
1.2. Red Hat Satellite 6 Layout and Topology

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The Red Hat Satellite infrastructure layout has to be considered prior to installing Red Hat Satellite 6. Determining the organization of your infrastructure helps align the Satellite Server and Satellite Capsule Servers to best serve your requirements. The following topology diagrams provide examples of infrastructure layout.
Single Satellite with Integrated Capsule

Figure 1.2. Single Satellite with Integrated Capsule

This topology demonstrates the basic use of Red Hat Satellite 6. In this example, there are five pools of hosts registered to the Satellite Server. Red Hat Satellite 6 categorizes these pools into three locations: United States, United Kingdom, and Japan. In addition, each department uses a distinct organization: Finance, Marketing, and Sales. All Satellite Server functions are shared among these Locations and Organizations.
Single Satellite with Integrated Capsule and Backup Capsules

Figure 1.3. Single Satellite with Integrated Capsule and Backup Capsules

This topology shows the addition of two backup Satellite Capsule Servers based in Boston. One Capsule Server caters to the three US-based offices: Phoenix, San Francisco, and Boston. The other caters to the international offices: London and Tokyo. Assigning one backup Capsule Server to the United States location and the other to the United Kingdom and Japan locations, the load reduces on the main Satellite Server and its integrated Capsule. As new offices are created in these locations, the Satellite Server can add them to their location categories and the Capsule Server services the new offices.
Remote Capsules Based on Location

Figure 1.4. Remote Capsules Based on Location

This topology assigns Satellite Capsule Servers to specific locations. The Satellite Server can create a hierarchy of locations; for example, having cities attached to a country. The Satellite Capsule Servers based in these locations are registered to the central Satellite Server in Boston and assigned to their respective locations. Each Capsule services all hosts in each respective location.
Remote Capsules Based on Location and Organization

Figure 1.5. Remote Capsules Based on Location and Organization

This topology demonstrates Satellite Capsule Servers assignment to organizations. For example, two Capsule servers are assigned to the Phoenix location, but to different organizations: one for Marketing and the other for Sales. Likewise, two Satellite Capsule Servers are assigned to two organizations: one for both the Sales and Marketing organizations in London, and the other for both the Sales and Marketing organizations in Tokyo. This shows how the combination of Satellite Server and associated Satellite Capsule Servers can manage the layout of multiple organizations in multiple locations working together.
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