
6.9. Minimum and maximum I/O rate options

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When you create a RAID logical volumes, the background I/O required to initialize the logical volumes with the sync operation can expel other I/O operations to LVM devices, such as updates to volume group metadata, particularly when you are creating many RAID logical volumes. This can cause the other LVM operations to slow down.

You can control the rate at which a RAID logical volume is initialized by implementing recovery throttling. To control the rate at which sync operations are performed, set the minimum and maximum I/O rate for those operations with the --minrecoveryrate and --maxrecoveryrate options of the lvcreate command.

You can specify these options as follows:

--maxrecoveryrate Rate[bBsSkKmMgG]
Sets the maximum recovery rate for a RAID logical volume so that it will not expel nominal I/O operations. Specify the Rate as an amount per second for each device in the array. If you do not provide a suffix, then it assumes kiB/sec/device. Setting the recovery rate to 0 means it will be unbounded.
--minrecoveryrate Rate[bBsSkKmMgG]
Sets the minimum recovery rate for a RAID logical volume to ensure that I/O for sync operations achieves a minimum throughput, even when heavy nominal I/O is present. Specify the Rate as an amount per second for each device in the array. If you do not give a suffix, then it assumes kiB/sec/device.

For example, use the lvcreate --type raid10 -i 2 -m 1 -L 10G --maxrecoveryrate 128 -n my_lv my_vg command to create a 2-way RAID10 array my_lv, which is in the volume group my_vg with 3 stripes that is 10G in size with a maximum recovery rate of 128 kiB/sec/device. You can also specify minimum and maximum recovery rates for a RAID scrubbing operation.

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