5.4.2. Software System Profile
The software System Profile consists of a list of RPM packages for which you wish to receive notifications. The Red Hat Network Registration Client displays a list of all RPM packages listed in the RPM database on your system and then allows you to customize the list by deselecting packages. Gathering RPM Database Information
Only those packages you choose during this part of the registration are included in your System Profile, and you will only receive notifications about the packages in your System Profile. Thus, if you use an older version of a package and deselect it from the list, it will not be replaced with a newer version. This RPM list can be modified through the Red Hat Network website or by using the Red Hat Update Agent. Figure 5.9, “Registration Wizard” shows the progress bar displayed while the Red Hat Network Registration Client gathers a list of the RPM packages installed on your system. This operation may take some time depending on your system.
Figure 5.9. Registration Wizard
Once the RPM package list is built, the list is displayed as shown in Figure 5.10, “RPM Package Information”. Deselecting Include RPM Packages installed on this system in my System Profile omits this information from your System Profile.
Figure 5.10. RPM Package Information