Search VLAN (802.1Q)

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Protocol ID: vlan
Rules of this type should go either into the root or vlan chain.
Table 18.4. VLAN protocol types
Attribute NameDatatypeDefinition
srcmacaddrMAC_ADDRMAC address of sender
srcmacmaskMAC_MASKMask applied to MAC address of sender
dstmacaddrMAC_ADDRMAC address of destination
dstmacmaskMAC_MASKMask applied to MAC address of destination
vlan-idUINT16 (0x0-0xfff, 0 - 4095) VLAN ID
encap-protocolUINT16 (0x03c-0xfff), String Encapsulated layer 3 protocol ID, valid strings are arp, ipv4, ipv6
commentSTRING text string up to 256 characters
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