Errata Details
If you click on the Advisory of an Errata Update in the Relevant or All pages, its Errata Details page appears. This page is further divided into the following tabs: Errata Details ⇒ Details
This sub-tab displays the Erratum Report issued by Red Hat. It provides a synopsis of the erratum first, including the severity (for security updates), issue date, and any update dates. This is followed by brief and detailed descriptions of the erratum and the steps required to resolve the issue.
Below the Affected Channels label, all channels that contain the affected package are listed. Clicking on a channel name displays the Packages sub-tab of the Channel Details page for that channel. Refer to Section, “Software Channel Details” for more information.
Below Fixes, the specific Bugzilla entries resolved by this erratum are listed. Clicking on any summary text opens that Bugzilla entry at http://bugzilla.redhat.com. Note that you must have a Bugzilla account to view the entry.
Security updates list the specific vulnerability as tracked by http://cve.mitre.org. This information is listed below the CVEs label.
Red Hat provides security update information in OVAL format. OVAL is an open vulnerability and assessment language promoted by Mitre, http://oval.mitre.org. Clicking on the link below the Oval label downloads this information to your system.