
8.5. Using Tags

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Tags are convenient for organizing images, especially when you operate with several versions of an image. A combination of a repository name and a tag in the form of repository:tag is a human-readable alternative to an image ID.

Procedure 8.9. Searching Registries by Tags

  1. Navigate to Content Docker tags.
  2. Use the search field to filter tags by the image name, tag name, or repository name. Automatic suggestion works as you type. For example, the following query searches for tags applied on images from the repository named test_repo:
    repository = test_repo
    See Table 16.2, “Supported Operators for Granular Search” for the list of alternative comparison operators. By default, the search field recognizes the input string as a tag name. For example, the following query searches for all centos tags:
  3. Click the name of the tag you want to observe. Satellite displays a list of images that use this tag.
  4. Select an image to view its environment, and content view version. The Published At field shows the URL that you can use to pull the image from the command line.
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