
10.2.2. Configuring a Seam transaction manager

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Seam provides a transaction management abstraction for beginning, committing, rolling back, and synchronizing with transactions. By default, Seam uses a JTA transaction component to integrate with container-managed and programmatic EJB transactions. If you work in a Java EE 5 environment, install the EJB synchronization component in components.xml:
<transaction:ejb-transaction />
However, if you work in a non-EE 5 container, Seam attempts to auto-detect the correct transaction synchronization mechanism. If Seam is unable to detect the correct mechanism, you may need to configure one of the following:
  • configure JPA RESOURCE_LOCAL managed transactions with the javax.persistence.EntityTransaction interface. EntityTransaction starts the transaction at the beginning of the apply request values phase.
  • configure Hibernate managed transactions with the org.hibernate.Transaction interface. HibernateTransaction starts the transaction at the beginning of the apply request values phase.
  • configure Spring managed transactions with the org.springframework.transaction.PlatformTransactionManager interface. The Spring PlatformTransactionManagement manager may begin the transaction at the beginning of the apply request values phase if the userConversationContext attribute is set.
  • Explicitly disable Seam managed transactions
To configure JPA RESOURCE_LOCAL transaction management, add the following to your components.xml, where #{em} is the name of the persistence:managed-persistence-context component. If your managed persistence context is named entityManager, you may leave out the entity-manager attribute. (For further information, see Section 10.3, “Seam-managed persistence contexts”.)
<transaction:entity-transaction entity-manager="#{em}"/>
To configure Hibernate managed transactions, declare the following in your components.xml, where #{hibernateSession} is the name of the project's persistence:managed-hibernate-session component. If your managed hibernate session is named session, you can opt to leave out the session attribute. (For further information, see Section 10.3, “Seam-managed persistence contexts”.)
<transaction:hibernate-transaction session="#{hibernateSession}"/>
To explicitly disable Seam managed transactions, declare the following in your components.xml:
<transaction:no-transaction />
For information about configuring Spring-managed transactions see Section 26.5, “Using Spring PlatformTransactionManagement”.
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