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Chapter 4. Application backup and restore

4.1. OADP release notes

The release notes for OpenShift API for Data Protection (OADP) describe new features and enhancements, deprecated features, product recommendations, known issues, and resolved issues.

4.1.1. OADP 1.2.0 release notes

The OADP 1.2.0 release notes include information about new features, bug fixes, and known issues. New features

Resource timeouts

The new resourceTimeout option specifies the timeout duration in minutes for waiting on various Velero resources. This option applies to resources such as Velero CRD availability, volumeSnapshot deletion, and backup repository availability. The default duration is ten minutes.

AWS S3 compatible backup storage providers

You can back up objects and snapshots on AWS S3 compatible providers. Technical preview features

Data Mover

The OADP Data Mover enables you to back up Container Storage Interface (CSI) volume snapshots to a remote object store. When you enable Data Mover, you can restore stateful applications using CSI volume snapshots pulled from the object store in case of accidental cluster deletion, cluster failure, or data corruption.


OADP Data Mover is a Technology Preview feature only. Technology Preview features are not supported with Red Hat production service level agreements (SLAs) and might not be functionally complete. Red Hat does not recommend using them in production. These features provide early access to upcoming product features, enabling customers to test functionality and provide feedback during the development process.

For more information about the support scope of Red Hat Technology Preview features, see Technology Preview Features Support Scope. Fixed bugs

The following bugs have been fixed in this release: Known issues

This release does not have any known issues.

4.1.2. OADP 1.1.4 release notes

The OADP 1.1.4 release notes lists any new features, resolved issues and bugs, and known issues. New features

This version of OADP is a service release. No new features are added to this version. Fixed bugs

The following bugs have been fixed in this release: Known issues

This release has the following known issues:

  • OADP backups might fail because a UID/GID range might have changed on the cluster where the application has been restored, with the result that OADP does not back up and restore OpenShift Container Platform UID/GID range metadata. To avoid the issue, if the backed application requires a specific UUID, ensure the range is available when restored. An additional workaround is to allow OADP to create the namespace in the restore operation.
  • A restoration might fail if ArgoCD is used during the process due to a label used by ArgoCD, app.kubernetes.io/instance. This label identifies which resources ArgoCD needs to manage, which can create a conflict with OADP’s procedure for managing resources on restoration. To work around this issue, set .spec.resourceTrackingMethod on the ArgoCD YAML to annotation+label or annotation. If the issue continues to persist, then disable ArgoCD before beginning to restore, and enable it again when restoration is finished.

4.1.3. OADP 1.1.2 release notes

The OADP 1.1.2 release notes include product recommendations, a list of fixed bugs and descriptions of known issues. Product recommendations


To prepare for the upgrade from VolSync 0.5.1 to the latest version available from the VolSync stable channel, you must add this annotation in the openshift-adp namespace by running the following command:

$ oc annotate --overwrite namespace/openshift-adp volsync.backube/privileged-movers='true'


In this release, Velero has been upgraded from version 1.9.2 to version 1.9.5.


In this release, Restic has been upgraded from version 0.13.1 to version 0.14.0. Fixed bugs

The following bugs have been fixed in this release: Known issues

This release has the following known issues:

  • OADP currently does not support backup and restore of AWS EFS volumes using restic in Velero (OADP-778).
  • CSI backups might fail due to a Ceph limitation of VolumeSnapshotContent snapshots per PVC.

    You can create many snapshots of the same persistent volume claim (PVC) but cannot schedule periodic creation of snapshots:

    • For CephFS, you can create up to 100 snapshots per PVC. (OADP-804)
    • For RADOS Block Device (RBD), you can create up to 512 snapshots for each PVC. (OADP-975)

    For more information, see Volume Snapshots.

4.1.4. OADP 1.1.1 release notes

The OADP 1.1.1 release notes include product recommendations and descriptions of known issues. Product recommendations

Before you install OADP 1.1.1, it is recommended to either install VolSync 0.5.1 or to upgrade to it. Known issues

This release has the following known issues:

  • OADP currently does not support backup and restore of AWS EFS volumes using restic in Velero (OADP-778).
  • CSI backups might fail due to a Ceph limitation of VolumeSnapshotContent snapshots per PVC.

    You can create many snapshots of the same persistent volume claim (PVC) but cannot schedule periodic creation of snapshots:

    • For CephFS, you can create up to 100 snapshots per PVC.
    • For RADOS Block Device (RBD), you can create up to 512 snapshots for each PVC. (OADP-804) and (OADP-975)

      For more information, see Volume Snapshots.

4.2. OADP features and plugins

OpenShift API for Data Protection (OADP) features provide options for backing up and restoring applications.

The default plugins enable Velero to integrate with certain cloud providers and to back up and restore OpenShift Container Platform resources.

4.2.1. OADP features

OpenShift API for Data Protection (OADP) supports the following features:


You can use OADP to back up all applications on the OpenShift Platform, or you can filter the resources by type, namespace, or label.

OADP backs up Kubernetes objects and internal images by saving them as an archive file on object storage. OADP backs up persistent volumes (PVs) by creating snapshots with the native cloud snapshot API or with the Container Storage Interface (CSI). For cloud providers that do not support snapshots, OADP backs up resources and PV data with Restic.


You must exclude Operators from the backup of an application for backup and restore to succeed.


You can restore resources and PVs from a backup. You can restore all objects in a backup or filter the restored objects by namespace, PV, or label.


You must exclude Operators from the backup of an application for backup and restore to succeed.

You can schedule backups at specified intervals.
You can use hooks to run commands in a container on a pod, for example, fsfreeze to freeze a file system. You can configure a hook to run before or after a backup or restore. Restore hooks can run in an init container or in the application container.

4.2.2. OADP plugins

The OpenShift API for Data Protection (OADP) provides default Velero plugins that are integrated with storage providers to support backup and snapshot operations. You can create custom plugins based on the Velero plugins.

OADP also provides plugins for OpenShift Container Platform resource backups, OpenShift Virtualization resource backups, and Container Storage Interface (CSI) snapshots.

Table 4.1. OADP plugins
OADP pluginFunctionStorage location


Backs up and restores Kubernetes objects.


Backs up and restores volumes with snapshots.



Backs up and restores Kubernetes objects.

Microsoft Azure Blob storage

Backs up and restores volumes with snapshots.

Microsoft Azure Managed Disks


Backs up and restores Kubernetes objects.

Google Cloud Storage

Backs up and restores volumes with snapshots.

Google Compute Engine Disks


Backs up and restores OpenShift Container Platform resources. [1]

Object store


Backs up and restores OpenShift Virtualization resources. [2]

Object store


Backs up and restores volumes with CSI snapshots. [3]

Cloud storage that supports CSI snapshots

  1. Mandatory.
  2. Virtual machine disks are backed up with CSI snapshots or Restic.
  3. The csi plugin uses the Velero CSI beta snapshot API.

4.2.3. About OADP Velero plugins

You can configure two types of plugins when you install Velero:

  • Default cloud provider plugins
  • Custom plugins

Both types of plugin are optional, but most users configure at least one cloud provider plugin. Default Velero cloud provider plugins

You can install any of the following default Velero cloud provider plugins when you configure the oadp_v1alpha1_dpa.yaml file during deployment:

  • aws (Amazon Web Services)
  • gcp (Google Cloud Platform)
  • azure (Microsoft Azure)
  • openshift (OpenShift Velero plugin)
  • csi (Container Storage Interface)
  • kubevirt (KubeVirt)

You specify the desired default plugins in the oadp_v1alpha1_dpa.yaml file during deployment.

Example file

The following .yaml file installs the openshift, aws, azure, and gcp plugins:

 apiVersion: oadp.openshift.io/v1alpha1
 kind: DataProtectionApplication
   name: dpa-sample
       - openshift
       - aws
       - azure
       - gcp Custom Velero plugins

You can install a custom Velero plugin by specifying the plugin image and name when you configure the oadp_v1alpha1_dpa.yaml file during deployment.

You specify the desired custom plugins in the oadp_v1alpha1_dpa.yaml file during deployment.

Example file

The following .yaml file installs the default openshift, azure, and gcp plugins and a custom plugin that has the name custom-plugin-example and the image quay.io/example-repo/custom-velero-plugin:

apiVersion: oadp.openshift.io/v1alpha1
kind: DataProtectionApplication
 name: dpa-sample
     - openshift
     - azure
     - gcp
     - name: custom-plugin-example
       image: quay.io/example-repo/custom-velero-plugin

4.3. Installing and configuring OADP

4.3.1. About installing OADP

As a cluster administrator, you install the OpenShift API for Data Protection (OADP) by installing the OADP Operator. The OADP Operator installs Velero 1.7.


Starting from OADP 1.0.4, all OADP 1.0.z versions can only be used as a dependency of the MTC Operator and are not available as a standalone Operator.

To back up Kubernetes resources and internal images, you must have object storage as a backup location, such as one of the following storage types:


The CloudStorage API, which automates the creation of a bucket for object storage, is a Technology Preview feature only. Technology Preview features are not supported with Red Hat production service level agreements (SLAs) and might not be functionally complete. Red Hat does not recommend using them in production. These features provide early access to upcoming product features, enabling customers to test functionality and provide feedback during the development process.

For more information about the support scope of Red Hat Technology Preview features, see Technology Preview Features Support Scope.

You can back up persistent volumes (PVs) by using snapshots or Restic.

To back up PVs with snapshots, you must have a cloud provider that supports either a native snapshot API or Container Storage Interface (CSI) snapshots, such as one of the following cloud providers:

If your cloud provider does not support snapshots or if your storage is NFS, you can back up applications with Restic backups on object storage.

You create a default Secret and then you install the Data Protection Application. AWS S3 compatible backup storage providers

OADP is compatible with many object storage providers for use with different backup and snapshot operations. Several object storage providers are fully supported, several are unsupported but known to work, and some have known limitations. Supported backup storage providers

The following AWS S3 compatible object storage providers, are fully supported by OADP through the AWS plugin for use as backup storage locations:

  • MinIO
  • Multicloud Object Gateway (MCG) with NooBaa
  • Amazon Web Services (AWS) S3

The following compatible object storage providers are supported and have their own Velero object store plugins:

  • Google Cloud Platform (GCP)
  • Microsoft Azure Unsupported backup storage providers

The following AWS S3 compatible object storage providers, are known to work with Velero through the AWS plugin, for use as backup storage locations, however, they are unsupported and have not been tested by Red Hat:

  • IBM Cloud
  • Oracle Cloud
  • DigitalOcean
  • NooBaa
  • Tencent Cloud
  • Ceph RADOS v12.2.7
  • Quobyte
  • Cloudian HyperStore Backup storage providers with known limitations

The following AWS S3 compatible object storage providers are known to work with Velero through the AWS plugin with a limited feature set:

  • Swift - It works for use as a backup storage location for backup storage, but is not compatible with Restic for filesystem-based volume backup and restore. Configuring NooBaa for disaster recovery on OpenShift Data Foundation

If you use cluster storage for your NooBaa bucket backupStorageLocation on OpenShift Data Foundation, configure NooBaa as an external object store.


Failure to configure NooBaa as an external object store might lead to backups not being available.


Additional resources

/// Module included in the following assemblies: About OADP update channels

When you install an OADP Operator, you choose an update channel. This channel determines which upgrades to the OADP Operator and to Velero you receive. You can switch channels at any time.

The following update channels are available:

  • The stable channel is now deprecated. The stable channel contains the patches (z-stream updates) of OADP ClusterServiceVersion for oadp.v1.1.z and older versions from oadp.v1.0.z.
  • The stable-1.0 channel contains oadp.v1.0.z, the most recent OADP 1.0 ClusterServiceVersion.
  • The stable-1.1 channel contains oadp.v1.1.z, the most recent OADP 1.1 ClusterServiceVersion.
  • The stable-1.2 channel contains oadp.v1.2.z, the most recent OADP 1.2 ClusterServiceVersion.

Which update channel is right for you?

  • The stable channel is now deprecated. If you are already using the stable channel, you will continue to get updates from oadp.v1.1.z.
  • Choose the stable-1.y update channel to install OADP 1.y and to continue receiving patches for it. If you choose this channel, you will receive all z-stream patches for version 1.y.z.

When must you switch update channels?

  • If you have OADP 1.y installed, and you want to receive patches only for that y-stream, you must switch from the stable update channel to the stable-1.y update channel. You will then receive all z-stream patches for version 1.y.z.
  • If you have OADP 1.0 installed, want to upgrade to OADP 1.1, and then receive patches only for OADP 1.1, you must switch from the stable-1.0 update channel to the stable-1.1 update channel. You will then receive all z-stream patches for version 1.1.z.
  • If you have OADP 1.y installed, with y greater than 0, and want to switch to OADP 1.0, you must uninstall your OADP Operator and then reinstall it using the stable-1.0 update channel. You will then receive all z-stream patches for version 1.0.z.

You cannot switch from OADP 1.y to OADP 1.0 by switching update channels. You must uninstall the Operator and then reinstall it. Installation of OADP on multiple namespaces

You can install OADP into multiple namespaces on the same cluster so that multiple project owners can manage their own OADP instance. This use case has been validated with Restic and CSI.

You install each instance of OADP as specified by the per-platform procedures contained in this document with the following additional requirements:

  • All deployments of OADP on the same cluster must be the same version, for example, 1.1.4. Installing different versions of OADP on the same cluster is not supported.
  • Each individual deployment of OADP must have a unique set of credentials and a unique BackupStorageLocation configuration.
  • By default, each OADP deployment has cluster-level access across namespaces. OpenShift Container Platform administrators need to review security and RBAC settings carefully and make any necessary changes to them to ensure that each OADP instance has the correct permissions.

Additional resources

4.3.2. Installing and configuring the OpenShift API for Data Protection with Amazon Web Services

You install the OpenShift API for Data Protection (OADP) with Amazon Web Services (AWS) by installing the OADP Operator. The Operator installs Velero 1.7.


Starting from OADP 1.0.4, all OADP 1.0.z versions can only be used as a dependency of the MTC Operator and are not available as a standalone Operator.

You configure AWS for Velero, create a default Secret, and then install the Data Protection Application.

To install the OADP Operator in a restricted network environment, you must first disable the default OperatorHub sources and mirror the Operator catalog. See Using Operator Lifecycle Manager on restricted networks for details. Installing the OADP Operator

You install the OpenShift API for Data Protection (OADP) Operator on OpenShift Container Platform 4.10 by using Operator Lifecycle Manager (OLM).

The OADP Operator installs Velero 1.7.


  • You must be logged in as a user with cluster-admin privileges.


  1. In the OpenShift Container Platform web console, click Operators OperatorHub.
  2. Use the Filter by keyword field to find the OADP Operator.
  3. Select the OADP Operator and click Install.
  4. Click Install to install the Operator in the openshift-adp project.
  5. Click Operators Installed Operators to verify the installation. Configuring Amazon Web Services

You configure Amazon Web Services (AWS) for the OpenShift API for Data Protection (OADP).


  • You must have the AWS CLI installed.


  1. Set the BUCKET variable:

    $ BUCKET=<your_bucket>
  2. Set the REGION variable:

    $ REGION=<your_region>
  3. Create an AWS S3 bucket:

    $ aws s3api create-bucket \
        --bucket $BUCKET \
        --region $REGION \
        --create-bucket-configuration LocationConstraint=$REGION 1
    us-east-1 does not support a LocationConstraint. If your region is us-east-1, omit --create-bucket-configuration LocationConstraint=$REGION.
  4. Create an IAM user:

    $ aws iam create-user --user-name velero 1
    If you want to use Velero to back up multiple clusters with multiple S3 buckets, create a unique user name for each cluster.
  5. Create a velero-policy.json file:

    $ cat > velero-policy.json <<EOF
        "Version": "2012-10-17",
        "Statement": [
                "Effect": "Allow",
                "Action": [
                "Resource": "*"
                "Effect": "Allow",
                "Action": [
                "Resource": [
                "Effect": "Allow",
                "Action": [
                "Resource": [
  6. Attach the policies to give the velero user the minimum necessary permissions:

    $ aws iam put-user-policy \
      --user-name velero \
      --policy-name velero \
      --policy-document file://velero-policy.json
  7. Create an access key for the velero user:

    $ aws iam create-access-key --user-name velero

    Example output

      "AccessKey": {
            "UserName": "velero",
            "Status": "Active",
            "CreateDate": "2017-07-31T22:24:41.576Z",
            "SecretAccessKey": <AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY>,
            "AccessKeyId": <AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID>

  8. Create a credentials-velero file:

    $ cat << EOF > ./credentials-velero

    You use the credentials-velero file to create a Secret object for AWS before you install the Data Protection Application. About backup and snapshot locations and their secrets

You specify backup and snapshot locations and their secrets in the DataProtectionApplication custom resource (CR).

Backup locations

You specify S3-compatible object storage, such as Multicloud Object Gateway, Noobaa, or Minio, as a backup location.

Velero backs up OpenShift Container Platform resources, Kubernetes objects, and internal images as an archive file on object storage.

Snapshot locations

If you use your cloud provider’s native snapshot API to back up persistent volumes, you must specify the cloud provider as the snapshot location.

If you use Container Storage Interface (CSI) snapshots, you do not need to specify a snapshot location because you will create a VolumeSnapshotClass CR to register the CSI driver.

If you use Restic, you do not need to specify a snapshot location because Restic backs up the file system on object storage.


If the backup and snapshot locations use the same credentials or if you do not require a snapshot location, you create a default Secret.

If the backup and snapshot locations use different credentials, you create two secret objects:

  • Custom Secret for the backup location, which you specify in the DataProtectionApplication CR.
  • Default Secret for the snapshot location, which is not referenced in the DataProtectionApplication CR.

The Data Protection Application requires a default Secret. Otherwise, the installation will fail.

If you do not want to specify backup or snapshot locations during the installation, you can create a default Secret with an empty credentials-velero file. Creating a default Secret

You create a default Secret if your backup and snapshot locations use the same credentials or if you do not require a snapshot location.

The default name of the Secret is cloud-credentials.


The DataProtectionApplication custom resource (CR) requires a default Secret. Otherwise, the installation will fail. If the name of the backup location Secret is not specified, the default name is used.

If you do not want to use the backup location credentials during the installation, you can create a Secret with the default name by using an empty credentials-velero file.


  • Your object storage and cloud storage, if any, must use the same credentials.
  • You must configure object storage for Velero.
  • You must create a credentials-velero file for the object storage in the appropriate format.


  • Create a Secret with the default name:

    $ oc create secret generic cloud-credentials -n openshift-adp --from-file cloud=credentials-velero

The Secret is referenced in the spec.backupLocations.credential block of the DataProtectionApplication CR when you install the Data Protection Application. Creating profiles for different credentials

If your backup and snapshot locations use different credentials, you create separate profiles in the credentials-velero file.

Then, you create a Secret object and specify the profiles in the DataProtectionApplication custom resource (CR).


  1. Create a credentials-velero file with separate profiles for the backup and snapshot locations, as in the following example:

  2. Create a Secret object with the credentials-velero file:

    $ oc create secret generic cloud-credentials -n openshift-adp --from-file cloud=credentials-velero 1
  3. Add the profiles to the DataProtectionApplication CR, as in the following example:

    apiVersion: oadp.openshift.io/v1alpha1
    kind: DataProtectionApplication
      name: <dpa_sample>
      namespace: openshift-adp
        - name: default
            provider: aws
            default: true
              bucket: <bucket_name>
              prefix: <prefix>
              region: us-east-1
              profile: "backupStorage"
              key: cloud
              name: cloud-credentials
        - name: default
            provider: aws
              region: us-west-2
              profile: "volumeSnapshot" Configuring the Data Protection Application

You can configure the Data Protection Application by setting Velero resource allocations or enabling self-signed CA certificates. Setting Velero CPU and memory resource allocations

You set the CPU and memory resource allocations for the Velero pod by editing the DataProtectionApplication custom resource (CR) manifest.


  • You must have the OpenShift API for Data Protection (OADP) Operator installed.


  • Edit the values in the spec.configuration.velero.podConfig.ResourceAllocations block of the DataProtectionApplication CR manifest, as in the following example:

    apiVersion: oadp.openshift.io/v1alpha1
    kind: DataProtectionApplication
      name: <dpa_sample>
            nodeSelector: <node selector> 1
                cpu: "1"
                memory: 512Mi
                cpu: 500m
                memory: 256Mi
    1 1
    Specify the node selector to be supplied to Velero podSpec. Enabling self-signed CA certificates

You must enable a self-signed CA certificate for object storage by editing the DataProtectionApplication custom resource (CR) manifest to prevent a certificate signed by unknown authority error.


  • You must have the OpenShift API for Data Protection (OADP) Operator installed.


  • Edit the spec.backupLocations.velero.objectStorage.caCert parameter and spec.backupLocations.velero.config parameters of the DataProtectionApplication CR manifest:

    apiVersion: oadp.openshift.io/v1alpha1
    kind: DataProtectionApplication
      name: <dpa_sample>
        - name: default
            provider: aws
            default: true
              bucket: <bucket>
              prefix: <prefix>
              caCert: <base64_encoded_cert_string> 1
              insecureSkipTLSVerify: "false" 2
    Specify the Base46-encoded CA certificate string.
    The insecureSkipTLSVerify configuration can be set to either "true" or "false". If set to "true", SSL/TLS security is disabled. If set to "false", SSL/TLS security is enabled. Installing the Data Protection Application

You install the Data Protection Application (DPA) by creating an instance of the DataProtectionApplication API.


  • You must install the OADP Operator.
  • You must configure object storage as a backup location.
  • If you use snapshots to back up PVs, your cloud provider must support either a native snapshot API or Container Storage Interface (CSI) snapshots.
  • If the backup and snapshot locations use the same credentials, you must create a Secret with the default name, cloud-credentials.
  • If the backup and snapshot locations use different credentials, you must create a Secret with the default name, cloud-credentials, which contains separate profiles for the backup and snapshot location credentials.


    If you do not want to specify backup or snapshot locations during the installation, you can create a default Secret with an empty credentials-velero file. If there is no default Secret, the installation will fail.


  1. Click Operators Installed Operators and select the OADP Operator.
  2. Under Provided APIs, click Create instance in the DataProtectionApplication box.
  3. Click YAML View and update the parameters of the DataProtectionApplication manifest:

    apiVersion: oadp.openshift.io/v1alpha1
    kind: DataProtectionApplication
      name: <dpa_sample>
      namespace: openshift-adp
            - openshift 1
            - aws
          resourceTimeout: 10m 2
          enable: true 3
            nodeSelector: <node_selector> 4
        - name: default
            provider: aws
            default: true
              bucket: <bucket_name> 5
              prefix: <prefix> 6
              region: <region>
              profile: "default"
              key: cloud
              name: cloud-credentials 7
      snapshotLocations: 8
        - name: default
            provider: aws
              region: <region> 9
              profile: "default"
    The openshift plugin is mandatory.
    Specify how many minutes to wait for several Velero resources before timeout occurs, such as Velero CRD availability, volumeSnapshot deletion, and backup repository availability. The default is 10m.
    Set to false, if you want to disable the Restic installation. Restic deploys a daemon set, which means that each worker node has Restic pods running. You can configure Restic for backups by adding spec.defaultVolumesToRestic: true to the Backup CR.
    Specify on which nodes Restic is available. By default, Restic runs on all nodes.
    Specify a bucket as the backup storage location. If the bucket is not a dedicated bucket for Velero backups, you must specify a prefix.
    Specify a prefix for Velero backups, for example, velero, if the bucket is used for multiple purposes.
    Specify the name of the Secret object that you created. If you do not specify this value, the default name, cloud-credentials, is used. If you specify a custom name, the custom name is used for the backup location.
    Specify a snapshot location, unless you use CSI snapshots or Restic to back up PVs.
    The snapshot location must be in the same region as the PVs.
  4. Click Create.
  5. Verify the installation by viewing the OADP resources:

    $ oc get all -n openshift-adp

    Example output

    NAME                                                     READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    pod/oadp-operator-controller-manager-67d9494d47-6l8z8    2/2     Running   0          2m8s
    pod/restic-9cq4q                                         1/1     Running   0          94s
    pod/restic-m4lts                                         1/1     Running   0          94s
    pod/restic-pv4kr                                         1/1     Running   0          95s
    pod/velero-588db7f655-n842v                              1/1     Running   0          95s
    NAME                                                       TYPE        CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)    AGE
    service/oadp-operator-controller-manager-metrics-service   ClusterIP    <none>        8443/TCP   2m8s
    daemonset.apps/restic   3         3         3       3            3           <none>          96s
    NAME                                                READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
    deployment.apps/oadp-operator-controller-manager    1/1     1            1           2m9s
    deployment.apps/velero                              1/1     1            1           96s
    NAME                                                           DESIRED   CURRENT   READY   AGE
    replicaset.apps/oadp-operator-controller-manager-67d9494d47    1         1         1       2m9s
    replicaset.apps/velero-588db7f655                              1         1         1       96s Enabling CSI in the DataProtectionApplication CR

You enable the Container Storage Interface (CSI) in the DataProtectionApplication custom resource (CR) in order to back up persistent volumes with CSI snapshots.


  • The cloud provider must support CSI snapshots.


  • Edit the DataProtectionApplication CR, as in the following example:

    apiVersion: oadp.openshift.io/v1alpha1
    kind: DataProtectionApplication
          - openshift
          - csi 1
    Add the csi default plugin.

4.3.3. Installing and configuring the OpenShift API for Data Protection with Microsoft Azure

You install the OpenShift API for Data Protection (OADP) with Microsoft Azure by installing the OADP Operator. The Operator installs Velero 1.7.


Starting from OADP 1.0.4, all OADP 1.0.z versions can only be used as a dependency of the MTC Operator and are not available as a standalone Operator.

You configure Azure for Velero, create a default Secret, and then install the Data Protection Application.

To install the OADP Operator in a restricted network environment, you must first disable the default OperatorHub sources and mirror the Operator catalog. See Using Operator Lifecycle Manager on restricted networks for details. Installing the OADP Operator

You install the OpenShift API for Data Protection (OADP) Operator on OpenShift Container Platform 4.10 by using Operator Lifecycle Manager (OLM).

The OADP Operator installs Velero 1.7.


  • You must be logged in as a user with cluster-admin privileges.


  1. In the OpenShift Container Platform web console, click Operators OperatorHub.
  2. Use the Filter by keyword field to find the OADP Operator.
  3. Select the OADP Operator and click Install.
  4. Click Install to install the Operator in the openshift-adp project.
  5. Click Operators Installed Operators to verify the installation. Configuring Microsoft Azure

You configure a Microsoft Azure for the OpenShift API for Data Protection (OADP).



  1. Log in to Azure:

    $ az login
  2. Set the AZURE_RESOURCE_GROUP variable:

    $ AZURE_RESOURCE_GROUP=Velero_Backups
  3. Create an Azure resource group:

    $ az group create -n $AZURE_RESOURCE_GROUP --location CentralUS 1
    Specify your location.
  4. Set the AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_ID variable:

    $ AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_ID="velero$(uuidgen | cut -d '-' -f5 | tr '[A-Z]' '[a-z]')"
  5. Create an Azure storage account:

    $ az storage account create \
        --name $AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_ID \
        --resource-group $AZURE_RESOURCE_GROUP \
        --sku Standard_GRS \
        --encryption-services blob \
        --https-only true \
        --kind BlobStorage \
        --access-tier Hot
  6. Set the BLOB_CONTAINER variable:

    $ BLOB_CONTAINER=velero
  7. Create an Azure Blob storage container:

    $ az storage container create \
      -n $BLOB_CONTAINER \
      --public-access off \
      --account-name $AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_ID
  8. Obtain the storage account access key:

    $ AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_ACCESS_KEY=`az storage account keys list \
      --account-name $AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_ID \
      --query "[?keyName == 'key1'].value" -o tsv`
  9. Create a custom role that has the minimum required permissions:

    az role definition create --role-definition '{
       "Name": "'$AZURE_ROLE'",
       "Description": "Velero related permissions to perform backups, restores and deletions",
       "Actions": [
       "AssignableScopes": ["/subscriptions/'$AZURE_SUBSCRIPTION_ID'"]
  10. Create a credentials-velero file:

    $ cat << EOF > ./credentials-velero
    Mandatory. You cannot back up internal images if the credentials-velero file contains only the service principal credentials.

    You use the credentials-velero file to create a Secret object for Azure before you install the Data Protection Application. About backup and snapshot locations and their secrets

You specify backup and snapshot locations and their secrets in the DataProtectionApplication custom resource (CR).

Backup locations

You specify S3-compatible object storage, such as Multicloud Object Gateway, Noobaa, or Minio, as a backup location.

Velero backs up OpenShift Container Platform resources, Kubernetes objects, and internal images as an archive file on object storage.

Snapshot locations

If you use your cloud provider’s native snapshot API to back up persistent volumes, you must specify the cloud provider as the snapshot location.

If you use Container Storage Interface (CSI) snapshots, you do not need to specify a snapshot location because you will create a VolumeSnapshotClass CR to register the CSI driver.

If you use Restic, you do not need to specify a snapshot location because Restic backs up the file system on object storage.


If the backup and snapshot locations use the same credentials or if you do not require a snapshot location, you create a default Secret.

If the backup and snapshot locations use different credentials, you create two secret objects:

  • Custom Secret for the backup location, which you specify in the DataProtectionApplication CR.
  • Default Secret for the snapshot location, which is not referenced in the DataProtectionApplication CR.

The Data Protection Application requires a default Secret. Otherwise, the installation will fail.

If you do not want to specify backup or snapshot locations during the installation, you can create a default Secret with an empty credentials-velero file. Creating a default Secret

You create a default Secret if your backup and snapshot locations use the same credentials or if you do not require a snapshot location.

The default name of the Secret is cloud-credentials-azure.


The DataProtectionApplication custom resource (CR) requires a default Secret. Otherwise, the installation will fail. If the name of the backup location Secret is not specified, the default name is used.

If you do not want to use the backup location credentials during the installation, you can create a Secret with the default name by using an empty credentials-velero file.


  • Your object storage and cloud storage, if any, must use the same credentials.
  • You must configure object storage for Velero.
  • You must create a credentials-velero file for the object storage in the appropriate format.


  • Create a Secret with the default name:

    $ oc create secret generic cloud-credentials-azure -n openshift-adp --from-file cloud=credentials-velero

The Secret is referenced in the spec.backupLocations.credential block of the DataProtectionApplication CR when you install the Data Protection Application. Creating secrets for different credentials

If your backup and snapshot locations use different credentials, you must create two Secret objects:

  • Backup location Secret with a custom name. The custom name is specified in the spec.backupLocations block of the DataProtectionApplication custom resource (CR).
  • Snapshot location Secret with the default name, cloud-credentials-azure. This Secret is not specified in the DataProtectionApplication CR.


  1. Create a credentials-velero file for the snapshot location in the appropriate format for your cloud provider.
  2. Create a Secret for the snapshot location with the default name:

    $ oc create secret generic cloud-credentials-azure -n openshift-adp --from-file cloud=credentials-velero
  3. Create a credentials-velero file for the backup location in the appropriate format for your object storage.
  4. Create a Secret for the backup location with a custom name:

    $ oc create secret generic <custom_secret> -n openshift-adp --from-file cloud=credentials-velero
  5. Add the Secret with the custom name to the DataProtectionApplication CR, as in the following example:

    apiVersion: oadp.openshift.io/v1alpha1
    kind: DataProtectionApplication
      name: <dpa_sample>
      namespace: openshift-adp
        - velero:
              resourceGroup: <azure_resource_group>
              storageAccount: <azure_storage_account_id>
              subscriptionId: <azure_subscription_id>
              storageAccountKeyEnvVar: AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_ACCESS_KEY
              key: cloud
              name: <custom_secret> 1
            provider: azure
            default: true
              bucket: <bucket_name>
              prefix: <prefix>
        - velero:
              resourceGroup: <azure_resource_group>
              subscriptionId: <azure_subscription_id>
              incremental: "true"
            name: default
            provider: azure
    Backup location Secret with custom name. Configuring the Data Protection Application

You can configure the Data Protection Application by setting Velero resource allocations or enabling self-signed CA certificates. Setting Velero CPU and memory resource allocations

You set the CPU and memory resource allocations for the Velero pod by editing the DataProtectionApplication custom resource (CR) manifest.


  • You must have the OpenShift API for Data Protection (OADP) Operator installed.


  • Edit the values in the spec.configuration.velero.podConfig.ResourceAllocations block of the DataProtectionApplication CR manifest, as in the following example:

    apiVersion: oadp.openshift.io/v1alpha1
    kind: DataProtectionApplication
      name: <dpa_sample>
            nodeSelector: <node selector> 1
                cpu: "1"
                memory: 512Mi
                cpu: 500m
                memory: 256Mi
    Specify the node selector to be supplied to Velero podSpec. Enabling self-signed CA certificates

You must enable a self-signed CA certificate for object storage by editing the DataProtectionApplication custom resource (CR) manifest to prevent a certificate signed by unknown authority error.


  • You must have the OpenShift API for Data Protection (OADP) Operator installed.


  • Edit the spec.backupLocations.velero.objectStorage.caCert parameter and spec.backupLocations.velero.config parameters of the DataProtectionApplication CR manifest:

    apiVersion: oadp.openshift.io/v1alpha1
    kind: DataProtectionApplication
      name: <dpa_sample>
        - name: default
            provider: aws
            default: true
              bucket: <bucket>
              prefix: <prefix>
              caCert: <base64_encoded_cert_string> 1
              insecureSkipTLSVerify: "false" 2
    Specify the Base46-encoded CA certificate string.
    The insecureSkipTLSVerify configuration can be set to either "true" or "false". If set to "true", SSL/TLS security is disabled. If set to "false", SSL/TLS security is enabled. Installing the Data Protection Application

You install the Data Protection Application (DPA) by creating an instance of the DataProtectionApplication API.


  • You must install the OADP Operator.
  • You must configure object storage as a backup location.
  • If you use snapshots to back up PVs, your cloud provider must support either a native snapshot API or Container Storage Interface (CSI) snapshots.
  • If the backup and snapshot locations use the same credentials, you must create a Secret with the default name, cloud-credentials-azure.
  • If the backup and snapshot locations use different credentials, you must create two Secrets:

    • Secret with a custom name for the backup location. You add this Secret to the DataProtectionApplication CR.
    • Secret with the default name, cloud-credentials-azure, for the snapshot location. This Secret is not referenced in the DataProtectionApplication CR.


      If you do not want to specify backup or snapshot locations during the installation, you can create a default Secret with an empty credentials-velero file. If there is no default Secret, the installation will fail.


  1. Click Operators Installed Operators and select the OADP Operator.
  2. Under Provided APIs, click Create instance in the DataProtectionApplication box.
  3. Click YAML View and update the parameters of the DataProtectionApplication manifest:

    apiVersion: oadp.openshift.io/v1alpha1
    kind: DataProtectionApplication
      name: <dpa_sample>
      namespace: openshift-adp
            - azure
            - openshift 1
          resourceTimeout: 10m 2
          enable: true 3
            nodeSelector: <node_selector> 4
        - velero:
              resourceGroup: <azure_resource_group> 5
              storageAccount: <azure_storage_account_id> 6
              subscriptionId: <azure_subscription_id> 7
              storageAccountKeyEnvVar: AZURE_STORAGE_ACCOUNT_ACCESS_KEY
              key: cloud
              name: cloud-credentials-azure  8
            provider: azure
            default: true
              bucket: <bucket_name> 9
              prefix: <prefix> 10
      snapshotLocations: 11
        - velero:
              resourceGroup: <azure_resource_group>
              subscriptionId: <azure_subscription_id>
              incremental: "true"
            name: default
            provider: azure
    The openshift plugin is mandatory.
    Specify how many minutes to wait for several Velero resources before timeout occurs, such as Velero CRD availability, volumeSnapshot deletion, and backup repository availability. The default is 10m.
    Set to false, if you want to disable the Restic installation. Restic deploys a daemon set, which means that each worker node has Restic pods running. You can configure Restic for backups by adding spec.defaultVolumesToRestic: true to the Backup CR.
    Specify on which nodes Restic is available. By default, Restic runs on all nodes.
    Specify the Azure resource group.
    Specify the Azure storage account ID.
    Specify the Azure subscription ID.
    If you do not specify this value, the default name, cloud-credentials-azure, is used. If you specify a custom name, the custom name is used for the backup location.
    Specify a bucket as the backup storage location. If the bucket is not a dedicated bucket for Velero backups, you must specify a prefix.
    Specify a prefix for Velero backups, for example, velero, if the bucket is used for multiple purposes.
    You do not need to specify a snapshot location if you use CSI snapshots or Restic to back up PVs.
  4. Click Create.
  5. Verify the installation by viewing the OADP resources:

    $ oc get all -n openshift-adp

    Example output

    NAME                                                     READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    pod/oadp-operator-controller-manager-67d9494d47-6l8z8    2/2     Running   0          2m8s
    pod/restic-9cq4q                                         1/1     Running   0          94s
    pod/restic-m4lts                                         1/1     Running   0          94s
    pod/restic-pv4kr                                         1/1     Running   0          95s
    pod/velero-588db7f655-n842v                              1/1     Running   0          95s
    NAME                                                       TYPE        CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)    AGE
    service/oadp-operator-controller-manager-metrics-service   ClusterIP    <none>        8443/TCP   2m8s
    daemonset.apps/restic   3         3         3       3            3           <none>          96s
    NAME                                                READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
    deployment.apps/oadp-operator-controller-manager    1/1     1            1           2m9s
    deployment.apps/velero                              1/1     1            1           96s
    NAME                                                           DESIRED   CURRENT   READY   AGE
    replicaset.apps/oadp-operator-controller-manager-67d9494d47    1         1         1       2m9s
    replicaset.apps/velero-588db7f655                              1         1         1       96s Enabling CSI in the DataProtectionApplication CR

You enable the Container Storage Interface (CSI) in the DataProtectionApplication custom resource (CR) in order to back up persistent volumes with CSI snapshots.


  • The cloud provider must support CSI snapshots.


  • Edit the DataProtectionApplication CR, as in the following example:

    apiVersion: oadp.openshift.io/v1alpha1
    kind: DataProtectionApplication
          - openshift
          - csi 1
    Add the csi default plugin.

4.3.4. Installing and configuring the OpenShift API for Data Protection with Google Cloud Platform

You install the OpenShift API for Data Protection (OADP) with Google Cloud Platform (GCP) by installing the OADP Operator. The Operator installs Velero 1.7.


Starting from OADP 1.0.4, all OADP 1.0.z versions can only be used as a dependency of the MTC Operator and are not available as a standalone Operator.

You configure GCP for Velero, create a default Secret, and then install the Data Protection Application.

To install the OADP Operator in a restricted network environment, you must first disable the default OperatorHub sources and mirror the Operator catalog. See Using Operator Lifecycle Manager on restricted networks for details. Installing the OADP Operator

You install the OpenShift API for Data Protection (OADP) Operator on OpenShift Container Platform 4.10 by using Operator Lifecycle Manager (OLM).

The OADP Operator installs Velero 1.7.


  • You must be logged in as a user with cluster-admin privileges.


  1. In the OpenShift Container Platform web console, click Operators OperatorHub.
  2. Use the Filter by keyword field to find the OADP Operator.
  3. Select the OADP Operator and click Install.
  4. Click Install to install the Operator in the openshift-adp project.
  5. Click Operators Installed Operators to verify the installation. Configuring Google Cloud Platform

You configure Google Cloud Platform (GCP) for the OpenShift API for Data Protection (OADP).



  1. Log in to GCP:

    $ gcloud auth login
  2. Set the BUCKET variable:

    $ BUCKET=<bucket> 1
    Specify your bucket name.
  3. Create the storage bucket:

    $ gsutil mb gs://$BUCKET/
  4. Set the PROJECT_ID variable to your active project:

    $ PROJECT_ID=$(gcloud config get-value project)
  5. Create a service account:

    $ gcloud iam service-accounts create velero \
        --display-name "Velero service account"
  6. List your service accounts:

    $ gcloud iam service-accounts list
  7. Set the SERVICE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL variable to match its email value:

    $ SERVICE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL=$(gcloud iam service-accounts list \
        --filter="displayName:Velero service account" \
        --format 'value(email)')
  8. Attach the policies to give the velero user the minimum necessary permissions:

  9. Create the velero.server custom role:

    $ gcloud iam roles create velero.server \
        --project $PROJECT_ID \
        --title "Velero Server" \
        --permissions "$(IFS=","; echo "${ROLE_PERMISSIONS[*]}")"
  10. Add IAM policy binding to the project:

    $ gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $PROJECT_ID \
        --member serviceAccount:$SERVICE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL \
        --role projects/$PROJECT_ID/roles/velero.server
  11. Update the IAM service account:

    $ gsutil iam ch serviceAccount:$SERVICE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL:objectAdmin gs://${BUCKET}
  12. Save the IAM service account keys to the credentials-velero file in the current directory:

    $ gcloud iam service-accounts keys create credentials-velero \
        --iam-account $SERVICE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL

    You use the credentials-velero file to create a Secret object for GCP before you install the Data Protection Application. About backup and snapshot locations and their secrets

You specify backup and snapshot locations and their secrets in the DataProtectionApplication custom resource (CR).

Backup locations

You specify S3-compatible object storage, such as Multicloud Object Gateway, Noobaa, or Minio, as a backup location.

Velero backs up OpenShift Container Platform resources, Kubernetes objects, and internal images as an archive file on object storage.

Snapshot locations

If you use your cloud provider’s native snapshot API to back up persistent volumes, you must specify the cloud provider as the snapshot location.

If you use Container Storage Interface (CSI) snapshots, you do not need to specify a snapshot location because you will create a VolumeSnapshotClass CR to register the CSI driver.

If you use Restic, you do not need to specify a snapshot location because Restic backs up the file system on object storage.


If the backup and snapshot locations use the same credentials or if you do not require a snapshot location, you create a default Secret.

If the backup and snapshot locations use different credentials, you create two secret objects:

  • Custom Secret for the backup location, which you specify in the DataProtectionApplication CR.
  • Default Secret for the snapshot location, which is not referenced in the DataProtectionApplication CR.

The Data Protection Application requires a default Secret. Otherwise, the installation will fail.

If you do not want to specify backup or snapshot locations during the installation, you can create a default Secret with an empty credentials-velero file. Creating a default Secret

You create a default Secret if your backup and snapshot locations use the same credentials or if you do not require a snapshot location.

The default name of the Secret is cloud-credentials-gcp.


The DataProtectionApplication custom resource (CR) requires a default Secret. Otherwise, the installation will fail. If the name of the backup location Secret is not specified, the default name is used.

If you do not want to use the backup location credentials during the installation, you can create a Secret with the default name by using an empty credentials-velero file.


  • Your object storage and cloud storage, if any, must use the same credentials.
  • You must configure object storage for Velero.
  • You must create a credentials-velero file for the object storage in the appropriate format.


  • Create a Secret with the default name:

    $ oc create secret generic cloud-credentials-gcp -n openshift-adp --from-file cloud=credentials-velero

The Secret is referenced in the spec.backupLocations.credential block of the DataProtectionApplication CR when you install the Data Protection Application. Creating secrets for different credentials

If your backup and snapshot locations use different credentials, you must create two Secret objects:

  • Backup location Secret with a custom name. The custom name is specified in the spec.backupLocations block of the DataProtectionApplication custom resource (CR).
  • Snapshot location Secret with the default name, cloud-credentials-gcp. This Secret is not specified in the DataProtectionApplication CR.


  1. Create a credentials-velero file for the snapshot location in the appropriate format for your cloud provider.
  2. Create a Secret for the snapshot location with the default name:

    $ oc create secret generic cloud-credentials-gcp -n openshift-adp --from-file cloud=credentials-velero
  3. Create a credentials-velero file for the backup location in the appropriate format for your object storage.
  4. Create a Secret for the backup location with a custom name:

    $ oc create secret generic <custom_secret> -n openshift-adp --from-file cloud=credentials-velero
  5. Add the Secret with the custom name to the DataProtectionApplication CR, as in the following example:

    apiVersion: oadp.openshift.io/v1alpha1
    kind: DataProtectionApplication
      name: <dpa_sample>
      namespace: openshift-adp
        - velero:
            provider: gcp
            default: true
              key: cloud
              name: <custom_secret> 1
              bucket: <bucket_name>
              prefix: <prefix>
        - velero:
            provider: gcp
            default: true
              project: <project>
              snapshotLocation: us-west1
    Backup location Secret with custom name. Configuring the Data Protection Application

You can configure the Data Protection Application by setting Velero resource allocations or enabling self-signed CA certificates. Setting Velero CPU and memory resource allocations

You set the CPU and memory resource allocations for the Velero pod by editing the DataProtectionApplication custom resource (CR) manifest.


  • You must have the OpenShift API for Data Protection (OADP) Operator installed.


  • Edit the values in the spec.configuration.velero.podConfig.ResourceAllocations block of the DataProtectionApplication CR manifest, as in the following example:

    apiVersion: oadp.openshift.io/v1alpha1
    kind: DataProtectionApplication
      name: <dpa_sample>
            nodeSelector: <node selector> 1
                cpu: "1"
                memory: 512Mi
                cpu: 500m
                memory: 256Mi
    Specify the node selector to be supplied to Velero podSpec. Enabling self-signed CA certificates

You must enable a self-signed CA certificate for object storage by editing the DataProtectionApplication custom resource (CR) manifest to prevent a certificate signed by unknown authority error.


  • You must have the OpenShift API for Data Protection (OADP) Operator installed.


  • Edit the spec.backupLocations.velero.objectStorage.caCert parameter and spec.backupLocations.velero.config parameters of the DataProtectionApplication CR manifest:

    apiVersion: oadp.openshift.io/v1alpha1
    kind: DataProtectionApplication
      name: <dpa_sample>
        - name: default
            provider: aws
            default: true
              bucket: <bucket>
              prefix: <prefix>
              caCert: <base64_encoded_cert_string> 1
              insecureSkipTLSVerify: "false" 2
    Specify the Base46-encoded CA certificate string.
    The insecureSkipTLSVerify configuration can be set to either "true" or "false". If set to "true", SSL/TLS security is disabled. If set to "false", SSL/TLS security is enabled. Installing the Data Protection Application

You install the Data Protection Application (DPA) by creating an instance of the DataProtectionApplication API.


  • You must install the OADP Operator.
  • You must configure object storage as a backup location.
  • If you use snapshots to back up PVs, your cloud provider must support either a native snapshot API or Container Storage Interface (CSI) snapshots.
  • If the backup and snapshot locations use the same credentials, you must create a Secret with the default name, cloud-credentials-gcp.
  • If the backup and snapshot locations use different credentials, you must create two Secrets:

    • Secret with a custom name for the backup location. You add this Secret to the DataProtectionApplication CR.
    • Secret with the default name, cloud-credentials-gcp, for the snapshot location. This Secret is not referenced in the DataProtectionApplication CR.


      If you do not want to specify backup or snapshot locations during the installation, you can create a default Secret with an empty credentials-velero file. If there is no default Secret, the installation will fail.


  1. Click Operators Installed Operators and select the OADP Operator.
  2. Under Provided APIs, click Create instance in the DataProtectionApplication box.
  3. Click YAML View and update the parameters of the DataProtectionApplication manifest:

    apiVersion: oadp.openshift.io/v1alpha1
    kind: DataProtectionApplication
      name: <dpa_sample>
      namespace: openshift-adp
            - gcp
            - openshift 1
          resourceTimeout: 10m 2
          enable: true 3
            nodeSelector: <node_selector> 4
        - velero:
            provider: gcp
            default: true
              key: cloud
              name: cloud-credentials-gcp 5
              bucket: <bucket_name> 6
              prefix: <prefix> 7
      snapshotLocations: 8
        - velero:
            provider: gcp
            default: true
              project: <project>
              snapshotLocation: us-west1 9
    The openshift plugin is mandatory.
    Specify how many minutes to wait for several Velero resources before timeout occurs, such as Velero CRD availability, volumeSnapshot deletion, and backup repository availability. The default is 10m.
    Set to false, if you want to disable the Restic installation. Restic deploys a daemon set, which means that each worker node has Restic pods running. You can configure Restic for backups by adding spec.defaultVolumesToRestic: true to the Backup CR.
    Specify on which nodes Restic is available. By default, Restic runs on all nodes.
    If you do not specify this value, the default name, cloud-credentials-gcp, is used. If you specify a custom name, the custom name is used for the backup location.
    Specify a bucket as the backup storage location. If the bucket is not a dedicated bucket for Velero backups, you must specify a prefix.
    Specify a prefix for Velero backups, for example, velero, if the bucket is used for multiple purposes.
    Specify a snapshot location, unless you use CSI snapshots or Restic to back up PVs.
    The snapshot location must be in the same region as the PVs.
  4. Click Create.
  5. Verify the installation by viewing the OADP resources:

    $ oc get all -n openshift-adp

    Example output

    NAME                                                     READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    pod/oadp-operator-controller-manager-67d9494d47-6l8z8    2/2     Running   0          2m8s
    pod/restic-9cq4q                                         1/1     Running   0          94s
    pod/restic-m4lts                                         1/1     Running   0          94s
    pod/restic-pv4kr                                         1/1     Running   0          95s
    pod/velero-588db7f655-n842v                              1/1     Running   0          95s
    NAME                                                       TYPE        CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)    AGE
    service/oadp-operator-controller-manager-metrics-service   ClusterIP    <none>        8443/TCP   2m8s
    daemonset.apps/restic   3         3         3       3            3           <none>          96s
    NAME                                                READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
    deployment.apps/oadp-operator-controller-manager    1/1     1            1           2m9s
    deployment.apps/velero                              1/1     1            1           96s
    NAME                                                           DESIRED   CURRENT   READY   AGE
    replicaset.apps/oadp-operator-controller-manager-67d9494d47    1         1         1       2m9s
    replicaset.apps/velero-588db7f655                              1         1         1       96s Enabling CSI in the DataProtectionApplication CR

You enable the Container Storage Interface (CSI) in the DataProtectionApplication custom resource (CR) in order to back up persistent volumes with CSI snapshots.


  • The cloud provider must support CSI snapshots.


  • Edit the DataProtectionApplication CR, as in the following example:

    apiVersion: oadp.openshift.io/v1alpha1
    kind: DataProtectionApplication
          - openshift
          - csi 1
    Add the csi default plugin.

4.3.5. Installing and configuring the OpenShift API for Data Protection with Multicloud Object Gateway

You install the OpenShift API for Data Protection (OADP) with Multicloud Object Gateway (MCG) by installing the OADP Operator. The Operator installs Velero 1.7.


Starting from OADP 1.0.4, all OADP 1.0.z versions can only be used as a dependency of the MTC Operator and are not available as a standalone Operator.

You configure Multicloud Object Gateway as a backup location. MCG is a component of OpenShift Data Foundation. You configure MCG as a backup location in the DataProtectionApplication custom resource (CR).


The CloudStorage API, which automates the creation of a bucket for object storage, is a Technology Preview feature only. Technology Preview features are not supported with Red Hat production service level agreements (SLAs) and might not be functionally complete. Red Hat does not recommend using them in production. These features provide early access to upcoming product features, enabling customers to test functionality and provide feedback during the development process.

For more information about the support scope of Red Hat Technology Preview features, see Technology Preview Features Support Scope.

You create a Secret for the backup location and then you install the Data Protection Application.

To install the OADP Operator in a restricted network environment, you must first disable the default OperatorHub sources and mirror the Operator catalog. For details, see Using Operator Lifecycle Manager on restricted networks. Installing the OADP Operator

You install the OpenShift API for Data Protection (OADP) Operator on OpenShift Container Platform 4.10 by using Operator Lifecycle Manager (OLM).

The OADP Operator installs Velero 1.7.


  • You must be logged in as a user with cluster-admin privileges.


  1. In the OpenShift Container Platform web console, click Operators OperatorHub.
  2. Use the Filter by keyword field to find the OADP Operator.
  3. Select the OADP Operator and click Install.
  4. Click Install to install the Operator in the openshift-adp project.
  5. Click Operators Installed Operators to verify the installation. Retrieving Multicloud Object Gateway credentials

You must retrieve the Multicloud Object Gateway (MCG) credentials in order to create a Secret custom resource (CR) for the OpenShift API for Data Protection (OADP).

MCG is a component of OpenShift Data Foundation.



  1. Obtain the S3 endpoint, AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID, and AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY by running the describe command on the NooBaa custom resource.
  2. Create a credentials-velero file:

    $ cat << EOF > ./credentials-velero

    You use the credentials-velero file to create a Secret object when you install the Data Protection Application. About backup and snapshot locations and their secrets

You specify backup and snapshot locations and their secrets in the DataProtectionApplication custom resource (CR).

Backup locations

You specify S3-compatible object storage, such as Multicloud Object Gateway, Noobaa, or Minio, as a backup location.

Velero backs up OpenShift Container Platform resources, Kubernetes objects, and internal images as an archive file on object storage.

Snapshot locations

If you use your cloud provider’s native snapshot API to back up persistent volumes, you must specify the cloud provider as the snapshot location.

If you use Container Storage Interface (CSI) snapshots, you do not need to specify a snapshot location because you will create a VolumeSnapshotClass CR to register the CSI driver.

If you use Restic, you do not need to specify a snapshot location because Restic backs up the file system on object storage.


If the backup and snapshot locations use the same credentials or if you do not require a snapshot location, you create a default Secret.

If the backup and snapshot locations use different credentials, you create two secret objects:

  • Custom Secret for the backup location, which you specify in the DataProtectionApplication CR.
  • Default Secret for the snapshot location, which is not referenced in the DataProtectionApplication CR.

The Data Protection Application requires a default Secret. Otherwise, the installation will fail.

If you do not want to specify backup or snapshot locations during the installation, you can create a default Secret with an empty credentials-velero file. Creating a default Secret

You create a default Secret if your backup and snapshot locations use the same credentials or if you do not require a snapshot location.

The default name of the Secret is cloud-credentials.


The DataProtectionApplication custom resource (CR) requires a default Secret. Otherwise, the installation will fail. If the name of the backup location Secret is not specified, the default name is used.

If you do not want to use the backup location credentials during the installation, you can create a Secret with the default name by using an empty credentials-velero file.


  • Your object storage and cloud storage, if any, must use the same credentials.
  • You must configure object storage for Velero.
  • You must create a credentials-velero file for the object storage in the appropriate format.


  • Create a Secret with the default name:

    $ oc create secret generic cloud-credentials -n openshift-adp --from-file cloud=credentials-velero

The Secret is referenced in the spec.backupLocations.credential block of the DataProtectionApplication CR when you install the Data Protection Application. Creating secrets for different credentials

If your backup and snapshot locations use different credentials, you must create two Secret objects:

  • Backup location Secret with a custom name. The custom name is specified in the spec.backupLocations block of the DataProtectionApplication custom resource (CR).
  • Snapshot location Secret with the default name, cloud-credentials. This Secret is not specified in the DataProtectionApplication CR.


  1. Create a credentials-velero file for the snapshot location in the appropriate format for your cloud provider.
  2. Create a Secret for the snapshot location with the default name:

    $ oc create secret generic cloud-credentials -n openshift-adp --from-file cloud=credentials-velero
  3. Create a credentials-velero file for the backup location in the appropriate format for your object storage.
  4. Create a Secret for the backup location with a custom name:

    $ oc create secret generic <custom_secret> -n openshift-adp --from-file cloud=credentials-velero
  5. Add the Secret with the custom name to the DataProtectionApplication CR, as in the following example:

    apiVersion: oadp.openshift.io/v1alpha1
    kind: DataProtectionApplication
      name: <dpa_sample>
      namespace: openshift-adp
        - velero:
              profile: "default"
              region: minio
              s3Url: <url>
              insecureSkipTLSVerify: "true"
              s3ForcePathStyle: "true"
            provider: aws
            default: true
              key: cloud
              name:  <custom_secret> 1
              bucket: <bucket_name>
              prefix: <prefix>
    Backup location Secret with custom name. Configuring the Data Protection Application

You can configure the Data Protection Application by setting Velero resource allocations or enabling self-signed CA certificates. Setting Velero CPU and memory resource allocations

You set the CPU and memory resource allocations for the Velero pod by editing the DataProtectionApplication custom resource (CR) manifest.


  • You must have the OpenShift API for Data Protection (OADP) Operator installed.


  • Edit the values in the spec.configuration.velero.podConfig.ResourceAllocations block of the DataProtectionApplication CR manifest, as in the following example:

    apiVersion: oadp.openshift.io/v1alpha1
    kind: DataProtectionApplication
      name: <dpa_sample>
            nodeSelector: <node selector> 1
                cpu: "1"
                memory: 512Mi
                cpu: 500m
                memory: 256Mi
    Specify the node selector to be supplied to Velero podSpec. Enabling self-signed CA certificates

You must enable a self-signed CA certificate for object storage by editing the DataProtectionApplication custom resource (CR) manifest to prevent a certificate signed by unknown authority error.


  • You must have the OpenShift API for Data Protection (OADP) Operator installed.


  • Edit the spec.backupLocations.velero.objectStorage.caCert parameter and spec.backupLocations.velero.config parameters of the DataProtectionApplication CR manifest:

    apiVersion: oadp.openshift.io/v1alpha1
    kind: DataProtectionApplication
      name: <dpa_sample>
        - name: default
            provider: aws
            default: true
              bucket: <bucket>
              prefix: <prefix>
              caCert: <base64_encoded_cert_string> 1
              insecureSkipTLSVerify: "false" 2
    Specify the Base46-encoded CA certificate string.
    The insecureSkipTLSVerify configuration can be set to either "true" or "false". If set to "true", SSL/TLS security is disabled. If set to "false", SSL/TLS security is enabled. Installing the Data Protection Application

You install the Data Protection Application (DPA) by creating an instance of the DataProtectionApplication API.


  • You must install the OADP Operator.
  • You must configure object storage as a backup location.
  • If you use snapshots to back up PVs, your cloud provider must support either a native snapshot API or Container Storage Interface (CSI) snapshots.
  • If the backup and snapshot locations use the same credentials, you must create a Secret with the default name, cloud-credentials.
  • If the backup and snapshot locations use different credentials, you must create two Secrets:

    • Secret with a custom name for the backup location. You add this Secret to the DataProtectionApplication CR.
    • Secret with the default name, cloud-credentials, for the snapshot location. This Secret is not referenced in the DataProtectionApplication CR.


      If you do not want to specify backup or snapshot locations during the installation, you can create a default Secret with an empty credentials-velero file. If there is no default Secret, the installation will fail.


  1. Click Operators Installed Operators and select the OADP Operator.
  2. Under Provided APIs, click Create instance in the DataProtectionApplication box.
  3. Click YAML View and update the parameters of the DataProtectionApplication manifest:

    apiVersion: oadp.openshift.io/v1alpha1
    kind: DataProtectionApplication
      name: <dpa_sample>
      namespace: openshift-adp
            - aws
            - openshift 1
          resourceTimeout: 10m 2
          enable: true 3
            nodeSelector: <node_selector> 4
        - velero:
              profile: "default"
              region: minio
              s3Url: <url> 5
              insecureSkipTLSVerify: "true"
              s3ForcePathStyle: "true"
            provider: aws
            default: true
              key: cloud
              name: cloud-credentials 6
              bucket: <bucket_name> 7
              prefix: <prefix> 8
    The openshift plugin is mandatory.
    Specify how many minutes to wait for several Velero resources before timeout occurs, such as Velero CRD availability, volumeSnapshot deletion, and backup repository availability. The default is 10m.
    Set to false, if you want to disable the Restic installation. Restic deploys a daemon set, which means that each worker node has Restic pods running. You can configure Restic for backups by adding spec.defaultVolumesToRestic: true to the Backup CR.
    Specify on which nodes Restic is available. By default, Restic runs on all nodes.
    Specify the URL of the S3 endpoint.
    If you do not specify this value, the default name, cloud-credentials, is used. If you specify a custom name, the custom name is used for the backup location.
    Specify a bucket as the backup storage location. If the bucket is not a dedicated bucket for Velero backups, you must specify a prefix.
    Specify a prefix for Velero backups, for example, velero, if the bucket is used for multiple purposes.
  4. Click Create.
  5. Verify the installation by viewing the OADP resources:

    $ oc get all -n openshift-adp

    Example output

    NAME                                                     READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    pod/oadp-operator-controller-manager-67d9494d47-6l8z8    2/2     Running   0          2m8s
    pod/restic-9cq4q                                         1/1     Running   0          94s
    pod/restic-m4lts                                         1/1     Running   0          94s
    pod/restic-pv4kr                                         1/1     Running   0          95s
    pod/velero-588db7f655-n842v                              1/1     Running   0          95s
    NAME                                                       TYPE        CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)    AGE
    service/oadp-operator-controller-manager-metrics-service   ClusterIP    <none>        8443/TCP   2m8s
    daemonset.apps/restic   3         3         3       3            3           <none>          96s
    NAME                                                READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
    deployment.apps/oadp-operator-controller-manager    1/1     1            1           2m9s
    deployment.apps/velero                              1/1     1            1           96s
    NAME                                                           DESIRED   CURRENT   READY   AGE
    replicaset.apps/oadp-operator-controller-manager-67d9494d47    1         1         1       2m9s
    replicaset.apps/velero-588db7f655                              1         1         1       96s Enabling CSI in the DataProtectionApplication CR

You enable the Container Storage Interface (CSI) in the DataProtectionApplication custom resource (CR) in order to back up persistent volumes with CSI snapshots.


  • The cloud provider must support CSI snapshots.


  • Edit the DataProtectionApplication CR, as in the following example:

    apiVersion: oadp.openshift.io/v1alpha1
    kind: DataProtectionApplication
          - openshift
          - csi 1
    Add the csi default plugin.

4.3.6. Installing and configuring the OpenShift API for Data Protection with OpenShift Data Foundation

You install the OpenShift API for Data Protection (OADP) with OpenShift Data Foundation by installing the OADP Operator and configuring a backup location and a snapshot location. Then, you install the Data Protection Application.


Starting from OADP 1.0.4, all OADP 1.0.z versions can only be used as a dependency of the MTC Operator and are not available as a standalone Operator.

You can configure Multicloud Object Gateway or any S3-compatible object storage as a backup location.


The CloudStorage API, which automates the creation of a bucket for object storage, is a Technology Preview feature only. Technology Preview features are not supported with Red Hat production service level agreements (SLAs) and might not be functionally complete. Red Hat does not recommend using them in production. These features provide early access to upcoming product features, enabling customers to test functionality and provide feedback during the development process.

For more information about the support scope of Red Hat Technology Preview features, see Technology Preview Features Support Scope.

You create a Secret for the backup location and then you install the Data Protection Application.

To install the OADP Operator in a restricted network environment, you must first disable the default OperatorHub sources and mirror the Operator catalog. For details, see Using Operator Lifecycle Manager on restricted networks. Installing the OADP Operator

You install the OpenShift API for Data Protection (OADP) Operator on OpenShift Container Platform 4.10 by using Operator Lifecycle Manager (OLM).

The OADP Operator installs Velero 1.7.


  • You must be logged in as a user with cluster-admin privileges.


  1. In the OpenShift Container Platform web console, click Operators OperatorHub.
  2. Use the Filter by keyword field to find the OADP Operator.
  3. Select the OADP Operator and click Install.
  4. Click Install to install the Operator in the openshift-adp project.
  5. Click Operators Installed Operators to verify the installation. About backup and snapshot locations and their secrets

You specify backup and snapshot locations and their secrets in the DataProtectionApplication custom resource (CR).

Backup locations

You specify S3-compatible object storage, such as Multicloud Object Gateway, Noobaa, or Minio, as a backup location.

Velero backs up OpenShift Container Platform resources, Kubernetes objects, and internal images as an archive file on object storage.

Snapshot locations

If you use your cloud provider’s native snapshot API to back up persistent volumes, you must specify the cloud provider as the snapshot location.

If you use Container Storage Interface (CSI) snapshots, you do not need to specify a snapshot location because you will create a VolumeSnapshotClass CR to register the CSI driver.

If you use Restic, you do not need to specify a snapshot location because Restic backs up the file system on object storage.


If the backup and snapshot locations use the same credentials or if you do not require a snapshot location, you create a default Secret.

If the backup and snapshot locations use different credentials, you create two secret objects:

  • Custom Secret for the backup location, which you specify in the DataProtectionApplication CR.
  • Default Secret for the snapshot location, which is not referenced in the DataProtectionApplication CR.

The Data Protection Application requires a default Secret. Otherwise, the installation will fail.

If you do not want to specify backup or snapshot locations during the installation, you can create a default Secret with an empty credentials-velero file. Creating a default Secret

You create a default Secret if your backup and snapshot locations use the same credentials or if you do not require a snapshot location.

The default name of the Secret is cloud-credentials, unless your backup storage provider has a default plugin, such as aws, azure, or gcp. In that case, the default name is specified in the provider-specific OADP installation procedure.


The DataProtectionApplication custom resource (CR) requires a default Secret. Otherwise, the installation will fail. If the name of the backup location Secret is not specified, the default name is used.

If you do not want to use the backup location credentials during the installation, you can create a Secret with the default name by using an empty credentials-velero file.


  • Your object storage and cloud storage, if any, must use the same credentials.
  • You must configure object storage for Velero.
  • You must create a credentials-velero file for the object storage in the appropriate format.


  • Create a Secret with the default name:

    $ oc create secret generic cloud-credentials -n openshift-adp --from-file cloud=credentials-velero

The Secret is referenced in the spec.backupLocations.credential block of the DataProtectionApplication CR when you install the Data Protection Application. Creating secrets for different credentials

If your backup and snapshot locations use different credentials, you must create two Secret objects:

  • Backup location Secret with a custom name. The custom name is specified in the spec.backupLocations block of the DataProtectionApplication custom resource (CR).
  • Snapshot location Secret with the default name, cloud-credentials. This Secret is not specified in the DataProtectionApplication CR.


  1. Create a credentials-velero file for the snapshot location in the appropriate format for your cloud provider.
  2. Create a Secret for the snapshot location with the default name:

    $ oc create secret generic cloud-credentials -n openshift-adp --from-file cloud=credentials-velero
  3. Create a credentials-velero file for the backup location in the appropriate format for your object storage.
  4. Create a Secret for the backup location with a custom name:

    $ oc create secret generic <custom_secret> -n openshift-adp --from-file cloud=credentials-velero
  5. Add the Secret with the custom name to the DataProtectionApplication CR, as in the following example:

    apiVersion: oadp.openshift.io/v1alpha1
    kind: DataProtectionApplication
      name: <dpa_sample>
      namespace: openshift-adp
        - velero:
            provider: <provider>
            default: true
              key: cloud
              name: <custom_secret> 1
              bucket: <bucket_name>
              prefix: <prefix>
    Backup location Secret with custom name. Configuring the Data Protection Application

You can configure the Data Protection Application by setting Velero resource allocations or enabling self-signed CA certificates. Setting Velero CPU and memory resource allocations

You set the CPU and memory resource allocations for the Velero pod by editing the DataProtectionApplication custom resource (CR) manifest.


  • You must have the OpenShift API for Data Protection (OADP) Operator installed.


  • Edit the values in the spec.configuration.velero.podConfig.ResourceAllocations block of the DataProtectionApplication CR manifest, as in the following example:

    apiVersion: oadp.openshift.io/v1alpha1
    kind: DataProtectionApplication
      name: <dpa_sample>
            nodeSelector: <node selector> 1
                cpu: "1"
                memory: 512Mi
                cpu: 500m
                memory: 256Mi
    Specify the node selector to be supplied to Velero podSpec. Enabling self-signed CA certificates

You must enable a self-signed CA certificate for object storage by editing the DataProtectionApplication custom resource (CR) manifest to prevent a certificate signed by unknown authority error.


  • You must have the OpenShift API for Data Protection (OADP) Operator installed.


  • Edit the spec.backupLocations.velero.objectStorage.caCert parameter and spec.backupLocations.velero.config parameters of the DataProtectionApplication CR manifest:

    apiVersion: oadp.openshift.io/v1alpha1
    kind: DataProtectionApplication
      name: <dpa_sample>
        - name: default
            provider: aws
            default: true
              bucket: <bucket>
              prefix: <prefix>
              caCert: <base64_encoded_cert_string> 1
              insecureSkipTLSVerify: "false" 2
    Specify the Base46-encoded CA certificate string.
    The insecureSkipTLSVerify configuration can be set to either "true" or "false". If set to "true", SSL/TLS security is disabled. If set to "false", SSL/TLS security is enabled. Installing the Data Protection Application

You install the Data Protection Application (DPA) by creating an instance of the DataProtectionApplication API.


  • You must install the OADP Operator.
  • You must configure object storage as a backup location.
  • If you use snapshots to back up PVs, your cloud provider must support either a native snapshot API or Container Storage Interface (CSI) snapshots.
  • If the backup and snapshot locations use the same credentials, you must create a Secret with the default name, cloud-credentials.
  • If the backup and snapshot locations use different credentials, you must create two Secrets:

    • Secret with a custom name for the backup location. You add this Secret to the DataProtectionApplication CR.
    • Secret with the default name, cloud-credentials, for the snapshot location. This Secret is not referenced in the DataProtectionApplication CR.


      If you do not want to specify backup or snapshot locations during the installation, you can create a default Secret with an empty credentials-velero file. If there is no default Secret, the installation will fail.


  1. Click Operators Installed Operators and select the OADP Operator.
  2. Under Provided APIs, click Create instance in the DataProtectionApplication box.
  3. Click YAML View and update the parameters of the DataProtectionApplication manifest:

    apiVersion: oadp.openshift.io/v1alpha1
    kind: DataProtectionApplication
      name: <dpa_sample>
      namespace: openshift-adp
            - kubevirt 1
            - gcp 2
            - csi 3
            - openshift 4
          resourceTimeout: 10m 5
          enable: true 6
            nodeSelector: <node_selector> 7
        - velero:
            provider: gcp 8
            default: true
              key: cloud
              name: <default_secret> 9
              bucket: <bucket_name> 10
              prefix: <prefix> 11
    Optional: The kubevirt plugin is used with OpenShift Virtualization.
    Specify the default plugin for the backup provider, for example, gcp, if appropriate.
    Specify the csi default plugin if you use CSI snapshots to back up PVs. The csi plugin uses the Velero CSI beta snapshot APIs. You do not need to configure a snapshot location.
    The openshift plugin is mandatory.
    Specify how many minutes to wait for several Velero resources before timeout occurs, such as Velero CRD availability, volumeSnapshot deletion, and backup repository availability. The default is 10m.
    Set to false, if you want to disable the Restic installation. Restic deploys a daemon set, which means that each worker node has Restic pods running. You can configure Restic for backups by adding spec.defaultVolumesToRestic: true to the Backup CR.
    Specify on which nodes Restic is available. By default, Restic runs on all nodes.
    Specify the backup provider.
    Specify the correct default name for the Secret, for example, cloud-credentials-gcp, if you use a default plugin for the backup provider. If specifying a custom name, then the custom name is used for the backup location. If you do not specify a Secret name, the default name is used.
    Specify a bucket as the backup storage location. If the bucket is not a dedicated bucket for Velero backups, you must specify a prefix.
    Specify a prefix for Velero backups, for example, velero, if the bucket is used for multiple purposes.
  4. Click Create.
  5. Verify the installation by viewing the OADP resources:

    $ oc get all -n openshift-adp

    Example output

    NAME                                                     READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
    pod/oadp-operator-controller-manager-67d9494d47-6l8z8    2/2     Running   0          2m8s
    pod/restic-9cq4q                                         1/1     Running   0          94s
    pod/restic-m4lts                                         1/1     Running   0          94s
    pod/restic-pv4kr                                         1/1     Running   0          95s
    pod/velero-588db7f655-n842v                              1/1     Running   0          95s
    NAME                                                       TYPE        CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)    AGE
    service/oadp-operator-controller-manager-metrics-service   ClusterIP    <none>        8443/TCP   2m8s
    daemonset.apps/restic   3         3         3       3            3           <none>          96s
    NAME                                                READY   UP-TO-DATE   AVAILABLE   AGE
    deployment.apps/oadp-operator-controller-manager    1/1     1            1           2m9s
    deployment.apps/velero                              1/1     1            1           96s
    NAME                                                           DESIRED   CURRENT   READY   AGE
    replicaset.apps/oadp-operator-controller-manager-67d9494d47    1         1         1       2m9s
    replicaset.apps/velero-588db7f655                              1         1         1       96s Configuring NooBaa for disaster recovery on OpenShift Data Foundation

If you use cluster storage for your NooBaa bucket backupStorageLocation on OpenShift Data Foundation, configure NooBaa as an external object store.


Failure to configure NooBaa as an external object store might lead to backups not being available.

Procedure Enabling CSI in the DataProtectionApplication CR

You enable the Container Storage Interface (CSI) in the DataProtectionApplication custom resource (CR) in order to back up persistent volumes with CSI snapshots.


  • The cloud provider must support CSI snapshots.


  • Edit the DataProtectionApplication CR, as in the following example:

    apiVersion: oadp.openshift.io/v1alpha1
    kind: DataProtectionApplication
          - openshift
          - csi 1
    Add the csi default plugin.

4.3.7. Uninstalling the OpenShift API for Data Protection

You uninstall the OpenShift API for Data Protection (OADP) by deleting the OADP Operator. See Deleting Operators from a cluster for details.

4.4. Backing up and restoring

4.4.1. Backing up applications

You back up applications by creating a Backup custom resource (CR). See Creating a Backup CR.

The Backup CR creates backup files for Kubernetes resources and internal images, on S3 object storage, and snapshots for persistent volumes (PVs), if the cloud provider uses a native snapshot API or the Container Storage Interface (CSI) to create snapshots, such as OpenShift Data Foundation 4.

For more information about CSI volume snapshots, see CSI volume snapshots.


The CloudStorage API for S3 storage is a Technology Preview feature only. Technology Preview features are not supported with Red Hat production service level agreements (SLAs) and might not be functionally complete. Red Hat does not recommend using them in production. These features provide early access to upcoming product features, enabling customers to test functionality and provide feedback during the development process.

For more information about the support scope of Red Hat Technology Preview features, see Technology Preview Features Support Scope.

  • If your cloud provider has a native snapshot API or supports CSI snapshots, the Backup CR backs up persistent volumes (PVs) by creating snapshots. For more information about working with CSI snapshots, see Backing up persistent volumes with CSI snapshots.
  • If your cloud provider does not support snapshots or if your applications are on NFS data volumes, you can create backups by using Restic. See Backing up applications with Restic.

The OpenShift API for Data Protection (OADP) does not support backing up volume snapshots that were created by other software.

You can create backup hooks to run commands before or after the backup operation. See Creating backup hooks.

You can schedule backups by creating a Schedule CR instead of a Backup CR. See Scheduling backups. Creating a Backup CR

You back up Kubernetes images, internal images, and persistent volumes (PVs) by creating a Backup custom resource (CR).


  • You must install the OpenShift API for Data Protection (OADP) Operator.
  • The DataProtectionApplication CR must be in a Ready state.
  • Backup location prerequisites:

    • You must have S3 object storage configured for Velero.
    • You must have a backup location configured in the DataProtectionApplication CR.
  • Snapshot location prerequisites:

    • Your cloud provider must have a native snapshot API or support Container Storage Interface (CSI) snapshots.
    • For CSI snapshots, you must create a VolumeSnapshotClass CR to register the CSI driver.
    • You must have a volume location configured in the DataProtectionApplication CR.


  1. Retrieve the backupStorageLocations CRs by entering the following command:

    $ oc get backupStorageLocations

    Example output

    NAME              PHASE       LAST VALIDATED   AGE   DEFAULT
    velero-sample-1   Available   11s              31m

  2. Create a Backup CR, as in the following example:

    apiVersion: velero.io/v1
    kind: Backup
      name: <backup>
        velero.io/storage-location: default
      namespace: openshift-adp
      hooks: {}
      - <namespace> 1
      includedResources: [] 2
      excludedResources: [] 3
      storageLocation: <velero-sample-1> 4
      ttl: 720h0m0s
      labelSelector: 5
      orLabelSelectors: 6
      - matchLabels:
    Specify an array of namespaces to back up.
    Optional: Specify an array of resources to include in the backup. Resources might be shortcuts (for example, 'po' for 'pods') or fully-qualified. If unspecified, all resources are included.
    Optional: Specify an array of resources to exclude from the backup. Resources might be shortcuts (for example, 'po' for 'pods') or fully-qualified.
    Specify the name of the backupStorageLocations CR.
    Map of {key,value} pairs of backup resources that have all of the specified labels.
    Map of {key,value} pairs of backup resources that have one or more of the specified labels.
  3. Verify that the status of the Backup CR is Completed:

    $ oc get backup -n openshift-adp <backup> -o jsonpath='{.status.phase}' Backing up persistent volumes with CSI snapshots

You back up persistent volumes with Container Storage Interface (CSI) snapshots by editing the VolumeSnapshotClass custom resource (CR) of the cloud storage before you create the Backup CR.


  • The cloud provider must support CSI snapshots.
  • You must enable CSI in the DataProtectionApplication CR.


  • Add the metadata.labels.velero.io/csi-volumesnapshot-class: "true" key-value pair to the VolumeSnapshotClass CR:

    apiVersion: snapshot.storage.k8s.io/v1
    kind: VolumeSnapshotClass
      name: <volume_snapshot_class_name>
        velero.io/csi-volumesnapshot-class: "true"
    driver: <csi_driver>
    deletionPolicy: Retain

You can now create a Backup CR. Backing up applications with Restic

You back up Kubernetes resources, internal images, and persistent volumes with Restic by editing the Backup custom resource (CR).

You do not need to specify a snapshot location in the DataProtectionApplication CR.


Restic does not support backing up hostPath volumes. For more information, see additional Rustic limitations.


  • You must install the OpenShift API for Data Protection (OADP) Operator.
  • You must not disable the default Restic installation by setting spec.configuration.restic.enable to false in the DataProtectionApplication CR.
  • The DataProtectionApplication CR must be in a Ready state.


  • Edit the Backup CR, as in the following example:

    apiVersion: velero.io/v1
    kind: Backup
      name: <backup>
        velero.io/storage-location: default
      namespace: openshift-adp
      defaultVolumesToRestic: true 1
    Add defaultVolumesToRestic: true to the spec block. Using Data Mover for CSI snapshots


Data Mover for CSI snapshots is a Technology Preview feature only. Technology Preview features are not supported with Red Hat production service level agreements (SLAs) and might not be functionally complete. Red Hat does not recommend using them in production. These features provide early access to upcoming product features, enabling customers to test functionality and provide feedback during the development process.

For more information about the support scope of Red Hat Technology Preview features, see Technology Preview Features Support Scope.

The OADP 1.1.0 Data Mover enables customers to back up container storage interface (CSI) volume snapshots to a remote object store. When Data Mover is enabled, you can restore stateful applications from the store if a failure, accidental deletion, or corruption of the cluster occurs. The OADP 1.1.0 Data Mover solution uses the Restic option of VolSync.


Data Mover supports backup and restore of CSI volume snapshots only.

Currently, Data Mover does not support Google Cloud Storage (GCS) buckets.


  • You have verified that the StorageClass and VolumeSnapshotClass custom resources (CRs) support CSI.
  • You have verified that only one volumeSnapshotClass CR has the annotation snapshot.storage.kubernetes.io/is-default-class: true.
  • You have verified that only one storageClass CR has the annotation storageclass.kubernetes.io/is-default-class: true.
  • You have included the label velero.io/csi-volumesnapshot-class: 'true' in your VolumeSnapshotClass CR.
  • You have installed the VolSync Operator by using the Operator Lifecycle Manager (OLM).


    The VolSync Operator is required only for use with the Technology Preview Data Mover. The Operator is not required for using OADP production features.

  • You have installed the OADP operator by using OLM.


  1. Configure a Restic secret by creating a .yaml file as following:

    apiVersion: v1
    kind: Secret
      name: <secret_name>
      namespace: openshift-adp
    type: Opaque
      RESTIC_PASSWORD: <secure_restic_password>

    By default, the Operator looks for a secret named dm-credential. If you are using a different name, you need to specify the name through a Data Protection Application (DPA) CR using dpa.spec.features.dataMover.credentialName.

  2. Create a DPA CR similar to the following example. The default plugins include CSI.

    Example Data Protection Application (DPA) CR

    apiVersion: oadp.openshift.io/v1alpha1
    kind: DataProtectionApplication
      name: velero-sample
      namespace: openshift-adp
          enable: true
          credentialName: <secret_name> 1
        - velero:
              profile: default
              region: us-east-1
              key: cloud
              name: cloud-credentials
            default: true
              bucket: <bucket_name>
              prefix: <bucket_prefix>
            provider: aws
          enable: <true_or_false>
            - openshift
            - aws
            - csi

    Add the Restic secret name from the previous step. If this is not done, the default secret name dm-credential is used.

    The OADP Operator installs two custom resource definitions (CRDs), VolumeSnapshotBackup and VolumeSnapshotRestore.

    Example VolumeSnapshotBackup CRD

    apiVersion: datamover.oadp.openshift.io/v1alpha1
    kind: VolumeSnapshotBackup
      name: <vsb_name>
      namespace: <namespace_name> 1
        name: <snapcontent_name>
      protectedNamespace: <adp_namespace>
        name: <restic_secret_name>

    Specify the namespace where the volume snapshot exists.

    Example VolumeSnapshotRestore CRD

    apiVersion: datamover.oadp.openshift.io/v1alpha1
    kind: VolumeSnapshotRestore
      name: <vsr_name>
      namespace: <namespace_name> 1
      protectedNamespace: <protected_ns> 2
        name: <restic_secret_name>
          name: <source_pvc_name>
          size: <source_pvc_size>
        resticrepository: <your_restic_repo>
        volumeSnapshotClassName: <vsclass_name>

    Specify the namespace where the volume snapshot exists.
    Specify the namespace where the Operator is installed. The default is openshift-adp.
  3. You can back up a volume snapshot by performing the following steps:

    1. Create a backup CR:

      apiVersion: velero.io/v1
      kind: Backup
        name: <backup_name>
        namespace: <protected_ns> 1
        - <app_ns>
        storageLocation: velero-sample-1
      Specify the namespace where the Operator is installed. The default namespace is openshift-adp.
    2. Wait up to 10 minutes and check whether the VolumeSnapshotBackup CR status is Completed by entering the following commands:

      $ oc get vsb -n <app_ns>
      $ oc get vsb <vsb_name> -n <app_ns> -o jsonpath="{.status.phase}"

      A snapshot is created in the object store was configured in the DPA.


      If the status of the VolumeSnapshotBackup CR becomes Failed, refer to the Velero logs for troubleshooting.

  4. You can restore a volume snapshot by performing the following steps:

    1. Delete the application namespace and the volumeSnapshotContent that was created by the Velero CSI plugin.
    2. Create a Restore CR and set restorePVs to true.

      Example Restore CR

      apiVersion: velero.io/v1
      kind: Restore
        name: <restore_name>
        namespace: <protected_ns>
        backupName: <previous_backup_name>
        restorePVs: true

    3. Wait up to 10 minutes and check whether the VolumeSnapshotRestore CR status is Completed by entering the following command:

      $ oc get vsr -n <app_ns>
      $ oc get vsr <vsr_name> -n <app_ns> -o jsonpath="{.status.phase}"
    4. Check whether your application data and resources have been restored.


      If the status of the VolumeSnapshotRestore CR becomes 'Failed', refer to the Velero logs for troubleshooting. Cleaning up after a backup using Data Mover with OADP 1.1.

For OADP 1.1, you must perform a data cleanup after you perform a backup using any version of Data Mover.

The cleanup consists of deleting the following resources:

  • Snapshots in a bucket
  • Cluster resources
  • Volume snapshot backups (VSBs) after a backup procedure that is either run by a schedule or is run repetitively Deleting snapshots in a bucket

Data Mover might leave one or more snapshots in a bucket after a backup. You can either delete all the snapshots or delete individual snapshots.


  • To delete all snapshots in your bucket, delete the /<protected_namespace> folder that is specified in the Data Protection Application (DPA) .spec.backupLocation.objectStorage.bucket resource.
  • To delete an individual snapshot:

    1. Browse to the /<protected_namespace> folder that is specified in the DPA .spec.backupLocation.objectStorage.bucket resource.
    2. Delete the appropriate folders that are prefixed with /<volumeSnapshotContent name>-pvc where <VolumeSnapshotContent_name> is the VolumeSnapshotContent created by Data Mover per PVC. Deleting cluster resources

Data Mover might leave cluster resources whether or not it successfully backs up your container storage interface (CSI) volume snapshots to a remote object store. Deleting cluster resources following a successful backup and restore that used Data Mover

You can delete any VolumeSnapshotBackup or VolumeSnapshotRestore CRs that remain in your application namespace after a successful backup and restore where you used Data Mover.


  1. Delete cluster resources that remain on the application namespace, the namespace with the application PVCs to backup and restore, after a backup where you use Data Mover:

    $ oc delete vsb -n <app_namespace> --all
  2. Delete cluster resources that remain after a restore where you use Data Mover:

    $ oc delete vsr -n <app_namespace> --all
  3. If needed, delete any VolumeSnapshotContent resources that remain after a backup and restore where you use Data Mover:

    $ oc delete volumesnapshotcontent --all Deleting cluster resources following a partially successful or a failed backup and restore that used Data Mover

If your backup and restore operation that uses Data Mover either fails or only partially succeeds, you must clean up any VolumeSnapshotBackup (VSB) or VolumeSnapshotRestore custom resource definitions (CRDs) that exist in the application namespace, and clean up any extra resources created by these controllers.


  1. Clean up cluster resources that remain after a backup operation where you used Data Mover by entering the following commands:

    1. Delete VSB CRDs on the application namespace, the namespace with the application PVCs to backup and restore:

      $ oc delete vsb -n <app_namespace> --all
    2. Delete VolumeSnapshot CRs:

      $ oc delete volumesnapshot -A --all
    3. Delete VolumeSnapshotContent CRs:

      $ oc delete volumesnapshotcontent --all
    4. Delete any PVCs on the protected namespace, the namespace the Operator is installed on.

      $ oc delete pvc -n <protected_namespace> --all
    5. Delete any ReplicationSource resources on the namespace.

      $ oc delete replicationsource -n <protected_namespace> --all
  2. Clean up cluster resources that remain after a restore operation using Data Mover by entering the following commands:

    1. Delete VSR CRDs:

      $ oc delete vsr -n <app-ns> --all
    2. Delete VolumeSnapshot CRs:

      $ oc delete volumesnapshot -A --all
    3. Delete VolumeSnapshotContent CRs:

      $ oc delete volumesnapshotcontent --all
    4. Delete any ReplicationDestination resources on the namespace.

      $ oc delete replicationdestination -n <protected_namespace> --all Creating backup hooks

You create backup hooks to run commands in a container in a pod by editing the Backup custom resource (CR).

Pre hooks run before the pod is backed up. Post hooks run after the backup.


  • Add a hook to the spec.hooks block of the Backup CR, as in the following example:

    apiVersion: velero.io/v1
    kind: Backup
      name: <backup>
      namespace: openshift-adp
          - name: <hook_name>
            - <namespace> 1
            excludedNamespaces: 2
            - <namespace>
            includedResources: []
            - pods 3
            excludedResources: [] 4
            labelSelector: 5
                app: velero
                component: server
            pre: 6
              - exec:
                  container: <container> 7
                  - /bin/uname 8
                  - -a
                  onError: Fail 9
                  timeout: 30s 10
            post: 11
    Optional: You can specify namespaces to which the hook applies. If this value is not specified, the hook applies to all namespaces.
    Optional: You can specify namespaces to which the hook does not apply.
    Currently, pods are the only supported resource that hooks can apply to.
    Optional: You can specify resources to which the hook does not apply.
    Optional: This hook only applies to objects matching the label. If this value is not specified, the hook applies to all namespaces.
    Array of hooks to run before the backup.
    Optional: If the container is not specified, the command runs in the first container in the pod.
    This is the entrypoint for the init container being added.
    Allowed values for error handling are Fail and Continue. The default is Fail.
    Optional: How long to wait for the commands to run. The default is 30s.
    This block defines an array of hooks to run after the backup, with the same parameters as the pre-backup hooks. Scheduling backups

You schedule backups by creating a Schedule custom resource (CR) instead of a Backup CR.


Leave enough time in your backup schedule for a backup to finish before another backup is created.

For example, if a backup of a namespace typically takes 10 minutes, do not schedule backups more frequently than every 15 minutes.


  • You must install the OpenShift API for Data Protection (OADP) Operator.
  • The DataProtectionApplication CR must be in a Ready state.


  1. Retrieve the backupStorageLocations CRs:

    $ oc get backupStorageLocations

    Example output

    NAME              PHASE       LAST VALIDATED   AGE   DEFAULT
    velero-sample-1   Available   11s              31m

  2. Create a Schedule CR, as in the following example:

    $ cat << EOF | oc apply -f -
    apiVersion: velero.io/v1
    kind: Schedule
      name: <schedule>
      namespace: openshift-adp
      schedule: 0 7 * * * 1
        hooks: {}
        - <namespace> 2
        storageLocation: <velero-sample-1> 3
        defaultVolumesToRestic: true 4
        ttl: 720h0m0s
    cron expression to schedule the backup, for example, 0 7 * * * to perform a backup every day at 7:00.
    Array of namespaces to back up.
    Name of the backupStorageLocations CR.
    Optional: Add the defaultVolumesToRestic: true key-value pair if you are backing up volumes with Restic.
  3. Verify that the status of the Schedule CR is Completed after the scheduled backup runs:

    $ oc get schedule -n openshift-adp <schedule> -o jsonpath='{.status.phase}' Deleting backups

You can remove backup files by deleting the Backup custom resource (CR).


After you delete the Backup CR and the associated object storage data, you cannot recover the deleted data.


  • You created a Backup CR.
  • You know the name of the Backup CR and the namespace that contains it.
  • You downloaded the Velero CLI tool.
  • You can access the Velero binary in your cluster.


  • Choose one of the following actions to delete the Backup CR:

    • To delete the Backup CR and keep the associated object storage data, issue the following command:

      $ oc delete backup <backup_CR_name> -n <velero_namespace>
    • To delete the Backup CR and delete the associated object storage data, issue the following command:

      $ velero backup delete <backup_CR_name> -n <velero_namespace>


      Specifies the name of the Backup custom resource.
      Specifies the namespace that contains the Backup custom resource.

Additional resources

4.4.2. Restoring applications

You restore application backups by creating a Restore custom resource (CR). See Creating a Restore CR.

You can create restore hooks to run commands in a container in a pod while restoring your application by editing the Restore (CR). See Creating restore hooks Creating a Restore CR

You restore a Backup custom resource (CR) by creating a Restore CR.


  • You must install the OpenShift API for Data Protection (OADP) Operator.
  • The DataProtectionApplication CR must be in a Ready state.
  • You must have a Velero Backup CR.
  • Adjust the requested size so the persistent volume (PV) capacity matches the requested size at backup time.


  1. Create a Restore CR, as in the following example:

    apiVersion: velero.io/v1
    kind: Restore
      name: <restore>
      namespace: openshift-adp
      backupName: <backup> 1
      includedResources: [] 2
      - nodes
      - events
      - events.events.k8s.io
      - backups.velero.io
      - restores.velero.io
      - resticrepositories.velero.io
      restorePVs: true 3
    Name of the Backup CR.
    Optional: Specify an array of resources to include in the restore process. Resources might be shortcuts (for example, po for pods) or fully-qualified. If unspecified, all resources are included.
    Optional: The restorePVs parameter can be set to false in order to turn off restore of PersistentVolumes from VolumeSnapshot of Container Storage Interface (CSI) snapshots, or from native snapshots when VolumeSnaphshotLocation is configured.
  2. Verify that the status of the Restore CR is Completed by entering the following command:

    $ oc get restore -n openshift-adp <restore> -o jsonpath='{.status.phase}'
  3. Verify that the backup resources have been restored by entering the following command:

    $ oc get all -n <namespace> 1
    Namespace that you backed up.
  4. If you use Restic to restore DeploymentConfig objects or if you use post-restore hooks, run the dc-restic-post-restore.sh cleanup script by entering the following command:

    $ bash dc-restic-post-restore.sh <restore-name>

    In the course of the restore process, the OADP Velero plug-ins scale down the DeploymentConfig objects and restore the pods as standalone pods to prevent the cluster from deleting the restored DeploymentConfig pods immediately on restore and to allow Restic and post-restore hooks to complete their actions on the restored pods. The cleanup script removes these disconnected pods and scale any DeploymentConfig objects back up to the appropriate number of replicas.

    Example 4.1. dc-restic-post-restore.sh cleanup script

    set -e
    # if sha256sum exists, use it to check the integrity of the file
    if command -v sha256sum >/dev/null 2>&1; then
      CHECKSUM_CMD="shasum -a 256"
    label_name () {
        if [ "${#1}" -le "63" ]; then
    	echo $1
        sha=$(echo -n $1|$CHECKSUM_CMD)
        echo "${1:0:57}${sha:0:6}"
    if [[ $# -ne 1 ]]; then
        echo "usage: ${BASH_SOURCE} restore-name"
        exit 1
    echo using OADP Namespace $OADP_NAMESPACE
    echo restore: $1
    label=$(label_name $1)
    echo label: $label
    echo Deleting disconnected restore pods
    oc delete pods -l oadp.openshift.io/disconnected-from-dc=$label
    for dc in $(oc get dc --all-namespaces -l oadp.openshift.io/replicas-modified=$label -o jsonpath='{range .items[*]}{.metadata.namespace}{","}{.metadata.name}{","}{.metadata.annotations.oadp\.openshift\.io/original-replicas}{","}{.metadata.annotations.oadp\.openshift\.io/original-paused}{"\n"}')
        IFS=',' read -ra dc_arr <<< "$dc"
        if [ ${#dc_arr[0]} -gt 0 ]; then
    	echo Found deployment ${dc_arr[0]}/${dc_arr[1]}, setting replicas: ${dc_arr[2]}, paused: ${dc_arr[3]}
    	cat <<EOF | oc patch dc  -n ${dc_arr[0]} ${dc_arr[1]} --patch-file /dev/stdin
      replicas: ${dc_arr[2]}
      paused: ${dc_arr[3]}
    done Creating restore hooks

You create restore hooks to run commands in a container in a pod while restoring your application by editing the Restore custom resource (CR).

You can create two types of restore hooks:

  • An init hook adds an init container to a pod to perform setup tasks before the application container starts.

    If you restore a Restic backup, the restic-wait init container is added before the restore hook init container.

  • An exec hook runs commands or scripts in a container of a restored pod.


  • Add a hook to the spec.hooks block of the Restore CR, as in the following example:

    apiVersion: velero.io/v1
    kind: Restore
      name: <restore>
      namespace: openshift-adp
          - name: <hook_name>
            - <namespace> 1
            - <namespace>
            - pods 2
            excludedResources: []
            labelSelector: 3
                app: velero
                component: server
            - init:
                - name: restore-hook-init
                  image: alpine:latest
                  - mountPath: /restores/pvc1-vm
                    name: pvc1-vm
                  - /bin/ash
                  - -c
                timeout: 4
            - exec:
                container: <container> 5
                - /bin/bash 6
                - -c
                - "psql < /backup/backup.sql"
                waitTimeout: 5m 7
                execTimeout: 1m 8
                onError: Continue 9
    Optional: Array of namespaces to which the hook applies. If this value is not specified, the hook applies to all namespaces.
    Currently, pods are the only supported resource that hooks can apply to.
    Optional: This hook only applies to objects matching the label selector.
    Optional: Timeout specifies the maximum amount of time Velero waits for initContainers to complete.
    Optional: If the container is not specified, the command runs in the first container in the pod.
    This is the entrypoint for the init container being added.
    Optional: How long to wait for a container to become ready. This should be long enough for the container to start and for any preceding hooks in the same container to complete. If not set, the restore process waits indefinitely.
    Optional: How long to wait for the commands to run. The default is 30s.
    Allowed values for error handling are Fail and Continue:
    • Continue: Only command failures are logged.
    • Fail: No more restore hooks run in any container in any pod. The status of the Restore CR will be PartiallyFailed.

4.5. Troubleshooting

You can debug Velero custom resources (CRs) by using the OpenShift CLI tool or the Velero CLI tool. The Velero CLI tool provides more detailed logs and information.

You can check installation issues, backup and restore CR issues, and Restic issues.

You can collect logs, CR information, and Prometheus metric data by using the must-gather tool.

You can obtain the Velero CLI tool by:

  • Downloading the Velero CLI tool
  • Accessing the Velero binary in the Velero deployment in the cluster

4.5.1. Downloading the Velero CLI tool

You can download and install the Velero CLI tool by following the instructions on the Velero documentation page.

The page includes instructions for:

  • macOS by using Homebrew
  • GitHub
  • Windows by using Chocolatey


  • You have access to a Kubernetes cluster, v1.16 or later, with DNS and container networking enabled.
  • You have installed kubectl locally.


  1. Open a browser and navigate to "Install the CLI" on the Verleo website.
  2. Follow the appropriate procedure for macOS, GitHub, or Windows.
  3. Download the Velero version appropriate for your version of OADP and OpenShift Container Platform according to the table that follows:

    Table 4.2. OADP-Velero-OpenShift Container Platform version relationship
    OADP versionVelero versionOpenShift Container Platform version



    4.6 and later



    4.6 and later



    4.6 and later



    4.6 and later



    4.9 and later



    4.9 and later



    4.9 and later

4.5.2. Accessing the Velero binary in the Velero deployment in the cluster

You can use a shell command to access the Velero binary in the Velero deployment in the cluster.


  • Your DataProtectionApplication custom resource has a status of Reconcile complete.


  • Enter the following command to set the needed alias:

    $ alias velero='oc -n openshift-adp exec deployment/velero -c velero -it -- ./velero'

4.5.3. Debugging Velero resources with the OpenShift CLI tool

You can debug a failed backup or restore by checking Velero custom resources (CRs) and the Velero pod log with the OpenShift CLI tool.

Velero CRs

Use the oc describe command to retrieve a summary of warnings and errors associated with a Backup or Restore CR:

$ oc describe <velero_cr> <cr_name>
Velero pod logs

Use the oc logs command to retrieve the Velero pod logs:

$ oc logs pod/<velero>
Velero pod debug logs

You can specify the Velero log level in the DataProtectionApplication resource as shown in the following example.


This option is available starting from OADP 1.0.3.

apiVersion: oadp.openshift.io/v1alpha1
kind: DataProtectionApplication
  name: velero-sample
      logLevel: warning

The following logLevel values are available:

  • trace
  • debug
  • info
  • warning
  • error
  • fatal
  • panic

It is recommended to use debug for most logs.

4.5.4. Debugging Velero resources with the Velero CLI tool

You can debug Backup and Restore custom resources (CRs) and retrieve logs with the Velero CLI tool.

The Velero CLI tool provides more detailed information than the OpenShift CLI tool.


Use the oc exec command to run a Velero CLI command:

$ oc -n openshift-adp exec deployment/velero -c velero -- ./velero \
  <backup_restore_cr> <command> <cr_name>


$ oc -n openshift-adp exec deployment/velero -c velero -- ./velero \
  backup describe 0e44ae00-5dc3-11eb-9ca8-df7e5254778b-2d8ql

Help option

Use the velero --help option to list all Velero CLI commands:

$ oc -n openshift-adp exec deployment/velero -c velero -- ./velero \
Describe command

Use the velero describe command to retrieve a summary of warnings and errors associated with a Backup or Restore CR:

$ oc -n openshift-adp exec deployment/velero -c velero -- ./velero \
  <backup_restore_cr> describe <cr_name>


$ oc -n openshift-adp exec deployment/velero -c velero -- ./velero \
  backup describe 0e44ae00-5dc3-11eb-9ca8-df7e5254778b-2d8ql

Logs command

Use the velero logs command to retrieve the logs of a Backup or Restore CR:

$ oc -n openshift-adp exec deployment/velero -c velero -- ./velero \
  <backup_restore_cr> logs <cr_name>


$ oc -n openshift-adp exec deployment/velero -c velero -- ./velero \
  restore logs ccc7c2d0-6017-11eb-afab-85d0007f5a19-x4lbf

4.5.5. Pods crash or restart due to lack of memory or CPU

If a Velero or Restic pod crashes due to a lack of memory or CPU, you can set specific resource requests for either of those resources. Setting resource requests for a Velero pod

You can use the configuration.velero.podConfig.resourceAllocations specification field in the oadp_v1alpha1_dpa.yaml file to set specific resource requests for a Velero pod.


  • Set the cpu and memory resource requests in the YAML file:

    Example Velero file

    apiVersion: oadp.openshift.io/v1alpha1
    kind: DataProtectionApplication
              cpu: 500m
              memory: 256Mi Setting resource requests for a Restic pod

You can use the configuration.restic.podConfig.resourceAllocations specification field to set specific resource requests for a Restic pod.


  • Set the cpu and memory resource requests in the YAML file:

    Example Restic file

    apiVersion: oadp.openshift.io/v1alpha1
    kind: DataProtectionApplication
              cpu: 500m
              memory: 256Mi


The values for the resource request fields must follow the same format as Kubernetes resource requirements. Also, if you do not specify configuration.velero.podConfig.resourceAllocations or configuration.restic.podConfig.resourceAllocations, the default resources specification for a Velero pod or a Restic pod is as follows:

  cpu: 500m
  memory: 128Mi

4.5.6. Issues with Velero and admission webhooks

Velero has limited abilities to resolve admission webhook issues during a restore. If you have workloads with admission webhooks, you might need to use an additional Velero plugin or make changes to how you restore the workload.

Typically, workloads with admission webhooks require you to create a resource of a specific kind first. This is especially true if your workload has child resources because admission webhooks typically block child resources.

For example, creating or restoring a top-level object such as service.serving.knative.dev typically creates child resources automatically. If you do this first, you will not need to use Velero to create and restore these resources. This avoids the problem of child resources being blocked by an admission webhook that Velero might use. Restoring workarounds for Velero backups that use admission webhooks

This section describes the additional steps required to restore resources for several types of Velero backups that use admission webhooks. Restoring Knative resources

You might encounter problems using Velero to back up Knative resources that use admission webhooks.

You can avoid such problems by restoring the top level Service resource first whenever you back up and restore Knative resources that use admission webhooks.


  • Restore the top level service.serving.knavtive.dev Service resource:

    $ velero restore <restore_name> \
      --from-backup=<backup_name> --include-resources \
      service.serving.knavtive.dev Restoring IBM AppConnect resources

If you experience issues when you use Velero to a restore an IBM AppConnect resource that has an admission webhook, you can run the checks in this procedure.


  1. Check if you have any mutating admission plugins of kind: MutatingWebhookConfiguration in the cluster:

    $ oc get mutatingwebhookconfigurations
  2. Examine the YAML file of each kind: MutatingWebhookConfiguration to ensure that none of its rules block creation of the objects that are experiencing issues. For more information, see the official Kuberbetes documentation.
  3. Check that any spec.version in type: Configuration.appconnect.ibm.com/v1beta1 used at backup time is supported by the installed Operator.

4.5.7. Installation issues

You might encounter issues caused by using invalid directories or incorrect credentials when you install the Data Protection Application. Backup storage contains invalid directories

The Velero pod log displays the error message, Backup storage contains invalid top-level directories.


The object storage contains top-level directories that are not Velero directories.


If the object storage is not dedicated to Velero, you must specify a prefix for the bucket by setting the spec.backupLocations.velero.objectStorage.prefix parameter in the DataProtectionApplication manifest. Incorrect AWS credentials

The oadp-aws-registry pod log displays the error message, InvalidAccessKeyId: The AWS Access Key Id you provided does not exist in our records.

The Velero pod log displays the error message, NoCredentialProviders: no valid providers in chain.


The credentials-velero file used to create the Secret object is incorrectly formatted.


Ensure that the credentials-velero file is correctly formatted, as in the following example:

Example credentials-velero file

[default] 1
aws_access_key_id=AKIAIOSFODNN7EXAMPLE 2

AWS default profile.
Do not enclose the values with quotation marks (", ').

4.5.8. Backup and Restore CR issues

You might encounter these common issues with Backup and Restore custom resources (CRs). Backup CR cannot retrieve volume

The Backup CR displays the error message, InvalidVolume.NotFound: The volume ‘vol-xxxx’ does not exist.


The persistent volume (PV) and the snapshot locations are in different regions.


  1. Edit the value of the spec.snapshotLocations.velero.config.region key in the DataProtectionApplication manifest so that the snapshot location is in the same region as the PV.
  2. Create a new Backup CR. Backup CR status remains in progress

The status of a Backup CR remains in the InProgress phase and does not complete.


If a backup is interrupted, it cannot be resumed.


  1. Retrieve the details of the Backup CR:

    $ oc -n {namespace} exec deployment/velero -c velero -- ./velero \
      backup describe <backup>
  2. Delete the Backup CR:

    $ oc delete backup <backup> -n openshift-adp

    You do not need to clean up the backup location because a Backup CR in progress has not uploaded files to object storage.

  3. Create a new Backup CR. Backup CR status remains in PartiallyFailed

The status of a Backup CR without Restic in use remains in the PartiallyFailed phase and does not complete. A snapshot of the affiliated PVC is not created.


If the backup is created based on the CSI snapshot class, but the label is missing, CSI snapshot plugin fails to create a snapshot. As a result, the Velero pod logs an error similar to the following:


time="2023-02-17T16:33:13Z" level=error msg="Error backing up item" backup=openshift-adp/user1-backup-check5 error="error executing custom action (groupResource=persistentvolumeclaims, namespace=busy1, name=pvc1-user1): rpc error: code = Unknown desc = failed to get volumesnapshotclass for storageclass ocs-storagecluster-ceph-rbd: failed to get volumesnapshotclass for provisioner openshift-storage.rbd.csi.ceph.com, ensure that the desired volumesnapshot class has the velero.io/csi-volumesnapshot-class label" logSource="/remote-source/velero/app/pkg/backup/backup.go:417" name=busybox-79799557b5-vprq


  1. Delete the Backup CR:

    $ oc delete backup <backup> -n openshift-adp
  2. If required, clean up the stored data on the BackupStorageLocation to free up space.
  3. Apply label velero.io/csi-volumesnapshot-class=true to the VolumeSnapshotClass object:

    $ oc label volumesnapshotclass/<snapclass_name> velero.io/csi-volumesnapshot-class=true
  4. Create a new Backup CR.

4.5.9. Restic issues

You might encounter these issues when you back up applications with Restic. Restic permission error for NFS data volumes with root_squash enabled

The Restic pod log displays the error message: controller=pod-volume-backup error="fork/exec/usr/bin/restic: permission denied".


If your NFS data volumes have root_squash enabled, Restic maps to nfsnobody and does not have permission to create backups.


You can resolve this issue by creating a supplemental group for Restic and adding the group ID to the DataProtectionApplication manifest:

  1. Create a supplemental group for Restic on the NFS data volume.
  2. Set the setgid bit on the NFS directories so that group ownership is inherited.
  3. Add the spec.configuration.restic.supplementalGroups parameter and the group ID to the DataProtectionApplication manifest, as in the following example:

          enable: true
          - <group_id> 1
    Specify the supplemental group ID.
  4. Wait for the Restic pods to restart so that the changes are applied. Restic Backup CR cannot be recreated after bucket is emptied

If you create a Restic Backup CR for a namespace, empty the object storage bucket, and then recreate the Backup CR for the same namespace, the recreated Backup CR fails.

The velero pod log displays the following error message: stderr=Fatal: unable to open config file: Stat: The specified key does not exist.\nIs there a repository at the following location?.


Velero does not recreate or update the Restic repository from the ResticRepository manifest if the Restic directories are deleted from object storage. See Velero issue 4421 for more information.


  • Remove the related Restic repository from the namespace by running the following command:

    $ oc delete resticrepository openshift-adp <name_of_the_restic_repository>

    In the following error log, mysql-persistent is the problematic Restic repository. The name of the repository appears in italics for clarity.

     time="2021-12-29T18:29:14Z" level=info msg="1 errors
     encountered backup up item" backup=velero/backup65
     logSource="pkg/backup/backup.go:431" name=mysql-7d99fc949-qbkds
     time="2021-12-29T18:29:14Z" level=error msg="Error backing up item"
     backup=velero/backup65 error="pod volume backup failed: error running
     restic backup, stderr=Fatal: unable to open config file: Stat: The
     specified key does not exist.\nIs there a repository at the following
     restic/mysql-persistent\n: exit status 1" error.file="/remote-source/
     logSource="pkg/backup/backup.go:435" name=mysql-7d99fc949-qbkds

4.5.10. Using the must-gather tool

You can collect logs, metrics, and information about OADP custom resources by using the must-gather tool.

The must-gather data must be attached to all customer cases.


  • You must be logged in to the OpenShift Container Platform cluster as a user with the cluster-admin role.
  • You must have the OpenShift CLI (oc) installed.


  1. Navigate to the directory where you want to store the must-gather data.
  2. Run the oc adm must-gather command for one of the following data collection options:

    $ oc adm must-gather --image=registry.redhat.io/oadp/oadp-mustgather-rhel8:v1.1

    The data is saved as must-gather/must-gather.tar.gz. You can upload this file to a support case on the Red Hat Customer Portal.

    $ oc adm must-gather --image=registry.redhat.io/oadp/oadp-mustgather-rhel8:v1.1 \
      -- /usr/bin/gather_metrics_dump

    This operation can take a long time. The data is saved as must-gather/metrics/prom_data.tar.gz.

Viewing metrics data with the Prometheus console

You can view the metrics data with the Prometheus console.


  1. Decompress the prom_data.tar.gz file:

    $ tar -xvzf must-gather/metrics/prom_data.tar.gz
  2. Create a local Prometheus instance:

    $ make prometheus-run

    The command outputs the Prometheus URL.


    Started Prometheus on http://localhost:9090

  3. Launch a web browser and navigate to the URL to view the data by using the Prometheus web console.
  4. After you have viewed the data, delete the Prometheus instance and data:

    $ make prometheus-cleanup

4.6. APIs used with OADP

The document provides information about the following APIs that you can use with OADP:

  • Velero API

4.6.1. Velero API

Velero API documentation is maintained by Velero, not by Red Hat. It can be found at Velero API types.

4.6.2. OADP API

The following tables provide the structure of the OADP API:

Table 4.3. DataProtectionApplicationSpec


[] BackupLocation

Defines the list of configurations to use for BackupStorageLocations.


[] SnapshotLocation

Defines the list of configurations to use for VolumeSnapshotLocations.


map [ UnsupportedImageKey ] string

Can be used to override the deployed dependent images for development. Options are veleroImageFqin, awsPluginImageFqin, openshiftPluginImageFqin, azurePluginImageFqin, gcpPluginImageFqin, csiPluginImageFqin, dataMoverImageFqin, resticRestoreImageFqin, kubevirtPluginImageFqin, and operator-type.


map [ string ] string

Used to add annotations to pods deployed by Operators.



Defines the configuration of the DNS of a pod.



Defines the DNS parameters of a pod in addition to those generated from DNSPolicy.



Used to specify whether or not you want to deploy a registry for enabling backup and restore of images.



Used to define the data protection application’s server configuration.



Defines the configuration for the DPA to enable the Technology Preview features.

Complete schema definitions for the OADP API.

Table 4.4. BackupLocation



Location to store volume snapshots, as described in Backup Storage Location.



[Technology Preview] Automates creation of a bucket at some cloud storage providers for use as a backup storage location.


The bucket parameter is a Technology Preview feature only. Technology Preview features are not supported with Red Hat production service level agreements (SLAs) and might not be functionally complete. Red Hat does not recommend using them in production. These features provide early access to upcoming product features, enabling customers to test functionality and provide feedback during the development process.

For more information about the support scope of Red Hat Technology Preview features, see Technology Preview Features Support Scope.

Complete schema definitions for the type BackupLocation.

Table 4.5. SnapshotLocation



Location to store volume snapshots, as described in Volume Snapshot Location.

Complete schema definitions for the type SnapshotLocation.

Table 4.6. ApplicationConfig



Defines the configuration for the Velero server.



Defines the configuration for the Restic server.

Complete schema definitions for the type ApplicationConfig.

Table 4.7. VeleroConfig


[] string

Defines the list of features to enable for the Velero instance.


[] string

The following types of default Velero plugins can be installed: aws,azure, csi, gcp, kubevirt, and openshift.



Used for installation of custom Velero plugins.

Default and custom plugins are described in OADP plugins



Represents a config map that is created if defined for use in conjunction with the EnableAPIGroupVersions feature flag. Defining this field automatically adds EnableAPIGroupVersions to the Velero server feature flag.



To install Velero without a default backup storage location, you must set the noDefaultBackupLocation flag in order to confirm installation.



Defines the configuration of the Velero pod.



Velero server’s log level (use debug for the most granular logging, leave unset for Velero default). Valid options are trace, debug, info, warning, error, fatal, and panic.

Complete schema definitions for the type VeleroConfig.

Table 4.8. CustomPlugin



Name of custom plugin.



Image of custom plugin.

Complete schema definitions for the type CustomPlugin.

Table 4.9. ResticConfig



If set to true, enables backup and restore using Restic. If set to false, snapshots are needed.



Defines the Linux groups to be applied to the Restic pod.



A user-supplied duration string that defines the Restic timeout. Default value is 1hr (1 hour). A duration string is a possibly signed sequence of decimal numbers, each with optional fraction and a unit suffix, such as 300ms, -1.5h` or 2h45m. Valid time units are ns, us (or µs), ms, s, m, and h.



Defines the configuration of the Restic pod.

Complete schema definitions for the type ResticConfig.

Table 4.10. PodConfig


map [ string ] string

Defines the nodeSelector to be supplied to a Velero podSpec or a Restic podSpec.



Defines the list of tolerations to be applied to a Velero deployment or a Restic daemonset.



Set specific resource limits and requests for a Velero pod or a Restic pod as described in Setting Velero CPU and memory resource allocations.


map [ string ] string

Labels to add to pods.

Complete schema definitions for the type PodConfig.

Table 4.11. Features



Defines the configuration of the Data Mover.

Complete schema definitions for the type Features.

Table 4.12. DataMover



If set to true, deploys the volume snapshot mover controller and a modified CSI Data Mover plugin. If set to false, these are not deployed.



User-supplied Restic Secret name for Data Mover.



A user-supplied duration string for VolumeSnapshotBackup and VolumeSnapshotRestore to complete. Default is 10m (10 minutes). A duration string is a possibly signed sequence of decimal numbers, each with optional fraction and a unit suffix, such as 300ms, -1.5h` or 2h45m. Valid time units are ns, us (or µs), ms, s, m, and h.

The OADP API is more fully detailed in OADP Operator.

4.7. Advanced OADP features and functionalities

This document provides information about advanced features and functionalities of OpenShift API for Data Protection (OADP).

4.7.1. Working with different Kubernetes API versions on the same cluster Listing the Kubernetes API group versions on a cluster

A source cluster might offer multiple versions of an API, where one of these versions is the preferred API version. For example, a source cluster with an API named Example might be available in the example.com/v1 and example.com/v1beta2 API groups.

If you use Velero to back up and restore such a source cluster, Velero backs up only the version of that resource that uses the preferred version of its Kubernetes API.

To return to the above example, if example.com/v1 is the preferred API, then Velero only backs up the version of a resource that uses example.com/v1. Moreover, the target cluster needs to have example.com/v1 registered in its set of available API resources in order for Velero to restore the resource on the target cluster.

Therefore, you need to generate a list of the Kubernetes API group versions on your target cluster to be sure the prefered API version is registered in its set of available API resources.


  • Enter the following command:
$ oc api-resources About Enable API Group Versions

By default, Velero only backs up resources that use the preferred version of the Kubernetes API. However, Velero also includes a feature, Enable API Group Versions, that overcomes this limitation. When enabled on the source cluster, this feature causes Velero to back up all Kubernetes API group versions that are supported on the cluster, not only the preferred one. After the versions are stored in the backup .tar file, they are available to be restored on the destination cluster.

For example, a source cluster with an API named Example might be available in the example.com/v1 and example.com/v1beta2 API groups, with example.com/v1 being the preferred API.

Without the Enable API Group Versions feature enabled, Velero backs up only the preferred API group version for Example, which is example.com/v1. With the feature enabled, Velero also backs up example.com/v1beta2.

When the Enable API Group Versions feature is enabled on the destination cluster, Velero selects the version to restore on the basis of the order of priority of API group versions.


Enable API Group Versions is still in beta.

Velero uses the following algorithm to assign priorities to API versions, with 1 as the top priority:

  1. Preferred version of the destination cluster
  2. Preferred version of the source_ cluster
  3. Common non-preferred supported version with the highest Kubernetes version priority

Additional resources Using Enable API Group Versions

You can use Velero’s Enable API Group Versions feature to back up all Kubernetes API group versions that are supported on a cluster, not only the preferred one.


Enable API Group Versions is still in beta.


  • Configure the EnableAPIGroupVersions feature flag:
apiVersion: oadp.openshift.io/vialpha1
kind: DataProtectionApplication
      - EnableAPIGroupVersions

Additional resources

4.7.2. Backing up data from one cluster and restoring it to another cluster About backing up data from one cluster and restoring it on another cluster

{oadp-first} is designed to back up and restore application data in the same OpenShift Container Platform cluster. Migration Toolkit for Containers (MTC) is designed to migrate containers, including application data, from one OpenShift Container Platform cluster to another cluster.

You can use OADP to back up application data from one OpenShift Container Platform cluster and restore it on another cluster. However, doing so is more complicated than using MTC or using OADP to back up and restore on the same cluster.

To successfully use OADP to back up data from one cluster and restore it to another cluster, you must take into account the following factors, in addition to the prerequisites and procedures that apply to using OADP to back up and restore data on the same cluster:

  • Operators
  • Use of Velero
  • UID and GID ranges Operators

You must exclude Operators from the backup of an application for backup and restore to succeed. Use of Velero

Velero, which OADP is built upon, does not natively support migrating persistent volume snapshots across cloud providers. To migrate volume snapshot data between cloud platforms, you must either enable the Velero Restic file system backup option, which backs up volume contents at the filesystem level, or use the OADP Data Mover for CSI snapshots.


In OADP 1.1 and earlier, the Velero Restic file system backup option is called restic. In OADP 1.2 and later, the Velero Restic file system backup option is called file-system-backup.


Velero’s file system backup feature supports both Kopia and Restic, but currently OADP supports only Restic.

  • You must also use Velero’s File System Backup to migrate data between AWS regions or between Microsoft Azure regions.
  • Velero does not support restoring data to a cluster with an earlier Kubernetes version than the source cluster.
  • It is theoretically possible to migrate workloads to a destination with a later Kubernetes version than the source, but you must consider the compatibility of API groups between clusters for each custom resource. If a Kubernetes version upgrade breaks the compatibility of core or native API groups, you must first update the impacted custom resources. UID and GID ranges

When you back up data from one cluster and restore it to another cluster, there are potential issues that might arise with UID (User ID) and GID (Group ID) ranges. The following section explains these potential issues and mitigations:

Summary of issues
The UID and GID ranges of the namespace might change on the destination cluster. OADP does not back up and restore OpenShift UID range metadata. If the backed application requires a specific UID, ensure the range is available when restored. For more information about OpenShift’s UID and GID ranges, see A Guide to OpenShift and UIDs.
Detailed description of issues

When you create a namespace in OpenShift Container Platform by using the shell command oc create namespace, OpenShift Container Platform assigns the namespace a unique User ID (UID) range from its available pool of UIDs, a Supplemental Group (GID) range, and unique SELinux MCS labels. This information is stored in the metadata.annotations field of the cluster. This information is part of the Security Context Constraints (SCC) annotations, which comprise the following components:

  • openshift.io/sa.scc.mcs
  • openshift.io/sa.scc.supplemental-groups
  • openshift.io/sa.scc.uid-range

When you use OADP to restore the namespace, it automatically uses the information in metadata.annotations without resetting it for the destination cluster. As a result, the workload might not have access to the backed up data if one of the following is true:

  • There is a pre-existing namespace with different SCC annotations, for example, on a different cluster. In this case, at backup time, OADP reuses the pre-existing namespace instead of the namespace you are trying to restore.
  • The backup used a label selector, but the namespace where workloads run on does not have the label on it. In this case, OADP does not back up the namespace, but instead creates a new namespace during restore that does not include the annotations of the namespace you backed up. This causes a new UID range to be assigned to the namespace.

    This might be an issue for customer workloads if OpenShift Container Platform assigns a pod a securityContext UID based on namespace annotations that have changed from the time the persistent volume data was backed up.

  • The container UID no longer matches the UID of the file owner.
  • An error occurs because OpenShift Container Platform did not modify the UID range of the destination cluster to match the data of the backup cluster. As a result, the backup cluster has a different UID than the destination cluster, which means the application cannot read or write data to the destination cluster.

You can use one or more of the following mitigations to resolve the UID and GID range issues:

  • Simple mitigations:

    • If you use a label selector in the Backup CR to filter the objects to include in the backup, be sure to add this label selector to the namespace that contains the workspace.
    • Remove any pre-existing version of a namespace on the destination cluster before attempting to restore a namespace with the same name.
  • Advanced mitigations:

For an in-depth discussion of UID and GID ranges in OpenShift Container Platform with an emphasis on overcoming issues in backing up data on one cluster and restoring it on another, see A Guide to OpenShift and UIDs. Backing up data from one cluster and restoring it to another cluster

In general, you back up data from one OpenShift Container Platform cluster and restore it on another OpenShift Container Platform cluster in the same way that you back up and restore data to the same cluster. However, there are some additional prerequisites and differences in the procedure when backing up data from one OpenShift Container Platform cluster and restoring it on another.


  • All relevant prerequisites for backing up and restoring on your platform (for example, AWS, Microsoft Azure, GCP, and so on), especially the prerequisites for for the Data Protection Application (DPA), are described in the relevant sections of this guide.


  • Make the following additions to the procedures given for your platform:

    • Ensure that the backup store location (BSL) and volume snapshot location have the same names and paths to restore resources to another cluster.
    • Share the same object storage location credentials across the clusters.
    • For best results, use OADP to create the namespace on the destination cluster.
    • If you use the Velero file-system-backup option, enable the --default-volumes-to-fs-backup flag for use during backup by running the following command:

      $ velero backup create <backup_name> --default-volumes-to-fs-backup <any_other_options>

In OADP 1.2 and later, the Velero Restic option is called file-system-backup.

4.7.3. Additional resources

For more information about API group versions, see Working with different Kubernetes API versions on the same cluster.

For more information about OADP Data Mover, see Using Data Mover for CSI snapshots.

For more information about using Restic with OADP, see Backing up applications with Restic.

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