
6.5. Creating a RAID0 striped logical volume

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A RAID0 logical volume spreads logical volume data across multiple data subvolumes in units of stripe size. The following procedure creates an LVM RAID0 logical volume called mylv that stripes data across the disks.

Conditions préalables

  1. You have created three or more physical volumes. For more information on creating physical volumes, see Creating LVM physical volume.
  2. You have created the volume group. For more information, see Creating LVM volume group.


  1. Create a RAID0 logical volume from the existing volume group. The following command creates the RAID0 volume mylv from the volume group myvg, which is 2G in size, with three stripes and a stripe size of 4kB:

    # lvcreate --type raid0 -L 2G --stripes 3 --stripesize 4 -n mylv my_vg
      Rounding size 2.00 GiB (512 extents) up to stripe boundary size 2.00 GiB(513 extents).
      Logical volume "mylv" created.
  2. Create a file system on the RAID0 logical volume. The following command creates an ext4 file system on the logical volume:

    # mkfs.ext4 /dev/my_vg/mylv
  3. Mount the logical volume and report the file system disk space usage:

    # mount /dev/my_vg/mylv /mnt
    # df
    Filesystem             1K-blocks     Used  Available  Use% Mounted on
    /dev/mapper/my_vg-mylv   2002684     6168  1875072    1%   /mnt


  • View the created RAID0 stripped logical volume:

    # lvs -a -o +devices,segtype my_vg
      LV VG Attr LSize Pool Origin Data% Meta% Move Log Cpy%Sync Convert Devices Type
      mylv my_vg rwi-a-r--- 2.00g mylv_rimage_0(0),mylv_rimage_1(0),mylv_rimage_2(0) raid0
      [mylv_rimage_0] my_vg iwi-aor--- 684.00m /dev/sdf1(0) linear
      [mylv_rimage_1] my_vg iwi-aor--- 684.00m /dev/sdg1(0) linear
      [mylv_rimage_2] my_vg iwi-aor--- 684.00m /dev/sdh1(0) linear
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