
Appendix A. Glossary of Terms

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The following terms are used throughout this document. Familiarize yourself with these terms to help your understanding of Red Hat Satellite 6.
Activation Key
A registration token used in a Kickstart file to control actions at registration. These are similar to Activation Keys in Red Hat Satellite 5, but provide a subset of features because Puppet controls package and configuration management after registration.
Application Life Cycle Environment
An Application Life Cycle Environment represents a step, or stage, in a promotion path through the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC). Promotion paths are also known as development paths. Content such as packages and Puppet modules move through life cycle environments by publishing and promoting Content Views. All Content Views have versions, which means you can promote a specific version through a typical promotion path; for example, from development to test to production. Channel cloning implements this concept in Red Hat Satellite 5.
The process of associating a Subscription to a Host that provides access to RPM content.
A Capsule is an additional server that can be used in a Red Hat Satellite 6 deployment to facilitate content federation and distribution in addition to other localized services (Puppet Master, DHCP, DNS, TFTP, and more).
A Catalog is a document that describes the desired system state for one specific computer. It lists all of the resources that need to be managed, as well as any dependencies between those resources.
Compute Profile
Compute Profiles specify default attributes for new virtual machines on a compute resource.
Compute Resource
A Compute Resource is virtual or cloud infrastructure, which Red Hat Satellite 6 uses for deployment of hosts and systems. Examples include Red Hat Enterprise Virtualization Manager, OpenStack, EC2, and VMWare.
Content includes software packages (RPM files) and Puppet modules. These are synchronized into the Library and then promoted into Life Cycle Environments using Content Views so that they can be consumed by Hosts.
Content Delivery Network (CDN)
The Content Delivery Network (CDN) is the mechanism used to deliver Red Hat content in a geographically co-located fashion. For example, content that is synchronized by a Satellite in Europe pulls content from a source in Europe.
Content View
A Content View is a definition of content that combines products, packages, and Puppet modules with capabilities for intelligent filtering and creating snapshots. Content Views are a refinement of the combination of channels and cloning from Red Hat Satellite 5.
External Node Classifier
An External Node Classifier is a Puppet construct that provides additional data for a Puppet Master to use when configuring Hosts. Red Hat Satellite 6 acts as an External Node Classifier to Puppet Masters in a Satellite deployment.
Facter is a program that provides information (facts) about the system on which it is run; for example, Facter can report total memory, operating system version, architecture, and more. Puppet modules enable specific configurations based on host data gathered by Facter.
Hammer is a command line tool for Red Hat Satellite 6. Use Hammer to manage Red Hat Satellite 6 as a standard CLI, for scripts, and also through an interactive shell.
Hiera is a key/value look-up tool for configuration data which allows keeping site-specific data out of puppet manifests.
A Host refers to any system, either physical or virtual, that Red Hat Satellite 6 manages.
Host Collection
A Host Collection is equivalent to a Satellite 5 System Group, that is, a user defined group of one or more Hosts.
Host Group
A Host Group is a template for building a Host. This includes the content view (which defines the available RPM files and Puppet modules) and the Puppet classes to apply (which ultimately determines the software and configuration).
A Location is collection of default settings that represent a physical place. These can be nested so that you can set up an hierarchical collection of locations. For example, you can set up defaults for "Middle East", which are refined by "Tel Aviv", which are further refined by "Data Center East", and then finally by "Rack 22".
The Library contains every version, including the latest synchronized version, of the software that the user will ever deploy. For an Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL) [3] organization or department, this is the Definitive Media Library [4] (previously named the Definitive Software Library).
A Manifest transfers subscriptions from the Customer Portal to Red Hat Satellite 6. This is similar in function to certificates used with Red Hat Satellite 5.
An Organization is an isolated collection of systems, content, and other functionality within a Satellite 6 deployment.
A collection of content repositories. Products can be Red Hat products or newly-created products made up of software and configuration content.
The act of moving a content view comprised of software and configuration content from one Application Life Cycle Environment to another, such as moving from development to QA to production.
Provisioning Template
A Provisioning Template is a user-defined template for Kickstart files, snippets, and other provisioning actions. In Satellite 6 they provide similar functionality to Kickstart Profiles and cobbler Snippets in Red Hat Satellite 5.
Pulp Node
A Pulp Node is a Capsule Server component that mirrors content. This is similar to the Red Hat Satellite 5 Proxy. The main difference is that content can be staged on the Pulp Node before it is used by a Host.
Puppet Agent
The Puppet Agent is an agent that runs on a Host and applies configuration changes to that Host.
Puppet Master
A Puppet Master is a Capsule Server component that provides Puppet manifests to Hosts for execution by the Puppet Agent.
Puppet Module
A Puppet Module is a self-contained bundle of code and data that you can use to manage resources such as users, files, and services.
A Repository provides storage for a collection of content. For example, a YUM repository or a Puppet repository.
A Role specifies a collection of permissions that are applied to a set of resources, such as Hosts.
Smart Proxy
A Smart Proxy is a Capsule Server component that can integrate with external services, such as DNS or DHCP.
Smart Variable
A Smart Variable is a configuration value that controls how a Puppet Class behaves. This can be set on a Host, a Host Group, an Organization, or a Location.
Standard Operating Environment (SOE)
A Standard Operating Environment (SOE) is a controlled version of the operating system on which applications are deployed.
Subscriptions are the means by which you receive content and service from Red Hat.
Synchronizing refers to mirroring content from external resources into the Red Hat Satellite 6 Library.
Synchronization Plans
Synchronization Plans provide scheduled execution of content synchronization.
User Group
A User Group is a collection of roles which can be assigned to a collection of users. This is similar to a Role in Red Hat Satellite 5.
A user is anyone registered to use Red Hat Satellite. Authentication and authorization is possible through built-in logic, through external LDAP resources, or with Kerberos.
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