
Chapter 7. Troubleshooting

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7.1. Troubleshooting installations

7.1.1. Determining where installation issues occur

When troubleshooting OpenShift Container Platform installation issues, you can monitor installation logs to determine at which stage issues occur. Then, retrieve diagnostic data relevant to that stage.

OpenShift Container Platform installation proceeds through the following stages:

  1. Ignition configuration files are created.
  2. The bootstrap machine boots and starts hosting the remote resources required for the control plane machines to boot.
  3. The control plane machines fetch the remote resources from the bootstrap machine and finish booting.
  4. The control plane machines use the bootstrap machine to form an etcd cluster.
  5. The bootstrap machine starts a temporary Kubernetes control plane using the new etcd cluster.
  6. The temporary control plane schedules the production control plane to the control plane machines.
  7. The temporary control plane shuts down and passes control to the production control plane.
  8. The bootstrap machine adds OpenShift Container Platform components into the production control plane.
  9. The installation program shuts down the bootstrap machine.
  10. The control plane sets up the worker nodes.
  11. The control plane installs additional services in the form of a set of Operators.
  12. The cluster downloads and configures remaining components needed for the day-to-day operation, including the creation of worker machines in supported environments.

7.1.2. User-provisioned infrastructure installation considerations

The default installation method uses installer-provisioned infrastructure. With installer-provisioned infrastructure clusters, OpenShift Container Platform manages all aspects of the cluster, including the operating system itself. If possible, use this feature to avoid having to provision and maintain the cluster infrastructure.

You can alternatively install OpenShift Container Platform 4.17 on infrastructure that you provide. If you use this installation method, follow user-provisioned infrastructure installation documentation carefully. Additionally, review the following considerations before the installation:

  • Check the Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) Ecosystem to determine the level of Red Hat Enterprise Linux CoreOS (RHCOS) support provided for your chosen server hardware or virtualization technology.
  • Many virtualization and cloud environments require agents to be installed on guest operating systems. Ensure that these agents are installed as a containerized workload deployed through a daemon set.
  • Install cloud provider integration if you want to enable features such as dynamic storage, on-demand service routing, node hostname to Kubernetes hostname resolution, and cluster autoscaling.


    It is not possible to enable cloud provider integration in OpenShift Container Platform environments that mix resources from different cloud providers, or that span multiple physical or virtual platforms. The node life cycle controller will not allow nodes that are external to the existing provider to be added to a cluster, and it is not possible to specify more than one cloud provider integration.

  • A provider-specific Machine API implementation is required if you want to use machine sets or autoscaling to automatically provision OpenShift Container Platform cluster nodes.
  • Check whether your chosen cloud provider offers a method to inject Ignition configuration files into hosts as part of their initial deployment. If they do not, you will need to host Ignition configuration files by using an HTTP server. The steps taken to troubleshoot Ignition configuration file issues will differ depending on which of these two methods is deployed.
  • Storage needs to be manually provisioned if you want to leverage optional framework components such as the embedded container registry, Elasticsearch, or Prometheus. Default storage classes are not defined in user-provisioned infrastructure installations unless explicitly configured.
  • A load balancer is required to distribute API requests across all control plane nodes in highly available OpenShift Container Platform environments. You can use any TCP-based load balancing solution that meets OpenShift Container Platform DNS routing and port requirements.

7.1.3. Checking a load balancer configuration before OpenShift Container Platform installation

Check your load balancer configuration prior to starting an OpenShift Container Platform installation.


  • You have configured an external load balancer of your choosing, in preparation for an OpenShift Container Platform installation. The following example is based on a Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) host using HAProxy to provide load balancing services to a cluster.
  • You have configured DNS in preparation for an OpenShift Container Platform installation.
  • You have SSH access to your load balancer.


  1. Check that the haproxy systemd service is active:

    $ ssh <user_name>@<load_balancer> systemctl status haproxy
  2. Verify that the load balancer is listening on the required ports. The following example references ports 80, 443, 6443, and 22623.

    • For HAProxy instances running on Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 6, verify port status by using the netstat command:

      $ ssh <user_name>@<load_balancer> netstat -nltupe | grep -E ':80|:443|:6443|:22623'
    • For HAProxy instances running on Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 7 or 8, verify port status by using the ss command:

      $ ssh <user_name>@<load_balancer> ss -nltupe | grep -E ':80|:443|:6443|:22623'

      Red Hat recommends the ss command instead of netstat in Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 7 or later. ss is provided by the iproute package. For more information on the ss command, see the Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 7 Performance Tuning Guide.

  3. Check that the wildcard DNS record resolves to the load balancer:

    $ dig <wildcard_fqdn> @<dns_server>

7.1.4. Specifying OpenShift Container Platform installer log levels

By default, the OpenShift Container Platform installer log level is set to info. If more detailed logging is required when diagnosing a failed OpenShift Container Platform installation, you can increase the openshift-install log level to debug when starting the installation again.


  • You have access to the installation host.


  • Set the installation log level to debug when initiating the installation:

    $ ./openshift-install --dir <installation_directory> wait-for bootstrap-complete --log-level debug  1
    Possible log levels include info, warn, error, and debug.

7.1.5. Troubleshooting openshift-install command issues

If you experience issues running the openshift-install command, check the following:

  • The installation has been initiated within 24 hours of Ignition configuration file creation. The Ignition files are created when the following command is run:

    $ ./openshift-install create ignition-configs --dir=./install_dir
  • The install-config.yaml file is in the same directory as the installer. If an alternative installation path is declared by using the ./openshift-install --dir option, verify that the install-config.yaml file exists within that directory.

7.1.6. Monitoring installation progress

You can monitor high-level installation, bootstrap, and control plane logs as an OpenShift Container Platform installation progresses. This provides greater visibility into how an installation progresses and helps identify the stage at which an installation failure occurs.


  • You have access to the cluster as a user with the cluster-admin cluster role.
  • You have installed the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • You have SSH access to your hosts.
  • You have the fully qualified domain names of the bootstrap and control plane nodes.


    The initial kubeadmin password can be found in <install_directory>/auth/kubeadmin-password on the installation host.


  1. Watch the installation log as the installation progresses:

    $ tail -f ~/<installation_directory>/.openshift_install.log
  2. Monitor the bootkube.service journald unit log on the bootstrap node, after it has booted. This provides visibility into the bootstrapping of the first control plane. Replace <bootstrap_fqdn> with the bootstrap node’s fully qualified domain name:

    $ ssh core@<bootstrap_fqdn> journalctl -b -f -u bootkube.service

    The bootkube.service log on the bootstrap node outputs etcd connection refused errors, indicating that the bootstrap server is unable to connect to etcd on control plane nodes. After etcd has started on each control plane node and the nodes have joined the cluster, the errors should stop.

  3. Monitor kubelet.service journald unit logs on control plane nodes, after they have booted. This provides visibility into control plane node agent activity.

    1. Monitor the logs using oc:

      $ oc adm node-logs --role=master -u kubelet
    2. If the API is not functional, review the logs using SSH instead. Replace <master-node>.<cluster_name>.<base_domain> with appropriate values:

      $ ssh core@<master-node>.<cluster_name>.<base_domain> journalctl -b -f -u kubelet.service
  4. Monitor crio.service journald unit logs on control plane nodes, after they have booted. This provides visibility into control plane node CRI-O container runtime activity.

    1. Monitor the logs using oc:

      $ oc adm node-logs --role=master -u crio
    2. If the API is not functional, review the logs using SSH instead. Replace <master-node>.<cluster_name>.<base_domain> with appropriate values:

      $ ssh core@master-N.cluster_name.sub_domain.domain journalctl -b -f -u crio.service

7.1.7. Gathering bootstrap node diagnostic data

When experiencing bootstrap-related issues, you can gather bootkube.service journald unit logs and container logs from the bootstrap node.


  • You have SSH access to your bootstrap node.
  • You have the fully qualified domain name of the bootstrap node.
  • If you are hosting Ignition configuration files by using an HTTP server, you must have the HTTP server’s fully qualified domain name and the port number. You must also have SSH access to the HTTP host.


  1. If you have access to the bootstrap node’s console, monitor the console until the node reaches the login prompt.
  2. Verify the Ignition file configuration.

    • If you are hosting Ignition configuration files by using an HTTP server.

      1. Verify the bootstrap node Ignition file URL. Replace <http_server_fqdn> with HTTP server’s fully qualified domain name:

        $ curl -I http://<http_server_fqdn>:<port>/bootstrap.ign  1
        The -I option returns the header only. If the Ignition file is available on the specified URL, the command returns 200 OK status. If it is not available, the command returns 404 file not found.
      2. To verify that the Ignition file was received by the bootstrap node, query the HTTP server logs on the serving host. For example, if you are using an Apache web server to serve Ignition files, enter the following command:

        $ grep -is 'bootstrap.ign' /var/log/httpd/access_log

        If the bootstrap Ignition file is received, the associated HTTP GET log message will include a 200 OK success status, indicating that the request succeeded.

      3. If the Ignition file was not received, check that the Ignition files exist and that they have the appropriate file and web server permissions on the serving host directly.
    • If you are using a cloud provider mechanism to inject Ignition configuration files into hosts as part of their initial deployment.

      1. Review the bootstrap node’s console to determine if the mechanism is injecting the bootstrap node Ignition file correctly.
  3. Verify the availability of the bootstrap node’s assigned storage device.
  4. Verify that the bootstrap node has been assigned an IP address from the DHCP server.
  5. Collect bootkube.service journald unit logs from the bootstrap node. Replace <bootstrap_fqdn> with the bootstrap node’s fully qualified domain name:

    $ ssh core@<bootstrap_fqdn> journalctl -b -f -u bootkube.service

    The bootkube.service log on the bootstrap node outputs etcd connection refused errors, indicating that the bootstrap server is unable to connect to etcd on control plane nodes. After etcd has started on each control plane node and the nodes have joined the cluster, the errors should stop.

  6. Collect logs from the bootstrap node containers.

    1. Collect the logs using podman on the bootstrap node. Replace <bootstrap_fqdn> with the bootstrap node’s fully qualified domain name:

      $ ssh core@<bootstrap_fqdn> 'for pod in $(sudo podman ps -a -q); do sudo podman logs $pod; done'
  7. If the bootstrap process fails, verify the following.

    • You can resolve api.<cluster_name>.<base_domain> from the installation host.
    • The load balancer proxies port 6443 connections to bootstrap and control plane nodes. Ensure that the proxy configuration meets OpenShift Container Platform installation requirements.

7.1.8. Investigating control plane node installation issues

If you experience control plane node installation issues, determine the control plane node OpenShift Container Platform software defined network (SDN), and network Operator status. Collect kubelet.service, crio.service journald unit logs, and control plane node container logs for visibility into control plane node agent, CRI-O container runtime, and pod activity.


  • You have access to the cluster as a user with the cluster-admin role.
  • You have installed the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • You have SSH access to your hosts.
  • You have the fully qualified domain names of the bootstrap and control plane nodes.
  • If you are hosting Ignition configuration files by using an HTTP server, you must have the HTTP server’s fully qualified domain name and the port number. You must also have SSH access to the HTTP host.


    The initial kubeadmin password can be found in <install_directory>/auth/kubeadmin-password on the installation host.


  1. If you have access to the console for the control plane node, monitor the console until the node reaches the login prompt. During the installation, Ignition log messages are output to the console.
  2. Verify Ignition file configuration.

    • If you are hosting Ignition configuration files by using an HTTP server.

      1. Verify the control plane node Ignition file URL. Replace <http_server_fqdn> with HTTP server’s fully qualified domain name:

        $ curl -I http://<http_server_fqdn>:<port>/master.ign  1
        The -I option returns the header only. If the Ignition file is available on the specified URL, the command returns 200 OK status. If it is not available, the command returns 404 file not found.
      2. To verify that the Ignition file was received by the control plane node query the HTTP server logs on the serving host. For example, if you are using an Apache web server to serve Ignition files:

        $ grep -is 'master.ign' /var/log/httpd/access_log

        If the master Ignition file is received, the associated HTTP GET log message will include a 200 OK success status, indicating that the request succeeded.

      3. If the Ignition file was not received, check that it exists on the serving host directly. Ensure that the appropriate file and web server permissions are in place.
    • If you are using a cloud provider mechanism to inject Ignition configuration files into hosts as part of their initial deployment.

      1. Review the console for the control plane node to determine if the mechanism is injecting the control plane node Ignition file correctly.
  3. Check the availability of the storage device assigned to the control plane node.
  4. Verify that the control plane node has been assigned an IP address from the DHCP server.
  5. Determine control plane node status.

    1. Query control plane node status:

      $ oc get nodes
    2. If one of the control plane nodes does not reach a Ready status, retrieve a detailed node description:

      $ oc describe node <master_node>

      It is not possible to run oc commands if an installation issue prevents the OpenShift Container Platform API from running or if the kubelet is not running yet on each node:

  6. Determine OVN-Kubernetes status.

    1. Review ovnkube-node daemon set status, in the openshift-ovn-kubernetes namespace:

      $ oc get daemonsets -n openshift-ovn-kubernetes
    2. If those resources are listed as Not found, review pods in the openshift-ovn-kubernetes namespace:

      $ oc get pods -n openshift-ovn-kubernetes
    3. Review logs relating to failed OpenShift Container Platform OVN-Kubernetes pods in the openshift-ovn-kubernetes namespace:

      $ oc logs <ovn-k_pod> -n openshift-ovn-kubernetes
  7. Determine cluster network configuration status.

    1. Review whether the cluster’s network configuration exists:

      $ oc get cluster -o yaml
    2. If the installer failed to create the network configuration, generate the Kubernetes manifests again and review message output:

      $ ./openshift-install create manifests
    3. Review the pod status in the openshift-network-operator namespace to determine whether the Cluster Network Operator (CNO) is running:

      $ oc get pods -n openshift-network-operator
    4. Gather network Operator pod logs from the openshift-network-operator namespace:

      $ oc logs pod/<network_operator_pod_name> -n openshift-network-operator
  8. Monitor kubelet.service journald unit logs on control plane nodes, after they have booted. This provides visibility into control plane node agent activity.

    1. Retrieve the logs using oc:

      $ oc adm node-logs --role=master -u kubelet
    2. If the API is not functional, review the logs using SSH instead. Replace <master-node>.<cluster_name>.<base_domain> with appropriate values:

      $ ssh core@<master-node>.<cluster_name>.<base_domain> journalctl -b -f -u kubelet.service

      OpenShift Container Platform 4.17 cluster nodes running Red Hat Enterprise Linux CoreOS (RHCOS) are immutable and rely on Operators to apply cluster changes. Accessing cluster nodes by using SSH is not recommended. Before attempting to collect diagnostic data over SSH, review whether the data collected by running oc adm must gather and other oc commands is sufficient instead. However, if the OpenShift Container Platform API is not available, or the kubelet is not properly functioning on the target node, oc operations will be impacted. In such situations, it is possible to access nodes using ssh core@<node>.<cluster_name>.<base_domain>.

  9. Retrieve crio.service journald unit logs on control plane nodes, after they have booted. This provides visibility into control plane node CRI-O container runtime activity.

    1. Retrieve the logs using oc:

      $ oc adm node-logs --role=master -u crio
    2. If the API is not functional, review the logs using SSH instead:

      $ ssh core@<master-node>.<cluster_name>.<base_domain> journalctl -b -f -u crio.service
  10. Collect logs from specific subdirectories under /var/log/ on control plane nodes.

    1. Retrieve a list of logs contained within a /var/log/ subdirectory. The following example lists files in /var/log/openshift-apiserver/ on all control plane nodes:

      $ oc adm node-logs --role=master --path=openshift-apiserver
    2. Inspect a specific log within a /var/log/ subdirectory. The following example outputs /var/log/openshift-apiserver/audit.log contents from all control plane nodes:

      $ oc adm node-logs --role=master --path=openshift-apiserver/audit.log
    3. If the API is not functional, review the logs on each node using SSH instead. The following example tails /var/log/openshift-apiserver/audit.log:

      $ ssh core@<master-node>.<cluster_name>.<base_domain> sudo tail -f /var/log/openshift-apiserver/audit.log
  11. Review control plane node container logs using SSH.

    1. List the containers:

      $ ssh core@<master-node>.<cluster_name>.<base_domain> sudo crictl ps -a
    2. Retrieve a container’s logs using crictl:

      $ ssh core@<master-node>.<cluster_name>.<base_domain> sudo crictl logs -f <container_id>
  12. If you experience control plane node configuration issues, verify that the MCO, MCO endpoint, and DNS record are functioning. The Machine Config Operator (MCO) manages operating system configuration during the installation procedure. Also verify system clock accuracy and certificate validity.

    1. Test whether the MCO endpoint is available. Replace <cluster_name> with appropriate values:

      $ curl https://api-int.<cluster_name>:22623/config/master
    2. If the endpoint is unresponsive, verify load balancer configuration. Ensure that the endpoint is configured to run on port 22623.
    3. Verify that the MCO endpoint’s DNS record is configured and resolves to the load balancer.

      1. Run a DNS lookup for the defined MCO endpoint name:

        $ dig api-int.<cluster_name> @<dns_server>
      2. Run a reverse lookup to the assigned MCO IP address on the load balancer:

        $ dig -x <load_balancer_mco_ip_address> @<dns_server>
    4. Verify that the MCO is functioning from the bootstrap node directly. Replace <bootstrap_fqdn> with the bootstrap node’s fully qualified domain name:

      $ ssh core@<bootstrap_fqdn> curl https://api-int.<cluster_name>:22623/config/master
    5. System clock time must be synchronized between bootstrap, master, and worker nodes. Check each node’s system clock reference time and time synchronization statistics:

      $ ssh core@<node>.<cluster_name>.<base_domain> chronyc tracking
    6. Review certificate validity:

      $ openssl s_client -connect api-int.<cluster_name>:22623 | openssl x509 -noout -text

7.1.9. Investigating etcd installation issues

If you experience etcd issues during installation, you can check etcd pod status and collect etcd pod logs. You can also verify etcd DNS records and check DNS availability on control plane nodes.


  • You have access to the cluster as a user with the cluster-admin role.
  • You have installed the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • You have SSH access to your hosts.
  • You have the fully qualified domain names of the control plane nodes.


  1. Check the status of etcd pods.

    1. Review the status of pods in the openshift-etcd namespace:

      $ oc get pods -n openshift-etcd
    2. Review the status of pods in the openshift-etcd-operator namespace:

      $ oc get pods -n openshift-etcd-operator
  2. If any of the pods listed by the previous commands are not showing a Running or a Completed status, gather diagnostic information for the pod.

    1. Review events for the pod:

      $ oc describe pod/<pod_name> -n <namespace>
    2. Inspect the pod’s logs:

      $ oc logs pod/<pod_name> -n <namespace>
    3. If the pod has more than one container, the preceding command will create an error, and the container names will be provided in the error message. Inspect logs for each container:

      $ oc logs pod/<pod_name> -c <container_name> -n <namespace>
  3. If the API is not functional, review etcd pod and container logs on each control plane node by using SSH instead. Replace <master-node>.<cluster_name>.<base_domain> with appropriate values.

    1. List etcd pods on each control plane node:

      $ ssh core@<master-node>.<cluster_name>.<base_domain> sudo crictl pods --name=etcd-
    2. For any pods not showing Ready status, inspect pod status in detail. Replace <pod_id> with the pod’s ID listed in the output of the preceding command:

      $ ssh core@<master-node>.<cluster_name>.<base_domain> sudo crictl inspectp <pod_id>
    3. List containers related to a pod:

      $ ssh core@<master-node>.<cluster_name>.<base_domain> sudo crictl ps | grep '<pod_id>'
    4. For any containers not showing Ready status, inspect container status in detail. Replace <container_id> with container IDs listed in the output of the preceding command:

      $ ssh core@<master-node>.<cluster_name>.<base_domain> sudo crictl inspect <container_id>
    5. Review the logs for any containers not showing a Ready status. Replace <container_id> with the container IDs listed in the output of the preceding command:

      $ ssh core@<master-node>.<cluster_name>.<base_domain> sudo crictl logs -f <container_id>

      OpenShift Container Platform 4.17 cluster nodes running Red Hat Enterprise Linux CoreOS (RHCOS) are immutable and rely on Operators to apply cluster changes. Accessing cluster nodes by using SSH is not recommended. Before attempting to collect diagnostic data over SSH, review whether the data collected by running oc adm must gather and other oc commands is sufficient instead. However, if the OpenShift Container Platform API is not available, or the kubelet is not properly functioning on the target node, oc operations will be impacted. In such situations, it is possible to access nodes using ssh core@<node>.<cluster_name>.<base_domain>.

  4. Validate primary and secondary DNS server connectivity from control plane nodes.

7.1.10. Investigating control plane node kubelet and API server issues

To investigate control plane node kubelet and API server issues during installation, check DNS, DHCP, and load balancer functionality. Also, verify that certificates have not expired.


  • You have access to the cluster as a user with the cluster-admin role.
  • You have installed the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • You have SSH access to your hosts.
  • You have the fully qualified domain names of the control plane nodes.


  1. Verify that the API server’s DNS record directs the kubelet on control plane nodes to https://api-int.<cluster_name>.<base_domain>:6443. Ensure that the record references the load balancer.
  2. Ensure that the load balancer’s port 6443 definition references each control plane node.
  3. Check that unique control plane node hostnames have been provided by DHCP.
  4. Inspect the kubelet.service journald unit logs on each control plane node.

    1. Retrieve the logs using oc:

      $ oc adm node-logs --role=master -u kubelet
    2. If the API is not functional, review the logs using SSH instead. Replace <master-node>.<cluster_name>.<base_domain> with appropriate values:

      $ ssh core@<master-node>.<cluster_name>.<base_domain> journalctl -b -f -u kubelet.service

      OpenShift Container Platform 4.17 cluster nodes running Red Hat Enterprise Linux CoreOS (RHCOS) are immutable and rely on Operators to apply cluster changes. Accessing cluster nodes by using SSH is not recommended. Before attempting to collect diagnostic data over SSH, review whether the data collected by running oc adm must gather and other oc commands is sufficient instead. However, if the OpenShift Container Platform API is not available, or the kubelet is not properly functioning on the target node, oc operations will be impacted. In such situations, it is possible to access nodes using ssh core@<node>.<cluster_name>.<base_domain>.

  5. Check for certificate expiration messages in the control plane node kubelet logs.

    1. Retrieve the log using oc:

      $ oc adm node-logs --role=master -u kubelet | grep -is 'x509: certificate has expired'
    2. If the API is not functional, review the logs using SSH instead. Replace <master-node>.<cluster_name>.<base_domain> with appropriate values:

      $ ssh core@<master-node>.<cluster_name>.<base_domain> journalctl -b -f -u kubelet.service  | grep -is 'x509: certificate has expired'

7.1.11. Investigating worker node installation issues

If you experience worker node installation issues, you can review the worker node status. Collect kubelet.service, crio.service journald unit logs and the worker node container logs for visibility into the worker node agent, CRI-O container runtime and pod activity. Additionally, you can check the Ignition file and Machine API Operator functionality. If worker node postinstallation configuration fails, check Machine Config Operator (MCO) and DNS functionality. You can also verify system clock synchronization between the bootstrap, master, and worker nodes, and validate certificates.


  • You have access to the cluster as a user with the cluster-admin role.
  • You have installed the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • You have SSH access to your hosts.
  • You have the fully qualified domain names of the bootstrap and worker nodes.
  • If you are hosting Ignition configuration files by using an HTTP server, you must have the HTTP server’s fully qualified domain name and the port number. You must also have SSH access to the HTTP host.


    The initial kubeadmin password can be found in <install_directory>/auth/kubeadmin-password on the installation host.


  1. If you have access to the worker node’s console, monitor the console until the node reaches the login prompt. During the installation, Ignition log messages are output to the console.
  2. Verify Ignition file configuration.

    • If you are hosting Ignition configuration files by using an HTTP server.

      1. Verify the worker node Ignition file URL. Replace <http_server_fqdn> with HTTP server’s fully qualified domain name:

        $ curl -I http://<http_server_fqdn>:<port>/worker.ign  1
        The -I option returns the header only. If the Ignition file is available on the specified URL, the command returns 200 OK status. If it is not available, the command returns 404 file not found.
      2. To verify that the Ignition file was received by the worker node, query the HTTP server logs on the HTTP host. For example, if you are using an Apache web server to serve Ignition files:

        $ grep -is 'worker.ign' /var/log/httpd/access_log

        If the worker Ignition file is received, the associated HTTP GET log message will include a 200 OK success status, indicating that the request succeeded.

      3. If the Ignition file was not received, check that it exists on the serving host directly. Ensure that the appropriate file and web server permissions are in place.
    • If you are using a cloud provider mechanism to inject Ignition configuration files into hosts as part of their initial deployment.

      1. Review the worker node’s console to determine if the mechanism is injecting the worker node Ignition file correctly.
  3. Check the availability of the worker node’s assigned storage device.
  4. Verify that the worker node has been assigned an IP address from the DHCP server.
  5. Determine worker node status.

    1. Query node status:

      $ oc get nodes
    2. Retrieve a detailed node description for any worker nodes not showing a Ready status:

      $ oc describe node <worker_node>

      It is not possible to run oc commands if an installation issue prevents the OpenShift Container Platform API from running or if the kubelet is not running yet on each node.

  6. Unlike control plane nodes, worker nodes are deployed and scaled using the Machine API Operator. Check the status of the Machine API Operator.

    1. Review Machine API Operator pod status:

      $ oc get pods -n openshift-machine-api
    2. If the Machine API Operator pod does not have a Ready status, detail the pod’s events:

      $ oc describe pod/<machine_api_operator_pod_name> -n openshift-machine-api
    3. Inspect machine-api-operator container logs. The container runs within the machine-api-operator pod:

      $ oc logs pod/<machine_api_operator_pod_name> -n openshift-machine-api -c machine-api-operator
    4. Also inspect kube-rbac-proxy container logs. The container also runs within the machine-api-operator pod:

      $ oc logs pod/<machine_api_operator_pod_name> -n openshift-machine-api -c kube-rbac-proxy
  7. Monitor kubelet.service journald unit logs on worker nodes, after they have booted. This provides visibility into worker node agent activity.

    1. Retrieve the logs using oc:

      $ oc adm node-logs --role=worker -u kubelet
    2. If the API is not functional, review the logs using SSH instead. Replace <worker-node>.<cluster_name>.<base_domain> with appropriate values:

      $ ssh core@<worker-node>.<cluster_name>.<base_domain> journalctl -b -f -u kubelet.service

      OpenShift Container Platform 4.17 cluster nodes running Red Hat Enterprise Linux CoreOS (RHCOS) are immutable and rely on Operators to apply cluster changes. Accessing cluster nodes by using SSH is not recommended. Before attempting to collect diagnostic data over SSH, review whether the data collected by running oc adm must gather and other oc commands is sufficient instead. However, if the OpenShift Container Platform API is not available, or the kubelet is not properly functioning on the target node, oc operations will be impacted. In such situations, it is possible to access nodes using ssh core@<node>.<cluster_name>.<base_domain>.

  8. Retrieve crio.service journald unit logs on worker nodes, after they have booted. This provides visibility into worker node CRI-O container runtime activity.

    1. Retrieve the logs using oc:

      $ oc adm node-logs --role=worker -u crio
    2. If the API is not functional, review the logs using SSH instead:

      $ ssh core@<worker-node>.<cluster_name>.<base_domain> journalctl -b -f -u crio.service
  9. Collect logs from specific subdirectories under /var/log/ on worker nodes.

    1. Retrieve a list of logs contained within a /var/log/ subdirectory. The following example lists files in /var/log/sssd/ on all worker nodes:

      $ oc adm node-logs --role=worker --path=sssd
    2. Inspect a specific log within a /var/log/ subdirectory. The following example outputs /var/log/sssd/audit.log contents from all worker nodes:

      $ oc adm node-logs --role=worker --path=sssd/sssd.log
    3. If the API is not functional, review the logs on each node using SSH instead. The following example tails /var/log/sssd/sssd.log:

      $ ssh core@<worker-node>.<cluster_name>.<base_domain> sudo tail -f /var/log/sssd/sssd.log
  10. Review worker node container logs using SSH.

    1. List the containers:

      $ ssh core@<worker-node>.<cluster_name>.<base_domain> sudo crictl ps -a
    2. Retrieve a container’s logs using crictl:

      $ ssh core@<worker-node>.<cluster_name>.<base_domain> sudo crictl logs -f <container_id>
  11. If you experience worker node configuration issues, verify that the MCO, MCO endpoint, and DNS record are functioning. The Machine Config Operator (MCO) manages operating system configuration during the installation procedure. Also verify system clock accuracy and certificate validity.

    1. Test whether the MCO endpoint is available. Replace <cluster_name> with appropriate values:

      $ curl https://api-int.<cluster_name>:22623/config/worker
    2. If the endpoint is unresponsive, verify load balancer configuration. Ensure that the endpoint is configured to run on port 22623.
    3. Verify that the MCO endpoint’s DNS record is configured and resolves to the load balancer.

      1. Run a DNS lookup for the defined MCO endpoint name:

        $ dig api-int.<cluster_name> @<dns_server>
      2. Run a reverse lookup to the assigned MCO IP address on the load balancer:

        $ dig -x <load_balancer_mco_ip_address> @<dns_server>
    4. Verify that the MCO is functioning from the bootstrap node directly. Replace <bootstrap_fqdn> with the bootstrap node’s fully qualified domain name:

      $ ssh core@<bootstrap_fqdn> curl https://api-int.<cluster_name>:22623/config/worker
    5. System clock time must be synchronized between bootstrap, master, and worker nodes. Check each node’s system clock reference time and time synchronization statistics:

      $ ssh core@<node>.<cluster_name>.<base_domain> chronyc tracking
    6. Review certificate validity:

      $ openssl s_client -connect api-int.<cluster_name>:22623 | openssl x509 -noout -text

7.1.12. Querying Operator status after installation

You can check Operator status at the end of an installation. Retrieve diagnostic data for Operators that do not become available. Review logs for any Operator pods that are listed as Pending or have an error status. Validate base images used by problematic pods.


  • You have access to the cluster as a user with the cluster-admin role.
  • You have installed the OpenShift CLI (oc).


  1. Check that cluster Operators are all available at the end of an installation.

    $ oc get clusteroperators
  2. Verify that all of the required certificate signing requests (CSRs) are approved. Some nodes might not move to a Ready status and some cluster Operators might not become available if there are pending CSRs.

    1. Check the status of the CSRs and ensure that you see a client and server request with the Pending or Approved status for each machine that you added to the cluster:

      $ oc get csr

      Example output

      NAME        AGE     REQUESTOR                                                                   CONDITION
      csr-8b2br   15m     system:serviceaccount:openshift-machine-config-operator:node-bootstrapper   Pending 1
      csr-8vnps   15m     system:serviceaccount:openshift-machine-config-operator:node-bootstrapper   Pending
      csr-bfd72   5m26s                       Pending 2
      csr-c57lv   5m26s                       Pending

      A client request CSR.
      A server request CSR.

      In this example, two machines are joining the cluster. You might see more approved CSRs in the list.

    2. If the CSRs were not approved, after all of the pending CSRs for the machines you added are in Pending status, approve the CSRs for your cluster machines:


      Because the CSRs rotate automatically, approve your CSRs within an hour of adding the machines to the cluster. If you do not approve them within an hour, the certificates will rotate, and more than two certificates will be present for each node. You must approve all of these certificates. After you approve the initial CSRs, the subsequent node client CSRs are automatically approved by the cluster kube-controller-manager.


      For clusters running on platforms that are not machine API enabled, such as bare metal and other user-provisioned infrastructure, you must implement a method of automatically approving the kubelet serving certificate requests (CSRs). If a request is not approved, then the oc exec, oc rsh, and oc logs commands cannot succeed, because a serving certificate is required when the API server connects to the kubelet. Any operation that contacts the Kubelet endpoint requires this certificate approval to be in place. The method must watch for new CSRs, confirm that the CSR was submitted by the node-bootstrapper service account in the system:node or system:admin groups, and confirm the identity of the node.

      • To approve them individually, run the following command for each valid CSR:

        $ oc adm certificate approve <csr_name> 1
        <csr_name> is the name of a CSR from the list of current CSRs.
      • To approve all pending CSRs, run the following command:

        $ oc get csr -o go-template='{{range .items}}{{if not .status}}{{}}{{"\n"}}{{end}}{{end}}' | xargs oc adm certificate approve
  3. View Operator events:

    $ oc describe clusteroperator <operator_name>
  4. Review Operator pod status within the Operator’s namespace:

    $ oc get pods -n <operator_namespace>
  5. Obtain a detailed description for pods that do not have Running status:

    $ oc describe pod/<operator_pod_name> -n <operator_namespace>
  6. Inspect pod logs:

    $ oc logs pod/<operator_pod_name> -n <operator_namespace>
  7. When experiencing pod base image related issues, review base image status.

    1. Obtain details of the base image used by a problematic pod:

      $ oc get pod -o "jsonpath={range .status.containerStatuses[*]}{.name}{'\t'}{.state}{'\t'}{.image}{'\n'}{end}" <operator_pod_name> -n <operator_namespace>
    2. List base image release information:

      $ oc adm release info <image_path>:<tag> --commits

7.1.13. Gathering logs from a failed installation

If you gave an SSH key to your installation program, you can gather data about your failed installation.


You use a different command to gather logs about an unsuccessful installation than to gather logs from a running cluster. If you must gather logs from a running cluster, use the oc adm must-gather command.


  • Your OpenShift Container Platform installation failed before the bootstrap process finished. The bootstrap node is running and accessible through SSH.
  • The ssh-agent process is active on your computer, and you provided the same SSH key to both the ssh-agent process and the installation program.
  • If you tried to install a cluster on infrastructure that you provisioned, you must have the fully qualified domain names of the bootstrap and control plane nodes.


  1. Generate the commands that are required to obtain the installation logs from the bootstrap and control plane machines:

    • If you used installer-provisioned infrastructure, change to the directory that contains the installation program and run the following command:

      $ ./openshift-install gather bootstrap --dir <installation_directory> 1
      installation_directory is the directory you specified when you ran ./openshift-install create cluster. This directory contains the OpenShift Container Platform definition files that the installation program creates.

      For installer-provisioned infrastructure, the installation program stores information about the cluster, so you do not specify the hostnames or IP addresses.

    • If you used infrastructure that you provisioned yourself, change to the directory that contains the installation program and run the following command:

      $ ./openshift-install gather bootstrap --dir <installation_directory> \ 1
          --bootstrap <bootstrap_address> \ 2
          --master <master_1_address> \ 3
          --master <master_2_address> \ 4
          --master <master_3_address>" 5
      For installation_directory, specify the same directory you specified when you ran ./openshift-install create cluster. This directory contains the OpenShift Container Platform definition files that the installation program creates.
      <bootstrap_address> is the fully qualified domain name or IP address of the cluster’s bootstrap machine.
      3 4 5
      For each control plane, or master, machine in your cluster, replace <master_*_address> with its fully qualified domain name or IP address.

      A default cluster contains three control plane machines. List all of your control plane machines as shown, no matter how many your cluster uses.

    Example output

    INFO Pulling debug logs from the bootstrap machine
    INFO Bootstrap gather logs captured here "<installation_directory>/log-bundle-<timestamp>.tar.gz"

    If you open a Red Hat support case about your installation failure, include the compressed logs in the case.

7.1.14. Additional resources

  • See Installation process for more details on OpenShift Container Platform installation types and process.

7.2. Verifying node health

7.2.1. Reviewing node status, resource usage, and configuration

Review cluster node health status, resource consumption statistics, and node logs. Additionally, query kubelet status on individual nodes.


  • You have access to the cluster as a user with the cluster-admin role.
  • You have installed the OpenShift CLI (oc).


  • List the name, status, and role for all nodes in the cluster:

    $ oc get nodes
  • Summarize CPU and memory usage for each node within the cluster:

    $ oc adm top nodes
  • Summarize CPU and memory usage for a specific node:

    $ oc adm top node my-node

7.2.2. Querying the kubelet’s status on a node

You can review cluster node health status, resource consumption statistics, and node logs. Additionally, you can query kubelet status on individual nodes.


  • You have access to the cluster as a user with the cluster-admin role.
  • Your API service is still functional.
  • You have installed the OpenShift CLI (oc).


  1. The kubelet is managed using a systemd service on each node. Review the kubelet’s status by querying the kubelet systemd service within a debug pod.

    1. Start a debug pod for a node:

      $ oc debug node/my-node

      If you are running oc debug on a control plane node, you can find administrative kubeconfig files in the /etc/kubernetes/static-pod-resources/kube-apiserver-certs/secrets/node-kubeconfigs directory.

    2. Set /host as the root directory within the debug shell. The debug pod mounts the host’s root file system in /host within the pod. By changing the root directory to /host, you can run binaries contained in the host’s executable paths:

      # chroot /host

      OpenShift Container Platform 4.17 cluster nodes running Red Hat Enterprise Linux CoreOS (RHCOS) are immutable and rely on Operators to apply cluster changes. Accessing cluster nodes by using SSH is not recommended. However, if the OpenShift Container Platform API is not available, or kubelet is not properly functioning on the target node, oc operations will be impacted. In such situations, it is possible to access nodes using ssh core@<node>.<cluster_name>.<base_domain> instead.

    3. Check whether the kubelet systemd service is active on the node:

      # systemctl is-active kubelet
    4. Output a more detailed kubelet.service status summary:

      # systemctl status kubelet

7.2.3. Querying cluster node journal logs

You can gather journald unit logs and other logs within /var/log on individual cluster nodes.


  • You have access to the cluster as a user with the cluster-admin role.
  • You have installed the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • Your API service is still functional.
  • You have SSH access to your hosts.


  1. Query kubelet journald unit logs from OpenShift Container Platform cluster nodes. The following example queries control plane nodes only:

    $ oc adm node-logs --role=master -u kubelet  1
    Replace kubelet as appropriate to query other unit logs.
  2. Collect logs from specific subdirectories under /var/log/ on cluster nodes.

    1. Retrieve a list of logs contained within a /var/log/ subdirectory. The following example lists files in /var/log/openshift-apiserver/ on all control plane nodes:

      $ oc adm node-logs --role=master --path=openshift-apiserver
    2. Inspect a specific log within a /var/log/ subdirectory. The following example outputs /var/log/openshift-apiserver/audit.log contents from all control plane nodes:

      $ oc adm node-logs --role=master --path=openshift-apiserver/audit.log
    3. If the API is not functional, review the logs on each node using SSH instead. The following example tails /var/log/openshift-apiserver/audit.log:

      $ ssh core@<master-node>.<cluster_name>.<base_domain> sudo tail -f /var/log/openshift-apiserver/audit.log

      OpenShift Container Platform 4.17 cluster nodes running Red Hat Enterprise Linux CoreOS (RHCOS) are immutable and rely on Operators to apply cluster changes. Accessing cluster nodes by using SSH is not recommended. Before attempting to collect diagnostic data over SSH, review whether the data collected by running oc adm must gather and other oc commands is sufficient instead. However, if the OpenShift Container Platform API is not available, or the kubelet is not properly functioning on the target node, oc operations will be impacted. In such situations, it is possible to access nodes using ssh core@<node>.<cluster_name>.<base_domain>.

7.3. Troubleshooting CRI-O container runtime issues

7.3.1. About CRI-O container runtime engine

CRI-O is a Kubernetes-native container engine implementation that integrates closely with the operating system to deliver an efficient and optimized Kubernetes experience. The CRI-O container engine runs as a systemd service on each OpenShift Container Platform cluster node.

When container runtime issues occur, verify the status of the crio systemd service on each node. Gather CRI-O journald unit logs from nodes that have container runtime issues.

7.3.2. Verifying CRI-O runtime engine status

You can verify CRI-O container runtime engine status on each cluster node.


  • You have access to the cluster as a user with the cluster-admin role.
  • You have installed the OpenShift CLI (oc).


  1. Review CRI-O status by querying the crio systemd service on a node, within a debug pod.

    1. Start a debug pod for a node:

      $ oc debug node/my-node
    2. Set /host as the root directory within the debug shell. The debug pod mounts the host’s root file system in /host within the pod. By changing the root directory to /host, you can run binaries contained in the host’s executable paths:

      # chroot /host

      OpenShift Container Platform 4.17 cluster nodes running Red Hat Enterprise Linux CoreOS (RHCOS) are immutable and rely on Operators to apply cluster changes. Accessing cluster nodes by using SSH is not recommended. However, if the OpenShift Container Platform API is not available, or the kubelet is not properly functioning on the target node, oc operations will be impacted. In such situations, it is possible to access nodes using ssh core@<node>.<cluster_name>.<base_domain> instead.

    3. Check whether the crio systemd service is active on the node:

      # systemctl is-active crio
    4. Output a more detailed crio.service status summary:

      # systemctl status crio.service

7.3.3. Gathering CRI-O journald unit logs

If you experience CRI-O issues, you can obtain CRI-O journald unit logs from a node.


  • You have access to the cluster as a user with the cluster-admin role.
  • Your API service is still functional.
  • You have installed the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • You have the fully qualified domain names of the control plane or control plane machines.


  1. Gather CRI-O journald unit logs. The following example collects logs from all control plane nodes (within the cluster:

    $ oc adm node-logs --role=master -u crio
  2. Gather CRI-O journald unit logs from a specific node:

    $ oc adm node-logs <node_name> -u crio
  3. If the API is not functional, review the logs using SSH instead. Replace <node>.<cluster_name>.<base_domain> with appropriate values:

    $ ssh core@<node>.<cluster_name>.<base_domain> journalctl -b -f -u crio.service

    OpenShift Container Platform 4.17 cluster nodes running Red Hat Enterprise Linux CoreOS (RHCOS) are immutable and rely on Operators to apply cluster changes. Accessing cluster nodes by using SSH is not recommended. Before attempting to collect diagnostic data over SSH, review whether the data collected by running oc adm must gather and other oc commands is sufficient instead. However, if the OpenShift Container Platform API is not available, or the kubelet is not properly functioning on the target node, oc operations will be impacted. In such situations, it is possible to access nodes using ssh core@<node>.<cluster_name>.<base_domain>.

7.3.4. Cleaning CRI-O storage

You can manually clear the CRI-O ephemeral storage if you experience the following issues:

  • A node cannot run on any pods and this error appears:

    Failed to create pod sandbox: rpc error: code = Unknown desc = failed to mount container XXX: error recreating the missing symlinks: error reading name of symlink for XXX: open /var/lib/containers/storage/overlay/XXX/link: no such file or directory
  • You cannot create a new container on a working node and the “can’t stat lower layer” error appears:

    can't stat lower layer ...  because it does not exist.  Going through storage to recreate the missing symlinks.
  • Your node is in the NotReady state after a cluster upgrade or if you attempt to reboot it.
  • The container runtime implementation (crio) is not working properly.
  • You are unable to start a debug shell on the node using oc debug node/<node_name> because the container runtime instance (crio) is not working.

Follow this process to completely wipe the CRI-O storage and resolve the errors.


  • You have access to the cluster as a user with the cluster-admin role.
  • You have installed the OpenShift CLI (oc).


  1. Use cordon on the node. This is to avoid any workload getting scheduled if the node gets into the Ready status. You will know that scheduling is disabled when SchedulingDisabled is in your Status section:

    $ oc adm cordon <node_name>
  2. Drain the node as the cluster-admin user:

    $ oc adm drain <node_name> --ignore-daemonsets --delete-emptydir-data

    The terminationGracePeriodSeconds attribute of a pod or pod template controls the graceful termination period. This attribute defaults at 30 seconds, but can be customized for each application as necessary. If set to more than 90 seconds, the pod might be marked as SIGKILLed and fail to terminate successfully.

  3. When the node returns, connect back to the node via SSH or Console. Then connect to the root user:

    $ ssh
    $ sudo -i
  4. Manually stop the kubelet:

    # systemctl stop kubelet
  5. Stop the containers and pods:

    1. Use the following command to stop the pods that are not in the HostNetwork. They must be removed first because their removal relies on the networking plugin pods, which are in the HostNetwork.

      .. for pod in $(crictl pods -q); do if [[ "$(crictl inspectp $pod | jq -r" != "NODE" ]]; then crictl rmp -f $pod; fi; done
    2. Stop all other pods:

      # crictl rmp -fa
  6. Manually stop the crio services:

    # systemctl stop crio
  7. After you run those commands, you can completely wipe the ephemeral storage:

    # crio wipe -f
  8. Start the crio and kubelet service:

    # systemctl start crio
    # systemctl start kubelet
  9. You will know if the clean up worked if the crio and kubelet services are started, and the node is in the Ready status:

    $ oc get nodes

    Example output

    NAME				    STATUS	                ROLES    AGE    VERSION
    ci-ln-tkbxyft-f76d1-nvwhr-master-1  Ready, SchedulingDisabled   master	 133m   v1.30.3

  10. Mark the node schedulable. You will know that the scheduling is enabled when SchedulingDisabled is no longer in status:

    $ oc adm uncordon <node_name>

    Example output

    NAME				     STATUS	      ROLES    AGE    VERSION
    ci-ln-tkbxyft-f76d1-nvwhr-master-1   Ready            master   133m   v1.30.3

7.4. Troubleshooting operating system issues

OpenShift Container Platform runs on RHCOS. You can follow these procedures to troubleshoot problems related to the operating system.

7.4.1. Investigating kernel crashes

The kdump service, included in the kexec-tools package, provides a crash-dumping mechanism. You can use this service to save the contents of a system’s memory for later analysis.

The x86_64 architecture supports kdump in General Availability (GA) status, whereas other architectures support kdump in Technology Preview (TP) status.

The following table provides details about the support level of kdump for different architectures.

Table 7.1. Kdump support in RHCOS
ArchitectureSupport level










Kdump support, for the preceding three architectures in the table, is a Technology Preview feature only. Technology Preview features are not supported with Red Hat production service level agreements (SLAs) and might not be functionally complete. Red Hat does not recommend using them in production. These features provide early access to upcoming product features, enabling customers to test functionality and provide feedback during the development process.

For more information about the support scope of Red Hat Technology Preview features, see Technology Preview Features Support Scope. Enabling kdump

RHCOS ships with the kexec-tools package, but manual configuration is required to enable the kdump service.


Perform the following steps to enable kdump on RHCOS.

  1. To reserve memory for the crash kernel during the first kernel booting, provide kernel arguments by entering the following command:

    # rpm-ostree kargs --append='crashkernel=256M'

    For the ppc64le platform, the recommended value for crashkernel is crashkernel=2G-4G:384M,4G-16G:512M,16G-64G:1G,64G-128G:2G,128G-:4G.

  2. Optional: To write the crash dump over the network or to some other location, rather than to the default local /var/crash location, edit the /etc/kdump.conf configuration file.


    If your node uses LUKS-encrypted devices, you must use network dumps as kdump does not support saving crash dumps to LUKS-encrypted devices.

    For details on configuring the kdump service, see the comments in /etc/sysconfig/kdump, /etc/kdump.conf, and the kdump.conf manual page. Also refer to the RHEL kdump documentation for further information on configuring the dump target.


    If you have multipathing enabled on your primary disk, the dump target must be either an NFS or SSH server and you must exclude the multipath module from your /etc/kdump.conf configuration file.

  3. Enable the kdump systemd service.

    # systemctl enable kdump.service
  4. Reboot your system.

    # systemctl reboot
  5. Ensure that kdump has loaded a crash kernel by checking that the kdump.service systemd service has started and exited successfully and that the command, cat /sys/kernel/kexec_crash_loaded, prints the value 1. Enabling kdump on day-1

The kdump service is intended to be enabled per node to debug kernel problems. Because there are costs to having kdump enabled, and these costs accumulate with each additional kdump-enabled node, it is recommended that the kdump service only be enabled on each node as needed. Potential costs of enabling the kdump service on each node include:

  • Less available RAM due to memory being reserved for the crash kernel.
  • Node unavailability while the kernel is dumping the core.
  • Additional storage space being used to store the crash dumps.

If you are aware of the downsides and trade-offs of having the kdump service enabled, it is possible to enable kdump in a cluster-wide fashion. Although machine-specific machine configs are not yet supported, you can use a systemd unit in a MachineConfig object as a day-1 customization and have kdump enabled on all nodes in the cluster. You can create a MachineConfig object and inject that object into the set of manifest files used by Ignition during cluster setup.


See "Customizing nodes" in the Installing Installation configuration section for more information and examples on how to use Ignition configs.


Create a MachineConfig object for cluster-wide configuration:

  1. Create a Butane config file, 99-worker-kdump.bu, that configures and enables kdump:

    variant: openshift
    version: 4.17.0
      name: 99-worker-kdump 1
      labels: worker 2
      kernel_arguments: 3
        - crashkernel=256M
        - path: /etc/kdump.conf 4
          mode: 0644
          overwrite: true
            inline: |
              path /var/crash
              core_collector makedumpfile -l --message-level 7 -d 31
        - path: /etc/sysconfig/kdump 5
          mode: 0644
          overwrite: true
            inline: |
              KDUMP_COMMANDLINE_REMOVE="hugepages hugepagesz slub_debug quiet log_buf_len swiotlb"
              KDUMP_COMMANDLINE_APPEND="irqpoll nr_cpus=1 reset_devices cgroup_disable=memory mce=off numa=off udev.children-max=2 panic=10 rootflags=nofail acpi_no_memhotplug transparent_hugepage=never nokaslr novmcoredd hest_disable" 6
        - name: kdump.service
          enabled: true
    1 2
    Replace worker with master in both locations when creating a MachineConfig object for control plane nodes.
    Provide kernel arguments to reserve memory for the crash kernel. You can add other kernel arguments if necessary. For the ppc64le platform, the recommended value for crashkernel is crashkernel=2G-4G:384M,4G-16G:512M,16G-64G:1G,64G-128G:2G,128G-:4G.
    If you want to change the contents of /etc/kdump.conf from the default, include this section and modify the inline subsection accordingly.
    If you want to change the contents of /etc/sysconfig/kdump from the default, include this section and modify the inline subsection accordingly.
    For the ppc64le platform, replace nr_cpus=1 with maxcpus=1, which is not supported on this platform.

To export the dumps to NFS targets, the nfs kernel module must be explicitly added to the configuration file:

Example /etc/kdump.conf file

core_collector makedumpfile -l --message-level 7 -d 31
extra_modules nfs

  1. Use Butane to generate a machine config YAML file, 99-worker-kdump.yaml, containing the configuration to be delivered to the nodes:

    $ butane 99-worker-kdump.bu -o 99-worker-kdump.yaml
  2. Put the YAML file into the <installation_directory>/manifests/ directory during cluster setup. You can also create this MachineConfig object after cluster setup with the YAML file:

    $ oc create -f 99-worker-kdump.yaml Testing the kdump configuration

See the Testing the kdump configuration section in the RHEL documentation for kdump. Analyzing a core dump

See the Analyzing a core dump section in the RHEL documentation for kdump.


It is recommended to perform vmcore analysis on a separate RHEL system.

Additional resources

7.4.2. Debugging Ignition failures

If a machine cannot be provisioned, Ignition fails and RHCOS will boot into the emergency shell. Use the following procedure to get debugging information.


  1. Run the following command to show which service units failed:

    $ systemctl --failed
  2. Optional: Run the following command on an individual service unit to find out more information:

    $ journalctl -u <unit>.service

7.5. Troubleshooting network issues

7.5.1. How the network interface is selected

For installations on bare metal or with virtual machines that have more than one network interface controller (NIC), the NIC that OpenShift Container Platform uses for communication with the Kubernetes API server is determined by the nodeip-configuration.service service unit that is run by systemd when the node boots. The nodeip-configuration.service selects the IP from the interface associated with the default route.

After the nodeip-configuration.service service determines the correct NIC, the service creates the /etc/systemd/system/kubelet.service.d/20-nodenet.conf file. The 20-nodenet.conf file sets the KUBELET_NODE_IP environment variable to the IP address that the service selected.

When the kubelet service starts, it reads the value of the environment variable from the 20-nodenet.conf file and sets the IP address as the value of the --node-ip kubelet command-line argument. As a result, the kubelet service uses the selected IP address as the node IP address.

If hardware or networking is reconfigured after installation, or if there is a networking layout where the node IP should not come from the default route interface, it is possible for the nodeip-configuration.service service to select a different NIC after a reboot. In some cases, you might be able to detect that a different NIC is selected by reviewing the INTERNAL-IP column in the output from the oc get nodes -o wide command.

If network communication is disrupted or misconfigured because a different NIC is selected, you might receive the following error: EtcdCertSignerControllerDegraded. You can create a hint file that includes the NODEIP_HINT variable to override the default IP selection logic. For more information, see Optional: Overriding the default node IP selection logic. Optional: Overriding the default node IP selection logic

To override the default IP selection logic, you can create a hint file that includes the NODEIP_HINT variable to override the default IP selection logic. Creating a hint file allows you to select a specific node IP address from the interface in the subnet of the IP address specified in the NODEIP_HINT variable.

For example, if a node has two interfaces, eth0 with an address of, and eth1 with an address of, and the default route points to eth0 (,the node IP address would normally use the IP address.

Users can configure the NODEIP_HINT variable to point at a known IP in the subnet, for example, a subnet gateway such as so that the other subnet,, is selected. As a result, the IP address on eth1 is used for the node.

The following procedure shows how to override the default node IP selection logic.


  1. Add a hint file to your /etc/default/nodeip-configuration file, for example:

    • Do not use the exact IP address of a node as a hint, for example, Using the exact IP address of a node causes the node using the hint IP address to fail to configure correctly.
    • The IP address in the hint file is only used to determine the correct subnet. It will not receive traffic as a result of appearing in the hint file.
  2. Generate the base-64 encoded content by running the following command:

    $ echo -n 'NODEIP_HINT=' | base64 -w0

    Example output


  3. Activate the hint by creating a machine config manifest for both master and worker roles before deploying the cluster:


    kind: MachineConfig
      labels: master
      name: 99-nodeip-hint-master
          version: 3.2.0
          - contents:
              source: data:text/plain;charset=utf-8;base64,<encoded_content> 1
            mode: 0644
            overwrite: true
            path: /etc/default/nodeip-configuration

    Replace <encoded_contents> with the base64-encoded content of the /etc/default/nodeip-configuration file, for example, Tk9ERUlQX0hJTlQ9MTkyLjAuMCxxxx==. Note that a space is not acceptable after the comma and before the encoded content.


    kind: MachineConfig
     labels: worker
       name: 99-nodeip-hint-worker
         version: 3.2.0
         - contents:
             source: data:text/plain;charset=utf-8;base64,<encoded_content> 1
           mode: 0644
           overwrite: true
           path: /etc/default/nodeip-configuration

    Replace <encoded_contents> with the base64-encoded content of the /etc/default/nodeip-configuration file, for example, Tk9ERUlQX0hJTlQ9MTkyLjAuMCxxxx==. Note that a space is not acceptable after the comma and before the encoded content.
  4. Save the manifest to the directory where you store your cluster configuration, for example, ~/clusterconfigs.
  5. Deploy the cluster. Configuring OVN-Kubernetes to use a secondary OVS bridge

You can create an additional or secondary Open vSwitch (OVS) bridge, br-ex1, that OVN-Kubernetes manages and the Multiple External Gateways (MEG) implementation uses for defining external gateways for an OpenShift Container Platform node. You can define a MEG in an AdminPolicyBasedExternalRoute custom resource (CR). The MEG implementation provides a pod with access to multiple gateways, equal-cost multipath (ECMP) routes, and the Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD) implementation.

Consider a use case for pods impacted by the Multiple External Gateways (MEG) feature and you want to egress traffic to a different interface, for example br-ex1, on a node. Egress traffic for pods not impacted by MEG get routed to the default OVS br-ex bridge.


Currently, MEG is unsupported for use with other egress features, such as egress IP, egress firewalls, or egress routers. Attempting to use MEG with egress features like egress IP can result in routing and traffic flow conflicts. This occurs because of how OVN-Kubernetes handles routing and source network address translation (SNAT). This results in inconsistent routing and might break connections in some environments where the return path must patch the incoming path.

You must define the additional bridge in an interface definition of a machine configuration manifest file. The Machine Config Operator uses the manifest to create a new file at /etc/ovnk/extra_bridge on the host. The new file includes the name of the network interface that the additional OVS bridge configures for a node.

After you create and edit the manifest file, the Machine Config Operator completes tasks in the following order:

  1. Drains nodes in singular order based on the selected machine configuration pool.
  2. Injects Ignition configuration files into each node, so that each node receives the additional br-ex1 bridge network configuration.
  3. Verify that the br-ex MAC address matches the MAC address for the interface that br-ex uses for the network connection.
  4. Executes the shell script that references the new interface definition.
  5. Adds br-ex and br-ex1 to the host node.
  6. Uncordons the nodes.

After all the nodes return to the Ready state and the OVN-Kubernetes Operator detects and configures br-ex and br-ex1, the Operator applies the annotation to each node.

For more information about useful situations for the additional br-ex1 bridge and a situation that always requires the default br-ex bridge, see "Configuration for a localnet topology".


  1. Optional: Create an interface connection that your additional bridge, br-ex1, can use by completing the following steps. The example steps show the creation of a new bond and its dependent interfaces that are all defined in a machine configuration manifest file. The additional bridge uses the MachineConfig object to form a additional bond interface.


    Do not use the Kubernetes NMState Operator to define or a NodeNetworkConfigurationPolicy (NNCP) manifest file to define the additional interface.

    Also ensure that the additional interface or sub-interfaces when defining a bond interface are not used by an existing br-ex OVN Kubernetes network deployment.

    1. Create the following interface definition files. These files get added to a machine configuration manifest file so that host nodes can access the definition files.

      Example of the first interface definition file that is named eno1.config


      Example of the second interface definition file that is named eno2.config


      Example of the second bond interface definition file that is named bond1.config


    2. Convert the definition files to Base64 encoded strings by running the following command:

      $ base64 <directory_path>/en01.config
      $ base64 <directory_path>/eno2.config
      $ base64 <directory_path>/bond1.config
  2. Prepare the environment variables. Replace <machine_role> with the node role, such as worker, and replace <interface_name> with the name of your additional br-ex bridge name.

    $ export ROLE=<machine_role>
  3. Define each interface definition in a machine configuration manifest file:

    Example of a machine configuration file with definitions added for bond1, eno1, and en02

    kind: MachineConfig
      labels: ${worker}
      name: 12-${ROLE}-sec-bridge-cni
          version: 3.2.0
          - contents:
              source: data:;base64,<base-64-encoded-contents-for-bond1.conf>
            path: /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/bond1.nmconnection
            filesystem: root
            mode: 0600
          - contents:
              source: data:;base64,<base-64-encoded-contents-for-eno1.conf>
            path: /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/eno1.nmconnection
            filesystem: root
            mode: 0600
          - contents:
              source: data:;base64,<base-64-encoded-contents-for-eno2.conf>
            path: /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/eno2.nmconnection
            filesystem: root
            mode: 0600
    # ...

  4. Create a machine configuration manifest file for configuring the network plugin by entering the following command in your terminal:

    $ oc create -f <machine_config_file_name>
  5. Create an Open vSwitch (OVS) bridge, br-ex1, on nodes by using the OVN-Kubernetes network plugin to create an extra_bridge file`. Ensure that you save the file in the /etc/ovnk/extra_bridge path of the host. The file must state the interface name that supports the additional bridge and not the default interface that supports br-ex, which holds the primary IP address of the node.

    Example configuration for the extra_bridge file, /etc/ovnk/extra_bridge, that references a additional interface


  6. Create a machine configuration manifest file that defines the existing static interface that hosts br-ex1 on any nodes restarted on your cluster:

    Example of a machine configuration file that defines bond1 as the interface for hosting br-ex1

    kind: MachineConfig
      labels: ${worker}
      name: 12-worker-extra-bridge
          version: 3.2.0
            - path: /etc/ovnk/extra_bridge
              mode: 0420
              overwrite: true
                source: data:text/plain;charset=utf-8,bond1
              filesystem: root

  7. Apply the machine-configuration to your selected nodes:

    $ oc create -f <machine_config_file_name>
  8. Optional: You can override the br-ex selection logic for nodes by creating a machine configuration file that in turn creates a /var/lib/ovnk/iface_default_hint resource.


    The resource lists the name of the interface that br-ex selects for your cluster. By default, br-ex selects the primary interface for a node based on boot order and the IP address subnet in the machine network. Certain machine network configurations might require that br-ex continues to select the default interfaces or bonds for a host node.

    1. Create a machine configuration file on the host node to override the default interface.


      Only create this machine configuration file for the purposes of changing the br-ex selection logic. Using this file to change the IP addresses of existing nodes in your cluster is not supported.

      Example of a machine configuration file that overrides the default interface

      kind: MachineConfig
        name: 12-worker-br-ex-override
            version: 3.2.0
              - path: /var/lib/ovnk/iface_default_hint
                mode: 0420
                overwrite: true
                  source: data:text/plain;charset=utf-8,bond0 1
                filesystem: root

      Ensure bond0 exists on the node before you apply the machine configuration file to the node.
    2. Before you apply the configuration to all new nodes in your cluster, reboot the host node to verify that br-ex selects the intended interface and does not conflict with the new interfaces that you defined on br-ex1.
    3. Apply the machine configuration file to all new nodes in your cluster:

      $ oc create -f <machine_config_file_name>


  1. Identify the IP addresses of nodes with the exgw-ip-addresses label in your cluster to verify that the nodes use the additional bridge instead of the default bridge:

    $ oc get nodes -o json | grep --color exgw-ip-addresses

    Example output


  2. Observe that the additional bridge exists on target nodes by reviewing the network interface names on the host node:

    $ oc debug node/<node_name> -- chroot /host sh -c "ip a | grep mtu | grep br-ex"

    Example output

    Starting pod/worker-1-debug ...
    To use host binaries, run `chroot /host`
    # ...
    5: br-ex: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN group default qlen 1000
    6: br-ex1: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN group default qlen 1000

  3. Optional: If you use /var/lib/ovnk/iface_default_hint, check that the MAC address of br-ex matches the MAC address of the primary selected interface:

    $ oc debug node/<node_name> -- chroot /host sh -c "ip a | grep -A1 -E 'br-ex|bond0'

    Example output that shows the primary interface for br-ex as bond0

    Starting pod/worker-1-debug ...
    To use host binaries, run `chroot /host`
    # ...
    sh-5.1# ip a | grep -A1 -E 'br-ex|bond0'
    2: bond0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc fq_codel master ovs-system state UP group default qlen 1000
        link/ether fa:16:3e:47:99:98 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
    5: br-ex: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN group default qlen 1000
        link/ether fa:16:3e:47:99:98 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
        inet 10.xx.xx.xx/21 brd 10.xx.xx.255 scope global dynamic noprefixroute br-ex

7.5.2. Troubleshooting Open vSwitch issues

To troubleshoot some Open vSwitch (OVS) issues, you might need to configure the log level to include more information.

If you modify the log level on a node temporarily, be aware that you can receive log messages from the machine config daemon on the node like the following example:

E0514 12:47:17.998892    2281 daemon.go:1350] content mismatch for file /etc/systemd/system/ovs-vswitchd.service: [Unit]

To avoid the log messages related to the mismatch, revert the log level change after you complete your troubleshooting. Configuring the Open vSwitch log level temporarily

For short-term troubleshooting, you can configure the Open vSwitch (OVS) log level temporarily. The following procedure does not require rebooting the node. In addition, the configuration change does not persist whenever you reboot the node.

After you perform this procedure to change the log level, you can receive log messages from the machine config daemon that indicate a content mismatch for the ovs-vswitchd.service. To avoid the log messages, repeat this procedure and set the log level to the original value.


  • You have access to the cluster as a user with the cluster-admin role.
  • You have installed the OpenShift CLI (oc).


  1. Start a debug pod for a node:

    $ oc debug node/<node_name>
  2. Set /host as the root directory within the debug shell. The debug pod mounts the root file system from the host in /host within the pod. By changing the root directory to /host, you can run binaries from the host file system:

    # chroot /host
  3. View the current syslog level for OVS modules:

    # ovs-appctl vlog/list

    The following example output shows the log level for syslog set to info.

    Example output

                     console    syslog    file
                     -------    ------    ------
    backtrace          OFF       INFO       INFO
    bfd                OFF       INFO       INFO
    bond               OFF       INFO       INFO
    bridge             OFF       INFO       INFO
    bundle             OFF       INFO       INFO
    bundles            OFF       INFO       INFO
    cfm                OFF       INFO       INFO
    collectors         OFF       INFO       INFO
    command_line       OFF       INFO       INFO
    connmgr            OFF       INFO       INFO
    conntrack          OFF       INFO       INFO
    conntrack_tp       OFF       INFO       INFO
    coverage           OFF       INFO       INFO
    ct_dpif            OFF       INFO       INFO
    daemon             OFF       INFO       INFO
    daemon_unix        OFF       INFO       INFO
    dns_resolve        OFF       INFO       INFO
    dpdk               OFF       INFO       INFO

  4. Specify the log level in the /etc/systemd/system/ovs-vswitchd.service.d/10-ovs-vswitchd-restart.conf file:

    ExecStartPre=-/bin/sh -c '/usr/bin/chown -R :$${OVS_USER_ID##*:} /var/lib/openvswitch'
    ExecStartPre=-/bin/sh -c '/usr/bin/chown -R :$${OVS_USER_ID##*:} /etc/openvswitch'
    ExecStartPre=-/bin/sh -c '/usr/bin/chown -R :$${OVS_USER_ID##*:} /run/openvswitch'
    ExecStartPost=-/usr/bin/ovs-appctl vlog/set syslog:dbg
    ExecReload=-/usr/bin/ovs-appctl vlog/set syslog:dbg

    In the preceding example, the log level is set to dbg. Change the last two lines by setting syslog:<log_level> to off, emer, err, warn, info, or dbg. The off log level filters out all log messages.

  5. Restart the service:

    # systemctl daemon-reload
    # systemctl restart ovs-vswitchd Configuring the Open vSwitch log level permanently

For long-term changes to the Open vSwitch (OVS) log level, you can change the log level permanently.


  • You have access to the cluster as a user with the cluster-admin role.
  • You have installed the OpenShift CLI (oc).


  1. Create a file, such as 99-change-ovs-loglevel.yaml, with a MachineConfig object like the following example:

    kind: MachineConfig
      labels: master  1
      name: 99-change-ovs-loglevel
          version: 3.2.0
          - dropins:
            - contents: |
                  ExecStartPost=-/usr/bin/ovs-appctl vlog/set syslog:dbg  2
                  ExecReload=-/usr/bin/ovs-appctl vlog/set syslog:dbg
              name: 20-ovs-vswitchd-restart.conf
            name: ovs-vswitchd.service
    After you perform this procedure to configure control plane nodes, repeat the procedure and set the role to worker to configure worker nodes.
    Set the syslog:<log_level> value. Log levels are off, emer, err, warn, info, or dbg. Setting the value to off filters out all log messages.
  2. Apply the machine config:

    $ oc apply -f 99-change-ovs-loglevel.yaml Displaying Open vSwitch logs

Use the following procedure to display Open vSwitch (OVS) logs.


  • You have access to the cluster as a user with the cluster-admin role.
  • You have installed the OpenShift CLI (oc).


  • Run one of the following commands:

    • Display the logs by using the oc command from outside the cluster:

      $ oc adm node-logs <node_name> -u ovs-vswitchd
    • Display the logs after logging on to a node in the cluster:

      # journalctl -b -f -u ovs-vswitchd.service

      One way to log on to a node is by using the oc debug node/<node_name> command.

7.6. Troubleshooting Operator issues

Operators are a method of packaging, deploying, and managing an OpenShift Container Platform application. They act like an extension of the software vendor’s engineering team, watching over an OpenShift Container Platform environment and using its current state to make decisions in real time. Operators are designed to handle upgrades seamlessly, react to failures automatically, and not take shortcuts, such as skipping a software backup process to save time.

OpenShift Container Platform 4.17 includes a default set of Operators that are required for proper functioning of the cluster. These default Operators are managed by the Cluster Version Operator (CVO).

As a cluster administrator, you can install application Operators from the OperatorHub using the OpenShift Container Platform web console or the CLI. You can then subscribe the Operator to one or more namespaces to make it available for developers on your cluster. Application Operators are managed by Operator Lifecycle Manager (OLM).

If you experience Operator issues, verify Operator subscription status. Check Operator pod health across the cluster and gather Operator logs for diagnosis.

7.6.1. Operator subscription condition types

Subscriptions can report the following condition types:

Table 7.2. Subscription condition types


Some or all of the catalog sources to be used in resolution are unhealthy.


An install plan for a subscription is missing.


An install plan for a subscription is pending installation.


An install plan for a subscription has failed.


The dependency resolution for a subscription has failed.


Default OpenShift Container Platform cluster Operators are managed by the Cluster Version Operator (CVO) and they do not have a Subscription object. Application Operators are managed by Operator Lifecycle Manager (OLM) and they have a Subscription object.

Additional resources

7.6.2. Viewing Operator subscription status by using the CLI

You can view Operator subscription status by using the CLI.


  • You have access to the cluster as a user with the cluster-admin role.
  • You have installed the OpenShift CLI (oc).


  1. List Operator subscriptions:

    $ oc get subs -n <operator_namespace>
  2. Use the oc describe command to inspect a Subscription resource:

    $ oc describe sub <subscription_name> -n <operator_namespace>
  3. In the command output, find the Conditions section for the status of Operator subscription condition types. In the following example, the CatalogSourcesUnhealthy condition type has a status of false because all available catalog sources are healthy:

    Example output

    Name:         cluster-logging
    Namespace:    openshift-logging
    Annotations:  <none>
    API Version:
    Kind:         Subscription
    # ...
       Last Transition Time:  2019-07-29T13:42:57Z
       Message:               all available catalogsources are healthy
       Reason:                AllCatalogSourcesHealthy
       Status:                False
       Type:                  CatalogSourcesUnhealthy
    # ...


Default OpenShift Container Platform cluster Operators are managed by the Cluster Version Operator (CVO) and they do not have a Subscription object. Application Operators are managed by Operator Lifecycle Manager (OLM) and they have a Subscription object.

7.6.3. Viewing Operator catalog source status by using the CLI

You can view the status of an Operator catalog source by using the CLI.


  • You have access to the cluster as a user with the cluster-admin role.
  • You have installed the OpenShift CLI (oc).


  1. List the catalog sources in a namespace. For example, you can check the openshift-marketplace namespace, which is used for cluster-wide catalog sources:

    $ oc get catalogsources -n openshift-marketplace

    Example output

    NAME                  DISPLAY               TYPE   PUBLISHER   AGE
    certified-operators   Certified Operators   grpc   Red Hat     55m
    community-operators   Community Operators   grpc   Red Hat     55m
    example-catalog       Example Catalog       grpc   Example Org 2m25s
    redhat-marketplace    Red Hat Marketplace   grpc   Red Hat     55m
    redhat-operators      Red Hat Operators     grpc   Red Hat     55m

  2. Use the oc describe command to get more details and status about a catalog source:

    $ oc describe catalogsource example-catalog -n openshift-marketplace

    Example output

    Name:         example-catalog
    Namespace:    openshift-marketplace
    Labels:       <none>
    Annotations: marketplace-operator
         {"effect": "PreferredDuringScheduling"}
    API Version:
    Kind:         CatalogSource
    # ...
      Connection State:
        Address:              example-catalog.openshift-marketplace.svc:50051
        Last Connect:         2021-09-09T17:07:35Z
        Last Observed State:  TRANSIENT_FAILURE
      Registry Service:
        Created At:         2021-09-09T17:05:45Z
        Port:               50051
        Protocol:           grpc
        Service Name:       example-catalog
        Service Namespace:  openshift-marketplace
    # ...

    In the preceding example output, the last observed state is TRANSIENT_FAILURE. This state indicates that there is a problem establishing a connection for the catalog source.

  3. List the pods in the namespace where your catalog source was created:

    $ oc get pods -n openshift-marketplace

    Example output

    NAME                                    READY   STATUS             RESTARTS   AGE
    certified-operators-cv9nn               1/1     Running            0          36m
    community-operators-6v8lp               1/1     Running            0          36m
    marketplace-operator-86bfc75f9b-jkgbc   1/1     Running            0          42m
    example-catalog-bwt8z                   0/1     ImagePullBackOff   0          3m55s
    redhat-marketplace-57p8c                1/1     Running            0          36m
    redhat-operators-smxx8                  1/1     Running            0          36m

    When a catalog source is created in a namespace, a pod for the catalog source is created in that namespace. In the preceding example output, the status for the example-catalog-bwt8z pod is ImagePullBackOff. This status indicates that there is an issue pulling the catalog source’s index image.

  4. Use the oc describe command to inspect a pod for more detailed information:

    $ oc describe pod example-catalog-bwt8z -n openshift-marketplace

    Example output

    Name:         example-catalog-bwt8z
    Namespace:    openshift-marketplace
    Priority:     0
    Node:         ci-ln-jyryyg2-f76d1-ggdbq-worker-b-vsxjd/
      Type     Reason          Age                From               Message
      ----     ------          ----               ----               -------
      Normal   Scheduled       48s                default-scheduler  Successfully assigned openshift-marketplace/example-catalog-bwt8z to ci-ln-jyryyf2-f76d1-fgdbq-worker-b-vsxjd
      Normal   AddedInterface  47s                multus             Add eth0 [] from openshift-sdn
      Normal   BackOff         20s (x2 over 46s)  kubelet            Back-off pulling image ""
      Warning  Failed          20s (x2 over 46s)  kubelet            Error: ImagePullBackOff
      Normal   Pulling         8s (x3 over 47s)   kubelet            Pulling image ""
      Warning  Failed          8s (x3 over 47s)   kubelet            Failed to pull image "": rpc error: code = Unknown desc = reading manifest v1 in unauthorized: access to the requested resource is not authorized
      Warning  Failed          8s (x3 over 47s)   kubelet            Error: ErrImagePull

    In the preceding example output, the error messages indicate that the catalog source’s index image is failing to pull successfully because of an authorization issue. For example, the index image might be stored in a registry that requires login credentials.

7.6.4. Querying Operator pod status

You can list Operator pods within a cluster and their status. You can also collect a detailed Operator pod summary.


  • You have access to the cluster as a user with the cluster-admin role.
  • Your API service is still functional.
  • You have installed the OpenShift CLI (oc).


  1. List Operators running in the cluster. The output includes Operator version, availability, and up-time information:

    $ oc get clusteroperators
  2. List Operator pods running in the Operator’s namespace, plus pod status, restarts, and age:

    $ oc get pod -n <operator_namespace>
  3. Output a detailed Operator pod summary:

    $ oc describe pod <operator_pod_name> -n <operator_namespace>
  4. If an Operator issue is node-specific, query Operator container status on that node.

    1. Start a debug pod for the node:

      $ oc debug node/my-node
    2. Set /host as the root directory within the debug shell. The debug pod mounts the host’s root file system in /host within the pod. By changing the root directory to /host, you can run binaries contained in the host’s executable paths:

      # chroot /host

      OpenShift Container Platform 4.17 cluster nodes running Red Hat Enterprise Linux CoreOS (RHCOS) are immutable and rely on Operators to apply cluster changes. Accessing cluster nodes by using SSH is not recommended. However, if the OpenShift Container Platform API is not available, or the kubelet is not properly functioning on the target node, oc operations will be impacted. In such situations, it is possible to access nodes using ssh core@<node>.<cluster_name>.<base_domain> instead.

    3. List details about the node’s containers, including state and associated pod IDs:

      # crictl ps
    4. List information about a specific Operator container on the node. The following example lists information about the network-operator container:

      # crictl ps --name network-operator
    5. Exit from the debug shell.

7.6.5. Gathering Operator logs

If you experience Operator issues, you can gather detailed diagnostic information from Operator pod logs.


  • You have access to the cluster as a user with the cluster-admin role.
  • Your API service is still functional.
  • You have installed the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • You have the fully qualified domain names of the control plane or control plane machines.


  1. List the Operator pods that are running in the Operator’s namespace, plus the pod status, restarts, and age:

    $ oc get pods -n <operator_namespace>
  2. Review logs for an Operator pod:

    $ oc logs pod/<pod_name> -n <operator_namespace>

    If an Operator pod has multiple containers, the preceding command will produce an error that includes the name of each container. Query logs from an individual container:

    $ oc logs pod/<operator_pod_name> -c <container_name> -n <operator_namespace>
  3. If the API is not functional, review Operator pod and container logs on each control plane node by using SSH instead. Replace <master-node>.<cluster_name>.<base_domain> with appropriate values.

    1. List pods on each control plane node:

      $ ssh core@<master-node>.<cluster_name>.<base_domain> sudo crictl pods
    2. For any Operator pods not showing a Ready status, inspect the pod’s status in detail. Replace <operator_pod_id> with the Operator pod’s ID listed in the output of the preceding command:

      $ ssh core@<master-node>.<cluster_name>.<base_domain> sudo crictl inspectp <operator_pod_id>
    3. List containers related to an Operator pod:

      $ ssh core@<master-node>.<cluster_name>.<base_domain> sudo crictl ps --pod=<operator_pod_id>
    4. For any Operator container not showing a Ready status, inspect the container’s status in detail. Replace <container_id> with a container ID listed in the output of the preceding command:

      $ ssh core@<master-node>.<cluster_name>.<base_domain> sudo crictl inspect <container_id>
    5. Review the logs for any Operator containers not showing a Ready status. Replace <container_id> with a container ID listed in the output of the preceding command:

      $ ssh core@<master-node>.<cluster_name>.<base_domain> sudo crictl logs -f <container_id>

      OpenShift Container Platform 4.17 cluster nodes running Red Hat Enterprise Linux CoreOS (RHCOS) are immutable and rely on Operators to apply cluster changes. Accessing cluster nodes by using SSH is not recommended. Before attempting to collect diagnostic data over SSH, review whether the data collected by running oc adm must gather and other oc commands is sufficient instead. However, if the OpenShift Container Platform API is not available, or the kubelet is not properly functioning on the target node, oc operations will be impacted. In such situations, it is possible to access nodes using ssh core@<node>.<cluster_name>.<base_domain>.

7.6.6. Disabling the Machine Config Operator from automatically rebooting

When configuration changes are made by the Machine Config Operator (MCO), Red Hat Enterprise Linux CoreOS (RHCOS) must reboot for the changes to take effect. Whether the configuration change is automatic or manual, an RHCOS node reboots automatically unless it is paused.


The following modifications do not trigger a node reboot:

  • When the MCO detects any of the following changes, it applies the update without draining or rebooting the node:

    • Changes to the SSH key in the spec.config.passwd.users.sshAuthorizedKeys parameter of a machine config.
    • Changes to the global pull secret or pull secret in the openshift-config namespace.
    • Automatic rotation of the /etc/kubernetes/kubelet-ca.crt certificate authority (CA) by the Kubernetes API Server Operator.
  • When the MCO detects changes to the /etc/containers/registries.conf file, such as adding or editing an ImageDigestMirrorSet, ImageTagMirrorSet, or ImageContentSourcePolicy object, it drains the corresponding nodes, applies the changes, and uncordons the nodes. The node drain does not happen for the following changes:

    • The addition of a registry with the pull-from-mirror = "digest-only" parameter set for each mirror.
    • The addition of a mirror with the pull-from-mirror = "digest-only" parameter set in a registry.
    • The addition of items to the unqualified-search-registries list.

To avoid unwanted disruptions, you can modify the machine config pool (MCP) to prevent automatic rebooting after the Operator makes changes to the machine config. Disabling the Machine Config Operator from automatically rebooting by using the console

To avoid unwanted disruptions from changes made by the Machine Config Operator (MCO), you can use the OpenShift Container Platform web console to modify the machine config pool (MCP) to prevent the MCO from making any changes to nodes in that pool. This prevents any reboots that would normally be part of the MCO update process.



  • You have access to the cluster as a user with the cluster-admin role.


To pause or unpause automatic MCO update rebooting:

  • Pause the autoreboot process:

    1. Log in to the OpenShift Container Platform web console as a user with the cluster-admin role.
    2. Click Compute MachineConfigPools.
    3. On the MachineConfigPools page, click either master or worker, depending upon which nodes you want to pause rebooting for.
    4. On the master or worker page, click YAML.
    5. In the YAML, update the spec.paused field to true.

      Sample MachineConfigPool object

      kind: MachineConfigPool
      # ...
      # ...
        paused: true 1
      # ...

      Update the spec.paused field to true to pause rebooting.
    6. To verify that the MCP is paused, return to the MachineConfigPools page.

      On the MachineConfigPools page, the Paused column reports True for the MCP you modified.

      If the MCP has pending changes while paused, the Updated column is False and Updating is False. When Updated is True and Updating is False, there are no pending changes.


      If there are pending changes (where both the Updated and Updating columns are False), it is recommended to schedule a maintenance window for a reboot as early as possible. Use the following steps for unpausing the autoreboot process to apply the changes that were queued since the last reboot.

  • Unpause the autoreboot process:

    1. Log in to the OpenShift Container Platform web console as a user with the cluster-admin role.
    2. Click Compute MachineConfigPools.
    3. On the MachineConfigPools page, click either master or worker, depending upon which nodes you want to pause rebooting for.
    4. On the master or worker page, click YAML.
    5. In the YAML, update the spec.paused field to false.

      Sample MachineConfigPool object

      kind: MachineConfigPool
      # ...
      # ...
        paused: false 1
      # ...

      Update the spec.paused field to false to allow rebooting.

      By unpausing an MCP, the MCO applies all paused changes reboots Red Hat Enterprise Linux CoreOS (RHCOS) as needed.

    6. To verify that the MCP is paused, return to the MachineConfigPools page.

      On the MachineConfigPools page, the Paused column reports False for the MCP you modified.

      If the MCP is applying any pending changes, the Updated column is False and the Updating column is True. When Updated is True and Updating is False, there are no further changes being made. Disabling the Machine Config Operator from automatically rebooting by using the CLI

To avoid unwanted disruptions from changes made by the Machine Config Operator (MCO), you can modify the machine config pool (MCP) using the OpenShift CLI (oc) to prevent the MCO from making any changes to nodes in that pool. This prevents any reboots that would normally be part of the MCO update process.



  • You have access to the cluster as a user with the cluster-admin role.
  • You have installed the OpenShift CLI (oc).


To pause or unpause automatic MCO update rebooting:

  • Pause the autoreboot process:

    1. Update the MachineConfigPool custom resource to set the spec.paused field to true.

      Control plane (master) nodes

      $ oc patch --type=merge --patch='{"spec":{"paused":true}}' machineconfigpool/master

      Worker nodes

      $ oc patch --type=merge --patch='{"spec":{"paused":true}}' machineconfigpool/worker

    2. Verify that the MCP is paused:

      Control plane (master) nodes

      $ oc get machineconfigpool/master --template='{{.spec.paused}}'

      Worker nodes

      $ oc get machineconfigpool/worker --template='{{.spec.paused}}'

      Example output


      The spec.paused field is true and the MCP is paused.

    3. Determine if the MCP has pending changes:

      # oc get machineconfigpool

      Example output

      NAME     CONFIG                                             UPDATED   UPDATING
      master   rendered-master-33cf0a1254318755d7b48002c597bf91   True      False
      worker   rendered-worker-e405a5bdb0db1295acea08bcca33fa60   False     False

      If the UPDATED column is False and UPDATING is False, there are pending changes. When UPDATED is True and UPDATING is False, there are no pending changes. In the previous example, the worker node has pending changes. The control plane node does not have any pending changes.


      If there are pending changes (where both the Updated and Updating columns are False), it is recommended to schedule a maintenance window for a reboot as early as possible. Use the following steps for unpausing the autoreboot process to apply the changes that were queued since the last reboot.

  • Unpause the autoreboot process:

    1. Update the MachineConfigPool custom resource to set the spec.paused field to false.

      Control plane (master) nodes

      $ oc patch --type=merge --patch='{"spec":{"paused":false}}' machineconfigpool/master

      Worker nodes

      $ oc patch --type=merge --patch='{"spec":{"paused":false}}' machineconfigpool/worker


      By unpausing an MCP, the MCO applies all paused changes and reboots Red Hat Enterprise Linux CoreOS (RHCOS) as needed.

    2. Verify that the MCP is unpaused:

      Control plane (master) nodes

      $ oc get machineconfigpool/master --template='{{.spec.paused}}'

      Worker nodes

      $ oc get machineconfigpool/worker --template='{{.spec.paused}}'

      Example output


      The spec.paused field is false and the MCP is unpaused.

    3. Determine if the MCP has pending changes:

      $ oc get machineconfigpool

      Example output

      NAME     CONFIG                                   UPDATED  UPDATING
      master   rendered-master-546383f80705bd5aeaba93   True     False
      worker   rendered-worker-b4c51bb33ccaae6fc4a6a5   False    True

      If the MCP is applying any pending changes, the UPDATED column is False and the UPDATING column is True. When UPDATED is True and UPDATING is False, there are no further changes being made. In the previous example, the MCO is updating the worker node.

7.6.7. Refreshing failing subscriptions

In Operator Lifecycle Manager (OLM), if you subscribe to an Operator that references images that are not accessible on your network, you can find jobs in the openshift-marketplace namespace that are failing with the following errors:

Example output

ImagePullBackOff for
Back-off pulling image ""

Example output

rpc error: code = Unknown desc = error pinging docker registry Get "": dial tcp: lookup on no such host

As a result, the subscription is stuck in this failing state and the Operator is unable to install or upgrade.

You can refresh a failing subscription by deleting the subscription, cluster service version (CSV), and other related objects. After recreating the subscription, OLM then reinstalls the correct version of the Operator.


  • You have a failing subscription that is unable to pull an inaccessible bundle image.
  • You have confirmed that the correct bundle image is accessible.


  1. Get the names of the Subscription and ClusterServiceVersion objects from the namespace where the Operator is installed:

    $ oc get sub,csv -n <namespace>

    Example output

    NAME                                                       PACKAGE                  SOURCE             CHANNEL   elasticsearch-operator   redhat-operators   5.0
    NAME                                                                         DISPLAY                            VERSION    REPLACES   PHASE   OpenShift Elasticsearch Operator   5.0.0-65              Succeeded

  2. Delete the subscription:

    $ oc delete subscription <subscription_name> -n <namespace>
  3. Delete the cluster service version:

    $ oc delete csv <csv_name> -n <namespace>
  4. Get the names of any failing jobs and related config maps in the openshift-marketplace namespace:

    $ oc get job,configmap -n openshift-marketplace

    Example output

    NAME                                                                        COMPLETIONS   DURATION   AGE
    job.batch/1de9443b6324e629ddf31fed0a853a121275806170e34c926d69e53a7fcbccb   1/1           26s        9m30s
    NAME                                                                        DATA   AGE
    configmap/1de9443b6324e629ddf31fed0a853a121275806170e34c926d69e53a7fcbccb   3      9m30s

  5. Delete the job:

    $ oc delete job <job_name> -n openshift-marketplace

    This ensures pods that try to pull the inaccessible image are not recreated.

  6. Delete the config map:

    $ oc delete configmap <configmap_name> -n openshift-marketplace
  7. Reinstall the Operator using OperatorHub in the web console.


  • Check that the Operator has been reinstalled successfully:

    $ oc get sub,csv,installplan -n <namespace>

7.6.8. Reinstalling Operators after failed uninstallation

You must successfully and completely uninstall an Operator prior to attempting to reinstall the same Operator. Failure to fully uninstall the Operator properly can leave resources, such as a project or namespace, stuck in a "Terminating" state and cause "error resolving resource" messages. For example:

Example Project resource description

    message: 'Failed to delete all resource types, 1 remaining: Internal error occurred:
      error resolving resource'

These types of issues can prevent an Operator from being reinstalled successfully.


Forced deletion of a namespace is not likely to resolve "Terminating" state issues and can lead to unstable or unpredictable cluster behavior, so it is better to try to find related resources that might be preventing the namespace from being deleted. For more information, see the Red Hat Knowledgebase Solution #4165791, paying careful attention to the cautions and warnings.

The following procedure shows how to troubleshoot when an Operator cannot be reinstalled because an existing custom resource definition (CRD) from a previous installation of the Operator is preventing a related namespace from deleting successfully.


  1. Check if there are any namespaces related to the Operator that are stuck in "Terminating" state:

    $ oc get namespaces

    Example output

    operator-ns-1                                       Terminating

  2. Check if there are any CRDs related to the Operator that are still present after the failed uninstallation:

    $ oc get crds

    CRDs are global cluster definitions; the actual custom resource (CR) instances related to the CRDs could be in other namespaces or be global cluster instances.

  3. If there are any CRDs that you know were provided or managed by the Operator and that should have been deleted after uninstallation, delete the CRD:

    $ oc delete crd <crd_name>
  4. Check if there are any remaining CR instances related to the Operator that are still present after uninstallation, and if so, delete the CRs:

    1. The type of CRs to search for can be difficult to determine after uninstallation and can require knowing what CRDs the Operator manages. For example, if you are troubleshooting an uninstallation of the etcd Operator, which provides the EtcdCluster CRD, you can search for remaining EtcdCluster CRs in a namespace:

      $ oc get EtcdCluster -n <namespace_name>

      Alternatively, you can search across all namespaces:

      $ oc get EtcdCluster --all-namespaces
    2. If there are any remaining CRs that should be removed, delete the instances:

      $ oc delete <cr_name> <cr_instance_name> -n <namespace_name>
  5. Check that the namespace deletion has successfully resolved:

    $ oc get namespace <namespace_name>

    If the namespace or other Operator resources are still not uninstalled cleanly, contact Red Hat Support.

  6. Reinstall the Operator using OperatorHub in the web console.


  • Check that the Operator has been reinstalled successfully:

    $ oc get sub,csv,installplan -n <namespace>

7.7. Investigating pod issues

OpenShift Container Platform leverages the Kubernetes concept of a pod, which is one or more containers deployed together on one host. A pod is the smallest compute unit that can be defined, deployed, and managed on OpenShift Container Platform 4.17.

After a pod is defined, it is assigned to run on a node until its containers exit, or until it is removed. Depending on policy and exit code, Pods are either removed after exiting or retained so that their logs can be accessed.

The first thing to check when pod issues arise is the pod’s status. If an explicit pod failure has occurred, observe the pod’s error state to identify specific image, container, or pod network issues. Focus diagnostic data collection according to the error state. Review pod event messages, as well as pod and container log information. Diagnose issues dynamically by accessing running Pods on the command line, or start a debug pod with root access based on a problematic pod’s deployment configuration.

7.7.1. Understanding pod error states

Pod failures return explicit error states that can be observed in the status field in the output of oc get pods. Pod error states cover image, container, and container network related failures.

The following table provides a list of pod error states along with their descriptions.

Table 7.3. Pod error states
Pod error stateDescription


Generic image retrieval error.


Image retrieval failed and is backed off.


The specified image name was invalid.


Image inspection did not succeed.


PullPolicy is set to NeverPullImage and the target image is not present locally on the host.


When attempting to retrieve an image from a registry, an HTTP error was encountered.


The specified container is either not present or not managed by the kubelet, within the declared pod.


Container initialization failed.


None of the pod’s containers started successfully.


None of the pod’s containers were killed successfully.


A container has terminated. The kubelet will not attempt to restart it.


A container or image attempted to run with root privileges.


Pod sandbox creation did not succeed.


Pod sandbox configuration was not obtained.


A pod sandbox did not stop successfully.


Network initialization failed.


Network termination failed.

7.7.2. Reviewing pod status

You can query pod status and error states. You can also query a pod’s associated deployment configuration and review base image availability.


  • You have access to the cluster as a user with the cluster-admin role.
  • You have installed the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • skopeo is installed.


  1. Switch into a project:

    $ oc project <project_name>
  2. List pods running within the namespace, as well as pod status, error states, restarts, and age:

    $ oc get pods
  3. Determine whether the namespace is managed by a deployment configuration:

    $ oc status

    If the namespace is managed by a deployment configuration, the output includes the deployment configuration name and a base image reference.

  4. Inspect the base image referenced in the preceding command’s output:

    $ skopeo inspect docker://<image_reference>
  5. If the base image reference is not correct, update the reference in the deployment configuration:

    $ oc edit deployment/my-deployment
  6. When deployment configuration changes on exit, the configuration will automatically redeploy. Watch pod status as the deployment progresses, to determine whether the issue has been resolved:

    $ oc get pods -w
  7. Review events within the namespace for diagnostic information relating to pod failures:

    $ oc get events

7.7.3. Inspecting pod and container logs

You can inspect pod and container logs for warnings and error messages related to explicit pod failures. Depending on policy and exit code, pod and container logs remain available after pods have been terminated.


  • You have access to the cluster as a user with the cluster-admin role.
  • Your API service is still functional.
  • You have installed the OpenShift CLI (oc).


  1. Query logs for a specific pod:

    $ oc logs <pod_name>
  2. Query logs for a specific container within a pod:

    $ oc logs <pod_name> -c <container_name>

    Logs retrieved using the preceding oc logs commands are composed of messages sent to stdout within pods or containers.

  3. Inspect logs contained in /var/log/ within a pod.

    1. List log files and subdirectories contained in /var/log within a pod:

      $ oc exec <pod_name>  -- ls -alh /var/log

      Example output

      total 124K
      drwxr-xr-x. 1 root root   33 Aug 11 11:23 .
      drwxr-xr-x. 1 root root   28 Sep  6  2022 ..
      -rw-rw----. 1 root utmp    0 Jul 10 10:31 btmp
      -rw-r--r--. 1 root root  33K Jul 17 10:07 dnf.librepo.log
      -rw-r--r--. 1 root root  69K Jul 17 10:07 dnf.log
      -rw-r--r--. 1 root root 8.8K Jul 17 10:07 dnf.rpm.log
      -rw-r--r--. 1 root root  480 Jul 17 10:07 hawkey.log
      -rw-rw-r--. 1 root utmp    0 Jul 10 10:31 lastlog
      drwx------. 2 root root   23 Aug 11 11:14 openshift-apiserver
      drwx------. 2 root root    6 Jul 10 10:31 private
      drwxr-xr-x. 1 root root   22 Mar  9 08:05 rhsm
      -rw-rw-r--. 1 root utmp    0 Jul 10 10:31 wtmp

    2. Query a specific log file contained in /var/log within a pod:

      $ oc exec <pod_name> cat /var/log/<path_to_log>

      Example output

      2023-07-10T10:29:38+0000 INFO --- logging initialized ---
      2023-07-10T10:29:38+0000 DDEBUG timer: config: 13 ms
      2023-07-10T10:29:38+0000 DEBUG Loaded plugins: builddep, changelog, config-manager, copr, debug, debuginfo-install, download, generate_completion_cache, groups-manager, needs-restarting, playground, product-id, repoclosure, repodiff, repograph, repomanage, reposync, subscription-manager, uploadprofile
      2023-07-10T10:29:38+0000 INFO Updating Subscription Management repositories.
      2023-07-10T10:29:38+0000 INFO Unable to read consumer identity
      2023-07-10T10:29:38+0000 INFO Subscription Manager is operating in container mode.
      2023-07-10T10:29:38+0000 INFO

    3. List log files and subdirectories contained in /var/log within a specific container:

      $ oc exec <pod_name> -c <container_name> ls /var/log
    4. Query a specific log file contained in /var/log within a specific container:

      $ oc exec <pod_name> -c <container_name> cat /var/log/<path_to_log>

7.7.4. Accessing running pods

You can review running pods dynamically by opening a shell inside a pod or by gaining network access through port forwarding.


  • You have access to the cluster as a user with the cluster-admin role.
  • Your API service is still functional.
  • You have installed the OpenShift CLI (oc).


  1. Switch into the project that contains the pod you would like to access. This is necessary because the oc rsh command does not accept the -n namespace option:

    $ oc project <namespace>
  2. Start a remote shell into a pod:

    $ oc rsh <pod_name>  1
    If a pod has multiple containers, oc rsh defaults to the first container unless -c <container_name> is specified.
  3. Start a remote shell into a specific container within a pod:

    $ oc rsh -c <container_name> pod/<pod_name>
  4. Create a port forwarding session to a port on a pod:

    $ oc port-forward <pod_name> <host_port>:<pod_port>  1
    Enter Ctrl+C to cancel the port forwarding session.

7.7.5. Starting debug pods with root access

You can start a debug pod with root access, based on a problematic pod’s deployment or deployment configuration. Pod users typically run with non-root privileges, but running troubleshooting pods with temporary root privileges can be useful during issue investigation.


  • You have access to the cluster as a user with the cluster-admin role.
  • Your API service is still functional.
  • You have installed the OpenShift CLI (oc).


  1. Start a debug pod with root access, based on a deployment.

    1. Obtain a project’s deployment name:

      $ oc get deployment -n <project_name>
    2. Start a debug pod with root privileges, based on the deployment:

      $ oc debug deployment/my-deployment --as-root -n <project_name>
  2. Start a debug pod with root access, based on a deployment configuration.

    1. Obtain a project’s deployment configuration name:

      $ oc get deploymentconfigs -n <project_name>
    2. Start a debug pod with root privileges, based on the deployment configuration:

      $ oc debug deploymentconfig/my-deployment-configuration --as-root -n <project_name>

You can append -- <command> to the preceding oc debug commands to run individual commands within a debug pod, instead of running an interactive shell.

7.7.6. Copying files to and from pods and containers

You can copy files to and from a pod to test configuration changes or gather diagnostic information.


  • You have access to the cluster as a user with the cluster-admin role.
  • Your API service is still functional.
  • You have installed the OpenShift CLI (oc).


  1. Copy a file to a pod:

    $ oc cp <local_path> <pod_name>:/<path> -c <container_name>  1
    The first container in a pod is selected if the -c option is not specified.
  2. Copy a file from a pod:

    $ oc cp <pod_name>:/<path>  -c <container_name> <local_path>  1
    The first container in a pod is selected if the -c option is not specified.

    For oc cp to function, the tar binary must be available within the container.

7.8. Troubleshooting the Source-to-Image process

7.8.1. Strategies for Source-to-Image troubleshooting

Use Source-to-Image (S2I) to build reproducible, Docker-formatted container images. You can create ready-to-run images by injecting application source code into a container image and assembling a new image. The new image incorporates the base image (the builder) and built source.

To determine where in the S2I process a failure occurs, you can observe the state of the pods relating to each of the following S2I stages:

  1. During the build configuration stage, a build pod is used to create an application container image from a base image and application source code.
  2. During the deployment configuration stage, a deployment pod is used to deploy application pods from the application container image that was built in the build configuration stage. The deployment pod also deploys other resources such as services and routes. The deployment configuration begins after the build configuration succeeds.
  3. After the deployment pod has started the application pods, application failures can occur within the running application pods. For instance, an application might not behave as expected even though the application pods are in a Running state. In this scenario, you can access running application pods to investigate application failures within a pod.

When troubleshooting S2I issues, follow this strategy:

  1. Monitor build, deployment, and application pod status
  2. Determine the stage of the S2I process where the problem occurred
  3. Review logs corresponding to the failed stage

7.8.2. Gathering Source-to-Image diagnostic data

The S2I tool runs a build pod and a deployment pod in sequence. The deployment pod is responsible for deploying the application pods based on the application container image created in the build stage. Watch build, deployment and application pod status to determine where in the S2I process a failure occurs. Then, focus diagnostic data collection accordingly.


  • You have access to the cluster as a user with the cluster-admin role.
  • Your API service is still functional.
  • You have installed the OpenShift CLI (oc).


  1. Watch the pod status throughout the S2I process to determine at which stage a failure occurs:

    $ oc get pods -w  1
    Use -w to monitor pods for changes until you quit the command using Ctrl+C.
  2. Review a failed pod’s logs for errors.

    • If the build pod fails, review the build pod’s logs:

      $ oc logs -f pod/<application_name>-<build_number>-build

      Alternatively, you can review the build configuration’s logs using oc logs -f bc/<application_name>. The build configuration’s logs include the logs from the build pod.

    • If the deployment pod fails, review the deployment pod’s logs:

      $ oc logs -f pod/<application_name>-<build_number>-deploy

      Alternatively, you can review the deployment configuration’s logs using oc logs -f dc/<application_name>. This outputs logs from the deployment pod until the deployment pod completes successfully. The command outputs logs from the application pods if you run it after the deployment pod has completed. After a deployment pod completes, its logs can still be accessed by running oc logs -f pod/<application_name>-<build_number>-deploy.

    • If an application pod fails, or if an application is not behaving as expected within a running application pod, review the application pod’s logs:

      $ oc logs -f pod/<application_name>-<build_number>-<random_string>

7.8.3. Gathering application diagnostic data to investigate application failures

Application failures can occur within running application pods. In these situations, you can retrieve diagnostic information with these strategies:

  • Review events relating to the application pods.
  • Review the logs from the application pods, including application-specific log files that are not collected by the OpenShift Logging framework.
  • Test application functionality interactively and run diagnostic tools in an application container.


  • You have access to the cluster as a user with the cluster-admin role.
  • You have installed the OpenShift CLI (oc).


  1. List events relating to a specific application pod. The following example retrieves events for an application pod named my-app-1-akdlg:

    $ oc describe pod/my-app-1-akdlg
  2. Review logs from an application pod:

    $ oc logs -f pod/my-app-1-akdlg
  3. Query specific logs within a running application pod. Logs that are sent to stdout are collected by the OpenShift Logging framework and are included in the output of the preceding command. The following query is only required for logs that are not sent to stdout.

    1. If an application log can be accessed without root privileges within a pod, concatenate the log file as follows:

      $ oc exec my-app-1-akdlg -- cat /var/log/my-application.log
    2. If root access is required to view an application log, you can start a debug container with root privileges and then view the log file from within the container. Start the debug container from the project’s DeploymentConfig object. Pod users typically run with non-root privileges, but running troubleshooting pods with temporary root privileges can be useful during issue investigation:

      $ oc debug dc/my-deployment-configuration --as-root -- cat /var/log/my-application.log

      You can access an interactive shell with root access within the debug pod if you run oc debug dc/<deployment_configuration> --as-root without appending -- <command>.

  4. Test application functionality interactively and run diagnostic tools, in an application container with an interactive shell.

    1. Start an interactive shell on the application container:

      $ oc exec -it my-app-1-akdlg /bin/bash
    2. Test application functionality interactively from within the shell. For example, you can run the container’s entry point command and observe the results. Then, test changes from the command line directly, before updating the source code and rebuilding the application container through the S2I process.
    3. Run diagnostic binaries available within the container.


      Root privileges are required to run some diagnostic binaries. In these situations you can start a debug pod with root access, based on a problematic pod’s DeploymentConfig object, by running oc debug dc/<deployment_configuration> --as-root. Then, you can run diagnostic binaries as root from within the debug pod.

  5. If diagnostic binaries are not available within a container, you can run a host’s diagnostic binaries within a container’s namespace by using nsenter. The following example runs ip ad within a container’s namespace, using the host`s ip binary.

    1. Enter into a debug session on the target node. This step instantiates a debug pod called <node_name>-debug:

      $ oc debug node/my-cluster-node
    2. Set /host as the root directory within the debug shell. The debug pod mounts the host’s root file system in /host within the pod. By changing the root directory to /host, you can run binaries contained in the host’s executable paths:

      # chroot /host

      OpenShift Container Platform 4.17 cluster nodes running Red Hat Enterprise Linux CoreOS (RHCOS) are immutable and rely on Operators to apply cluster changes. Accessing cluster nodes by using SSH is not recommended. However, if the OpenShift Container Platform API is not available, or the kubelet is not properly functioning on the target node, oc operations will be impacted. In such situations, it is possible to access nodes using ssh core@<node>.<cluster_name>.<base_domain> instead.

    3. Determine the target container ID:

      # crictl ps
    4. Determine the container’s process ID. In this example, the target container ID is a7fe32346b120:

      # crictl inspect a7fe32346b120 --output yaml | grep 'pid:' | awk '{print $2}'
    5. Run ip ad within the container’s namespace, using the host’s ip binary. This example uses 31150 as the container’s process ID. The nsenter command enters the namespace of a target process and runs a command in its namespace. Because the target process in this example is a container’s process ID, the ip ad command is run in the container’s namespace from the host:

      # nsenter -n -t 31150 -- ip ad

      Running a host’s diagnostic binaries within a container’s namespace is only possible if you are using a privileged container such as a debug node.

7.8.4. Additional resources

7.9. Troubleshooting storage issues

7.9.1. Resolving multi-attach errors

When a node crashes or shuts down abruptly, the attached ReadWriteOnce (RWO) volume is expected to be unmounted from the node so that it can be used by a pod scheduled on another node.

However, mounting on a new node is not possible because the failed node is unable to unmount the attached volume.

A multi-attach error is reported:

Example output

Unable to attach or mount volumes: unmounted volumes=[sso-mysql-pvol], unattached volumes=[sso-mysql-pvol default-token-x4rzc]: timed out waiting for the condition
Multi-Attach error for volume "pvc-8837384d-69d7-40b2-b2e6-5df86943eef9" Volume is already used by pod(s) sso-mysql-1-ns6b4


To resolve the multi-attach issue, use one of the following solutions:

  • Enable multiple attachments by using RWX volumes.

    For most storage solutions, you can use ReadWriteMany (RWX) volumes to prevent multi-attach errors.

  • Recover or delete the failed node when using an RWO volume.

    For storage that does not support RWX, such as VMware vSphere, RWO volumes must be used instead. However, RWO volumes cannot be mounted on multiple nodes.

    If you encounter a multi-attach error message with an RWO volume, force delete the pod on a shutdown or crashed node to avoid data loss in critical workloads, such as when dynamic persistent volumes are attached.

    $ oc delete pod <old_pod> --force=true --grace-period=0

    This command deletes the volumes stuck on shutdown or crashed nodes after six minutes.

7.10. Troubleshooting Windows container workload issues

7.10.1. Windows Machine Config Operator does not install

If you have completed the process of installing the Windows Machine Config Operator (WMCO), but the Operator is stuck in the InstallWaiting phase, your issue is likely caused by a networking issue.

The WMCO requires your OpenShift Container Platform cluster to be configured with hybrid networking using OVN-Kubernetes; the WMCO cannot complete the installation process without hybrid networking available. This is necessary to manage nodes on multiple operating systems (OS) and OS variants. This must be completed during the installation of your cluster.

For more information, see Configuring hybrid networking.

7.10.2. Investigating why Windows Machine does not become compute node

There are various reasons why a Windows Machine does not become a compute node. The best way to investigate this problem is to collect the Windows Machine Config Operator (WMCO) logs.


  • You installed the Windows Machine Config Operator (WMCO) using Operator Lifecycle Manager (OLM).
  • You have created a Windows compute machine set.


  • Run the following command to collect the WMCO logs:

    $ oc logs -f deployment/windows-machine-config-operator -n openshift-windows-machine-config-operator

7.10.3. Accessing a Windows node

Windows nodes cannot be accessed using the oc debug node command; the command requires running a privileged pod on the node, which is not yet supported for Windows. Instead, a Windows node can be accessed using a secure shell (SSH) or Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP). An SSH bastion is required for both methods. Accessing a Windows node using SSH

You can access a Windows node by using a secure shell (SSH).


  • You have installed the Windows Machine Config Operator (WMCO) using Operator Lifecycle Manager (OLM).
  • You have created a Windows compute machine set.
  • You have added the key used in the cloud-private-key secret and the key used when creating the cluster to the ssh-agent. For security reasons, remember to remove the keys from the ssh-agent after use.
  • You have connected to the Windows node using an ssh-bastion pod.


  • Access the Windows node by running the following command:

    $ ssh -t -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no -o ProxyCommand='ssh -A -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no \
        -o ServerAliveInterval=30 -W %h:%p core@$(oc get service --all-namespaces -l run=ssh-bastion \
        -o go-template="{{ with (index (index .items 0).status.loadBalancer.ingress 0) }}{{ or .hostname .ip }}{{end}}")' <username>@<windows_node_internal_ip> 1 2
    Specify the cloud provider username, such as Administrator for Amazon Web Services (AWS) or capi for Microsoft Azure.
    Specify the internal IP address of the node, which can be discovered by running the following command:
    $ oc get nodes <node_name> -o jsonpath={.status.addresses[?\(@.type==\"InternalIP\"\)].address} Accessing a Windows node using RDP

You can access a Windows node by using a Remote Desktop Protocol (RDP).


  • You installed the Windows Machine Config Operator (WMCO) using Operator Lifecycle Manager (OLM).
  • You have created a Windows compute machine set.
  • You have added the key used in the cloud-private-key secret and the key used when creating the cluster to the ssh-agent. For security reasons, remember to remove the keys from the ssh-agent after use.
  • You have connected to the Windows node using an ssh-bastion pod.


  1. Run the following command to set up an SSH tunnel:

    $ ssh -L 2020:<windows_node_internal_ip>:3389 \ 1
        core@$(oc get service --all-namespaces -l run=ssh-bastion -o go-template="{{ with (index (index .items 0).status.loadBalancer.ingress 0) }}{{ or .hostname .ip }}{{end}}")
    Specify the internal IP address of the node, which can be discovered by running the following command:
    $ oc get nodes <node_name> -o jsonpath={.status.addresses[?\(@.type==\"InternalIP\"\)].address}
  2. From within the resulting shell, SSH into the Windows node and run the following command to create a password for the user:

    C:\> net user <username> * 1
    Specify the cloud provider user name, such as Administrator for AWS or capi for Azure.

You can now remotely access the Windows node at localhost:2020 using an RDP client.

7.10.4. Collecting Kubernetes node logs for Windows containers

Windows container logging works differently from Linux container logging; the Kubernetes node logs for Windows workloads are streamed to the C:\var\logs directory by default. Therefore, you must gather the Windows node logs from that directory.


  • You installed the Windows Machine Config Operator (WMCO) using Operator Lifecycle Manager (OLM).
  • You have created a Windows compute machine set.


  1. To view the logs under all directories in C:\var\logs, run the following command:

    $ oc adm node-logs -l --path= \
        / containers \
        / hybrid-overlay \
        / kube-proxy \
        / kubelet \
        / pods
  2. You can now list files in the directories using the same command and view the individual log files. For example, to view the kubelet logs, run the following command:

    $ oc adm node-logs -l --path=/kubelet/kubelet.log

7.10.5. Collecting Windows application event logs

The Get-WinEvent shim on the kubelet logs endpoint can be used to collect application event logs from Windows machines.


  • You installed the Windows Machine Config Operator (WMCO) using Operator Lifecycle Manager (OLM).
  • You have created a Windows compute machine set.


  • To view logs from all applications logging to the event logs on the Windows machine, run:

    $ oc adm node-logs -l --path=journal

    The same command is executed when collecting logs with oc adm must-gather.

    Other Windows application logs from the event log can also be collected by specifying the respective service with a -u flag. For example, you can run the following command to collect logs for the docker runtime service:

    $ oc adm node-logs -l --path=journal -u docker

7.10.6. Collecting Docker logs for Windows containers

The Windows Docker service does not stream its logs to stdout, but instead, logs to the event log for Windows. You can view the Docker event logs to investigate issues you think might be caused by the Windows Docker service.


  • You installed the Windows Machine Config Operator (WMCO) using Operator Lifecycle Manager (OLM).
  • You have created a Windows compute machine set.


  1. SSH into the Windows node and enter PowerShell:

    C:\> powershell
  2. View the Docker logs by running the following command:

    C:\> Get-EventLog -LogName Application -Source Docker

7.10.7. Additional resources

7.11. Investigating monitoring issues

OpenShift Container Platform includes a preconfigured, preinstalled, and self-updating monitoring stack that provides monitoring for core platform components. In OpenShift Container Platform 4.17, cluster administrators can optionally enable monitoring for user-defined projects.

Use these procedures if the following issues occur:

  • Your own metrics are unavailable.
  • Prometheus is consuming a lot of disk space.
  • The KubePersistentVolumeFillingUp alert is firing for Prometheus.

7.11.1. Investigating why user-defined project metrics are unavailable

ServiceMonitor resources enable you to determine how to use the metrics exposed by a service in user-defined projects. Follow the steps outlined in this procedure if you have created a ServiceMonitor resource but cannot see any corresponding metrics in the Metrics UI.


  • You have access to the cluster as a user with the cluster-admin role.
  • You have installed the OpenShift CLI (oc).
  • You have enabled and configured monitoring for user-defined projects.
  • You have created a ServiceMonitor resource.


  1. Check that the corresponding labels match in the service and ServiceMonitor resource configurations.

    1. Obtain the label defined in the service. The following example queries the prometheus-example-app service in the ns1 project:

      $ oc -n ns1 get service prometheus-example-app -o yaml

      Example output

          app: prometheus-example-app

    2. Check that the matchLabels definition in the ServiceMonitor resource configuration matches the label output in the preceding step. The following example queries the prometheus-example-monitor service monitor in the ns1 project:

      $ oc -n ns1 get servicemonitor prometheus-example-monitor -o yaml

      Example output

      apiVersion: v1
      kind: ServiceMonitor
        name: prometheus-example-monitor
        namespace: ns1
        - interval: 30s
          port: web
          scheme: http
            app: prometheus-example-app


      You can check service and ServiceMonitor resource labels as a developer with view permissions for the project.

  2. Inspect the logs for the Prometheus Operator in the openshift-user-workload-monitoring project.

    1. List the pods in the openshift-user-workload-monitoring project:

      $ oc -n openshift-user-workload-monitoring get pods

      Example output

      NAME                                   READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE
      prometheus-operator-776fcbbd56-2nbfm   2/2     Running   0          132m
      prometheus-user-workload-0             5/5     Running   1          132m
      prometheus-user-workload-1             5/5     Running   1          132m
      thanos-ruler-user-workload-0           3/3     Running   0          132m
      thanos-ruler-user-workload-1           3/3     Running   0          132m

    2. Obtain the logs from the prometheus-operator container in the prometheus-operator pod. In the following example, the pod is called prometheus-operator-776fcbbd56-2nbfm:

      $ oc -n openshift-user-workload-monitoring logs prometheus-operator-776fcbbd56-2nbfm -c prometheus-operator

      If there is a issue with the service monitor, the logs might include an error similar to this example:

      level=warn ts=2020-08-10T11:48:20.906739623Z caller=operator.go:1829 component=prometheusoperator msg="skipping servicemonitor" error="it accesses file system via bearer token file which Prometheus specification prohibits" servicemonitor=eagle/eagle namespace=openshift-user-workload-monitoring prometheus=user-workload
  3. Review the target status for your endpoint on the Metrics targets page in the OpenShift Container Platform web console UI.

    1. Log in to the OpenShift Container Platform web console and navigate to Observe Targets in the Administrator perspective.
    2. Locate the metrics endpoint in the list, and review the status of the target in the Status column.
    3. If the Status is Down, click the URL for the endpoint to view more information on the Target Details page for that metrics target.
  4. Configure debug level logging for the Prometheus Operator in the openshift-user-workload-monitoring project.

    1. Edit the user-workload-monitoring-config ConfigMap object in the openshift-user-workload-monitoring project:

      $ oc -n openshift-user-workload-monitoring edit configmap user-workload-monitoring-config
    2. Add logLevel: debug for prometheusOperator under data/config.yaml to set the log level to debug:

      apiVersion: v1
      kind: ConfigMap
        name: user-workload-monitoring-config
        namespace: openshift-user-workload-monitoring
        config.yaml: |
            logLevel: debug
      # ...
    3. Save the file to apply the changes. The affected prometheus-operator pod is automatically redeployed.
    4. Confirm that the debug log-level has been applied to the prometheus-operator deployment in the openshift-user-workload-monitoring project:

      $ oc -n openshift-user-workload-monitoring get deploy prometheus-operator -o yaml |  grep "log-level"

      Example output

              - --log-level=debug

      Debug level logging will show all calls made by the Prometheus Operator.

    5. Check that the prometheus-operator pod is running:

      $ oc -n openshift-user-workload-monitoring get pods

      If an unrecognized Prometheus Operator loglevel value is included in the config map, the prometheus-operator pod might not restart successfully.

    6. Review the debug logs to see if the Prometheus Operator is using the ServiceMonitor resource. Review the logs for other related errors.

7.11.2. Determining why Prometheus is consuming a lot of disk space

Developers can create labels to define attributes for metrics in the form of key-value pairs. The number of potential key-value pairs corresponds to the number of possible values for an attribute. An attribute that has an unlimited number of potential values is called an unbound attribute. For example, a customer_id attribute is unbound because it has an infinite number of possible values.

Every assigned key-value pair has a unique time series. The use of many unbound attributes in labels can result in an exponential increase in the number of time series created. This can impact Prometheus performance and can consume a lot of disk space.

You can use the following measures when Prometheus consumes a lot of disk:

  • Check the time series database (TSDB) status using the Prometheus HTTP API for more information about which labels are creating the most time series data. Doing so requires cluster administrator privileges.
  • Check the number of scrape samples that are being collected.
  • Reduce the number of unique time series that are created by reducing the number of unbound attributes that are assigned to user-defined metrics.


    Using attributes that are bound to a limited set of possible values reduces the number of potential key-value pair combinations.

  • Enforce limits on the number of samples that can be scraped across user-defined projects. This requires cluster administrator privileges.


  • You have access to the cluster as a user with the cluster-admin cluster role.
  • You have installed the OpenShift CLI (oc).


  1. In the Administrator perspective, navigate to Observe Metrics.
  2. Enter a Prometheus Query Language (PromQL) query in the Expression field. The following example queries help to identify high cardinality metrics that might result in high disk space consumption:

    • By running the following query, you can identify the ten jobs that have the highest number of scrape samples:

      topk(10, max by(namespace, job) (topk by(namespace, job) (1, scrape_samples_post_metric_relabeling)))
    • By running the following query, you can pinpoint time series churn by identifying the ten jobs that have created the most time series data in the last hour:

      topk(10, sum by(namespace, job) (sum_over_time(scrape_series_added[1h])))
  3. Investigate the number of unbound label values assigned to metrics with higher than expected scrape sample counts:

    • If the metrics relate to a user-defined project, review the metrics key-value pairs assigned to your workload. These are implemented through Prometheus client libraries at the application level. Try to limit the number of unbound attributes referenced in your labels.
    • If the metrics relate to a core OpenShift Container Platform project, create a Red Hat support case on the Red Hat Customer Portal.
  4. Review the TSDB status using the Prometheus HTTP API by following these steps when logged in as a cluster administrator:

    1. Get the Prometheus API route URL by running the following command:

      $ HOST=$(oc -n openshift-monitoring get route prometheus-k8s -ojsonpath={.status.ingress[].host})
    2. Extract an authentication token by running the following command:

      $ TOKEN=$(oc whoami -t)
    3. Query the TSDB status for Prometheus by running the following command:

      $ curl -H "Authorization: Bearer $TOKEN" -k "https://$HOST/api/v1/status/tsdb"

      Example output

      "status": "success","data":{"headStats":{"numSeries":507473,

Additional resources

7.11.3. Resolving the KubePersistentVolumeFillingUp alert firing for Prometheus

As a cluster administrator, you can resolve the KubePersistentVolumeFillingUp alert being triggered for Prometheus.

The critical alert fires when a persistent volume (PV) claimed by a prometheus-k8s-* pod in the openshift-monitoring project has less than 3% total space remaining. This can cause Prometheus to function abnormally.


There are two KubePersistentVolumeFillingUp alerts:

  • Critical alert: The alert with the severity="critical" label is triggered when the mounted PV has less than 3% total space remaining.
  • Warning alert: The alert with the severity="warning" label is triggered when the mounted PV has less than 15% total space remaining and is expected to fill up within four days.

To address this issue, you can remove Prometheus time-series database (TSDB) blocks to create more space for the PV.


  • You have access to the cluster as a user with the cluster-admin cluster role.
  • You have installed the OpenShift CLI (oc).


  1. List the size of all TSDB blocks, sorted from oldest to newest, by running the following command:

    $ oc debug <prometheus_k8s_pod_name> -n openshift-monitoring \1
    -c prometheus --image=$(oc get po -n openshift-monitoring <prometheus_k8s_pod_name> \2
    -o jsonpath='{.spec.containers[?("prometheus")].image}') \
    -- sh -c 'cd /prometheus/;du -hs $(ls -dt */ | grep -Eo "[0-9|A-Z]{26}")'
    1 2
    Replace <prometheus_k8s_pod_name> with the pod mentioned in the KubePersistentVolumeFillingUp alert description.

    Example output

    52M     01HVK64DTDA81799TBR9QDECEZ
    102M    01HVK64DS7TRZRWF2756KHST5X
    140M    01HVJS59K11FBVAPVY57K88Z11
    90M     01HVH2A5Z58SKT810EM6B9AT50
    152M    01HV8ZDVQMX41MKCN84S32RRZ1
    354M    01HV6Q2N26BK63G4RYTST71FBF
    156M    01HV664H9J9Z1FTZD73RD1563E
    216M    01HTHXB60A7F239HN7S2TENPNS

  2. Identify which and how many blocks could be removed, then remove the blocks. The following example command removes the three oldest Prometheus TSDB blocks from the prometheus-k8s-0 pod:

    $ oc debug prometheus-k8s-0 -n openshift-monitoring \
    -c prometheus --image=$(oc get po -n openshift-monitoring prometheus-k8s-0 \
    -o jsonpath='{.spec.containers[?("prometheus")].image}') \
    -- sh -c 'ls -latr /prometheus/ | egrep -o "[0-9|A-Z]{26}" | head -3 | \
    while read BLOCK; do rm -r /prometheus/$BLOCK; done'
  3. Verify the usage of the mounted PV and ensure there is enough space available by running the following command:

    $ oc debug <prometheus_k8s_pod_name> -n openshift-monitoring \1
    --image=$(oc get po -n openshift-monitoring <prometheus_k8s_pod_name> \2
    -o jsonpath='{.spec.containers[?("prometheus")].image}') -- df -h /prometheus/
    1 2
    Replace <prometheus_k8s_pod_name> with the pod mentioned in the KubePersistentVolumeFillingUp alert description.

    The following example output shows the mounted PV claimed by the prometheus-k8s-0 pod that has 63% of space remaining:

    Example output

    Starting pod/prometheus-k8s-0-debug-j82w4 ...
    Filesystem      Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
    /dev/nvme0n1p4  40G   15G  40G  37% /prometheus
    Removing debug pod ...

7.12. Diagnosing OpenShift CLI (oc) issues

7.12.1. Understanding OpenShift CLI (oc) log levels

With the OpenShift CLI (oc), you can create applications and manage OpenShift Container Platform projects from a terminal.

If oc command-specific issues arise, increase the oc log level to output API request, API response, and curl request details generated by the command. This provides a granular view of a particular oc command’s underlying operation, which in turn might provide insight into the nature of a failure.

oc log levels range from 1 to 10. The following table provides a list of oc log levels, along with their descriptions.

Table 7.4. OpenShift CLI (oc) log levels
Log levelDescription

1 to 5

No additional logging to stderr.


Log API requests to stderr.


Log API requests and headers to stderr.


Log API requests, headers, and body, plus API response headers and body to stderr.


Log API requests, headers, and body, API response headers and body, plus curl requests to stderr.


Log API requests, headers, and body, API response headers and body, plus curl requests to stderr, in verbose detail.

7.12.2. Specifying OpenShift CLI (oc) log levels

You can investigate OpenShift CLI (oc) issues by increasing the command’s log level.

The OpenShift Container Platform user’s current session token is typically included in logged curl requests where required. You can also obtain the current user’s session token manually, for use when testing aspects of an oc command’s underlying process step-by-step.


  • Install the OpenShift CLI (oc).


  • Specify the oc log level when running an oc command:

    $ oc <command> --loglevel <log_level>


    Specifies the command you are running.
    Specifies the log level to apply to the command.
  • To obtain the current user’s session token, run the following command:

    $ oc whoami -t

    Example output


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