10.46. heat stack-update
usage: heat stack-update [-f <FILE>] [-e <FILE or URL>] [--pre-update <RESOURCE>] [-u <URL>] [-o <URL>] [-t <TIMEOUT>] [-r] [--rollback <VALUE>] [-y] [-n] [-P <KEY1=VALUE1;KEY2=VALUE2...>] [-Pf <KEY=FILE>] [-x] [-c <PARAMETER>] [--tags <TAG1,TAG2>] <NAME or ID>
Positional arguments
- <NAME or ID>
Name or ID of stack to update.
Optional arguments
- -f <FILE>, --template-file <FILE>
Path to the template.
- -e <FILE or URL>, --environment-file <FILE or URL>
Path to the environment, it can be specified multiple
- --pre-update <RESOURCE>
Name of a resource to set a pre-update hook to.
Resources in nested stacks can be set using slash as a
separator: nested_stack/another/my_resource. You can
use wildcards to match multiple stacks or resources:
nested_stack/an*/*_resource. This can be specified
multiple times
- -u <URL>, --template-url <URL>
URL of template.
- -o <URL>, --template-object <URL>
URL to retrieve template object (e.g. from swift).
- -t <TIMEOUT>, --timeout <TIMEOUT>
Stack update timeout in minutes.
- -r, --enable-rollback
DEPRECATED! Use --rollback argument instead. Enable
rollback on stack update failure. NOTE: default
behavior is now to use the rollback value of existing
- --rollback <VALUE>
Set rollback on update failure. Values ('1', 't',
'true', 'on', 'y', 'yes') set rollback to enabled.
Values ('0', 'f', 'false', 'off', 'n', 'no') set
rollback to disabled. Default is to use the value of
existing stack to be updated.
- -y, --dry-run
Do not actually perform the stack update, but show
what would be changed
- -n, --show-nested
Show nested stacks when performing --dry-run
- -P <KEY1=VALUE1;KEY2=VALUE2...>, --parameters <KEY1=VALUE1;KEY2=VALUE2...>
Parameter values used to create the stack. This can be
specified multiple times, or once with parameters
separated by a semicolon.
- -Pf <KEY=FILE>, --parameter-file <KEY=FILE>
Parameter values from file used to create the stack.
This can be specified multiple times. Parameter value
would be the content of the file
- -x, --existing
Re-use the template, parameters and environment of the
current stack. If the template argument is omitted
then the existing template is used. If no
--environment-file is specified then the existing
environment is used. Parameters specified in
--parameters will patch over the existing values in
the current stack. Parameters omitted will keep the
existing values.
- -c <PARAMETER>, --clear-parameter <PARAMETER>
Remove the parameters from the set of parameters of
current stack for the stack-update. The default value
in the template will be used. This can be specified
multiple times.
- --tags <TAG1,TAG2>
An updated list of tags to associate with the stack.