
1.3. Red Hat Satellite Server 6 Basic Configuration Workflow

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Before continuing with this workflow you must have successfully installed a Red Hat Satellite 6 Server and any additional required remote capsules. See the Red Hat Satellite 6 Server Installation Workflow in the Red Hat Satellite 6 Installation Guide for further information.

Initial Configuration

These are the initial procedures to configure a basic Red Hat Satellite Server:

  1. Log in to the Satellite Server. This requires the administration user and password. See Section 2.1, “Logging in to Red Hat Satellite” for more information.
    For information about changing the password, see Section 2.2, “Changing the Password in Red Hat Satellite”.
  2. Edit the Red Hat Satellite Integrated Capsule Server to select the desired organizations and locations. The name of the Satellite Integrated Capsule Server will be the same as the hostname of the server that Satellite 6 Server is installed on. See Section 3.1.3, “Editing an Organization” and Section 3.2.2, “Editing a Location” for more information.
  3. Edit the desired location to select the resources to be associated with that location. See Section 3.1, “Organizations” for more information.
  4. Edit the default organization to select the resources to be associated with that organization. See Section 3.2, “Locations” for more information.
  5. Refresh the Satellite Capsule Server. See Section 15.9, “Refreshing a Red Hat Satellite Capsule Server” for more information.
Configuring a Red Hat Satellite Server

These are the initial procedures to configure a basic Red Hat Satellite Server:

  1. Create a domain. See Section 11.3.1, “Domains” for more information.
  2. Create a subnet. See Section 11.3.2, “Subnets” for more information.
  3. Create the desired life cycle environments. See Section 3.3, “Life Cycle Environments” for more information.
  4. Create any desired custom products. See Section, “Creating a Product” for more information.
  5. Choose the desired Red Hat Repositories.
    1. Create a manifest from the Red Hat Customer Portal. See Section, “Setting up a Manifest” for more information.
    2. Upload the manifest in the Satellite Server web interface. This will propagate the subscription information into the Satellite Server. See Section, “Uploading a Subscription Manifest” for more information.
    3. Once the manifest has been uploaded, the Red Hat Repositories available from valid Red Hat Subscriptions are imported into the Satellite Server. Choose which repositories are relevant to your organization. See Section, “Uploading a Subscription Manifest” for more information.
    4. Optional:
      1. Red Hat source repositories update content based on security errata, bug fixes, and enhancements. To ensure that the Satellite Server is updated automatically, Section, “Creating a Synchronization Plan” and Section, “Applying a Synchronization Schedule” are recommended practices.
  6. Manually synchronize content. See Section, “Synchronization Status” for more information.
  7. Create a content view with the desired repositories, puppet modules, and filters. Publish the content view then promote it to other life cycle environments as required. See Chapter 5, Using Content Views for more information.
  8. Optional:
    1. Create a host collection and assign it to the desired life cycle environment and content view. See Chapter 14, Configuring Host Collections for more information.
  9. Create an activation key assigning it to the desired life cycle environment and content view. See Section 9.1, “Creating an Activation Key” for more information.
  10. Edit an existing provisioning template and associate it with the previously created operating system. See Section 11.3.9, “Provisioning Templates” for more information.
  11. Edit the operating system created by default when creating the content view with the desired details and ensure it is associated with the desired partition table and provisioning template. See Section 11.3.7, “Operating Systems” for more information.
  12. Create a installation medium with the desired details. Ensure that the media is associated with the required locations and organizations. See Section 11.3.6, “Installation Media” for more information.
  13. Create a host group with the desired details. See Section 11.1, “Creating a Host Group” for more information.
Creating a Backup of a Red Hat Satellite Server

This is the procedure to create a backup of the Red Hat Satellite Server:

  1. Create a backup of the Satellite Server containing the required configuration files, data files, repositories, and databases. See the Section 18.1, “Backing up Red Hat Satellite” for more information.
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