
Chapitre 3. Managing LVM volume groups

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A volume group (VG) is a collection of physical volumes (PVs), which creates a pool of disk space out of which logical volumes (LVs) can be allocated.

Within a volume group, the disk space available for allocation is divided into units of a fixed-size called extents. An extent is the smallest unit of space that can be allocated. Within a physical volume, extents are referred to as physical extents.

A logical volume is allocated into logical extents of the same size as the physical extents. The extent size is therefore the same for all logical volumes in the volume group. The volume group maps the logical extents to physical extents.

3.1. Creating LVM volume group

This procedure describes how to create an LVM volume group (VG) myvg, by using the /dev/vdb1 and /dev/vdb2 physical volumes.

Conditions préalables

  • The lvm2 package is installed.
  • One or more physical volumes are created. For more information about creating physical volumes, see Creating LVM physical volume.


  1. Create a volume group:

    # vgcreate myvg /dev/vdb1 /dev/vdb2
     Volume group "myvg" successfully created.

    This creates a VG with the name of myvg. The PVs /dev/vdb1 and /dev/vdb2 are the base storage level for the myvg VG .

  2. View the created volume groups by using any one of the following commands according to your requirement:

    1. The vgs command provides volume group information in a configurable form, displaying one line per volume groups:

      # vgs
        VG    #PV #LV #SN  Attr  VSize   VFree
       myvg   2    0   0   wz-n  159.99g 159.99g
    2. The vgdisplay command displays volume group properties such as size, extents, number of physical volumes, and other options in a fixed form. The following example shows the output of the vgdisplay command for the volume group myvg. To display all existing volume groups, do not specify a volume group:

      # vgdisplay myvg
        --- Volume group ---
        VG Name               myvg
        System ID
        Format                lvm2
        Metadata Areas        4
        Metadata Sequence No  6
        VG Access             read/write
    3. The vgscan command scans all supported LVM block devices in the system for volume group:

      # vgscan
        Found volume group "myvg" using metadata type lvm2
  3. Optional: Increase a volume group’s capacity by adding one or more free physical volumes:

    # vgextend myvg /dev/vdb3
    Physical volume "/dev/vdb3" successfully created.
    Volume group "myvg" successfully extended
  4. Optional: Rename an existing volume group:

    # vgrename myvg myvg1
    Volume group "myvg" successfully renamed to "myvg1"

Ressources supplémentaires

  • vgcreate(8), vgextend(8), vgdisplay(8), vgs(8), vgscan(8), vgrename(8), and lvm(8) man pages
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