
6.15. Splitting off a RAID image as a separate logical volume

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You can split off an image of a RAID logical volume to form a new logical volume. When you are removing a RAID image from an existing RAID1 logical volume or removing a RAID data subvolume and its associated metadata subvolume from the middle of the device, any higher numbered images will be shifted down to fill the slot. The index numbers on the logical volumes that make up a RAID array will thus be an unbroken sequence of integers.


You cannot split off a RAID image if the RAID1 array is not yet in sync.


  1. Display the LVM device my_vg/my_lv, which is a 2-way RAID1 array:

    # lvs -a -o name,copy_percent,devices my_vg
      LV               Copy%  Devices
      my_lv             12.00 my_lv_rimage_0(0),my_lv_rimage_1(0)
      [my_lv_rimage_0]        /dev/sde1(1)
      [my_lv_rimage_1]        /dev/sdf1(1)
      [my_lv_rmeta_0]         /dev/sde1(0)
      [my_lv_rmeta_1]         /dev/sdf1(0)
  2. Split the RAID image into a separate logical volume. The following example splits a 2-way RAID1 logical volume, my_lv, into two linear logical volumes, my_lv and new:

    # lvconvert --splitmirror 1 -n new my_vg/my_lv
    Are you sure you want to split raid1 LV my_vg/my_lv losing all resilience? [y/n]: y

    Split a 3-way RAID1 logical volume, my_lv, into a 2-way RAID1 logical volume, my_lv, and a linear logical volume, new:

    # lvconvert --splitmirror 1 -n new my_vg/my_lv


  • View the logical volume after you split off an image of a RAID logical volume:

    # lvs -a -o name,copy_percent,devices my_vg
      LV      Copy%  Devices
      my_lv          /dev/sde1(1)
      new            /dev/sdf1(1)

Ressources supplémentaires

  • The lvconvert(8) man page
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