
66.3. 进程引擎中的服务

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进程引擎提供一组高级别服务,在运行时管理器 API 上运行。

该服务提供了在您的应用程序中嵌入流程引擎的最便捷方式。KIE 服务器还在内部使用这些服务。

使用服务时,您不需要自行实施运行时管理器、运行时引擎、会话和其他流程引擎实体。但是,您可以根据需要通过服务访问底层 RuntimeManager 对象。


如果您将 EJB 远程客户端用于服务 API,则 RuntimeManager 对象不可用,因为它们在序列化后不会在客户端上正确操作。

66.3.1. 处理引擎服务的模块



  • jBPM-services-api :只有 API 类和接口
  • jBPM-kie-services :一个在纯 Java 中服务 API 的代码实施,而无需任何框架依赖关系
  • jBPM-services-cdi: 在核心服务实施之上的 CDI 打包程序
  • jBPM-services-ejb-api :服务 API 的扩展,以支持 EJB 要求
  • jBPM-services-ejb-impl: EJB 封装在核心服务实施之上
  • jBPM-services-ejb-timer :基于 EJB 计时器服务的调度程序服务来支持基于时间的操作,如计时器事件和截止时间
  • jBPM-services-ejb-client :是 EJB 远程客户端实施,目前仅支持红帽 JBoss EAP

66.3.2. 部署服务


部署单元 代表 KJAR 文件的内容。部署单元包括商业资产,如流程定义、规则、表单和数据模型。部署单元后,您可以执行它定义的进程。您还可以查询可用的部署单元。

每个部署单元都有一个唯一标识符字符串 deploymentId,也称为 deploymentUnitId。您可以使用此标识符将任何服务操作应用到部署单元。

在此服务的典型用例中,您可以同时加载和卸载多个 KJAR,并在需要时同时执行进程。



// Create deployment unit by providing the GAV of the KJAR
DeploymentUnit deploymentUnit = new KModuleDeploymentUnit(GROUP_ID, ARTIFACT_ID, VERSION);
// Get the deploymentId for the deployed unit
String deploymentId = deploymentUnit.getIdentifier();
// Deploy the unit
// Retrieve the deployed unit
DeployedUnit deployed = deploymentService.getDeployedUnit(deploymentId);
// Get the runtime manager
RuntimeManager manager = deployed.getRuntimeManager();

以下定义显示了完整的 DeploymentService 接口:

DeploymentService 接口的定义

public interface DeploymentService {

    void deploy(DeploymentUnit unit);

    void undeploy(DeploymentUnit unit);

    RuntimeManager getRuntimeManager(String deploymentUnitId);

    DeployedUnit getDeployedUnit(String deploymentUnitId);

    Collection<DeployedUnit> getDeployedUnits();

    void activate(String deploymentId);

    void deactivate(String deploymentId);

    boolean isDeployed(String deploymentUnitId);

66.3.3. 定义服务


您可以使用定义服务 API 检索有关进程定义的信息。该服务直接从 BPMN2 进程定义中提取这些信息。可用的信息如下:

  • 进程定义,如 ID、名称和描述
  • 进程变量,包括每个变量的名称和类型
  • 在进程中使用的可重复使用的 子进程(若有)
  • 代表域特定活动 的服务任务
  • 用户任务 包括分配信息
  • 带有输入和输出信息的任务 数据

以下代码示例显示了对定义服务的简单使用。processID 必须与您使用部署服务部署的 KJAR 文件中的进程定义的 ID 对应。


String processId = "org.jbpm.writedocument";

Collection<UserTaskDefinition> processTasks =
bpmn2Service.getTasksDefinitions(deploymentUnit.getIdentifier(), processId);

Map<String, String> processData =
bpmn2Service.getProcessVariables(deploymentUnit.getIdentifier(), processId);

Map<String, String> taskInputMappings =
bpmn2Service.getTaskInputMappings(deploymentUnit.getIdentifier(), processId, "Write a Document" );

您还可以使用 定义服务扫描您作为 BPMN2 兼容 XML 内容提供的定义,而无需使用 KJAR 文件。buildProcessDefinition 方法提供此功能。

以下定义显示了完整的 DefinitionService 接口:

DefinitionService 接口的定义

public interface DefinitionService {

    ProcessDefinition buildProcessDefinition(String deploymentId, String bpmn2Content, ClassLoader classLoader, boolean cache) throws IllegalArgumentException;

    ProcessDefinition getProcessDefinition(String deploymentId, String processId);

    Collection<String> getReusableSubProcesses(String deploymentId, String processId);

    Map<String, String> getProcessVariables(String deploymentId, String processId);

    Map<String, String> getServiceTasks(String deploymentId, String processId);

    Map<String, Collection<String>> getAssociatedEntities(String deploymentId, String processId);

    Collection<UserTaskDefinition> getTasksDefinitions(String deploymentId, String processId);

    Map<String, String> getTaskInputMappings(String deploymentId, String processId, String taskName);

    Map<String, String> getTaskOutputMappings(String deploymentId, String processId, String taskName);


66.3.4. 进程服务

部署和定义服务在流程引擎中准备流程数据。要根据此数据执行进程,请使用 process 服务。进程服务支持与进程引擎执行环境交互,包括以下操作:

  • 启动新进程实例
  • 将进程作为单一事务运行
  • 使用现有的进程实例,例如,信号处理事件,获取信息详情,以及设置变量的值
  • 使用工作项

进程服务也是命令 executor。您可以使用它对 KIE 会话执行命令以扩展其功能。





KModuleDeploymentUnit deploymentUnit = new KModuleDeploymentUnit(GROUP_ID, ARTIFACT_ID, VERSION);


long processInstanceId = processService.startProcess(deploymentUnit.getIdentifier(), "customtask");

ProcessInstance pi = processService.getProcessInstance(processInstanceId);

startProcess 方法预期 deploymentId 作为第一个参数。使用此参数,当应用程序可能有多个部署时,您可以在特定部署中启动进程。

例如,您可能会从不同的 KJAR 文件中部署相同进程的不同版本。然后,您可以使用正确的 deploymentId 启动所需的版本。

以下定义显示了完整的 ProcessService 接口:

ProcessService 接口的定义

public interface ProcessService {

	 * Starts a process with no variables
	 * @param deploymentId deployment identifier
	 * @param processId process identifier
	 * @return process instance IDentifier
	 * @throws RuntimeException in case of encountered errors
	 * @throws DeploymentNotFoundException in case a deployment with the given deployment identifier does not exist
	 * @throws DeploymentNotActiveException in case the deployment with the given deployment identifier is not active
	Long startProcess(String deploymentId, String processId);

	 * Starts a process and sets variables
	 * @param deploymentId deployment identifier
	 * @param processId process identifier
	 * @param params process variables
	 * @return process instance IDentifier
	 * @throws RuntimeException in case of encountered errors
	 * @throws DeploymentNotFoundException in case a deployment with the given deployment identifier does not exist
	 * @throws DeploymentNotActiveException in case the deployment with the given deployment identifier is not active
    Long startProcess(String deploymentId, String processId, Map<String, Object> params);

	 * Starts a process with no variables and assigns a correlation key
	 * @param deploymentId deployment identifier
	 * @param processId process identifier
	 * @param correlationKey correlation key to be assigned to the process instance - must be unique
	 * @return process instance IDentifier
	 * @throws RuntimeException in case of encountered errors
	 * @throws DeploymentNotFoundException in case a deployment with the given deployment identifier does not exist
     * @throws DeploymentNotActiveException in case the deployment with the given deployment identifier is not active
	Long startProcess(String deploymentId, String processId, CorrelationKey correlationKey);

	 * Starts a process, sets variables, and assigns a correlation key
	 * @param deploymentId deployment identifier
	 * @param processId process identifier
	 * @param correlationKey correlation key to be assigned to the process instance - must be unique
	 * @param params process variables
	 * @return process instance IDentifier
	 * @throws RuntimeException in case of encountered errors
	 * @throws DeploymentNotFoundException in case a deployment with the given deployment identifier does not exist
     * @throws DeploymentNotActiveException in case the deployment with the given deployment identifier is not active
    Long startProcess(String deploymentId, String processId, CorrelationKey correlationKey, Map<String, Object> params);

	   * Run a process that is designed to start and finish in a single transaction.
	   * This method starts the process and returns when the process completes.
	   * It returns the state of process variables at the outcome of the process
	   * @param deploymentId deployment identifier for the KJAR file of the process
	   * @param processId process identifier
	   * @param params process variables
	   * @return the state of process variables at the end of the process
	     Map<String, Object> computeProcessOutcome(String deploymentId, String processId, Map<String, Object> params);

     * Starts a process at the listed nodes, instead of the normal starting point.
     * This method can be used for restarting a process that was aborted. However,
     * it does not restore the context of a previous process instance. You must
     * supply all necessary variables when calling this method.
     * This method does not guarantee that the process is started in a valid state.
     * @param deploymentId deployment identifier
     * @param processId process identifier
     * @param params process variables
     * @param nodeIds list of BPMN node identifiers where the process must start
     * @return process instance IDentifier
     * @throws RuntimeException in case of encountered errors
     * @throws DeploymentNotFoundException in case a deployment with the given deployment identifier does not exist
     * @throws DeploymentNotActiveException in case the deployment with the given deployment identifier is not active
    Long startProcessFromNodeIds(String deploymentId, String processId, Map<String, Object> params, String... nodeIds);

    * Starts a process at the listed nodes, instead of the normal starting point,
    * and assigns a correlation key.
    * This method can be used for restarting a process that was aborted. However,
    * it does not restore the context of a previous process instance. You must
    * supply all necessary variables when calling this method.
    * This method does not guarantee that the process is started in a valid state.
     * @param deploymentId deployment identifier
     * @param processId process identifier
     * @param key correlation key (must be unique)
     * @param params process variables
     * @param nodeIds list of BPMN node identifiers where the process must start.
     * @return process instance IDentifier
     * @throws RuntimeException in case of encountered errors
     * @throws DeploymentNotFoundException in case a deployment with the given deployment identifier does not exist
     * @throws DeploymentNotActiveException in case the deployment with the given deployment identifier is not active
    Long startProcessFromNodeIds(String deploymentId, String processId, CorrelationKey key, Map<String, Object> params, String... nodeIds);

     * Aborts the specified process
     * @param processInstanceId process instance unique identifier
     * @throws DeploymentNotFoundException in case the deployment unit was not found
     * @throws ProcessInstanceNotFoundException in case a process instance with the given ID was not found
    void abortProcessInstance(Long processInstanceId);

     * Aborts the specified process
     * @param deploymentId deployment to which the process instance belongs
     * @param processInstanceId process instance unique identifier
     * @throws DeploymentNotFoundException in case the deployment unit was not found
     * @throws ProcessInstanceNotFoundException in case a process instance with the given ID was not found
    void abortProcessInstance(String deploymentId, Long processInstanceId);

	 * Aborts all specified processes
	 * @param processInstanceIds list of process instance unique identifiers
	 * @throws DeploymentNotFoundException in case the deployment unit was not found
	 * @throws ProcessInstanceNotFoundException in case a process instance with the given ID was not found
    void abortProcessInstances(List<Long> processInstanceIds);

     * Aborts all specified processes
     * @param deploymentId deployment to which the process instance belongs
     * @param processInstanceIds list of process instance unique identifiers
     * @throws DeploymentNotFoundException in case the deployment unit was not found
     * @throws ProcessInstanceNotFoundException in case a process instance with the given ID was not found
    void abortProcessInstances(String deploymentId, List<Long> processInstanceIds);

	 * Signals an event to a single process instance
	 * @param processInstanceId the process instance unique identifier
	 * @param signalName the ID of the signal in the process
	 * @param event the event object to be passed with the event
	 * @throws DeploymentNotFoundException in case the deployment unit was not found
	 * @throws ProcessInstanceNotFoundException in case a process instance with the given ID was not found
    void signalProcessInstance(Long processInstanceId, String signalName, Object event);

     * Signals an event to a single process instance
     * @param deploymentId deployment to which the process instance belongs
     * @param processInstanceId the process instance unique identifier
     * @param signalName the ID of the signal in the process
     * @param event the event object to be passed with the event
     * @throws DeploymentNotFoundException in case the deployment unit was not found
     * @throws ProcessInstanceNotFoundException in case a process instance with the given ID was not found
    void signalProcessInstance(String deploymentId, Long processInstanceId, String signalName, Object event);

	 * Signal an event to a list of process instances
	 * @param processInstanceIds list of process instance unique identifiers
	 * @param signalName the ID of the signal in the process
	 * @param event the event object to be passed with the event
	 * @throws DeploymentNotFoundException in case the deployment unit was not found
	 * @throws ProcessInstanceNotFoundException in case a process instance with the given ID was not found
    void signalProcessInstances(List<Long> processInstanceIds, String signalName, Object event);

     * Signal an event to a list of process instances
     * @param deploymentId deployment to which the process instances belong
     * @param processInstanceIds list of process instance unique identifiers
     * @param signalName the ID of the signal in the process
     * @param event the event object to be passed with the event
     * @throws DeploymentNotFoundException in case the deployment unit was not found
     * @throws ProcessInstanceNotFoundException in case a process instance with the given ID was not found
    void signalProcessInstances(String deploymentId, List<Long> processInstanceIds, String signalName, Object event);

     * Signal an event to a single process instance by correlation key
     * @param correlationKey the unique correlation key of the process instance
     * @param signalName the ID of the signal in the process
     * @param event the event object to be passed in with the event
     * @throws DeploymentNotFoundException in case the deployment unit was not found
     * @throws ProcessInstanceNotFoundException in case a process instance with the given key was not found
    void signalProcessInstanceByCorrelationKey(CorrelationKey correlationKey, String signalName, Object event);

		 * Signal an event to a single process instance by correlation key
		 * @param deploymentId deployment to which the process instance belongs
		 * @param correlationKey the unique correlation key of the process instance
		 * @param signalName the ID of the signal in the process
		 * @param event the event object to be passed in with the event
		 * @throws DeploymentNotFoundException in case the deployment unit was not found
		 * @throws ProcessInstanceNotFoundException in case a process instance with the given key was not found
		void signalProcessInstanceByCorrelationKey(String deploymentId, CorrelationKey correlationKey, String signalName, Object event);

		 * Signal an event to given list of correlation keys
		 * @param correlationKeys list of unique correlation keys of process instances
		 * @param signalName the ID of the signal in the process
		 * @param event the event object to be passed in with the event
		 * @throws DeploymentNotFoundException in case the deployment unit was not found
		 * @throws ProcessInstanceNotFoundException in case a process instance with one of the given keys was not found
		void signalProcessInstancesByCorrelationKeys(List<CorrelationKey> correlationKeys, String signalName, Object event);

		 * Signal an event to given list of correlation keys
		 * @param deploymentId deployment to which the process instances belong
		 * @param correlationKeys list of unique correlation keys of process instances
		 * @param signalName the ID of the signal in the process
		 * @param event the event object to be passed in with the event
		 * @throws DeploymentNotFoundException in case the deployment unit was not found
		 * @throws ProcessInstanceNotFoundException in case a process instance with one of the given keys was not found
		void signalProcessInstancesByCorrelationKeys(String deploymentId, List<CorrelationKey> correlationKeys, String signalName, Object event);

     * Signal an event to a any process instance that listens to a given signal and belongs to a given deployment
     * @param deployment identifier of the deployment
     * @param signalName the ID of the signal in the process
     * @param event the event object to be passed with the event
     * @throws DeploymentNotFoundException in case the deployment unit was not found
    void signalEvent(String deployment, String signalName, Object event);

	 * Returns process instance information. Will return null if no
	 * active process with the ID is found
	 * @param processInstanceId The process instance unique identifier
	 * @return Process instance information
	 * @throws DeploymentNotFoundException in case the deployment unit was not found
    ProcessInstance getProcessInstance(Long processInstanceId);

     * Returns process instance information. Will return null if no
     * active process with the ID is found
     * @param deploymentId deployment to which the process instance belongs
     * @param processInstanceId The process instance unique identifier
     * @return Process instance information
     * @throws DeploymentNotFoundException in case the deployment unit was not found
    ProcessInstance getProcessInstance(String deploymentId, Long processInstanceId);

	 * Returns process instance information. Will return null if no
	 * active process with that correlation key is found
	 * @param correlationKey correlation key assigned to the process instance
	 * @return Process instance information
	 * @throws DeploymentNotFoundException in case the deployment unit was not found
    ProcessInstance getProcessInstance(CorrelationKey correlationKey);

     * Returns process instance information. Will return null if no
     * active process with that correlation key is found
     * @param deploymentId deployment to which the process instance belongs
     * @param correlationKey correlation key assigned to the process instance
     * @return Process instance information
     * @throws DeploymentNotFoundException in case the deployment unit was not found
    ProcessInstance getProcessInstance(String deploymentId, CorrelationKey correlationKey);

	 * Sets a process variable.
	 * @param processInstanceId The process instance unique identifier
	 * @param variableId The variable ID to set
	 * @param value The variable value
	 * @throws DeploymentNotFoundException in case the deployment unit was not found
	 * @throws ProcessInstanceNotFoundException in case a process instance with the given ID was not found
    void setProcessVariable(Long processInstanceId, String variableId, Object value);

     * Sets a process variable.
     * @param deploymentId deployment to which the process instance belongs
     * @param processInstanceId The process instance unique identifier
     * @param variableId The variable id to set.
     * @param value The variable value.
     * @throws DeploymentNotFoundException in case the deployment unit was not found
     * @throws ProcessInstanceNotFoundException in case a process instance with the given ID was not found
    void setProcessVariable(String deploymentId, Long processInstanceId, String variableId, Object value);

	 * Sets process variables.
	 * @param processInstanceId The process instance unique identifier
	 * @param variables map of process variables (key = variable name, value = variable value)
	 * @throws DeploymentNotFoundException in case the deployment unit was not found
	 * @throws ProcessInstanceNotFoundException in case a process instance with the given ID was not found
    void setProcessVariables(Long processInstanceId, Map<String, Object> variables);

     * Sets process variables.
     * @param deploymentId deployment to which the process instance belongs
     * @param processInstanceId The process instance unique identifier
     * @param variables map of process variables (key = variable name, value = variable value)
     * @throws DeploymentNotFoundException in case the deployment unit was not found
     * @throws ProcessInstanceNotFoundException in case a process instance with the given ID was not found
    void setProcessVariables(String deploymentId, Long processInstanceId, Map<String, Object> variables);

	 * Gets a process instance variable.
	 * @param processInstanceId the process instance unique identifier
	 * @param variableName the variable name to get from the process
	 * @throws DeploymentNotFoundException in case the deployment unit was not found
	 * @throws ProcessInstanceNotFoundException in case a process instance with the given ID was not found
    Object getProcessInstanceVariable(Long processInstanceId, String variableName);

     * Gets a process instance variable.
     * @param deploymentId deployment to which the process instance belongs
     * @param processInstanceId the process instance unique identifier
     * @param variableName the variable name to get from the process
     * @throws DeploymentNotFoundException in case the deployment unit was not found
     * @throws ProcessInstanceNotFoundException in case a process instance with the given ID was not found
    Object getProcessInstanceVariable(String deploymentId, Long processInstanceId, String variableName);

	 * Gets a process instance variable values.
	 * @param processInstanceId The process instance unique identifier
	 * @throws DeploymentNotFoundException in case the deployment unit was not found
	 * @throws ProcessInstanceNotFoundException in case a process instance with the given ID was not found
	Map<String, Object> getProcessInstanceVariables(Long processInstanceId);

     * Gets a process instance variable values.
     * @param deploymentId deployment to which the process instance belongs
     * @param processInstanceId The process instance unique identifier
     * @throws DeploymentNotFoundException in case the deployment unit was not found
     * @throws ProcessInstanceNotFoundException in case a process instance with the given ID was not found
    Map<String, Object> getProcessInstanceVariables(String deploymentId, Long processInstanceId);

	 * Returns all signals available in current state of given process instance
	 * @param processInstanceId process instance ID
	 * @return list of available signals or empty list if no signals are available
    Collection<String> getAvailableSignals(Long processInstanceId);

     * Returns all signals available in current state of given process instance
     * @param deploymentId deployment to which the process instance belongs
     * @param processInstanceId process instance ID
     * @return list of available signals or empty list if no signals are available
    Collection<String> getAvailableSignals(String deploymentId, Long processInstanceId);

	 * Completes the specified WorkItem with the given results
	 * @param id workItem ID
	 * @param results results of the workItem
	 * @throws DeploymentNotFoundException in case the deployment unit was not found
     * @throws WorkItemNotFoundException in case a work item with the given ID was not found
    void completeWorkItem(Long id, Map<String, Object> results);

     * Completes the specified WorkItem with the given results
     * @param deploymentId deployment to which the process instance belongs
     * @param processInstanceId process instance ID to which the work item belongs
     * @param id workItem ID
     * @param results results of the workItem
     * @throws DeploymentNotFoundException in case the deployment unit was not found
     * @throws WorkItemNotFoundException in case a work item with the given ID was not found
    void completeWorkItem(String deploymentId, Long processInstanceId, Long id, Map<String, Object> results);

     * Abort the specified workItem
     * @param id workItem ID
     * @throws DeploymentNotFoundException in case the deployment unit was not found
     * @throws WorkItemNotFoundException in case a work item with the given ID was not found
    void abortWorkItem(Long id);

     * Abort the specified workItem
     * @param deploymentId deployment to which the process instance belongs
     * @param processInstanceId process instance ID to which the work item belongs
     * @param id workItem ID
     * @throws DeploymentNotFoundException in case the deployment unit was not found
     * @throws WorkItemNotFoundException in case a work item with the given ID was not found
    void abortWorkItem(String deploymentId, Long processInstanceId, Long id);

     * Returns the specified workItem
     * @param id workItem ID
     * @return The specified workItem
     * @throws DeploymentNotFoundException in case the deployment unit was not found
     * @throws WorkItemNotFoundException in case a work item with the given ID was not found
    WorkItem getWorkItem(Long id);

     * Returns the specified workItem
     * @param deploymentId deployment to which the process instance belongs
     * @param processInstanceId process instance ID to which the work item belongs
     * @param id workItem ID
     * @return The specified workItem
     * @throws DeploymentNotFoundException in case the deployment unit was not found
     * @throws WorkItemNotFoundException in case a work item with the given ID was not found
    WorkItem getWorkItem(String deploymentId, Long processInstanceId, Long id);

     * Returns active work items by process instance ID.
     * @param processInstanceId process instance ID
     * @return The list of active workItems for the process instance
     * @throws DeploymentNotFoundException in case the deployment unit was not found
	 * @throws ProcessInstanceNotFoundException in case a process instance with the given ID was not found
    List<WorkItem> getWorkItemByProcessInstance(Long processInstanceId);

     * Returns active work items by process instance ID.
     * @param deploymentId deployment to which the process instance belongs
     * @param processInstanceId process instance ID
     * @return The list of active workItems for the process instance
     * @throws DeploymentNotFoundException in case the deployment unit was not found
     * @throws ProcessInstanceNotFoundException in case a process instance with the given ID was not found
    List<WorkItem> getWorkItemByProcessInstance(String deploymentId, Long processInstanceId);

     * Executes the provided command on the underlying command executor (usually KieSession)
     * @param deploymentId deployment identifier
     * @param command actual command for execution
     * @return results of the command execution
     * @throws DeploymentNotFoundException in case a deployment with the given deployment identifier does not exist
     * @throws DeploymentNotActiveException in case the deployment with the given deployment identifier is not active for restricted commands (for example, start process)
    public <T> T execute(String deploymentId, Command<T> command);

     * Executes the provided command on the underlying command executor (usually KieSession)
     * @param deploymentId deployment identifier
     * @param context context implementation to be used to get the runtime engine
     * @param command actual command for execution
     * @return results of the command execution
     * @throws DeploymentNotFoundException in case a deployment with the given deployment identifier does not exist
     * @throws DeploymentNotActiveException in case the deployment with the given deployment identifier is not active for restricted commands (for example, start process)
    public <T> T execute(String deploymentId, Context<?> context, Command<T> command);


66.3.5. Runtime Data Service


例如,您可以构建基于列表的 UI,以根据运行时数据服务提供的信息,显示进程定义、处理实例、给定用户的任务和其他数据。




Collection definitions = runtimeDataService.getProcesses(new QueryContext());


Collection<processinstancedesc> instances = runtimeDataService.getProcessInstances(new QueryContext());


Collection<nodeinstancedesc> instances = runtimeDataService.getProcessInstanceHistoryActive(processInstanceId, new QueryContext());

检索分配给用户 john的任务

List<tasksummary> taskSummaries = runtimeDataService.getTasksAssignedAsPotentialOwner("john", new QueryFilter(0, 10));

运行时数据服务方法支持两个重要参数,即 QueryContextQueryFilterQueryFilterQueryContext 的扩展。您可以使用这些参数来管理结果集,提供分页、排序和排序。您还可以在搜索用户任务时应用额外的过滤。

以下定义显示了 RuntimeDataService 接口方法:

RuntimeDataService 接口的定义

public interface RuntimeDataService {
	 * Represents type of node instance log entries
	enum EntryType {


    // Process instance information

     * Returns a list of process instance descriptions
     * @param queryContext control parameters for the result, such as sorting and paging
     * @return list of {@link ProcessInstanceDesc} instances representing the available process instances
    Collection<ProcessInstanceDesc> getProcessInstances(QueryContext queryContext);

     * Returns a list of all process instance descriptions with the given statuses and initiated by <code>initiator</code>
     * @param states list of possible state (int) values that the {@link ProcessInstance} can have
     * @param initiator the initiator of the {@link ProcessInstance}
     * @param queryContext control parameters for the result, such as sorting and paging
     * @return list of {@link ProcessInstanceDesc} instances representing the process instances that match
     *         the given criteria (states and initiator)
    Collection<ProcessInstanceDesc> getProcessInstances(List<Integer> states, String initiator, QueryContext queryContext);

     * Returns a list of process instance descriptions found for the given process ID and statuses and initiated by <code>initiator</code>
     * @param states list of possible state (int) values that the {@link ProcessInstance} can have
     * @param processId ID of the {@link Process} (definition) used when starting the process instance
     * @param initiator initiator of the {@link ProcessInstance}
     * @param queryContext control parameters for the result, such as sorting and paging
     * @return list of {@link ProcessInstanceDesc} instances representing the process instances that match
     *         the given criteria (states, processId, and initiator)
    Collection<ProcessInstanceDesc> getProcessInstancesByProcessId(List<Integer> states, String processId, String initiator, QueryContext queryContext);

    * Returns a list of process instance descriptions found for the given process name and statuses and initiated by <code>initiator</code>
     * @param states list of possible state (int) values that the {@link ProcessInstance} can have
     * @param processName name (not ID) of the {@link Process} (definition) used when starting the process instance
     * @param initiator initiator of the {@link ProcessInstance}
     * @param queryContext control parameters for the result, such as sorting and paging
     * @return list of {@link ProcessInstanceDesc} instances representing the process instances that match
     *         the given criteria (states, processName and initiator)
    Collection<ProcessInstanceDesc> getProcessInstancesByProcessName(List<Integer> states, String processName, String initiator, QueryContext queryContext);

     * Returns a list of process instance descriptions found for the given deployment ID and statuses
     * @param deploymentId deployment ID of the runtime
     * @param states list of possible state (int) values that the {@link ProcessInstance} can have
     * @param queryContext control parameters for the result, such as sorting and paging
     * @return list of {@link ProcessInstanceDesc} instances representing the process instances that match
     *         the given criteria (deploymentId and states)
    Collection<ProcessInstanceDesc> getProcessInstancesByDeploymentId(String deploymentId, List<Integer> states, QueryContext queryContext);

     * Returns process instance descriptions found for the given processInstanceId. If no descriptions are found, null is returned. At the same time, the method
     * fetches all active tasks (in status: Ready, Reserved, InProgress) to provide the information about what user task is keeping each instance
     * and who owns the task (if the task is already claimed by a user)
     * @param processInstanceId ID of the process instance to be fetched
     * @return process instance information, in the form of a {@link ProcessInstanceDesc} instance
    ProcessInstanceDesc getProcessInstanceById(long processInstanceId);

     * Returns the active process instance description found for the given correlation key. If none is found, returns null. At the same time it
     * fetches all active tasks (in status: Ready, Reserved, InProgress) to provide information about which user task is keeping each instance
     * and who owns the task (if the task is already claimed by a user)
     * @param correlationKey correlation key assigned to the process instance
     * @return process instance information, in the form of a {@link ProcessInstanceDesc} instance
    ProcessInstanceDesc getProcessInstanceByCorrelationKey(CorrelationKey correlationKey);

     * Returns process instances descriptions (regardless of their states) found for the given correlation key. If no descriptions are found, an empty list is returned
     * This query uses 'LIKE' to match correlation keys so it accepts partial keys. Matching
     * is performed based on a 'starts with' criterion
     * @param correlationKey correlation key assigned to the process instance
     * @return list of {@link ProcessInstanceDesc} instances representing the process instances that match
     *         the given correlation key
    Collection<ProcessInstanceDesc> getProcessInstancesByCorrelationKey(CorrelationKey correlationKey, QueryContext queryContext);

     * Returns process instance descriptions, filtered by their states, that were found for the given correlation key. If none are found, returns an empty list
     * This query uses 'LIKE' to match correlation keys so it accepts partial keys. Matching
     * is performed based on a 'starts with' criterion
     * @param correlationKey correlation key assigned to process instance
     * @param states list of possible state (int) values that the {@link ProcessInstance} can have
     * @return list of {@link ProcessInstanceDesc} instances representing the process instances that match
     *         the given correlation key
    Collection<ProcessInstanceDesc> getProcessInstancesByCorrelationKeyAndStatus(CorrelationKey correlationKey, List<Integer> states, QueryContext queryContext);

     * Returns a list of process instance descriptions found for the given process definition ID
     * @param processDefId ID of the process definition
     * @param queryContext control parameters for the result, such as sorting and paging
     * @return list of {@link ProcessInstanceDesc} instances representing the process instances that match
     *         the given criteria (deploymentId and states)
    Collection<ProcessInstanceDesc> getProcessInstancesByProcessDefinition(String processDefId, QueryContext queryContext);

     * Returns a list of process instance descriptions found for the given process definition ID, filtered by state
     * @param processDefId ID of the process definition
     * @param states list of possible state (int) values that the {@link ProcessInstance} can have
     * @param queryContext control parameters for the result, such as sorting and paging
     * @return list of {@link ProcessInstanceDesc} instances representing the process instances that match
     *         the given criteria (deploymentId and states)
    Collection<ProcessInstanceDesc> getProcessInstancesByProcessDefinition(String processDefId, List<Integer> states, QueryContext queryContext);

     * Returns process instance descriptions that match process instances that have the given variable defined, filtered by state
     * @param variableName name of the variable that process instance should have
     * @param states list of possible state (int) values that the {@link ProcessInstance} can have. If null, returns only active instances
     * @param queryContext control parameters for the result, such as sorting and paging
     * @return list of {@link ProcessInstanceDesc} instances representing the process instances that have the given variable defined
    Collection<ProcessInstanceDesc> getProcessInstancesByVariable(String variableName, List<Integer> states, QueryContext queryContext);

     * Returns process instance descriptions that match process instances that have the given variable defined and the value of the variable matches the given variableValue
     * @param variableName name of the variable that process instance should have
     * @param variableValue value of the variable to match
     * @param states list of possible state (int) values that the {@link ProcessInstance} can have. If null, returns only active instances
     * @param queryContext control parameters for the result, such as sorting and paging
     * @return list of {@link ProcessInstanceDesc} instances representing the process instances that have the given variable defined with the given value
    Collection<ProcessInstanceDesc> getProcessInstancesByVariableAndValue(String variableName, String variableValue, List<Integer> states, QueryContext queryContext);

     * Returns a list of process instance descriptions that have the specified parent
     * @param parentProcessInstanceId ID of the parent process instance
     * @param states list of possible state (int) values that the {@link ProcessInstance} can have. If null, returns only active instances
     * @param queryContext control parameters for the result, such as sorting and paging
     * @return list of {@link ProcessInstanceDesc} instances representing the available process instances
    Collection<ProcessInstanceDesc> getProcessInstancesByParent(Long parentProcessInstanceId, List<Integer> states, QueryContext queryContext);

     * Returns a list of process instance descriptions that are subprocesses of the specified process, or subprocesses of those subprocesses, and so on. The list includes the full hierarchy of subprocesses under the specified parent process
     * @param processInstanceId ID of the parent process instance
     * @return list of {@link ProcessInstanceDesc} instances representing the full hierarchy of this process
    Collection<ProcessInstanceDesc> getProcessInstancesWithSubprocessByProcessInstanceId(Long processInstanceId, List<Integer> states, QueryContext queryContext);

    // Node and Variable instance information

     * Returns the active node instance descriptor for the given work item ID, if the work item exists and is active
     * @param workItemId identifier of the work item
     * @return NodeInstanceDesc for work item if it exists and is still active, otherwise null is returned
    NodeInstanceDesc getNodeInstanceForWorkItem(Long workItemId);

     * Returns a trace of all active nodes for the given process instance ID
     * @param processInstanceId unique identifier of the process instance
     * @param queryContext control parameters for the result, such as sorting and paging
     * @return
    Collection<NodeInstanceDesc> getProcessInstanceHistoryActive(long processInstanceId, QueryContext queryContext);

     * Returns a trace of all executed (completed) nodes for the given process instance ID
     * @param processInstanceId unique identifier of the process instance
     * @param queryContext control parameters for the result, such as sorting and paging
     * @return
    Collection<NodeInstanceDesc> getProcessInstanceHistoryCompleted(long processInstanceId, QueryContext queryContext);

     * Returns a complete trace of all executed (completed) and active nodes for the given process instance ID
     * @param processInstanceId unique identifier of the process instance
     * @param queryContext control parameters for the result, such as sorting and paging
     * @return {@link NodeInstance} information, in the form of a list of {@link NodeInstanceDesc} instances,
     *         that come from a process instance that matches the given criteria (deploymentId, processId)
    Collection<NodeInstanceDesc> getProcessInstanceFullHistory(long processInstanceId, QueryContext queryContext);

     * Returns a complete trace of all events of the given type (START, END, ABORTED, SKIPPED, OBSOLETE or ERROR) for the given process instance
     * @param processInstanceId unique identifier of the process instance
     * @param queryContext control parameters for the result, such as sorting and paging
     * @param type type of events to be returned (START, END, ABORTED, SKIPPED, OBSOLETE or ERROR). To return all events, use {@link #getProcessInstanceFullHistory(long, QueryContext)}
     * @return collection of node instance descriptions
    Collection<NodeInstanceDesc> getProcessInstanceFullHistoryByType(long processInstanceId, EntryType type, QueryContext queryContext);

     * Returns a trace of all nodes for the given node types and process instance ID
     * @param processInstanceId unique identifier of the process instance
     * @param nodeTypes list of node types to filter nodes of the process instance
     * @param queryContext control parameters for the result, such as sorting and paging
     * @return collection of node instance descriptions
    Collection<NodeInstanceDesc> getNodeInstancesByNodeType(long processInstanceId, List<String> nodeTypes, QueryContext queryContext);

     * Returns a trace of all nodes for the given node types and correlation key
     * @param correlationKey correlation key
     * @param states list of states
     * @param nodeTypes list of node types to filter nodes of process instance
     * @param queryContext control parameters for the result, such as sorting and paging
     * @return collection of node instance descriptions
    Collection<NodeInstanceDesc> getNodeInstancesByCorrelationKeyNodeType(CorrelationKey correlationKey,  List<Integer> states, List<String> nodeTypes, QueryContext queryContext);

     * Returns a collection of all process variables and their current values for the given process instance
     * @param processInstanceId process instance ID
     * @return information about variables in the specified process instance,
     *         represented by a list of {@link VariableDesc} instances
    Collection<VariableDesc> getVariablesCurrentState(long processInstanceId);

     * Returns a collection of changes to the given variable within the scope of a process instance
     * @param processInstanceId unique identifier of the process instance
     * @param variableId ID of the variable
     * @param queryContext control parameters for the result, such as sorting and paging
     * @return information about the variable with the given ID in the specified process instance,
     *         represented by a list of {@link VariableDesc} instances
    Collection<VariableDesc> getVariableHistory(long processInstanceId, String variableId, QueryContext queryContext);

    // Process information

     * Returns a list of process definitions for the given deployment ID
     * @param deploymentId deployment ID of the runtime
     * @param queryContext control parameters for the result, such as sorting and paging
     * @return list of {@link ProcessDefinition} instances representing processes that match
     *         the given criteria (deploymentId)
    Collection<ProcessDefinition> getProcessesByDeploymentId(String deploymentId, QueryContext queryContext);

     * Returns a list of process definitions that match the given filter
     * @param filter regular expression
     * @param queryContext control parameters for the result, such as sorting and paging
     * @return list of {@link ProcessDefinition} instances with a name or ID that matches the given regular expression
    Collection<ProcessDefinition> getProcessesByFilter(String filter, QueryContext queryContext);

     * Returns all process definitions available
     * @param queryContext control parameters for the result, such as sorting and paging
     * @return list of all available processes, in the form a of a list of {@link ProcessDefinition} instances
    Collection<ProcessDefinition> getProcesses(QueryContext queryContext);

     * Returns a list of process definition identifiers for the given deployment ID
     * @param deploymentId deployment ID of the runtime
     * @param queryContext control parameters for the result, such as sorting and paging
     * @return list of all available process id's for a particular deployment/runtime
    Collection<String> getProcessIds(String deploymentId, QueryContext queryContext);

     * Returns process definitions for the given process ID regardless of the deployment
     * @param processId ID of the process
     * @return collection of {@link ProcessDefinition} instances representing the {@link Process}
     *         with the specified process ID
    Collection<ProcessDefinition> getProcessesById(String processId);

     * Returns the process definition for the given deployment and process identifiers
     * @param deploymentId ID of the deployment (runtime)
     * @param processId ID of the process
     * @return {@link ProcessDefinition} instance, representing the {@link Process}
     *         that is present in the specified deployment with the specified process ID
    ProcessDefinition getProcessesByDeploymentIdProcessId(String deploymentId, String processId);

	// user task query operations

	 * Return a task by its workItemId
	 * @param workItemId
	 * @return @{@link UserTaskInstanceDesc} task
    UserTaskInstanceDesc getTaskByWorkItemId(Long workItemId);

	 * Return a task by its taskId
	 * @param taskId
	 * @return @{@link UserTaskInstanceDesc} task
	UserTaskInstanceDesc getTaskById(Long taskId);

	 * Return a task by its taskId with SLA data if the withSLA param is true
	 * @param taskId
	 * @param withSLA
	 * @return @{@link UserTaskInstanceDesc} task
	UserTaskInstanceDesc getTaskById(Long taskId, boolean withSLA);

	 * Return a list of assigned tasks for a Business Administrator user. Business
	 * administrators play the same role as task stakeholders but at task type
	 * level. Therefore, business administrators can perform the exact same
	 * operations as task stakeholders. Business administrators can also observe
	 * the progress of notifications
	 * @param userId identifier of the Business Administrator user
	 * @param filter filter for the list of assigned tasks
	 * @return list of @{@link TaskSummary} task summaries
	List<TaskSummary> getTasksAssignedAsBusinessAdministrator(String userId, QueryFilter filter);

     * Return a list of assigned tasks for a Business Administrator user for with one of the listed
     * statuses
     * @param userId identifier of the Business Administrator user
     * @param statuses the statuses of the tasks to return
     * @param filter filter for the list of assigned tasks
     * @return list of @{@link TaskSummary} task summaries
	List<TaskSummary> getTasksAssignedAsBusinessAdministratorByStatus(String userId, List<Status> statuses, QueryFilter filter);

	 * Return a list of tasks that a user is eligible to own
	 * @param userId identifier of the user
	 * @param filter filter for the list of tasks
	 * @return list of @{@link TaskSummary} task summaries
	List<TaskSummary> getTasksAssignedAsPotentialOwner(String userId, QueryFilter filter);

	 * Return a list of tasks the user or user groups are eligible to own
	 * @param userId identifier of the user
	 * @param groupIds a list of identifiers of the groups
	 * @param filter filter for the list of tasks
	 * @return list of @{@link TaskSummary} task summaries
	List<TaskSummary> getTasksAssignedAsPotentialOwner(String userId, List<String> groupIds, QueryFilter filter);

	 * Return a list of tasks the user is eligible to own and that are in one of the listed
	 * statuses
	 * @param userId identifier of the user
	 * @param status filter for the task statuses
	 * @param filter filter for the list of tasks
	 * @return list of @{@link TaskSummary} task summaries
	List<TaskSummary> getTasksAssignedAsPotentialOwnerByStatus(String userId, List<Status> status, QueryFilter filter);

	 * Return a list of tasks the user or groups are eligible to own and that are in one of the listed
	 * statuses
	 * @param userId identifier of the user
	 * @param groupIds filter for the identifiers of the groups
	 * @param status filter for the task statuses
	 * @param filter filter for the list of tasks
	 * @return list of @{@link TaskSummary} task summaries
	List<TaskSummary> getTasksAssignedAsPotentialOwner(String userId, List<String> groupIds, List<Status> status, QueryFilter filter);

	 * Return a list of tasks the user is eligible to own, that are in one of the listed
	 * statuses, and that have an expiration date starting at <code>from</code>. Tasks that do not have expiration date set
	 * will also be included in the result set
	 * @param userId identifier of the user
	 * @param status filter for the task statuses
	 * @param from earliest expiration date for the tasks
	 * @param filter filter for the list of tasks
	 * @return list of @{@link TaskSummary} task summaries
	List<TaskSummary> getTasksAssignedAsPotentialOwnerByExpirationDateOptional(String userId, List<Status> status, Date from, QueryFilter filter);

	 * Return a list of tasks the user has claimed, that are in one of the listed
	 * statuses, and that have an expiration date starting at <code>from</code>. Tasks that do not have expiration date set
	 * will also be included in the result set
	 * @param userId identifier of the user
	 * @param strStatuses filter for the task statuses
	 * @param from earliest expiration date for the tasks
	 * @param filter filter for the list of tasks
	 * @return list of @{@link TaskSummary} task summaries
	List<TaskSummary> getTasksOwnedByExpirationDateOptional(String userId, List<Status> strStatuses, Date from, QueryFilter filter);

	 * Return a list of tasks the user has claimed
	 * @param userId identifier of the user
	 * @param filter filter for the list of tasks
	 * @return list of @{@link TaskSummary} task summaries
	List<TaskSummary> getTasksOwned(String userId, QueryFilter filter);

	 * Return a list of tasks the user has claimed with one of the listed
	 * statuses
	 * @param userId identifier of the user
	 * @param status filter for the task statuses
	 * @param filter filter for the list of tasks
	 * @return list of @{@link TaskSummary} task summaries
	List<TaskSummary> getTasksOwnedByStatus(String userId, List<Status> status, QueryFilter filter);

	 * Get a list of tasks the Process Instance is waiting on
	 * @param processInstanceId identifier of the process instance
	 * @return list of task identifiers
	List<Long> getTasksByProcessInstanceId(Long processInstanceId);

	 * Get filter for the tasks the Process Instance is waiting on that are in one of the
	 * listed statuses
	 * @param processInstanceId identifier of the process instance
	 * @param status filter for the task statuses
	 * @param filter filter for the list of tasks
	 * @return list of @{@link TaskSummary} task summaries
	List<TaskSummary> getTasksByStatusByProcessInstanceId(Long processInstanceId, List<Status> status, QueryFilter filter);

	 * Get a list of task audit logs for all tasks owned by the user, applying a query filter to the list of tasks
	 * @param userId identifier of the user that owns the tasks
	 * @param filter filter for the list of tasks
	 * @return list of @{@link AuditTask} task audit logs
    List<AuditTask> getAllAuditTask(String userId, QueryFilter filter);

		* Get a list of task audit logs for all tasks that are active and owned by the user, applying a query filter to the list of tasks
	 * @param userId identifier of the user that owns the tasks
	 * @param filter filter for the list of tasks
	 * @return list of @{@link AuditTask} audit tasks
    List<AuditTask> getAllAuditTaskByStatus(String userId, QueryFilter filter);

	 * Get a list of task audit logs for group tasks (actualOwner == null) for the user, applying a query filter to the list of tasks
	 * @param userId identifier of the user that is associated with the group tasks
	 * @param filter filter for the list of tasks
	 * @return list of @{@link AuditTask} audit tasks
    List<AuditTask> getAllGroupAuditTask(String userId, QueryFilter filter);

	 * Get a list of task audit logs for tasks that are assigned to a Business Administrator user, applying a query filter to the list of tasks
	 * @param userId identifier of the Business Administrator user
	 * @param filter filter for the list of tasks
	 * @return list of @{@link AuditTask} audit tasks
    List<AuditTask> getAllAdminAuditTask(String userId, QueryFilter filter);

     * Gets a list of task events for the given task
     * @param taskId identifier of the task
     * @param filter for the list of events
	 * @return list of @{@link TaskEvent} task events
    List<TaskEvent> getTaskEvents(long taskId, QueryFilter filter);

     * Query on {@link TaskSummary} instances
     * @param userId the user associated with the tasks queried
     * @return {@link TaskSummaryQueryBuilder} used to create the query
    TaskSummaryQueryBuilder taskSummaryQuery(String userId);

     * Gets a list of {@link TaskSummary} instances for tasks that define a given variable
     * @param userId the ID of the user associated with the tasks
     * @param variableName the name of the task variable
     * @param statuses the list of statuses that the task can have
     * @param queryContext the query context
     * @return a {@link List} of {@link TaskSummary} instances
    List<TaskSummary> getTasksByVariable(String userId, String variableName, List<Status> statuses, QueryContext queryContext);

     * Gets a list of {@link TaskSummary} instances for tasks that define a given variable and the variable is set to the given value
     * @param userId the ID of the user associated with the tasks
     * @param variableName the name of the task variable
     * @param variableValue the value of the task variable
     * @param statuses the list of statuses that the task can have
     * @param context the query context
     * @return a {@link List} of {@link TaskSummary} instances
    List<TaskSummary> getTasksByVariableAndValue(String userId, String variableName, String variableValue, List<Status> statuses, QueryContext context);


66.3.6. 用户任务服务



  • 修改所选属性
  • 访问任务变量
  • 访问任务附加
  • 访问任务评论

用户任务服务也是命令 executor。您可以使用它来执行自定义任务命令。



long processInstanceId =
processService.startProcess(deployUnit.getIdentifier(), "org.jbpm.writedocument");

List<Long> taskIds =

Long taskId = taskIds.get(0);

userTaskService.start(taskId, "john");
UserTaskInstanceDesc task = runtimeDataService.getTaskById(taskId);

Map<String, Object> results = new HashMap<String, Object>();
results.put("Result", "some document data");
userTaskService.complete(taskId, "john", results);

66.3.7. 基于 Quartz 的计时器服务

流程引擎使用 Quartz 提供集群就绪计时器服务。您可以随时使用服务处理或载入 KIE 会话。服务可以管理 KIE 会话的时长,以便相应地触发每个计时器。

以下示例显示了集群环境的基本 Quartz 配置文件:

集群环境的 Quartz 配置文件

# Configure Main Scheduler Properties

org.quartz.scheduler.instanceName = jBPMClusteredScheduler
org.quartz.scheduler.instanceId = AUTO

# Configure ThreadPool

org.quartz.threadPool.class = org.quartz.simpl.SimpleThreadPool
org.quartz.threadPool.threadCount = 5
org.quartz.threadPool.threadPriority = 5

# Configure JobStore

org.quartz.jobStore.misfireThreshold = 60000

org.quartz.jobStore.clusterCheckinInterval = 20000

# Configure Datasources


66.3.8. 查询服务

查询服务提供基于 Dashbuilder 数据集的高级搜索功能。

通过这种方法,您可以控制如何从底层数据存储中检索数据。您可以将复杂的 JOIN 语句用于外部表,如 JPA 实体表或自定义系统数据库表。


  • 管理操作:

    • 注册查询定义
    • 替换查询定义
    • 取消注册(删除)查询定义
    • 获取查询定义
    • 获取所有注册的查询定义
  • 运行时操作:

    • 基于 QueryParam 的简单查询作为过滤器提供程序
    • 基于 QueryParamBuilder 作为过滤器提供程序的高级查询

Dashbuilder 数据集支持多个数据源,如 CSV、SQL 和 Elastic Search。但是,流程引擎使用基于 RDBMS 的后端,并专注于基于 SQL 的数据集。

因此,进程引擎查询服务是 Dashbuilder 数据集功能的子集,可通过简单的 API 实现高效查询。 查询服务的关键类


  • QueryDefinition :代表数据集的定义。该定义由唯一名称、SQL 表达式(查询) 和源 (即查询)以及执行查询时使用的数据源的 JNDI 名称组成。
  • QueryParam :代表单个查询参数或条件的基本结构。此结构由列名称、运算符和预期值组成。
  • QueryResultMapper :将原始数据集数据的类(箭头和列)映射到对象表示。
  • QueryParamBuilder :构建查询过滤器的类,以调用查询定义。


QueryResultMapper 将从数据库(dataset)获取的数据映射到对象表示。它与 ORM 提供程序(如 hibernate )类似,后者将表映射到实体。

很多对象类型可用于代表 dataset 结果。因此,现有映射程序可能并不总是适合您的需要。QueryResultMapper 中的映射程序是可插拔的,您可以在需要时提供自己的映射程序,以便将 dataset 数据转换为您需要的任何类型。


  • org.jbpm.kie.services.impl.query.mapper.ProcessInstanceQueryMapper,使用名称 ProcessInstances注册
  • org.jbpm.kie.services.impl.query.mapper.ProcessInstanceWithVarsQueryMapper,名称为 ProcessInstancesWithVariables
  • org.jbpm.kie.services.impl.query.mapper.ProcessInstanceWithCustomVarsQueryMapper,在名称 ProcessInstancesWithCustomVariables中注册
  • org.jbpm.kie.services.impl.query.mapper.UserTaskInstanceQueryMapper,使用名称 UserTasks注册
  • org.jbpm.kie.services.impl.query.mapper.UserTaskInstanceWithVarsQueryMapper,名称为 UserTasksWithVariables
  • org.jbpm.kie.services.impl.query.mapper.UserTaskInstanceWithCustomVarsQueryMapper,使用名称 UserTasksWithCustomVariables注册
  • org.jbpm.kie.services.impl.query.mapper.TaskSummaryQueryMapper,使用 name TaskSummaries注册
  • org.jbpm.kie.services.impl.query.mapper.RawListQueryMapper,使用名称 RawList注册

每个 QueryResultMapper 使用唯一字符串名称注册。您可以使用此名称查找映射程序,而不是引用完整类名称。在使用服务的 EJB 远程调用时,此功能尤为重要,因为它可避免依赖客户端上的特定实施。

要根据字符串名称引用 QueryResultMapper,请使用 NamedQueryMapper,这是 jbpm-services-api 模块的一部分。此类充当委托(中继委派)并在执行查询时查找实际映射程序。

使用 NamedQueryMapper

queryService.query("my query def", new NamedQueryMapper<Collection<ProcessInstanceDesc>>("ProcessInstances"), new QueryContext());


QueryParamBuilder 提供了为数据集构建过滤器的高级方法。

默认情况下,在使用接受零或更多 QueryParam 实例的 QueryService 时,所有这些参数都会与 AND 运算符一起加入,因此数据条目必须与所有这些项匹配。

但是,有时需要更复杂的参数关系。您可以使用 QueryParamBuilder 构建在发布查询时提供过滤器的自定义构建器。

QueryParamBuilder 的一个现有实现在进程引擎中可用。它涵盖了基于 核心功能的默认 QueryParams

这些核心功能是基于 SQL 的条件,包括以下条件:

  • 介于
  • IN
  • NOT_IN

在调用查询前,进程引擎会多次调用 QueryParamBuilder 接口的构建方法,同时方法返回非null 值。由于这种方法,您可以构建复杂的过滤器选项,无法通过一个简单的 QueryParams 列表表示。

以下示例显示了 QueryParamBuilder 的基本实施。它依赖于 DashBuilder Dataset API。


public class TestQueryParamBuilder implements QueryParamBuilder<ColumnFilter> {

    private Map<String, Object> parameters;
    private boolean built = false;
    public TestQueryParamBuilder(Map<String, Object> parameters) {
        this.parameters = parameters;

    public ColumnFilter build() {
        // return null if it was already invoked
        if (built) {
            return null;

        String columnName = "processInstanceId";

        ColumnFilter filter = FilterFactory.OR(

        built = true;
        return filter;


在实施构建器后,您可以在对 QueryService 服务执行查询时使用此类实例,如下例所示:

使用 QueryService 服务运行查询

queryService.query("my query def", ProcessInstanceQueryMapper.get(), new QueryContext(), paramBuilder); 在典型的场景中使用查询服务



  1. 定义数据集,这是您要使用的数据的视图。使用 services API 中的 QueryDefinition 类来完成此操作:


    SqlQueryDefinition query = new SqlQueryDefinition("getAllProcessInstances", "java:jboss/datasources/ExampleDS");
    query.setExpression("select * from processinstancelog");



    • 在运行时标识查询的唯一名称
    • 用于对此定义执行查询的 JNDI 数据源名称

      setExpression() 方法的参数是构建数据集视图的 SQL 语句。查询服务中的查询使用来自此视图的数据,并根据需要过滤此数据。

  2. 注册查询:



  3. 如果需要,从 dataset 中收集所有数据,而无需过滤:

    从 dataset 收集所有数据

    Collection<ProcessInstanceDesc> instances = queryService.query("getAllProcessInstances", ProcessInstanceQueryMapper.get(), new QueryContext());

    此简单的查询使用 QueryContext 中的默认值进行分页和排序。

  4. 如果需要,使用 QueryContext 对象来更改分页和排序的默认值:

    使用 QueryContext 对象更改默认值

    QueryContext ctx = new QueryContext(0, 100, "start_date", true);
    Collection<ProcessInstanceDesc> instances = queryService.query("getAllProcessInstances", ProcessInstanceQueryMapper.get(), ctx);

  5. 如果需要,使用查询来过滤数据:


    // single filter param
    Collection<ProcessInstanceDesc> instances = queryService.query("getAllProcessInstances", ProcessInstanceQueryMapper.get(), new QueryContext(), QueryParam.likeTo(COLUMN_PROCESSID, true, "org.jbpm%"));
    // multiple filter params (AND)
    Collection<ProcessInstanceDesc> instances = queryService.query("getAllProcessInstances", ProcessInstanceQueryMapper.get(), new QueryContext(),
     QueryParam.likeTo(COLUMN_PROCESSID, true, "org.jbpm%"),
     QueryParam.in(COLUMN_STATUS, 1, 3));

使用查询服务时,您可以定义要获取哪些数据以及如何过滤它。不适用 JPA 提供程序或其他类似限制。您可以为您的环境定制数据库查询以提高性能。

66.3.9. 高级查询服务


属性和变量的名称和所需值在 QueryParam 对象中定义。

进程属性包括进程实例 ID、关联键、进程定义 ID 和部署 ID。任务属性包括任务名称、所有者和状态。


  • queryProcessByVariables :根据进程属性和进程变量值列表搜索进程实例。要包含在结果中,进程实例必须具有列出的属性以及进程变量中列出的值。
  • queryProcessByVariablesAndTask :根据进程属性、进程变量值和任务变量值的列表搜索处理实例。要包含在结果中,进程实例必须具有列出的属性以及进程变量中列出的值。它还必须在任务变量中包含列出的值的任务。
  • queryUserTasksByVariables :根据任务属性、任务变量值和进程变量值列表搜索用户任务。要包含在结果中,任务必须具有其任务变量中列出的属性和列出的值。它还必须包含在进程中,其进程变量中列出的值。

该服务由 AdvanceRuntimeDataService 类提供。此类的接口还定义预定义的任务和进程属性名称。

AdvanceRuntimeDataService 接口的定义

public interface AdvanceRuntimeDataService {


    List<ProcessInstanceWithVarsDesc> queryProcessByVariables(List<QueryParam> attributes,
      List<QueryParam> processVariables, QueryContext queryContext);

    List<ProcessInstanceWithVarsDesc> queryProcessByVariablesAndTask(List<QueryParam> attributes,
       List<QueryParam> processVariables, List<QueryParam> taskVariables,
       List<String> potentialOwners, QueryContext queryContext);

    List<UserTaskInstanceWithPotOwnerDesc> queryUserTasksByVariables(List<QueryParam> attributes,
       List<QueryParam> taskVariables, List<QueryParam> processVariables,
       List<String> potentialOwners, QueryContext queryContext);

66.3.10. 进程实例迁移服务




  • 向后兼容性
  • 数据更改
  • 需要节点映射


节点映射包含从旧进程定义中映射到目标节点 ID 的源节点 ID。您只能将同一类型的节点映射到用户任务,如用户任务。

Red Hat Process Automation Manager 提供多个迁移服务实现:

实施迁移服务的 ProcessInstanceMigrationService 接口的方法

public interface ProcessInstanceMigrationService {
 * Migrates a given process instance that belongs to the source deployment into the target process ID that belongs to the target deployment.
 * The following rules are enforced:
 * <ul>
 * <li>the source deployment ID must point to an existing deployment</li>
 * <li>the process instance ID must point to an existing and active process instance</li>
 * <li>the target deployment must exist</li>
 * <li>the target process ID must exist in the target deployment</li>
 * </ul>
 * Returns a migration report regardless of migration being successful or not; examine the report for the outcome of the migration.
 * @param sourceDeploymentId deployment to which the process instance to be migrated belongs
 * @param processInstanceId ID of the process instance to be migrated
 * @param targetDeploymentId ID of the deployment to which the target process belongs
 * @param targetProcessId ID of the process to which the process instance should be migrated
 * @return returns complete migration report
 MigrationReport migrate(String sourceDeploymentId, Long processInstanceId, String targetDeploymentId, String targetProcessId);
 * Migrates a given process instance (with node mapping) that belongs to source deployment into the target process ID that belongs to the target deployment.
 * The following rules are enforced:
 * <ul>
 * <li>the source deployment ID must point to an existing deployment</li>
 * <li>the process instance ID must point to an existing and active process instance</li>
 * <li>the target deployment must exist</li>
 * <li>the target process ID must exist in the target deployment</li>
 * </ul>
 * Returns a migration report regardless of migration being successful or not; examine the report for the outcome of the migration.
 * @param sourceDeploymentId deployment to which the process instance to be migrated belongs
 * @param processInstanceId ID of the process instance to be migrated
 * @param targetDeploymentId ID of the deployment to which the target process belongs
 * @param targetProcessId ID of the process to which the process instance should be migrated
 * @param nodeMapping node mapping - source and target unique IDs of nodes to be mapped - from process instance active nodes to new process nodes
 * @return returns complete migration report
 MigrationReport migrate(String sourceDeploymentId, Long processInstanceId, String targetDeploymentId, String targetProcessId, Map<String, String> nodeMapping);
 * Migrates given process instances that belong to the source deployment into a target process ID that belongs to the target deployment.
 * The following rules are enforced:
 * <ul>
 * <li>the source deployment ID must point to an existing deployment</li>
 * <li>the process instance ID must point to an existing and active process instance</li>
 * <li>the target deployment must exist</li>
 * <li>the target process ID must exist in the target deployment</li>
 * </ul>
 * Returns a migration report regardless of migration being successful or not; examine the report for the outcome of the migration.
 * @param sourceDeploymentId deployment to which the process instances to be migrated belong
 * @param processInstanceIds list of process instance IDs to be migrated
 * @param targetDeploymentId ID of the deployment to which the target process belongs
 * @param targetProcessId ID of the process to which the process instances should be migrated
 * @return returns complete migration report
 List<MigrationReport> migrate(String sourceDeploymentId, List<Long> processInstanceIds, String targetDeploymentId, String targetProcessId);
 * Migrates given process instances (with node mapping) that belong to the source deployment into a target process ID that belongs to the target deployment.
 * The following rules are enforced:
 * <ul>
 * <li>the source deployment ID must point to an existing deployment</li>
 * <li>the process instance ID must point to an existing and active process instance</li>
 * <li>the target deployment must exist</li>
 * <li>the target process ID must exist in the target deployment</li>
 * </ul>
 * Returns a migration report regardless of migration being successful or not; examine the report for the outcome of the migration.
 * @param sourceDeploymentId deployment to which the process instances to be migrated belong
 * @param processInstanceIds list of process instance ID to be migrated
 * @param targetDeploymentId ID of the deployment to which the target process belongs
 * @param targetProcessId ID of the process to which the process instances should be migrated
 * @param nodeMapping node mapping - source and target unique IDs of nodes to be mapped - from process instance active nodes to new process nodes
 * @return returns list of migration reports one per each process instance
 List<MigrationReport> migrate(String sourceDeploymentId, List<Long> processInstanceIds, String targetDeploymentId, String targetProcessId, Map<String, String> nodeMapping);

要在 KIE 服务器上迁移进程实例,请使用以下实施:这些方法与 ProcessInstanceMigrationService 接口中的方法类似,为 KIE 服务器部署提供相同的迁移实施。

ProcessAdminServicesClient 界面中,为 KIE 服务器部署实施迁移服务的方法

public interface ProcessAdminServicesClient {

    MigrationReportInstance migrateProcessInstance(String containerId, Long processInstanceId, String targetContainerId, String targetProcessId);

    MigrationReportInstance migrateProcessInstance(String containerId, Long processInstanceId, String targetContainerId, String targetProcessId, Map<String, String> nodeMapping);

    List<MigrationReportInstance> migrateProcessInstances(String containerId, List<Long> processInstancesId, String targetContainerId, String targetProcessId);

    List<MigrationReportInstance> migrateProcessInstances(String containerId, List<Long> processInstancesId, String targetContainerId, String targetProcessId, Map<String, String> nodeMapping);


迁移完成后,迁移方法 会返回 包含以下信息的 MigrationReport 对象:

  • 迁移的开始和结束日期。
  • 迁移结果(成功或失败)。
  • INFOWARNERROR 类型的日志条目。ERROR 消息终止迁移。


在 KIE 服务器部署中迁移进程实例

import org.kie.server.api.model.admin.MigrationReportInstance;
import org.kie.server.api.marshalling.MarshallingFormat;
import org.kie.server.client.KieServicesClient;
import org.kie.server.client.KieServicesConfiguration;

public class ProcessInstanceMigrationTest{

	private static final String SOURCE_CONTAINER = "com.redhat:MigrateMe:1.0";
  private static final String SOURCE_PROCESS_ID = "MigrateMe.MigrateMev1";
	private static final String TARGET_CONTAINER = "com.redhat:MigrateMe:2";
  private static final String TARGET_PROCESS_ID = "MigrateMe.MigrateMeV2";

	public static void main(String[] args) {

		KieServicesConfiguration config = KieServicesFactory.newRestConfiguration("http://HOST:PORT/kie-server/services/rest/server", "USERNAME", "PASSWORD");
		KieServicesClient client = KieServicesFactory.newKieServicesClient(config);

		long sourcePid = client.getProcessClient().startProcess(SOURCE_CONTAINER, SOURCE_PROCESS_ID);

    // Use the 'report' object to return migration results.
		MigrationReportInstance report = client.getAdminClient().migrateProcessInstance(SOURCE_CONTAINER, sourcePid,TARGET_CONTAINER, TARGET_PROCESS_ID);

		System.out.println("Was migration successful:" + report.isSuccessful());

		client.getProcessClient().abortProcessInstance(TARGET_CONTAINER, sourcePid);




  • 新的或修改的任务需要迁移的进程实例中没有可用的输入。
  • 您可以在活动任务之前修改任务,其中的更改会对进一步处理产生影响。
  • 您删除当前处于活跃状态的人工任务。要替换人工任务,您必须将它映射到另一人任务。
  • 您可以在单个活动任务中添加一个并行的新任务。因为没有激活 AND 网关中的所有分支,进程会卡住。
  • 您删除活跃的计时器事件(数据库中不会更改这些事件)。
  • 您可以在活跃的任务中修复或更新输入和输出(任务数据没有被迁移)。

如果将映射应用到任务节点,则只会映射任务节点名称和描述。其他任务字段(包括 TaskName 变量)没有映射到新任务。

66.3.11. 部署和不同的进程版本






  • 激活 :激活部署,以便它可用于交互。您可以列出其进程定义,并启动此部署的新进程实例。
  • 取消激活 :取消激活部署。禁用 选项,以列出进程定义,并在部署中启动新的进程实例。但是,您可以继续操作已经激活的进程实例,例如信号事件并与用户任务交互。



如果您需要使用最新版本的项目进程,您可以使用 latest 关键字与服务中的多个操作进行交互。只有在进程标识符在所有版本中都保持不变时,才支持此方法。


初始部署单元是 org.jbpm:HR:1.0。它包含招聘流程的第一个版本。

几周后,您将开发新版本,并将其部署为 org.jbpm:HR.2.0。它包括招聘流程的版本 2。

如果要调用进程并确保您使用最新版本,您可以使用以下部署 ID:


如果您使用此部署 ID,则进程引擎会找到项目的最新版本。它使用以下标识符:

  • Group Id :org.jbpm
  • artifactId:HR

版本号由 Maven 规则进行比较,以查找最新版本。



KModuleDeploymentUnit deploymentUnitV1 = new KModuleDeploymentUnit("org.jbpm", "HR", "1.0");

long processInstanceId = processService.startProcess("org.jbpm:HR:LATEST", "customtask");
ProcessInstanceDesc piDesc = runtimeDataService.getProcessInstanceById(processInstanceId);

// We have started a process with the project version 1
assertEquals(deploymentUnitV1.getIdentifier(), piDesc.getDeploymentId());

// Next we deploy version 2
KModuleDeploymentUnit deploymentUnitV2 = new KModuleDeploymentUnit("org.jbpm", "HR", "2.0");

processInstanceId = processService.startProcess("org.jbpm:HR:LATEST", "customtask");
piDesc = runtimeDataService.getProcessInstanceById(processInstanceId);

// This time we have started a process with the project version 2
assertEquals(deploymentUnitV2.getIdentifier(), piDesc.getDeploymentId());


这个功能也可以在 KIE 服务器 REST API 中提供。使用部署 ID 发送请求时,您可以使用 LATEST 作为版本标识符。

66.3.12. 部署同步


同步器还会监控此表,使其与可能使用相同的数据源的其他安装同步。当在一个集群中运行或 Business Central 和自定义应用程序必须在同一工件上运行时,这个功能尤为重要。

默认情况下,在运行核心服务时,您必须配置同步。对于 EJB 和 CDI 扩展,自动启用同步。



TransactionalCommandService commandService = new TransactionalCommandService(emf);

DeploymentStore store = new DeploymentStore();

DeploymentSynchronizer sync = new DeploymentSynchronizer();

DeploymentSyncInvoker invoker = new DeploymentSyncInvoker(sync, 2L, 3L, TimeUnit.SECONDS);

借助此配置,部署每三秒钟同步,初始延迟为 2 秒。

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