
35.2. Integration testing Seam components

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Integration testing is more complicated. We cannot eliminate the container infrastructure, but neither do we want to deploy our application to an application server to run automated tests. Therefore, our testing environment must replicate enough container infrastructure that we can exercise the entire application, without impacting performance too heavily.
Seam lets you use the JBoss Embedded container to test your components — see the configuration chapter for details. This means you can write tests to exercise your application fully within a minimized container:
public class RegisterTest extends SeamTest {
  public void testRegisterComponent() throws Exception {
    new ComponentTest() {

      protected void testComponents() throws Exception {
        setValue("#{user.username}", "1ovthafew");
        setValue("#{}", "Gavin King");
        setValue("#{user.password}", "secret");
        assert invokeMethod("#{register.register}").equals("success");
        assert getValue("#{user.username}").equals("1ovthafew");
        assert getValue("#{}").equals("Gavin King");
        assert getValue("#{user.password}").equals("secret");


35.2.1. Using mocks in integration tests

You may need to replace Seam components requiring resources that are unavailable in the integration test environment. For example, suppose that you use the following Seam component as a facade to some payment processing system:
public class PaymentProcessor {
  public boolean processPayment(Payment payment) { .... } 
For integration tests, we can make a mock component like so:
public class MockPaymentProcessor extends PaymentProcessor {
  public boolean processPayment(Payment payment) {
    return true;
The MOCK precedence is higher than the default precedence of application components, so Seam will install the mock implementation whenever it is in the classpath. When deployed into production, the mock implementation is absent, so the real component will be installed.
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