
25.4. GWT Ant Targets

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To deploy GWT applications, you must also perform compilation to JavaScript. This compacts and obfuscates the code. You can use an Ant utility instead of the command line or GUI utility provided by GWT. To do so, you must have GWT downloaded, and the Ant task JAR in your Ant classpath.
Place the following near the top of your Ant file:
<taskdef uri="antlib:de.samaflost.gwttasks" 
<property file=""/>
Create a file containing:
This must point to the directory in which GWT is installed. Next, create a target:
<!-- the following are are handy utilities for doing GWT development.
     To use GWT, you will of course need to download GWT seperately -->
<target name="gwt-compile">
  <!-- in this case, we are "re homing" the gwt generated stuff, so 
       in this case we can only have one GWT module - we are doing this 
       deliberately to keep the URL short -->
    <fileset dir="view"/>
  <gwt:compile outDir="build/gwt"
    <copy todir="view">
      <fileset dir="build/gwt/${}"/>
When called, this target compiles the GWT application and copies it to the specified directory (likely in the webapp section of your WAR).


Never edit the code generated by gwt-compile — if you need to edit, do so in the GWT source directory.
We highly recommend using the hosted mode browser included in the GWT if you plan to develop applications with the GWT.
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