAC _ADDR | Destination MAC address in ARP/RARP packet |
arpsrcipaddr | IP_ADDR | Source IP address in ARP/RARP packet |
arpdstipaddr | IP_ADDR | Destination IP address in ARP/RARP packet |
gratuitous | BOOLEAN | Boolean indiating whether to check for a gratuitous ARP packet |
comment | STRING | text string up to 256 characters |