
8.6. Success messages

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Messages are commonly displayed to the user to indicate the success or failure of an action. A JSF FacesMessage is convenient for this function. However, a successful action often requires a browser redirect. Since JSF does not propagate Faces messages across redirects, it is difficult to display success messages in plain JSF.
The built-in conversation-scoped Seam component named facesMessages solves this problem. (This requires the Seam redirect filter.)
    public class EditDocumentBean implements EditDocument { 
    @In EntityManager em; 
    @In Document document; 
    @In FacesMessages facesMessages; 

    public String update() { 
        facesMessages.add("Document updated");  
When a message is added to facesMessages, it is used in the nextg render response phase for the current conversation. Since Seam preserves even temporary conversation contexts across redirects, this works even without a long-running conversation.
You can even include JSF EL expressions in a Faces message summary:
facesMessages.add("Document #{document.title} was updated");
Messages are displayed as usual:
<h:messages globalOnly="true"/>
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