
Chapitre 11. Grouping LVM objects with tags

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You can assign tags to logical volume management (LVM) objects to group them. With this feature, you can automate the control of LVM behavior, such as activation, by a group. You can also use tags on LVM objects as a command.

11.1. LVM object tags

A logical volume management (LVM) tag is a word that is used to group LVM2 objects of the same type. You can attach tags to objects such as physical volumes, volume groups, and logical volumes .

To avoid ambiguity, prefix each tag with @. Each tag is expanded by replacing it with all the objects that possess that tag and that are of the type expected by its position on the command line.

LVM tags are strings of up to 1024 characters. LVM tags cannot start with a hyphen.

A valid tag consists of a limited range of characters only. The allowed characters are A-Z a-z 0-9 _ + . - / = ! : # &.

Only objects in a volume group can be tagged. Physical volumes lose their tags if they are removed from a volume group; this is because tags are stored as part of the volume group metadata and that is deleted when a physical volume is removed.

You can apply some commands to all volume groups (VG), logical volumes (LV), or physical volumes (PV) that have the same tag. The man page of the given command shows the syntax, such as VG|Tag, LV|Tag, or PV|Tag when you can substitute a tag name for a VG, LV, or PV name.

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