

4.170. s390utils

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An updated s390utils package that fixes multiple bugs is now available for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5.
The s390utils package provides a set of utilities and daemons related to Linux for the IBM System z architecture.

Bug Fixes

Prior to this update, the dasdinfo utility always returned a zero value even if an action failed. As a consequence, the return value could not be used if dasdinfo was used in a script. This update modifies the underlying code so that dasdinfo now returns a non-zero value if an error has occurred.
Prior to this update, the lsluns utility always filtered for logical unit numbers (LUN) with the values 0xc101000000000000 or 0x0. As a consequence, the lsluns option "-a" listed only active LUNs with the values 0xc101000000000000 or 0x0. This update modifies the underlying code so that "-a" option no longer filters LUNs.
Prior to this update, the cpuplugd utility failed to do a sanity check if the cpu/cmm_max value was greater than the cpu/cmm_min value. As a consequence, no action was performed. This update adds sanity checks for situations where the cpu/cmm_max value is greater than the cpu/cmm_min value.
Prior to this update, the cpuplugd utility encountered a race condition when running the daemon and checking or creating the process ID (PID) file. As a consequence, multiple cpuplugd instances could be started concurrently. This update uses the flock() function when checking or creating the PID file and starting the daemon.
Prior to this update, the fdasd check for a valid volume label did not correctly differentiate between interactive and non-interactive usage. As a consequence, the fdasd options "-config" and "-auto" on a device without a valid disk label could stop with the question "Should I create a new one? (y/n)" or completely fail with the message "Disc does not contain a VOL1 label, cannot create partitions". This update modifies the checking mechanism and fdasd now generates valid volume labels as expected.
Prior to this update, the lsluns utility help contained the invalid "--ports" option. This update corrects the misprint so that lslun now uses the valid "--port" option.
Prior to this update, the getharp utility terminated with the error "buffer overflow detected" if qetharp was invoked with an invalid interface name longer than 16 bytes. This update checks the length of a given interface name parameter. Now, getharp no longer encounters overflows in such situations.
Prior to this update, the lsluns utility did not check whether the required SCSI generic (sg) functionality was available. As a consequence, lsluns failed silently if the sg functionality was unavailable. This update modifies the underlying code so that lsluns now checks for the availability and prints an error message if the sg functionality is not available.
All users of s390utils are advised to upgrade to this updated package, which fixes these bugs.
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