4.4. Web Services

Table 4.4, “Web Services Enhancements in 6.1” lists the enhancements in version 6.1.
Table 4.4. Web Services Enhancements in 6.1
ENTESB-826Add EA repo to archetypes
SF-455Suppose to change the trustManager dynamically on CXF
ENTESB-989introduce cxf swagger feature
SF-462generate a WSDL / WADL / swagger API docs.json and deploy to the maven build as part of the maven build
SF-463provide an MBean to be able to return the JSON Schema of an XML Schema type
SF-464provide a JMX API so we know which features are available - WSDL, WADL, swagger
SF-465provide a JMX API to access the CXF Servlet path so we don't have to hard code it to "/cxf" in code
SF-466would be nice if the swagger feature could be discovered by the CXF bus on the classpath
SF-467provide an MBean to be able to return the JSON Schema for REST endpoint
SF-471the generated WADL doesn't include the class name of the XML / JSON DTO
CXF-2335Support @Context injection for JAX-RS Subresources
CXF-3932RSTR Lifetime element sets current time in Created element
CXF-4289Coping Request SOAP Headers to Fault response
CXF-4397Cached Reader/Writer in org.apache.cxf.io
CXF-4457Extend WS-SecureConversation to support SAML Assertions for authentication
CXF-4461ClaimsHandler is called only if a requested claim is supported
CXF-4463Support caching for mapped principals/identites
CXF-4525expose http client, allow for NTLM authentication
CXF-4531Introduce ContinuationCallback interface for reporting various continuation status updates
CXF-4544Create a common SAML-based SecurityContext for both the JAX-RS and JAX-WS layers
CXF-4548Enable use of customized session provider in OAuth2 GrantService
CXF-4549Add retrieval of AccessToken to OAuth2 MessageContext
CXF-4555enable http:conduit to configure the chunk size
CXF-4558Relax the requirement for a child <wsp:Policy> element for a WS-SecurityPolicy HttpsToken policy
CXF-4561Allow disabling WSI-BSP compliance in UsernameTokenInterceptor
CXF-4568Adding OAuthContextUtils
CXF-4576Provide logs on policy attachment parsing errors
CXF-4577Support EHCACHE 2.5.2+
CXF-4578SearchConditionVisitor should be parameterized on the query type
CXF-4585Updated the cxf imports version range of sts-core bundle
CXF-4590STSUtils: DRY refactoring and support Soap12 via property
CXF-4593STSClient: support different SOAP bindings for MEX call
CXF-4596Adding an option to encrypt tmp files generated by CachedOutputStream
CXF-4602getL7dLogger improvements
CXF-4607RequestDispatcherProvider should be able to use enum classes better
CXF-4628Only use default AttributeStatementProvider in STS if no Claims were handled
CXF-4638Add ability to set STSClient Claims via a CallbackHandler
CXF-4639Add ability to send an existing SAML Token via the JAX-RS SAML code
CXF-4641Make it simpler to convert FIQL expressions to custom expressions in the application code
CXF-4654cxf:list-buses - Table layout should be aligned if bus name is long
CXF-4655Enforce SAML SubjectConfirmation requirements for the non WS-SecurityPolicy case
CXF-4656[OAuth 2] Add attributes property to UserSubject object
CXF-4657Add XACML functionality to CXF runtime
CXF-4660Support list parameters at CXFNonSpringJaxrsServlet
CXF-4661Make CachedOutputStream configurable using the Bus properties
CXF-4664Support primary and secondary Claims in the STS
CXF-4668STS: provide callback to modify AssertionWrapper before signing
CXF-4669[OAuth2] Return expires_in with token in ImplicitGrantService
CXF-4672Extra class property is not used when JAXB package contexts are created
CXF-4673[OAuth2] Add requestedScope as a parameter to getPreauthorizedToken
CXF-4674Early consume publishedEndpointUrl property
CXF-4675Move createUserSubject from RedirectionBasedGrantService to the OAuthDataProvider
CXF-4677Introduce "autoRewriteSoapAddressForAllServices" property to overwrite all service endpoints in returning WSDL
CXF-4693Search visitors are not thread safe
CXF-4700Add an operation for manually removing WS-RM messages and sequences over JMX
CXF-4702Make it possible to get global JAX-RS providers registered on the bus
CXF-4703CXF loading performance
CXF-4705Allow STS to configure signature + encryption crypto objects via URL + Properties object
CXF-4712Minor performance improvements (bus start and service build from wsdl)
CXF-4717should add dependency='true' for javamail bundle in cxf features.xml
CXF-4724cxf-codegen-plugin should be able to use proxy.user/proxy.password from maven settings.xml
CXF-4747Support easier configuration of Spring bus with WebClient
CXF-4748getMessage from java.lang.Throwable is excluded from accepted method
CXF-4760Provide ability to disable chunked transfer encoding for BinaryDataProvider
CXF-4768Refact SwaOutInterceptor for more compatible JAXB Impl usage
CXF-4777Allow providing CXF compiler instance to be used in WSDLToJava
CXF-4786Support KerberosToken SupportingToken policies without a security binding
CXF-4798Allow CachedWriter and CachedOutputStream to be configured using the same set of properties
CXF-4799Parameterized Classes should be automatically added to JAXBContext
CXF-4800Exception mapper on the client in case of method Response retun value
CXF-4825Remove static JAX-RS API calls from within JAX-RS server and client runtimes
CXF-4829Add OperationInfo based authorization interceptor
CXF-4839WSDL parser error not logged
CXF-4840add more optional Import-Package for cxf-rt-transports-http module
CXF-4843STSClient always uses "old" WS-Policy namespace for AppliesTo
CXF-4849WebClient needs to support JAX-RS 2.0 GenericType
CXF-4854Load the STS war on startup
CXF-4857Workaround for Socket Closed exception with some JDK 1.6.0_nn (>= 38)
CXF-4896Reduce reflection usage during java-first endpoint creation
CXF-4900Provide options to control the cxf bus's interaction with osgi-service based features and lifecycle listeners
CXF-4915JAX-RS HttpHeaders implementations creates too many maps
CXF-4926remove org.apache.activemq.activemq-core as Require-Bundle from wsn-core module
CXF-4931Create the SecurityContext from a JAAS Subject in the WS-* layer if available
CXF-4959Support hierarchical mimetypes
CXF-4966KerberosClient does not need the cxf Bus but it is required in the constructor
CXF-4968Add an option to limit the number of active sequences that are created at WS-RM endpoints
CXF-4971JSONProvider should be able to drop a root dynamically
CXF-4974CXF JAX-RS Client interface should support close() calls similarly to frontend Client
CXF-4978Only encrypt an issued token if we have a matching key
CXF-4987org.apache.cxf.ws.security.wss4j.WSS4JOutInterceptor disables mtom silently
CXF-4997Skip PolicyBasedWSS4JInInterceptor processing when AssertionInfoMap not available
CXF-4998JAXRSClientFactory: Missing factory method for username+password and providers
CXF-5025Support WS-SecurityPolicy "Strict" Layout validation
CXF-5031Add support for SupportingToken policy assertions without a binding
CXF-5032Support SOAP 1.2 in DynamicClient
CXF-5039IdentityMapping support in ClaimsManager
CXF-5049Support for schema compiler options in DynamicClientFactory
CXF-5053JAX-RS behavior differs from JAX-WS for MessageContext.get( Message.class.getName() )
CXF-5055Support Clients pre-registering scopes and OOB response in OAuth2 Authorization Flow
CXF-5069Create utility caching MessageBodyWriter and MessageBodyReader
CXF-5081FIQL - use custome query param name instead of default _s
CXF-5088Make the service file of cxf-core.jar Web Application Server friendly
CXF-5101Add more options for validating the search values
CXF-5130Update WebClient to provide a link to SyncInvoker
CXF-5139Support FIQL expressions containing single equals operator
CXF-5148can't use property place holder in http:server|http:client with blueprint
CXF-5150Support to load the HttpClient conduit when the address is started with "hc://"
CXF-5151WSDLGetInterceptor supports GZIP encoding
CXF-5162OAuth2 AccessTokenService should validate if Client supports a given grant
CXF-5165add a JAAS authenticator for ServiceListPage
CXF-5169the schema-validation-enabled property doesn't work for OUT message validation
CXF-5179Add optional id field to UserSubject
CXF-5180Adding RefreshToken as token type
CXF-5187Use a negative value of maxRetries to indicate unbounded retries in WS-RM
CXF-5200Support newer signature algorithms in WS-SecurityPolicy (such as RSA-SHA256)
CXF-5209Support for OAuth2 audience parameter
CXF-5212Context Injection with Spring AOP
CXF-5239Support OAuth2 Transient Client Secret Extension
CXF-5251Implement more stringent requirements on allowing OnBehalfOf/ActAs in the STS
CXF-5253Update JPA visitor to use a strict match for Strings unless they have wildcards or a user property enables a wildcard match
CXF-5255Support revocation lists in the XKMS Service
CXF-5273Filter the interceptor according to Phase instead of class name in WSDLGetInterceptor
CXF-5277ConditionsProvider receives limited information from SAMLTokenRenewer
CXF-5290jaxb's databinding to support an option to not include specific namespace declarations when marshaling
CXF-5291Only activate ws-security caching if it is required
CXF-5300Support mapping of exceptions thrown from CXF interceptors to JAX-RS Response
CXF-5301JSONProvider should add an array key for root if arrayKeys is not empty but top level array has to be produced
CXF-5313Use different log levels for sts LoggerListener
CXF-5314JAX-RS client runtime needs to optionally support CXF inFaultInterceptors
CXF-5317Policy exception handler throws away useful exception stack trace
CXF-5319WADLGenerator should not need "ignoreMessageWriters" property disabled to produces JSON
CXF-5322misleading warning for @XmlType without 'propOrder' element
CXF-5323[cxf-rt-core] remove geronimo-javamail_1.4_spec dependency
CXF-5329cxf-wsn doesn't register its bus as OSGi-Service
CXF-5332Support spring expression language for jaxws:client address attribute
CXF-5342Letting to be absolute XSISchemaNamespace
CXF-5362Spring jaxrs scheme and bean definition parser must allow alternative property setting
CXF-5387Relax SOAPAction check in SoapActionInInterceptor
CXF-5400SearchContext should propagate parsing exceptions by default
CXF-5402Cannot report customized error back from loginHandler to ResourceOwnerGrantHandler
CXF-5409Make response code be included in logging for LocalTransport
CXF-5461Add ws-securitypolicy-1.2.xsd to rt-ws-policy's schema resolution
CXF-5467Hazelcast Tokenstore configuration with Spring
CXF-5488make basePath in SwaggerFeature configurable
CXF-5489Add 'transferTo' functionality to Attachments
CXF-5519Setting SecurityConstants.STS_TOKEN_ACT_AS as CallbackHander requires better documentation.
CXF-5521Setting SecurityConstants.STS_TOKEN_ON_BEHALF_OF as CallbackHander requires better documentation.
CXF-5533Store a reference to a Bootstrap SecurityToken in SecureConversation
CXF-5541Introduce CXFServlet bus parameter
CXF-5597Setup the ResourceResolver for BlueprintBus
CXF-5632Support collocating SAML SSO RequestAssertionConsumerService with the actual endpoint
CXF-3883Support for identity mapping as part of issue token process
CXF-4442Process OneTimeUse element of SAML assertion
CXF-4610Provide support for enabling / disabling Schema Validation at the Operation level
CXF-4756Introduce @FaultAction annotation to specify WSA Action for Faults
CXF-4828Support SAML Bearer assertions for OAuth2 client authorization
CXF-4936(PATCH) Expose FastInfoset serializer tuning properties
CXF-4994Support LDAP groups as claim
CXF-5010Add customizable request logging capability to STS
CXF-5041Netty Http transport for CXF
CXF-5080Introduce CXFBlueprintServlet
CXF-5135Implement JAX-RS 2.0 Fluent Client API
CXF-5333Feature to allow you to dynamically change the trustManager on CXF
CXF-5379introduce cxf swagger feature
CXF-4924Many docLocation for a server address
CXF-5042SSL supports
CXF-5043Spring configuration supports
CXF-5044blueprint configuration support
CXF-5109Add supports of loading the netty transport with "netty://" perfix
CXF-5120support the TLSSessionInfo generation
CXF-5127Add the maxChunkContentSize option
CXF-4632upgrade to aries 1.0.0
CXF-4648Update wadl-to-java code generator to add AsyncResponse parameters to selected methods
CXF-4667Provide FIQL to LDAP query visitor
CXF-4682Upgrade Karaf version to 2.2.9
CXF-4729Support @XmlAccessorOrder(XmlAccessOrder.ALPHABETICAL) in Exception class
CXF-4744Upgrade to Jettison 1.3.3
CXF-4783Provide default OAuth2 MAC token nonce verifier
CXF-4865Upgrade to wsdl4j-1.6.3
CXF-4871Add -clientjar flag to wsd2java tool
CXF-4880Incorrect enforcement of X509Token PKI policies
CXF-4883OAuth2 RedirectionBasedService needs to do only a strict comparison of redirect URI
CXF-4950Support 'qs' media type parameters
CXF-4988JAX-RS Provider improvements
CXF-5007Updates to various JAX-RS API class implementations
CXF-5090Update Jettison version to 1.3.4
CXF-5122HTTPConduit should optionally be able to restrict redirects to same host and support relative redirects
CXF-5142Simplify running JAXWS client with security manager on
CXF-5155Send request URI, serviceName + operationName in the PEP -> PDP request as separate Resource Attributes
CXF-5163Support marshall exception class with @XmlAccessorOrder in JAXBEncoderDecoder
CXF-5355Investigate if WadlGenerator can handle XmlType-only and XmlSeeAlso beans
CXF-5463Upgrade to Jettison 1.3.5
ENTESB-868use stage repo for WSS4J 1.6.12 which is in VOTE
ENTESB-957Align versions of Karaf
SF-472new JMX operation on CXF endpoint to convert JSON -> XML
CXF-4898Allow to specify types in WSDiscoveryService registration
CXF-5236Make UserSubject, Client, AccessToken, .... Serializable
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