

3.39. ksh

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Updated ksh packages that fix one bug are now available for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.
KornShell (KSH) is a Unix shell developed by AT&T Bell Laboratories, which is backward-compatible with the Bourne shell (Bash) and includes many features of the C shell. The most recent version is KSH-93. KornShell complies with the POSIX.2 standard (IEEE Std 1003.2-1992).

Bug Fix

Prior to this update, a fix was introduced for a bug where, under some circumstances, ksh did not execute command substitution in here-documents. However, this fix caused a regression. As a consequence, scripts in which command substitution was used after the pipe character ("|") did not function properly. With this patch, the fix for the previous bug has been reverted, and command substitution now works in combination with pipes as intended. Nevertheless, the reversion also reintroduces the previous bug, which may cause loss of content in here-documents.
All users of ksh are advised to upgrade to these updated packages, which fix this bug.
Updated ksh packages that fix two bugs are now available for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.
KornShell (KSH) is a Unix shell developed by AT&T Bell Laboratories, which is backward-compatible with the Bourne shell (Bash) and includes many features of the C shell. The most recent version is KSH-93. KornShell complies with the POSIX.2 standard (IEEE Std 1003.2-1992).

Bug Fixes

Previously, the ksh shell forking during variable assignment failed to close the file descriptors in the child process prior to execution. This could lead to a file descriptor leak, and certain applications could consequently report error messages. With this update, file descriptors are marked to be closed on execution if appropriate, so file descriptor leaks no longer occur.
Previously, the brace expansion, a mechanism by which arbitrary strings may be generated, could not be disabled using the "set +B" command. The underlying source code has been fixed, and now it is possible to disable brace expansion when needed.
Users of ksh are advised to upgrade to these updated packages, which fix these bugs.
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