4.4. Choix d'une méthode d'installation

Quel type d'installation souhaitez-vous utiliser ? Les méthodes disponibles sont les suivantes :
If you have a DVD/CD-ROM drive and the Red Hat Enterprise Linux CD-ROMs or DVD you can use this method. Refer to Section 4.5, « Installation à partir du DVD/CD-ROM », for DVD/CD-ROM installation instructions.
Disque dur
If you have copied the Red Hat Enterprise Linux ISO images to a local hard drive, you can use this method. You need a boot CD-ROM (use the linux askmethod boot option). Refer to Section 4.6, « Installation à partir d'un disque dur », for hard drive installation instructions.
If you are installing from an NFS server using ISO images or a mirror image of Red Hat Enterprise Linux, you can use this method. You need a boot CD-ROM (use the linux askmethod boot option). Refer to Section 4.8, « Installation via NFS » for network installation instructions. Note that NFS installations may also be performed in GUI mode.
If you are installing directly from an FTP server, use this method. You need a boot CD-ROM (use the linux askmethod boot option). Refer to Section 4.9, « Installation via FTP », for FTP installation instructions.
If you are installing directly from an HTTP (Web) server, use this method. You need a boot CD-ROM (use the linux askmethod boot option). Refer to Section 4.10, « Installation via HTTP », for HTTP installation instructions.
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