
Chapter 12. Configuring Hosts

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In Red Hat Satellite, hosts are client systems which have Red Hat Subscription Manager installed. Red Hat Subscription Manager sends updates to Red Hat Satellite and Red Hat Satellite provides updates to these client systems.
Hosts must be registered in order to be managed. Once a host has been registered, it can be viewed and edited in the Hosts tab. This enables a user to add and manage subscriptions, add and remove software packages, and apply updates.

12.1. Creating a Host

The following procedure describes how to create a host in Red  Hat Satellite.

Procedure 12.1. To Create a Host:

  1. Click Hosts New Host to open the New Host page.
  2. On the Host tab, enter the required details.
  3. On the Network tab, enter the Domain and Realm details. It is required to specify a domain to make the host provisioning possible. This automatically updates the Subnet list with a selection of suitable subnets.
  4. Enter the Primary Interface details. The MAC Address setting is required. Select a subnet from the drop-down menu, and specify an IP address. If there is a DHCP-enabled Capsule Server on the selected subnet, the IP address is automatically suggested. Click IP address auto-suggest to automatically select an address.
  5. It is possible to include an additional network interface by clicking Add Interface. See Section 12.4, “Configuring Additional Network Interfaces” for details.
  6. On the Operating System tab, enter the required details. You can select a partition table from the drop-down list or enter a custom partition table in the Custom partition table field. You cannot specify both.
  7. On the Parameters tab, click Add Parameter to add any required parameters. This includes all Puppet Class Parameters and Host Parameters associated with the host.
  8. On the Additional Information tab, enter any required information.
  9. Click Submit to complete your provisioning request.
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