
Chapter 30. Built-in Seam components

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This chapter describes Seam's built-in components, and their configuration properties. The built-in components are created automatically, even if they are not listed in your components.xml file. However, if you need to override default properties or specify more than one component of a certain type, you can do so in components.xml.
You can replace any of the built-in components with your own implementation by using @Name to name your own class after the appropriate built-in component.

30.1. Context injection components

The first set of built-in components support the injection of various contextual objects. For example, the following component instance variable would have the Seam session context object injected:
@In private Context sessionContext;
Component that provides access to Seam Context objects such as org.jboss.seam.core.contexts.sessionContext['user'].
Manager component for the FacesContext context object. (This is not a true Seam context.)
All of these components are always installed.
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