
15.3. Installing a Red Hat Satellite Capsule Server

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The Capsule Server must be registered to the Red Hat Satellite Server to use the Red Hat Satellite Server products and subscriptions:

  1. Install the Red Hat Satellite Server's CA certificate in the Capsule Server:
    # rpm -Uvh
  2. Register the Capsule Server under your chosen organization's name:
    # subscription-manager register --org "your organization"
This procedure installs a Red Hat Satellite Capsule Server onto a host.

Procedure 15.1. To Install a Satellite Capsule Server on a Certificate-managed System:

  1. List all the available subscriptions to find the correct Red Hat Satellite and Red Hat Enterprise Linux product to allocate to your system:
     # subscription-manager list --available --all
    The screen displays:
        Available Subscriptions
    ProductName:        Red Hat Satellite
    ProductId:          SKU123456
    PoolId:             e1730d1f4eaa448397bfd30c8c7f3d334bd8b
    Quantity:           10
    Multi-Entitlement:  No
    Expires:            08/20/2013
    MachineType:        physical


    The SKU and Pool ID depend on the Red Hat Satellite product type that corresponds to your system version and product type.
  2. Subscribe to the pool using the following command:
    # subscription-manager subscribe --pool=Red_Hat_Satellite_Pool_Id
    # subscription-manager subscribe --pool=Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux_Pool_Id
    # subscription-manager subscribe --pool=Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux_Software_Collections_Pool_Id 
  3. Disable all existing repositories:
    # subscription-manager repos --disable "*"
  4. Enable the Satellite and Red Hat Enterprise Linux repositories by running subscription-manager. You might need to alter the Red Hat Enterprise Linux repository to match the specific version you are using.
    # subscription-manager repos --enable rhel-6-server-rpms \
    --enable rhel-server-rhscl-6-rpms \
    --enable rhel-6-server-satellite-capsule-6.0-rpms
  5. Install the katello-installer and cyrus-sasl-plain packages using the yum install command as the root user:
    # yum install katello-installer cyrus-sasl-plain
    The katello-installer provides the capsule-installer functionality while cyrus-sasl-plain is required for pulp.

The Satellite Capsule Server is installed on your host system. The Satellite Capsule Server must be configured before it can be used.

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