Chapter 2. Installing on AWS

2.1. Configuring an AWS account

Before you can install OpenShift Container Platform, you must configure an Amazon Web Services (AWS) account.

2.1.1. Configuring Route 53

To install OpenShift Container Platform, the Amazon Web Services (AWS) account you use must have a dedicated public hosted zone in your Route 53 service. This zone must be authoritative for the domain. The Route 53 service provides cluster DNS resolution and name lookup for external connections to the cluster.


  1. Identify your domain, or subdomain, and registrar. You can transfer an existing domain and registrar or obtain a new one through AWS or another source.


    If you purchase a new domain through AWS, it takes time for the relevant DNS changes to propagate. For more information about purchasing domains through AWS, see Registering Domain Names Using Amazon Route 53 in the AWS documentation.

  2. If you are using an existing domain and registrar, migrate its DNS to AWS. See Making Amazon Route 53 the DNS Service for an Existing Domain in the AWS documentation.
  3. Create a public hosted zone for your domain or subdomain. See Creating a Public Hosted Zone in the AWS documentation.

    Use an appropriate root domain, such as, or subdomain, such as

  4. Extract the new authoritative name servers from the hosted zone records. See Getting the Name Servers for a Public Hosted Zone in the AWS documentation.
  5. Update the registrar records for the AWS Route 53 name servers that your domain uses. For example, if you registered your domain to a Route 53 service in a different accounts, see the following topic in the AWS documentation: Adding or Changing Name Servers or Glue Records.
  6. If you are using a subdomain, add its delegation records to the parent domain. This gives Amazon Route 53 responsibility for the subdomain. Follow the delegation procedure outlined by the DNS provider of the parent domain. See Creating a subdomain that uses Amazon Route 53 as the DNS service without migrating the parent domain in the AWS documentation for an example high level procedure. Ingress Operator endpoint configuration for AWS Route 53

If you install in either Amazon Web Services (AWS) GovCloud (US) US-West or US-East region, the Ingress Operator uses us-gov-west-1 region for Route53 and tagging API clients.

The Ingress Operator uses as the tagging API endpoint if a tagging custom endpoint is configured that includes the string 'us-gov-east-1'.

For more information on AWS GovCloud (US) endpoints, see the Service Endpoints in the AWS documentation about GovCloud (US).


Private, disconnected installations are not supported for AWS GovCloud when you install in the us-gov-east-1 region.

Example Route 53 configuration

    region: us-gov-west-1
    - name: ec2
    - name: elasticloadbalancing
    - name: route53
      url: 1
    - name: tagging
      url: 2

Route 53 defaults to for both AWS GovCloud (US) regions.
Only the US-West region has endpoints for tagging. Omit this parameter if your cluster is in another region.

2.1.2. AWS account limits

The OpenShift Container Platform cluster uses a number of Amazon Web Services (AWS) components, and the default Service Limits affect your ability to install OpenShift Container Platform clusters. If you use certain cluster configurations, deploy your cluster in certain AWS regions, or run multiple clusters from your account, you might need to request additional resources for your AWS account.

The following table summarizes the AWS components whose limits can impact your ability to install and run OpenShift Container Platform clusters.

ComponentNumber of clusters available by defaultDefault AWS limitDescription

Instance Limits



By default, each cluster creates the following instances:

  • One bootstrap machine, which is removed after installation
  • Three control plane nodes (also known as the master nodes)
  • Three worker nodes

These instance type counts are within a new account’s default limit. To deploy more worker nodes, enable autoscaling, deploy large workloads, or use a different instance type, review your account limits to ensure that your cluster can deploy the machines that you need.

In most regions, the bootstrap and worker machines uses an m4.large machines and the control plane machines use m4.xlarge instances. In some regions, including all regions that do not support these instance types, m5.large and m5.xlarge instances are used instead.

Elastic IPs (EIPs)

0 to 1

5 EIPs per account

To provision the cluster in a highly available configuration, the installation program creates a public and private subnet for each availability zone within a region. Each private subnet requires a NAT Gateway, and each NAT gateway requires a separate elastic IP. Review the AWS region map to determine how many availability zones are in each region. To take advantage of the default high availability, install the cluster in a region with at least three availability zones. To install a cluster in a region with more than five availability zones, you must increase the EIP limit.


To use the us-east-1 region, you must increase the EIP limit for your account.

Virtual Private Clouds (VPCs)


5 VPCs per region

Each cluster creates its own VPC.

Elastic Load Balancing (ELB/NLB)


20 per region

By default, each cluster creates internal and external network load balancers for the master API server and a single classic elastic load balancer for the router. Deploying more Kubernetes Service objects with type LoadBalancer will create additional load balancers.

NAT Gateways


5 per availability zone

The cluster deploys one NAT gateway in each availability zone.

Elastic Network Interfaces (ENIs)

At least 12

350 per region

The default installation creates 21 ENIs and an ENI for each availability zone in your region. For example, the us-east-1 region contains six availability zones, so a cluster that is deployed in that zone uses 27 ENIs. Review the AWS region map to determine how many availability zones are in each region.

Additional ENIs are created for additional machines and elastic load balancers that are created by cluster usage and deployed workloads.

VPC Gateway


20 per account

Each cluster creates a single VPC Gateway for S3 access.

S3 buckets


100 buckets per account

Because the installation process creates a temporary bucket and the registry component in each cluster creates a bucket, you can create only 99 OpenShift Container Platform clusters per AWS account.

Security Groups


2,500 per account

Each cluster creates 10 distinct security groups.

2.1.3. Required AWS permissions


Your IAM user must have the permission tag:GetResources in the region us-east-1 to delete the base cluster resources. As part of the AWS API requirement, the OpenShift Container Platform installation program performs various actions in this region.

When you attach the AdministratorAccess policy to the IAM user that you create in Amazon Web Services (AWS), you grant that user all of the required permissions. To deploy all components of an OpenShift Container Platform cluster, the IAM user requires the following permissions:

Example 2.1. Required EC2 permissions for installation

  • tag:TagResources
  • tag:UntagResources
  • ec2:AllocateAddress
  • ec2:AssociateAddress
  • ec2:AuthorizeSecurityGroupEgress
  • ec2:AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngress
  • ec2:CopyImage
  • ec2:CreateNetworkInterface
  • ec2:AttachNetworkInterface
  • ec2:CreateSecurityGroup
  • ec2:CreateTags
  • ec2:CreateVolume
  • ec2:DeleteSecurityGroup
  • ec2:DeleteSnapshot
  • ec2:DeleteTags
  • ec2:DeregisterImage
  • ec2:DescribeAccountAttributes
  • ec2:DescribeAddresses
  • ec2:DescribeAvailabilityZones
  • ec2:DescribeDhcpOptions
  • ec2:DescribeImages
  • ec2:DescribeInstanceAttribute
  • ec2:DescribeInstanceCreditSpecifications
  • ec2:DescribeInstances
  • ec2:DescribeInternetGateways
  • ec2:DescribeKeyPairs
  • ec2:DescribeNatGateways
  • ec2:DescribeNetworkAcls
  • ec2:DescribeNetworkInterfaces
  • ec2:DescribePrefixLists
  • ec2:DescribeRegions
  • ec2:DescribeRouteTables
  • ec2:DescribeSecurityGroups
  • ec2:DescribeSubnets
  • ec2:DescribeTags
  • ec2:DescribeVolumes
  • ec2:DescribeVpcAttribute
  • ec2:DescribeVpcClassicLink
  • ec2:DescribeVpcClassicLinkDnsSupport
  • ec2:DescribeVpcEndpoints
  • ec2:DescribeVpcs
  • ec2:GetEbsDefaultKmsKeyId
  • ec2:ModifyInstanceAttribute
  • ec2:ModifyNetworkInterfaceAttribute
  • ec2:ReleaseAddress
  • ec2:RevokeSecurityGroupEgress
  • ec2:RevokeSecurityGroupIngress
  • ec2:RunInstances
  • ec2:TerminateInstances

Example 2.2. Required permissions for creating network resources during installation

  • ec2:AssociateDhcpOptions
  • ec2:AssociateRouteTable
  • ec2:AttachInternetGateway
  • ec2:CreateDhcpOptions
  • ec2:CreateInternetGateway
  • ec2:CreateNatGateway
  • ec2:CreateRoute
  • ec2:CreateRouteTable
  • ec2:CreateSubnet
  • ec2:CreateVpc
  • ec2:CreateVpcEndpoint
  • ec2:ModifySubnetAttribute
  • ec2:ModifyVpcAttribute

If you use an existing VPC, your account does not require these permissions for creating network resources.

Example 2.3. Required Elastic Load Balancing permissions (ELB) for installation

  • elasticloadbalancing:AddTags
  • elasticloadbalancing:ApplySecurityGroupsToLoadBalancer
  • elasticloadbalancing:AttachLoadBalancerToSubnets
  • elasticloadbalancing:ConfigureHealthCheck
  • elasticloadbalancing:CreateLoadBalancer
  • elasticloadbalancing:CreateLoadBalancerListeners
  • elasticloadbalancing:DeleteLoadBalancer
  • elasticloadbalancing:DeregisterInstancesFromLoadBalancer
  • elasticloadbalancing:DescribeInstanceHealth
  • elasticloadbalancing:DescribeLoadBalancerAttributes
  • elasticloadbalancing:DescribeLoadBalancers
  • elasticloadbalancing:DescribeTags
  • elasticloadbalancing:ModifyLoadBalancerAttributes
  • elasticloadbalancing:RegisterInstancesWithLoadBalancer
  • elasticloadbalancing:SetLoadBalancerPoliciesOfListener

Example 2.4. Required Elastic Load Balancing permissions (ELBv2) for installation

  • elasticloadbalancing:AddTags
  • elasticloadbalancing:CreateListener
  • elasticloadbalancing:CreateLoadBalancer
  • elasticloadbalancing:CreateTargetGroup
  • elasticloadbalancing:DeleteLoadBalancer
  • elasticloadbalancing:DeregisterTargets
  • elasticloadbalancing:DescribeListeners
  • elasticloadbalancing:DescribeLoadBalancerAttributes
  • elasticloadbalancing:DescribeLoadBalancers
  • elasticloadbalancing:DescribeTargetGroupAttributes
  • elasticloadbalancing:DescribeTargetHealth
  • elasticloadbalancing:ModifyLoadBalancerAttributes
  • elasticloadbalancing:ModifyTargetGroup
  • elasticloadbalancing:ModifyTargetGroupAttributes
  • elasticloadbalancing:RegisterTargets

Example 2.5. Required IAM permissions for installation

  • iam:AddRoleToInstanceProfile
  • iam:CreateInstanceProfile
  • iam:CreateRole
  • iam:DeleteInstanceProfile
  • iam:DeleteRole
  • iam:DeleteRolePolicy
  • iam:GetInstanceProfile
  • iam:GetRole
  • iam:GetRolePolicy
  • iam:GetUser
  • iam:ListInstanceProfilesForRole
  • iam:ListRoles
  • iam:ListUsers
  • iam:PassRole
  • iam:PutRolePolicy
  • iam:RemoveRoleFromInstanceProfile
  • iam:SimulatePrincipalPolicy
  • iam:TagRole

If you have not created an elastic load balancer (ELB) in your AWS account, the IAM user also requires the iam:CreateServiceLinkedRole permission.

Example 2.6. Required Route 53 permissions for installation

  • route53:ChangeResourceRecordSets
  • route53:ChangeTagsForResource
  • route53:CreateHostedZone
  • route53:DeleteHostedZone
  • route53:GetChange
  • route53:GetHostedZone
  • route53:ListHostedZones
  • route53:ListHostedZonesByName
  • route53:ListResourceRecordSets
  • route53:ListTagsForResource
  • route53:UpdateHostedZoneComment

Example 2.7. Required S3 permissions for installation

  • s3:CreateBucket
  • s3:DeleteBucket
  • s3:GetAccelerateConfiguration
  • s3:GetBucketAcl
  • s3:GetBucketCors
  • s3:GetBucketLocation
  • s3:GetBucketLogging
  • s3:GetBucketObjectLockConfiguration
  • s3:GetBucketReplication
  • s3:GetBucketRequestPayment
  • s3:GetBucketTagging
  • s3:GetBucketVersioning
  • s3:GetBucketWebsite
  • s3:GetEncryptionConfiguration
  • s3:GetLifecycleConfiguration
  • s3:GetReplicationConfiguration
  • s3:ListBucket
  • s3:PutBucketAcl
  • s3:PutBucketTagging
  • s3:PutEncryptionConfiguration

Example 2.8. S3 permissions that cluster Operators require

  • s3:DeleteObject
  • s3:GetObject
  • s3:GetObjectAcl
  • s3:GetObjectTagging
  • s3:GetObjectVersion
  • s3:PutObject
  • s3:PutObjectAcl
  • s3:PutObjectTagging

Example 2.9. Required permissions to delete base cluster resources

  • autoscaling:DescribeAutoScalingGroups
  • ec2:DeleteNetworkInterface
  • ec2:DeleteVolume
  • elasticloadbalancing:DeleteTargetGroup
  • elasticloadbalancing:DescribeTargetGroups
  • iam:DeleteAccessKey
  • iam:DeleteUser
  • iam:ListAttachedRolePolicies
  • iam:ListInstanceProfiles
  • iam:ListRolePolicies
  • iam:ListUserPolicies
  • s3:DeleteObject
  • s3:ListBucketVersions
  • tag:GetResources

Example 2.10. Required permissions to delete network resources

  • ec2:DeleteDhcpOptions
  • ec2:DeleteInternetGateway
  • ec2:DeleteNatGateway
  • ec2:DeleteRoute
  • ec2:DeleteRouteTable
  • ec2:DeleteSubnet
  • ec2:DeleteVpc
  • ec2:DeleteVpcEndpoints
  • ec2:DetachInternetGateway
  • ec2:DisassociateRouteTable
  • ec2:ReplaceRouteTableAssociation

If you use an existing VPC, your account does not require these permissions to delete network resources.

Example 2.11. Additional IAM and S3 permissions that are required to create manifests

  • iam:DeleteAccessKey
  • iam:DeleteUser
  • iam:DeleteUserPolicy
  • iam:GetUserPolicy
  • iam:ListAccessKeys
  • iam:PutUserPolicy
  • iam:TagUser
  • iam:GetUserPolicy
  • iam:ListAccessKeys
  • s3:PutBucketPublicAccessBlock
  • s3:GetBucketPublicAccessBlock
  • s3:PutLifecycleConfiguration
  • s3:HeadBucket
  • s3:ListBucketMultipartUploads
  • s3:AbortMultipartUpload

If you are managing your cloud provider credentials with mint mode, the IAM user also requires the iam:CreateAccessKey and iam:CreateUser permissions.

Example 2.12. Optional permission for quota checks for installation

  • servicequotas:ListAWSDefaultServiceQuotas

2.1.4. Creating an IAM user

Each Amazon Web Services (AWS) account contains a root user account that is based on the email address you used to create the account. This is a highly-privileged account, and it is recommended to use it for only initial account and billing configuration, creating an initial set of users, and securing the account.

Before you install OpenShift Container Platform, create a secondary IAM administrative user. As you complete the Creating an IAM User in Your AWS Account procedure in the AWS documentation, set the following options:


  1. Specify the IAM user name and select Programmatic access.
  2. Attach the AdministratorAccess policy to ensure that the account has sufficient permission to create the cluster. This policy provides the cluster with the ability to grant credentials to each OpenShift Container Platform component. The cluster grants the components only the credentials that they require.


    While it is possible to create a policy that grants the all of the required AWS permissions and attach it to the user, this is not the preferred option. The cluster will not have the ability to grant additional credentials to individual components, so the same credentials are used by all components.

  3. Optional: Add metadata to the user by attaching tags.
  4. Confirm that the user name that you specified is granted the AdministratorAccess policy.
  5. Record the access key ID and secret access key values. You must use these values when you configure your local machine to run the installation program.


    You cannot use a temporary session token that you generated while using a multi-factor authentication device to authenticate to AWS when you deploy a cluster. The cluster continues to use your current AWS credentials to create AWS resources for the entire life of the cluster, so you must use key-based, long-lived credentials.

Additional resources

  • See Manually creating IAM for AWS for steps to set the Cloud Credential Operator (CCO) to manual mode prior to installation. Use this mode in environments where the cloud identity and access management (IAM) APIs are not reachable, or if you prefer not to store an administrator-level credential secret in the cluster kube-system project.

2.1.5. Supported AWS regions

You can deploy an OpenShift Container Platform cluster to the following public regions:


Your IAM user must have the permission tag:GetResources in the region us-east-1 to delete the base cluster resources. As part of the AWS API requirement, the OpenShift Container Platform installation program performs various actions in this region.

  • af-south-1 (Cape Town)
  • ap-east-1 (Hong Kong)
  • ap-northeast-1 (Tokyo)
  • ap-northeast-2 (Seoul)
  • ap-northeast-3 (Osaka)
  • ap-south-1 (Mumbai)
  • ap-southeast-1 (Singapore)
  • ap-southeast-2 (Sydney)
  • ca-central-1 (Central)
  • eu-central-1 (Frankfurt)
  • eu-north-1 (Stockholm)
  • eu-south-1 (Milan)
  • eu-west-1 (Ireland)
  • eu-west-2 (London)
  • eu-west-3 (Paris)
  • me-south-1 (Bahrain)
  • sa-east-1 (São Paulo)
  • us-east-1 (N. Virginia)
  • us-east-2 (Ohio)
  • us-west-1 (N. California)
  • us-west-2 (Oregon)

The following AWS GovCloud regions are supported:

  • us-gov-west-1
  • us-gov-east-1

2.1.6. Next steps

2.2. Manually creating IAM for AWS

In environments where the cloud identity and access management (IAM) APIs are not reachable, or the administrator prefers not to store an administrator-level credential secret in the cluster kube-system namespace, you can put the Cloud Credential Operator (CCO) into manual mode before you install the cluster.

2.2.1. Alternatives to storing administrator-level secrets in the kube-system project

The Cloud Credential Operator (CCO) manages cloud provider credentials as Kubernetes custom resource definitions (CRDs). You can configure the CCO to suit the security requirements of your organization by setting different values for the credentialsMode parameter in the install-config.yaml file.

If you prefer not to store an administrator-level credential secret in the cluster kube-system project, you can choose one of the following options when installing OpenShift Container Platform:

  • Manage cloud credentials manually:

    You can set the credentialsMode parameter for the CCO to Manual to manage cloud credentials manually. Using manual mode allows each cluster component to have only the permissions it requires, without storing an administrator-level credential in the cluster. You can also use this mode if your environment does not have connectivity to the cloud provider public IAM endpoint. However, you must manually reconcile permissions with new release images for every upgrade. You must also manually supply credentials for every component that requests them.

  • Remove the administrator-level credential secret after installing OpenShift Container Platform with mint mode:

    If you are using the CCO with the credentialsMode parameter set to Mint, you can remove or rotate the administrator-level credential after installing OpenShift Container Platform. Mint mode is the default configuration for the CCO. This option requires the presence of the administrator-level credential during an installation. The administrator-level credential is used during the installation to mint other credentials with some permissions granted. The original credential secret is not stored in the cluster permanently.


Prior to a non z-stream upgrade, you must reinstate the credential secret with the administrator-level credential. If the credential is not present, the upgrade might be blocked.

Additional resources

2.2.2. Manually create IAM

The Cloud Credential Operator (CCO) can be put into manual mode prior to installation in environments where the cloud identity and access management (IAM) APIs are not reachable, or the administrator prefers not to store an administrator-level credential secret in the cluster kube-system namespace.


  1. Change to the directory that contains the installation program and create the install-config.yaml file:

    $ openshift-install create install-config --dir <installation_directory>
  2. Edit the install-config.yaml configuration file so that it contains the credentialsMode parameter set to Manual.

    Example install-config.yaml configuration file

    apiVersion: v1
    credentialsMode: Manual 1
    - architecture: amd64
      hyperthreading: Enabled

    This line is added to set the credentialsMode parameter to Manual.
  3. To generate the manifests, run the following command from the directory that contains the installation program:

    $ openshift-install create manifests --dir <installation_directory> 1
    For <installation_directory>, specify the directory name to store the files that the installation program creates.
  4. Remove the admin credential secret created using your local cloud credentials. This removal prevents your admin credential from being stored in the cluster:

    $ rm mycluster/openshift/99_cloud-creds-secret.yaml
  5. From the directory that contains the installation program, obtain details of the OpenShift Container Platform release image that your openshift-install binary is built to use:

    $ openshift-install version

    Example output

    release image

  6. Locate all CredentialsRequest objects in this release image that target the cloud you are deploying on:

    $ oc adm release extract --credentials-requests --cloud=aws

    This displays the details for each request.

    Sample CredentialsRequest object

    kind: CredentialsRequest
      name: cloud-credential-operator-iam-ro
      namespace: openshift-cloud-credential-operator
        name: cloud-credential-operator-iam-ro-creds
        namespace: openshift-cloud-credential-operator
        kind: AWSProviderSpec
        - effect: Allow
          - iam:GetUser
          - iam:GetUserPolicy
          - iam:ListAccessKeys
          resource: "*"

  7. Create YAML files for secrets in the openshift-install manifests directory that you generated previously. The secrets must be stored using the namespace and secret name defined in the spec.secretRef for each credentialsRequest. The format for the secret data varies for each cloud provider.
  8. From the directory that contains the installation program, proceed with your cluster creation:

    $ openshift-install create cluster --dir <installation_directory>

    Before upgrading a cluster that uses manually maintained credentials, you must ensure that the CCO is in an upgradeable state. For details, see the Upgrading clusters with manually maintained credentials section of the installation content for your cloud provider.

2.2.3. Admin credentials root secret format

Each cloud provider uses a credentials root secret in the kube-system namespace by convention, which is then used to satisfy all credentials requests and create their respective secrets. This is done either by minting new credentials, with mint mode, or by copying the credentials root secret, with passthrough mode.

The format for the secret varies by cloud, and is also used for each CredentialsRequest secret.

Amazon Web Services (AWS) secret format

apiVersion: v1
kind: Secret
  namespace: kube-system
  name: aws-creds
  aws_access_key_id: <AccessKeyID>
  aws_secret_access_key: <SecretAccessKey>

2.2.4. Upgrading clusters with manually maintained credentials

If credentials are added in a future release, the Cloud Credential Operator (CCO) upgradable status for a cluster with manually maintained credentials changes to false. For minor release, for example, from 4.5 to 4.6, this status prevents you from upgrading until you have addressed any updated permissions. For z-stream releases, for example, from 4.5.10 to 4.5.11, the upgrade is not blocked, but the credentials must still be updated for the new release.

Use the Administrator perspective of the web console to determine if the CCO is upgradeable.

  1. Navigate to Administration Cluster Settings.
  2. To view the CCO status details, click cloud-credential in the Cluster Operators list.
  3. If the Upgradeable status in the Conditions section is False, examine the credentialsRequests for the new release and update the manually maintained credentials on your cluster to match before upgrading.

In addition to creating new credentials for the release image that you are upgrading to, you must review the required permissions for existing credentials and accommodate any new permissions requirements for existing components in the new release. The CCO cannot detect these mismatches and will not set upgradable to false in this case.

The Manually creating IAM section of the installation content for your cloud provider explains how to obtain and use the credentials required for your cloud.

2.2.5. Mint mode

Mint mode is the default and recommended Cloud Credential Operator (CCO) credentials mode for OpenShift Container Platform. In this mode, the CCO uses the provided administrator-level cloud credential to run the cluster. Mint mode is supported for AWS, GCP, and Azure.

In mint mode, the admin credential is stored in the kube-system namespace and then used by the CCO to process the CredentialsRequest objects in the cluster and create users for each with specific permissions.

The benefits of mint mode include:

  • Each cluster component has only the permissions it requires
  • Automatic, on-going reconciliation for cloud credentials, including additional credentials or permissions that might be required for upgrades

One drawback is that mint mode requires admin credential storage in a cluster kube-system secret.

2.2.6. Mint Mode with removal or rotation of the admin credential

Currently, this mode is only supported on AWS.

In this mode, a user installs OpenShift Container Platform with an admin credential just like the normal mint mode. However, this mode removes the admin credential secret from the cluster post-installation.

The administrator can have the Cloud Credential Operator make its own request for a read-only credential that allows it to verify if all CredentialsRequest objects have their required permissions, thus the admin credential is not required unless something needs to be changed. After the associated credential is removed, it can be destroyed on the underlying cloud, if desired.

Prior to upgrade, the admin credential should be restored. In the future, upgrade might be blocked if the credential is not present.

The admin credential is not stored in the cluster permanently.

This mode still requires the admin credential in the cluster for brief periods of time. It also requires manually re-instating the secret with admin credentials for each upgrade.

2.2.7. Next steps

2.3. Installing a cluster quickly on AWS

In OpenShift Container Platform version 4.6, you can install a cluster on Amazon Web Services (AWS) that uses the default configuration options.

2.3.1. Prerequisites

  • Review details about the OpenShift Container Platform installation and update processes.
  • Configure an AWS account to host the cluster.


    If you have an AWS profile stored on your computer, it must not use a temporary session token that you generated while using a multi-factor authentication device. The cluster continues to use your current AWS credentials to create AWS resources for the entire life of the cluster, so you must use key-based, long-lived credentials. To generate appropriate keys, see Managing Access Keys for IAM Users in the AWS documentation. You can supply the keys when you run the installation program.

  • If you use a firewall, you must configure it to allow the sites that your cluster requires access to.
  • If you do not allow the system to manage identity and access management (IAM), then a cluster administrator can manually create and maintain IAM credentials. Manual mode can also be used in environments where the cloud IAM APIs are not reachable.

2.3.2. Internet access for OpenShift Container Platform

In OpenShift Container Platform 4.6, you require access to the Internet to install your cluster.

You must have Internet access to:

  • Access OpenShift Cluster Manager to download the installation program and perform subscription management. If the cluster has internet access and you do not disable Telemetry, that service automatically entitles your cluster.
  • Access to obtain the packages that are required to install your cluster.
  • Obtain the packages that are required to perform cluster updates.

If your cluster cannot have direct Internet access, you can perform a restricted network installation on some types of infrastructure that you provision. During that process, you download the content that is required and use it to populate a mirror registry with the packages that you need to install a cluster and generate the installation program. With some installation types, the environment that you install your cluster in will not require Internet access. Before you update the cluster, you update the content of the mirror registry.

2.3.3. Generating an SSH private key and adding it to the agent

If you want to perform installation debugging or disaster recovery on your cluster, you must provide an SSH key to both your ssh-agent and the installation program. You can use this key to access the bootstrap machine in a public cluster to troubleshoot installation issues.


In a production environment, you require disaster recovery and debugging.

You can use this key to SSH into the master nodes as the user core. When you deploy the cluster, the key is added to the core user’s ~/.ssh/authorized_keys list.


You must use a local key, not one that you configured with platform-specific approaches such as AWS key pairs.


  1. If you do not have an SSH key that is configured for password-less authentication on your computer, create one. For example, on a computer that uses a Linux operating system, run the following command:

    $ ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -N '' \
        -f <path>/<file_name> 1
    Specify the path and file name, such as ~/.ssh/id_rsa, of the new SSH key. If you have an existing key pair, ensure your public key is in the your ~/.ssh directory.

    Running this command generates an SSH key that does not require a password in the location that you specified.


    If you plan to install an OpenShift Container Platform cluster that uses FIPS Validated / Modules in Process cryptographic libraries on the x86_64 architecture, do not create a key that uses the ed25519 algorithm. Instead, create a key that uses the rsa or ecdsa algorithm.

  2. Start the ssh-agent process as a background task:

    $ eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"

    Example output

    Agent pid 31874


    If your cluster is in FIPS mode, only use FIPS-compliant algorithms to generate the SSH key. The key must be either RSA or ECDSA.

  3. Add your SSH private key to the ssh-agent:

    $ ssh-add <path>/<file_name> 1

    Example output

    Identity added: /home/<you>/<path>/<file_name> (<computer_name>)

    Specify the path and file name for your SSH private key, such as ~/.ssh/id_rsa

Next steps

  • When you install OpenShift Container Platform, provide the SSH public key to the installation program.

2.3.4. Obtaining the installation program

Before you install OpenShift Container Platform, download the installation file on a local computer.


  • You have a computer that runs Linux or macOS, with 500 MB of local disk space


  1. Access the Infrastructure Provider page on the OpenShift Cluster Manager site. If you have a Red Hat account, log in with your credentials. If you do not, create an account.
  2. Select your infrastructure provider.
  3. Navigate to the page for your installation type, download the installation program for your operating system, and place the file in the directory where you will store the installation configuration files.


    The installation program creates several files on the computer that you use to install your cluster. You must keep the installation program and the files that the installation program creates after you finish installing the cluster. Both files are required to delete the cluster.


    Deleting the files created by the installation program does not remove your cluster, even if the cluster failed during installation. To remove your cluster, complete the OpenShift Container Platform uninstallation procedures for your specific cloud provider.

  4. Extract the installation program. For example, on a computer that uses a Linux operating system, run the following command:

    $ tar xvf openshift-install-linux.tar.gz
  5. Download your installation pull secret from the Red Hat OpenShift Cluster Manager. This pull secret allows you to authenticate with the services that are provided by the included authorities, including, which serves the container images for OpenShift Container Platform components.

2.3.5. Deploying the cluster

You can install OpenShift Container Platform on a compatible cloud platform.


You can run the create cluster command of the installation program only once, during initial installation.


  • Configure an account with the cloud platform that hosts your cluster.
  • Obtain the OpenShift Container Platform installation program and the pull secret for your cluster.


  1. Change to the directory that contains the installation program and initialize the cluster deployment:

    $ ./openshift-install create cluster --dir <installation_directory> \ 1
        --log-level=info 2
    For <installation_directory>, specify the directory name to store the files that the installation program creates.
    To view different installation details, specify warn, debug, or error instead of info.

    Specify an empty directory. Some installation assets, like bootstrap X.509 certificates have short expiration intervals, so you must not reuse an installation directory. If you want to reuse individual files from another cluster installation, you can copy them into your directory. However, the file names for the installation assets might change between releases. Use caution when copying installation files from an earlier OpenShift Container Platform version.

    Provide values at the prompts:

    1. Optional: Select an SSH key to use to access your cluster machines.


      For production OpenShift Container Platform clusters on which you want to perform installation debugging or disaster recovery, specify an SSH key that your ssh-agent process uses.

    2. Select aws as the platform to target.
    3. If you do not have an Amazon Web Services (AWS) profile stored on your computer, enter the AWS access key ID and secret access key for the user that you configured to run the installation program.


      The AWS access key ID and secret access key are stored in ~/.aws/credentials in the home directory of the current user on the installation host. You are prompted for the credentials by the installation program if the credentials for the exported profile are not present in the file. Any credentials that you provide to the installation program are stored in the file.

    4. Select the AWS region to deploy the cluster to.
    5. Select the base domain for the Route 53 service that you configured for your cluster.
    6. Enter a descriptive name for your cluster.
    7. Paste the pull secret from the Red Hat OpenShift Cluster Manager.

    If the cloud provider account that you configured on your host does not have sufficient permissions to deploy the cluster, the installation process stops, and the missing permissions are displayed.

    When the cluster deployment completes, directions for accessing your cluster, including a link to its web console and credentials for the kubeadmin user, display in your terminal.

    Example output

    INFO Install complete!
    INFO To access the cluster as the system:admin user when using 'oc', run 'export KUBECONFIG=/home/myuser/install_dir/auth/kubeconfig'
    INFO Access the OpenShift web-console here:
    INFO Login to the console with user: "kubeadmin", and password: "4vYBz-Ee6gm-ymBZj-Wt5AL"
    INFO Time elapsed: 36m22s


    The cluster access and credential information also outputs to <installation_directory>/.openshift_install.log when an installation succeeds.

    • The Ignition config files that the installation program generates contain certificates that expire after 24 hours, which are then renewed at that time. If the cluster is shut down before renewing the certificates and the cluster is later restarted after the 24 hours have elapsed, the cluster automatically recovers the expired certificates. The exception is that you must manually approve the pending node-bootstrapper certificate signing requests (CSRs) to recover kubelet certificates. See the documentation for Recovering from expired control plane certificates for more information.
    • It is recommended that you use Ignition config files within 12 hours after they are generated because the 24-hour certificate rotates from 16 to 22 hours after the cluster is installed. By using the Ignition config files within 12 hours, you can avoid installation failure if the certificate update runs during installation.

    You must not delete the installation program or the files that the installation program creates. Both are required to delete the cluster.

  2. Optional: Remove or disable the AdministratorAccess policy from the IAM account that you used to install the cluster.


    The elevated permissions provided by the AdministratorAccess policy are required only during installation.

Additional resources

2.3.6. Installing the OpenShift CLI by downloading the binary

You can install the OpenShift CLI (oc) in order to interact with OpenShift Container Platform from a command-line interface. You can install oc on Linux, Windows, or macOS.


If you installed an earlier version of oc, you cannot use it to complete all of the commands in OpenShift Container Platform 4.6. Download and install the new version of oc. Installing the OpenShift CLI on Linux

You can install the OpenShift CLI (oc) binary on Linux by using the following procedure.


  1. Navigate to the OpenShift Container Platform downloads page on the Red Hat Customer Portal.
  2. Select the appropriate version in the Version drop-down menu.
  3. Click Download Now next to the OpenShift v4.6 Linux Client entry and save the file.
  4. Unpack the archive:

    $ tar xvzf <file>
  5. Place the oc binary in a directory that is on your PATH.

    To check your PATH, execute the following command:

    $ echo $PATH

After you install the OpenShift CLI, it is available using the oc command:

$ oc <command> Installing the OpenShift CLI on Windows

You can install the OpenShift CLI (oc) binary on Windows by using the following procedure.


  1. Navigate to the OpenShift Container Platform downloads page on the Red Hat Customer Portal.
  2. Select the appropriate version in the Version drop-down menu.
  3. Click Download Now next to the OpenShift v4.6 Windows Client entry and save the file.
  4. Unzip the archive with a ZIP program.
  5. Move the oc binary to a directory that is on your PATH.

    To check your PATH, open the command prompt and execute the following command:

    C:\> path

After you install the OpenShift CLI, it is available using the oc command:

C:\> oc <command> Installing the OpenShift CLI on macOS

You can install the OpenShift CLI (oc) binary on macOS by using the following procedure.


  1. Navigate to the OpenShift Container Platform downloads page on the Red Hat Customer Portal.
  2. Select the appropriate version in the Version drop-down menu.
  3. Click Download Now next to the OpenShift v4.6 MacOSX Client entry and save the file.
  4. Unpack and unzip the archive.
  5. Move the oc binary to a directory on your PATH.

    To check your PATH, open a terminal and execute the following command:

    $ echo $PATH

After you install the OpenShift CLI, it is available using the oc command:

$ oc <command>

2.3.7. Logging in to the cluster by using the CLI

You can log in to your cluster as a default system user by exporting the cluster kubeconfig file. The kubeconfig file contains information about the cluster that is used by the CLI to connect a client to the correct cluster and API server. The file is specific to a cluster and is created during OpenShift Container Platform installation.


  • You deployed an OpenShift Container Platform cluster.
  • You installed the oc CLI.


  1. Export the kubeadmin credentials:

    $ export KUBECONFIG=<installation_directory>/auth/kubeconfig 1
    For <installation_directory>, specify the path to the directory that you stored the installation files in.
  2. Verify you can run oc commands successfully using the exported configuration:

    $ oc whoami

    Example output


2.3.8. Logging in to the cluster by using the web console

The kubeadmin user exists by default after an OpenShift Container Platform installation. You can log in to your cluster as the kubeadmin user by using the OpenShift Container Platform web console.


  • You have access to the installation host.
  • You completed a cluster installation and all cluster Operators are available.


  1. Obtain the password for the kubeadmin user from the kubeadmin-password file on the installation host:

    $ cat <installation_directory>/auth/kubeadmin-password

    Alternatively, you can obtain the kubeadmin password from the <installation_directory>/.openshift_install.log log file on the installation host.

  2. List the OpenShift Container Platform web console route:

    $ oc get routes -n openshift-console | grep 'console-openshift'

    Alternatively, you can obtain the OpenShift Container Platform route from the <installation_directory>/.openshift_install.log log file on the installation host.

    Example output

    console     console-openshift-console.apps.<cluster_name>.<base_domain>            console     https   reencrypt/Redirect   None

  3. Navigate to the route detailed in the output of the preceding command in a web browser and log in as the kubeadmin user.

Additional resources

  • See Accessing the web console for more details about accessing and understanding the OpenShift Container Platform web console.

2.3.9. Telemetry access for OpenShift Container Platform

In OpenShift Container Platform 4.6, the Telemetry service, which runs by default to provide metrics about cluster health and the success of updates, requires internet access. If your cluster is connected to the internet, Telemetry runs automatically, and your cluster is registered to OpenShift Cluster Manager.

After you confirm that your OpenShift Cluster Manager inventory is correct, either maintained automatically by Telemetry or manually by using OpenShift Cluster Manager, use subscription watch to track your OpenShift Container Platform subscriptions at the account or multi-cluster level.

Additional resources

2.3.10. Next steps

2.4. Installing a cluster on AWS with customizations

In OpenShift Container Platform version 4.6, you can install a customized cluster on infrastructure that the installation program provisions on Amazon Web Services (AWS). To customize the installation, you modify parameters in the install-config.yaml file before you install the cluster.

2.4.1. Prerequisites

  • Review details about the OpenShift Container Platform installation and update processes.
  • Configure an AWS account to host the cluster.


    If you have an AWS profile stored on your computer, it must not use a temporary session token that you generated while using a multi-factor authentication device. The cluster continues to use your current AWS credentials to create AWS resources for the entire life of the cluster, so you must use long-lived credentials. To generate appropriate keys, see Managing Access Keys for IAM Users in the AWS documentation. You can supply the keys when you run the installation program.

  • If you use a firewall, you must configure it to allow the sites that your cluster requires access to.
  • If you do not allow the system to manage identity and access management (IAM), then a cluster administrator can manually create and maintain IAM credentials. Manual mode can also be used in environments where the cloud IAM APIs are not reachable.

2.4.2. Internet access for OpenShift Container Platform

In OpenShift Container Platform 4.6, you require access to the Internet to install your cluster.

You must have Internet access to:

  • Access OpenShift Cluster Manager to download the installation program and perform subscription management. If the cluster has internet access and you do not disable Telemetry, that service automatically entitles your cluster.
  • Access to obtain the packages that are required to install your cluster.
  • Obtain the packages that are required to perform cluster updates.

If your cluster cannot have direct Internet access, you can perform a restricted network installation on some types of infrastructure that you provision. During that process, you download the content that is required and use it to populate a mirror registry with the packages that you need to install a cluster and generate the installation program. With some installation types, the environment that you install your cluster in will not require Internet access. Before you update the cluster, you update the content of the mirror registry.

2.4.3. Generating an SSH private key and adding it to the agent

If you want to perform installation debugging or disaster recovery on your cluster, you must provide an SSH key to both your ssh-agent and the installation program. You can use this key to access the bootstrap machine in a public cluster to troubleshoot installation issues.


In a production environment, you require disaster recovery and debugging.

You can use this key to SSH into the master nodes as the user core. When you deploy the cluster, the key is added to the core user’s ~/.ssh/authorized_keys list.


You must use a local key, not one that you configured with platform-specific approaches such as AWS key pairs.


  1. If you do not have an SSH key that is configured for password-less authentication on your computer, create one. For example, on a computer that uses a Linux operating system, run the following command:

    $ ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -N '' \
        -f <path>/<file_name> 1
    Specify the path and file name, such as ~/.ssh/id_rsa, of the new SSH key. If you have an existing key pair, ensure your public key is in the your ~/.ssh directory.

    Running this command generates an SSH key that does not require a password in the location that you specified.


    If you plan to install an OpenShift Container Platform cluster that uses FIPS Validated / Modules in Process cryptographic libraries on the x86_64 architecture, do not create a key that uses the ed25519 algorithm. Instead, create a key that uses the rsa or ecdsa algorithm.

  2. Start the ssh-agent process as a background task:

    $ eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"

    Example output

    Agent pid 31874


    If your cluster is in FIPS mode, only use FIPS-compliant algorithms to generate the SSH key. The key must be either RSA or ECDSA.

  3. Add your SSH private key to the ssh-agent:

    $ ssh-add <path>/<file_name> 1

    Example output

    Identity added: /home/<you>/<path>/<file_name> (<computer_name>)

    Specify the path and file name for your SSH private key, such as ~/.ssh/id_rsa

Next steps

  • When you install OpenShift Container Platform, provide the SSH public key to the installation program.

2.4.4. Obtaining the installation program

Before you install OpenShift Container Platform, download the installation file on a local computer.


  • You have a computer that runs Linux or macOS, with 500 MB of local disk space


  1. Access the Infrastructure Provider page on the OpenShift Cluster Manager site. If you have a Red Hat account, log in with your credentials. If you do not, create an account.
  2. Select your infrastructure provider.
  3. Navigate to the page for your installation type, download the installation program for your operating system, and place the file in the directory where you will store the installation configuration files.


    The installation program creates several files on the computer that you use to install your cluster. You must keep the installation program and the files that the installation program creates after you finish installing the cluster. Both files are required to delete the cluster.


    Deleting the files created by the installation program does not remove your cluster, even if the cluster failed during installation. To remove your cluster, complete the OpenShift Container Platform uninstallation procedures for your specific cloud provider.

  4. Extract the installation program. For example, on a computer that uses a Linux operating system, run the following command:

    $ tar xvf openshift-install-linux.tar.gz
  5. Download your installation pull secret from the Red Hat OpenShift Cluster Manager. This pull secret allows you to authenticate with the services that are provided by the included authorities, including, which serves the container images for OpenShift Container Platform components.

2.4.5. Creating the installation configuration file

You can customize the OpenShift Container Platform cluster you install on Amazon Web Services (AWS).


  • Obtain the OpenShift Container Platform installation program and the pull secret for your cluster.


  1. Create the install-config.yaml file.

    1. Change to the directory that contains the installation program and run the following command:

      $ ./openshift-install create install-config --dir <installation_directory> 1
      For <installation_directory>, specify the directory name to store the files that the installation program creates.

      Specify an empty directory. Some installation assets, like bootstrap X.509 certificates have short expiration intervals, so you must not reuse an installation directory. If you want to reuse individual files from another cluster installation, you can copy them into your directory. However, the file names for the installation assets might change between releases. Use caution when copying installation files from an earlier OpenShift Container Platform version.

    2. At the prompts, provide the configuration details for your cloud:

      1. Optional: Select an SSH key to use to access your cluster machines.


        For production OpenShift Container Platform clusters on which you want to perform installation debugging or disaster recovery, specify an SSH key that your ssh-agent process uses.

      2. Select AWS as the platform to target.
      3. If you do not have an Amazon Web Services (AWS) profile stored on your computer, enter the AWS access key ID and secret access key for the user that you configured to run the installation program.
      4. Select the AWS region to deploy the cluster to.
      5. Select the base domain for the Route 53 service that you configured for your cluster.
      6. Enter a descriptive name for your cluster.
      7. Paste the pull secret from the Red Hat OpenShift Cluster Manager.
  2. Modify the install-config.yaml file. You can find more information about the available parameters in the Installation configuration parameters section.
  3. Back up the install-config.yaml file so that you can use it to install multiple clusters.


    The install-config.yaml file is consumed during the installation process. If you want to reuse the file, you must back it up now. Installation configuration parameters

Before you deploy an OpenShift Container Platform cluster, you provide parameter values to describe your account on the cloud platform that hosts your cluster and optionally customize your cluster’s platform. When you create the install-config.yaml installation configuration file, you provide values for the required parameters through the command line. If you customize your cluster, you can modify the install-config.yaml file to provide more details about the platform.


After installation, you cannot modify these parameters in the install-config.yaml file.


The openshift-install command does not validate field names for parameters. If an incorrect name is specified, the related file or object is not created, and no error is reported. Ensure that the field names for any parameters that are specified are correct. Required configuration parameters

Required installation configuration parameters are described in the following table:

Table 2.1. Required parameters


The API version for the install-config.yaml content. The current version is v1. The installer may also support older API versions.



The base domain of your cloud provider. The base domain is used to create routes to your OpenShift Container Platform cluster components. The full DNS name for your cluster is a combination of the baseDomain and parameter values that uses the <>.<baseDomain> format.

A fully-qualified domain or subdomain name, such as


Kubernetes resource ObjectMeta, from which only the name parameter is consumed.


The name of the cluster. DNS records for the cluster are all subdomains of {{}}.{{.baseDomain}}.

String of lowercase letters, hyphens (-), and periods (.), such as dev.


The configuration for the specific platform upon which to perform the installation: aws, baremetal, azure, openstack, ovirt, vsphere. For additional information about platform.<platform> parameters, consult the following table for your specific platform.



Get a pull secret from the Red Hat OpenShift Cluster Manager to authenticate downloading container images for OpenShift Container Platform components from services such as

} Network configuration parameters

You can customize your installation configuration based on the requirements of your existing network infrastructure. For example, you can expand the IP address block for the cluster network or provide different IP address blocks than the defaults.

Only IPv4 addresses are supported.

Table 2.2. Network parameters


The configuration for the cluster network.



You cannot modify parameters specified by the networking object after installation.


The cluster network provider Container Network Interface (CNI) plug-in to install.

Either OpenShiftSDN or OVNKubernetes. The default value is OpenShiftSDN.


The IP address blocks for pods.

The default value is with a host prefix of /23.

If you specify multiple IP address blocks, the blocks must not overlap.

An array of objects. For example:

  - cidr:
    hostPrefix: 23


Required if you use networking.clusterNetwork. An IP address block.

An IPv4 network.

An IP address block in Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) notation. The prefix length for an IPv4 block is between 0 and 32.


The subnet prefix length to assign to each individual node. For example, if hostPrefix is set to 23 then each node is assigned a /23 subnet out of the given cidr. A hostPrefix value of 23 provides 510 (2^(32 - 23) - 2) pod IP addresses.

A subnet prefix.

The default value is 23.


The IP address block for services. The default value is

The OpenShift SDN and OVN-Kubernetes network providers support only a single IP address block for the service network.

An array with an IP address block in CIDR format. For example:



The IP address blocks for machines.

If you specify multiple IP address blocks, the blocks must not overlap.

An array of objects. For example:

  - cidr:


Required if you use networking.machineNetwork. An IP address block. The default value is for all platforms other than libvirt. For libvirt, the default value is

An IP network block in CIDR notation.

For example,


Set the networking.machineNetwork to match the CIDR that the preferred NIC resides in. Optional configuration parameters

Optional installation configuration parameters are described in the following table:

Table 2.3. Optional parameters


A PEM-encoded X.509 certificate bundle that is added to the nodes' trusted certificate store. This trust bundle may also be used when a proxy has been configured.



The configuration for the machines that comprise the compute nodes.

Array of machine-pool objects. For details, see the following "Machine-pool" table.


Determines the instruction set architecture of the machines in the pool. Currently, heteregeneous clusters are not supported, so all pools must specify the same architecture. Valid values are amd64 (the default).



Whether to enable or disable simultaneous multithreading, or hyperthreading, on compute machines. By default, simultaneous multithreading is enabled to increase the performance of your machines' cores.


If you disable simultaneous multithreading, ensure that your capacity planning accounts for the dramatically decreased machine performance.

Enabled or Disabled

Required if you use compute. The name of the machine pool.



Required if you use compute. Use this parameter to specify the cloud provider to host the worker machines. This parameter value must match the controlPlane.platform parameter value.

aws, azure, gcp, openstack, ovirt, vsphere, or {}


The number of compute machines, which are also known as worker machines, to provision.

A positive integer greater than or equal to 2. The default value is 3.


The configuration for the machines that comprise the control plane.

Array of MachinePool objects. For details, see the following "Machine-pool" table.


Determines the instruction set architecture of the machines in the pool. Currently, heterogeneous clusters are not supported, so all pools must specify the same architecture. Valid values are amd64 (the default).



Whether to enable or disable simultaneous multithreading, or hyperthreading, on control plane machines. By default, simultaneous multithreading is enabled to increase the performance of your machines' cores.


If you disable simultaneous multithreading, ensure that your capacity planning accounts for the dramatically decreased machine performance.

Enabled or Disabled

Required if you use controlPlane. The name of the machine pool.



Required if you use controlPlane. Use this parameter to specify the cloud provider that hosts the control plane machines. This parameter value must match the compute.platform parameter value.

aws, azure, gcp, openstack, ovirt, vsphere, or {}


The number of control plane machines to provision.

The only supported value is 3, which is the default value.


The Cloud Credential Operator (CCO) mode. If no mode is specified, the CCO dynamically tries to determine the capabilities of the provided credentials, with a preference for mint mode on the platforms where multiple modes are supported.


Not all CCO modes are supported for all cloud providers. For more information on CCO modes, see the Cloud Credential Operator entry in the Red Hat Operators reference content.

Mint, Passthrough, Manual, or an empty string ("").


Enable or disable FIPS mode. The default is false (disabled). If FIPS mode is enabled, the Red Hat Enterprise Linux CoreOS (RHCOS) machines that OpenShift Container Platform runs on bypass the default Kubernetes cryptography suite and use the cryptography modules that are provided with RHCOS instead.


The use of FIPS Validated / Modules in Process cryptographic libraries is only supported on OpenShift Container Platform deployments on the x86_64 architecture.


If you are using Azure File storage, you cannot enable FIPS mode.

false or true


Sources and repositories for the release-image content.

Array of objects. Includes a source and, optionally, mirrors, as described in the following rows of this table.


Required if you use imageContentSources. Specify the repository that users refer to, for example, in image pull specifications.



Specify one or more repositories that may also contain the same images.

Array of strings


How to publish or expose the user-facing endpoints of your cluster, such as the Kubernetes API, OpenShift routes.

Internal or External. To deploy a private cluster, which cannot be accessed from the internet, set publish to Internal. The default value is External.


The SSH key or keys to authenticate access your cluster machines.


For production OpenShift Container Platform clusters on which you want to perform installation debugging or disaster recovery, specify an SSH key that your ssh-agent process uses.

One or more keys. For example:

  <key3> Optional AWS configuration parameters

Optional AWS configuration parameters are described in the following table:

Table 2.4. Optional AWS parameters

The AWS AMI used to boot compute machines for the cluster. This is required for regions that require a custom RHCOS AMI.

Any published or custom RHCOS AMI that belongs to the set AWS region.

The Input/Output Operations Per Second (IOPS) that is reserved for the root volume.

Integer, for example 4000.

The size in GiB of the root volume.

Integer, for example 500.

The type of the root volume.

Valid AWS EBS volume type, such as io1.

The Amazon Resource Name (key ARN) of a KMS key. This is required to encrypt OS volumes of worker nodes with a specific KMS key.

Valid key ID or the key ARN.

The EC2 instance type for the compute machines.

Valid AWS instance type, such as c5.9xlarge.

The availability zones where the installation program creates machines for the compute machine pool. If you provide your own VPC, you must provide a subnet in that availability zone.

A list of valid AWS availability zones, such as us-east-1c, in a YAML sequence.

The AWS region that the installation program creates compute resources in.

Any valid AWS region, such as us-east-1.

The AWS AMI used to boot control plane machines for the cluster. This is required for regions that require a custom RHCOS AMI.

Any published or custom RHCOS AMI that belongs to the set AWS region.

The Amazon Resource Name (key ARN) of a KMS key. This is required to encrypt OS volumes of control plane nodes with a specific KMS key.

Valid key ID and the key ARN.

The EC2 instance type for the control plane machines.

Valid AWS instance type, such as c5.9xlarge.

The availability zones where the installation program creates machines for the control plane machine pool.

A list of valid AWS availability zones, such as us-east-1c, in a YAML sequence.

The AWS region that the installation program creates control plane resources in.

Valid AWS region, such as us-east-1.

The AWS AMI used to boot all machines for the cluster. If set, the AMI must belong to the same region as the cluster. This is required for regions that require a custom RHCOS AMI.

Any published or custom RHCOS AMI that belongs to the set AWS region.

The AWS service endpoint name. Custom endpoints are only required for cases where alternative AWS endpoints, like FIPS, must be used. Custom API endpoints can be specified for EC2, S3, IAM, Elastic Load Balancing, Tagging, Route 53, and STS AWS services.

Valid AWS service endpoint name.

The AWS service endpoint URL. The URL must use the https protocol and the host must trust the certificate.

Valid AWS service endpoint URL.

A map of keys and values that the installation program adds as tags to all resources that it creates.

Any valid YAML map, such as key value pairs in the <key>: <value> format. For more information about AWS tags, see Tagging Your Amazon EC2 Resources in the AWS documentation.

If you provide the VPC instead of allowing the installation program to create the VPC for you, specify the subnet for the cluster to use. The subnet must be part of the same machineNetwork[].cidr ranges that you specify. For a standard cluster, specify a public and a private subnet for each availability zone. For a private cluster, specify a private subnet for each availability zone.

Valid subnet IDs. Sample customized install-config.yaml file for AWS

You can customize the install-config.yaml file to specify more details about your OpenShift Container Platform cluster’s platform or modify the values of the required parameters.


This sample YAML file is provided for reference only. You must obtain your install-config.yaml file by using the installation program and modify it.

apiVersion: v1
baseDomain: 1
credentialsMode: Mint 2
controlPlane: 3 4
  hyperthreading: Enabled 5
  name: master
      - us-west-2a
      - us-west-2b
        iops: 4000
        size: 500
        type: io1 6
      type: m5.xlarge
  replicas: 3
compute: 7
- hyperthreading: Enabled 8
  name: worker
        iops: 2000
        size: 500
        type: io1 9
      type: c5.4xlarge
      - us-west-2c
  replicas: 3
  name: test-cluster 10
  - cidr:
    hostPrefix: 23
  - cidr:
  networkType: OpenShiftSDN
    region: us-west-2 11
      adminContact: jdoe
      costCenter: 7536
    amiID: ami-96c6f8f7 12
    serviceEndpoints: 13
      - name: ec2
fips: false 14
sshKey: ssh-ed25519 AAAA... 15
pullSecret: '{"auths": ...}' 16
1 10 11 16
Required. The installation program prompts you for this value.
Optional: Add this parameter to force the Cloud Credential Operator (CCO) to use the specified mode, instead of having the CCO dynamically try to determine the capabilities of the credentials. For details about CCO modes, see the Cloud Credential Operator entry in the Red Hat Operators reference content.
3 7
If you do not provide these parameters and values, the installation program provides the default value.
The controlPlane section is a single mapping, but the compute section is a sequence of mappings. To meet the requirements of the different data structures, the first line of the compute section must begin with a hyphen, -, and the first line of the controlPlane section must not. Only one control plane pool is used.
5 8
Whether to enable or disable simultaneous multithreading, or hyperthreading. By default, simultaneous multithreading is enabled to increase the performance of your machines' cores. You can disable it by setting the parameter value to Disabled. If you disable simultaneous multithreading in some cluster machines, you must disable it in all cluster machines.

If you disable simultaneous multithreading, ensure that your capacity planning accounts for the dramatically decreased machine performance. Use larger instance types, such as m4.2xlarge or m5.2xlarge, for your machines if you disable simultaneous multithreading.

6 9
To configure faster storage for etcd, especially for larger clusters, set the storage type as io1 and set iops to 2000.
The ID of the AMI used to boot machines for the cluster. If set, the AMI must belong to the same region as the cluster.
The AWS service endpoints. Custom endpoints are required when installing to an unknown AWS region. The endpoint URL must use the https protocol and the host must trust the certificate.
Whether to enable or disable FIPS mode. By default, FIPS mode is not enabled. If FIPS mode is enabled, the Red Hat Enterprise Linux CoreOS (RHCOS) machines that OpenShift Container Platform runs on bypass the default Kubernetes cryptography suite and use the cryptography modules that are provided with RHCOS instead.

The use of FIPS Validated / Modules in Process cryptographic libraries is only supported on OpenShift Container Platform deployments on the x86_64 architecture.

You can optionally provide the sshKey value that you use to access the machines in your cluster.

For production OpenShift Container Platform clusters on which you want to perform installation debugging or disaster recovery, specify an SSH key that your ssh-agent process uses. Configuring the cluster-wide proxy during installation

Production environments can deny direct access to the Internet and instead have an HTTP or HTTPS proxy available. You can configure a new OpenShift Container Platform cluster to use a proxy by configuring the proxy settings in the install-config.yaml file.


  • You have an existing install-config.yaml file.
  • You reviewed the sites that your cluster requires access to and determined whether any of them need to bypass the proxy. By default, all cluster egress traffic is proxied, including calls to hosting cloud provider APIs. You added sites to the Proxy object’s spec.noProxy field to bypass the proxy if necessary.


    The Proxy object status.noProxy field is populated with the values of the networking.machineNetwork[].cidr, networking.clusterNetwork[].cidr, and networking.serviceNetwork[] fields from your installation configuration.

    For installations on Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Microsoft Azure, and Red Hat OpenStack Platform (RHOSP), the Proxy object status.noProxy field is also populated with the instance metadata endpoint (

  • If your cluster is on AWS, you added the ec2.<region>, elasticloadbalancing.<region>, and s3.<region> endpoints to your VPC endpoint. These endpoints are required to complete requests from the nodes to the AWS EC2 API. Because the proxy works on the container level, not the node level, you must route these requests to the AWS EC2 API through the AWS private network. Adding the public IP address of the EC2 API to your allowlist in your proxy server is not sufficient.


  1. Edit your install-config.yaml file and add the proxy settings. For example:

    apiVersion: v1
      httpProxy: http://<username>:<pswd>@<ip>:<port> 1
      httpsProxy: https://<username>:<pswd>@<ip>:<port> 2
      noProxy: 3
    additionalTrustBundle: | 4
        -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
        -----END CERTIFICATE-----
    A proxy URL to use for creating HTTP connections outside the cluster. The URL scheme must be http.
    A proxy URL to use for creating HTTPS connections outside the cluster.
    A comma-separated list of destination domain names, IP addresses, or other network CIDRs to exclude from proxying. Preface a domain with . to match subdomains only. For example, matches, but not Use * to bypass the proxy for all destinations.
    If provided, the installation program generates a config map that is named user-ca-bundle in the openshift-config namespace to hold the additional CA certificates. If you provide additionalTrustBundle and at least one proxy setting, the Proxy object is configured to reference the user-ca-bundle config map in the trustedCA field. The Cluster Network Operator then creates a trusted-ca-bundle config map that merges the contents specified for the trustedCA parameter with the RHCOS trust bundle. The additionalTrustBundle field is required unless the proxy’s identity certificate is signed by an authority from the RHCOS trust bundle.

    The installation program does not support the proxy readinessEndpoints field.

  2. Save the file and reference it when installing OpenShift Container Platform.

The installation program creates a cluster-wide proxy that is named cluster that uses the proxy settings in the provided install-config.yaml file. If no proxy settings are provided, a cluster Proxy object is still created, but it will have a nil spec.


Only the Proxy object named cluster is supported, and no additional proxies can be created.

2.4.6. Deploying the cluster

You can install OpenShift Container Platform on a compatible cloud platform.


You can run the create cluster command of the installation program only once, during initial installation.


  • Configure an account with the cloud platform that hosts your cluster.
  • Obtain the OpenShift Container Platform installation program and the pull secret for your cluster.


  1. Change to the directory that contains the installation program and initialize the cluster deployment:

    $ ./openshift-install create cluster --dir <installation_directory> \ 1
        --log-level=info 2
    For <installation_directory>, specify the location of your customized ./install-config.yaml file.
    To view different installation details, specify warn, debug, or error instead of info.

    If the cloud provider account that you configured on your host does not have sufficient permissions to deploy the cluster, the installation process stops, and the missing permissions are displayed.

    When the cluster deployment completes, directions for accessing your cluster, including a link to its web console and credentials for the kubeadmin user, display in your terminal.

    Example output

    INFO Install complete!
    INFO To access the cluster as the system:admin user when using 'oc', run 'export KUBECONFIG=/home/myuser/install_dir/auth/kubeconfig'
    INFO Access the OpenShift web-console here:
    INFO Login to the console with user: "kubeadmin", and password: "4vYBz-Ee6gm-ymBZj-Wt5AL"
    INFO Time elapsed: 36m22s


    The cluster access and credential information also outputs to <installation_directory>/.openshift_install.log when an installation succeeds.

    • The Ignition config files that the installation program generates contain certificates that expire after 24 hours, which are then renewed at that time. If the cluster is shut down before renewing the certificates and the cluster is later restarted after the 24 hours have elapsed, the cluster automatically recovers the expired certificates. The exception is that you must manually approve the pending node-bootstrapper certificate signing requests (CSRs) to recover kubelet certificates. See the documentation for Recovering from expired control plane certificates for more information.
    • It is recommended that you use Ignition config files within 12 hours after they are generated because the 24-hour certificate rotates from 16 to 22 hours after the cluster is installed. By using the Ignition config files within 12 hours, you can avoid installation failure if the certificate update runs during installation.

    You must not delete the installation program or the files that the installation program creates. Both are required to delete the cluster.

  2. Optional: Remove or disable the AdministratorAccess policy from the IAM account that you used to install the cluster.


    The elevated permissions provided by the AdministratorAccess policy are required only during installation.

2.4.7. Installing the OpenShift CLI by downloading the binary

You can install the OpenShift CLI (oc) in order to interact with OpenShift Container Platform from a command-line interface. You can install oc on Linux, Windows, or macOS.


If you installed an earlier version of oc, you cannot use it to complete all of the commands in OpenShift Container Platform 4.6. Download and install the new version of oc. Installing the OpenShift CLI on Linux

You can install the OpenShift CLI (oc) binary on Linux by using the following procedure.


  1. Navigate to the OpenShift Container Platform downloads page on the Red Hat Customer Portal.
  2. Select the appropriate version in the Version drop-down menu.
  3. Click Download Now next to the OpenShift v4.6 Linux Client entry and save the file.
  4. Unpack the archive:

    $ tar xvzf <file>
  5. Place the oc binary in a directory that is on your PATH.

    To check your PATH, execute the following command:

    $ echo $PATH

After you install the OpenShift CLI, it is available using the oc command:

$ oc <command> Installing the OpenShift CLI on Windows

You can install the OpenShift CLI (oc) binary on Windows by using the following procedure.


  1. Navigate to the OpenShift Container Platform downloads page on the Red Hat Customer Portal.
  2. Select the appropriate version in the Version drop-down menu.
  3. Click Download Now next to the OpenShift v4.6 Windows Client entry and save the file.
  4. Unzip the archive with a ZIP program.
  5. Move the oc binary to a directory that is on your PATH.

    To check your PATH, open the command prompt and execute the following command:

    C:\> path

After you install the OpenShift CLI, it is available using the oc command:

C:\> oc <command> Installing the OpenShift CLI on macOS

You can install the OpenShift CLI (oc) binary on macOS by using the following procedure.


  1. Navigate to the OpenShift Container Platform downloads page on the Red Hat Customer Portal.
  2. Select the appropriate version in the Version drop-down menu.
  3. Click Download Now next to the OpenShift v4.6 MacOSX Client entry and save the file.
  4. Unpack and unzip the archive.
  5. Move the oc binary to a directory on your PATH.

    To check your PATH, open a terminal and execute the following command:

    $ echo $PATH

After you install the OpenShift CLI, it is available using the oc command:

$ oc <command>

2.4.8. Logging in to the cluster by using the CLI

You can log in to your cluster as a default system user by exporting the cluster kubeconfig file. The kubeconfig file contains information about the cluster that is used by the CLI to connect a client to the correct cluster and API server. The file is specific to a cluster and is created during OpenShift Container Platform installation.


  • You deployed an OpenShift Container Platform cluster.
  • You installed the oc CLI.


  1. Export the kubeadmin credentials:

    $ export KUBECONFIG=<installation_directory>/auth/kubeconfig 1
    For <installation_directory>, specify the path to the directory that you stored the installation files in.
  2. Verify you can run oc commands successfully using the exported configuration:

    $ oc whoami

    Example output


2.4.9. Logging in to the cluster by using the web console

The kubeadmin user exists by default after an OpenShift Container Platform installation. You can log in to your cluster as the kubeadmin user by using the OpenShift Container Platform web console.


  • You have access to the installation host.
  • You completed a cluster installation and all cluster Operators are available.


  1. Obtain the password for the kubeadmin user from the kubeadmin-password file on the installation host:

    $ cat <installation_directory>/auth/kubeadmin-password

    Alternatively, you can obtain the kubeadmin password from the <installation_directory>/.openshift_install.log log file on the installation host.

  2. List the OpenShift Container Platform web console route:

    $ oc get routes -n openshift-console | grep 'console-openshift'

    Alternatively, you can obtain the OpenShift Container Platform route from the <installation_directory>/.openshift_install.log log file on the installation host.

    Example output

    console     console-openshift-console.apps.<cluster_name>.<base_domain>            console     https   reencrypt/Redirect   None

  3. Navigate to the route detailed in the output of the preceding command in a web browser and log in as the kubeadmin user.

Additional resources

  • See Accessing the web console for more details about accessing and understanding the OpenShift Container Platform web console.

2.4.10. Telemetry access for OpenShift Container Platform

In OpenShift Container Platform 4.6, the Telemetry service, which runs by default to provide metrics about cluster health and the success of updates, requires internet access. If your cluster is connected to the internet, Telemetry runs automatically, and your cluster is registered to OpenShift Cluster Manager.

After you confirm that your OpenShift Cluster Manager inventory is correct, either maintained automatically by Telemetry or manually by using OpenShift Cluster Manager, use subscription watch to track your OpenShift Container Platform subscriptions at the account or multi-cluster level.

Additional resources

2.4.11. Next steps

2.5. Installing a cluster on AWS with network customizations

In OpenShift Container Platform version 4.6, you can install a cluster on Amazon Web Services (AWS) with customized network configuration options. By customizing your network configuration, your cluster can coexist with existing IP address allocations in your environment and integrate with existing MTU and VXLAN configurations.

You must set most of the network configuration parameters during installation, and you can modify only kubeProxy configuration parameters in a running cluster.

2.5.1. Prerequisites

  • Review details about the OpenShift Container Platform installation and update processes.
  • Configure an AWS account to host the cluster.


    If you have an AWS profile stored on your computer, it must not use a temporary session token that you generated while using a multi-factor authentication device. The cluster continues to use your current AWS credentials to create AWS resources for the entire life of the cluster, so you must use key-based, long-lived credentials. To generate appropriate keys, see Managing Access Keys for IAM Users in the AWS documentation. You can supply the keys when you run the installation program.

  • If you use a firewall, you must configure it to allow the sites that your cluster requires access to.
  • If you do not allow the system to manage identity and access management (IAM), then a cluster administrator can manually create and maintain IAM credentials. Manual mode can also be used in environments where the cloud IAM APIs are not reachable.

2.5.2. Internet access for OpenShift Container Platform

In OpenShift Container Platform 4.6, you require access to the Internet to install your cluster.

You must have Internet access to:

  • Access OpenShift Cluster Manager to download the installation program and perform subscription management. If the cluster has internet access and you do not disable Telemetry, that service automatically entitles your cluster.
  • Access to obtain the packages that are required to install your cluster.
  • Obtain the packages that are required to perform cluster updates.

If your cluster cannot have direct Internet access, you can perform a restricted network installation on some types of infrastructure that you provision. During that process, you download the content that is required and use it to populate a mirror registry with the packages that you need to install a cluster and generate the installation program. With some installation types, the environment that you install your cluster in will not require Internet access. Before you update the cluster, you update the content of the mirror registry.

2.5.3. Generating an SSH private key and adding it to the agent

If you want to perform installation debugging or disaster recovery on your cluster, you must provide an SSH key to both your ssh-agent and the installation program. You can use this key to access the bootstrap machine in a public cluster to troubleshoot installation issues.


In a production environment, you require disaster recovery and debugging.

You can use this key to SSH into the master nodes as the user core. When you deploy the cluster, the key is added to the core user’s ~/.ssh/authorized_keys list.


You must use a local key, not one that you configured with platform-specific approaches such as AWS key pairs.


  1. If you do not have an SSH key that is configured for password-less authentication on your computer, create one. For example, on a computer that uses a Linux operating system, run the following command:

    $ ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -N '' \
        -f <path>/<file_name> 1
    Specify the path and file name, such as ~/.ssh/id_rsa, of the new SSH key. If you have an existing key pair, ensure your public key is in the your ~/.ssh directory.

    Running this command generates an SSH key that does not require a password in the location that you specified.


    If you plan to install an OpenShift Container Platform cluster that uses FIPS Validated / Modules in Process cryptographic libraries on the x86_64 architecture, do not create a key that uses the ed25519 algorithm. Instead, create a key that uses the rsa or ecdsa algorithm.

  2. Start the ssh-agent process as a background task:

    $ eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"

    Example output

    Agent pid 31874


    If your cluster is in FIPS mode, only use FIPS-compliant algorithms to generate the SSH key. The key must be either RSA or ECDSA.

  3. Add your SSH private key to the ssh-agent:

    $ ssh-add <path>/<file_name> 1

    Example output

    Identity added: /home/<you>/<path>/<file_name> (<computer_name>)

    Specify the path and file name for your SSH private key, such as ~/.ssh/id_rsa

Next steps

  • When you install OpenShift Container Platform, provide the SSH public key to the installation program.

2.5.4. Obtaining the installation program

Before you install OpenShift Container Platform, download the installation file on a local computer.


  • You have a computer that runs Linux or macOS, with 500 MB of local disk space


  1. Access the Infrastructure Provider page on the OpenShift Cluster Manager site. If you have a Red Hat account, log in with your credentials. If you do not, create an account.
  2. Select your infrastructure provider.
  3. Navigate to the page for your installation type, download the installation program for your operating system, and place the file in the directory where you will store the installation configuration files.


    The installation program creates several files on the computer that you use to install your cluster. You must keep the installation program and the files that the installation program creates after you finish installing the cluster. Both files are required to delete the cluster.


    Deleting the files created by the installation program does not remove your cluster, even if the cluster failed during installation. To remove your cluster, complete the OpenShift Container Platform uninstallation procedures for your specific cloud provider.

  4. Extract the installation program. For example, on a computer that uses a Linux operating system, run the following command:

    $ tar xvf openshift-install-linux.tar.gz
  5. Download your installation pull secret from the Red Hat OpenShift Cluster Manager. This pull secret allows you to authenticate with the services that are provided by the included authorities, including, which serves the container images for OpenShift Container Platform components.

2.5.5. Network configuration phases

When specifying a cluster configuration prior to installation, there are several phases in the installation procedures when you can modify the network configuration:

Phase 1

After entering the openshift-install create install-config command. In the install-config.yaml file, you can customize the following network-related fields:

  • networking.networkType
  • networking.clusterNetwork
  • networking.serviceNetwork
  • networking.machineNetwork

    For more information on these fields, refer to "Installation configuration parameters".


    Set the networking.machineNetwork to match the CIDR that the preferred NIC resides in.

Phase 2
After entering the openshift-install create manifests command. If you must specify advanced network configuration, during this phase you can define a customized Cluster Network Operator manifest with only the fields you want to modify.

You cannot override the values specified in phase 1 in the install-config.yaml file during phase 2. However, you can further customize the cluster network provider during phase 2.

2.5.6. Creating the installation configuration file

You can customize the OpenShift Container Platform cluster you install on Amazon Web Services (AWS).


  • Obtain the OpenShift Container Platform installation program and the pull secret for your cluster.


  1. Create the install-config.yaml file.

    1. Change to the directory that contains the installation program and run the following command:

      $ ./openshift-install create install-config --dir <installation_directory> 1
      For <installation_directory>, specify the directory name to store the files that the installation program creates.

      Specify an empty directory. Some installation assets, like bootstrap X.509 certificates have short expiration intervals, so you must not reuse an installation directory. If you want to reuse individual files from another cluster installation, you can copy them into your directory. However, the file names for the installation assets might change between releases. Use caution when copying installation files from an earlier OpenShift Container Platform version.

    2. At the prompts, provide the configuration details for your cloud:

      1. Optional: Select an SSH key to use to access your cluster machines.


        For production OpenShift Container Platform clusters on which you want to perform installation debugging or disaster recovery, specify an SSH key that your ssh-agent process uses.

      2. Select AWS as the platform to target.
      3. If you do not have an Amazon Web Services (AWS) profile stored on your computer, enter the AWS access key ID and secret access key for the user that you configured to run the installation program.
      4. Select the AWS region to deploy the cluster to.
      5. Select the base domain for the Route 53 service that you configured for your cluster.
      6. Enter a descriptive name for your cluster.
      7. Paste the pull secret from the Red Hat OpenShift Cluster Manager.
  2. Modify the install-config.yaml file. You can find more information about the available parameters in the Installation configuration parameters section.
  3. Back up the install-config.yaml file so that you can use it to install multiple clusters.


    The install-config.yaml file is consumed during the installation process. If you want to reuse the file, you must back it up now. Installation configuration parameters

Before you deploy an OpenShift Container Platform cluster, you provide parameter values to describe your account on the cloud platform that hosts your cluster and optionally customize your cluster’s platform. When you create the install-config.yaml installation configuration file, you provide values for the required parameters through the command line. If you customize your cluster, you can modify the install-config.yaml file to provide more details about the platform.


After installation, you cannot modify these parameters in the install-config.yaml file.


The openshift-install command does not validate field names for parameters. If an incorrect name is specified, the related file or object is not created, and no error is reported. Ensure that the field names for any parameters that are specified are correct. Required configuration parameters

Required installation configuration parameters are described in the following table:

Table 2.5. Required parameters


The API version for the install-config.yaml content. The current version is v1. The installer may also support older API versions.



The base domain of your cloud provider. The base domain is used to create routes to your OpenShift Container Platform cluster components. The full DNS name for your cluster is a combination of the baseDomain and parameter values that uses the <>.<baseDomain> format.

A fully-qualified domain or subdomain name, such as


Kubernetes resource ObjectMeta, from which only the name parameter is consumed.


The name of the cluster. DNS records for the cluster are all subdomains of {{}}.{{.baseDomain}}.

String of lowercase letters, hyphens (-), and periods (.), such as dev.


The configuration for the specific platform upon which to perform the installation: aws, baremetal, azure, openstack, ovirt, vsphere. For additional information about platform.<platform> parameters, consult the following table for your specific platform.



Get a pull secret from the Red Hat OpenShift Cluster Manager to authenticate downloading container images for OpenShift Container Platform components from services such as

} Network configuration parameters

You can customize your installation configuration based on the requirements of your existing network infrastructure. For example, you can expand the IP address block for the cluster network or provide different IP address blocks than the defaults.

Only IPv4 addresses are supported.

Table 2.6. Network parameters


The configuration for the cluster network.



You cannot modify parameters specified by the networking object after installation.


The cluster network provider Container Network Interface (CNI) plug-in to install.

Either OpenShiftSDN or OVNKubernetes. The default value is OpenShiftSDN.


The IP address blocks for pods.

The default value is with a host prefix of /23.

If you specify multiple IP address blocks, the blocks must not overlap.

An array of objects. For example:

  - cidr:
    hostPrefix: 23


Required if you use networking.clusterNetwork. An IP address block.

An IPv4 network.

An IP address block in Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) notation. The prefix length for an IPv4 block is between 0 and 32.


The subnet prefix length to assign to each individual node. For example, if hostPrefix is set to 23 then each node is assigned a /23 subnet out of the given cidr. A hostPrefix value of 23 provides 510 (2^(32 - 23) - 2) pod IP addresses.

A subnet prefix.

The default value is 23.


The IP address block for services. The default value is

The OpenShift SDN and OVN-Kubernetes network providers support only a single IP address block for the service network.

An array with an IP address block in CIDR format. For example:



The IP address blocks for machines.

If you specify multiple IP address blocks, the blocks must not overlap.

An array of objects. For example:

  - cidr:


Required if you use networking.machineNetwork. An IP address block. The default value is for all platforms other than libvirt. For libvirt, the default value is

An IP network block in CIDR notation.

For example,


Set the networking.machineNetwork to match the CIDR that the preferred NIC resides in. Optional configuration parameters

Optional installation configuration parameters are described in the following table:

Table 2.7. Optional parameters


A PEM-encoded X.509 certificate bundle that is added to the nodes' trusted certificate store. This trust bundle may also be used when a proxy has been configured.



The configuration for the machines that comprise the compute nodes.

Array of machine-pool objects. For details, see the following "Machine-pool" table.


Determines the instruction set architecture of the machines in the pool. Currently, heteregeneous clusters are not supported, so all pools must specify the same architecture. Valid values are amd64 (the default).



Whether to enable or disable simultaneous multithreading, or hyperthreading, on compute machines. By default, simultaneous multithreading is enabled to increase the performance of your machines' cores.


If you disable simultaneous multithreading, ensure that your capacity planning accounts for the dramatically decreased machine performance.

Enabled or Disabled

Required if you use compute. The name of the machine pool.



Required if you use compute. Use this parameter to specify the cloud provider to host the worker machines. This parameter value must match the controlPlane.platform parameter value.

aws, azure, gcp, openstack, ovirt, vsphere, or {}


The number of compute machines, which are also known as worker machines, to provision.

A positive integer greater than or equal to 2. The default value is 3.


The configuration for the machines that comprise the control plane.

Array of MachinePool objects. For details, see the following "Machine-pool" table.


Determines the instruction set architecture of the machines in the pool. Currently, heterogeneous clusters are not supported, so all pools must specify the same architecture. Valid values are amd64 (the default).



Whether to enable or disable simultaneous multithreading, or hyperthreading, on control plane machines. By default, simultaneous multithreading is enabled to increase the performance of your machines' cores.


If you disable simultaneous multithreading, ensure that your capacity planning accounts for the dramatically decreased machine performance.

Enabled or Disabled

Required if you use controlPlane. The name of the machine pool.



Required if you use controlPlane. Use this parameter to specify the cloud provider that hosts the control plane machines. This parameter value must match the compute.platform parameter value.

aws, azure, gcp, openstack, ovirt, vsphere, or {}


The number of control plane machines to provision.

The only supported value is 3, which is the default value.


The Cloud Credential Operator (CCO) mode. If no mode is specified, the CCO dynamically tries to determine the capabilities of the provided credentials, with a preference for mint mode on the platforms where multiple modes are supported.


Not all CCO modes are supported for all cloud providers. For more information on CCO modes, see the Cloud Credential Operator entry in the Red Hat Operators reference content.

Mint, Passthrough, Manual, or an empty string ("").


Enable or disable FIPS mode. The default is false (disabled). If FIPS mode is enabled, the Red Hat Enterprise Linux CoreOS (RHCOS) machines that OpenShift Container Platform runs on bypass the default Kubernetes cryptography suite and use the cryptography modules that are provided with RHCOS instead.


The use of FIPS Validated / Modules in Process cryptographic libraries is only supported on OpenShift Container Platform deployments on the x86_64 architecture.


If you are using Azure File storage, you cannot enable FIPS mode.

false or true


Sources and repositories for the release-image content.

Array of objects. Includes a source and, optionally, mirrors, as described in the following rows of this table.


Required if you use imageContentSources. Specify the repository that users refer to, for example, in image pull specifications.



Specify one or more repositories that may also contain the same images.

Array of strings


How to publish or expose the user-facing endpoints of your cluster, such as the Kubernetes API, OpenShift routes.

Internal or External. To deploy a private cluster, which cannot be accessed from the internet, set publish to Internal. The default value is External.


The SSH key or keys to authenticate access your cluster machines.


For production OpenShift Container Platform clusters on which you want to perform installation debugging or disaster recovery, specify an SSH key that your ssh-agent process uses.

One or more keys. For example:

  <key3> Optional AWS configuration parameters

Optional AWS configuration parameters are described in the following table:

Table 2.8. Optional AWS parameters

The AWS AMI used to boot compute machines for the cluster. This is required for regions that require a custom RHCOS AMI.

Any published or custom RHCOS AMI that belongs to the set AWS region.

The Input/Output Operations Per Second (IOPS) that is reserved for the root volume.

Integer, for example 4000.

The size in GiB of the root volume.

Integer, for example 500.

The type of the root volume.

Valid AWS EBS volume type, such as io1.

The Amazon Resource Name (key ARN) of a KMS key. This is required to encrypt OS volumes of worker nodes with a specific KMS key.

Valid key ID or the key ARN.

The EC2 instance type for the compute machines.

Valid AWS instance type, such as c5.9xlarge.

The availability zones where the installation program creates machines for the compute machine pool. If you provide your own VPC, you must provide a subnet in that availability zone.

A list of valid AWS availability zones, such as us-east-1c, in a YAML sequence.

The AWS region that the installation program creates compute resources in.

Any valid AWS region, such as us-east-1.

The AWS AMI used to boot control plane machines for the cluster. This is required for regions that require a custom RHCOS AMI.

Any published or custom RHCOS AMI that belongs to the set AWS region.

The Amazon Resource Name (key ARN) of a KMS key. This is required to encrypt OS volumes of control plane nodes with a specific KMS key.

Valid key ID and the key ARN.

The EC2 instance type for the control plane machines.

Valid AWS instance type, such as c5.9xlarge.

The availability zones where the installation program creates machines for the control plane machine pool.

A list of valid AWS availability zones, such as us-east-1c, in a YAML sequence.

The AWS region that the installation program creates control plane resources in.

Valid AWS region, such as us-east-1.

The AWS AMI used to boot all machines for the cluster. If set, the AMI must belong to the same region as the cluster. This is required for regions that require a custom RHCOS AMI.

Any published or custom RHCOS AMI that belongs to the set AWS region.

The AWS service endpoint name. Custom endpoints are only required for cases where alternative AWS endpoints, like FIPS, must be used. Custom API endpoints can be specified for EC2, S3, IAM, Elastic Load Balancing, Tagging, Route 53, and STS AWS services.

Valid AWS service endpoint name.

The AWS service endpoint URL. The URL must use the https protocol and the host must trust the certificate.

Valid AWS service endpoint URL.

A map of keys and values that the installation program adds as tags to all resources that it creates.

Any valid YAML map, such as key value pairs in the <key>: <value> format. For more information about AWS tags, see Tagging Your Amazon EC2 Resources in the AWS documentation.

If you provide the VPC instead of allowing the installation program to create the VPC for you, specify the subnet for the cluster to use. The subnet must be part of the same machineNetwork[].cidr ranges that you specify. For a standard cluster, specify a public and a private subnet for each availability zone. For a private cluster, specify a private subnet for each availability zone.

Valid subnet IDs. Sample customized install-config.yaml file for AWS

You can customize the install-config.yaml file to specify more details about your OpenShift Container Platform cluster’s platform or modify the values of the required parameters.


This sample YAML file is provided for reference only. You must obtain your install-config.yaml file by using the installation program and modify it.

apiVersion: v1
baseDomain: 1
credentialsMode: Mint 2
controlPlane: 3 4
  hyperthreading: Enabled 5
  name: master
      - us-west-2a
      - us-west-2b
        iops: 4000
        size: 500
        type: io1 6
      type: m5.xlarge
  replicas: 3
compute: 7
- hyperthreading: Enabled 8
  name: worker
        iops: 2000
        size: 500
        type: io1 9
      type: c5.4xlarge
      - us-west-2c
  replicas: 3
  name: test-cluster 10
networking: 11
  - cidr:
    hostPrefix: 23
  - cidr:
  networkType: OpenShiftSDN
    region: us-west-2 12
      adminContact: jdoe
      costCenter: 7536
    amiID: ami-96c6f8f7 13
    serviceEndpoints: 14
      - name: ec2
fips: false 15
sshKey: ssh-ed25519 AAAA... 16
pullSecret: '{"auths": ...}' 17
1 10 12 17
Required. The installation program prompts you for this value.
Optional: Add this parameter to force the Cloud Credential Operator (CCO) to use the specified mode, instead of having the CCO dynamically try to determine the capabilities of the credentials. For details about CCO modes, see the Cloud Credential Operator entry in the Red Hat Operators reference content.
3 7 11
If you do not provide these parameters and values, the installation program provides the default value.
The controlPlane section is a single mapping, but the compute section is a sequence of mappings. To meet the requirements of the different data structures, the first line of the compute section must begin with a hyphen, -, and the first line of the controlPlane section must not. Only one control plane pool is used.
5 8
Whether to enable or disable simultaneous multithreading, or hyperthreading. By default, simultaneous multithreading is enabled to increase the performance of your machines' cores. You can disable it by setting the parameter value to Disabled. If you disable simultaneous multithreading in some cluster machines, you must disable it in all cluster machines.

If you disable simultaneous multithreading, ensure that your capacity planning accounts for the dramatically decreased machine performance. Use larger instance types, such as m4.2xlarge or m5.2xlarge, for your machines if you disable simultaneous multithreading.

6 9
To configure faster storage for etcd, especially for larger clusters, set the storage type as io1 and set iops to 2000.
The ID of the AMI used to boot machines for the cluster. If set, the AMI must belong to the same region as the cluster.
The AWS service endpoints. Custom endpoints are required when installing to an unknown AWS region. The endpoint URL must use the https protocol and the host must trust the certificate.
Whether to enable or disable FIPS mode. By default, FIPS mode is not enabled. If FIPS mode is enabled, the Red Hat Enterprise Linux CoreOS (RHCOS) machines that OpenShift Container Platform runs on bypass the default Kubernetes cryptography suite and use the cryptography modules that are provided with RHCOS instead.

The use of FIPS Validated / Modules in Process cryptographic libraries is only supported on OpenShift Container Platform deployments on the x86_64 architecture.

You can optionally provide the sshKey value that you use to access the machines in your cluster.

For production OpenShift Container Platform clusters on which you want to perform installation debugging or disaster recovery, specify an SSH key that your ssh-agent process uses. Configuring the cluster-wide proxy during installation

Production environments can deny direct access to the Internet and instead have an HTTP or HTTPS proxy available. You can configure a new OpenShift Container Platform cluster to use a proxy by configuring the proxy settings in the install-config.yaml file.


  • You have an existing install-config.yaml file.
  • You reviewed the sites that your cluster requires access to and determined whether any of them need to bypass the proxy. By default, all cluster egress traffic is proxied, including calls to hosting cloud provider APIs. You added sites to the Proxy object’s spec.noProxy field to bypass the proxy if necessary.


    The Proxy object status.noProxy field is populated with the values of the networking.machineNetwork[].cidr, networking.clusterNetwork[].cidr, and networking.serviceNetwork[] fields from your installation configuration.

    For installations on Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Microsoft Azure, and Red Hat OpenStack Platform (RHOSP), the Proxy object status.noProxy field is also populated with the instance metadata endpoint (

  • If your cluster is on AWS, you added the ec2.<region>, elasticloadbalancing.<region>, and s3.<region> endpoints to your VPC endpoint. These endpoints are required to complete requests from the nodes to the AWS EC2 API. Because the proxy works on the container level, not the node level, you must route these requests to the AWS EC2 API through the AWS private network. Adding the public IP address of the EC2 API to your allowlist in your proxy server is not sufficient.


  1. Edit your install-config.yaml file and add the proxy settings. For example:

    apiVersion: v1
      httpProxy: http://<username>:<pswd>@<ip>:<port> 1
      httpsProxy: https://<username>:<pswd>@<ip>:<port> 2
      noProxy: 3
    additionalTrustBundle: | 4
        -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
        -----END CERTIFICATE-----
    A proxy URL to use for creating HTTP connections outside the cluster. The URL scheme must be http.
    A proxy URL to use for creating HTTPS connections outside the cluster.
    A comma-separated list of destination domain names, IP addresses, or other network CIDRs to exclude from proxying. Preface a domain with . to match subdomains only. For example, matches, but not Use * to bypass the proxy for all destinations.
    If provided, the installation program generates a config map that is named user-ca-bundle in the openshift-config namespace to hold the additional CA certificates. If you provide additionalTrustBundle and at least one proxy setting, the Proxy object is configured to reference the user-ca-bundle config map in the trustedCA field. The Cluster Network Operator then creates a trusted-ca-bundle config map that merges the contents specified for the trustedCA parameter with the RHCOS trust bundle. The additionalTrustBundle field is required unless the proxy’s identity certificate is signed by an authority from the RHCOS trust bundle.

    The installation program does not support the proxy readinessEndpoints field.

  2. Save the file and reference it when installing OpenShift Container Platform.

The installation program creates a cluster-wide proxy that is named cluster that uses the proxy settings in the provided install-config.yaml file. If no proxy settings are provided, a cluster Proxy object is still created, but it will have a nil spec.


Only the Proxy object named cluster is supported, and no additional proxies can be created.

2.5.7. Cluster Network Operator configuration

The configuration for the cluster network is specified as part of the Cluster Network Operator (CNO) configuration and stored in a custom resource (CR) object that is named cluster. The CR specifies the fields for the Network API in the API group.

The CNO configuration inherits the following fields during cluster installation from the Network API in the API group and these fields cannot be changed:

IP address pools from which pod IP addresses are allocated.
IP address pool for services.
Cluster network provider, such as OpenShift SDN or OVN-Kubernetes.

You can specify the cluster network provider configuration for your cluster by setting the fields for the defaultNetwork object in the CNO object named cluster. Cluster Network Operator configuration object

The fields for the Cluster Network Operator (CNO) are described in the following table:

Table 2.9. Cluster Network Operator configuration object


The name of the CNO object. This name is always cluster.



A list specifying the blocks of IP addresses from which pod IP addresses are allocated and the subnet prefix length assigned to each individual node in the cluster. For example:

  - cidr:
    hostPrefix: 23
  - cidr:
    hostPrefix: 23

This value is ready-only and specified in the install-config.yaml file.



A block of IP addresses for services. The OpenShift SDN and OVN-Kubernetes Container Network Interface (CNI) network providers support only a single IP address block for the service network. For example:


This value is ready-only and specified in the install-config.yaml file.



Configures the Container Network Interface (CNI) cluster network provider for the cluster network.



The fields for this object specify the kube-proxy configuration. If you are using the OVN-Kubernetes cluster network provider, the kube-proxy configuration has no effect.

defaultNetwork object configuration

The values for the defaultNetwork object are defined in the following table:

Table 2.10. defaultNetwork object



Either OpenShiftSDN or OVNKubernetes. The cluster network provider is selected during installation. This value cannot be changed after cluster installation.


OpenShift Container Platform uses the OpenShift SDN Container Network Interface (CNI) cluster network provider by default.



This object is only valid for the OpenShift SDN cluster network provider.



This object is only valid for the OVN-Kubernetes cluster network provider.

Configuration for the OpenShift SDN CNI cluster network provider

The following table describes the configuration fields for the OpenShift SDN Container Network Interface (CNI) cluster network provider.

Table 2.11. openshiftSDNConfig object



Configures the network isolation mode for OpenShift SDN. The default value is NetworkPolicy.

The values Multitenant and Subnet are available for backwards compatibility with OpenShift Container Platform 3.x but are not recommended. This value cannot be changed after cluster installation.



The maximum transmission unit (MTU) for the VXLAN overlay network. This is detected automatically based on the MTU of the primary network interface. You do not normally need to override the detected MTU.

If the auto-detected value is not what you expected it to be, confirm that the MTU on the primary network interface on your nodes is correct. You cannot use this option to change the MTU value of the primary network interface on the nodes.

If your cluster requires different MTU values for different nodes, you must set this value to 50 less than the lowest MTU value in your cluster. For example, if some nodes in your cluster have an MTU of 9001, and some have an MTU of 1500, you must set this value to 1450.

This value cannot be changed after cluster installation.



The port to use for all VXLAN packets. The default value is 4789. This value cannot be changed after cluster installation.

If you are running in a virtualized environment with existing nodes that are part of another VXLAN network, then you might be required to change this. For example, when running an OpenShift SDN overlay on top of VMware NSX-T, you must select an alternate port for the VXLAN, because both SDNs use the same default VXLAN port number.

On Amazon Web Services (AWS), you can select an alternate port for the VXLAN between port 9000 and port 9999.

Example OpenShift SDN configuration

  type: OpenShiftSDN
    mode: NetworkPolicy
    mtu: 1450
    vxlanPort: 4789

Configuration for the OVN-Kubernetes CNI cluster network provider

The following table describes the configuration fields for the OVN-Kubernetes CNI cluster network provider.

Table 2.12. ovnKubernetesConfig object



The maximum transmission unit (MTU) for the Geneve (Generic Network Virtualization Encapsulation) overlay network. This is detected automatically based on the MTU of the primary network interface. You do not normally need to override the detected MTU.

If the auto-detected value is not what you expected it to be, confirm that the MTU on the primary network interface on your nodes is correct. You cannot use this option to change the MTU value of the primary network interface on the nodes.

If your cluster requires different MTU values for different nodes, you must set this value to 100 less than the lowest MTU value in your cluster. For example, if some nodes in your cluster have an MTU of 9001, and some have an MTU of 1500, you must set this value to 1400.

This value cannot be changed after cluster installation.



The port to use for all Geneve packets. The default value is 6081. This value cannot be changed after cluster installation.

Example OVN-Kubernetes configuration

  type: OVNKubernetes
    mtu: 1400
    genevePort: 6081

kubeProxyConfig object configuration

The values for the kubeProxyConfig object are defined in the following table:

Table 2.13. kubeProxyConfig object



The refresh period for iptables rules. The default value is 30s. Valid suffixes include s, m, and h and are described in the Go time package documentation.


Because of performance improvements introduced in OpenShift Container Platform 4.3 and greater, adjusting the iptablesSyncPeriod parameter is no longer necessary.



The minimum duration before refreshing iptables rules. This field ensures that the refresh does not happen too frequently. Valid suffixes include s, m, and h and are described in the Go time package. The default value is:

    - 0s

2.5.8. Specifying advanced network configuration

You can use advanced configuration customization to integrate your cluster into your existing network environment by specifying additional configuration for your cluster network provider. You can specify advanced network configuration only before you install the cluster.


Modifying the OpenShift Container Platform manifest files created by the installation program is not supported. Applying a manifest file that you create, as in the following procedure, is supported.


  • Create the install-config.yaml file and complete any modifications to it.


  1. Change to the directory that contains the installation program and create the manifests:

    $ ./openshift-install create manifests --dir <installation_directory>


    Specifies the name of the directory that contains the install-config.yaml file for your cluster.
  2. Create a stub manifest file for the advanced network configuration that is named cluster-network-03-config.yml in the <installation_directory>/manifests/ directory:

    $ cat <<EOF > <installation_directory>/manifests/cluster-network-03-config.yml
    kind: Network
      name: cluster


    Specifies the directory name that contains the manifests/ directory for your cluster.
  3. Open the cluster-network-03-config.yml file in an editor and specify the advanced network configuration for your cluster, such as in the following example:

    Specify a different VXLAN port for the OpenShift SDN network provider

    kind: Network
      name: cluster
          vxlanPort: 4800

  4. Save the cluster-network-03-config.yml file and quit the text editor.
  5. Optional: Back up the manifests/cluster-network-03-config.yml file. The installation program deletes the manifests/ directory when creating the cluster.

For more information on using a Network Load Balancer (NLB) on AWS, see Configuring Ingress cluster traffic on AWS using a Network Load Balancer.

2.5.9. Configuring an Ingress Controller Network Load Balancer on a new AWS cluster

You can create an Ingress Controller backed by an AWS Network Load Balancer (NLB) on a new cluster.


  • Create the install-config.yaml file and complete any modifications to it.


Create an Ingress Controller backed by an AWS NLB on a new cluster.

  1. Change to the directory that contains the installation program and create the manifests:

    $ ./openshift-install create manifests --dir <installation_directory> 1
    For <installation_directory>, specify the name of the directory that contains the install-config.yaml file for your cluster.
  2. Create a file that is named cluster-ingress-default-ingresscontroller.yaml in the <installation_directory>/manifests/ directory:

    $ touch <installation_directory>/manifests/cluster-ingress-default-ingresscontroller.yaml 1
    For <installation_directory>, specify the directory name that contains the manifests/ directory for your cluster.

    After creating the file, several network configuration files are in the manifests/ directory, as shown:

    $ ls <installation_directory>/manifests/cluster-ingress-default-ingresscontroller.yaml

    Example output


  3. Open the cluster-ingress-default-ingresscontroller.yaml file in an editor and enter a CR that describes the Operator configuration you want:

    kind: IngressController
      creationTimestamp: null
      name: default
      namespace: openshift-ingress-operator
          scope: External
            type: AWS
              type: NLB
        type: LoadBalancerService
  4. Save the cluster-ingress-default-ingresscontroller.yaml file and quit the text editor.
  5. Optional: Back up the manifests/cluster-ingress-default-ingresscontroller.yaml file. The installation program deletes the manifests/ directory when creating the cluster.

2.5.10. Configuring hybrid networking with OVN-Kubernetes

You can configure your cluster to use hybrid networking with OVN-Kubernetes. This allows a hybrid cluster that supports different node networking configurations. For example, this is necessary to run both Linux and Windows nodes in a cluster.


You must configure hybrid networking with OVN-Kubernetes during the installation of your cluster. You cannot switch to hybrid networking after the installation process.


  • You defined OVNKubernetes for the networking.networkType parameter in the install-config.yaml file. See the installation documentation for configuring OpenShift Container Platform network customizations on your chosen cloud provider for more information.


  1. Change to the directory that contains the installation program and create the manifests:

    $ ./openshift-install create manifests --dir <installation_directory>


    Specifies the name of the directory that contains the install-config.yaml file for your cluster.
  2. Create a stub manifest file for the advanced network configuration that is named cluster-network-03-config.yml in the <installation_directory>/manifests/ directory:

    $ cat <<EOF > <installation_directory>/manifests/cluster-network-03-config.yml
    kind: Network
      name: cluster


    Specifies the directory name that contains the manifests/ directory for your cluster.
  3. Open the cluster-network-03-config.yml file in an editor and configure OVN-Kubernetes with hybrid networking, such as in the following example:

    Specify a hybrid networking configuration

    kind: Network
      name: cluster
            hybridClusterNetwork: 1
            - cidr:
              hostPrefix: 23
            hybridOverlayVXLANPort: 9898 2

    Specify the CIDR configuration used for nodes on the additional overlay network. The hybridClusterNetwork CIDR cannot overlap with the clusterNetwork CIDR.
    Specify a custom VXLAN port for the additional overlay network. This is required for running Windows nodes in a cluster installed on vSphere, and must not be configured for any other cloud provider. The custom port can be any open port excluding the default 4789 port. For more information on this requirement, see the Microsoft documentation on Pod-to-pod connectivity between hosts is broken.
  4. Save the cluster-network-03-config.yml file and quit the text editor.
  5. Optional: Back up the manifests/cluster-network-03-config.yml file. The installation program deletes the manifests/ directory when creating the cluster.

For more information on using Linux and Windows nodes in the same cluster, see Understanding Windows container workloads.

2.5.11. Deploying the cluster

You can install OpenShift Container Platform on a compatible cloud platform.


You can run the create cluster command of the installation program only once, during initial installation.


  • Configure an account with the cloud platform that hosts your cluster.
  • Obtain the OpenShift Container Platform installation program and the pull secret for your cluster.


  1. Change to the directory that contains the installation program and initialize the cluster deployment:

    $ ./openshift-install create cluster --dir <installation_directory> \ 1
        --log-level=info 2
    For <installation_directory>, specify the location of your customized ./install-config.yaml file.
    To view different installation details, specify warn, debug, or error instead of info.

    If the cloud provider account that you configured on your host does not have sufficient permissions to deploy the cluster, the installation process stops, and the missing permissions are displayed.

    When the cluster deployment completes, directions for accessing your cluster, including a link to its web console and credentials for the kubeadmin user, display in your terminal.

    Example output

    INFO Install complete!
    INFO To access the cluster as the system:admin user when using 'oc', run 'export KUBECONFIG=/home/myuser/install_dir/auth/kubeconfig'
    INFO Access the OpenShift web-console here:
    INFO Login to the console with user: "kubeadmin", and password: "4vYBz-Ee6gm-ymBZj-Wt5AL"
    INFO Time elapsed: 36m22s


    The cluster access and credential information also outputs to <installation_directory>/.openshift_install.log when an installation succeeds.

    • The Ignition config files that the installation program generates contain certificates that expire after 24 hours, which are then renewed at that time. If the cluster is shut down before renewing the certificates and the cluster is later restarted after the 24 hours have elapsed, the cluster automatically recovers the expired certificates. The exception is that you must manually approve the pending node-bootstrapper certificate signing requests (CSRs) to recover kubelet certificates. See the documentation for Recovering from expired control plane certificates for more information.
    • It is recommended that you use Ignition config files within 12 hours after they are generated because the 24-hour certificate rotates from 16 to 22 hours after the cluster is installed. By using the Ignition config files within 12 hours, you can avoid installation failure if the certificate update runs during installation.

    You must not delete the installation program or the files that the installation program creates. Both are required to delete the cluster.

  2. Optional: Remove or disable the AdministratorAccess policy from the IAM account that you used to install the cluster.


    The elevated permissions provided by the AdministratorAccess policy are required only during installation.

2.5.12. Installing the OpenShift CLI by downloading the binary

You can install the OpenShift CLI (oc) in order to interact with OpenShift Container Platform from a command-line interface. You can install oc on Linux, Windows, or macOS.


If you installed an earlier version of oc, you cannot use it to complete all of the commands in OpenShift Container Platform 4.6. Download and install the new version of oc. Installing the OpenShift CLI on Linux

You can install the OpenShift CLI (oc) binary on Linux by using the following procedure.


  1. Navigate to the OpenShift Container Platform downloads page on the Red Hat Customer Portal.
  2. Select the appropriate version in the Version drop-down menu.
  3. Click Download Now next to the OpenShift v4.6 Linux Client entry and save the file.
  4. Unpack the archive:

    $ tar xvzf <file>
  5. Place the oc binary in a directory that is on your PATH.

    To check your PATH, execute the following command:

    $ echo $PATH

After you install the OpenShift CLI, it is available using the oc command:

$ oc <command> Installing the OpenShift CLI on Windows

You can install the OpenShift CLI (oc) binary on Windows by using the following procedure.


  1. Navigate to the OpenShift Container Platform downloads page on the Red Hat Customer Portal.
  2. Select the appropriate version in the Version drop-down menu.
  3. Click Download Now next to the OpenShift v4.6 Windows Client entry and save the file.
  4. Unzip the archive with a ZIP program.
  5. Move the oc binary to a directory that is on your PATH.

    To check your PATH, open the command prompt and execute the following command:

    C:\> path

After you install the OpenShift CLI, it is available using the oc command:

C:\> oc <command> Installing the OpenShift CLI on macOS

You can install the OpenShift CLI (oc) binary on macOS by using the following procedure.


  1. Navigate to the OpenShift Container Platform downloads page on the Red Hat Customer Portal.
  2. Select the appropriate version in the Version drop-down menu.
  3. Click Download Now next to the OpenShift v4.6 MacOSX Client entry and save the file.
  4. Unpack and unzip the archive.
  5. Move the oc binary to a directory on your PATH.

    To check your PATH, open a terminal and execute the following command:

    $ echo $PATH

After you install the OpenShift CLI, it is available using the oc command:

$ oc <command>

2.5.13. Logging in to the cluster by using the CLI

You can log in to your cluster as a default system user by exporting the cluster kubeconfig file. The kubeconfig file contains information about the cluster that is used by the CLI to connect a client to the correct cluster and API server. The file is specific to a cluster and is created during OpenShift Container Platform installation.


  • You deployed an OpenShift Container Platform cluster.
  • You installed the oc CLI.


  1. Export the kubeadmin credentials:

    $ export KUBECONFIG=<installation_directory>/auth/kubeconfig 1
    For <installation_directory>, specify the path to the directory that you stored the installation files in.
  2. Verify you can run oc commands successfully using the exported configuration:

    $ oc whoami

    Example output


2.5.14. Logging in to the cluster by using the web console

The kubeadmin user exists by default after an OpenShift Container Platform installation. You can log in to your cluster as the kubeadmin user by using the OpenShift Container Platform web console.


  • You have access to the installation host.
  • You completed a cluster installation and all cluster Operators are available.


  1. Obtain the password for the kubeadmin user from the kubeadmin-password file on the installation host:

    $ cat <installation_directory>/auth/kubeadmin-password

    Alternatively, you can obtain the kubeadmin password from the <installation_directory>/.openshift_install.log log file on the installation host.

  2. List the OpenShift Container Platform web console route:

    $ oc get routes -n openshift-console | grep 'console-openshift'

    Alternatively, you can obtain the OpenShift Container Platform route from the <installation_directory>/.openshift_install.log log file on the installation host.

    Example output

    console     console-openshift-console.apps.<cluster_name>.<base_domain>            console     https   reencrypt/Redirect   None

  3. Navigate to the route detailed in the output of the preceding command in a web browser and log in as the kubeadmin user.

Additional resources

  • See Accessing the web console for more details about accessing and understanding the OpenShift Container Platform web console.

2.5.15. Telemetry access for OpenShift Container Platform

In OpenShift Container Platform 4.6, the Telemetry service, which runs by default to provide metrics about cluster health and the success of updates, requires internet access. If your cluster is connected to the internet, Telemetry runs automatically, and your cluster is registered to OpenShift Cluster Manager.

After you confirm that your OpenShift Cluster Manager inventory is correct, either maintained automatically by Telemetry or manually by using OpenShift Cluster Manager, use subscription watch to track your OpenShift Container Platform subscriptions at the account or multi-cluster level.

Additional resources

2.5.16. Next steps

2.6. Installing a cluster on AWS in a restricted network

In OpenShift Container Platform version 4.6, you can install a cluster on Amazon Web Services (AWS) in a restricted network by creating an internal mirror of the installation release content on an existing Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC).

2.6.1. Prerequisites

  • You mirrored the images for a disconnected installation to your registry and obtained the imageContentSources data for your version of OpenShift Container Platform.


    Because the installation media is on the mirror host, you can use that computer to complete all installation steps.

  • You have an existing VPC in AWS. When installing to a restricted network using installer-provisioned infrastructure, you cannot use the installer-provisioned VPC. You must use a user-provisioned VPC that satisfies one of the following requirements:

    • Contains the mirror registry.
    • Has firewall rules or a peering connection to access the mirror registry hosted elsewhere.
  • You reviewed details about the OpenShift Container Platform installation and update processes.
  • You configured an AWS account to host the cluster.


    If you have an AWS profile stored on your computer, it must not use a temporary session token that you generated while using a multi-factor authentication device. The cluster continues to use your current AWS credentials to create AWS resources for the entire life of the cluster, so you must use key-based, long-lived credentials. To generate appropriate keys, see Managing Access Keys for IAM Users in the AWS documentation. You can supply the keys when you run the installation program.

  • You downloaded the AWS CLI and installed it on your computer. See Install the AWS CLI Using the Bundled Installer (Linux, macOS, or Unix) in the AWS documentation.
  • If you use a firewall and plan to use the Telemetry service, you configured the firewall to allow the sites that your cluster requires access to.


    If you are configuring a proxy, be sure to also review this site list.

  • If you do not allow the system to manage identity and access management (IAM), then a cluster administrator can manually create and maintain IAM credentials. Manual mode can also be used in environments where the cloud IAM APIs are not reachable.

2.6.2. About installations in restricted networks

In OpenShift Container Platform 4.6, you can perform an installation that does not require an active connection to the Internet to obtain software components. Restricted network installations can be completed using installer-provisioned infrastructure or user-provisioned infrastructure, depending on the cloud platform to which you are installing the cluster.

If you choose to perform a restricted network installation on a cloud platform, you still require access to its cloud APIs. Some cloud functions, like Amazon Web Service’s Route 53 DNS and IAM services, require internet access. Depending on your network, you might require less Internet access for an installation on bare metal hardware or on VMware vSphere.

To complete a restricted network installation, you must create a registry that mirrors the contents of the OpenShift Container Platform registry and contains the installation media. You can create this registry on a mirror host, which can access both the Internet and your closed network, or by using other methods that meet your restrictions. Additional limits

Clusters in restricted networks have the following additional limitations and restrictions:

  • The ClusterVersion status includes an Unable to retrieve available updates error.
  • By default, you cannot use the contents of the Developer Catalog because you cannot access the required image stream tags.

2.6.3. About using a custom VPC

In OpenShift Container Platform 4.6, you can deploy a cluster into existing subnets in an existing Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) in Amazon Web Services (AWS). By deploying OpenShift Container Platform into an existing AWS VPC, you might be able to avoid limit constraints in new accounts or more easily abide by the operational constraints that your company’s guidelines set. If you cannot obtain the infrastructure creation permissions that are required to create the VPC yourself, use this installation option.

Because the installation program cannot know what other components are also in your existing subnets, it cannot choose subnet CIDRs and so forth on your behalf. You must configure networking for the subnets that you install your cluster to yourself. Requirements for using your VPC

The installation program no longer creates the following components:

  • Internet gateways
  • NAT gateways
  • Subnets
  • Route tables
  • VPCs
  • VPC DHCP options
  • VPC endpoints

The installation program requires that you use the cloud-provided DNS server. Using a custom DNS server is not supported and causes the installation to fail.

If you use a custom VPC, you must correctly configure it and its subnets for the installation program and the cluster to use. See Amazon VPC console wizard configurations and Work with VPCs and subnets in the AWS documentation for more information on creating and managing an AWS VPC.

The installation program cannot:

  • Subdivide network ranges for the cluster to use.
  • Set route tables for the subnets.
  • Set VPC options like DHCP.

You must complete these tasks before you install the cluster. See VPC networking components and Route tables for your VPC for more information on configuring networking in an AWS VPC.

Your VPC must meet the following characteristics:

  • The VPC must not use the*: owned tag.

    The installation program modifies your subnets to add the*: shared tag, so your subnets must have at least one free tag slot available for it. See Tag Restrictions in the AWS documentation to confirm that the installation program can add a tag to each subnet that you specify.

  • You must enable the enableDnsSupport and enableDnsHostnames attributes in your VPC, so that the cluster can use the Route 53 zones that are attached to the VPC to resolve cluster’s internal DNS records. See DNS Support in Your VPC in the AWS documentation.

    If you prefer to use your own Route 53 hosted private zone, you must associate the existing hosted zone with your VPC prior to installing a cluster. You can define your hosted zone using the field in the install-config.yaml file.

  • If you use a cluster with public access, you must create a public and a private subnet for each availability zone that your cluster uses. Each availability zone can contain no more than one public and one private subnet.

If you are working in a disconnected environment, you are unable to reach the public IP addresses for EC2 and ELB endpoints. To resolve this, you must create a VPC endpoint and attach it to the subnet that the clusters are using. The endpoints should be named as follows:

  • ec2.<region>
  • elasticloadbalancing.<region>
  • s3.<region>

Required VPC components

You must provide a suitable VPC and subnets that allow communication to your machines.

ComponentAWS typeDescription


  • AWS::EC2::VPC
  • AWS::EC2::VPCEndpoint

You must provide a public VPC for the cluster to use. The VPC uses an endpoint that references the route tables for each subnet to improve communication with the registry that is hosted in S3.

Public subnets

  • AWS::EC2::Subnet
  • AWS::EC2::SubnetNetworkAclAssociation

Your VPC must have public subnets for between 1 and 3 availability zones and associate them with appropriate Ingress rules.

Internet gateway

  • AWS::EC2::InternetGateway
  • AWS::EC2::VPCGatewayAttachment
  • AWS::EC2::RouteTable
  • AWS::EC2::Route
  • AWS::EC2::SubnetRouteTableAssociation
  • AWS::EC2::NatGateway
  • AWS::EC2::EIP

You must have a public Internet gateway, with public routes, attached to the VPC. In the provided templates, each public subnet has a NAT gateway with an EIP address. These NAT gateways allow cluster resources, like private subnet instances, to reach the Internet and are not required for some restricted network or proxy scenarios.

Network access control

  • AWS::EC2::NetworkAcl
  • AWS::EC2::NetworkAclEntry

You must allow the VPC to access the following ports:




Inbound HTTP traffic


Inbound HTTPS traffic


Inbound SSH traffic

1024 - 65535

Inbound ephemeral traffic

0 - 65535

Outbound ephemeral traffic

Private subnets

  • AWS::EC2::Subnet
  • AWS::EC2::RouteTable
  • AWS::EC2::SubnetRouteTableAssociation

Your VPC can have private subnets. The provided CloudFormation templates can create private subnets for between 1 and 3 availability zones. If you use private subnets, you must provide appropriate routes and tables for them. VPC validation

To ensure that the subnets that you provide are suitable, the installation program confirms the following data:

  • All the subnets that you specify exist.
  • You provide private subnets.
  • The subnet CIDRs belong to the machine CIDR that you specified.
  • You provide subnets for each availability zone. Each availability zone contains no more than one public and one private subnet. If you use a private cluster, provide only a private subnet for each availability zone. Otherwise, provide exactly one public and private subnet for each availability zone.
  • You provide a public subnet for each private subnet availability zone. Machines are not provisioned in availability zones that you do not provide private subnets for.

If you destroy a cluster that uses an existing VPC, the VPC is not deleted. When you remove the OpenShift Container Platform cluster from a VPC, the*: shared tag is removed from the subnets that it used. Division of permissions

Starting with OpenShift Container Platform 4.3, you do not need all of the permissions that are required for an installation program-provisioned infrastructure cluster to deploy a cluster. This change mimics the division of permissions that you might have at your company: some individuals can create different resource in your clouds than others. For example, you might be able to create application-specific items, like instances, buckets, and load balancers, but not networking-related components such as VPCs, subnets, or ingress rules.

The AWS credentials that you use when you create your cluster do not need the networking permissions that are required to make VPCs and core networking components within the VPC, such as subnets, routing tables, Internet gateways, NAT, and VPN. You still need permission to make the application resources that the machines within the cluster require, such as ELBs, security groups, S3 buckets, and nodes. Isolation between clusters

If you deploy OpenShift Container Platform to an existing network, the isolation of cluster services is reduced in the following ways:

  • You can install multiple OpenShift Container Platform clusters in the same VPC.
  • ICMP ingress is allowed from the entire network.
  • TCP 22 ingress (SSH) is allowed to the entire network.
  • Control plane TCP 6443 ingress (Kubernetes API) is allowed to the entire network.
  • Control plane TCP 22623 ingress (MCS) is allowed to the entire network.

2.6.4. Internet access for OpenShift Container Platform

In OpenShift Container Platform 4.6, you require access to the Internet to obtain the images that are necessary to install your cluster.

You must have Internet access to:

  • Access OpenShift Cluster Manager to download the installation program and perform subscription management. If the cluster has internet access and you do not disable Telemetry, that service automatically entitles your cluster.
  • Access to obtain the packages that are required to install your cluster.
  • Obtain the packages that are required to perform cluster updates.

If your cluster cannot have direct Internet access, you can perform a restricted network installation on some types of infrastructure that you provision. During that process, you download the content that is required and use it to populate a mirror registry with the packages that you need to install a cluster and generate the installation program. With some installation types, the environment that you install your cluster in will not require Internet access. Before you update the cluster, you update the content of the mirror registry.

2.6.5. Generating an SSH private key and adding it to the agent

If you want to perform installation debugging or disaster recovery on your cluster, you must provide an SSH key to both your ssh-agent and the installation program. You can use this key to access the bootstrap machine in a public cluster to troubleshoot installation issues.


In a production environment, you require disaster recovery and debugging.

You can use this key to SSH into the master nodes as the user core. When you deploy the cluster, the key is added to the core user’s ~/.ssh/authorized_keys list.


You must use a local key, not one that you configured with platform-specific approaches such as AWS key pairs.


  1. If you do not have an SSH key that is configured for password-less authentication on your computer, create one. For example, on a computer that uses a Linux operating system, run the following command:

    $ ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -N '' \
        -f <path>/<file_name> 1
    Specify the path and file name, such as ~/.ssh/id_rsa, of the new SSH key. If you have an existing key pair, ensure your public key is in the your ~/.ssh directory.

    Running this command generates an SSH key that does not require a password in the location that you specified.


    If you plan to install an OpenShift Container Platform cluster that uses FIPS Validated / Modules in Process cryptographic libraries on the x86_64 architecture, do not create a key that uses the ed25519 algorithm. Instead, create a key that uses the rsa or ecdsa algorithm.

  2. Start the ssh-agent process as a background task:

    $ eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"

    Example output

    Agent pid 31874


    If your cluster is in FIPS mode, only use FIPS-compliant algorithms to generate the SSH key. The key must be either RSA or ECDSA.

  3. Add your SSH private key to the ssh-agent:

    $ ssh-add <path>/<file_name> 1

    Example output

    Identity added: /home/<you>/<path>/<file_name> (<computer_name>)

    Specify the path and file name for your SSH private key, such as ~/.ssh/id_rsa

Next steps

  • When you install OpenShift Container Platform, provide the SSH public key to the installation program.

2.6.6. Creating the installation configuration file

You can customize the OpenShift Container Platform cluster you install on Amazon Web Services (AWS).


  • Obtain the OpenShift Container Platform installation program and the pull secret for your cluster. For a restricted network installation, these files are on your mirror host.
  • Have the imageContentSources values that were generated during mirror registry creation.
  • Obtain the contents of the certificate for your mirror registry.


  1. Create the install-config.yaml file.

    1. Change to the directory that contains the installation program and run the following command:

      $ ./openshift-install create install-config --dir <installation_directory> 1
      For <installation_directory>, specify the directory name to store the files that the installation program creates.

      Specify an empty directory. Some installation assets, like bootstrap X.509 certificates have short expiration intervals, so you must not reuse an installation directory. If you want to reuse individual files from another cluster installation, you can copy them into your directory. However, the file names for the installation assets might change between releases. Use caution when copying installation files from an earlier OpenShift Container Platform version.

    2. At the prompts, provide the configuration details for your cloud:

      1. Optional: Select an SSH key to use to access your cluster machines.


        For production OpenShift Container Platform clusters on which you want to perform installation debugging or disaster recovery, specify an SSH key that your ssh-agent process uses.

      2. Select AWS as the platform to target.
      3. If you do not have an Amazon Web Services (AWS) profile stored on your computer, enter the AWS access key ID and secret access key for the user that you configured to run the installation program.
      4. Select the AWS region to deploy the cluster to.
      5. Select the base domain for the Route 53 service that you configured for your cluster.
      6. Enter a descriptive name for your cluster.
      7. Paste the pull secret from the Red Hat OpenShift Cluster Manager.
  2. Edit the install-config.yaml file to provide the additional information that is required for an installation in a restricted network.

    1. Update the pullSecret value to contain the authentication information for your registry:

      pullSecret: '{"auths":{"<mirror_host_name>:5000": {"auth": "<credentials>","email": ""}}}'

      For <mirror_host_name>, specify the registry domain name that you specified in the certificate for your mirror registry, and for <credentials>, specify the base64-encoded user name and password for your mirror registry.

    2. Add the additionalTrustBundle parameter and value.

      additionalTrustBundle: |
        -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
        -----END CERTIFICATE-----

      The value must be the contents of the certificate file that you used for your mirror registry, which can be an existing, trusted certificate authority or the self-signed certificate that you generated for the mirror registry.

    3. Define the subnets for the VPC to install the cluster in:

      - subnet-1
      - subnet-2
      - subnet-3
    4. Add the image content resources, which look like this excerpt:

      - mirrors:
        - <mirror_host_name>:5000/<repo_name>/release
      - mirrors:
        - <mirror_host_name>:5000/<repo_name>/release

      To complete these values, use the imageContentSources that you recorded during mirror registry creation.

  3. Make any other modifications to the install-config.yaml file that you require. You can find more information about the available parameters in the Installation configuration parameters section.
  4. Back up the install-config.yaml file so that you can use it to install multiple clusters.


    The install-config.yaml file is consumed during the installation process. If you want to reuse the file, you must back it up now. Installation configuration parameters

Before you deploy an OpenShift Container Platform cluster, you provide parameter values to describe your account on the cloud platform that hosts your cluster and optionally customize your cluster’s platform. When you create the install-config.yaml installation configuration file, you provide values for the required parameters through the command line. If you customize your cluster, you can modify the install-config.yaml file to provide more details about the platform.


After installation, you cannot modify these parameters in the install-config.yaml file.


The openshift-install command does not validate field names for parameters. If an incorrect name is specified, the related file or object is not created, and no error is reported. Ensure that the field names for any parameters that are specified are correct. Required configuration parameters

Required installation configuration parameters are described in the following table:

Table 2.14. Required parameters


The API version for the install-config.yaml content. The current version is v1. The installer may also support older API versions.



The base domain of your cloud provider. The base domain is used to create routes to your OpenShift Container Platform cluster components. The full DNS name for your cluster is a combination of the baseDomain and parameter values that uses the <>.<baseDomain> format.

A fully-qualified domain or subdomain name, such as


Kubernetes resource ObjectMeta, from which only the name parameter is consumed.


The name of the cluster. DNS records for the cluster are all subdomains of {{}}.{{.baseDomain}}.

String of lowercase letters, hyphens (-), and periods (.), such as dev.


The configuration for the specific platform upon which to perform the installation: aws, baremetal, azure, openstack, ovirt, vsphere. For additional information about platform.<platform> parameters, consult the following table for your specific platform.



Get a pull secret from the Red Hat OpenShift Cluster Manager to authenticate downloading container images for OpenShift Container Platform components from services such as

} Network configuration parameters

You can customize your installation configuration based on the requirements of your existing network infrastructure. For example, you can expand the IP address block for the cluster network or provide different IP address blocks than the defaults.

Only IPv4 addresses are supported.

Table 2.15. Network parameters


The configuration for the cluster network.



You cannot modify parameters specified by the networking object after installation.


The cluster network provider Container Network Interface (CNI) plug-in to install.

Either OpenShiftSDN or OVNKubernetes. The default value is OpenShiftSDN.


The IP address blocks for pods.

The default value is with a host prefix of /23.

If you specify multiple IP address blocks, the blocks must not overlap.

An array of objects. For example:

  - cidr:
    hostPrefix: 23


Required if you use networking.clusterNetwork. An IP address block.

An IPv4 network.

An IP address block in Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) notation. The prefix length for an IPv4 block is between 0 and 32.


The subnet prefix length to assign to each individual node. For example, if hostPrefix is set to 23 then each node is assigned a /23 subnet out of the given cidr. A hostPrefix value of 23 provides 510 (2^(32 - 23) - 2) pod IP addresses.

A subnet prefix.

The default value is 23.


The IP address block for services. The default value is

The OpenShift SDN and OVN-Kubernetes network providers support only a single IP address block for the service network.

An array with an IP address block in CIDR format. For example:



The IP address blocks for machines.

If you specify multiple IP address blocks, the blocks must not overlap.

An array of objects. For example:

  - cidr:


Required if you use networking.machineNetwork. An IP address block. The default value is for all platforms other than libvirt. For libvirt, the default value is

An IP network block in CIDR notation.

For example,


Set the networking.machineNetwork to match the CIDR that the preferred NIC resides in. Optional configuration parameters

Optional installation configuration parameters are described in the following table:

Table 2.16. Optional parameters


A PEM-encoded X.509 certificate bundle that is added to the nodes' trusted certificate store. This trust bundle may also be used when a proxy has been configured.



The configuration for the machines that comprise the compute nodes.

Array of machine-pool objects. For details, see the following "Machine-pool" table.


Determines the instruction set architecture of the machines in the pool. Currently, heteregeneous clusters are not supported, so all pools must specify the same architecture. Valid values are amd64 (the default).



Whether to enable or disable simultaneous multithreading, or hyperthreading, on compute machines. By default, simultaneous multithreading is enabled to increase the performance of your machines' cores.


If you disable simultaneous multithreading, ensure that your capacity planning accounts for the dramatically decreased machine performance.

Enabled or Disabled

Required if you use compute. The name of the machine pool.



Required if you use compute. Use this parameter to specify the cloud provider to host the worker machines. This parameter value must match the controlPlane.platform parameter value.

aws, azure, gcp, openstack, ovirt, vsphere, or {}


The number of compute machines, which are also known as worker machines, to provision.

A positive integer greater than or equal to 2. The default value is 3.


The configuration for the machines that comprise the control plane.

Array of MachinePool objects. For details, see the following "Machine-pool" table.


Determines the instruction set architecture of the machines in the pool. Currently, heterogeneous clusters are not supported, so all pools must specify the same architecture. Valid values are amd64 (the default).



Whether to enable or disable simultaneous multithreading, or hyperthreading, on control plane machines. By default, simultaneous multithreading is enabled to increase the performance of your machines' cores.


If you disable simultaneous multithreading, ensure that your capacity planning accounts for the dramatically decreased machine performance.

Enabled or Disabled

Required if you use controlPlane. The name of the machine pool.



Required if you use controlPlane. Use this parameter to specify the cloud provider that hosts the control plane machines. This parameter value must match the compute.platform parameter value.

aws, azure, gcp, openstack, ovirt, vsphere, or {}


The number of control plane machines to provision.

The only supported value is 3, which is the default value.


The Cloud Credential Operator (CCO) mode. If no mode is specified, the CCO dynamically tries to determine the capabilities of the provided credentials, with a preference for mint mode on the platforms where multiple modes are supported.


Not all CCO modes are supported for all cloud providers. For more information on CCO modes, see the Cloud Credential Operator entry in the Red Hat Operators reference content.

Mint, Passthrough, Manual, or an empty string ("").


Enable or disable FIPS mode. The default is false (disabled). If FIPS mode is enabled, the Red Hat Enterprise Linux CoreOS (RHCOS) machines that OpenShift Container Platform runs on bypass the default Kubernetes cryptography suite and use the cryptography modules that are provided with RHCOS instead.


The use of FIPS Validated / Modules in Process cryptographic libraries is only supported on OpenShift Container Platform deployments on the x86_64 architecture.


If you are using Azure File storage, you cannot enable FIPS mode.

false or true


Sources and repositories for the release-image content.

Array of objects. Includes a source and, optionally, mirrors, as described in the following rows of this table.


Required if you use imageContentSources. Specify the repository that users refer to, for example, in image pull specifications.



Specify one or more repositories that may also contain the same images.

Array of strings


How to publish or expose the user-facing endpoints of your cluster, such as the Kubernetes API, OpenShift routes.

Internal or External. To deploy a private cluster, which cannot be accessed from the internet, set publish to Internal. The default value is External.


The SSH key or keys to authenticate access your cluster machines.


For production OpenShift Container Platform clusters on which you want to perform installation debugging or disaster recovery, specify an SSH key that your ssh-agent process uses.

One or more keys. For example:

  <key3> Optional AWS configuration parameters

Optional AWS configuration parameters are described in the following table:

Table 2.17. Optional AWS parameters

The AWS AMI used to boot compute machines for the cluster. This is required for regions that require a custom RHCOS AMI.

Any published or custom RHCOS AMI that belongs to the set AWS region.

The Input/Output Operations Per Second (IOPS) that is reserved for the root volume.

Integer, for example 4000.

The size in GiB of the root volume.

Integer, for example 500.

The type of the root volume.

Valid AWS EBS volume type, such as io1.

The Amazon Resource Name (key ARN) of a KMS key. This is required to encrypt OS volumes of worker nodes with a specific KMS key.

Valid key ID or the key ARN.

The EC2 instance type for the compute machines.

Valid AWS instance type, such as c5.9xlarge.

The availability zones where the installation program creates machines for the compute machine pool. If you provide your own VPC, you must provide a subnet in that availability zone.

A list of valid AWS availability zones, such as us-east-1c, in a YAML sequence.

The AWS region that the installation program creates compute resources in.

Any valid AWS region, such as us-east-1.

The AWS AMI used to boot control plane machines for the cluster. This is required for regions that require a custom RHCOS AMI.

Any published or custom RHCOS AMI that belongs to the set AWS region.

The Amazon Resource Name (key ARN) of a KMS key. This is required to encrypt OS volumes of control plane nodes with a specific KMS key.

Valid key ID and the key ARN.

The EC2 instance type for the control plane machines.

Valid AWS instance type, such as c5.9xlarge.

The availability zones where the installation program creates machines for the control plane machine pool.

A list of valid AWS availability zones, such as us-east-1c, in a YAML sequence.

The AWS region that the installation program creates control plane resources in.

Valid AWS region, such as us-east-1.

The AWS AMI used to boot all machines for the cluster. If set, the AMI must belong to the same region as the cluster. This is required for regions that require a custom RHCOS AMI.

Any published or custom RHCOS AMI that belongs to the set AWS region.

The AWS service endpoint name. Custom endpoints are only required for cases where alternative AWS endpoints, like FIPS, must be used. Custom API endpoints can be specified for EC2, S3, IAM, Elastic Load Balancing, Tagging, Route 53, and STS AWS services.

Valid AWS service endpoint name.

The AWS service endpoint URL. The URL must use the https protocol and the host must trust the certificate.

Valid AWS service endpoint URL.

A map of keys and values that the installation program adds as tags to all resources that it creates.

Any valid YAML map, such as key value pairs in the <key>: <value> format. For more information about AWS tags, see Tagging Your Amazon EC2 Resources in the AWS documentation.

If you provide the VPC instead of allowing the installation program to create the VPC for you, specify the subnet for the cluster to use. The subnet must be part of the same machineNetwork[].cidr ranges that you specify. For a standard cluster, specify a public and a private subnet for each availability zone. For a private cluster, specify a private subnet for each availability zone.

Valid subnet IDs. Sample customized install-config.yaml file for AWS

You can customize the install-config.yaml file to specify more details about your OpenShift Container Platform cluster’s platform or modify the values of the required parameters.


This sample YAML file is provided for reference only. You must obtain your install-config.yaml file by using the installation program and modify it.

apiVersion: v1
baseDomain: 1
credentialsMode: Mint 2
controlPlane: 3 4
  hyperthreading: Enabled 5
  name: master
      - us-west-2a
      - us-west-2b
        iops: 4000
        size: 500
        type: io1 6
      type: m5.xlarge
  replicas: 3
compute: 7
- hyperthreading: Enabled 8
  name: worker
        iops: 2000
        size: 500
        type: io1 9
      type: c5.4xlarge
      - us-west-2c
  replicas: 3
  name: test-cluster 10
  - cidr:
    hostPrefix: 23
  - cidr:
  networkType: OpenShiftSDN
    region: us-west-2 11
      adminContact: jdoe
      costCenter: 7536
    subnets: 12
    - subnet-1
    - subnet-2
    - subnet-3
    amiID: ami-96c6f8f7 13
    serviceEndpoints: 14
      - name: ec2
    hostedZone: Z3URY6TWQ91KVV 15
fips: false 16
sshKey: ssh-ed25519 AAAA... 17
pullSecret: '{"auths":{"<local_registry>": {"auth": "<credentials>","email": ""}}}' 18
additionalTrustBundle: | 19
    -----END CERTIFICATE-----
imageContentSources: 20
- mirrors:
  - <local_registry>/<local_repository_name>/release
- mirrors:
  - <local_registry>/<local_repository_name>/release
1 10 11
Required. The installation program prompts you for this value.
Optional: Add this parameter to force the Cloud Credential Operator (CCO) to use the specified mode, instead of having the CCO dynamically try to determine the capabilities of the credentials. For details about CCO modes, see the Cloud Credential Operator entry in the Red Hat Operators reference content.
3 7
If you do not provide these parameters and values, the installation program provides the default value.
The controlPlane section is a single mapping, but the compute section is a sequence of mappings. To meet the requirements of the different data structures, the first line of the compute section must begin with a hyphen, -, and the first line of the controlPlane section must not. Only one control plane pool is used.
5 8
Whether to enable or disable simultaneous multithreading, or hyperthreading. By default, simultaneous multithreading is enabled to increase the performance of your machines' cores. You can disable it by setting the parameter value to Disabled. If you disable simultaneous multithreading in some cluster machines, you must disable it in all cluster machines.

If you disable simultaneous multithreading, ensure that your capacity planning accounts for the dramatically decreased machine performance. Use larger instance types, such as m4.2xlarge or m5.2xlarge, for your machines if you disable simultaneous multithreading.

6 9
To configure faster storage for etcd, especially for larger clusters, set the storage type as io1 and set iops to 2000.
If you provide your own VPC, specify subnets for each availability zone that your cluster uses.
The ID of the AMI used to boot machines for the cluster. If set, the AMI must belong to the same region as the cluster.
The AWS service endpoints. Custom endpoints are required when installing to an unknown AWS region. The endpoint URL must use the https protocol and the host must trust the certificate.
The ID of your existing Route 53 private hosted zone. Providing an existing hosted zone requires that you supply your own VPC and the hosted zone is already associated with the VPC prior to installing your cluster. If undefined, the installation program creates a new hosted zone.
Whether to enable or disable FIPS mode. By default, FIPS mode is not enabled. If FIPS mode is enabled, the Red Hat Enterprise Linux CoreOS (RHCOS) machines that OpenShift Container Platform runs on bypass the default Kubernetes cryptography suite and use the cryptography modules that are provided with RHCOS instead.

The use of FIPS Validated / Modules in Process cryptographic libraries is only supported on OpenShift Container Platform deployments on the x86_64 architecture.

You can optionally provide the sshKey value that you use to access the machines in your cluster.

For production OpenShift Container Platform clusters on which you want to perform installation debugging or disaster recovery, specify an SSH key that your ssh-agent process uses.

For <local_registry>, specify the registry domain name, and optionally the port, that your mirror registry uses to serve content. For example or For <credentials>, specify the base64-encoded user name and password for your mirror registry.
Provide the contents of the certificate file that you used for your mirror registry.
Provide the imageContentSources section from the output of the command to mirror the repository. Configuring the cluster-wide proxy during installation

Production environments can deny direct access to the Internet and instead have an HTTP or HTTPS proxy available. You can configure a new OpenShift Container Platform cluster to use a proxy by configuring the proxy settings in the install-config.yaml file.


  • You have an existing install-config.yaml file.
  • You reviewed the sites that your cluster requires access to and determined whether any of them need to bypass the proxy. By default, all cluster egress traffic is proxied, including calls to hosting cloud provider APIs. You added sites to the Proxy object’s spec.noProxy field to bypass the proxy if necessary.


    The Proxy object status.noProxy field is populated with the values of the networking.machineNetwork[].cidr, networking.clusterNetwork[].cidr, and networking.serviceNetwork[] fields from your installation configuration.

    For installations on Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Microsoft Azure, and Red Hat OpenStack Platform (RHOSP), the Proxy object status.noProxy field is also populated with the instance metadata endpoint (

  • If your cluster is on AWS, you added the ec2.<region>, elasticloadbalancing.<region>, and s3.<region> endpoints to your VPC endpoint. These endpoints are required to complete requests from the nodes to the AWS EC2 API. Because the proxy works on the container level, not the node level, you must route these requests to the AWS EC2 API through the AWS private network. Adding the public IP address of the EC2 API to your allowlist in your proxy server is not sufficient.


  1. Edit your install-config.yaml file and add the proxy settings. For example:

    apiVersion: v1
      httpProxy: http://<username>:<pswd>@<ip>:<port> 1
      httpsProxy: https://<username>:<pswd>@<ip>:<port> 2
      noProxy: 3
    additionalTrustBundle: | 4
        -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
        -----END CERTIFICATE-----
    A proxy URL to use for creating HTTP connections outside the cluster. The URL scheme must be http.
    A proxy URL to use for creating HTTPS connections outside the cluster.
    A comma-separated list of destination domain names, IP addresses, or other network CIDRs to exclude from proxying. Preface a domain with . to match subdomains only. For example, matches, but not Use * to bypass the proxy for all destinations.
    If provided, the installation program generates a config map that is named user-ca-bundle in the openshift-config namespace to hold the additional CA certificates. If you provide additionalTrustBundle and at least one proxy setting, the Proxy object is configured to reference the user-ca-bundle config map in the trustedCA field. The Cluster Network Operator then creates a trusted-ca-bundle config map that merges the contents specified for the trustedCA parameter with the RHCOS trust bundle. The additionalTrustBundle field is required unless the proxy’s identity certificate is signed by an authority from the RHCOS trust bundle.

    The installation program does not support the proxy readinessEndpoints field.

  2. Save the file and reference it when installing OpenShift Container Platform.

The installation program creates a cluster-wide proxy that is named cluster that uses the proxy settings in the provided install-config.yaml file. If no proxy settings are provided, a cluster Proxy object is still created, but it will have a nil spec.


Only the Proxy object named cluster is supported, and no additional proxies can be created.

2.6.7. Deploying the cluster

You can install OpenShift Container Platform on a compatible cloud platform.


You can run the create cluster command of the installation program only once, during initial installation.


  • Configure an account with the cloud platform that hosts your cluster.
  • Obtain the OpenShift Container Platform installation program and the pull secret for your cluster.


  1. Change to the directory that contains the installation program and initialize the cluster deployment:

    $ ./openshift-install create cluster --dir <installation_directory> \ 1
        --log-level=info 2
    For <installation_directory>, specify the location of your customized ./install-config.yaml file.
    To view different installation details, specify warn, debug, or error instead of info.

    If the cloud provider account that you configured on your host does not have sufficient permissions to deploy the cluster, the installation process stops, and the missing permissions are displayed.

    When the cluster deployment completes, directions for accessing your cluster, including a link to its web console and credentials for the kubeadmin user, display in your terminal.

    Example output

    INFO Install complete!
    INFO To access the cluster as the system:admin user when using 'oc', run 'export KUBECONFIG=/home/myuser/install_dir/auth/kubeconfig'
    INFO Access the OpenShift web-console here:
    INFO Login to the console with user: "kubeadmin", and password: "4vYBz-Ee6gm-ymBZj-Wt5AL"
    INFO Time elapsed: 36m22s


    The cluster access and credential information also outputs to <installation_directory>/.openshift_install.log when an installation succeeds.

    • The Ignition config files that the installation program generates contain certificates that expire after 24 hours, which are then renewed at that time. If the cluster is shut down before renewing the certificates and the cluster is later restarted after the 24 hours have elapsed, the cluster automatically recovers the expired certificates. The exception is that you must manually approve the pending node-bootstrapper certificate signing requests (CSRs) to recover kubelet certificates. See the documentation for Recovering from expired control plane certificates for more information.
    • It is recommended that you use Ignition config files within 12 hours after they are generated because the 24-hour certificate rotates from 16 to 22 hours after the cluster is installed. By using the Ignition config files within 12 hours, you can avoid installation failure if the certificate update runs during installation.

    You must not delete the installation program or the files that the installation program creates. Both are required to delete the cluster.

  2. Optional: Remove or disable the AdministratorAccess policy from the IAM account that you used to install the cluster.


    The elevated permissions provided by the AdministratorAccess policy are required only during installation.

2.6.8. Installing the OpenShift CLI by downloading the binary

You can install the OpenShift CLI (oc) in order to interact with OpenShift Container Platform from a command-line interface. You can install oc on Linux, Windows, or macOS.


If you installed an earlier version of oc, you cannot use it to complete all of the commands in OpenShift Container Platform 4.6. Download and install the new version of oc. Installing the OpenShift CLI on Linux

You can install the OpenShift CLI (oc) binary on Linux by using the following procedure.


  1. Navigate to the OpenShift Container Platform downloads page on the Red Hat Customer Portal.
  2. Select the appropriate version in the Version drop-down menu.
  3. Click Download Now next to the OpenShift v4.6 Linux Client entry and save the file.
  4. Unpack the archive:

    $ tar xvzf <file>
  5. Place the oc binary in a directory that is on your PATH.

    To check your PATH, execute the following command:

    $ echo $PATH

After you install the OpenShift CLI, it is available using the oc command:

$ oc <command> Installing the OpenShift CLI on Windows

You can install the OpenShift CLI (oc) binary on Windows by using the following procedure.


  1. Navigate to the OpenShift Container Platform downloads page on the Red Hat Customer Portal.
  2. Select the appropriate version in the Version drop-down menu.
  3. Click Download Now next to the OpenShift v4.6 Windows Client entry and save the file.
  4. Unzip the archive with a ZIP program.
  5. Move the oc binary to a directory that is on your PATH.

    To check your PATH, open the command prompt and execute the following command:

    C:\> path

After you install the OpenShift CLI, it is available using the oc command:

C:\> oc <command> Installing the OpenShift CLI on macOS

You can install the OpenShift CLI (oc) binary on macOS by using the following procedure.


  1. Navigate to the OpenShift Container Platform downloads page on the Red Hat Customer Portal.
  2. Select the appropriate version in the Version drop-down menu.
  3. Click Download Now next to the OpenShift v4.6 MacOSX Client entry and save the file.
  4. Unpack and unzip the archive.
  5. Move the oc binary to a directory on your PATH.

    To check your PATH, open a terminal and execute the following command:

    $ echo $PATH

After you install the OpenShift CLI, it is available using the oc command:

$ oc <command>

2.6.9. Logging in to the cluster by using the CLI

You can log in to your cluster as a default system user by exporting the cluster kubeconfig file. The kubeconfig file contains information about the cluster that is used by the CLI to connect a client to the correct cluster and API server. The file is specific to a cluster and is created during OpenShift Container Platform installation.


  • You deployed an OpenShift Container Platform cluster.
  • You installed the oc CLI.


  1. Export the kubeadmin credentials:

    $ export KUBECONFIG=<installation_directory>/auth/kubeconfig 1
    For <installation_directory>, specify the path to the directory that you stored the installation files in.
  2. Verify you can run oc commands successfully using the exported configuration:

    $ oc whoami

    Example output


2.6.10. Disabling the default OperatorHub sources

Operator catalogs that source content provided by Red Hat and community projects are configured for OperatorHub by default during an OpenShift Container Platform installation. In a restricted network environment, you must disable the default catalogs as a cluster administrator.


  • Disable the sources for the default catalogs by adding disableAllDefaultSources: true to the OperatorHub object:

    $ oc patch OperatorHub cluster --type json \
        -p '[{"op": "add", "path": "/spec/disableAllDefaultSources", "value": true}]'

Alternatively, you can use the web console to manage catalog sources. From the Administration Cluster Settings Global Configuration OperatorHub page, click the Sources tab, where you can create, delete, disable, and enable individual sources.

2.6.11. Telemetry access for OpenShift Container Platform

In OpenShift Container Platform 4.6, the Telemetry service, which runs by default to provide metrics about cluster health and the success of updates, requires internet access. If your cluster is connected to the internet, Telemetry runs automatically, and your cluster is registered to OpenShift Cluster Manager.

After you confirm that your OpenShift Cluster Manager inventory is correct, either maintained automatically by Telemetry or manually by using OpenShift Cluster Manager, use subscription watch to track your OpenShift Container Platform subscriptions at the account or multi-cluster level.

Additional resources

2.6.12. Next steps

2.7. Installing a cluster on AWS into an existing VPC

In OpenShift Container Platform version 4.6, you can install a cluster into an existing Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) on Amazon Web Services (AWS). The installation program provisions the rest of the required infrastructure, which you can further customize. To customize the installation, you modify parameters in the install-config.yaml file before you install the cluster.

2.7.1. Prerequisites

  • Review details about the OpenShift Container Platform installation and update processes.
  • Configure an AWS account to host the cluster.


    If you have an AWS profile stored on your computer, it must not use a temporary session token that you generated while using a multi-factor authentication device. The cluster continues to use your current AWS credentials to create AWS resources for the entire life of the cluster, so you must use long-lived credentials. To generate appropriate keys, see Managing Access Keys for IAM Users in the AWS documentation. You can supply the keys when you run the installation program.

  • If you use a firewall, you must configure it to allow the sites that your cluster requires access to.
  • If you do not allow the system to manage identity and access management (IAM), then a cluster administrator can manually create and maintain IAM credentials. Manual mode can also be used in environments where the cloud IAM APIs are not reachable.

2.7.2. About using a custom VPC

In OpenShift Container Platform 4.6, you can deploy a cluster into existing subnets in an existing Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) in Amazon Web Services (AWS). By deploying OpenShift Container Platform into an existing AWS VPC, you might be able to avoid limit constraints in new accounts or more easily abide by the operational constraints that your company’s guidelines set. If you cannot obtain the infrastructure creation permissions that are required to create the VPC yourself, use this installation option.

Because the installation program cannot know what other components are also in your existing subnets, it cannot choose subnet CIDRs and so forth on your behalf. You must configure networking for the subnets that you install your cluster to yourself. Requirements for using your VPC

The installation program no longer creates the following components:

  • Internet gateways
  • NAT gateways
  • Subnets
  • Route tables
  • VPCs
  • VPC DHCP options
  • VPC endpoints

The installation program requires that you use the cloud-provided DNS server. Using a custom DNS server is not supported and causes the installation to fail.

If you use a custom VPC, you must correctly configure it and its subnets for the installation program and the cluster to use. See Amazon VPC console wizard configurations and Work with VPCs and subnets in the AWS documentation for more information on creating and managing an AWS VPC.

The installation program cannot:

  • Subdivide network ranges for the cluster to use.
  • Set route tables for the subnets.
  • Set VPC options like DHCP.

You must complete these tasks before you install the cluster. See VPC networking components and Route tables for your VPC for more information on configuring networking in an AWS VPC.

Your VPC must meet the following characteristics:

  • Create a public and private subnet for each availability zone that your cluster uses. Each availability zone can contain no more than one public and one private subnet. For an example of this type of configuration, see VPC with public and private subnets (NAT) in the AWS documentation.

    Record each subnet ID. Completing the installation requires that you enter these values in the platform section of the install-config.yaml file. See Finding a subnet ID in the AWS documentation.

  • The VPC’s CIDR block must contain the Networking.MachineCIDR range, which is the IP address pool for cluster machines. The subnet CIDR blocks must belong to the machine CIDR that you specify.
  • The VPC must have a public internet gateway attached to it. For each availability zone:

    • The public subnet requires a route to the internet gateway.
    • The public subnet requires a NAT gateway with an EIP address.
    • The private subnet requires a route to the NAT gateway in public subnet.
  • The VPC must not use the*: owned tag.

    The installation program modifies your subnets to add the*: shared tag, so your subnets must have at least one free tag slot available for it. See Tag Restrictions in the AWS documentation to confirm that the installation program can add a tag to each subnet that you specify.

  • You must enable the enableDnsSupport and enableDnsHostnames attributes in your VPC, so that the cluster can use the Route 53 zones that are attached to the VPC to resolve cluster’s internal DNS records. See DNS Support in Your VPC in the AWS documentation.

    If you prefer to use your own Route 53 hosted private zone, you must associate the existing hosted zone with your VPC prior to installing a cluster. You can define your hosted zone using the field in the install-config.yaml file.

If you are working in a disconnected environment, you are unable to reach the public IP addresses for EC2 and ELB endpoints. To resolve this, you must create a VPC endpoint and attach it to the subnet that the clusters are using. The endpoints should be named as follows:

  • ec2.<region>
  • elasticloadbalancing.<region>
  • s3.<region>

Required VPC components

You must provide a suitable VPC and subnets that allow communication to your machines.

ComponentAWS typeDescription


  • AWS::EC2::VPC
  • AWS::EC2::VPCEndpoint

You must provide a public VPC for the cluster to use. The VPC uses an endpoint that references the route tables for each subnet to improve communication with the registry that is hosted in S3.

Public subnets

  • AWS::EC2::Subnet
  • AWS::EC2::SubnetNetworkAclAssociation

Your VPC must have public subnets for between 1 and 3 availability zones and associate them with appropriate Ingress rules.

Internet gateway

  • AWS::EC2::InternetGateway
  • AWS::EC2::VPCGatewayAttachment
  • AWS::EC2::RouteTable
  • AWS::EC2::Route
  • AWS::EC2::SubnetRouteTableAssociation
  • AWS::EC2::NatGateway
  • AWS::EC2::EIP

You must have a public Internet gateway, with public routes, attached to the VPC. In the provided templates, each public subnet has a NAT gateway with an EIP address. These NAT gateways allow cluster resources, like private subnet instances, to reach the Internet and are not required for some restricted network or proxy scenarios.

Network access control

  • AWS::EC2::NetworkAcl
  • AWS::EC2::NetworkAclEntry

You must allow the VPC to access the following ports:




Inbound HTTP traffic


Inbound HTTPS traffic


Inbound SSH traffic

1024 - 65535

Inbound ephemeral traffic

0 - 65535

Outbound ephemeral traffic

Private subnets

  • AWS::EC2::Subnet
  • AWS::EC2::RouteTable
  • AWS::EC2::SubnetRouteTableAssociation

Your VPC can have private subnets. The provided CloudFormation templates can create private subnets for between 1 and 3 availability zones. If you use private subnets, you must provide appropriate routes and tables for them. VPC validation

To ensure that the subnets that you provide are suitable, the installation program confirms the following data:

  • All the subnets that you specify exist.
  • You provide private subnets.
  • The subnet CIDRs belong to the machine CIDR that you specified.
  • You provide subnets for each availability zone. Each availability zone contains no more than one public and one private subnet. If you use a private cluster, provide only a private subnet for each availability zone. Otherwise, provide exactly one public and private subnet for each availability zone.
  • You provide a public subnet for each private subnet availability zone. Machines are not provisioned in availability zones that you do not provide private subnets for.

If you destroy a cluster that uses an existing VPC, the VPC is not deleted. When you remove the OpenShift Container Platform cluster from a VPC, the*: shared tag is removed from the subnets that it used. Division of permissions

Starting with OpenShift Container Platform 4.3, you do not need all of the permissions that are required for an installation program-provisioned infrastructure cluster to deploy a cluster. This change mimics the division of permissions that you might have at your company: some individuals can create different resource in your clouds than others. For example, you might be able to create application-specific items, like instances, buckets, and load balancers, but not networking-related components such as VPCs, subnets, or ingress rules.

The AWS credentials that you use when you create your cluster do not need the networking permissions that are required to make VPCs and core networking components within the VPC, such as subnets, routing tables, Internet gateways, NAT, and VPN. You still need permission to make the application resources that the machines within the cluster require, such as ELBs, security groups, S3 buckets, and nodes. Isolation between clusters

If you deploy OpenShift Container Platform to an existing network, the isolation of cluster services is reduced in the following ways:

  • You can install multiple OpenShift Container Platform clusters in the same VPC.
  • ICMP ingress is allowed from the entire network.
  • TCP 22 ingress (SSH) is allowed to the entire network.
  • Control plane TCP 6443 ingress (Kubernetes API) is allowed to the entire network.
  • Control plane TCP 22623 ingress (MCS) is allowed to the entire network.

2.7.3. Internet access for OpenShift Container Platform

In OpenShift Container Platform 4.6, you require access to the Internet to install your cluster.

You must have Internet access to:

  • Access OpenShift Cluster Manager to download the installation program and perform subscription management. If the cluster has internet access and you do not disable Telemetry, that service automatically entitles your cluster.
  • Access to obtain the packages that are required to install your cluster.
  • Obtain the packages that are required to perform cluster updates.

If your cluster cannot have direct Internet access, you can perform a restricted network installation on some types of infrastructure that you provision. During that process, you download the content that is required and use it to populate a mirror registry with the packages that you need to install a cluster and generate the installation program. With some installation types, the environment that you install your cluster in will not require Internet access. Before you update the cluster, you update the content of the mirror registry.

2.7.4. Generating an SSH private key and adding it to the agent

If you want to perform installation debugging or disaster recovery on your cluster, you must provide an SSH key to both your ssh-agent and the installation program. You can use this key to access the bootstrap machine in a public cluster to troubleshoot installation issues.


In a production environment, you require disaster recovery and debugging.

You can use this key to SSH into the master nodes as the user core. When you deploy the cluster, the key is added to the core user’s ~/.ssh/authorized_keys list.


You must use a local key, not one that you configured with platform-specific approaches such as AWS key pairs.


  1. If you do not have an SSH key that is configured for password-less authentication on your computer, create one. For example, on a computer that uses a Linux operating system, run the following command:

    $ ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -N '' \
        -f <path>/<file_name> 1
    Specify the path and file name, such as ~/.ssh/id_rsa, of the new SSH key. If you have an existing key pair, ensure your public key is in the your ~/.ssh directory.

    Running this command generates an SSH key that does not require a password in the location that you specified.


    If you plan to install an OpenShift Container Platform cluster that uses FIPS Validated / Modules in Process cryptographic libraries on the x86_64 architecture, do not create a key that uses the ed25519 algorithm. Instead, create a key that uses the rsa or ecdsa algorithm.

  2. Start the ssh-agent process as a background task:

    $ eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"

    Example output

    Agent pid 31874


    If your cluster is in FIPS mode, only use FIPS-compliant algorithms to generate the SSH key. The key must be either RSA or ECDSA.

  3. Add your SSH private key to the ssh-agent:

    $ ssh-add <path>/<file_name> 1

    Example output

    Identity added: /home/<you>/<path>/<file_name> (<computer_name>)

    Specify the path and file name for your SSH private key, such as ~/.ssh/id_rsa

Next steps

  • When you install OpenShift Container Platform, provide the SSH public key to the installation program.

2.7.5. Obtaining the installation program

Before you install OpenShift Container Platform, download the installation file on a local computer.


  • You have a computer that runs Linux or macOS, with 500 MB of local disk space


  1. Access the Infrastructure Provider page on the OpenShift Cluster Manager site. If you have a Red Hat account, log in with your credentials. If you do not, create an account.
  2. Select your infrastructure provider.
  3. Navigate to the page for your installation type, download the installation program for your operating system, and place the file in the directory where you will store the installation configuration files.


    The installation program creates several files on the computer that you use to install your cluster. You must keep the installation program and the files that the installation program creates after you finish installing the cluster. Both files are required to delete the cluster.


    Deleting the files created by the installation program does not remove your cluster, even if the cluster failed during installation. To remove your cluster, complete the OpenShift Container Platform uninstallation procedures for your specific cloud provider.

  4. Extract the installation program. For example, on a computer that uses a Linux operating system, run the following command:

    $ tar xvf openshift-install-linux.tar.gz
  5. Download your installation pull secret from the Red Hat OpenShift Cluster Manager. This pull secret allows you to authenticate with the services that are provided by the included authorities, including, which serves the container images for OpenShift Container Platform components.

2.7.6. Creating the installation configuration file

You can customize the OpenShift Container Platform cluster you install on Amazon Web Services (AWS).


  • Obtain the OpenShift Container Platform installation program and the pull secret for your cluster.


  1. Create the install-config.yaml file.

    1. Change to the directory that contains the installation program and run the following command:

      $ ./openshift-install create install-config --dir <installation_directory> 1
      For <installation_directory>, specify the directory name to store the files that the installation program creates.

      Specify an empty directory. Some installation assets, like bootstrap X.509 certificates have short expiration intervals, so you must not reuse an installation directory. If you want to reuse individual files from another cluster installation, you can copy them into your directory. However, the file names for the installation assets might change between releases. Use caution when copying installation files from an earlier OpenShift Container Platform version.

    2. At the prompts, provide the configuration details for your cloud:

      1. Optional: Select an SSH key to use to access your cluster machines.


        For production OpenShift Container Platform clusters on which you want to perform installation debugging or disaster recovery, specify an SSH key that your ssh-agent process uses.

      2. Select AWS as the platform to target.
      3. If you do not have an Amazon Web Services (AWS) profile stored on your computer, enter the AWS access key ID and secret access key for the user that you configured to run the installation program.
      4. Select the AWS region to deploy the cluster to.
      5. Select the base domain for the Route 53 service that you configured for your cluster.
      6. Enter a descriptive name for your cluster.
      7. Paste the pull secret from the Red Hat OpenShift Cluster Manager.
  2. Modify the install-config.yaml file. You can find more information about the available parameters in the Installation configuration parameters section.
  3. Back up the install-config.yaml file so that you can use it to install multiple clusters.


    The install-config.yaml file is consumed during the installation process. If you want to reuse the file, you must back it up now. Installation configuration parameters

Before you deploy an OpenShift Container Platform cluster, you provide parameter values to describe your account on the cloud platform that hosts your cluster and optionally customize your cluster’s platform. When you create the install-config.yaml installation configuration file, you provide values for the required parameters through the command line. If you customize your cluster, you can modify the install-config.yaml file to provide more details about the platform.


After installation, you cannot modify these parameters in the install-config.yaml file.


The openshift-install command does not validate field names for parameters. If an incorrect name is specified, the related file or object is not created, and no error is reported. Ensure that the field names for any parameters that are specified are correct. Required configuration parameters

Required installation configuration parameters are described in the following table:

Table 2.18. Required parameters


The API version for the install-config.yaml content. The current version is v1. The installer may also support older API versions.



The base domain of your cloud provider. The base domain is used to create routes to your OpenShift Container Platform cluster components. The full DNS name for your cluster is a combination of the baseDomain and parameter values that uses the <>.<baseDomain> format.

A fully-qualified domain or subdomain name, such as


Kubernetes resource ObjectMeta, from which only the name parameter is consumed.


The name of the cluster. DNS records for the cluster are all subdomains of {{}}.{{.baseDomain}}.

String of lowercase letters, hyphens (-), and periods (.), such as dev.


The configuration for the specific platform upon which to perform the installation: aws, baremetal, azure, openstack, ovirt, vsphere. For additional information about platform.<platform> parameters, consult the following table for your specific platform.



Get a pull secret from the Red Hat OpenShift Cluster Manager to authenticate downloading container images for OpenShift Container Platform components from services such as

} Network configuration parameters

You can customize your installation configuration based on the requirements of your existing network infrastructure. For example, you can expand the IP address block for the cluster network or provide different IP address blocks than the defaults.

Only IPv4 addresses are supported.

Table 2.19. Network parameters


The configuration for the cluster network.



You cannot modify parameters specified by the networking object after installation.


The cluster network provider Container Network Interface (CNI) plug-in to install.

Either OpenShiftSDN or OVNKubernetes. The default value is OpenShiftSDN.


The IP address blocks for pods.

The default value is with a host prefix of /23.

If you specify multiple IP address blocks, the blocks must not overlap.

An array of objects. For example:

  - cidr:
    hostPrefix: 23


Required if you use networking.clusterNetwork. An IP address block.

An IPv4 network.

An IP address block in Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) notation. The prefix length for an IPv4 block is between 0 and 32.


The subnet prefix length to assign to each individual node. For example, if hostPrefix is set to 23 then each node is assigned a /23 subnet out of the given cidr. A hostPrefix value of 23 provides 510 (2^(32 - 23) - 2) pod IP addresses.

A subnet prefix.

The default value is 23.


The IP address block for services. The default value is

The OpenShift SDN and OVN-Kubernetes network providers support only a single IP address block for the service network.

An array with an IP address block in CIDR format. For example:



The IP address blocks for machines.

If you specify multiple IP address blocks, the blocks must not overlap.

An array of objects. For example:

  - cidr:


Required if you use networking.machineNetwork. An IP address block. The default value is for all platforms other than libvirt. For libvirt, the default value is

An IP network block in CIDR notation.

For example,


Set the networking.machineNetwork to match the CIDR that the preferred NIC resides in. Optional configuration parameters

Optional installation configuration parameters are described in the following table:

Table 2.20. Optional parameters


A PEM-encoded X.509 certificate bundle that is added to the nodes' trusted certificate store. This trust bundle may also be used when a proxy has been configured.



The configuration for the machines that comprise the compute nodes.

Array of machine-pool objects. For details, see the following "Machine-pool" table.


Determines the instruction set architecture of the machines in the pool. Currently, heteregeneous clusters are not supported, so all pools must specify the same architecture. Valid values are amd64 (the default).



Whether to enable or disable simultaneous multithreading, or hyperthreading, on compute machines. By default, simultaneous multithreading is enabled to increase the performance of your machines' cores.


If you disable simultaneous multithreading, ensure that your capacity planning accounts for the dramatically decreased machine performance.

Enabled or Disabled

Required if you use compute. The name of the machine pool.



Required if you use compute. Use this parameter to specify the cloud provider to host the worker machines. This parameter value must match the controlPlane.platform parameter value.

aws, azure, gcp, openstack, ovirt, vsphere, or {}


The number of compute machines, which are also known as worker machines, to provision.

A positive integer greater than or equal to 2. The default value is 3.


The configuration for the machines that comprise the control plane.

Array of MachinePool objects. For details, see the following "Machine-pool" table.


Determines the instruction set architecture of the machines in the pool. Currently, heterogeneous clusters are not supported, so all pools must specify the same architecture. Valid values are amd64 (the default).



Whether to enable or disable simultaneous multithreading, or hyperthreading, on control plane machines. By default, simultaneous multithreading is enabled to increase the performance of your machines' cores.


If you disable simultaneous multithreading, ensure that your capacity planning accounts for the dramatically decreased machine performance.

Enabled or Disabled

Required if you use controlPlane. The name of the machine pool.



Required if you use controlPlane. Use this parameter to specify the cloud provider that hosts the control plane machines. This parameter value must match the compute.platform parameter value.

aws, azure, gcp, openstack, ovirt, vsphere, or {}


The number of control plane machines to provision.

The only supported value is 3, which is the default value.


The Cloud Credential Operator (CCO) mode. If no mode is specified, the CCO dynamically tries to determine the capabilities of the provided credentials, with a preference for mint mode on the platforms where multiple modes are supported.


Not all CCO modes are supported for all cloud providers. For more information on CCO modes, see the Cloud Credential Operator entry in the Red Hat Operators reference content.

Mint, Passthrough, Manual, or an empty string ("").


Enable or disable FIPS mode. The default is false (disabled). If FIPS mode is enabled, the Red Hat Enterprise Linux CoreOS (RHCOS) machines that OpenShift Container Platform runs on bypass the default Kubernetes cryptography suite and use the cryptography modules that are provided with RHCOS instead.


The use of FIPS Validated / Modules in Process cryptographic libraries is only supported on OpenShift Container Platform deployments on the x86_64 architecture.


If you are using Azure File storage, you cannot enable FIPS mode.

false or true


Sources and repositories for the release-image content.

Array of objects. Includes a source and, optionally, mirrors, as described in the following rows of this table.


Required if you use imageContentSources. Specify the repository that users refer to, for example, in image pull specifications.



Specify one or more repositories that may also contain the same images.

Array of strings


How to publish or expose the user-facing endpoints of your cluster, such as the Kubernetes API, OpenShift routes.

Internal or External. To deploy a private cluster, which cannot be accessed from the internet, set publish to Internal. The default value is External.


The SSH key or keys to authenticate access your cluster machines.


For production OpenShift Container Platform clusters on which you want to perform installation debugging or disaster recovery, specify an SSH key that your ssh-agent process uses.

One or more keys. For example:

  <key3> Optional AWS configuration parameters

Optional AWS configuration parameters are described in the following table:

Table 2.21. Optional AWS parameters

The AWS AMI used to boot compute machines for the cluster. This is required for regions that require a custom RHCOS AMI.

Any published or custom RHCOS AMI that belongs to the set AWS region.

The Input/Output Operations Per Second (IOPS) that is reserved for the root volume.

Integer, for example 4000.

The size in GiB of the root volume.

Integer, for example 500.

The type of the root volume.

Valid AWS EBS volume type, such as io1.

The Amazon Resource Name (key ARN) of a KMS key. This is required to encrypt OS volumes of worker nodes with a specific KMS key.

Valid key ID or the key ARN.

The EC2 instance type for the compute machines.

Valid AWS instance type, such as c5.9xlarge.

The availability zones where the installation program creates machines for the compute machine pool. If you provide your own VPC, you must provide a subnet in that availability zone.

A list of valid AWS availability zones, such as us-east-1c, in a YAML sequence.

The AWS region that the installation program creates compute resources in.

Any valid AWS region, such as us-east-1.

The AWS AMI used to boot control plane machines for the cluster. This is required for regions that require a custom RHCOS AMI.

Any published or custom RHCOS AMI that belongs to the set AWS region.

The Amazon Resource Name (key ARN) of a KMS key. This is required to encrypt OS volumes of control plane nodes with a specific KMS key.

Valid key ID and the key ARN.

The EC2 instance type for the control plane machines.

Valid AWS instance type, such as c5.9xlarge.

The availability zones where the installation program creates machines for the control plane machine pool.

A list of valid AWS availability zones, such as us-east-1c, in a YAML sequence.

The AWS region that the installation program creates control plane resources in.

Valid AWS region, such as us-east-1.

The AWS AMI used to boot all machines for the cluster. If set, the AMI must belong to the same region as the cluster. This is required for regions that require a custom RHCOS AMI.

Any published or custom RHCOS AMI that belongs to the set AWS region.

The AWS service endpoint name. Custom endpoints are only required for cases where alternative AWS endpoints, like FIPS, must be used. Custom API endpoints can be specified for EC2, S3, IAM, Elastic Load Balancing, Tagging, Route 53, and STS AWS services.

Valid AWS service endpoint name.

The AWS service endpoint URL. The URL must use the https protocol and the host must trust the certificate.

Valid AWS service endpoint URL.

A map of keys and values that the installation program adds as tags to all resources that it creates.

Any valid YAML map, such as key value pairs in the <key>: <value> format. For more information about AWS tags, see Tagging Your Amazon EC2 Resources in the AWS documentation.

If you provide the VPC instead of allowing the installation program to create the VPC for you, specify the subnet for the cluster to use. The subnet must be part of the same machineNetwork[].cidr ranges that you specify. For a standard cluster, specify a public and a private subnet for each availability zone. For a private cluster, specify a private subnet for each availability zone.

Valid subnet IDs. Sample customized install-config.yaml file for AWS

You can customize the install-config.yaml file to specify more details about your OpenShift Container Platform cluster’s platform or modify the values of the required parameters.


This sample YAML file is provided for reference only. You must obtain your install-config.yaml file by using the installation program and modify it.

apiVersion: v1
baseDomain: 1
credentialsMode: Mint 2
controlPlane: 3 4
  hyperthreading: Enabled 5
  name: master
      - us-west-2a
      - us-west-2b
        iops: 4000
        size: 500
        type: io1 6
      type: m5.xlarge
  replicas: 3
compute: 7
- hyperthreading: Enabled 8
  name: worker
        iops: 2000
        size: 500
        type: io1 9
      type: c5.4xlarge
      - us-west-2c
  replicas: 3
  name: test-cluster 10
  - cidr:
    hostPrefix: 23
  - cidr:
  networkType: OpenShiftSDN
    region: us-west-2 11
      adminContact: jdoe
      costCenter: 7536
    subnets: 12
    - subnet-1
    - subnet-2
    - subnet-3
    amiID: ami-96c6f8f7 13
    serviceEndpoints: 14
      - name: ec2
    hostedZone: Z3URY6TWQ91KVV 15
fips: false 16
sshKey: ssh-ed25519 AAAA... 17
pullSecret: '{"auths": ...}' 18
1 10 11 18
Required. The installation program prompts you for this value.
Optional: Add this parameter to force the Cloud Credential Operator (CCO) to use the specified mode, instead of having the CCO dynamically try to determine the capabilities of the credentials. For details about CCO modes, see the Cloud Credential Operator entry in the Red Hat Operators reference content.
3 7
If you do not provide these parameters and values, the installation program provides the default value.
The controlPlane section is a single mapping, but the compute section is a sequence of mappings. To meet the requirements of the different data structures, the first line of the compute section must begin with a hyphen, -, and the first line of the controlPlane section must not. Only one control plane pool is used.
5 8
Whether to enable or disable simultaneous multithreading, or hyperthreading. By default, simultaneous multithreading is enabled to increase the performance of your machines' cores. You can disable it by setting the parameter value to Disabled. If you disable simultaneous multithreading in some cluster machines, you must disable it in all cluster machines.

If you disable simultaneous multithreading, ensure that your capacity planning accounts for the dramatically decreased machine performance. Use larger instance types, such as m4.2xlarge or m5.2xlarge, for your machines if you disable simultaneous multithreading.

6 9
To configure faster storage for etcd, especially for larger clusters, set the storage type as io1 and set iops to 2000.
If you provide your own VPC, specify subnets for each availability zone that your cluster uses.
The ID of the AMI used to boot machines for the cluster. If set, the AMI must belong to the same region as the cluster.
The AWS service endpoints. Custom endpoints are required when installing to an unknown AWS region. The endpoint URL must use the https protocol and the host must trust the certificate.
The ID of your existing Route 53 private hosted zone. Providing an existing hosted zone requires that you supply your own VPC and the hosted zone is already associated with the VPC prior to installing your cluster. If undefined, the installation program creates a new hosted zone.
Whether to enable or disable FIPS mode. By default, FIPS mode is not enabled. If FIPS mode is enabled, the Red Hat Enterprise Linux CoreOS (RHCOS) machines that OpenShift Container Platform runs on bypass the default Kubernetes cryptography suite and use the cryptography modules that are provided with RHCOS instead.

The use of FIPS Validated / Modules in Process cryptographic libraries is only supported on OpenShift Container Platform deployments on the x86_64 architecture.

You can optionally provide the sshKey value that you use to access the machines in your cluster.

For production OpenShift Container Platform clusters on which you want to perform installation debugging or disaster recovery, specify an SSH key that your ssh-agent process uses. Configuring the cluster-wide proxy during installation

Production environments can deny direct access to the Internet and instead have an HTTP or HTTPS proxy available. You can configure a new OpenShift Container Platform cluster to use a proxy by configuring the proxy settings in the install-config.yaml file.


  • You have an existing install-config.yaml file.
  • You reviewed the sites that your cluster requires access to and determined whether any of them need to bypass the proxy. By default, all cluster egress traffic is proxied, including calls to hosting cloud provider APIs. You added sites to the Proxy object’s spec.noProxy field to bypass the proxy if necessary.


    The Proxy object status.noProxy field is populated with the values of the networking.machineNetwork[].cidr, networking.clusterNetwork[].cidr, and networking.serviceNetwork[] fields from your installation configuration.

    For installations on Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Microsoft Azure, and Red Hat OpenStack Platform (RHOSP), the Proxy object status.noProxy field is also populated with the instance metadata endpoint (

  • If your cluster is on AWS, you added the ec2.<region>, elasticloadbalancing.<region>, and s3.<region> endpoints to your VPC endpoint. These endpoints are required to complete requests from the nodes to the AWS EC2 API. Because the proxy works on the container level, not the node level, you must route these requests to the AWS EC2 API through the AWS private network. Adding the public IP address of the EC2 API to your allowlist in your proxy server is not sufficient.


  1. Edit your install-config.yaml file and add the proxy settings. For example:

    apiVersion: v1
      httpProxy: http://<username>:<pswd>@<ip>:<port> 1
      httpsProxy: https://<username>:<pswd>@<ip>:<port> 2
      noProxy: 3
    additionalTrustBundle: | 4
        -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
        -----END CERTIFICATE-----
    A proxy URL to use for creating HTTP connections outside the cluster. The URL scheme must be http.
    A proxy URL to use for creating HTTPS connections outside the cluster.
    A comma-separated list of destination domain names, IP addresses, or other network CIDRs to exclude from proxying. Preface a domain with . to match subdomains only. For example, matches, but not Use * to bypass the proxy for all destinations.
    If provided, the installation program generates a config map that is named user-ca-bundle in the openshift-config namespace to hold the additional CA certificates. If you provide additionalTrustBundle and at least one proxy setting, the Proxy object is configured to reference the user-ca-bundle config map in the trustedCA field. The Cluster Network Operator then creates a trusted-ca-bundle config map that merges the contents specified for the trustedCA parameter with the RHCOS trust bundle. The additionalTrustBundle field is required unless the proxy’s identity certificate is signed by an authority from the RHCOS trust bundle.

    The installation program does not support the proxy readinessEndpoints field.

  2. Save the file and reference it when installing OpenShift Container Platform.

The installation program creates a cluster-wide proxy that is named cluster that uses the proxy settings in the provided install-config.yaml file. If no proxy settings are provided, a cluster Proxy object is still created, but it will have a nil spec.


Only the Proxy object named cluster is supported, and no additional proxies can be created.

2.7.7. Deploying the cluster

You can install OpenShift Container Platform on a compatible cloud platform.


You can run the create cluster command of the installation program only once, during initial installation.


  • Configure an account with the cloud platform that hosts your cluster.
  • Obtain the OpenShift Container Platform installation program and the pull secret for your cluster.


  1. Change to the directory that contains the installation program and initialize the cluster deployment:

    $ ./openshift-install create cluster --dir <installation_directory> \ 1
        --log-level=info 2
    For <installation_directory>, specify the location of your customized ./install-config.yaml file.
    To view different installation details, specify warn, debug, or error instead of info.

    If the cloud provider account that you configured on your host does not have sufficient permissions to deploy the cluster, the installation process stops, and the missing permissions are displayed.

    When the cluster deployment completes, directions for accessing your cluster, including a link to its web console and credentials for the kubeadmin user, display in your terminal.

    Example output

    INFO Install complete!
    INFO To access the cluster as the system:admin user when using 'oc', run 'export KUBECONFIG=/home/myuser/install_dir/auth/kubeconfig'
    INFO Access the OpenShift web-console here:
    INFO Login to the console with user: "kubeadmin", and password: "4vYBz-Ee6gm-ymBZj-Wt5AL"
    INFO Time elapsed: 36m22s


    The cluster access and credential information also outputs to <installation_directory>/.openshift_install.log when an installation succeeds.

    • The Ignition config files that the installation program generates contain certificates that expire after 24 hours, which are then renewed at that time. If the cluster is shut down before renewing the certificates and the cluster is later restarted after the 24 hours have elapsed, the cluster automatically recovers the expired certificates. The exception is that you must manually approve the pending node-bootstrapper certificate signing requests (CSRs) to recover kubelet certificates. See the documentation for Recovering from expired control plane certificates for more information.
    • It is recommended that you use Ignition config files within 12 hours after they are generated because the 24-hour certificate rotates from 16 to 22 hours after the cluster is installed. By using the Ignition config files within 12 hours, you can avoid installation failure if the certificate update runs during installation.

    You must not delete the installation program or the files that the installation program creates. Both are required to delete the cluster.

  2. Optional: Remove or disable the AdministratorAccess policy from the IAM account that you used to install the cluster.


    The elevated permissions provided by the AdministratorAccess policy are required only during installation.

2.7.8. Installing the OpenShift CLI by downloading the binary

You can install the OpenShift CLI (oc) in order to interact with OpenShift Container Platform from a command-line interface. You can install oc on Linux, Windows, or macOS.


If you installed an earlier version of oc, you cannot use it to complete all of the commands in OpenShift Container Platform 4.6. Download and install the new version of oc. Installing the OpenShift CLI on Linux

You can install the OpenShift CLI (oc) binary on Linux by using the following procedure.


  1. Navigate to the OpenShift Container Platform downloads page on the Red Hat Customer Portal.
  2. Select the appropriate version in the Version drop-down menu.
  3. Click Download Now next to the OpenShift v4.6 Linux Client entry and save the file.
  4. Unpack the archive:

    $ tar xvzf <file>
  5. Place the oc binary in a directory that is on your PATH.

    To check your PATH, execute the following command:

    $ echo $PATH

After you install the OpenShift CLI, it is available using the oc command:

$ oc <command> Installing the OpenShift CLI on Windows

You can install the OpenShift CLI (oc) binary on Windows by using the following procedure.


  1. Navigate to the OpenShift Container Platform downloads page on the Red Hat Customer Portal.
  2. Select the appropriate version in the Version drop-down menu.
  3. Click Download Now next to the OpenShift v4.6 Windows Client entry and save the file.
  4. Unzip the archive with a ZIP program.
  5. Move the oc binary to a directory that is on your PATH.

    To check your PATH, open the command prompt and execute the following command:

    C:\> path

After you install the OpenShift CLI, it is available using the oc command:

C:\> oc <command> Installing the OpenShift CLI on macOS

You can install the OpenShift CLI (oc) binary on macOS by using the following procedure.


  1. Navigate to the OpenShift Container Platform downloads page on the Red Hat Customer Portal.
  2. Select the appropriate version in the Version drop-down menu.
  3. Click Download Now next to the OpenShift v4.6 MacOSX Client entry and save the file.
  4. Unpack and unzip the archive.
  5. Move the oc binary to a directory on your PATH.

    To check your PATH, open a terminal and execute the following command:

    $ echo $PATH

After you install the OpenShift CLI, it is available using the oc command:

$ oc <command>

2.7.9. Logging in to the cluster by using the CLI

You can log in to your cluster as a default system user by exporting the cluster kubeconfig file. The kubeconfig file contains information about the cluster that is used by the CLI to connect a client to the correct cluster and API server. The file is specific to a cluster and is created during OpenShift Container Platform installation.


  • You deployed an OpenShift Container Platform cluster.
  • You installed the oc CLI.


  1. Export the kubeadmin credentials:

    $ export KUBECONFIG=<installation_directory>/auth/kubeconfig 1
    For <installation_directory>, specify the path to the directory that you stored the installation files in.
  2. Verify you can run oc commands successfully using the exported configuration:

    $ oc whoami

    Example output


2.7.10. Logging in to the cluster by using the web console

The kubeadmin user exists by default after an OpenShift Container Platform installation. You can log in to your cluster as the kubeadmin user by using the OpenShift Container Platform web console.


  • You have access to the installation host.
  • You completed a cluster installation and all cluster Operators are available.


  1. Obtain the password for the kubeadmin user from the kubeadmin-password file on the installation host:

    $ cat <installation_directory>/auth/kubeadmin-password

    Alternatively, you can obtain the kubeadmin password from the <installation_directory>/.openshift_install.log log file on the installation host.

  2. List the OpenShift Container Platform web console route:

    $ oc get routes -n openshift-console | grep 'console-openshift'

    Alternatively, you can obtain the OpenShift Container Platform route from the <installation_directory>/.openshift_install.log log file on the installation host.

    Example output

    console     console-openshift-console.apps.<cluster_name>.<base_domain>            console     https   reencrypt/Redirect   None

  3. Navigate to the route detailed in the output of the preceding command in a web browser and log in as the kubeadmin user.

Additional resources

  • See Accessing the web console for more details about accessing and understanding the OpenShift Container Platform web console.

2.7.11. Telemetry access for OpenShift Container Platform

In OpenShift Container Platform 4.6, the Telemetry service, which runs by default to provide metrics about cluster health and the success of updates, requires internet access. If your cluster is connected to the internet, Telemetry runs automatically, and your cluster is registered to OpenShift Cluster Manager.

After you confirm that your OpenShift Cluster Manager inventory is correct, either maintained automatically by Telemetry or manually by using OpenShift Cluster Manager, use subscription watch to track your OpenShift Container Platform subscriptions at the account or multi-cluster level.

Additional resources

2.7.12. Next steps

2.8. Installing a private cluster on AWS

In OpenShift Container Platform version 4.6, you can install a private cluster into an existing VPC on Amazon Web Services (AWS). The installation program provisions the rest of the required infrastructure, which you can further customize. To customize the installation, you modify parameters in the install-config.yaml file before you install the cluster.

2.8.1. Prerequisites

  • Review details about the OpenShift Container Platform installation and update processes.
  • Configure an AWS account to host the cluster.


    If you have an AWS profile stored on your computer, it must not use a temporary session token that you generated while using a multi-factor authentication device. The cluster continues to use your current AWS credentials to create AWS resources for the entire life of the cluster, so you must use long-lived credentials. To generate appropriate keys, see Managing Access Keys for IAM Users in the AWS documentation. You can supply the keys when you run the installation program.

  • If you use a firewall, you must configure it to allow the sites that your cluster requires access to.
  • If you do not allow the system to manage identity and access management (IAM), then a cluster administrator can manually create and maintain IAM credentials. Manual mode can also be used in environments where the cloud IAM APIs are not reachable.

2.8.2. Private clusters

You can deploy a private OpenShift Container Platform cluster that does not expose external endpoints. Private clusters are accessible from only an internal network and are not visible to the Internet.

By default, OpenShift Container Platform is provisioned to use publicly-accessible DNS and endpoints. A private cluster sets the DNS, Ingress Controller, and API server to private when you deploy your cluster. This means that the cluster resources are only accessible from your internal network and are not visible to the internet.

To deploy a private cluster, you must use existing networking that meets your requirements. Your cluster resources might be shared between other clusters on the network.

Additionally, you must deploy a private cluster from a machine that has access the API services for the cloud you provision to, the hosts on the network that you provision, and to the internet to obtain installation media. You can use any machine that meets these access requirements and follows your company’s guidelines. For example, this machine can be a bastion host on your cloud network or a machine that has access to the network through a VPN. Private clusters in AWS

To create a private cluster on Amazon Web Services (AWS), you must provide an existing private VPC and subnets to host the cluster. The installation program must also be able to resolve the DNS records that the cluster requires. The installation program configures the Ingress Operator and API server for access from only the private network.

The cluster still requires access to Internet to access the AWS APIs.

The following items are not required or created when you install a private cluster:

  • Public subnets
  • Public load balancers, which support public ingress
  • A public Route 53 zone that matches the baseDomain for the cluster

The installation program does use the baseDomain that you specify to create a private Route 53 zone and the required records for the cluster. The cluster is configured so that the Operators do not create public records for the cluster and all cluster machines are placed in the private subnets that you specify. Limitations

The ability to add public functionality to a private cluster is limited.

  • You cannot make the Kubernetes API endpoints public after installation without taking additional actions, including creating public subnets in the VPC for each availability zone in use, creating a public load balancer, and configuring the control plane security groups to allow traffic from Internet on 6443 (Kubernetes API port).
  • If you use a public Service type load balancer, you must tag a public subnet in each availability zone with<cluster-infra-id>: shared so that AWS can use them to create public load balancers.

2.8.3. About using a custom VPC

In OpenShift Container Platform 4.6, you can deploy a cluster into existing subnets in an existing Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) in Amazon Web Services (AWS). By deploying OpenShift Container Platform into an existing AWS VPC, you might be able to avoid limit constraints in new accounts or more easily abide by the operational constraints that your company’s guidelines set. If you cannot obtain the infrastructure creation permissions that are required to create the VPC yourself, use this installation option.

Because the installation program cannot know what other components are also in your existing subnets, it cannot choose subnet CIDRs and so forth on your behalf. You must configure networking for the subnets that you install your cluster to yourself. Requirements for using your VPC

The installation program no longer creates the following components:

  • Internet gateways
  • NAT gateways
  • Subnets
  • Route tables
  • VPCs
  • VPC DHCP options
  • VPC endpoints

The installation program requires that you use the cloud-provided DNS server. Using a custom DNS server is not supported and causes the installation to fail.

If you use a custom VPC, you must correctly configure it and its subnets for the installation program and the cluster to use. See Amazon VPC console wizard configurations and Work with VPCs and subnets in the AWS documentation for more information on creating and managing an AWS VPC.

The installation program cannot:

  • Subdivide network ranges for the cluster to use.
  • Set route tables for the subnets.
  • Set VPC options like DHCP.

You must complete these tasks before you install the cluster. See VPC networking components and Route tables for your VPC for more information on configuring networking in an AWS VPC.

Your VPC must meet the following characteristics:

  • The VPC must not use the*: owned tag.

    The installation program modifies your subnets to add the*: shared tag, so your subnets must have at least one free tag slot available for it. See Tag Restrictions in the AWS documentation to confirm that the installation program can add a tag to each subnet that you specify.

  • You must enable the enableDnsSupport and enableDnsHostnames attributes in your VPC, so that the cluster can use the Route 53 zones that are attached to the VPC to resolve cluster’s internal DNS records. See DNS Support in Your VPC in the AWS documentation.

    If you prefer to use your own Route 53 hosted private zone, you must associate the existing hosted zone with your VPC prior to installing a cluster. You can define your hosted zone using the field in the install-config.yaml file.

  • If you use a cluster with public access, you must create a public and a private subnet for each availability zone that your cluster uses. Each availability zone can contain no more than one public and one private subnet.

If you are working in a disconnected environment, you are unable to reach the public IP addresses for EC2 and ELB endpoints. To resolve this, you must create a VPC endpoint and attach it to the subnet that the clusters are using. The endpoints should be named as follows:

  • ec2.<region>
  • elasticloadbalancing.<region>
  • s3.<region>

Required VPC components

You must provide a suitable VPC and subnets that allow communication to your machines.

ComponentAWS typeDescription


  • AWS::EC2::VPC
  • AWS::EC2::VPCEndpoint

You must provide a public VPC for the cluster to use. The VPC uses an endpoint that references the route tables for each subnet to improve communication with the registry that is hosted in S3.

Public subnets

  • AWS::EC2::Subnet
  • AWS::EC2::SubnetNetworkAclAssociation

Your VPC must have public subnets for between 1 and 3 availability zones and associate them with appropriate Ingress rules.

Internet gateway

  • AWS::EC2::InternetGateway
  • AWS::EC2::VPCGatewayAttachment
  • AWS::EC2::RouteTable
  • AWS::EC2::Route
  • AWS::EC2::SubnetRouteTableAssociation
  • AWS::EC2::NatGateway
  • AWS::EC2::EIP

You must have a public Internet gateway, with public routes, attached to the VPC. In the provided templates, each public subnet has a NAT gateway with an EIP address. These NAT gateways allow cluster resources, like private subnet instances, to reach the Internet and are not required for some restricted network or proxy scenarios.

Network access control

  • AWS::EC2::NetworkAcl
  • AWS::EC2::NetworkAclEntry

You must allow the VPC to access the following ports:




Inbound HTTP traffic


Inbound HTTPS traffic


Inbound SSH traffic

1024 - 65535

Inbound ephemeral traffic

0 - 65535

Outbound ephemeral traffic

Private subnets

  • AWS::EC2::Subnet
  • AWS::EC2::RouteTable
  • AWS::EC2::SubnetRouteTableAssociation

Your VPC can have private subnets. The provided CloudFormation templates can create private subnets for between 1 and 3 availability zones. If you use private subnets, you must provide appropriate routes and tables for them. VPC validation

To ensure that the subnets that you provide are suitable, the installation program confirms the following data:

  • All the subnets that you specify exist.
  • You provide private subnets.
  • The subnet CIDRs belong to the machine CIDR that you specified.
  • You provide subnets for each availability zone. Each availability zone contains no more than one public and one private subnet. If you use a private cluster, provide only a private subnet for each availability zone. Otherwise, provide exactly one public and private subnet for each availability zone.
  • You provide a public subnet for each private subnet availability zone. Machines are not provisioned in availability zones that you do not provide private subnets for.

If you destroy a cluster that uses an existing VPC, the VPC is not deleted. When you remove the OpenShift Container Platform cluster from a VPC, the*: shared tag is removed from the subnets that it used. Division of permissions

Starting with OpenShift Container Platform 4.3, you do not need all of the permissions that are required for an installation program-provisioned infrastructure cluster to deploy a cluster. This change mimics the division of permissions that you might have at your company: some individuals can create different resource in your clouds than others. For example, you might be able to create application-specific items, like instances, buckets, and load balancers, but not networking-related components such as VPCs, subnets, or ingress rules.

The AWS credentials that you use when you create your cluster do not need the networking permissions that are required to make VPCs and core networking components within the VPC, such as subnets, routing tables, Internet gateways, NAT, and VPN. You still need permission to make the application resources that the machines within the cluster require, such as ELBs, security groups, S3 buckets, and nodes. Isolation between clusters

If you deploy OpenShift Container Platform to an existing network, the isolation of cluster services is reduced in the following ways:

  • You can install multiple OpenShift Container Platform clusters in the same VPC.
  • ICMP ingress is allowed from the entire network.
  • TCP 22 ingress (SSH) is allowed to the entire network.
  • Control plane TCP 6443 ingress (Kubernetes API) is allowed to the entire network.
  • Control plane TCP 22623 ingress (MCS) is allowed to the entire network.

2.8.4. Internet access for OpenShift Container Platform

In OpenShift Container Platform 4.6, you require access to the Internet to install your cluster.

You must have Internet access to:

  • Access OpenShift Cluster Manager to download the installation program and perform subscription management. If the cluster has internet access and you do not disable Telemetry, that service automatically entitles your cluster.
  • Access to obtain the packages that are required to install your cluster.
  • Obtain the packages that are required to perform cluster updates.

If your cluster cannot have direct Internet access, you can perform a restricted network installation on some types of infrastructure that you provision. During that process, you download the content that is required and use it to populate a mirror registry with the packages that you need to install a cluster and generate the installation program. With some installation types, the environment that you install your cluster in will not require Internet access. Before you update the cluster, you update the content of the mirror registry.

2.8.5. Generating an SSH private key and adding it to the agent

If you want to perform installation debugging or disaster recovery on your cluster, you must provide an SSH key to both your ssh-agent and the installation program. You can use this key to access the bootstrap machine in a public cluster to troubleshoot installation issues.


In a production environment, you require disaster recovery and debugging.

You can use this key to SSH into the master nodes as the user core. When you deploy the cluster, the key is added to the core user’s ~/.ssh/authorized_keys list.


You must use a local key, not one that you configured with platform-specific approaches such as AWS key pairs.


  1. If you do not have an SSH key that is configured for password-less authentication on your computer, create one. For example, on a computer that uses a Linux operating system, run the following command:

    $ ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -N '' \
        -f <path>/<file_name> 1
    Specify the path and file name, such as ~/.ssh/id_rsa, of the new SSH key. If you have an existing key pair, ensure your public key is in the your ~/.ssh directory.

    Running this command generates an SSH key that does not require a password in the location that you specified.


    If you plan to install an OpenShift Container Platform cluster that uses FIPS Validated / Modules in Process cryptographic libraries on the x86_64 architecture, do not create a key that uses the ed25519 algorithm. Instead, create a key that uses the rsa or ecdsa algorithm.

  2. Start the ssh-agent process as a background task:

    $ eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"

    Example output

    Agent pid 31874


    If your cluster is in FIPS mode, only use FIPS-compliant algorithms to generate the SSH key. The key must be either RSA or ECDSA.

  3. Add your SSH private key to the ssh-agent:

    $ ssh-add <path>/<file_name> 1

    Example output

    Identity added: /home/<you>/<path>/<file_name> (<computer_name>)

    Specify the path and file name for your SSH private key, such as ~/.ssh/id_rsa

Next steps

  • When you install OpenShift Container Platform, provide the SSH public key to the installation program.

2.8.6. Obtaining the installation program

Before you install OpenShift Container Platform, download the installation file on a local computer.


  • You have a computer that runs Linux or macOS, with 500 MB of local disk space


  1. Access the Infrastructure Provider page on the OpenShift Cluster Manager site. If you have a Red Hat account, log in with your credentials. If you do not, create an account.
  2. Select your infrastructure provider.
  3. Navigate to the page for your installation type, download the installation program for your operating system, and place the file in the directory where you will store the installation configuration files.


    The installation program creates several files on the computer that you use to install your cluster. You must keep the installation program and the files that the installation program creates after you finish installing the cluster. Both files are required to delete the cluster.


    Deleting the files created by the installation program does not remove your cluster, even if the cluster failed during installation. To remove your cluster, complete the OpenShift Container Platform uninstallation procedures for your specific cloud provider.

  4. Extract the installation program. For example, on a computer that uses a Linux operating system, run the following command:

    $ tar xvf openshift-install-linux.tar.gz
  5. Download your installation pull secret from the Red Hat OpenShift Cluster Manager. This pull secret allows you to authenticate with the services that are provided by the included authorities, including, which serves the container images for OpenShift Container Platform components.

2.8.7. Manually creating the installation configuration file

For installations of a private OpenShift Container Platform cluster that are only accessible from an internal network and are not visible to the Internet, you must manually generate your installation configuration file.


  • Obtain the OpenShift Container Platform installation program and the access token for your cluster.


  1. Create an installation directory to store your required installation assets in:

    $ mkdir <installation_directory>

    You must create a directory. Some installation assets, like bootstrap X.509 certificates have short expiration intervals, so you must not reuse an installation directory. If you want to reuse individual files from another cluster installation, you can copy them into your directory. However, the file names for the installation assets might change between releases. Use caution when copying installation files from an earlier OpenShift Container Platform version.

  2. Customize the following install-config.yaml file template and save it in the <installation_directory>.


    You must name this configuration file install-config.yaml.

  3. Back up the install-config.yaml file so that you can use it to install multiple clusters.


    The install-config.yaml file is consumed during the next step of the installation process. You must back it up now. Installation configuration parameters

Before you deploy an OpenShift Container Platform cluster, you provide parameter values to describe your account on the cloud platform that hosts your cluster and optionally customize your cluster’s platform. When you create the install-config.yaml installation configuration file, you provide values for the required parameters through the command line. If you customize your cluster, you can modify the install-config.yaml file to provide more details about the platform.


After installation, you cannot modify these parameters in the install-config.yaml file.


The openshift-install command does not validate field names for parameters. If an incorrect name is specified, the related file or object is not created, and no error is reported. Ensure that the field names for any parameters that are specified are correct. Required configuration parameters

Required installation configuration parameters are described in the following table:

Table 2.22. Required parameters


The API version for the install-config.yaml content. The current version is v1. The installer may also support older API versions.



The base domain of your cloud provider. The base domain is used to create routes to your OpenShift Container Platform cluster components. The full DNS name for your cluster is a combination of the baseDomain and parameter values that uses the <>.<baseDomain> format.

A fully-qualified domain or subdomain name, such as


Kubernetes resource ObjectMeta, from which only the name parameter is consumed.


The name of the cluster. DNS records for the cluster are all subdomains of {{}}.{{.baseDomain}}.

String of lowercase letters, hyphens (-), and periods (.), such as dev.


The configuration for the specific platform upon which to perform the installation: aws, baremetal, azure, openstack, ovirt, vsphere. For additional information about platform.<platform> parameters, consult the following table for your specific platform.



Get a pull secret from the Red Hat OpenShift Cluster Manager to authenticate downloading container images for OpenShift Container Platform components from services such as

} Network configuration parameters

You can customize your installation configuration based on the requirements of your existing network infrastructure. For example, you can expand the IP address block for the cluster network or provide different IP address blocks than the defaults.

Only IPv4 addresses are supported.

Table 2.23. Network parameters


The configuration for the cluster network.



You cannot modify parameters specified by the networking object after installation.


The cluster network provider Container Network Interface (CNI) plug-in to install.

Either OpenShiftSDN or OVNKubernetes. The default value is OpenShiftSDN.


The IP address blocks for pods.

The default value is with a host prefix of /23.

If you specify multiple IP address blocks, the blocks must not overlap.

An array of objects. For example:

  - cidr:
    hostPrefix: 23


Required if you use networking.clusterNetwork. An IP address block.

An IPv4 network.

An IP address block in Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) notation. The prefix length for an IPv4 block is between 0 and 32.


The subnet prefix length to assign to each individual node. For example, if hostPrefix is set to 23 then each node is assigned a /23 subnet out of the given cidr. A hostPrefix value of 23 provides 510 (2^(32 - 23) - 2) pod IP addresses.

A subnet prefix.

The default value is 23.


The IP address block for services. The default value is

The OpenShift SDN and OVN-Kubernetes network providers support only a single IP address block for the service network.

An array with an IP address block in CIDR format. For example:



The IP address blocks for machines.

If you specify multiple IP address blocks, the blocks must not overlap.

An array of objects. For example:

  - cidr:


Required if you use networking.machineNetwork. An IP address block. The default value is for all platforms other than libvirt. For libvirt, the default value is

An IP network block in CIDR notation.

For example,


Set the networking.machineNetwork to match the CIDR that the preferred NIC resides in. Optional configuration parameters

Optional installation configuration parameters are described in the following table:

Table 2.24. Optional parameters


A PEM-encoded X.509 certificate bundle that is added to the nodes' trusted certificate store. This trust bundle may also be used when a proxy has been configured.



The configuration for the machines that comprise the compute nodes.

Array of machine-pool objects. For details, see the following "Machine-pool" table.


Determines the instruction set architecture of the machines in the pool. Currently, heteregeneous clusters are not supported, so all pools must specify the same architecture. Valid values are amd64 (the default).



Whether to enable or disable simultaneous multithreading, or hyperthreading, on compute machines. By default, simultaneous multithreading is enabled to increase the performance of your machines' cores.


If you disable simultaneous multithreading, ensure that your capacity planning accounts for the dramatically decreased machine performance.

Enabled or Disabled

Required if you use compute. The name of the machine pool.



Required if you use compute. Use this parameter to specify the cloud provider to host the worker machines. This parameter value must match the controlPlane.platform parameter value.

aws, azure, gcp, openstack, ovirt, vsphere, or {}


The number of compute machines, which are also known as worker machines, to provision.

A positive integer greater than or equal to 2. The default value is 3.


The configuration for the machines that comprise the control plane.

Array of MachinePool objects. For details, see the following "Machine-pool" table.


Determines the instruction set architecture of the machines in the pool. Currently, heterogeneous clusters are not supported, so all pools must specify the same architecture. Valid values are amd64 (the default).



Whether to enable or disable simultaneous multithreading, or hyperthreading, on control plane machines. By default, simultaneous multithreading is enabled to increase the performance of your machines' cores.


If you disable simultaneous multithreading, ensure that your capacity planning accounts for the dramatically decreased machine performance.

Enabled or Disabled

Required if you use controlPlane. The name of the machine pool.



Required if you use controlPlane. Use this parameter to specify the cloud provider that hosts the control plane machines. This parameter value must match the compute.platform parameter value.

aws, azure, gcp, openstack, ovirt, vsphere, or {}


The number of control plane machines to provision.

The only supported value is 3, which is the default value.


The Cloud Credential Operator (CCO) mode. If no mode is specified, the CCO dynamically tries to determine the capabilities of the provided credentials, with a preference for mint mode on the platforms where multiple modes are supported.


Not all CCO modes are supported for all cloud providers. For more information on CCO modes, see the Cloud Credential Operator entry in the Red Hat Operators reference content.

Mint, Passthrough, Manual, or an empty string ("").


Enable or disable FIPS mode. The default is false (disabled). If FIPS mode is enabled, the Red Hat Enterprise Linux CoreOS (RHCOS) machines that OpenShift Container Platform runs on bypass the default Kubernetes cryptography suite and use the cryptography modules that are provided with RHCOS instead.


The use of FIPS Validated / Modules in Process cryptographic libraries is only supported on OpenShift Container Platform deployments on the x86_64 architecture.


If you are using Azure File storage, you cannot enable FIPS mode.

false or true


Sources and repositories for the release-image content.

Array of objects. Includes a source and, optionally, mirrors, as described in the following rows of this table.


Required if you use imageContentSources. Specify the repository that users refer to, for example, in image pull specifications.



Specify one or more repositories that may also contain the same images.

Array of strings


How to publish or expose the user-facing endpoints of your cluster, such as the Kubernetes API, OpenShift routes.

Internal or External. To deploy a private cluster, which cannot be accessed from the internet, set publish to Internal. The default value is External.


The SSH key or keys to authenticate access your cluster machines.


For production OpenShift Container Platform clusters on which you want to perform installation debugging or disaster recovery, specify an SSH key that your ssh-agent process uses.

One or more keys. For example:

  <key3> Optional AWS configuration parameters

Optional AWS configuration parameters are described in the following table:

Table 2.25. Optional AWS parameters

The AWS AMI used to boot compute machines for the cluster. This is required for regions that require a custom RHCOS AMI.

Any published or custom RHCOS AMI that belongs to the set AWS region.

The Input/Output Operations Per Second (IOPS) that is reserved for the root volume.

Integer, for example 4000.

The size in GiB of the root volume.

Integer, for example 500.

The type of the root volume.

Valid AWS EBS volume type, such as io1.

The Amazon Resource Name (key ARN) of a KMS key. This is required to encrypt OS volumes of worker nodes with a specific KMS key.

Valid key ID or the key ARN.

The EC2 instance type for the compute machines.

Valid AWS instance type, such as c5.9xlarge.

The availability zones where the installation program creates machines for the compute machine pool. If you provide your own VPC, you must provide a subnet in that availability zone.

A list of valid AWS availability zones, such as us-east-1c, in a YAML sequence.

The AWS region that the installation program creates compute resources in.

Any valid AWS region, such as us-east-1.

The AWS AMI used to boot control plane machines for the cluster. This is required for regions that require a custom RHCOS AMI.

Any published or custom RHCOS AMI that belongs to the set AWS region.

The Amazon Resource Name (key ARN) of a KMS key. This is required to encrypt OS volumes of control plane nodes with a specific KMS key.

Valid key ID and the key ARN.

The EC2 instance type for the control plane machines.

Valid AWS instance type, such as c5.9xlarge.

The availability zones where the installation program creates machines for the control plane machine pool.

A list of valid AWS availability zones, such as us-east-1c, in a YAML sequence.

The AWS region that the installation program creates control plane resources in.

Valid AWS region, such as us-east-1.

The AWS AMI used to boot all machines for the cluster. If set, the AMI must belong to the same region as the cluster. This is required for regions that require a custom RHCOS AMI.

Any published or custom RHCOS AMI that belongs to the set AWS region.

The AWS service endpoint name. Custom endpoints are only required for cases where alternative AWS endpoints, like FIPS, must be used. Custom API endpoints can be specified for EC2, S3, IAM, Elastic Load Balancing, Tagging, Route 53, and STS AWS services.

Valid AWS service endpoint name.

The AWS service endpoint URL. The URL must use the https protocol and the host must trust the certificate.

Valid AWS service endpoint URL.

A map of keys and values that the installation program adds as tags to all resources that it creates.

Any valid YAML map, such as key value pairs in the <key>: <value> format. For more information about AWS tags, see Tagging Your Amazon EC2 Resources in the AWS documentation.

If you provide the VPC instead of allowing the installation program to create the VPC for you, specify the subnet for the cluster to use. The subnet must be part of the same machineNetwork[].cidr ranges that you specify. For a standard cluster, specify a public and a private subnet for each availability zone. For a private cluster, specify a private subnet for each availability zone.

Valid subnet IDs. Sample customized install-config.yaml file for AWS

You can customize the install-config.yaml file to specify more details about your OpenShift Container Platform cluster’s platform or modify the values of the required parameters.


This sample YAML file is provided for reference only. You must obtain your install-config.yaml file by using the installation program and modify it.

apiVersion: v1
baseDomain: 1
credentialsMode: Mint 2
controlPlane: 3 4
  hyperthreading: Enabled 5
  name: master
      - us-west-2a
      - us-west-2b
        iops: 4000
        size: 500
        type: io1 6
      type: m5.xlarge
  replicas: 3
compute: 7
- hyperthreading: Enabled 8
  name: worker
        iops: 2000
        size: 500
        type: io1 9
      type: c5.4xlarge
      - us-west-2c
  replicas: 3
  name: test-cluster 10
  - cidr:
    hostPrefix: 23
  - cidr:
  networkType: OpenShiftSDN
    region: us-west-2 11
      adminContact: jdoe
      costCenter: 7536
    subnets: 12
    - subnet-1
    - subnet-2
    - subnet-3
    amiID: ami-96c6f8f7 13
    serviceEndpoints: 14
      - name: ec2
    hostedZone: Z3URY6TWQ91KVV 15
fips: false 16
sshKey: ssh-ed25519 AAAA... 17
publish: Internal 18
pullSecret: '{"auths": ...}' 19
1 10 11 19
Required. The installation program prompts you for this value.
Optional: Add this parameter to force the Cloud Credential Operator (CCO) to use the specified mode, instead of having the CCO dynamically try to determine the capabilities of the credentials. For details about CCO modes, see the Cloud Credential Operator entry in the Red Hat Operators reference content.
3 7
If you do not provide these parameters and values, the installation program provides the default value.
The controlPlane section is a single mapping, but the compute section is a sequence of mappings. To meet the requirements of the different data structures, the first line of the compute section must begin with a hyphen, -, and the first line of the controlPlane section must not. Only one control plane pool is used.
5 8
Whether to enable or disable simultaneous multithreading, or hyperthreading. By default, simultaneous multithreading is enabled to increase the performance of your machines' cores. You can disable it by setting the parameter value to Disabled. If you disable simultaneous multithreading in some cluster machines, you must disable it in all cluster machines.

If you disable simultaneous multithreading, ensure that your capacity planning accounts for the dramatically decreased machine performance. Use larger instance types, such as m4.2xlarge or m5.2xlarge, for your machines if you disable simultaneous multithreading.

6 9
To configure faster storage for etcd, especially for larger clusters, set the storage type as io1 and set iops to 2000.
If you provide your own VPC, specify subnets for each availability zone that your cluster uses.
The ID of the AMI used to boot machines for the cluster. If set, the AMI must belong to the same region as the cluster.
The AWS service endpoints. Custom endpoints are required when installing to an unknown AWS region. The endpoint URL must use the https protocol and the host must trust the certificate.
The ID of your existing Route 53 private hosted zone. Providing an existing hosted zone requires that you supply your own VPC and the hosted zone is already associated with the VPC prior to installing your cluster. If undefined, the installation program creates a new hosted zone.
Whether to enable or disable FIPS mode. By default, FIPS mode is not enabled. If FIPS mode is enabled, the Red Hat Enterprise Linux CoreOS (RHCOS) machines that OpenShift Container Platform runs on bypass the default Kubernetes cryptography suite and use the cryptography modules that are provided with RHCOS instead.

The use of FIPS Validated / Modules in Process cryptographic libraries is only supported on OpenShift Container Platform deployments on the x86_64 architecture.

You can optionally provide the sshKey value that you use to access the machines in your cluster.

For production OpenShift Container Platform clusters on which you want to perform installation debugging or disaster recovery, specify an SSH key that your ssh-agent process uses.

How to publish the user-facing endpoints of your cluster. Set publish to Internal to deploy a private cluster, which cannot be accessed from the Internet. The default value is External. Configuring the cluster-wide proxy during installation

Production environments can deny direct access to the Internet and instead have an HTTP or HTTPS proxy available. You can configure a new OpenShift Container Platform cluster to use a proxy by configuring the proxy settings in the install-config.yaml file.


  • You have an existing install-config.yaml file.
  • You reviewed the sites that your cluster requires access to and determined whether any of them need to bypass the proxy. By default, all cluster egress traffic is proxied, including calls to hosting cloud provider APIs. You added sites to the Proxy object’s spec.noProxy field to bypass the proxy if necessary.


    The Proxy object status.noProxy field is populated with the values of the networking.machineNetwork[].cidr, networking.clusterNetwork[].cidr, and networking.serviceNetwork[] fields from your installation configuration.

    For installations on Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Microsoft Azure, and Red Hat OpenStack Platform (RHOSP), the Proxy object status.noProxy field is also populated with the instance metadata endpoint (

  • If your cluster is on AWS, you added the ec2.<region>, elasticloadbalancing.<region>, and s3.<region> endpoints to your VPC endpoint. These endpoints are required to complete requests from the nodes to the AWS EC2 API. Because the proxy works on the container level, not the node level, you must route these requests to the AWS EC2 API through the AWS private network. Adding the public IP address of the EC2 API to your allowlist in your proxy server is not sufficient.


  1. Edit your install-config.yaml file and add the proxy settings. For example:

    apiVersion: v1
      httpProxy: http://<username>:<pswd>@<ip>:<port> 1
      httpsProxy: https://<username>:<pswd>@<ip>:<port> 2
      noProxy: 3
    additionalTrustBundle: | 4
        -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
        -----END CERTIFICATE-----
    A proxy URL to use for creating HTTP connections outside the cluster. The URL scheme must be http.
    A proxy URL to use for creating HTTPS connections outside the cluster.
    A comma-separated list of destination domain names, IP addresses, or other network CIDRs to exclude from proxying. Preface a domain with . to match subdomains only. For example, matches, but not Use * to bypass the proxy for all destinations.
    If provided, the installation program generates a config map that is named user-ca-bundle in the openshift-config namespace to hold the additional CA certificates. If you provide additionalTrustBundle and at least one proxy setting, the Proxy object is configured to reference the user-ca-bundle config map in the trustedCA field. The Cluster Network Operator then creates a trusted-ca-bundle config map that merges the contents specified for the trustedCA parameter with the RHCOS trust bundle. The additionalTrustBundle field is required unless the proxy’s identity certificate is signed by an authority from the RHCOS trust bundle.

    The installation program does not support the proxy readinessEndpoints field.

  2. Save the file and reference it when installing OpenShift Container Platform.

The installation program creates a cluster-wide proxy that is named cluster that uses the proxy settings in the provided install-config.yaml file. If no proxy settings are provided, a cluster Proxy object is still created, but it will have a nil spec.


Only the Proxy object named cluster is supported, and no additional proxies can be created.

2.8.8. Deploying the cluster

You can install OpenShift Container Platform on a compatible cloud platform.


You can run the create cluster command of the installation program only once, during initial installation.


  • Configure an account with the cloud platform that hosts your cluster.
  • Obtain the OpenShift Container Platform installation program and the pull secret for your cluster.


  1. Change to the directory that contains the installation program and initialize the cluster deployment:

    $ ./openshift-install create cluster --dir <installation_directory> \ 1
        --log-level=info 2
    For <installation_directory>, specify the
    To view different installation details, specify warn, debug, or error instead of info.

    If the cloud provider account that you configured on your host does not have sufficient permissions to deploy the cluster, the installation process stops, and the missing permissions are displayed.

    When the cluster deployment completes, directions for accessing your cluster, including a link to its web console and credentials for the kubeadmin user, display in your terminal.

    Example output

    INFO Install complete!
    INFO To access the cluster as the system:admin user when using 'oc', run 'export KUBECONFIG=/home/myuser/install_dir/auth/kubeconfig'
    INFO Access the OpenShift web-console here:
    INFO Login to the console with user: "kubeadmin", and password: "4vYBz-Ee6gm-ymBZj-Wt5AL"
    INFO Time elapsed: 36m22s


    The cluster access and credential information also outputs to <installation_directory>/.openshift_install.log when an installation succeeds.

    • The Ignition config files that the installation program generates contain certificates that expire after 24 hours, which are then renewed at that time. If the cluster is shut down before renewing the certificates and the cluster is later restarted after the 24 hours have elapsed, the cluster automatically recovers the expired certificates. The exception is that you must manually approve the pending node-bootstrapper certificate signing requests (CSRs) to recover kubelet certificates. See the documentation for Recovering from expired control plane certificates for more information.
    • It is recommended that you use Ignition config files within 12 hours after they are generated because the 24-hour certificate rotates from 16 to 22 hours after the cluster is installed. By using the Ignition config files within 12 hours, you can avoid installation failure if the certificate update runs during installation.

    You must not delete the installation program or the files that the installation program creates. Both are required to delete the cluster.

2.8.9. Installing the OpenShift CLI by downloading the binary

You can install the OpenShift CLI (oc) in order to interact with OpenShift Container Platform from a command-line interface. You can install oc on Linux, Windows, or macOS.


If you installed an earlier version of oc, you cannot use it to complete all of the commands in OpenShift Container Platform 4.6. Download and install the new version of oc. Installing the OpenShift CLI on Linux

You can install the OpenShift CLI (oc) binary on Linux by using the following procedure.


  1. Navigate to the OpenShift Container Platform downloads page on the Red Hat Customer Portal.
  2. Select the appropriate version in the Version drop-down menu.
  3. Click Download Now next to the OpenShift v4.6 Linux Client entry and save the file.
  4. Unpack the archive:

    $ tar xvzf <file>
  5. Place the oc binary in a directory that is on your PATH.

    To check your PATH, execute the following command:

    $ echo $PATH

After you install the OpenShift CLI, it is available using the oc command:

$ oc <command> Installing the OpenShift CLI on Windows

You can install the OpenShift CLI (oc) binary on Windows by using the following procedure.


  1. Navigate to the OpenShift Container Platform downloads page on the Red Hat Customer Portal.
  2. Select the appropriate version in the Version drop-down menu.
  3. Click Download Now next to the OpenShift v4.6 Windows Client entry and save the file.
  4. Unzip the archive with a ZIP program.
  5. Move the oc binary to a directory that is on your PATH.

    To check your PATH, open the command prompt and execute the following command:

    C:\> path

After you install the OpenShift CLI, it is available using the oc command:

C:\> oc <command> Installing the OpenShift CLI on macOS

You can install the OpenShift CLI (oc) binary on macOS by using the following procedure.


  1. Navigate to the OpenShift Container Platform downloads page on the Red Hat Customer Portal.
  2. Select the appropriate version in the Version drop-down menu.
  3. Click Download Now next to the OpenShift v4.6 MacOSX Client entry and save the file.
  4. Unpack and unzip the archive.
  5. Move the oc binary to a directory on your PATH.

    To check your PATH, open a terminal and execute the following command:

    $ echo $PATH

After you install the OpenShift CLI, it is available using the oc command:

$ oc <command>

2.8.10. Logging in to the cluster by using the CLI

You can log in to your cluster as a default system user by exporting the cluster kubeconfig file. The kubeconfig file contains information about the cluster that is used by the CLI to connect a client to the correct cluster and API server. The file is specific to a cluster and is created during OpenShift Container Platform installation.


  • You deployed an OpenShift Container Platform cluster.
  • You installed the oc CLI.


  1. Export the kubeadmin credentials:

    $ export KUBECONFIG=<installation_directory>/auth/kubeconfig 1
    For <installation_directory>, specify the path to the directory that you stored the installation files in.
  2. Verify you can run oc commands successfully using the exported configuration:

    $ oc whoami

    Example output


2.8.11. Logging in to the cluster by using the web console

The kubeadmin user exists by default after an OpenShift Container Platform installation. You can log in to your cluster as the kubeadmin user by using the OpenShift Container Platform web console.


  • You have access to the installation host.
  • You completed a cluster installation and all cluster Operators are available.


  1. Obtain the password for the kubeadmin user from the kubeadmin-password file on the installation host:

    $ cat <installation_directory>/auth/kubeadmin-password

    Alternatively, you can obtain the kubeadmin password from the <installation_directory>/.openshift_install.log log file on the installation host.

  2. List the OpenShift Container Platform web console route:

    $ oc get routes -n openshift-console | grep 'console-openshift'

    Alternatively, you can obtain the OpenShift Container Platform route from the <installation_directory>/.openshift_install.log log file on the installation host.

    Example output

    console     console-openshift-console.apps.<cluster_name>.<base_domain>            console     https   reencrypt/Redirect   None

  3. Navigate to the route detailed in the output of the preceding command in a web browser and log in as the kubeadmin user.

Additional resources

  • See Accessing the web console for more details about accessing and understanding the OpenShift Container Platform web console.

2.8.12. Telemetry access for OpenShift Container Platform

In OpenShift Container Platform 4.6, the Telemetry service, which runs by default to provide metrics about cluster health and the success of updates, requires internet access. If your cluster is connected to the internet, Telemetry runs automatically, and your cluster is registered to OpenShift Cluster Manager.

After you confirm that your OpenShift Cluster Manager inventory is correct, either maintained automatically by Telemetry or manually by using OpenShift Cluster Manager, use subscription watch to track your OpenShift Container Platform subscriptions at the account or multi-cluster level.

Additional resources

2.8.13. Next steps

2.9. Installing a cluster on AWS into a government region

In OpenShift Container Platform version 4.6, you can install a cluster on Amazon Web Services (AWS) into a government region. To configure the government region, modify parameters in the install-config.yaml file before you install the cluster.

2.9.1. Prerequisites

  • Review details about the OpenShift Container Platform installation and update processes.
  • Configure an AWS account to host the cluster.


    If you have an AWS profile stored on your computer, it must not use a temporary session token that you generated while using a multi-factor authentication device. The cluster continues to use your current AWS credentials to create AWS resources for the entire life of the cluster, so you must use long-lived credentials. To generate appropriate keys, see Managing Access Keys for IAM Users in the AWS documentation. You can supply the keys when you run the installation program.

  • If you use a firewall, you must configure it to allow the sites that your cluster requires access to.
  • If you do not allow the system to manage identity and access management (IAM), then a cluster administrator can manually create and maintain IAM credentials. Manual mode can also be used in environments where the cloud IAM APIs are not reachable.

2.9.2. AWS government regions

OpenShift Container Platform supports deploying a cluster to AWS GovCloud (US) regions. AWS GovCloud is specifically designed for US government agencies at the federal, state, and local level, as well as contractors, educational institutions, and other US customers that must run sensitive workloads in the cloud.

These regions do not have published Red Hat Enterprise Linux CoreOS (RHCOS) Amazon Machine Images (AMI) to select, so you must upload a custom AMI that belongs to that region.

The following AWS GovCloud partitions are supported:

  • us-gov-west-1
  • us-gov-east-1

The AWS GovCloud region and custom AMI must be manually configured in the install-config.yaml file since RHCOS AMIs are not provided by Red Hat for those regions.

2.9.3. Private clusters

You can deploy a private OpenShift Container Platform cluster that does not expose external endpoints. Private clusters are accessible from only an internal network and are not visible to the Internet.


Public zones are not supported in Route 53 in AWS GovCloud. Therefore, clusters must be private if they are deployed to an AWS government region.

By default, OpenShift Container Platform is provisioned to use publicly-accessible DNS and endpoints. A private cluster sets the DNS, Ingress Controller, and API server to private when you deploy your cluster. This means that the cluster resources are only accessible from your internal network and are not visible to the internet.

To deploy a private cluster, you must use existing networking that meets your requirements. Your cluster resources might be shared between other clusters on the network.

Additionally, you must deploy a private cluster from a machine that has access the API services for the cloud you provision to, the hosts on the network that you provision, and to the internet to obtain installation media. You can use any machine that meets these access requirements and follows your company’s guidelines. For example, this machine can be a bastion host on your cloud network or a machine that has access to the network through a VPN. Private clusters in AWS

To create a private cluster on Amazon Web Services (AWS), you must provide an existing private VPC and subnets to host the cluster. The installation program must also be able to resolve the DNS records that the cluster requires. The installation program configures the Ingress Operator and API server for access from only the private network.

The cluster still requires access to Internet to access the AWS APIs.

The following items are not required or created when you install a private cluster:

  • Public subnets
  • Public load balancers, which support public ingress
  • A public Route 53 zone that matches the baseDomain for the cluster

The installation program does use the baseDomain that you specify to create a private Route 53 zone and the required records for the cluster. The cluster is configured so that the Operators do not create public records for the cluster and all cluster machines are placed in the private subnets that you specify. Limitations

The ability to add public functionality to a private cluster is limited.

  • You cannot make the Kubernetes API endpoints public after installation without taking additional actions, including creating public subnets in the VPC for each availability zone in use, creating a public load balancer, and configuring the control plane security groups to allow traffic from Internet on 6443 (Kubernetes API port).
  • If you use a public Service type load balancer, you must tag a public subnet in each availability zone with<cluster-infra-id>: shared so that AWS can use them to create public load balancers.

2.9.4. About using a custom VPC

In OpenShift Container Platform 4.6, you can deploy a cluster into existing subnets in an existing Amazon Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) in Amazon Web Services (AWS). By deploying OpenShift Container Platform into an existing AWS VPC, you might be able to avoid limit constraints in new accounts or more easily abide by the operational constraints that your company’s guidelines set. If you cannot obtain the infrastructure creation permissions that are required to create the VPC yourself, use this installation option.

Because the installation program cannot know what other components are also in your existing subnets, it cannot choose subnet CIDRs and so forth on your behalf. You must configure networking for the subnets that you install your cluster to yourself. Requirements for using your VPC

The installation program no longer creates the following components:

  • Internet gateways
  • NAT gateways
  • Subnets
  • Route tables
  • VPCs
  • VPC DHCP options
  • VPC endpoints

The installation program requires that you use the cloud-provided DNS server. Using a custom DNS server is not supported and causes the installation to fail.

If you use a custom VPC, you must correctly configure it and its subnets for the installation program and the cluster to use. See Amazon VPC console wizard configurations and Work with VPCs and subnets in the AWS documentation for more information on creating and managing an AWS VPC.

The installation program cannot:

  • Subdivide network ranges for the cluster to use.
  • Set route tables for the subnets.
  • Set VPC options like DHCP.

You must complete these tasks before you install the cluster. See VPC networking components and Route tables for your VPC for more information on configuring networking in an AWS VPC.

Your VPC must meet the following characteristics:

  • The VPC must not use the*: owned tag.

    The installation program modifies your subnets to add the*: shared tag, so your subnets must have at least one free tag slot available for it. See Tag Restrictions in the AWS documentation to confirm that the installation program can add a tag to each subnet that you specify.

  • You must enable the enableDnsSupport and enableDnsHostnames attributes in your VPC, so that the cluster can use the Route 53 zones that are attached to the VPC to resolve cluster’s internal DNS records. See DNS Support in Your VPC in the AWS documentation.

    If you prefer to use your own Route 53 hosted private zone, you must associate the existing hosted zone with your VPC prior to installing a cluster. You can define your hosted zone using the field in the install-config.yaml file.

  • If you use a cluster with public access, you must create a public and a private subnet for each availability zone that your cluster uses. Each availability zone can contain no more than one public and one private subnet.

If you are working in a disconnected environment, you are unable to reach the public IP addresses for EC2 and ELB endpoints. To resolve this, you must create a VPC endpoint and attach it to the subnet that the clusters are using. The endpoints should be named as follows:

  • ec2.<region>
  • elasticloadbalancing.<region>
  • s3.<region>

Required VPC components

You must provide a suitable VPC and subnets that allow communication to your machines.

ComponentAWS typeDescription


  • AWS::EC2::VPC
  • AWS::EC2::VPCEndpoint

You must provide a public VPC for the cluster to use. The VPC uses an endpoint that references the route tables for each subnet to improve communication with the registry that is hosted in S3.

Public subnets

  • AWS::EC2::Subnet
  • AWS::EC2::SubnetNetworkAclAssociation

Your VPC must have public subnets for between 1 and 3 availability zones and associate them with appropriate Ingress rules.

Internet gateway

  • AWS::EC2::InternetGateway
  • AWS::EC2::VPCGatewayAttachment
  • AWS::EC2::RouteTable
  • AWS::EC2::Route
  • AWS::EC2::SubnetRouteTableAssociation
  • AWS::EC2::NatGateway
  • AWS::EC2::EIP

You must have a public Internet gateway, with public routes, attached to the VPC. In the provided templates, each public subnet has a NAT gateway with an EIP address. These NAT gateways allow cluster resources, like private subnet instances, to reach the Internet and are not required for some restricted network or proxy scenarios.

Network access control

  • AWS::EC2::NetworkAcl
  • AWS::EC2::NetworkAclEntry

You must allow the VPC to access the following ports:




Inbound HTTP traffic


Inbound HTTPS traffic


Inbound SSH traffic

1024 - 65535

Inbound ephemeral traffic

0 - 65535

Outbound ephemeral traffic

Private subnets

  • AWS::EC2::Subnet
  • AWS::EC2::RouteTable
  • AWS::EC2::SubnetRouteTableAssociation

Your VPC can have private subnets. The provided CloudFormation templates can create private subnets for between 1 and 3 availability zones. If you use private subnets, you must provide appropriate routes and tables for them. VPC validation

To ensure that the subnets that you provide are suitable, the installation program confirms the following data:

  • All the subnets that you specify exist.
  • You provide private subnets.
  • The subnet CIDRs belong to the machine CIDR that you specified.
  • You provide subnets for each availability zone. Each availability zone contains no more than one public and one private subnet. If you use a private cluster, provide only a private subnet for each availability zone. Otherwise, provide exactly one public and private subnet for each availability zone.
  • You provide a public subnet for each private subnet availability zone. Machines are not provisioned in availability zones that you do not provide private subnets for.

If you destroy a cluster that uses an existing VPC, the VPC is not deleted. When you remove the OpenShift Container Platform cluster from a VPC, the*: shared tag is removed from the subnets that it used. Division of permissions

Starting with OpenShift Container Platform 4.3, you do not need all of the permissions that are required for an installation program-provisioned infrastructure cluster to deploy a cluster. This change mimics the division of permissions that you might have at your company: some individuals can create different resource in your clouds than others. For example, you might be able to create application-specific items, like instances, buckets, and load balancers, but not networking-related components such as VPCs, subnets, or ingress rules.

The AWS credentials that you use when you create your cluster do not need the networking permissions that are required to make VPCs and core networking components within the VPC, such as subnets, routing tables, Internet gateways, NAT, and VPN. You still need permission to make the application resources that the machines within the cluster require, such as ELBs, security groups, S3 buckets, and nodes. Isolation between clusters

If you deploy OpenShift Container Platform to an existing network, the isolation of cluster services is reduced in the following ways:

  • You can install multiple OpenShift Container Platform clusters in the same VPC.
  • ICMP ingress is allowed from the entire network.
  • TCP 22 ingress (SSH) is allowed to the entire network.
  • Control plane TCP 6443 ingress (Kubernetes API) is allowed to the entire network.
  • Control plane TCP 22623 ingress (MCS) is allowed to the entire network.

2.9.5. Internet access for OpenShift Container Platform

In OpenShift Container Platform 4.6, you require access to the Internet to install your cluster.

You must have Internet access to:

  • Access OpenShift Cluster Manager to download the installation program and perform subscription management. If the cluster has internet access and you do not disable Telemetry, that service automatically entitles your cluster.
  • Access to obtain the packages that are required to install your cluster.
  • Obtain the packages that are required to perform cluster updates.

If your cluster cannot have direct Internet access, you can perform a restricted network installation on some types of infrastructure that you provision. During that process, you download the content that is required and use it to populate a mirror registry with the packages that you need to install a cluster and generate the installation program. With some installation types, the environment that you install your cluster in will not require Internet access. Before you update the cluster, you update the content of the mirror registry.

2.9.6. Generating an SSH private key and adding it to the agent

If you want to perform installation debugging or disaster recovery on your cluster, you must provide an SSH key to both your ssh-agent and the installation program. You can use this key to access the bootstrap machine in a public cluster to troubleshoot installation issues.


In a production environment, you require disaster recovery and debugging.

You can use this key to SSH into the master nodes as the user core. When you deploy the cluster, the key is added to the core user’s ~/.ssh/authorized_keys list.


You must use a local key, not one that you configured with platform-specific approaches such as AWS key pairs.


  1. If you do not have an SSH key that is configured for password-less authentication on your computer, create one. For example, on a computer that uses a Linux operating system, run the following command:

    $ ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -N '' \
        -f <path>/<file_name> 1
    Specify the path and file name, such as ~/.ssh/id_rsa, of the new SSH key. If you have an existing key pair, ensure your public key is in the your ~/.ssh directory.

    Running this command generates an SSH key that does not require a password in the location that you specified.


    If you plan to install an OpenShift Container Platform cluster that uses FIPS Validated / Modules in Process cryptographic libraries on the x86_64 architecture, do not create a key that uses the ed25519 algorithm. Instead, create a key that uses the rsa or ecdsa algorithm.

  2. Start the ssh-agent process as a background task:

    $ eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"

    Example output

    Agent pid 31874


    If your cluster is in FIPS mode, only use FIPS-compliant algorithms to generate the SSH key. The key must be either RSA or ECDSA.

  3. Add your SSH private key to the ssh-agent:

    $ ssh-add <path>/<file_name> 1

    Example output

    Identity added: /home/<you>/<path>/<file_name> (<computer_name>)

    Specify the path and file name for your SSH private key, such as ~/.ssh/id_rsa

Next steps

  • When you install OpenShift Container Platform, provide the SSH public key to the installation program.

2.9.7. Obtaining the installation program

Before you install OpenShift Container Platform, download the installation file on a local computer.


  • You have a computer that runs Linux or macOS, with 500 MB of local disk space


  1. Access the Infrastructure Provider page on the OpenShift Cluster Manager site. If you have a Red Hat account, log in with your credentials. If you do not, create an account.
  2. Select your infrastructure provider.
  3. Navigate to the page for your installation type, download the installation program for your operating system, and place the file in the directory where you will store the installation configuration files.


    The installation program creates several files on the computer that you use to install your cluster. You must keep the installation program and the files that the installation program creates after you finish installing the cluster. Both files are required to delete the cluster.


    Deleting the files created by the installation program does not remove your cluster, even if the cluster failed during installation. To remove your cluster, complete the OpenShift Container Platform uninstallation procedures for your specific cloud provider.

  4. Extract the installation program. For example, on a computer that uses a Linux operating system, run the following command:

    $ tar xvf openshift-install-linux.tar.gz
  5. Download your installation pull secret from the Red Hat OpenShift Cluster Manager. This pull secret allows you to authenticate with the services that are provided by the included authorities, including, which serves the container images for OpenShift Container Platform components.

2.9.8. Manually creating the installation configuration file

When installing OpenShift Container Platform on Amazon Web Services (AWS) into a region requiring a custom Red Hat Enterprise Linux CoreOS (RHCOS) AMI, you must manually generate your installation configuration file.


  • Obtain the OpenShift Container Platform installation program and the access token for your cluster.


  1. Create an installation directory to store your required installation assets in:

    $ mkdir <installation_directory>

    You must create a directory. Some installation assets, like bootstrap X.509 certificates have short expiration intervals, so you must not reuse an installation directory. If you want to reuse individual files from another cluster installation, you can copy them into your directory. However, the file names for the installation assets might change between releases. Use caution when copying installation files from an earlier OpenShift Container Platform version.

  2. Customize the following install-config.yaml file template and save it in the <installation_directory>.


    You must name this configuration file install-config.yaml.

  3. Back up the install-config.yaml file so that you can use it to install multiple clusters.


    The install-config.yaml file is consumed during the next step of the installation process. You must back it up now. Installation configuration parameters

Before you deploy an OpenShift Container Platform cluster, you provide parameter values to describe your account on the cloud platform that hosts your cluster and optionally customize your cluster’s platform. When you create the install-config.yaml installation configuration file, you provide values for the required parameters through the command line. If you customize your cluster, you can modify the install-config.yaml file to provide more details about the platform.


After installation, you cannot modify these parameters in the install-config.yaml file.


The openshift-install command does not validate field names for parameters. If an incorrect name is specified, the related file or object is not created, and no error is reported. Ensure that the field names for any parameters that are specified are correct. Required configuration parameters

Required installation configuration parameters are described in the following table:

Table 2.26. Required parameters


The API version for the install-config.yaml content. The current version is v1. The installer may also support older API versions.



The base domain of your cloud provider. The base domain is used to create routes to your OpenShift Container Platform cluster components. The full DNS name for your cluster is a combination of the baseDomain and parameter values that uses the <>.<baseDomain> format.

A fully-qualified domain or subdomain name, such as


Kubernetes resource ObjectMeta, from which only the name parameter is consumed.


The name of the cluster. DNS records for the cluster are all subdomains of {{}}.{{.baseDomain}}.

String of lowercase letters, hyphens (-), and periods (.), such as dev.


The configuration for the specific platform upon which to perform the installation: aws, baremetal, azure, openstack, ovirt, vsphere. For additional information about platform.<platform> parameters, consult the following table for your specific platform.



Get a pull secret from the Red Hat OpenShift Cluster Manager to authenticate downloading container images for OpenShift Container Platform components from services such as

} Network configuration parameters

You can customize your installation configuration based on the requirements of your existing network infrastructure. For example, you can expand the IP address block for the cluster network or provide different IP address blocks than the defaults.

Only IPv4 addresses are supported.

Table 2.27. Network parameters


The configuration for the cluster network.



You cannot modify parameters specified by the networking object after installation.


The cluster network provider Container Network Interface (CNI) plug-in to install.

Either OpenShiftSDN or OVNKubernetes. The default value is OpenShiftSDN.


The IP address blocks for pods.

The default value is with a host prefix of /23.

If you specify multiple IP address blocks, the blocks must not overlap.

An array of objects. For example:

  - cidr:
    hostPrefix: 23


Required if you use networking.clusterNetwork. An IP address block.

An IPv4 network.

An IP address block in Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) notation. The prefix length for an IPv4 block is between 0 and 32.


The subnet prefix length to assign to each individual node. For example, if hostPrefix is set to 23 then each node is assigned a /23 subnet out of the given cidr. A hostPrefix value of 23 provides 510 (2^(32 - 23) - 2) pod IP addresses.

A subnet prefix.

The default value is 23.


The IP address block for services. The default value is

The OpenShift SDN and OVN-Kubernetes network providers support only a single IP address block for the service network.

An array with an IP address block in CIDR format. For example:



The IP address blocks for machines.

If you specify multiple IP address blocks, the blocks must not overlap.

An array of objects. For example:

  - cidr:


Required if you use networking.machineNetwork. An IP address block. The default value is for all platforms other than libvirt. For libvirt, the default value is

An IP network block in CIDR notation.

For example,


Set the networking.machineNetwork to match the CIDR that the preferred NIC resides in. Optional configuration parameters

Optional installation configuration parameters are described in the following table:

Table 2.28. Optional parameters


A PEM-encoded X.509 certificate bundle that is added to the nodes' trusted certificate store. This trust bundle may also be used when a proxy has been configured.



The configuration for the machines that comprise the compute nodes.

Array of machine-pool objects. For details, see the following "Machine-pool" table.


Determines the instruction set architecture of the machines in the pool. Currently, heteregeneous clusters are not supported, so all pools must specify the same architecture. Valid values are amd64 (the default).



Whether to enable or disable simultaneous multithreading, or hyperthreading, on compute machines. By default, simultaneous multithreading is enabled to increase the performance of your machines' cores.


If you disable simultaneous multithreading, ensure that your capacity planning accounts for the dramatically decreased machine performance.

Enabled or Disabled

Required if you use compute. The name of the machine pool.



Required if you use compute. Use this parameter to specify the cloud provider to host the worker machines. This parameter value must match the controlPlane.platform parameter value.

aws, azure, gcp, openstack, ovirt, vsphere, or {}


The number of compute machines, which are also known as worker machines, to provision.

A positive integer greater than or equal to 2. The default value is 3.


The configuration for the machines that comprise the control plane.

Array of MachinePool objects. For details, see the following "Machine-pool" table.


Determines the instruction set architecture of the machines in the pool. Currently, heterogeneous clusters are not supported, so all pools must specify the same architecture. Valid values are amd64 (the default).



Whether to enable or disable simultaneous multithreading, or hyperthreading, on control plane machines. By default, simultaneous multithreading is enabled to increase the performance of your machines' cores.


If you disable simultaneous multithreading, ensure that your capacity planning accounts for the dramatically decreased machine performance.

Enabled or Disabled

Required if you use controlPlane. The name of the machine pool.



Required if you use controlPlane. Use this parameter to specify the cloud provider that hosts the control plane machines. This parameter value must match the compute.platform parameter value.

aws, azure, gcp, openstack, ovirt, vsphere, or {}


The number of control plane machines to provision.

The only supported value is 3, which is the default value.


The Cloud Credential Operator (CCO) mode. If no mode is specified, the CCO dynamically tries to determine the capabilities of the provided credentials, with a preference for mint mode on the platforms where multiple modes are supported.


Not all CCO modes are supported for all cloud providers. For more information on CCO modes, see the Cloud Credential Operator entry in the Red Hat Operators reference content.

Mint, Passthrough, Manual, or an empty string ("").


Enable or disable FIPS mode. The default is false (disabled). If FIPS mode is enabled, the Red Hat Enterprise Linux CoreOS (RHCOS) machines that OpenShift Container Platform runs on bypass the default Kubernetes cryptography suite and use the cryptography modules that are provided with RHCOS instead.


The use of FIPS Validated / Modules in Process cryptographic libraries is only supported on OpenShift Container Platform deployments on the x86_64 architecture.


If you are using Azure File storage, you cannot enable FIPS mode.

false or true


Sources and repositories for the release-image content.

Array of objects. Includes a source and, optionally, mirrors, as described in the following rows of this table.


Required if you use imageContentSources. Specify the repository that users refer to, for example, in image pull specifications.



Specify one or more repositories that may also contain the same images.

Array of strings


How to publish or expose the user-facing endpoints of your cluster, such as the Kubernetes API, OpenShift routes.

Internal or External. To deploy a private cluster, which cannot be accessed from the internet, set publish to Internal. The default value is External.


The SSH key or keys to authenticate access your cluster machines.


For production OpenShift Container Platform clusters on which you want to perform installation debugging or disaster recovery, specify an SSH key that your ssh-agent process uses.

One or more keys. For example:

  <key3> Optional AWS configuration parameters

Optional AWS configuration parameters are described in the following table:

Table 2.29. Optional AWS parameters

The AWS AMI used to boot compute machines for the cluster. This is required for regions that require a custom RHCOS AMI.

Any published or custom RHCOS AMI that belongs to the set AWS region.

The Input/Output Operations Per Second (IOPS) that is reserved for the root volume.

Integer, for example 4000.

The size in GiB of the root volume.

Integer, for example 500.

The type of the root volume.

Valid AWS EBS volume type, such as io1.

The Amazon Resource Name (key ARN) of a KMS key. This is required to encrypt OS volumes of worker nodes with a specific KMS key.

Valid key ID or the key ARN.

The EC2 instance type for the compute machines.

Valid AWS instance type, such as c5.9xlarge.

The availability zones where the installation program creates machines for the compute machine pool. If you provide your own VPC, you must provide a subnet in that availability zone.

A list of valid AWS availability zones, such as us-east-1c, in a YAML sequence.

The AWS region that the installation program creates compute resources in.

Any valid AWS region, such as us-east-1.

The AWS AMI used to boot control plane machines for the cluster. This is required for regions that require a custom RHCOS AMI.

Any published or custom RHCOS AMI that belongs to the set AWS region.

The Amazon Resource Name (key ARN) of a KMS key. This is required to encrypt OS volumes of control plane nodes with a specific KMS key.

Valid key ID and the key ARN.

The EC2 instance type for the control plane machines.

Valid AWS instance type, such as c5.9xlarge.

The availability zones where the installation program creates machines for the control plane machine pool.

A list of valid AWS availability zones, such as us-east-1c, in a YAML sequence.

The AWS region that the installation program creates control plane resources in.

Valid AWS region, such as us-east-1.

The AWS AMI used to boot all machines for the cluster. If set, the AMI must belong to the same region as the cluster. This is required for regions that require a custom RHCOS AMI.

Any published or custom RHCOS AMI that belongs to the set AWS region.

The AWS service endpoint name. Custom endpoints are only required for cases where alternative AWS endpoints, like FIPS, must be used. Custom API endpoints can be specified for EC2, S3, IAM, Elastic Load Balancing, Tagging, Route 53, and STS AWS services.

Valid AWS service endpoint name.

The AWS service endpoint URL. The URL must use the https protocol and the host must trust the certificate.

Valid AWS service endpoint URL.

A map of keys and values that the installation program adds as tags to all resources that it creates.

Any valid YAML map, such as key value pairs in the <key>: <value> format. For more information about AWS tags, see Tagging Your Amazon EC2 Resources in the AWS documentation.

If you provide the VPC instead of allowing the installation program to create the VPC for you, specify the subnet for the cluster to use. The subnet must be part of the same machineNetwork[].cidr ranges that you specify. For a standard cluster, specify a public and a private subnet for each availability zone. For a private cluster, specify a private subnet for each availability zone.

Valid subnet IDs. Sample customized install-config.yaml file for AWS

You can customize the install-config.yaml file to specify more details about your OpenShift Container Platform cluster’s platform or modify the values of the required parameters.


This sample YAML file is provided for reference only. You must obtain your install-config.yaml file by using the installation program and modify it.

apiVersion: v1
baseDomain: 1
credentialsMode: Mint 2
controlPlane: 3 4
  hyperthreading: Enabled 5
  name: master
      - us-gov-west-1a
      - us-gov-west-1b
        iops: 4000
        size: 500
        type: io1 6
      type: m5.xlarge
  replicas: 3
compute: 7
- hyperthreading: Enabled 8
  name: worker
        iops: 2000
        size: 500
        type: io1 9
      type: c5.4xlarge
      - us-gov-west-1c
  replicas: 3
  name: test-cluster 10
  - cidr:
    hostPrefix: 23
  - cidr:
  networkType: OpenShiftSDN
    region: us-gov-west-1
      adminContact: jdoe
      costCenter: 7536
    subnets: 11
    - subnet-1
    - subnet-2
    - subnet-3
    amiID: ami-96c6f8f7 12
    serviceEndpoints: 13
      - name: ec2
    hostedZone: Z3URY6TWQ91KVV 14
fips: false 15
sshKey: ssh-ed25519 AAAA... 16
publish: Internal 17
pullSecret: '{"auths": ...}' 18
additionalTrustBundle: | 19
    -----END CERTIFICATE-----
1 10 18
Optional: Add this parameter to force the Cloud Credential Operator (CCO) to use the specified mode, instead of having the CCO dynamically try to determine the capabilities of the credentials. For details about CCO modes, see the Cloud Credential Operator entry in the Red Hat Operators reference content.
3 7
If you do not provide these parameters and values, the installation program provides the default value.
The controlPlane section is a single mapping, but the compute section is a sequence of mappings. To meet the requirements of the different data structures, the first line of the compute section must begin with a hyphen, -, and the first line of the controlPlane section must not. Only one control plane pool is used.
5 8
Whether to enable or disable simultaneous multithreading, or hyperthreading. By default, simultaneous multithreading is enabled to increase the performance of your machines' cores. You can disable it by setting the parameter value to Disabled. If you disable simultaneous multithreading in some cluster machines, you must disable it in all cluster machines.

If you disable simultaneous multithreading, ensure that your capacity planning accounts for the dramatically decreased machine performance. Use larger instance types, such as m4.2xlarge or m5.2xlarge, for your machines if you disable simultaneous multithreading.

6 9
To configure faster storage for etcd, especially for larger clusters, set the storage type as io1 and set iops to 2000.
If you provide your own VPC, specify subnets for each availability zone that your cluster uses.
The ID of the AMI used to boot machines for the cluster. If set, the AMI must belong to the same region as the cluster.
The AWS service endpoints. Custom endpoints are required when installing to an unknown AWS region. The endpoint URL must use the https protocol and the host must trust the certificate.
The ID of your existing Route 53 private hosted zone. Providing an existing hosted zone requires that you supply your own VPC and the hosted zone is already associated with the VPC prior to installing your cluster. If undefined, the installation program creates a new hosted zone.
Whether to enable or disable FIPS mode. By default, FIPS mode is not enabled. If FIPS mode is enabled, the Red Hat Enterprise Linux CoreOS (RHCOS) machines that OpenShift Container Platform runs on bypass the default Kubernetes cryptography suite and use the cryptography modules that are provided with RHCOS instead.

The use of FIPS Validated / Modules in Process cryptographic libraries is only supported on OpenShift Container Platform deployments on the x86_64 architecture.

You can optionally provide the sshKey value that you use to access the machines in your cluster.

For production OpenShift Container Platform clusters on which you want to perform installation debugging or disaster recovery, specify an SSH key that your ssh-agent process uses.

How to publish the user-facing endpoints of your cluster. Set publish to Internal to deploy a private cluster, which cannot be accessed from the Internet. The default value is External.
The custom CA certificate. This is required when deploying to the AWS C2S Secret Region because the AWS API requires a custom CA trust bundle. AWS regions without a published RHCOS AMI

You can deploy an OpenShift Container Platform cluster to Amazon Web Services (AWS) regions without native support for a Red Hat Enterprise Linux CoreOS (RHCOS) Amazon Machine Image (AMI) or the AWS software development kit (SDK). If a published AMI is not available for an AWS region, you can upload a custom AMI prior to installing the cluster. This is required if you are deploying your cluster to an AWS government region.

If you are deploying to a non-government region that does not have a published RHCOS AMI, and you do not specify a custom AMI, the installation program copies the us-east-1 AMI to the user account automatically. Then the installation program creates the control plane machines with encrypted EBS volumes using the default or user-specified Key Management Service (KMS) key. This allows the AMI to follow the same process workflow as published RHCOS AMIs.

A region without native support for an RHCOS AMI is not available to select from the terminal during cluster creation because it is not published. However, you can install to this region by configuring the custom AMI in the install-config.yaml file. Uploading a custom RHCOS AMI in AWS

If you are deploying to a custom Amazon Web Services (AWS) region, you must upload a custom Red Hat Enterprise Linux CoreOS (RHCOS) Amazon Machine Image (AMI) that belongs to that region.


  • You configured an AWS account.
  • You created an Amazon S3 bucket with the required IAM service role.
  • You uploaded your RHCOS VMDK file to Amazon S3. The RHCOS VMDK file must be the highest version that is less than or equal to the OpenShift Container Platform version you are installing.
  • You downloaded the AWS CLI and installed it on your computer. See Install the AWS CLI Using the Bundled Installer.


  1. Export your AWS profile as an environment variable:

    $ export AWS_PROFILE=<aws_profile> 1
    The AWS profile name that holds your AWS credentials, like govcloud.
  2. Export the region to associate with your custom AMI as an environment variable:

    $ export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=<aws_region> 1
    The AWS region, like us-gov-east-1.
  3. Export the version of RHCOS you uploaded to Amazon S3 as an environment variable:

    $ export RHCOS_VERSION=<version> 1
    The RHCOS VMDK version, like 4.6.0.
  4. Export the Amazon S3 bucket name as an environment variable:

    $ export VMIMPORT_BUCKET_NAME=<s3_bucket_name>
  5. Create the containers.json file and define your RHCOS VMDK file:

    $ cat <<EOF > containers.json
       "Description": "rhcos-${RHCOS_VERSION}-x86_64-aws.x86_64",
       "Format": "vmdk",
       "UserBucket": {
          "S3Bucket": "${VMIMPORT_BUCKET_NAME}",
          "S3Key": "rhcos-${RHCOS_VERSION}-x86_64-aws.x86_64.vmdk"
  6. Import the RHCOS disk as an Amazon EBS snapshot:

    $ aws ec2 import-snapshot --region ${AWS_DEFAULT_REGION} \
         --description "<description>" \ 1
         --disk-container "file://<file_path>/containers.json" 2
    The description of your RHCOS disk being imported, like rhcos-${RHCOS_VERSION}-x86_64-aws.x86_64.
    The file path to the JSON file describing your RHCOS disk. The JSON file should contain your Amazon S3 bucket name and key.
  7. Check the status of the image import:

    $ watch -n 5 aws ec2 describe-import-snapshot-tasks --region ${AWS_DEFAULT_REGION}

    Example output

        "ImportSnapshotTasks": [
                "Description": "rhcos-4.6.0-x86_64-aws.x86_64",
                "ImportTaskId": "import-snap-fh6i8uil",
                "SnapshotTaskDetail": {
                    "Description": "rhcos-4.6.0-x86_64-aws.x86_64",
                    "DiskImageSize": 819056640.0,
                    "Format": "VMDK",
                    "SnapshotId": "snap-06331325870076318",
                    "Status": "completed",
                    "UserBucket": {
                        "S3Bucket": "external-images",
                        "S3Key": "rhcos-4.6.0-x86_64-aws.x86_64.vmdk"

    Copy the SnapshotId to register the image.

  8. Create a custom RHCOS AMI from the RHCOS snapshot:

    $ aws ec2 register-image \
       --region ${AWS_DEFAULT_REGION} \
       --architecture x86_64 \ 1
       --description "rhcos-${RHCOS_VERSION}-x86_64-aws.x86_64" \ 2
       --ena-support \
       --name "rhcos-${RHCOS_VERSION}-x86_64-aws.x86_64" \ 3
       --virtualization-type hvm \
       --root-device-name '/dev/xvda' \
       --block-device-mappings 'DeviceName=/dev/xvda,Ebs={DeleteOnTermination=true,SnapshotId=<snapshot_ID>}' 4
    The RHCOS VMDK architecture type, like x86_64, s390x, or ppc64le.
    The Description from the imported snapshot.
    The name of the RHCOS AMI.
    The SnapshotID from the imported snapshot.

To learn more about these APIs, see the AWS documentation for importing snapshots and creating EBS-backed AMIs. Configuring the cluster-wide proxy during installation

Production environments can deny direct access to the Internet and instead have an HTTP or HTTPS proxy available. You can configure a new OpenShift Container Platform cluster to use a proxy by configuring the proxy settings in the install-config.yaml file.


  • You have an existing install-config.yaml file.
  • You reviewed the sites that your cluster requires access to and determined whether any of them need to bypass the proxy. By default, all cluster egress traffic is proxied, including calls to hosting cloud provider APIs. You added sites to the Proxy object’s spec.noProxy field to bypass the proxy if necessary.


    The Proxy object status.noProxy field is populated with the values of the networking.machineNetwork[].cidr, networking.clusterNetwork[].cidr, and networking.serviceNetwork[] fields from your installation configuration.

    For installations on Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Microsoft Azure, and Red Hat OpenStack Platform (RHOSP), the Proxy object status.noProxy field is also populated with the instance metadata endpoint (

  • If your cluster is on AWS, you added the ec2.<region>, elasticloadbalancing.<region>, and s3.<region> endpoints to your VPC endpoint. These endpoints are required to complete requests from the nodes to the AWS EC2 API. Because the proxy works on the container level, not the node level, you must route these requests to the AWS EC2 API through the AWS private network. Adding the public IP address of the EC2 API to your allowlist in your proxy server is not sufficient.


  1. Edit your install-config.yaml file and add the proxy settings. For example:

    apiVersion: v1
      httpProxy: http://<username>:<pswd>@<ip>:<port> 1
      httpsProxy: https://<username>:<pswd>@<ip>:<port> 2
      noProxy: 3
    additionalTrustBundle: | 4
        -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
        -----END CERTIFICATE-----
    A proxy URL to use for creating HTTP connections outside the cluster. The URL scheme must be http.
    A proxy URL to use for creating HTTPS connections outside the cluster.
    A comma-separated list of destination domain names, IP addresses, or other network CIDRs to exclude from proxying. Preface a domain with . to match subdomains only. For example, matches, but not Use * to bypass the proxy for all destinations.
    If provided, the installation program generates a config map that is named user-ca-bundle in the openshift-config namespace to hold the additional CA certificates. If you provide additionalTrustBundle and at least one proxy setting, the Proxy object is configured to reference the user-ca-bundle config map in the trustedCA field. The Cluster Network Operator then creates a trusted-ca-bundle config map that merges the contents specified for the trustedCA parameter with the RHCOS trust bundle. The additionalTrustBundle field is required unless the proxy’s identity certificate is signed by an authority from the RHCOS trust bundle.

    The installation program does not support the proxy readinessEndpoints field.

  2. Save the file and reference it when installing OpenShift Container Platform.

The installation program creates a cluster-wide proxy that is named cluster that uses the proxy settings in the provided install-config.yaml file. If no proxy settings are provided, a cluster Proxy object is still created, but it will have a nil spec.


Only the Proxy object named cluster is supported, and no additional proxies can be created.

2.9.9. Deploying the cluster

You can install OpenShift Container Platform on a compatible cloud platform.


You can run the create cluster command of the installation program only once, during initial installation.


  • Configure an account with the cloud platform that hosts your cluster.
  • Obtain the OpenShift Container Platform installation program and the pull secret for your cluster.


  1. Change to the directory that contains the installation program and initialize the cluster deployment:

    $ ./openshift-install create cluster --dir <installation_directory> \ 1
        --log-level=info 2
    For <installation_directory>, specify the location of your customized ./install-config.yaml file.
    To view different installation details, specify warn, debug, or error instead of info.

    If the cloud provider account that you configured on your host does not have sufficient permissions to deploy the cluster, the installation process stops, and the missing permissions are displayed.

    When the cluster deployment completes, directions for accessing your cluster, including a link to its web console and credentials for the kubeadmin user, display in your terminal.

    Example output

    INFO Install complete!
    INFO To access the cluster as the system:admin user when using 'oc', run 'export KUBECONFIG=/home/myuser/install_dir/auth/kubeconfig'
    INFO Access the OpenShift web-console here:
    INFO Login to the console with user: "kubeadmin", and password: "4vYBz-Ee6gm-ymBZj-Wt5AL"
    INFO Time elapsed: 36m22s


    The cluster access and credential information also outputs to <installation_directory>/.openshift_install.log when an installation succeeds.

    • The Ignition config files that the installation program generates contain certificates that expire after 24 hours, which are then renewed at that time. If the cluster is shut down before renewing the certificates and the cluster is later restarted after the 24 hours have elapsed, the cluster automatically recovers the expired certificates. The exception is that you must manually approve the pending node-bootstrapper certificate signing requests (CSRs) to recover kubelet certificates. See the documentation for Recovering from expired control plane certificates for more information.
    • It is recommended that you use Ignition config files within 12 hours after they are generated because the 24-hour certificate rotates from 16 to 22 hours after the cluster is installed. By using the Ignition config files within 12 hours, you can avoid installation failure if the certificate update runs during installation.

    You must not delete the installation program or the files that the installation program creates. Both are required to delete the cluster.

  2. Optional: Remove or disable the AdministratorAccess policy from the IAM account that you used to install the cluster.


    The elevated permissions provided by the AdministratorAccess policy are required only during installation.

2.9.10. Installing the OpenShift CLI by downloading the binary

You can install the OpenShift CLI (oc) in order to interact with OpenShift Container Platform from a command-line interface. You can install oc on Linux, Windows, or macOS.


If you installed an earlier version of oc, you cannot use it to complete all of the commands in OpenShift Container Platform 4.6. Download and install the new version of oc. Installing the OpenShift CLI on Linux

You can install the OpenShift CLI (oc) binary on Linux by using the following procedure.


  1. Navigate to the OpenShift Container Platform downloads page on the Red Hat Customer Portal.
  2. Select the appropriate version in the Version drop-down menu.
  3. Click Download Now next to the OpenShift v4.6 Linux Client entry and save the file.
  4. Unpack the archive:

    $ tar xvzf <file>
  5. Place the oc binary in a directory that is on your PATH.

    To check your PATH, execute the following command:

    $ echo $PATH

After you install the OpenShift CLI, it is available using the oc command:

$ oc <command> Installing the OpenShift CLI on Windows

You can install the OpenShift CLI (oc) binary on Windows by using the following procedure.


  1. Navigate to the OpenShift Container Platform downloads page on the Red Hat Customer Portal.
  2. Select the appropriate version in the Version drop-down menu.
  3. Click Download Now next to the OpenShift v4.6 Windows Client entry and save the file.
  4. Unzip the archive with a ZIP program.
  5. Move the oc binary to a directory that is on your PATH.

    To check your PATH, open the command prompt and execute the following command:

    C:\> path

After you install the OpenShift CLI, it is available using the oc command:

C:\> oc <command> Installing the OpenShift CLI on macOS

You can install the OpenShift CLI (oc) binary on macOS by using the following procedure.


  1. Navigate to the OpenShift Container Platform downloads page on the Red Hat Customer Portal.
  2. Select the appropriate version in the Version drop-down menu.
  3. Click Download Now next to the OpenShift v4.6 MacOSX Client entry and save the file.
  4. Unpack and unzip the archive.
  5. Move the oc binary to a directory on your PATH.

    To check your PATH, open a terminal and execute the following command:

    $ echo $PATH

After you install the OpenShift CLI, it is available using the oc command:

$ oc <command>

2.9.11. Logging in to the cluster by using the CLI

You can log in to your cluster as a default system user by exporting the cluster kubeconfig file. The kubeconfig file contains information about the cluster that is used by the CLI to connect a client to the correct cluster and API server. The file is specific to a cluster and is created during OpenShift Container Platform installation.


  • You deployed an OpenShift Container Platform cluster.
  • You installed the oc CLI.


  1. Export the kubeadmin credentials:

    $ export KUBECONFIG=<installation_directory>/auth/kubeconfig 1
    For <installation_directory>, specify the path to the directory that you stored the installation files in.
  2. Verify you can run oc commands successfully using the exported configuration:

    $ oc whoami

    Example output


2.9.12. Logging in to the cluster by using the web console

The kubeadmin user exists by default after an OpenShift Container Platform installation. You can log in to your cluster as the kubeadmin user by using the OpenShift Container Platform web console.


  • You have access to the installation host.
  • You completed a cluster installation and all cluster Operators are available.


  1. Obtain the password for the kubeadmin user from the kubeadmin-password file on the installation host:

    $ cat <installation_directory>/auth/kubeadmin-password

    Alternatively, you can obtain the kubeadmin password from the <installation_directory>/.openshift_install.log log file on the installation host.

  2. List the OpenShift Container Platform web console route:

    $ oc get routes -n openshift-console | grep 'console-openshift'

    Alternatively, you can obtain the OpenShift Container Platform route from the <installation_directory>/.openshift_install.log log file on the installation host.

    Example output

    console     console-openshift-console.apps.<cluster_name>.<base_domain>            console     https   reencrypt/Redirect   None

  3. Navigate to the route detailed in the output of the preceding command in a web browser and log in as the kubeadmin user.

Additional resources

  • See Accessing the web console for more details about accessing and understanding the OpenShift Container Platform web console.

2.9.13. Telemetry access for OpenShift Container Platform

In OpenShift Container Platform 4.6, the Telemetry service, which runs by default to provide metrics about cluster health and the success of updates, requires internet access. If your cluster is connected to the internet, Telemetry runs automatically, and your cluster is registered to OpenShift Cluster Manager.

After you confirm that your OpenShift Cluster Manager inventory is correct, either maintained automatically by Telemetry or manually by using OpenShift Cluster Manager, use subscription watch to track your OpenShift Container Platform subscriptions at the account or multi-cluster level.

Additional resources

2.9.14. Next steps

2.10. Installing a cluster on user-provisioned infrastructure in AWS by using CloudFormation templates

In OpenShift Container Platform version 4.6, you can install a cluster on Amazon Web Services (AWS) that uses infrastructure that you provide.

One way to create this infrastructure is to use the provided CloudFormation templates. You can modify the templates to customize your infrastructure or use the information that they contain to create AWS objects according to your company’s policies.


The steps for performing a user-provisioned infrastructure installation are provided as an example only. Installing a cluster with infrastructure you provide requires knowledge of the cloud provider and the installation process of OpenShift Container Platform. Several CloudFormation templates are provided to assist in completing these steps or to help model your own. You are also free to create the required resources through other methods; the templates are just an example.

2.10.1. Prerequisites

2.10.2. Internet access for OpenShift Container Platform

In OpenShift Container Platform 4.6, you require access to the Internet to install your cluster.

You must have Internet access to:

  • Access OpenShift Cluster Manager to download the installation program and perform subscription management. If the cluster has internet access and you do not disable Telemetry, that service automatically entitles your cluster.
  • Access to obtain the packages that are required to install your cluster.
  • Obtain the packages that are required to perform cluster updates.

If your cluster cannot have direct Internet access, you can perform a restricted network installation on some types of infrastructure that you provision. During that process, you download the content that is required and use it to populate a mirror registry with the packages that you need to install a cluster and generate the installation program. With some installation types, the environment that you install your cluster in will not require Internet access. Before you update the cluster, you update the content of the mirror registry.

2.10.3. Required AWS infrastructure components

To install OpenShift Container Platform on user-provisioned infrastructure in Amazon Web Services (AWS), you must manually create both the machines and their supporting infrastructure.

For more information about the integration testing for different platforms, see the OpenShift Container Platform 4.x Tested Integrations page.

By using the provided CloudFormation templates, you can create stacks of AWS resources that represent the following components:

  • An AWS Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)
  • Networking and load balancing components
  • Security groups and roles
  • An OpenShift Container Platform bootstrap node
  • OpenShift Container Platform control plane nodes
  • An OpenShift Container Platform compute node

Alternatively, you can manually create the components or you can reuse existing infrastructure that meets the cluster requirements. Review the CloudFormation templates for more details about how the components interrelate. Cluster machines

You need AWS::EC2::Instance objects for the following machines:

  • A bootstrap machine. This machine is required during installation, but you can remove it after your cluster deploys.
  • Three control plane machines. The control plane machines are not governed by a machine set.
  • Compute machines. You must create at least two compute machines, which are also known as worker machines, during installation. These machines are not governed by a machine set.

You can use the following instance types for the cluster machines with the provided CloudFormation templates.


If m4 instance types are not available in your region, such as with eu-west-3, use m5 types instead.

Table 2.30. Instance types for machines
Instance typeBootstrapControl planeCompute

































































































You might be able to use other instance types that meet the specifications of these instance types. Other infrastructure components

  • A VPC
  • DNS entries
  • Load balancers (classic or network) and listeners
  • A public and a private Route 53 zone
  • Security groups
  • IAM roles
  • S3 buckets

If you are working in a disconnected environment or use a proxy, you cannot reach the public IP addresses for EC2 and ELB endpoints. To reach these endpoints, you must create a VPC endpoint and attach it to the subnet that the clusters are using. Create the following endpoints:

  • ec2.<region>
  • elasticloadbalancing.<region>
  • s3.<region>

Required VPC components

You must provide a suitable VPC and subnets that allow communication to your machines.

ComponentAWS typeDescription


  • AWS::EC2::VPC
  • AWS::EC2::VPCEndpoint

You must provide a public VPC for the cluster to use. The VPC uses an endpoint that references the route tables for each subnet to improve communication with the registry that is hosted in S3.

Public subnets

  • AWS::EC2::Subnet
  • AWS::EC2::SubnetNetworkAclAssociation

Your VPC must have public subnets for between 1 and 3 availability zones and associate them with appropriate Ingress rules.

Internet gateway

  • AWS::EC2::InternetGateway
  • AWS::EC2::VPCGatewayAttachment
  • AWS::EC2::RouteTable
  • AWS::EC2::Route
  • AWS::EC2::SubnetRouteTableAssociation
  • AWS::EC2::NatGateway
  • AWS::EC2::EIP

You must have a public Internet gateway, with public routes, attached to the VPC. In the provided templates, each public subnet has a NAT gateway with an EIP address. These NAT gateways allow cluster resources, like private subnet instances, to reach the Internet and are not required for some restricted network or proxy scenarios.

Network access control

  • AWS::EC2::NetworkAcl
  • AWS::EC2::NetworkAclEntry

You must allow the VPC to access the following ports:




Inbound HTTP traffic


Inbound HTTPS traffic


Inbound SSH traffic

1024 - 65535

Inbound ephemeral traffic

0 - 65535

Outbound ephemeral traffic

Private subnets

  • AWS::EC2::Subnet
  • AWS::EC2::RouteTable
  • AWS::EC2::SubnetRouteTableAssociation

Your VPC can have private subnets. The provided CloudFormation templates can create private subnets for between 1 and 3 availability zones. If you use private subnets, you must provide appropriate routes and tables for them.

Required DNS and load balancing components

Your DNS and load balancer configuration needs to use a public hosted zone and can use a private hosted zone similar to the one that the installation program uses if it provisions the cluster’s infrastructure. You must create a DNS entry that resolves to your load balancer. An entry for api.<cluster_name>.<domain> must point to the external load balancer, and an entry for api-int.<cluster_name>.<domain> must point to the internal load balancer.

The cluster also requires load balancers and listeners for port 6443, which are required for the Kubernetes API and its extensions, and port 22623, which are required for the Ignition config files for new machines. The targets will be the control plane nodes (also known as the master nodes). Port 6443 must be accessible to both clients external to the cluster and nodes within the cluster. Port 22623 must be accessible to nodes within the cluster.

ComponentAWS typeDescription



The hosted zone for your internal DNS.

etcd record sets


The registration records for etcd for your control plane machines.

Public load balancer


The load balancer for your public subnets.

External API server record


Alias records for the external API server.

External listener


A listener on port 6443 for the external load balancer.

External target group


The target group for the external load balancer.

Private load balancer


The load balancer for your private subnets.

Internal API server record


Alias records for the internal API server.

Internal listener


A listener on port 22623 for the internal load balancer.

Internal target group


The target group for the internal load balancer.

Internal listener


A listener on port 6443 for the internal load balancer.

Internal target group


The target group for the internal load balancer.

Security groups

The control plane and worker machines require access to the following ports:

GroupTypeIP ProtocolPort range























Control plane Ingress

The control plane machines require the following Ingress groups. Each Ingress group is a AWS::EC2::SecurityGroupIngress resource.

Ingress groupDescriptionIP protocolPort range




2379- 2380


Vxlan packets




Vxlan packets




Internal cluster communication and Kubernetes proxy metrics


9000 - 9999


Internal cluster communication


9000 - 9999


Kubernetes kubelet, scheduler and controller manager


10250 - 10259


Kubernetes kubelet, scheduler and controller manager


10250 - 10259


Kubernetes Ingress services


30000 - 32767


Kubernetes Ingress services


30000 - 32767


Geneve packets




Geneve packets




IPsec IKE packets




IPsec IKE packets




IPsec NAT-T packets




IPsec NAT-T packets




IPsec ESP packets




IPsec ESP packets




Internal cluster communication


9000 - 9999


Internal cluster communication


9000 - 9999


Kubernetes Ingress services


30000 - 32767


Kubernetes Ingress services


30000 - 32767

Worker Ingress

The worker machines require the following Ingress groups. Each Ingress group is a AWS::EC2::SecurityGroupIngress resource.

Ingress groupDescriptionIP protocolPort range


Vxlan packets




Vxlan packets




Internal cluster communication


9000 - 9999


Internal cluster communication


9000 - 9999


Kubernetes kubelet, scheduler, and controller manager




Kubernetes kubelet, scheduler, and controller manager




Kubernetes Ingress services


30000 - 32767


Kubernetes Ingress services


30000 - 32767


Geneve packets




Geneve packets




IPsec IKE packets




IPsec IKE packets




IPsec NAT-T packets




IPsec NAT-T packets




IPsec ESP packets




IPsec ESP packets




Internal cluster communication


9000 - 9999


Internal cluster communication


9000 - 9999


Kubernetes Ingress services


30000 - 32767


Kubernetes Ingress services


30000 - 32767

Roles and instance profiles

You must grant the machines permissions in AWS. The provided CloudFormation templates grant the machines Allow permissions for the following AWS::IAM::Role objects and provide a AWS::IAM::InstanceProfile for each set of roles. If you do not use the templates, you can grant the machines the following broad permissions or the following individual permissions.




























* Certificate signing requests management

Because your cluster has limited access to automatic machine management when you use infrastructure that you provision, you must provide a mechanism for approving cluster certificate signing requests (CSRs) after installation. The kube-controller-manager only approves the kubelet client CSRs. The machine-approver cannot guarantee the validity of a serving certificate that is requested by using kubelet credentials because it cannot confirm that the correct machine issued the request. You must determine and implement a method of verifying the validity of the kubelet serving certificate requests and approving them. Required AWS permissions


Your IAM user must have the permission tag:GetResources in the region us-east-1 to delete the base cluster resources. As part of the AWS API requirement, the OpenShift Container Platform installation program performs various actions in this region.

When you attach the AdministratorAccess policy to the IAM user that you create in Amazon Web Services (AWS), you grant that user all of the required permissions. To deploy all components of an OpenShift Container Platform cluster, the IAM user requires the following permissions:

Example 2.13. Required EC2 permissions for installation

  • tag:TagResources
  • tag:UntagResources
  • ec2:AllocateAddress
  • ec2:AssociateAddress
  • ec2:AuthorizeSecurityGroupEgress
  • ec2:AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngress
  • ec2:CopyImage
  • ec2:CreateNetworkInterface
  • ec2:AttachNetworkInterface
  • ec2:CreateSecurityGroup
  • ec2:CreateTags
  • ec2:CreateVolume
  • ec2:DeleteSecurityGroup
  • ec2:DeleteSnapshot
  • ec2:DeleteTags
  • ec2:DeregisterImage
  • ec2:DescribeAccountAttributes
  • ec2:DescribeAddresses
  • ec2:DescribeAvailabilityZones
  • ec2:DescribeDhcpOptions
  • ec2:DescribeImages
  • ec2:DescribeInstanceAttribute
  • ec2:DescribeInstanceCreditSpecifications
  • ec2:DescribeInstances
  • ec2:DescribeInternetGateways
  • ec2:DescribeKeyPairs
  • ec2:DescribeNatGateways
  • ec2:DescribeNetworkAcls
  • ec2:DescribeNetworkInterfaces
  • ec2:DescribePrefixLists
  • ec2:DescribeRegions
  • ec2:DescribeRouteTables
  • ec2:DescribeSecurityGroups
  • ec2:DescribeSubnets
  • ec2:DescribeTags
  • ec2:DescribeVolumes
  • ec2:DescribeVpcAttribute
  • ec2:DescribeVpcClassicLink
  • ec2:DescribeVpcClassicLinkDnsSupport
  • ec2:DescribeVpcEndpoints
  • ec2:DescribeVpcs
  • ec2:GetEbsDefaultKmsKeyId
  • ec2:ModifyInstanceAttribute
  • ec2:ModifyNetworkInterfaceAttribute
  • ec2:ReleaseAddress
  • ec2:RevokeSecurityGroupEgress
  • ec2:RevokeSecurityGroupIngress
  • ec2:RunInstances
  • ec2:TerminateInstances

Example 2.14. Required permissions for creating network resources during installation

  • ec2:AssociateDhcpOptions
  • ec2:AssociateRouteTable
  • ec2:AttachInternetGateway
  • ec2:CreateDhcpOptions
  • ec2:CreateInternetGateway
  • ec2:CreateNatGateway
  • ec2:CreateRoute
  • ec2:CreateRouteTable
  • ec2:CreateSubnet
  • ec2:CreateVpc
  • ec2:CreateVpcEndpoint
  • ec2:ModifySubnetAttribute
  • ec2:ModifyVpcAttribute

If you use an existing VPC, your account does not require these permissions for creating network resources.

Example 2.15. Required Elastic Load Balancing permissions (ELB) for installation

  • elasticloadbalancing:AddTags
  • elasticloadbalancing:ApplySecurityGroupsToLoadBalancer
  • elasticloadbalancing:AttachLoadBalancerToSubnets
  • elasticloadbalancing:ConfigureHealthCheck
  • elasticloadbalancing:CreateLoadBalancer
  • elasticloadbalancing:CreateLoadBalancerListeners
  • elasticloadbalancing:DeleteLoadBalancer
  • elasticloadbalancing:DeregisterInstancesFromLoadBalancer
  • elasticloadbalancing:DescribeInstanceHealth
  • elasticloadbalancing:DescribeLoadBalancerAttributes
  • elasticloadbalancing:DescribeLoadBalancers
  • elasticloadbalancing:DescribeTags
  • elasticloadbalancing:ModifyLoadBalancerAttributes
  • elasticloadbalancing:RegisterInstancesWithLoadBalancer
  • elasticloadbalancing:SetLoadBalancerPoliciesOfListener

Example 2.16. Required Elastic Load Balancing permissions (ELBv2) for installation

  • elasticloadbalancing:AddTags
  • elasticloadbalancing:CreateListener
  • elasticloadbalancing:CreateLoadBalancer
  • elasticloadbalancing:CreateTargetGroup
  • elasticloadbalancing:DeleteLoadBalancer
  • elasticloadbalancing:DeregisterTargets
  • elasticloadbalancing:DescribeListeners
  • elasticloadbalancing:DescribeLoadBalancerAttributes
  • elasticloadbalancing:DescribeLoadBalancers
  • elasticloadbalancing:DescribeTargetGroupAttributes
  • elasticloadbalancing:DescribeTargetHealth
  • elasticloadbalancing:ModifyLoadBalancerAttributes
  • elasticloadbalancing:ModifyTargetGroup
  • elasticloadbalancing:ModifyTargetGroupAttributes
  • elasticloadbalancing:RegisterTargets

Example 2.17. Required IAM permissions for installation

  • iam:AddRoleToInstanceProfile
  • iam:CreateInstanceProfile
  • iam:CreateRole
  • iam:DeleteInstanceProfile
  • iam:DeleteRole
  • iam:DeleteRolePolicy
  • iam:GetInstanceProfile
  • iam:GetRole
  • iam:GetRolePolicy
  • iam:GetUser
  • iam:ListInstanceProfilesForRole
  • iam:ListRoles
  • iam:ListUsers
  • iam:PassRole
  • iam:PutRolePolicy
  • iam:RemoveRoleFromInstanceProfile
  • iam:SimulatePrincipalPolicy
  • iam:TagRole

If you have not created an elastic load balancer (ELB) in your AWS account, the IAM user also requires the iam:CreateServiceLinkedRole permission.

Example 2.18. Required Route 53 permissions for installation

  • route53:ChangeResourceRecordSets
  • route53:ChangeTagsForResource
  • route53:CreateHostedZone
  • route53:DeleteHostedZone
  • route53:GetChange
  • route53:GetHostedZone
  • route53:ListHostedZones
  • route53:ListHostedZonesByName
  • route53:ListResourceRecordSets
  • route53:ListTagsForResource
  • route53:UpdateHostedZoneComment

Example 2.19. Required S3 permissions for installation

  • s3:CreateBucket
  • s3:DeleteBucket
  • s3:GetAccelerateConfiguration
  • s3:GetBucketAcl
  • s3:GetBucketCors
  • s3:GetBucketLocation
  • s3:GetBucketLogging
  • s3:GetBucketObjectLockConfiguration
  • s3:GetBucketReplication
  • s3:GetBucketRequestPayment
  • s3:GetBucketTagging
  • s3:GetBucketVersioning
  • s3:GetBucketWebsite
  • s3:GetEncryptionConfiguration
  • s3:GetLifecycleConfiguration
  • s3:GetReplicationConfiguration
  • s3:ListBucket
  • s3:PutBucketAcl
  • s3:PutBucketTagging
  • s3:PutEncryptionConfiguration

Example 2.20. S3 permissions that cluster Operators require

  • s3:DeleteObject
  • s3:GetObject
  • s3:GetObjectAcl
  • s3:GetObjectTagging
  • s3:GetObjectVersion
  • s3:PutObject
  • s3:PutObjectAcl
  • s3:PutObjectTagging

Example 2.21. Required permissions to delete base cluster resources

  • autoscaling:DescribeAutoScalingGroups
  • ec2:DeleteNetworkInterface
  • ec2:DeleteVolume
  • elasticloadbalancing:DeleteTargetGroup
  • elasticloadbalancing:DescribeTargetGroups
  • iam:DeleteAccessKey
  • iam:DeleteUser
  • iam:ListAttachedRolePolicies
  • iam:ListInstanceProfiles
  • iam:ListRolePolicies
  • iam:ListUserPolicies
  • s3:DeleteObject
  • s3:ListBucketVersions
  • tag:GetResources

Example 2.22. Required permissions to delete network resources

  • ec2:DeleteDhcpOptions
  • ec2:DeleteInternetGateway
  • ec2:DeleteNatGateway
  • ec2:DeleteRoute
  • ec2:DeleteRouteTable
  • ec2:DeleteSubnet
  • ec2:DeleteVpc
  • ec2:DeleteVpcEndpoints
  • ec2:DetachInternetGateway
  • ec2:DisassociateRouteTable
  • ec2:ReplaceRouteTableAssociation

If you use an existing VPC, your account does not require these permissions to delete network resources.

Example 2.23. Additional IAM and S3 permissions that are required to create manifests

  • iam:DeleteAccessKey
  • iam:DeleteUser
  • iam:DeleteUserPolicy
  • iam:GetUserPolicy
  • iam:ListAccessKeys
  • iam:PutUserPolicy
  • iam:TagUser
  • iam:GetUserPolicy
  • iam:ListAccessKeys
  • s3:PutBucketPublicAccessBlock
  • s3:GetBucketPublicAccessBlock
  • s3:PutLifecycleConfiguration
  • s3:HeadBucket
  • s3:ListBucketMultipartUploads
  • s3:AbortMultipartUpload

If you are managing your cloud provider credentials with mint mode, the IAM user also requires the iam:CreateAccessKey and iam:CreateUser permissions.

Example 2.24. Optional permission for quota checks for installation

  • servicequotas:ListAWSDefaultServiceQuotas

2.10.4. Obtaining the installation program

Before you install OpenShift Container Platform, download the installation file on a local computer.


  • You have a computer that runs Linux or macOS, with 500 MB of local disk space


  1. Access the Infrastructure Provider page on the OpenShift Cluster Manager site. If you have a Red Hat account, log in with your credentials. If you do not, create an account.
  2. Select your infrastructure provider.
  3. Navigate to the page for your installation type, download the installation program for your operating system, and place the file in the directory where you will store the installation configuration files.


    The installation program creates several files on the computer that you use to install your cluster. You must keep the installation program and the files that the installation program creates after you finish installing the cluster. Both files are required to delete the cluster.


    Deleting the files created by the installation program does not remove your cluster, even if the cluster failed during installation. To remove your cluster, complete the OpenShift Container Platform uninstallation procedures for your specific cloud provider.

  4. Extract the installation program. For example, on a computer that uses a Linux operating system, run the following command:

    $ tar xvf openshift-install-linux.tar.gz
  5. Download your installation pull secret from the Red Hat OpenShift Cluster Manager. This pull secret allows you to authenticate with the services that are provided by the included authorities, including, which serves the container images for OpenShift Container Platform components.

2.10.5. Generating an SSH private key and adding it to the agent

If you want to perform installation debugging or disaster recovery on your cluster, you must provide an SSH key to both your ssh-agent and the installation program. You can use this key to access the bootstrap machine in a public cluster to troubleshoot installation issues.


In a production environment, you require disaster recovery and debugging.

You can use this key to SSH into the master nodes as the user core. When you deploy the cluster, the key is added to the core user’s ~/.ssh/authorized_keys list.


You must use a local key, not one that you configured with platform-specific approaches such as AWS key pairs.


  1. If you do not have an SSH key that is configured for password-less authentication on your computer, create one. For example, on a computer that uses a Linux operating system, run the following command:

    $ ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -N '' \
        -f <path>/<file_name> 1
    Specify the path and file name, such as ~/.ssh/id_rsa, of the new SSH key. If you have an existing key pair, ensure your public key is in the your ~/.ssh directory.

    Running this command generates an SSH key that does not require a password in the location that you specified.


    If you plan to install an OpenShift Container Platform cluster that uses FIPS Validated / Modules in Process cryptographic libraries on the x86_64 architecture, do not create a key that uses the ed25519 algorithm. Instead, create a key that uses the rsa or ecdsa algorithm.

  2. Start the ssh-agent process as a background task:

    $ eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"

    Example output

    Agent pid 31874


    If your cluster is in FIPS mode, only use FIPS-compliant algorithms to generate the SSH key. The key must be either RSA or ECDSA.

  3. Add your SSH private key to the ssh-agent:

    $ ssh-add <path>/<file_name> 1

    Example output

    Identity added: /home/<you>/<path>/<file_name> (<computer_name>)

    Specify the path and file name for your SSH private key, such as ~/.ssh/id_rsa

Next steps

  • When you install OpenShift Container Platform, provide the SSH public key to the installation program. If you install a cluster on infrastructure that you provision, you must provide this key to your cluster’s machines.

2.10.6. Creating the installation files for AWS

To install OpenShift Container Platform on Amazon Web Services (AWS) using user-provisioned infrastructure, you must generate the files that the installation program needs to deploy your cluster and modify them so that the cluster creates only the machines that it will use. You generate and customize the install-config.yaml file, Kubernetes manifests, and Ignition config files. You also have the option to first set up a separate var partition during the preparation phases of installation. Optional: Creating a separate /var partition

It is recommended that disk partitioning for OpenShift Container Platform be left to the installer. However, there are cases where you might want to create separate partitions in a part of the filesystem that you expect to grow.

OpenShift Container Platform supports the addition of a single partition to attach storage to either the /var partition or a subdirectory of /var. For example:

  • /var/lib/containers: Holds container-related content that can grow as more images and containers are added to a system.
  • /var/lib/etcd: Holds data that you might want to keep separate for purposes such as performance optimization of etcd storage.
  • /var: Holds data that you might want to keep separate for purposes such as auditing.

Storing the contents of a /var directory separately makes it easier to grow storage for those areas as needed and reinstall OpenShift Container Platform at a later date and keep that data intact. With this method, you will not have to pull all your containers again, nor will you have to copy massive log files when you update systems.

Because /var must be in place before a fresh installation of Red Hat Enterprise Linux CoreOS (RHCOS), the following procedure sets up the separate /var partition by creating a machine config that is inserted during the openshift-install preparation phases of an OpenShift Container Platform installation.


If you follow the steps to create a separate /var partition in this procedure, it is not necessary to create the Kubernetes manifest and Ignition config files again as described later in this section.


  1. Create a directory to hold the OpenShift Container Platform installation files:

    $ mkdir $HOME/clusterconfig
  2. Run openshift-install to create a set of files in the manifest and openshift subdirectories. Answer the system questions as you are prompted:

    $ openshift-install create manifests --dir $HOME/clusterconfig

    Example output

    ? SSH Public Key ...
    INFO Credentials loaded from the "myprofile" profile in file "/home/myuser/.aws/credentials"
    INFO Consuming Install Config from target directory
    INFO Manifests created in: $HOME/clusterconfig/manifests and $HOME/clusterconfig/openshift

  3. Optional: Confirm that the installation program created manifests in the clusterconfig/openshift directory:

    $ ls $HOME/clusterconfig/openshift/

    Example output


  4. Create a MachineConfig object and add it to a file in the openshift directory. For example, name the file 98-var-partition.yaml, change the disk device name to the name of the storage device on the worker systems, and set the storage size as appropriate. This example places the /var directory on a separate partition:

    kind: MachineConfig
      labels: worker
      name: 98-var-partition
          version: 3.1.0
          - device: /dev/<device_name> 1
            - label: var
              startMiB: <partition_start_offset> 2
              sizeMiB: <partition_size> 3
            - device: /dev/disk/by-partlabel/var
              path: /var
              format: xfs
            - name: var.mount 4
              enabled: true
              contents: |
                Options=defaults,prjquota 5
    The storage device name of the disk that you want to partition.
    When adding a data partition to the boot disk, a minimum value of 25000 MiB (Mebibytes) is recommended. The root file system is automatically resized to fill all available space up to the specified offset. If no value is specified, or if the specified value is smaller than the recommended minimum, the resulting root file system will be too small, and future reinstalls of RHCOS might overwrite the beginning of the data partition.
    The size of the data partition in mebibytes.
    The name of the mount unit must match the directory specified in the Where= directive. For example, for a filesystem mounted on /var/lib/containers, the unit must be named var-lib-containers.mount.
    The prjquota mount option must be enabled for filesystems used for container storage.

    When creating a separate /var partition, you cannot use different instance types for worker nodes, if the different instance types do not have the same device name.

  5. Run openshift-install again to create Ignition configs from a set of files in the manifest and openshift subdirectories:

    $ openshift-install create ignition-configs --dir $HOME/clusterconfig
    $ ls $HOME/clusterconfig/
    auth  bootstrap.ign  master.ign  metadata.json  worker.ign

Now you can use the Ignition config files as input to the installation procedures to install Red Hat Enterprise Linux CoreOS (RHCOS) systems. Creating the installation configuration file

Generate and customize the installation configuration file that the installation program needs to deploy your cluster.


  • You obtained the OpenShift Container Platform installation program for user-provisioned infrastructure and the pull secret for your cluster.
  • You checked that you are deploying your cluster to a region with an accompanying Red Hat Enterprise Linux CoreOS (RHCOS) AMI published by Red Hat. If you are deploying to a region that requires a custom AMI, such as an AWS GovCloud region, you must create the install-config.yaml file manually.


  1. Create the install-config.yaml file.

    1. Change to the directory that contains the installation program and run the following command:

      $ ./openshift-install create install-config --dir <installation_directory> 1
      For <installation_directory>, specify the directory name to store the files that the installation program creates.

      Specify an empty directory. Some installation assets, like bootstrap X.509 certificates have short expiration intervals, so you must not reuse an installation directory. If you want to reuse individual files from another cluster installation, you can copy them into your directory. However, the file names for the installation assets might change between releases. Use caution when copying installation files from an earlier OpenShift Container Platform version.

    2. At the prompts, provide the configuration details for your cloud:

      1. Optional: Select an SSH key to use to access your cluster machines.


        For production OpenShift Container Platform clusters on which you want to perform installation debugging or disaster recovery, specify an SSH key that your ssh-agent process uses.

      2. Select aws as the platform to target.
      3. If you do not have an AWS profile stored on your computer, enter the AWS access key ID and secret access key for the user that you configured to run the installation program.


        The AWS access key ID and secret access key are stored in ~/.aws/credentials in the home directory of the current user on the installation host. You are prompted for the credentials by the installation program if the credentials for the exported profile are not present in the file. Any credentials that you provide to the installation program are stored in the file.

      4. Select the AWS region to deploy the cluster to.
      5. Select the base domain for the Route 53 service that you configured for your cluster.
      6. Enter a descriptive name for your cluster.
      7. Paste the pull secret from the Red Hat OpenShift Cluster Manager.
  2. Optional: Back up the install-config.yaml file.


    The install-config.yaml file is consumed during the installation process. If you want to reuse the file, you must back it up now.

Additional resources Configuring the cluster-wide proxy during installation

Production environments can deny direct access to the Internet and instead have an HTTP or HTTPS proxy available. You can configure a new OpenShift Container Platform cluster to use a proxy by configuring the proxy settings in the install-config.yaml file.


  • You have an existing install-config.yaml file.
  • You reviewed the sites that your cluster requires access to and determined whether any of them need to bypass the proxy. By default, all cluster egress traffic is proxied, including calls to hosting cloud provider APIs. You added sites to the Proxy object’s spec.noProxy field to bypass the proxy if necessary.


    The Proxy object status.noProxy field is populated with the values of the networking.machineNetwork[].cidr, networking.clusterNetwork[].cidr, and networking.serviceNetwork[] fields from your installation configuration.

    For installations on Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Microsoft Azure, and Red Hat OpenStack Platform (RHOSP), the Proxy object status.noProxy field is also populated with the instance metadata endpoint (

  • If your cluster is on AWS, you added the ec2.<region>, elasticloadbalancing.<region>, and s3.<region> endpoints to your VPC endpoint. These endpoints are required to complete requests from the nodes to the AWS EC2 API. Because the proxy works on the container level, not the node level, you must route these requests to the AWS EC2 API through the AWS private network. Adding the public IP address of the EC2 API to your allowlist in your proxy server is not sufficient.


  1. Edit your install-config.yaml file and add the proxy settings. For example:

    apiVersion: v1
      httpProxy: http://<username>:<pswd>@<ip>:<port> 1
      httpsProxy: https://<username>:<pswd>@<ip>:<port> 2
      noProxy: 3
    additionalTrustBundle: | 4
        -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
        -----END CERTIFICATE-----
    A proxy URL to use for creating HTTP connections outside the cluster. The URL scheme must be http.
    A proxy URL to use for creating HTTPS connections outside the cluster.
    A comma-separated list of destination domain names, IP addresses, or other network CIDRs to exclude from proxying. Preface a domain with . to match subdomains only. For example, matches, but not Use * to bypass the proxy for all destinations.
    If provided, the installation program generates a config map that is named user-ca-bundle in the openshift-config namespace to hold the additional CA certificates. If you provide additionalTrustBundle and at least one proxy setting, the Proxy object is configured to reference the user-ca-bundle config map in the trustedCA field. The Cluster Network Operator then creates a trusted-ca-bundle config map that merges the contents specified for the trustedCA parameter with the RHCOS trust bundle. The additionalTrustBundle field is required unless the proxy’s identity certificate is signed by an authority from the RHCOS trust bundle.

    The installation program does not support the proxy readinessEndpoints field.

  2. Save the file and reference it when installing OpenShift Container Platform.

The installation program creates a cluster-wide proxy that is named cluster that uses the proxy settings in the provided install-config.yaml file. If no proxy settings are provided, a cluster Proxy object is still created, but it will have a nil spec.


Only the Proxy object named cluster is supported, and no additional proxies can be created. Creating the Kubernetes manifest and Ignition config files

Because you must modify some cluster definition files and manually start the cluster machines, you must generate the Kubernetes manifest and Ignition config files that the cluster needs to make its machines.

The installation configuration file transforms into the Kubernetes manifests. The manifests wrap into the Ignition configuration files, which are later used to create the cluster.

  • The Ignition config files that the installation program generates contain certificates that expire after 24 hours, which are then renewed at that time. If the cluster is shut down before renewing the certificates and the cluster is later restarted after the 24 hours have elapsed, the cluster automatically recovers the expired certificates. The exception is that you must manually approve the pending node-bootstrapper certificate signing requests (CSRs) to recover kubelet certificates. See the documentation for Recovering from expired control plane certificates for more information.
  • It is recommended that you use Ignition config files within 12 hours after they are generated because the 24-hour certificate rotates from 16 to 22 hours after the cluster is installed. By using the Ignition config files within 12 hours, you can avoid installation failure if the certificate update runs during installation.


  • You obtained the OpenShift Container Platform installation program.
  • You created the install-config.yaml installation configuration file.


  1. Change to the directory that contains the installation program and generate the Kubernetes manifests for the cluster:

    $ ./openshift-install create manifests --dir <installation_directory> 1
    For <installation_directory>, specify the installation directory that contains the install-config.yaml file you created.
  2. Remove the Kubernetes manifest files that define the control plane machines:

    $ rm -f <installation_directory>/openshift/99_openshift-cluster-api_master-machines-*.yaml

    By removing these files, you prevent the cluster from automatically generating control plane machines.

  3. Remove the Kubernetes manifest files that define the worker machines:

    $ rm -f <installation_directory>/openshift/99_openshift-cluster-api_worker-machineset-*.yaml

    Because you create and manage the worker machines yourself, you do not need to initialize these machines.

  4. Check that the mastersSchedulable parameter in the <installation_directory>/manifests/cluster-scheduler-02-config.yml Kubernetes manifest file is set to false. This setting prevents pods from being scheduled on the control plane machines:

    1. Open the <installation_directory>/manifests/cluster-scheduler-02-config.yml file.
    2. Locate the mastersSchedulable parameter and ensure that it is set to false.
    3. Save and exit the file.
  5. Optional: If you do not want the Ingress Operator to create DNS records on your behalf, remove the privateZone and publicZone sections from the <installation_directory>/manifests/cluster-dns-02-config.yml DNS configuration file:

    kind: DNS
      creationTimestamp: null
      name: cluster
      privateZone: 1
        id: mycluster-100419-private-zone
      publicZone: 2
    status: {}
    1 2
    Remove this section completely.

    If you do so, you must add ingress DNS records manually in a later step.

  6. To create the Ignition configuration files, run the following command from the directory that contains the installation program:

    $ ./openshift-install create ignition-configs --dir <installation_directory> 1
    For <installation_directory>, specify the same installation directory.

    The following files are generated in the directory:

    ├── auth
    │   ├── kubeadmin-password
    │   └── kubeconfig
    ├── bootstrap.ign
    ├── master.ign
    ├── metadata.json
    └── worker.ign

2.10.7. Extracting the infrastructure name

The Ignition config files contain a unique cluster identifier that you can use to uniquely identify your cluster in Amazon Web Services (AWS). The infrastructure name is also used to locate the appropriate AWS resources during an OpenShift Container Platform installation. The provided CloudFormation templates contain references to this infrastructure name, so you must extract it.


  • You obtained the OpenShift Container Platform installation program and the pull secret for your cluster.
  • You generated the Ignition config files for your cluster.
  • You installed the jq package.


  • To extract and view the infrastructure name from the Ignition config file metadata, run the following command:

    $ jq -r .infraID <installation_directory>/metadata.json 1
    For <installation_directory>, specify the path to the directory that you stored the installation files in.

    Example output

    openshift-vw9j6 1

    The output of this command is your cluster name and a random string.

2.10.8. Creating a VPC in AWS

You must create a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) in Amazon Web Services (AWS) for your OpenShift Container Platform cluster to use. You can customize the VPC to meet your requirements, including VPN and route tables.

You can use the provided CloudFormation template and a custom parameter file to create a stack of AWS resources that represent the VPC.


If you do not use the provided CloudFormation template to create your AWS infrastructure, you must review the provided information and manually create the infrastructure. If your cluster does not initialize correctly, you might have to contact Red Hat support with your installation logs.


  • You configured an AWS account.
  • You added your AWS keys and region to your local AWS profile by running aws configure.
  • You generated the Ignition config files for your cluster.


  1. Create a JSON file that contains the parameter values that the template requires:

        "ParameterKey": "VpcCidr", 1
        "ParameterValue": "" 2
        "ParameterKey": "AvailabilityZoneCount", 3
        "ParameterValue": "1" 4
        "ParameterKey": "SubnetBits", 5
        "ParameterValue": "12" 6
    The CIDR block for the VPC.
    Specify a CIDR block in the format x.x.x.x/16-24.
    The number of availability zones to deploy the VPC in.
    Specify an integer between 1 and 3.
    The size of each subnet in each availability zone.
    Specify an integer between 5 and 13, where 5 is /27 and 13 is /19.
  2. Copy the template from the CloudFormation template for the VPC section of this topic and save it as a YAML file on your computer. This template describes the VPC that your cluster requires.
  3. Launch the CloudFormation template to create a stack of AWS resources that represent the VPC:


    You must enter the command on a single line.

    $ aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name <name> 1
         --template-body file://<template>.yaml 2
         --parameters file://<parameters>.json 3
    <name> is the name for the CloudFormation stack, such as cluster-vpc. You need the name of this stack if you remove the cluster.
    <template> is the relative path to and name of the CloudFormation template YAML file that you saved.
    <parameters> is the relative path to and name of the CloudFormation parameters JSON file.

    Example output


  4. Confirm that the template components exist:

    $ aws cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name <name>

    After the StackStatus displays CREATE_COMPLETE, the output displays values for the following parameters. You must provide these parameter values to the other CloudFormation templates that you run to create your cluster:


    The ID of your VPC.


    The IDs of the new public subnets.


    The IDs of the new private subnets. CloudFormation template for the VPC

You can use the following CloudFormation template to deploy the VPC that you need for your OpenShift Container Platform cluster.

Example 2.25. CloudFormation template for the VPC

AWSTemplateFormatVersion: 2010-09-09
Description: Template for Best Practice VPC with 1-3 AZs

    AllowedPattern: ^(([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])\.){3}([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])(\/(1[6-9]|2[0-4]))$
    ConstraintDescription: CIDR block parameter must be in the form x.x.x.x/16-24.
    Description: CIDR block for VPC.
    Type: String
    ConstraintDescription: "The number of availability zones. (Min: 1, Max: 3)"
    MinValue: 1
    MaxValue: 3
    Default: 1
    Description: "How many AZs to create VPC subnets for. (Min: 1, Max: 3)"
    Type: Number
    ConstraintDescription: CIDR block parameter must be in the form x.x.x.x/19-27.
    MinValue: 5
    MaxValue: 13
    Default: 12
    Description: "Size of each subnet to create within the availability zones. (Min: 5 = /27, Max: 13 = /19)"
    Type: Number

    - Label:
        default: "Network Configuration"
      - VpcCidr
      - SubnetBits
    - Label:
        default: "Availability Zones"
      - AvailabilityZoneCount
        default: "Availability Zone Count"
        default: "VPC CIDR"
        default: "Bits Per Subnet"

  DoAz3: !Equals [3, !Ref AvailabilityZoneCount]
  DoAz2: !Or [!Equals [2, !Ref AvailabilityZoneCount], Condition: DoAz3]

    Type: "AWS::EC2::VPC"
      EnableDnsSupport: "true"
      EnableDnsHostnames: "true"
      CidrBlock: !Ref VpcCidr
    Type: "AWS::EC2::Subnet"
      VpcId: !Ref VPC
      CidrBlock: !Select [0, !Cidr [!Ref VpcCidr, 6, !Ref SubnetBits]]
      AvailabilityZone: !Select
      - 0
      - Fn::GetAZs: !Ref "AWS::Region"
    Type: "AWS::EC2::Subnet"
    Condition: DoAz2
      VpcId: !Ref VPC
      CidrBlock: !Select [1, !Cidr [!Ref VpcCidr, 6, !Ref SubnetBits]]
      AvailabilityZone: !Select
      - 1
      - Fn::GetAZs: !Ref "AWS::Region"
    Type: "AWS::EC2::Subnet"
    Condition: DoAz3
      VpcId: !Ref VPC
      CidrBlock: !Select [2, !Cidr [!Ref VpcCidr, 6, !Ref SubnetBits]]
      AvailabilityZone: !Select
      - 2
      - Fn::GetAZs: !Ref "AWS::Region"
    Type: "AWS::EC2::InternetGateway"
    Type: "AWS::EC2::VPCGatewayAttachment"
      VpcId: !Ref VPC
      InternetGatewayId: !Ref InternetGateway
    Type: "AWS::EC2::RouteTable"
      VpcId: !Ref VPC
    Type: "AWS::EC2::Route"
    DependsOn: GatewayToInternet
      RouteTableId: !Ref PublicRouteTable
      GatewayId: !Ref InternetGateway
    Type: "AWS::EC2::SubnetRouteTableAssociation"
      SubnetId: !Ref PublicSubnet
      RouteTableId: !Ref PublicRouteTable
    Type: "AWS::EC2::SubnetRouteTableAssociation"
    Condition: DoAz2
      SubnetId: !Ref PublicSubnet2
      RouteTableId: !Ref PublicRouteTable
    Condition: DoAz3
    Type: "AWS::EC2::SubnetRouteTableAssociation"
      SubnetId: !Ref PublicSubnet3
      RouteTableId: !Ref PublicRouteTable
    Type: "AWS::EC2::Subnet"
      VpcId: !Ref VPC
      CidrBlock: !Select [3, !Cidr [!Ref VpcCidr, 6, !Ref SubnetBits]]
      AvailabilityZone: !Select
      - 0
      - Fn::GetAZs: !Ref "AWS::Region"
    Type: "AWS::EC2::RouteTable"
      VpcId: !Ref VPC
    Type: "AWS::EC2::SubnetRouteTableAssociation"
      SubnetId: !Ref PrivateSubnet
      RouteTableId: !Ref PrivateRouteTable
    - GatewayToInternet
    Type: "AWS::EC2::NatGateway"
        - EIP
        - AllocationId
      SubnetId: !Ref PublicSubnet
    Type: "AWS::EC2::EIP"
      Domain: vpc
    Type: "AWS::EC2::Route"
        Ref: PrivateRouteTable
        Ref: NAT
    Type: "AWS::EC2::Subnet"
    Condition: DoAz2
      VpcId: !Ref VPC
      CidrBlock: !Select [4, !Cidr [!Ref VpcCidr, 6, !Ref SubnetBits]]
      AvailabilityZone: !Select
      - 1
      - Fn::GetAZs: !Ref "AWS::Region"
    Type: "AWS::EC2::RouteTable"
    Condition: DoAz2
      VpcId: !Ref VPC
    Type: "AWS::EC2::SubnetRouteTableAssociation"
    Condition: DoAz2
      SubnetId: !Ref PrivateSubnet2
      RouteTableId: !Ref PrivateRouteTable2
    - GatewayToInternet
    Type: "AWS::EC2::NatGateway"
    Condition: DoAz2
        - EIP2
        - AllocationId
      SubnetId: !Ref PublicSubnet2
    Type: "AWS::EC2::EIP"
    Condition: DoAz2
      Domain: vpc
    Type: "AWS::EC2::Route"
    Condition: DoAz2
        Ref: PrivateRouteTable2
        Ref: NAT2
    Type: "AWS::EC2::Subnet"
    Condition: DoAz3
      VpcId: !Ref VPC
      CidrBlock: !Select [5, !Cidr [!Ref VpcCidr, 6, !Ref SubnetBits]]
      AvailabilityZone: !Select
      - 2
      - Fn::GetAZs: !Ref "AWS::Region"
    Type: "AWS::EC2::RouteTable"
    Condition: DoAz3
      VpcId: !Ref VPC
    Type: "AWS::EC2::SubnetRouteTableAssociation"
    Condition: DoAz3
      SubnetId: !Ref PrivateSubnet3
      RouteTableId: !Ref PrivateRouteTable3
    - GatewayToInternet
    Type: "AWS::EC2::NatGateway"
    Condition: DoAz3
        - EIP3
        - AllocationId
      SubnetId: !Ref PublicSubnet3
    Type: "AWS::EC2::EIP"
    Condition: DoAz3
      Domain: vpc
    Type: "AWS::EC2::Route"
    Condition: DoAz3
        Ref: PrivateRouteTable3
        Ref: NAT3
    Type: AWS::EC2::VPCEndpoint
        Version: 2012-10-17
        - Effect: Allow
          Principal: '*'
          - '*'
          - '*'
      - !Ref PublicRouteTable
      - !Ref PrivateRouteTable
      - !If [DoAz2, !Ref PrivateRouteTable2, !Ref "AWS::NoValue"]
      - !If [DoAz3, !Ref PrivateRouteTable3, !Ref "AWS::NoValue"]
      ServiceName: !Join
      - ''
      - - com.amazonaws.
        - !Ref 'AWS::Region'
        - .s3
      VpcId: !Ref VPC

    Description: ID of the new VPC.
    Value: !Ref VPC
    Description: Subnet IDs of the public subnets.
      !Join [
        [!Ref PublicSubnet, !If [DoAz2, !Ref PublicSubnet2, !Ref "AWS::NoValue"], !If [DoAz3, !Ref PublicSubnet3, !Ref "AWS::NoValue"]]
    Description: Subnet IDs of the private subnets.
      !Join [
        [!Ref PrivateSubnet, !If [DoAz2, !Ref PrivateSubnet2, !Ref "AWS::NoValue"], !If [DoAz3, !Ref PrivateSubnet3, !Ref "AWS::NoValue"]]

Additional resources

2.10.9. Creating networking and load balancing components in AWS

You must configure networking and classic or network load balancing in Amazon Web Services (AWS) that your OpenShift Container Platform cluster can use.

You can use the provided CloudFormation template and a custom parameter file to create a stack of AWS resources. The stack represents the networking and load balancing components that your OpenShift Container Platform cluster requires. The template also creates a hosted zone and subnet tags.

You can run the template multiple times within a single Virtual Private Cloud (VPC).


If you do not use the provided CloudFormation template to create your AWS infrastructure, you must review the provided information and manually create the infrastructure. If your cluster does not initialize correctly, you might have to contact Red Hat support with your installation logs.


  • You configured an AWS account.
  • You added your AWS keys and region to your local AWS profile by running aws configure.
  • You generated the Ignition config files for your cluster.
  • You created and configured a VPC and associated subnets in AWS.


  1. Obtain the hosted zone ID for the Route 53 base domain that you specified in the install-config.yaml file for your cluster. You can obtain details about your hosted zone by running the following command:

    $ aws route53 list-hosted-zones-by-name --dns-name <route53_domain> 1
    For the <route53_domain>, specify the Route 53 base domain that you used when you generated the install-config.yaml file for the cluster.

    Example output	False	100
    HOSTEDZONES	65F8F38E-2268-B835-E15C-AB55336FCBFA	/hostedzone/Z21IXYZABCZ2A4	10

    In the example output, the hosted zone ID is Z21IXYZABCZ2A4.

  2. Create a JSON file that contains the parameter values that the template requires:

        "ParameterKey": "ClusterName", 1
        "ParameterValue": "mycluster" 2
        "ParameterKey": "InfrastructureName", 3
        "ParameterValue": "mycluster-<random_string>" 4
        "ParameterKey": "HostedZoneId", 5
        "ParameterValue": "<random_string>" 6
        "ParameterKey": "HostedZoneName", 7
        "ParameterValue": "" 8
        "ParameterKey": "PublicSubnets", 9
        "ParameterValue": "subnet-<random_string>" 10
        "ParameterKey": "PrivateSubnets", 11
        "ParameterValue": "subnet-<random_string>" 12
        "ParameterKey": "VpcId", 13
        "ParameterValue": "vpc-<random_string>" 14
    A short, representative cluster name to use for hostnames, etc.
    Specify the cluster name that you used when you generated the install-config.yaml file for the cluster.
    The name for your cluster infrastructure that is encoded in your Ignition config files for the cluster.
    Specify the infrastructure name that you extracted from the Ignition config file metadata, which has the format <cluster-name>-<random-string>.
    The Route 53 public zone ID to register the targets with.
    Specify the Route 53 public zone ID, which as a format similar to Z21IXYZABCZ2A4. You can obtain this value from the AWS console.
    The Route 53 zone to register the targets with.
    Specify the Route 53 base domain that you used when you generated the install-config.yaml file for the cluster. Do not include the trailing period (.) that is displayed in the AWS console.
    The public subnets that you created for your VPC.
    Specify the PublicSubnetIds value from the output of the CloudFormation template for the VPC.
    The private subnets that you created for your VPC.
    Specify the PrivateSubnetIds value from the output of the CloudFormation template for the VPC.
    The VPC that you created for the cluster.
    Specify the VpcId value from the output of the CloudFormation template for the VPC.
  3. Copy the template from the CloudFormation template for the network and load balancers section of this topic and save it as a YAML file on your computer. This template describes the networking and load balancing objects that your cluster requires.


    If you are deploying your cluster to an AWS government region, you must update the InternalApiServerRecord in the CloudFormation template to use CNAME records. Records of type ALIAS are not supported for AWS government regions.

  4. Launch the CloudFormation template to create a stack of AWS resources that provide the networking and load balancing components:


    You must enter the command on a single line.

    $ aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name <name> 1
         --template-body file://<template>.yaml 2
         --parameters file://<parameters>.json 3
         --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM 4
    <name> is the name for the CloudFormation stack, such as cluster-dns. You need the name of this stack if you remove the cluster.
    <template> is the relative path to and name of the CloudFormation template YAML file that you saved.
    <parameters> is the relative path to and name of the CloudFormation parameters JSON file.
    You must explicitly declare the CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM capability because the provided template creates some AWS::IAM::Role resources.

    Example output


  5. Confirm that the template components exist:

    $ aws cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name <name>

    After the StackStatus displays CREATE_COMPLETE, the output displays values for the following parameters. You must provide these parameter values to the other CloudFormation templates that you run to create your cluster:


    Hosted zone ID for the private DNS.


    Full name of the external API load balancer.


    Full name of the internal API load balancer.


    Full hostname of the API server.


    Lambda ARN useful to help register/deregister IP targets for these load balancers.


    ARN of external API target group.


    ARN of internal API target group.


    ARN of internal service target group. CloudFormation template for the network and load balancers

You can use the following CloudFormation template to deploy the networking objects and load balancers that you need for your OpenShift Container Platform cluster.

Example 2.26. CloudFormation template for the network and load balancers

AWSTemplateFormatVersion: 2010-09-09
Description: Template for OpenShift Cluster Network Elements (Route53 & LBs)

    AllowedPattern: ^([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9\-]{0,26})$
    MaxLength: 27
    MinLength: 1
    ConstraintDescription: Cluster name must be alphanumeric, start with a letter, and have a maximum of 27 characters.
    Description: A short, representative cluster name to use for host names and other identifying names.
    Type: String
    AllowedPattern: ^([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9\-]{0,26})$
    MaxLength: 27
    MinLength: 1
    ConstraintDescription: Infrastructure name must be alphanumeric, start with a letter, and have a maximum of 27 characters.
    Description: A short, unique cluster ID used to tag cloud resources and identify items owned or used by the cluster.
    Type: String
    Description: The Route53 public zone ID to register the targets with, such as Z21IXYZABCZ2A4.
    Type: String
    Description: The Route53 zone to register the targets with, such as Omit the trailing period.
    Type: String
    Default: ""
    Description: The internet-facing subnets.
    Type: List<AWS::EC2::Subnet::Id>
    Description: The internal subnets.
    Type: List<AWS::EC2::Subnet::Id>
    Description: The VPC-scoped resources will belong to this VPC.
    Type: AWS::EC2::VPC::Id

    - Label:
        default: "Cluster Information"
      - ClusterName
      - InfrastructureName
    - Label:
        default: "Network Configuration"
      - VpcId
      - PublicSubnets
      - PrivateSubnets
    - Label:
        default: "DNS"
      - HostedZoneName
      - HostedZoneId
        default: "Cluster Name"
        default: "Infrastructure Name"
        default: "VPC ID"
        default: "Public Subnets"
        default: "Private Subnets"
        default: "Public Hosted Zone Name"
        default: "Public Hosted Zone ID"

    Type: AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::LoadBalancer
      Name: !Join ["-", [!Ref InfrastructureName, "ext"]]
      IpAddressType: ipv4
      Subnets: !Ref PublicSubnets
      Type: network

    Type: AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::LoadBalancer
      Name: !Join ["-", [!Ref InfrastructureName, "int"]]
      Scheme: internal
      IpAddressType: ipv4
      Subnets: !Ref PrivateSubnets
      Type: network

    Type: "AWS::Route53::HostedZone"
        Comment: "Managed by CloudFormation"
      Name: !Join [".", [!Ref ClusterName, !Ref HostedZoneName]]
      - Key: Name
        Value: !Join ["-", [!Ref InfrastructureName, "int"]]
      - Key: !Join ["", ["", !Ref InfrastructureName]]
        Value: "owned"
      - VPCId: !Ref VpcId
        VPCRegion: !Ref "AWS::Region"

    Type: AWS::Route53::RecordSetGroup
      Comment: Alias record for the API server
      HostedZoneId: !Ref HostedZoneId
      - Name:
          !Join [
            ["api", !Ref ClusterName, !Join ["", [!Ref HostedZoneName, "."]]],
        Type: A
          HostedZoneId: !GetAtt ExtApiElb.CanonicalHostedZoneID
          DNSName: !GetAtt ExtApiElb.DNSName

    Type: AWS::Route53::RecordSetGroup
      Comment: Alias record for the API server
      HostedZoneId: !Ref IntDns
      - Name:
          !Join [
            ["api", !Ref ClusterName, !Join ["", [!Ref HostedZoneName, "."]]],
        Type: A
          HostedZoneId: !GetAtt IntApiElb.CanonicalHostedZoneID
          DNSName: !GetAtt IntApiElb.DNSName
      - Name:
          !Join [
            ["api-int", !Ref ClusterName, !Join ["", [!Ref HostedZoneName, "."]]],
        Type: A
          HostedZoneId: !GetAtt IntApiElb.CanonicalHostedZoneID
          DNSName: !GetAtt IntApiElb.DNSName

    Type: AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::Listener
      - Type: forward
          Ref: ExternalApiTargetGroup
        Ref: ExtApiElb
      Port: 6443
      Protocol: TCP

    Type: AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::TargetGroup
      HealthCheckIntervalSeconds: 10
      HealthCheckPath: "/readyz"
      HealthCheckPort: 6443
      HealthCheckProtocol: HTTPS
      HealthyThresholdCount: 2
      UnhealthyThresholdCount: 2
      Port: 6443
      Protocol: TCP
      TargetType: ip
        Ref: VpcId
      - Key: deregistration_delay.timeout_seconds
        Value: 60

    Type: AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::Listener
      - Type: forward
          Ref: InternalApiTargetGroup
        Ref: IntApiElb
      Port: 6443
      Protocol: TCP

    Type: AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::TargetGroup
      HealthCheckIntervalSeconds: 10
      HealthCheckPath: "/readyz"
      HealthCheckPort: 6443
      HealthCheckProtocol: HTTPS
      HealthyThresholdCount: 2
      UnhealthyThresholdCount: 2
      Port: 6443
      Protocol: TCP
      TargetType: ip
        Ref: VpcId
      - Key: deregistration_delay.timeout_seconds
        Value: 60

    Type: AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::Listener
      - Type: forward
          Ref: InternalServiceTargetGroup
        Ref: IntApiElb
      Port: 22623
      Protocol: TCP

    Type: AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::TargetGroup
      HealthCheckIntervalSeconds: 10
      HealthCheckPath: "/healthz"
      HealthCheckPort: 22623
      HealthCheckProtocol: HTTPS
      HealthyThresholdCount: 2
      UnhealthyThresholdCount: 2
      Port: 22623
      Protocol: TCP
      TargetType: ip
        Ref: VpcId
      - Key: deregistration_delay.timeout_seconds
        Value: 60

    Type: AWS::IAM::Role
      RoleName: !Join ["-", [!Ref InfrastructureName, "nlb", "lambda", "role"]]
        Version: "2012-10-17"
        - Effect: "Allow"
            - ""
          - "sts:AssumeRole"
      Path: "/"
      - PolicyName: !Join ["-", [!Ref InfrastructureName, "master", "policy"]]
          Version: "2012-10-17"
          - Effect: "Allow"
            Resource: !Ref InternalApiTargetGroup
          - Effect: "Allow"
            Resource: !Ref InternalServiceTargetGroup
          - Effect: "Allow"
            Resource: !Ref ExternalApiTargetGroup

    Type: "AWS::Lambda::Function"
      Handler: "index.handler"
        - "RegisterTargetLambdaIamRole"
        - "Arn"
        ZipFile: |
          import json
          import boto3
          import cfnresponse
          def handler(event, context):
            elb = boto3.client('elbv2')
            if event['RequestType'] == 'Delete':
              elb.deregister_targets(TargetGroupArn=event['ResourceProperties']['TargetArn'],Targets=[{'Id': event['ResourceProperties']['TargetIp']}])
            elif event['RequestType'] == 'Create':
              elb.register_targets(TargetGroupArn=event['ResourceProperties']['TargetArn'],Targets=[{'Id': event['ResourceProperties']['TargetIp']}])
            responseData = {}
            cfnresponse.send(event, context, cfnresponse.SUCCESS, responseData, event['ResourceProperties']['TargetArn']+event['ResourceProperties']['TargetIp'])
      Runtime: "python3.7"
      Timeout: 120

    Type: AWS::IAM::Role
      RoleName: !Join ["-", [!Ref InfrastructureName, "subnet-tags-lambda-role"]]
        Version: "2012-10-17"
        - Effect: "Allow"
            - ""
          - "sts:AssumeRole"
      Path: "/"
      - PolicyName: !Join ["-", [!Ref InfrastructureName, "subnet-tagging-policy"]]
          Version: "2012-10-17"
          - Effect: "Allow"
            Resource: "arn:aws:ec2:*:*:subnet/*"
          - Effect: "Allow"
            Resource: "*"

    Type: "AWS::Lambda::Function"
      Handler: "index.handler"
        - "RegisterSubnetTagsLambdaIamRole"
        - "Arn"
        ZipFile: |
          import json
          import boto3
          import cfnresponse
          def handler(event, context):
            ec2_client = boto3.client('ec2')
            if event['RequestType'] == 'Delete':
              for subnet_id in event['ResourceProperties']['Subnets']:
                ec2_client.delete_tags(Resources=[subnet_id], Tags=[{'Key': '' + event['ResourceProperties']['InfrastructureName']}]);
            elif event['RequestType'] == 'Create':
              for subnet_id in event['ResourceProperties']['Subnets']:
                ec2_client.create_tags(Resources=[subnet_id], Tags=[{'Key': '' + event['ResourceProperties']['InfrastructureName'], 'Value': 'shared'}]);
            responseData = {}
            cfnresponse.send(event, context, cfnresponse.SUCCESS, responseData, event['ResourceProperties']['InfrastructureName']+event['ResourceProperties']['Subnets'][0])
      Runtime: "python3.7"
      Timeout: 120

    Type: Custom::SubnetRegister
      ServiceToken: !GetAtt RegisterSubnetTags.Arn
      InfrastructureName: !Ref InfrastructureName
      Subnets: !Ref PublicSubnets

    Type: Custom::SubnetRegister
      ServiceToken: !GetAtt RegisterSubnetTags.Arn
      InfrastructureName: !Ref InfrastructureName
      Subnets: !Ref PrivateSubnets

    Description: Hosted zone ID for the private DNS, which is required for private records.
    Value: !Ref IntDns
    Description: Full name of the external API load balancer.
    Value: !GetAtt ExtApiElb.LoadBalancerFullName
    Description: Full name of the internal API load balancer.
    Value: !GetAtt IntApiElb.LoadBalancerFullName
    Description: Full hostname of the API server, which is required for the Ignition config files.
    Value: !Join [".", ["api-int", !Ref ClusterName, !Ref HostedZoneName]]
    Description: Lambda ARN useful to help register or deregister IP targets for these load balancers.
    Value: !GetAtt RegisterNlbIpTargets.Arn
    Description: ARN of the external API target group.
    Value: !Ref ExternalApiTargetGroup
    Description: ARN of the internal API target group.
    Value: !Ref InternalApiTargetGroup
    Description: ARN of the internal service target group.
    Value: !Ref InternalServiceTargetGroup

If you are deploying your cluster to an AWS government region, you must update the InternalApiServerRecord to use CNAME records. Records of type ALIAS are not supported for AWS government regions. For example:

TTL: 10
- !GetAtt IntApiElb.DNSName

Additional resources

2.10.10. Creating security group and roles in AWS

You must create security groups and roles in Amazon Web Services (AWS) for your OpenShift Container Platform cluster to use.

You can use the provided CloudFormation template and a custom parameter file to create a stack of AWS resources. The stack represents the security groups and roles that your OpenShift Container Platform cluster requires.


If you do not use the provided CloudFormation template to create your AWS infrastructure, you must review the provided information and manually create the infrastructure. If your cluster does not initialize correctly, you might have to contact Red Hat support with your installation logs.


  • You configured an AWS account.
  • You added your AWS keys and region to your local AWS profile by running aws configure.
  • You generated the Ignition config files for your cluster.
  • You created and configured a VPC and associated subnets in AWS.


  1. Create a JSON file that contains the parameter values that the template requires:

        "ParameterKey": "InfrastructureName", 1
        "ParameterValue": "mycluster-<random_string>" 2
        "ParameterKey": "VpcCidr", 3
        "ParameterValue": "" 4
        "ParameterKey": "PrivateSubnets", 5
        "ParameterValue": "subnet-<random_string>" 6
        "ParameterKey": "VpcId", 7
        "ParameterValue": "vpc-<random_string>" 8
    The name for your cluster infrastructure that is encoded in your Ignition config files for the cluster.
    Specify the infrastructure name that you extracted from the Ignition config file metadata, which has the format <cluster-name>-<random-string>.
    The CIDR block for the VPC.
    Specify the CIDR block parameter that you used for the VPC that you defined in the form x.x.x.x/16-24.
    The private subnets that you created for your VPC.
    Specify the PrivateSubnetIds value from the output of the CloudFormation template for the VPC.
    The VPC that you created for the cluster.
    Specify the VpcId value from the output of the CloudFormation template for the VPC.
  2. Copy the template from the CloudFormation template for security objects section of this topic and save it as a YAML file on your computer. This template describes the security groups and roles that your cluster requires.
  3. Launch the CloudFormation template to create a stack of AWS resources that represent the security groups and roles:


    You must enter the command on a single line.

    $ aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name <name> 1
         --template-body file://<template>.yaml 2
         --parameters file://<parameters>.json 3
         --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM 4
    <name> is the name for the CloudFormation stack, such as cluster-sec. You need the name of this stack if you remove the cluster.
    <template> is the relative path to and name of the CloudFormation template YAML file that you saved.
    <parameters> is the relative path to and name of the CloudFormation parameters JSON file.
    You must explicitly declare the CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM capability because the provided template creates some AWS::IAM::Role and AWS::IAM::InstanceProfile resources.

    Example output


  4. Confirm that the template components exist:

    $ aws cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name <name>

    After the StackStatus displays CREATE_COMPLETE, the output displays values for the following parameters. You must provide these parameter values to the other CloudFormation templates that you run to create your cluster:


    Master Security Group ID


    Worker Security Group ID


    Master IAM Instance Profile


    Worker IAM Instance Profile CloudFormation template for security objects

You can use the following CloudFormation template to deploy the security objects that you need for your OpenShift Container Platform cluster.

Example 2.27. CloudFormation template for security objects

AWSTemplateFormatVersion: 2010-09-09
Description: Template for OpenShift Cluster Security Elements (Security Groups & IAM)

    AllowedPattern: ^([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9\-]{0,26})$
    MaxLength: 27
    MinLength: 1
    ConstraintDescription: Infrastructure name must be alphanumeric, start with a letter, and have a maximum of 27 characters.
    Description: A short, unique cluster ID used to tag cloud resources and identify items owned or used by the cluster.
    Type: String
    AllowedPattern: ^(([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])\.){3}([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])(\/(1[6-9]|2[0-4]))$
    ConstraintDescription: CIDR block parameter must be in the form x.x.x.x/16-24.
    Description: CIDR block for VPC.
    Type: String
    Description: The VPC-scoped resources will belong to this VPC.
    Type: AWS::EC2::VPC::Id
    Description: The internal subnets.
    Type: List<AWS::EC2::Subnet::Id>

    - Label:
        default: "Cluster Information"
      - InfrastructureName
    - Label:
        default: "Network Configuration"
      - VpcId
      - VpcCidr
      - PrivateSubnets
        default: "Infrastructure Name"
        default: "VPC ID"
        default: "VPC CIDR"
        default: "Private Subnets"

    Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup
      GroupDescription: Cluster Master Security Group
      - IpProtocol: icmp
        FromPort: 0
        ToPort: 0
        CidrIp: !Ref VpcCidr
      - IpProtocol: tcp
        FromPort: 22
        ToPort: 22
        CidrIp: !Ref VpcCidr
      - IpProtocol: tcp
        ToPort: 6443
        FromPort: 6443
        CidrIp: !Ref VpcCidr
      - IpProtocol: tcp
        FromPort: 22623
        ToPort: 22623
        CidrIp: !Ref VpcCidr
      VpcId: !Ref VpcId

    Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup
      GroupDescription: Cluster Worker Security Group
      - IpProtocol: icmp
        FromPort: 0
        ToPort: 0
        CidrIp: !Ref VpcCidr
      - IpProtocol: tcp
        FromPort: 22
        ToPort: 22
        CidrIp: !Ref VpcCidr
      VpcId: !Ref VpcId

    Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroupIngress
      GroupId: !GetAtt MasterSecurityGroup.GroupId
      SourceSecurityGroupId: !GetAtt MasterSecurityGroup.GroupId
      Description: etcd
      FromPort: 2379
      ToPort: 2380
      IpProtocol: tcp

    Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroupIngress
      GroupId: !GetAtt MasterSecurityGroup.GroupId
      SourceSecurityGroupId: !GetAtt MasterSecurityGroup.GroupId
      Description: Vxlan packets
      FromPort: 4789
      ToPort: 4789
      IpProtocol: udp

    Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroupIngress
      GroupId: !GetAtt MasterSecurityGroup.GroupId
      SourceSecurityGroupId: !GetAtt WorkerSecurityGroup.GroupId
      Description: Vxlan packets
      FromPort: 4789
      ToPort: 4789
      IpProtocol: udp

    Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroupIngress
      GroupId: !GetAtt MasterSecurityGroup.GroupId
      SourceSecurityGroupId: !GetAtt MasterSecurityGroup.GroupId
      Description: Geneve packets
      FromPort: 6081
      ToPort: 6081
      IpProtocol: udp

    Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroupIngress
      GroupId: !GetAtt MasterSecurityGroup.GroupId
      SourceSecurityGroupId: !GetAtt WorkerSecurityGroup.GroupId
      Description: Geneve packets
      FromPort: 6081
      ToPort: 6081
      IpProtocol: udp

    Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroupIngress
      GroupId: !GetAtt MasterSecurityGroup.GroupId
      SourceSecurityGroupId: !GetAtt MasterSecurityGroup.GroupId
      Description: Internal cluster communication
      FromPort: 9000
      ToPort: 9999
      IpProtocol: tcp

    Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroupIngress
      GroupId: !GetAtt MasterSecurityGroup.GroupId
      SourceSecurityGroupId: !GetAtt WorkerSecurityGroup.GroupId
      Description: Internal cluster communication
      FromPort: 9000
      ToPort: 9999
      IpProtocol: tcp

    Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroupIngress
      GroupId: !GetAtt MasterSecurityGroup.GroupId
      SourceSecurityGroupId: !GetAtt MasterSecurityGroup.GroupId
      Description: Internal cluster communication
      FromPort: 9000
      ToPort: 9999
      IpProtocol: udp

    Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroupIngress
      GroupId: !GetAtt MasterSecurityGroup.GroupId
      SourceSecurityGroupId: !GetAtt WorkerSecurityGroup.GroupId
      Description: Internal cluster communication
      FromPort: 9000
      ToPort: 9999
      IpProtocol: udp

    Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroupIngress
      GroupId: !GetAtt MasterSecurityGroup.GroupId
      SourceSecurityGroupId: !GetAtt MasterSecurityGroup.GroupId
      Description: Kubernetes kubelet, scheduler and controller manager
      FromPort: 10250
      ToPort: 10259
      IpProtocol: tcp

    Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroupIngress
      GroupId: !GetAtt MasterSecurityGroup.GroupId
      SourceSecurityGroupId: !GetAtt WorkerSecurityGroup.GroupId
      Description: Kubernetes kubelet, scheduler and controller manager
      FromPort: 10250
      ToPort: 10259
      IpProtocol: tcp

    Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroupIngress
      GroupId: !GetAtt MasterSecurityGroup.GroupId
      SourceSecurityGroupId: !GetAtt MasterSecurityGroup.GroupId
      Description: Kubernetes ingress services
      FromPort: 30000
      ToPort: 32767
      IpProtocol: tcp

    Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroupIngress
      GroupId: !GetAtt MasterSecurityGroup.GroupId
      SourceSecurityGroupId: !GetAtt WorkerSecurityGroup.GroupId
      Description: Kubernetes ingress services
      FromPort: 30000
      ToPort: 32767
      IpProtocol: tcp

    Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroupIngress
      GroupId: !GetAtt MasterSecurityGroup.GroupId
      SourceSecurityGroupId: !GetAtt MasterSecurityGroup.GroupId
      Description: Kubernetes ingress services
      FromPort: 30000
      ToPort: 32767
      IpProtocol: udp

    Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroupIngress
      GroupId: !GetAtt MasterSecurityGroup.GroupId
      SourceSecurityGroupId: !GetAtt WorkerSecurityGroup.GroupId
      Description: Kubernetes ingress services
      FromPort: 30000
      ToPort: 32767
      IpProtocol: udp

    Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroupIngress
      GroupId: !GetAtt WorkerSecurityGroup.GroupId
      SourceSecurityGroupId: !GetAtt WorkerSecurityGroup.GroupId
      Description: Vxlan packets
      FromPort: 4789
      ToPort: 4789
      IpProtocol: udp

    Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroupIngress
      GroupId: !GetAtt WorkerSecurityGroup.GroupId
      SourceSecurityGroupId: !GetAtt MasterSecurityGroup.GroupId
      Description: Vxlan packets
      FromPort: 4789
      ToPort: 4789
      IpProtocol: udp

    Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroupIngress
      GroupId: !GetAtt WorkerSecurityGroup.GroupId
      SourceSecurityGroupId: !GetAtt WorkerSecurityGroup.GroupId
      Description: Geneve packets
      FromPort: 6081
      ToPort: 6081
      IpProtocol: udp

    Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroupIngress
      GroupId: !GetAtt WorkerSecurityGroup.GroupId
      SourceSecurityGroupId: !GetAtt MasterSecurityGroup.GroupId
      Description: Geneve packets
      FromPort: 6081
      ToPort: 6081
      IpProtocol: udp

    Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroupIngress
      GroupId: !GetAtt WorkerSecurityGroup.GroupId
      SourceSecurityGroupId: !GetAtt WorkerSecurityGroup.GroupId
      Description: Internal cluster communication
      FromPort: 9000
      ToPort: 9999
      IpProtocol: tcp

    Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroupIngress
      GroupId: !GetAtt WorkerSecurityGroup.GroupId
      SourceSecurityGroupId: !GetAtt MasterSecurityGroup.GroupId
      Description: Internal cluster communication
      FromPort: 9000
      ToPort: 9999
      IpProtocol: tcp

    Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroupIngress
      GroupId: !GetAtt WorkerSecurityGroup.GroupId
      SourceSecurityGroupId: !GetAtt WorkerSecurityGroup.GroupId
      Description: Internal cluster communication
      FromPort: 9000
      ToPort: 9999
      IpProtocol: udp

    Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroupIngress
      GroupId: !GetAtt WorkerSecurityGroup.GroupId
      SourceSecurityGroupId: !GetAtt MasterSecurityGroup.GroupId
      Description: Internal cluster communication
      FromPort: 9000
      ToPort: 9999
      IpProtocol: udp

    Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroupIngress
      GroupId: !GetAtt WorkerSecurityGroup.GroupId
      SourceSecurityGroupId: !GetAtt WorkerSecurityGroup.GroupId
      Description: Kubernetes secure kubelet port
      FromPort: 10250
      ToPort: 10250
      IpProtocol: tcp

    Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroupIngress
      GroupId: !GetAtt WorkerSecurityGroup.GroupId
      SourceSecurityGroupId: !GetAtt MasterSecurityGroup.GroupId
      Description: Internal Kubernetes communication
      FromPort: 10250
      ToPort: 10250
      IpProtocol: tcp

    Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroupIngress
      GroupId: !GetAtt WorkerSecurityGroup.GroupId
      SourceSecurityGroupId: !GetAtt WorkerSecurityGroup.GroupId
      Description: Kubernetes ingress services
      FromPort: 30000
      ToPort: 32767
      IpProtocol: tcp

    Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroupIngress
      GroupId: !GetAtt WorkerSecurityGroup.GroupId
      SourceSecurityGroupId: !GetAtt MasterSecurityGroup.GroupId
      Description: Kubernetes ingress services
      FromPort: 30000
      ToPort: 32767
      IpProtocol: tcp

    Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroupIngress
      GroupId: !GetAtt WorkerSecurityGroup.GroupId
      SourceSecurityGroupId: !GetAtt WorkerSecurityGroup.GroupId
      Description: Kubernetes ingress services
      FromPort: 30000
      ToPort: 32767
      IpProtocol: udp

    Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroupIngress
      GroupId: !GetAtt WorkerSecurityGroup.GroupId
      SourceSecurityGroupId: !GetAtt MasterSecurityGroup.GroupId
      Description: Kubernetes ingress services
      FromPort: 30000
      ToPort: 32767
      IpProtocol: udp

    Type: AWS::IAM::Role
        Version: "2012-10-17"
        - Effect: "Allow"
            - ""
          - "sts:AssumeRole"
      - PolicyName: !Join ["-", [!Ref InfrastructureName, "master", "policy"]]
          Version: "2012-10-17"
          - Effect: "Allow"
            - "ec2:AttachVolume"
            - "ec2:AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngress"
            - "ec2:CreateSecurityGroup"
            - "ec2:CreateTags"
            - "ec2:CreateVolume"
            - "ec2:DeleteSecurityGroup"
            - "ec2:DeleteVolume"
            - "ec2:Describe*"
            - "ec2:DetachVolume"
            - "ec2:ModifyInstanceAttribute"
            - "ec2:ModifyVolume"
            - "ec2:RevokeSecurityGroupIngress"
            - "elasticloadbalancing:AddTags"
            - "elasticloadbalancing:AttachLoadBalancerToSubnets"
            - "elasticloadbalancing:ApplySecurityGroupsToLoadBalancer"
            - "elasticloadbalancing:CreateListener"
            - "elasticloadbalancing:CreateLoadBalancer"
            - "elasticloadbalancing:CreateLoadBalancerPolicy"
            - "elasticloadbalancing:CreateLoadBalancerListeners"
            - "elasticloadbalancing:CreateTargetGroup"
            - "elasticloadbalancing:ConfigureHealthCheck"
            - "elasticloadbalancing:DeleteListener"
            - "elasticloadbalancing:DeleteLoadBalancer"
            - "elasticloadbalancing:DeleteLoadBalancerListeners"
            - "elasticloadbalancing:DeleteTargetGroup"
            - "elasticloadbalancing:DeregisterInstancesFromLoadBalancer"
            - "elasticloadbalancing:DeregisterTargets"
            - "elasticloadbalancing:Describe*"
            - "elasticloadbalancing:DetachLoadBalancerFromSubnets"
            - "elasticloadbalancing:ModifyListener"
            - "elasticloadbalancing:ModifyLoadBalancerAttributes"
            - "elasticloadbalancing:ModifyTargetGroup"
            - "elasticloadbalancing:ModifyTargetGroupAttributes"
            - "elasticloadbalancing:RegisterInstancesWithLoadBalancer"
            - "elasticloadbalancing:RegisterTargets"
            - "elasticloadbalancing:SetLoadBalancerPoliciesForBackendServer"
            - "elasticloadbalancing:SetLoadBalancerPoliciesOfListener"
            - "kms:DescribeKey"
            Resource: "*"

    Type: "AWS::IAM::InstanceProfile"
      - Ref: "MasterIamRole"

    Type: AWS::IAM::Role
        Version: "2012-10-17"
        - Effect: "Allow"
            - ""
          - "sts:AssumeRole"
      - PolicyName: !Join ["-", [!Ref InfrastructureName, "worker", "policy"]]
          Version: "2012-10-17"
          - Effect: "Allow"
            - "ec2:DescribeInstances"
            - "ec2:DescribeRegions"
            Resource: "*"

    Type: "AWS::IAM::InstanceProfile"
      - Ref: "WorkerIamRole"

    Description: Master Security Group ID
    Value: !GetAtt MasterSecurityGroup.GroupId

    Description: Worker Security Group ID
    Value: !GetAtt WorkerSecurityGroup.GroupId

    Description: Master IAM Instance Profile
    Value: !Ref MasterInstanceProfile

    Description: Worker IAM Instance Profile
    Value: !Ref WorkerInstanceProfile

Additional resources

2.10.11. RHCOS AMIs for the AWS infrastructure

Red Hat provides Red Hat Enterprise Linux CoreOS (RHCOS) AMIs valid for the various Amazon Web Services (AWS) zones you can specify for your OpenShift Container Platform nodes.


You can also install to regions that do not have a RHCOS AMI published by importing your own AMI.

Table 2.31. RHCOS AMIs








































ami-0dd9008abadc519f1 AWS regions without a published RHCOS AMI

You can deploy an OpenShift Container Platform cluster to Amazon Web Services (AWS) regions without native support for a Red Hat Enterprise Linux CoreOS (RHCOS) Amazon Machine Image (AMI) or the AWS software development kit (SDK). If a published AMI is not available for an AWS region, you can upload a custom AMI prior to installing the cluster. This is required if you are deploying your cluster to an AWS government region.

If you are deploying to a non-government region that does not have a published RHCOS AMI, and you do not specify a custom AMI, the installation program copies the us-east-1 AMI to the user account automatically. Then the installation program creates the control plane machines with encrypted EBS volumes using the default or user-specified Key Management Service (KMS) key. This allows the AMI to follow the same process workflow as published RHCOS AMIs.

A region without native support for an RHCOS AMI is not available to select from the terminal during cluster creation because it is not published. However, you can install to this region by configuring the custom AMI in the install-config.yaml file. Uploading a custom RHCOS AMI in AWS

If you are deploying to a custom Amazon Web Services (AWS) region, you must upload a custom Red Hat Enterprise Linux CoreOS (RHCOS) Amazon Machine Image (AMI) that belongs to that region.


  • You configured an AWS account.
  • You created an Amazon S3 bucket with the required IAM service role.
  • You uploaded your RHCOS VMDK file to Amazon S3. The RHCOS VMDK file must be the highest version that is less than or equal to the OpenShift Container Platform version you are installing.
  • You downloaded the AWS CLI and installed it on your computer. See Install the AWS CLI Using the Bundled Installer.


  1. Export your AWS profile as an environment variable:

    $ export AWS_PROFILE=<aws_profile> 1
    The AWS profile name that holds your AWS credentials, like govcloud.
  2. Export the region to associate with your custom AMI as an environment variable:

    $ export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION=<aws_region> 1
    The AWS region, like us-gov-east-1.
  3. Export the version of RHCOS you uploaded to Amazon S3 as an environment variable:

    $ export RHCOS_VERSION=<version> 1
    The RHCOS VMDK version, like 4.6.0.
  4. Export the Amazon S3 bucket name as an environment variable:

    $ export VMIMPORT_BUCKET_NAME=<s3_bucket_name>
  5. Create the containers.json file and define your RHCOS VMDK file:

    $ cat <<EOF > containers.json
       "Description": "rhcos-${RHCOS_VERSION}-x86_64-aws.x86_64",
       "Format": "vmdk",
       "UserBucket": {
          "S3Bucket": "${VMIMPORT_BUCKET_NAME}",
          "S3Key": "rhcos-${RHCOS_VERSION}-x86_64-aws.x86_64.vmdk"
  6. Import the RHCOS disk as an Amazon EBS snapshot:

    $ aws ec2 import-snapshot --region ${AWS_DEFAULT_REGION} \
         --description "<description>" \ 1
         --disk-container "file://<file_path>/containers.json" 2
    The description of your RHCOS disk being imported, like rhcos-${RHCOS_VERSION}-x86_64-aws.x86_64.
    The file path to the JSON file describing your RHCOS disk. The JSON file should contain your Amazon S3 bucket name and key.
  7. Check the status of the image import:

    $ watch -n 5 aws ec2 describe-import-snapshot-tasks --region ${AWS_DEFAULT_REGION}

    Example output

        "ImportSnapshotTasks": [
                "Description": "rhcos-4.6.0-x86_64-aws.x86_64",
                "ImportTaskId": "import-snap-fh6i8uil",
                "SnapshotTaskDetail": {
                    "Description": "rhcos-4.6.0-x86_64-aws.x86_64",
                    "DiskImageSize": 819056640.0,
                    "Format": "VMDK",
                    "SnapshotId": "snap-06331325870076318",
                    "Status": "completed",
                    "UserBucket": {
                        "S3Bucket": "external-images",
                        "S3Key": "rhcos-4.6.0-x86_64-aws.x86_64.vmdk"

    Copy the SnapshotId to register the image.

  8. Create a custom RHCOS AMI from the RHCOS snapshot:

    $ aws ec2 register-image \
       --region ${AWS_DEFAULT_REGION} \
       --architecture x86_64 \ 1
       --description "rhcos-${RHCOS_VERSION}-x86_64-aws.x86_64" \ 2
       --ena-support \
       --name "rhcos-${RHCOS_VERSION}-x86_64-aws.x86_64" \ 3
       --virtualization-type hvm \
       --root-device-name '/dev/xvda' \
       --block-device-mappings 'DeviceName=/dev/xvda,Ebs={DeleteOnTermination=true,SnapshotId=<snapshot_ID>}' 4
    The RHCOS VMDK architecture type, like x86_64, s390x, or ppc64le.
    The Description from the imported snapshot.
    The name of the RHCOS AMI.
    The SnapshotID from the imported snapshot.

To learn more about these APIs, see the AWS documentation for importing snapshots and creating EBS-backed AMIs.

2.10.12. Creating the bootstrap node in AWS

You must create the bootstrap node in Amazon Web Services (AWS) to use during OpenShift Container Platform cluster initialization.

You can use the provided CloudFormation template and a custom parameter file to create a stack of AWS resources. The stack represents the bootstrap node that your OpenShift Container Platform installation requires.


If you do not use the provided CloudFormation template to create your bootstrap node, you must review the provided information and manually create the infrastructure. If your cluster does not initialize correctly, you might have to contact Red Hat support with your installation logs.


  • You configured an AWS account.
  • You added your AWS keys and region to your local AWS profile by running aws configure.
  • You generated the Ignition config files for your cluster.
  • You created and configured a VPC and associated subnets in AWS.
  • You created and configured DNS, load balancers, and listeners in AWS.
  • You created the security groups and roles required for your cluster in AWS.


  1. Provide a location to serve the bootstrap.ign Ignition config file to your cluster. This file is located in your installation directory. One way to do this is to create an S3 bucket in your cluster’s region and upload the Ignition config file to it.


    The provided CloudFormation Template assumes that the Ignition config files for your cluster are served from an S3 bucket. If you choose to serve the files from another location, you must modify the templates.


    If you are deploying to a region that has endpoints that differ from the AWS SDK, or you are providing your own custom endpoints, you must use a presigned URL for your S3 bucket instead of the s3:// schema.


    The bootstrap Ignition config file does contain secrets, like X.509 keys. The following steps provide basic security for the S3 bucket. To provide additional security, you can enable an S3 bucket policy to allow only certain users, such as the OpenShift IAM user, to access objects that the bucket contains. You can avoid S3 entirely and serve your bootstrap Ignition config file from any address that the bootstrap machine can reach.

    1. Create the bucket:

      $ aws s3 mb s3://<cluster-name>-infra 1
      <cluster-name>-infra is the bucket name. When creating the install-config.yaml file, replace <cluster-name> with the name specified for the cluster.
    2. Upload the bootstrap.ign Ignition config file to the bucket:

      $ aws s3 cp <installation_directory>/bootstrap.ign s3://<cluster-name>-infra/bootstrap.ign 1
      For <installation_directory>, specify the path to the directory that you stored the installation files in.
    3. Verify that the file uploaded:

      $ aws s3 ls s3://<cluster-name>-infra/

      Example output

      2019-04-03 16:15:16     314878 bootstrap.ign

  2. Create a JSON file that contains the parameter values that the template requires:

        "ParameterKey": "InfrastructureName", 1
        "ParameterValue": "mycluster-<random_string>" 2
        "ParameterKey": "RhcosAmi", 3
        "ParameterValue": "ami-<random_string>" 4
        "ParameterKey": "AllowedBootstrapSshCidr", 5
        "ParameterValue": "" 6
        "ParameterKey": "PublicSubnet", 7
        "ParameterValue": "subnet-<random_string>" 8
        "ParameterKey": "MasterSecurityGroupId", 9
        "ParameterValue": "sg-<random_string>" 10
        "ParameterKey": "VpcId", 11
        "ParameterValue": "vpc-<random_string>" 12
        "ParameterKey": "BootstrapIgnitionLocation", 13
        "ParameterValue": "s3://<bucket_name>/bootstrap.ign" 14
        "ParameterKey": "AutoRegisterELB", 15
        "ParameterValue": "yes" 16
        "ParameterKey": "RegisterNlbIpTargetsLambdaArn", 17
        "ParameterValue": "arn:aws:lambda:<region>:<account_number>:function:<dns_stack_name>-RegisterNlbIpTargets-<random_string>" 18
        "ParameterKey": "ExternalApiTargetGroupArn", 19
        "ParameterValue": "arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:<region>:<account_number>:targetgroup/<dns_stack_name>-Exter-<random_string>" 20
        "ParameterKey": "InternalApiTargetGroupArn", 21
        "ParameterValue": "arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:<region>:<account_number>:targetgroup/<dns_stack_name>-Inter-<random_string>" 22
        "ParameterKey": "InternalServiceTargetGroupArn", 23
        "ParameterValue": "arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:<region>:<account_number>:targetgroup/<dns_stack_name>-Inter-<random_string>" 24
    The name for your cluster infrastructure that is encoded in your Ignition config files for the cluster.
    Specify the infrastructure name that you extracted from the Ignition config file metadata, which has the format <cluster-name>-<random-string>.
    Current Red Hat Enterprise Linux CoreOS (RHCOS) AMI to use for the bootstrap node.
    Specify a valid AWS::EC2::Image::Id value.
    CIDR block to allow SSH access to the bootstrap node.
    Specify a CIDR block in the format x.x.x.x/16-24.
    The public subnet that is associated with your VPC to launch the bootstrap node into.
    Specify the PublicSubnetIds value from the output of the CloudFormation template for the VPC.
    The master security group ID (for registering temporary rules)
    Specify the MasterSecurityGroupId value from the output of the CloudFormation template for the security group and roles.
    The VPC created resources will belong to.
    Specify the VpcId value from the output of the CloudFormation template for the VPC.
    Location to fetch bootstrap Ignition config file from.
    Specify the S3 bucket and file name in the form s3://<bucket_name>/bootstrap.ign.
    Whether or not to register a network load balancer (NLB).
    Specify yes or no. If you specify yes, you must provide a Lambda Amazon Resource Name (ARN) value.
    The ARN for NLB IP target registration lambda group.
    Specify the RegisterNlbIpTargetsLambda value from the output of the CloudFormation template for DNS and load balancing. Use arn:aws-us-gov if deploying the cluster to an AWS GovCloud region.
    The ARN for external API load balancer target group.
    Specify the ExternalApiTargetGroupArn value from the output of the CloudFormation template for DNS and load balancing. Use arn:aws-us-gov if deploying the cluster to an AWS GovCloud region.
    The ARN for internal API load balancer target group.
    Specify the InternalApiTargetGroupArn value from the output of the CloudFormation template for DNS and load balancing. Use arn:aws-us-gov if deploying the cluster to an AWS GovCloud region.
    The ARN for internal service load balancer target group.
    Specify the InternalServiceTargetGroupArn value from the output of the CloudFormation template for DNS and load balancing. Use arn:aws-us-gov if deploying the cluster to an AWS GovCloud region.
  3. Copy the template from the CloudFormation template for the bootstrap machine section of this topic and save it as a YAML file on your computer. This template describes the bootstrap machine that your cluster requires.
  4. Launch the CloudFormation template to create a stack of AWS resources that represent the bootstrap node:


    You must enter the command on a single line.

    $ aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name <name> 1
         --template-body file://<template>.yaml 2
         --parameters file://<parameters>.json 3
         --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM 4
    <name> is the name for the CloudFormation stack, such as cluster-bootstrap. You need the name of this stack if you remove the cluster.
    <template> is the relative path to and name of the CloudFormation template YAML file that you saved.
    <parameters> is the relative path to and name of the CloudFormation parameters JSON file.
    You must explicitly declare the CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM capability because the provided template creates some AWS::IAM::Role and AWS::IAM::InstanceProfile resources.

    Example output


  5. Confirm that the template components exist:

    $ aws cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name <name>

    After the StackStatus displays CREATE_COMPLETE, the output displays values for the following parameters. You must provide these parameter values to the other CloudFormation templates that you run to create your cluster:


    The bootstrap Instance ID.


    The bootstrap node public IP address.


    The bootstrap node private IP address. CloudFormation template for the bootstrap machine

You can use the following CloudFormation template to deploy the bootstrap machine that you need for your OpenShift Container Platform cluster.

Example 2.28. CloudFormation template for the bootstrap machine

AWSTemplateFormatVersion: 2010-09-09
Description: Template for OpenShift Cluster Bootstrap (EC2 Instance, Security Groups and IAM)

    AllowedPattern: ^([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9\-]{0,26})$
    MaxLength: 27
    MinLength: 1
    ConstraintDescription: Infrastructure name must be alphanumeric, start with a letter, and have a maximum of 27 characters.
    Description: A short, unique cluster ID used to tag cloud resources and identify items owned or used by the cluster.
    Type: String
    Description: Current Red Hat Enterprise Linux CoreOS AMI to use for bootstrap.
    Type: AWS::EC2::Image::Id
    AllowedPattern: ^(([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])\.){3}([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])(\/([0-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-9]|3[0-2]))$
    ConstraintDescription: CIDR block parameter must be in the form x.x.x.x/0-32.
    Description: CIDR block to allow SSH access to the bootstrap node.
    Type: String
    Description: The public subnet to launch the bootstrap node into.
    Type: AWS::EC2::Subnet::Id
    Description: The master security group ID for registering temporary rules.
    Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup::Id
    Description: The VPC-scoped resources will belong to this VPC.
    Type: AWS::EC2::VPC::Id
    Default: s3://my-s3-bucket/bootstrap.ign
    Description: Ignition config file location.
    Type: String
    Default: "yes"
    - "yes"
    - "no"
    Description: Do you want to invoke NLB registration, which requires a Lambda ARN parameter?
    Type: String
    Description: ARN for NLB IP target registration lambda.
    Type: String
    Description: ARN for external API load balancer target group.
    Type: String
    Description: ARN for internal API load balancer target group.
    Type: String
    Description: ARN for internal service load balancer target group.
    Type: String

    - Label:
        default: "Cluster Information"
      - InfrastructureName
    - Label:
        default: "Host Information"
      - RhcosAmi
      - BootstrapIgnitionLocation
      - MasterSecurityGroupId
    - Label:
        default: "Network Configuration"
      - VpcId
      - AllowedBootstrapSshCidr
      - PublicSubnet
    - Label:
        default: "Load Balancer Automation"
      - AutoRegisterELB
      - RegisterNlbIpTargetsLambdaArn
      - ExternalApiTargetGroupArn
      - InternalApiTargetGroupArn
      - InternalServiceTargetGroupArn
        default: "Infrastructure Name"
        default: "VPC ID"
        default: "Allowed SSH Source"
        default: "Public Subnet"
        default: "Red Hat Enterprise Linux CoreOS AMI ID"
        default: "Bootstrap Ignition Source"
        default: "Master Security Group ID"
        default: "Use Provided ELB Automation"

  DoRegistration: !Equals ["yes", !Ref AutoRegisterELB]

    Type: AWS::IAM::Role
        Version: "2012-10-17"
        - Effect: "Allow"
            - ""
          - "sts:AssumeRole"
      Path: "/"
      - PolicyName: !Join ["-", [!Ref InfrastructureName, "bootstrap", "policy"]]
          Version: "2012-10-17"
          - Effect: "Allow"
            Action: "ec2:Describe*"
            Resource: "*"
          - Effect: "Allow"
            Action: "ec2:AttachVolume"
            Resource: "*"
          - Effect: "Allow"
            Action: "ec2:DetachVolume"
            Resource: "*"
          - Effect: "Allow"
            Action: "s3:GetObject"
            Resource: "*"

    Type: "AWS::IAM::InstanceProfile"
      Path: "/"
      - Ref: "BootstrapIamRole"

    Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup
      GroupDescription: Cluster Bootstrap Security Group
      - IpProtocol: tcp
        FromPort: 22
        ToPort: 22
        CidrIp: !Ref AllowedBootstrapSshCidr
      - IpProtocol: tcp
        ToPort: 19531
        FromPort: 19531
      VpcId: !Ref VpcId

    Type: AWS::EC2::Instance
      ImageId: !Ref RhcosAmi
      IamInstanceProfile: !Ref BootstrapInstanceProfile
      InstanceType: "i3.large"
      - AssociatePublicIpAddress: "true"
        DeviceIndex: "0"
        - !Ref "BootstrapSecurityGroup"
        - !Ref "MasterSecurityGroupId"
        SubnetId: !Ref "PublicSubnet"
        Fn::Base64: !Sub
        - '{"ignition":{"config":{"replace":{"source":"${S3Loc}"}},"version":"3.1.0"}}'
        - {
          S3Loc: !Ref BootstrapIgnitionLocation

    Condition: DoRegistration
    Type: Custom::NLBRegister
      ServiceToken: !Ref RegisterNlbIpTargetsLambdaArn
      TargetArn: !Ref ExternalApiTargetGroupArn
      TargetIp: !GetAtt BootstrapInstance.PrivateIp

    Condition: DoRegistration
    Type: Custom::NLBRegister
      ServiceToken: !Ref RegisterNlbIpTargetsLambdaArn
      TargetArn: !Ref InternalApiTargetGroupArn
      TargetIp: !GetAtt BootstrapInstance.PrivateIp

    Condition: DoRegistration
    Type: Custom::NLBRegister
      ServiceToken: !Ref RegisterNlbIpTargetsLambdaArn
      TargetArn: !Ref InternalServiceTargetGroupArn
      TargetIp: !GetAtt BootstrapInstance.PrivateIp

    Description: Bootstrap Instance ID.
    Value: !Ref BootstrapInstance

    Description: The bootstrap node public IP address.
    Value: !GetAtt BootstrapInstance.PublicIp

    Description: The bootstrap node private IP address.
    Value: !GetAtt BootstrapInstance.PrivateIp

Additional resources

2.10.13. Creating the control plane machines in AWS

You must create the control plane machines in Amazon Web Services (AWS) that your cluster will use.

You can use the provided CloudFormation template and a custom parameter file to create a stack of AWS resources that represent the control plane nodes.


The CloudFormation template creates a stack that represents three control plane nodes.


If you do not use the provided CloudFormation template to create your control plane nodes, you must review the provided information and manually create the infrastructure. If your cluster does not initialize correctly, you might have to contact Red Hat support with your installation logs.


  • You configured an AWS account.
  • You added your AWS keys and region to your local AWS profile by running aws configure.
  • You generated the Ignition config files for your cluster.
  • You created and configured a VPC and associated subnets in AWS.
  • You created and configured DNS, load balancers, and listeners in AWS.
  • You created the security groups and roles required for your cluster in AWS.
  • You created the bootstrap machine.


  1. Create a JSON file that contains the parameter values that the template requires:

        "ParameterKey": "InfrastructureName", 1
        "ParameterValue": "mycluster-<random_string>" 2
        "ParameterKey": "RhcosAmi", 3
        "ParameterValue": "ami-<random_string>" 4
        "ParameterKey": "AutoRegisterDNS", 5
        "ParameterValue": "yes" 6
        "ParameterKey": "PrivateHostedZoneId", 7
        "ParameterValue": "<random_string>" 8
        "ParameterKey": "PrivateHostedZoneName", 9
        "ParameterValue": "" 10
        "ParameterKey": "Master0Subnet", 11
        "ParameterValue": "subnet-<random_string>" 12
        "ParameterKey": "Master1Subnet", 13
        "ParameterValue": "subnet-<random_string>" 14
        "ParameterKey": "Master2Subnet", 15
        "ParameterValue": "subnet-<random_string>" 16
        "ParameterKey": "MasterSecurityGroupId", 17
        "ParameterValue": "sg-<random_string>" 18
        "ParameterKey": "IgnitionLocation", 19
        "ParameterValue": "https://api-int.<cluster_name>.<domain_name>:22623/config/master" 20
        "ParameterKey": "CertificateAuthorities", 21
        "ParameterValue": "data:text/plain;charset=utf-8;base64,ABC...xYz==" 22
        "ParameterKey": "MasterInstanceProfileName", 23
        "ParameterValue": "<roles_stack>-MasterInstanceProfile-<random_string>" 24
        "ParameterKey": "MasterInstanceType", 25
        "ParameterValue": "m4.xlarge" 26
        "ParameterKey": "AutoRegisterELB", 27
        "ParameterValue": "yes" 28
        "ParameterKey": "RegisterNlbIpTargetsLambdaArn", 29
        "ParameterValue": "arn:aws:lambda:<region>:<account_number>:function:<dns_stack_name>-RegisterNlbIpTargets-<random_string>" 30
        "ParameterKey": "ExternalApiTargetGroupArn", 31
        "ParameterValue": "arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:<region>:<account_number>:targetgroup/<dns_stack_name>-Exter-<random_string>" 32
        "ParameterKey": "InternalApiTargetGroupArn", 33
        "ParameterValue": "arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:<region>:<account_number>:targetgroup/<dns_stack_name>-Inter-<random_string>" 34
        "ParameterKey": "InternalServiceTargetGroupArn", 35
        "ParameterValue": "arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:<region>:<account_number>:targetgroup/<dns_stack_name>-Inter-<random_string>" 36
    The name for your cluster infrastructure that is encoded in your Ignition config files for the cluster.
    Specify the infrastructure name that you extracted from the Ignition config file metadata, which has the format <cluster-name>-<random-string>.
    CurrentRed Hat Enterprise Linux CoreOS (RHCOS) AMI to use for the control plane machines.
    Specify an AWS::EC2::Image::Id value.
    Whether or not to perform DNS etcd registration.
    Specify yes or no. If you specify yes, you must provide hosted zone information.
    The Route 53 private zone ID to register the etcd targets with.
    Specify the PrivateHostedZoneId value from the output of the CloudFormation template for DNS and load balancing.
    The Route 53 zone to register the targets with.
    Specify <cluster_name>.<domain_name> where <domain_name> is the Route 53 base domain that you used when you generated install-config.yaml file for the cluster. Do not include the trailing period (.) that is displayed in the AWS console.
    11 13 15
    A subnet, preferably private, to launch the control plane machines on.
    12 14 16
    Specify a subnet from the PrivateSubnets value from the output of the CloudFormation template for DNS and load balancing.
    The master security group ID to associate with control plane nodes (also known as the master nodes).
    Specify the MasterSecurityGroupId value from the output of the CloudFormation template for the security group and roles.
    The location to fetch control plane Ignition config file from.
    Specify the generated Ignition config file location, https://api-int.<cluster_name>.<domain_name>:22623/config/master.
    The base64 encoded certificate authority string to use.
    Specify the value from the master.ign file that is in the installation directory. This value is the long string with the format data:text/plain;charset=utf-8;base64,ABC…​xYz==.
    The IAM profile to associate with control plane nodes.
    Specify the MasterInstanceProfile parameter value from the output of the CloudFormation template for the security group and roles.
    The type of AWS instance to use for the control plane machines.
    Allowed values:
    • m4.xlarge
    • m4.2xlarge
    • m4.4xlarge
    • m4.8xlarge
    • m4.10xlarge
    • m4.16xlarge
    • m5.xlarge
    • m5.2xlarge
    • m5.4xlarge
    • m5.8xlarge
    • m5.10xlarge
    • m5.16xlarge
    • m6i.xlarge
    • c4.2xlarge
    • c4.4xlarge
    • c4.8xlarge
    • r4.xlarge
    • r4.2xlarge
    • r4.4xlarge
    • r4.8xlarge
    • r4.16xlarge


      If m4 instance types are not available in your region, such as with eu-west-3, specify an m5 type, such as m5.xlarge, instead.

    Whether or not to register a network load balancer (NLB).
    Specify yes or no. If you specify yes, you must provide a Lambda Amazon Resource Name (ARN) value.
    The ARN for NLB IP target registration lambda group.
    Specify the RegisterNlbIpTargetsLambda value from the output of the CloudFormation template for DNS and load balancing. Use arn:aws-us-gov if deploying the cluster to an AWS GovCloud region.
    The ARN for external API load balancer target group.
    Specify the ExternalApiTargetGroupArn value from the output of the CloudFormation template for DNS and load balancing. Use arn:aws-us-gov if deploying the cluster to an AWS GovCloud region.
    The ARN for internal API load balancer target group.
    Specify the InternalApiTargetGroupArn value from the output of the CloudFormation template for DNS and load balancing. Use arn:aws-us-gov if deploying the cluster to an AWS GovCloud region.
    The ARN for internal service load balancer target group.
    Specify the InternalServiceTargetGroupArn value from the output of the CloudFormation template for DNS and load balancing. Use arn:aws-us-gov if deploying the cluster to an AWS GovCloud region.
  2. Copy the template from the CloudFormation template for control plane machines section of this topic and save it as a YAML file on your computer. This template describes the control plane machines that your cluster requires.
  3. If you specified an m5 instance type as the value for MasterInstanceType, add that instance type to the MasterInstanceType.AllowedValues parameter in the CloudFormation template.
  4. Launch the CloudFormation template to create a stack of AWS resources that represent the control plane nodes:


    You must enter the command on a single line.

    $ aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name <name> 1
         --template-body file://<template>.yaml 2
         --parameters file://<parameters>.json 3
    <name> is the name for the CloudFormation stack, such as cluster-control-plane. You need the name of this stack if you remove the cluster.
    <template> is the relative path to and name of the CloudFormation template YAML file that you saved.
    <parameters> is the relative path to and name of the CloudFormation parameters JSON file.

    Example output



    The CloudFormation template creates a stack that represents three control plane nodes.

  5. Confirm that the template components exist:

    $ aws cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name <name> CloudFormation template for control plane machines

You can use the following CloudFormation template to deploy the control plane machines that you need for your OpenShift Container Platform cluster.

Example 2.29. CloudFormation template for control plane machines

AWSTemplateFormatVersion: 2010-09-09
Description: Template for OpenShift Cluster Node Launch (EC2 master instances)

    AllowedPattern: ^([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9\-]{0,26})$
    MaxLength: 27
    MinLength: 1
    ConstraintDescription: Infrastructure name must be alphanumeric, start with a letter, and have a maximum of 27 characters.
    Description: A short, unique cluster ID used to tag nodes for the kubelet cloud provider.
    Type: String
    Description: Current Red Hat Enterprise Linux CoreOS AMI to use for bootstrap.
    Type: AWS::EC2::Image::Id
    Default: "yes"
    - "yes"
    - "no"
    Description: Do you want to invoke DNS etcd registration, which requires Hosted Zone information?
    Type: String
    Description: The Route53 private zone ID to register the etcd targets with, such as Z21IXYZABCZ2A4.
    Type: String
    Description: The Route53 zone to register the targets with, such as Omit the trailing period.
    Type: String
    Description: The subnets, recommend private, to launch the master nodes into.
    Type: AWS::EC2::Subnet::Id
    Description: The subnets, recommend private, to launch the master nodes into.
    Type: AWS::EC2::Subnet::Id
    Description: The subnets, recommend private, to launch the master nodes into.
    Type: AWS::EC2::Subnet::Id
    Description: The master security group ID to associate with master nodes.
    Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup::Id
    Default: https://api-int.$CLUSTER_NAME.$DOMAIN:22623/config/master
    Description: Ignition config file location.
    Type: String
    Default: data:text/plain;charset=utf-8;base64,ABC...xYz==
    Description: Base64 encoded certificate authority string to use.
    Type: String
    Description: IAM profile to associate with master nodes.
    Type: String
    Default: m5.xlarge
    Type: String
    - "m4.xlarge"
    - "m4.2xlarge"
    - "m4.4xlarge"
    - "m4.10xlarge"
    - "m4.16xlarge"
    - "m5.xlarge"
    - "m5.2xlarge"
    - "m5.4xlarge"
    - "m5.8xlarge"
    - "m5.12xlarge"
    - "m5.16xlarge"
    - "m5a.xlarge"
    - "m5a.2xlarge"
    - "m5a.4xlarge"
    - "m5a.8xlarge"
    - "m5a.10xlarge"
    - "m5a.16xlarge"
    - "c4.2xlarge"
    - "c4.4xlarge"
    - "c4.8xlarge"
    - "c5.2xlarge"
    - "c5.4xlarge"
    - "c5.9xlarge"
    - "c5.12xlarge"
    - "c5.18xlarge"
    - "c5.24xlarge"
    - "c5a.2xlarge"
    - "c5a.4xlarge"
    - "c5a.8xlarge"
    - "c5a.12xlarge"
    - "c5a.16xlarge"
    - "c5a.24xlarge"
    - "r4.xlarge"
    - "r4.2xlarge"
    - "r4.4xlarge"
    - "r4.8xlarge"
    - "r4.16xlarge"
    - "r5.xlarge"
    - "r5.2xlarge"
    - "r5.4xlarge"
    - "r5.8xlarge"
    - "r5.12xlarge"
    - "r5.16xlarge"
    - "r5.24xlarge"
    - "r5a.xlarge"
    - "r5a.2xlarge"
    - "r5a.4xlarge"
    - "r5a.8xlarge"
    - "r5a.12xlarge"
    - "r5a.16xlarge"
    - "r5a.24xlarge"

    Default: "yes"
    - "yes"
    - "no"
    Description: Do you want to invoke NLB registration, which requires a Lambda ARN parameter?
    Type: String
    Description: ARN for NLB IP target registration lambda. Supply the value from the cluster infrastructure or select "no" for AutoRegisterELB.
    Type: String
    Description: ARN for external API load balancer target group. Supply the value from the cluster infrastructure or select "no" for AutoRegisterELB.
    Type: String
    Description: ARN for internal API load balancer target group. Supply the value from the cluster infrastructure or select "no" for AutoRegisterELB.
    Type: String
    Description: ARN for internal service load balancer target group. Supply the value from the cluster infrastructure or select "no" for AutoRegisterELB.
    Type: String

    - Label:
        default: "Cluster Information"
      - InfrastructureName
    - Label:
        default: "Host Information"
      - MasterInstanceType
      - RhcosAmi
      - IgnitionLocation
      - CertificateAuthorities
      - MasterSecurityGroupId
      - MasterInstanceProfileName
    - Label:
        default: "Network Configuration"
      - VpcId
      - AllowedBootstrapSshCidr
      - Master0Subnet
      - Master1Subnet
      - Master2Subnet
    - Label:
        default: "DNS"
      - AutoRegisterDNS
      - PrivateHostedZoneName
      - PrivateHostedZoneId
    - Label:
        default: "Load Balancer Automation"
      - AutoRegisterELB
      - RegisterNlbIpTargetsLambdaArn
      - ExternalApiTargetGroupArn
      - InternalApiTargetGroupArn
      - InternalServiceTargetGroupArn
        default: "Infrastructure Name"
        default: "VPC ID"
        default: "Master-0 Subnet"
        default: "Master-1 Subnet"
        default: "Master-2 Subnet"
        default: "Master Instance Type"
        default: "Master Instance Profile Name"
        default: "Red Hat Enterprise Linux CoreOS AMI ID"
        default: "Master Ignition Source"
        default: "Ignition CA String"
        default: "Master Security Group ID"
        default: "Use Provided DNS Automation"
        default: "Use Provided ELB Automation"
        default: "Private Hosted Zone Name"
        default: "Private Hosted Zone ID"

  DoRegistration: !Equals ["yes", !Ref AutoRegisterELB]
  DoDns: !Equals ["yes", !Ref AutoRegisterDNS]

    Type: AWS::EC2::Instance
      ImageId: !Ref RhcosAmi
      - DeviceName: /dev/xvda
          VolumeSize: "120"
          VolumeType: "gp2"
      IamInstanceProfile: !Ref MasterInstanceProfileName
      InstanceType: !Ref MasterInstanceType
      - AssociatePublicIpAddress: "false"
        DeviceIndex: "0"
        - !Ref "MasterSecurityGroupId"
        SubnetId: !Ref "Master0Subnet"
        Fn::Base64: !Sub
        - '{"ignition":{"config":{"merge":[{"source":"${SOURCE}"}]},"security":{"tls":{"certificateAuthorities":[{"source":"${CA_BUNDLE}"}]}},"version":"3.1.0"}}'
        - {
          SOURCE: !Ref IgnitionLocation,
          CA_BUNDLE: !Ref CertificateAuthorities,
      - Key: !Join ["", ["", !Ref InfrastructureName]]
        Value: "shared"

    Condition: DoRegistration
    Type: Custom::NLBRegister
      ServiceToken: !Ref RegisterNlbIpTargetsLambdaArn
      TargetArn: !Ref ExternalApiTargetGroupArn
      TargetIp: !GetAtt Master0.PrivateIp

    Condition: DoRegistration
    Type: Custom::NLBRegister
      ServiceToken: !Ref RegisterNlbIpTargetsLambdaArn
      TargetArn: !Ref InternalApiTargetGroupArn
      TargetIp: !GetAtt Master0.PrivateIp

    Condition: DoRegistration
    Type: Custom::NLBRegister
      ServiceToken: !Ref RegisterNlbIpTargetsLambdaArn
      TargetArn: !Ref InternalServiceTargetGroupArn
      TargetIp: !GetAtt Master0.PrivateIp

    Type: AWS::EC2::Instance
      ImageId: !Ref RhcosAmi
      - DeviceName: /dev/xvda
          VolumeSize: "120"
          VolumeType: "gp2"
      IamInstanceProfile: !Ref MasterInstanceProfileName
      InstanceType: !Ref MasterInstanceType
      - AssociatePublicIpAddress: "false"
        DeviceIndex: "0"
        - !Ref "MasterSecurityGroupId"
        SubnetId: !Ref "Master1Subnet"
        Fn::Base64: !Sub
        - '{"ignition":{"config":{"merge":[{"source":"${SOURCE}"}]},"security":{"tls":{"certificateAuthorities":[{"source":"${CA_BUNDLE}"}]}},"version":"3.1.0"}}'
        - {
          SOURCE: !Ref IgnitionLocation,
          CA_BUNDLE: !Ref CertificateAuthorities,
      - Key: !Join ["", ["", !Ref InfrastructureName]]
        Value: "shared"

    Condition: DoRegistration
    Type: Custom::NLBRegister
      ServiceToken: !Ref RegisterNlbIpTargetsLambdaArn
      TargetArn: !Ref ExternalApiTargetGroupArn
      TargetIp: !GetAtt Master1.PrivateIp

    Condition: DoRegistration
    Type: Custom::NLBRegister
      ServiceToken: !Ref RegisterNlbIpTargetsLambdaArn
      TargetArn: !Ref InternalApiTargetGroupArn
      TargetIp: !GetAtt Master1.PrivateIp

    Condition: DoRegistration
    Type: Custom::NLBRegister
      ServiceToken: !Ref RegisterNlbIpTargetsLambdaArn
      TargetArn: !Ref InternalServiceTargetGroupArn
      TargetIp: !GetAtt Master1.PrivateIp

    Type: AWS::EC2::Instance
      ImageId: !Ref RhcosAmi
      - DeviceName: /dev/xvda
          VolumeSize: "120"
          VolumeType: "gp2"
      IamInstanceProfile: !Ref MasterInstanceProfileName
      InstanceType: !Ref MasterInstanceType
      - AssociatePublicIpAddress: "false"
        DeviceIndex: "0"
        - !Ref "MasterSecurityGroupId"
        SubnetId: !Ref "Master2Subnet"
        Fn::Base64: !Sub
        - '{"ignition":{"config":{"merge":[{"source":"${SOURCE}"}]},"security":{"tls":{"certificateAuthorities":[{"source":"${CA_BUNDLE}"}]}},"version":"3.1.0"}}'
        - {
          SOURCE: !Ref IgnitionLocation,
          CA_BUNDLE: !Ref CertificateAuthorities,
      - Key: !Join ["", ["", !Ref InfrastructureName]]
        Value: "shared"

    Condition: DoRegistration
    Type: Custom::NLBRegister
      ServiceToken: !Ref RegisterNlbIpTargetsLambdaArn
      TargetArn: !Ref ExternalApiTargetGroupArn
      TargetIp: !GetAtt Master2.PrivateIp

    Condition: DoRegistration
    Type: Custom::NLBRegister
      ServiceToken: !Ref RegisterNlbIpTargetsLambdaArn
      TargetArn: !Ref InternalApiTargetGroupArn
      TargetIp: !GetAtt Master2.PrivateIp

    Condition: DoRegistration
    Type: Custom::NLBRegister
      ServiceToken: !Ref RegisterNlbIpTargetsLambdaArn
      TargetArn: !Ref InternalServiceTargetGroupArn
      TargetIp: !GetAtt Master2.PrivateIp

    Condition: DoDns
    Type: AWS::Route53::RecordSet
      HostedZoneId: !Ref PrivateHostedZoneId
      Name: !Join [".", ["_etcd-server-ssl._tcp", !Ref PrivateHostedZoneName]]
      - !Join [
        " ",
        ["0 10 2380", !Join [".", ["etcd-0", !Ref PrivateHostedZoneName]]],
      - !Join [
        " ",
        ["0 10 2380", !Join [".", ["etcd-1", !Ref PrivateHostedZoneName]]],
      - !Join [
        " ",
        ["0 10 2380", !Join [".", ["etcd-2", !Ref PrivateHostedZoneName]]],
      TTL: 60
      Type: SRV

    Condition: DoDns
    Type: AWS::Route53::RecordSet
      HostedZoneId: !Ref PrivateHostedZoneId
      Name: !Join [".", ["etcd-0", !Ref PrivateHostedZoneName]]
      - !GetAtt Master0.PrivateIp
      TTL: 60
      Type: A

    Condition: DoDns
    Type: AWS::Route53::RecordSet
      HostedZoneId: !Ref PrivateHostedZoneId
      Name: !Join [".", ["etcd-1", !Ref PrivateHostedZoneName]]
      - !GetAtt Master1.PrivateIp
      TTL: 60
      Type: A

    Condition: DoDns
    Type: AWS::Route53::RecordSet
      HostedZoneId: !Ref PrivateHostedZoneId
      Name: !Join [".", ["etcd-2", !Ref PrivateHostedZoneName]]
      - !GetAtt Master2.PrivateIp
      TTL: 60
      Type: A

    Description: The control-plane node private IP addresses.
      !Join [
        [!GetAtt Master0.PrivateIp, !GetAtt Master1.PrivateIp, !GetAtt Master2.PrivateIp]

Additional resources

2.10.14. Creating the worker nodes in AWS

You can create worker nodes in Amazon Web Services (AWS) for your cluster to use.

You can use the provided CloudFormation template and a custom parameter file to create a stack of AWS resources that represent a worker node.


The CloudFormation template creates a stack that represents one worker node. You must create a stack for each worker node.


If you do not use the provided CloudFormation template to create your worker nodes, you must review the provided information and manually create the infrastructure. If your cluster does not initialize correctly, you might have to contact Red Hat support with your installation logs.


  • You configured an AWS account.
  • You added your AWS keys and region to your local AWS profile by running aws configure.
  • You generated the Ignition config files for your cluster.
  • You created and configured a VPC and associated subnets in AWS.
  • You created and configured DNS, load balancers, and listeners in AWS.
  • You created the security groups and roles required for your cluster in AWS.
  • You created the bootstrap machine.
  • You created the control plane machines.


  1. Create a JSON file that contains the parameter values that the CloudFormation template requires:

        "ParameterKey": "InfrastructureName", 1
        "ParameterValue": "mycluster-<random_string>" 2
        "ParameterKey": "RhcosAmi", 3
        "ParameterValue": "ami-<random_string>" 4
        "ParameterKey": "Subnet", 5
        "ParameterValue": "subnet-<random_string>" 6
        "ParameterKey": "WorkerSecurityGroupId", 7
        "ParameterValue": "sg-<random_string>" 8
        "ParameterKey": "IgnitionLocation", 9
        "ParameterValue": "https://api-int.<cluster_name>.<domain_name>:22623/config/worker" 10
        "ParameterKey": "CertificateAuthorities", 11
        "ParameterValue": "" 12
        "ParameterKey": "WorkerInstanceProfileName", 13
        "ParameterValue": "" 14
        "ParameterKey": "WorkerInstanceType", 15
        "ParameterValue": "m4.large" 16
    The name for your cluster infrastructure that is encoded in your Ignition config files for the cluster.
    Specify the infrastructure name that you extracted from the Ignition config file metadata, which has the format <cluster-name>-<random-string>.
    Current Red Hat Enterprise Linux CoreOS (RHCOS) AMI to use for the worker nodes.
    Specify an AWS::EC2::Image::Id value.
    A subnet, preferably private, to launch the worker nodes on.
    Specify a subnet from the PrivateSubnets value from the output of the CloudFormation template for DNS and load balancing.
    The worker security group ID to associate with worker nodes.
    Specify the WorkerSecurityGroupId value from the output of the CloudFormation template for the security group and roles.
    The location to fetch bootstrap Ignition config file from.
    Specify the generated Ignition config location, https://api-int.<cluster_name>.<domain_name>:22623/config/worker.
    Base64 encoded certificate authority string to use.
    Specify the value from the worker.ign file that is in the installation directory. This value is the long string with the format data:text/plain;charset=utf-8;base64,ABC…​xYz==.
    The IAM profile to associate with worker nodes.
    Specify the WorkerInstanceProfile parameter value from the output of the CloudFormation template for the security group and roles.
    The type of AWS instance to use for the control plane machines.
    Allowed values:
    • m4.large
    • m4.xlarge
    • m4.2xlarge
    • m4.4xlarge
    • m4.8xlarge
    • m4.10xlarge
    • m4.16xlarge
    • m5.large
    • m5.xlarge
    • m5.2xlarge
    • m5.4xlarge
    • m5.8xlarge
    • m5.10xlarge
    • m5.16xlarge
    • m6i.xlarge
    • c4.2xlarge
    • c4.4xlarge
    • c4.8xlarge
    • r4.large
    • r4.xlarge
    • r4.2xlarge
    • r4.4xlarge
    • r4.8xlarge
    • r4.16xlarge


      If m4 instance types are not available in your region, such as with eu-west-3, use m5 types instead.

  2. Copy the template from the CloudFormation template for worker machines section of this topic and save it as a YAML file on your computer. This template describes the networking objects and load balancers that your cluster requires.
  3. If you specified an m5 instance type as the value for WorkerInstanceType, add that instance type to the WorkerInstanceType.AllowedValues parameter in the CloudFormation template.
  4. Launch the CloudFormation template to create a stack of AWS resources that represent a worker node:


    You must enter the command on a single line.

    $ aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name <name> 1
         --template-body file://<template>.yaml \ 2
         --parameters file://<parameters>.json 3
    <name> is the name for the CloudFormation stack, such as cluster-worker-1. You need the name of this stack if you remove the cluster.
    <template> is the relative path to and name of the CloudFormation template YAML file that you saved.
    <parameters> is the relative path to and name of the CloudFormation parameters JSON file.

    Example output



    The CloudFormation template creates a stack that represents one worker node.

  5. Confirm that the template components exist:

    $ aws cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name <name>
  6. Continue to create worker stacks until you have created enough worker machines for your cluster. You can create additional worker stacks by referencing the same template and parameter files and specifying a different stack name.


    You must create at least two worker machines, so you must create at least two stacks that use this CloudFormation template. CloudFormation template for worker machines

You can use the following CloudFormation template to deploy the worker machines that you need for your OpenShift Container Platform cluster.

Example 2.30. CloudFormation template for worker machines

AWSTemplateFormatVersion: 2010-09-09
Description: Template for OpenShift Cluster Node Launch (EC2 worker instance)

    AllowedPattern: ^([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9\-]{0,26})$
    MaxLength: 27
    MinLength: 1
    ConstraintDescription: Infrastructure name must be alphanumeric, start with a letter, and have a maximum of 27 characters.
    Description: A short, unique cluster ID used to tag nodes for the kubelet cloud provider.
    Type: String
    Description: Current Red Hat Enterprise Linux CoreOS AMI to use for bootstrap.
    Type: AWS::EC2::Image::Id
    Description: The subnets, recommend private, to launch the master nodes into.
    Type: AWS::EC2::Subnet::Id
    Description: The master security group ID to associate with master nodes.
    Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup::Id
    Default: https://api-int.$CLUSTER_NAME.$DOMAIN:22623/config/worker
    Description: Ignition config file location.
    Type: String
    Default: data:text/plain;charset=utf-8;base64,ABC...xYz==
    Description: Base64 encoded certificate authority string to use.
    Type: String
    Description: IAM profile to associate with master nodes.
    Type: String
    Default: m5.large
    Type: String
    - "m4.large"
    - "m4.xlarge"
    - "m4.2xlarge"
    - "m4.4xlarge"
    - "m4.10xlarge"
    - "m4.16xlarge"
    - "m5.large"
    - "m5.xlarge"
    - "m5.2xlarge"
    - "m5.4xlarge"
    - "m5.8xlarge"
    - "m5.12xlarge"
    - "m5.16xlarge"
    - "m5a.large"
    - "m5a.xlarge"
    - "m5a.2xlarge"
    - "m5a.4xlarge"
    - "m5a.8xlarge"
    - "m5a.10xlarge"
    - "m5a.16xlarge"
    - "c4.large"
    - "c4.xlarge"
    - "c4.2xlarge"
    - "c4.4xlarge"
    - "c4.8xlarge"
    - "c5.large"
    - "c5.xlarge"
    - "c5.2xlarge"
    - "c5.4xlarge"
    - "c5.9xlarge"
    - "c5.12xlarge"
    - "c5.18xlarge"
    - "c5.24xlarge"
    - "c5a.large"
    - "c5a.xlarge"
    - "c5a.2xlarge"
    - "c5a.4xlarge"
    - "c5a.8xlarge"
    - "c5a.12xlarge"
    - "c5a.16xlarge"
    - "c5a.24xlarge"
    - "r4.large"
    - "r4.xlarge"
    - "r4.2xlarge"
    - "r4.4xlarge"
    - "r4.8xlarge"
    - "r4.16xlarge"
    - "r5.large"
    - "r5.xlarge"
    - "r5.2xlarge"
    - "r5.4xlarge"
    - "r5.8xlarge"
    - "r5.12xlarge"
    - "r5.16xlarge"
    - "r5.24xlarge"
    - "r5a.large"
    - "r5a.xlarge"
    - "r5a.2xlarge"
    - "r5a.4xlarge"
    - "r5a.8xlarge"
    - "r5a.12xlarge"
    - "r5a.16xlarge"
    - "r5a.24xlarge"
    - "t3.large"
    - "t3.xlarge"
    - "t3.2xlarge"
    - "t3a.large"
    - "t3a.xlarge"
    - "t3a.2xlarge"

    - Label:
        default: "Cluster Information"
      - InfrastructureName
    - Label:
        default: "Host Information"
      - WorkerInstanceType
      - RhcosAmi
      - IgnitionLocation
      - CertificateAuthorities
      - WorkerSecurityGroupId
      - WorkerInstanceProfileName
    - Label:
        default: "Network Configuration"
      - Subnet
        default: "Subnet"
        default: "Infrastructure Name"
        default: "Worker Instance Type"
        default: "Worker Instance Profile Name"
        default: "Red Hat Enterprise Linux CoreOS AMI ID"
        default: "Worker Ignition Source"
        default: "Ignition CA String"
        default: "Worker Security Group ID"

    Type: AWS::EC2::Instance
      ImageId: !Ref RhcosAmi
      - DeviceName: /dev/xvda
          VolumeSize: "120"
          VolumeType: "gp2"
      IamInstanceProfile: !Ref WorkerInstanceProfileName
      InstanceType: !Ref WorkerInstanceType
      - AssociatePublicIpAddress: "false"
        DeviceIndex: "0"
        - !Ref "WorkerSecurityGroupId"
        SubnetId: !Ref "Subnet"
        Fn::Base64: !Sub
        - '{"ignition":{"config":{"merge":[{"source":"${SOURCE}"}]},"security":{"tls":{"certificateAuthorities":[{"source":"${CA_BUNDLE}"}]}},"version":"3.1.0"}}'
        - {
          SOURCE: !Ref IgnitionLocation,
          CA_BUNDLE: !Ref CertificateAuthorities,
      - Key: !Join ["", ["", !Ref InfrastructureName]]
        Value: "shared"

    Description: The compute node private IP address.
    Value: !GetAtt Worker0.PrivateIp

Additional resources

2.10.15. Initializing the bootstrap sequence on AWS with user-provisioned infrastructure

After you create all of the required infrastructure in Amazon Web Services (AWS), you can start the bootstrap sequence that initializes the OpenShift Container Platform control plane.


  • You configured an AWS account.
  • You added your AWS keys and region to your local AWS profile by running aws configure.
  • You generated the Ignition config files for your cluster.
  • You created and configured a VPC and associated subnets in AWS.
  • You created and configured DNS, load balancers, and listeners in AWS.
  • You created the security groups and roles required for your cluster in AWS.
  • You created the bootstrap machine.
  • You created the control plane machines.
  • You created the worker nodes.


  1. Change to the directory that contains the installation program and start the bootstrap process that initializes the OpenShift Container Platform control plane:

    $ ./openshift-install wait-for bootstrap-complete --dir <installation_directory> \ 1
        --log-level=info 2
    For <installation_directory>, specify the path to the directory that you stored the installation files in.
    To view different installation details, specify warn, debug, or error instead of info.

    Example output

    INFO Waiting up to 20m0s for the Kubernetes API at
    INFO API v1.19.0+9f84db3 up
    INFO Waiting up to 30m0s for bootstrapping to complete...
    INFO It is now safe to remove the bootstrap resources
    INFO Time elapsed: 1s

    If the command exits without a FATAL warning, your OpenShift Container Platform control plane has initialized.


    After the control plane initializes, it sets up the compute nodes and installs additional services in the form of Operators.

Additional resources

2.10.16. Installing the OpenShift CLI by downloading the binary

You can install the OpenShift CLI (oc) in order to interact with OpenShift Container Platform from a command-line interface. You can install oc on Linux, Windows, or macOS.


If you installed an earlier version of oc, you cannot use it to complete all of the commands in OpenShift Container Platform 4.6. Download and install the new version of oc. Installing the OpenShift CLI on Linux

You can install the OpenShift CLI (oc) binary on Linux by using the following procedure.


  1. Navigate to the OpenShift Container Platform downloads page on the Red Hat Customer Portal.
  2. Select the appropriate version in the Version drop-down menu.
  3. Click Download Now next to the OpenShift v4.6 Linux Client entry and save the file.
  4. Unpack the archive:

    $ tar xvzf <file>
  5. Place the oc binary in a directory that is on your PATH.

    To check your PATH, execute the following command:

    $ echo $PATH

After you install the OpenShift CLI, it is available using the oc command:

$ oc <command> Installing the OpenShift CLI on Windows

You can install the OpenShift CLI (oc) binary on Windows by using the following procedure.


  1. Navigate to the OpenShift Container Platform downloads page on the Red Hat Customer Portal.
  2. Select the appropriate version in the Version drop-down menu.
  3. Click Download Now next to the OpenShift v4.6 Windows Client entry and save the file.
  4. Unzip the archive with a ZIP program.
  5. Move the oc binary to a directory that is on your PATH.

    To check your PATH, open the command prompt and execute the following command:

    C:\> path

After you install the OpenShift CLI, it is available using the oc command:

C:\> oc <command> Installing the OpenShift CLI on macOS

You can install the OpenShift CLI (oc) binary on macOS by using the following procedure.


  1. Navigate to the OpenShift Container Platform downloads page on the Red Hat Customer Portal.
  2. Select the appropriate version in the Version drop-down menu.
  3. Click Download Now next to the OpenShift v4.6 MacOSX Client entry and save the file.
  4. Unpack and unzip the archive.
  5. Move the oc binary to a directory on your PATH.

    To check your PATH, open a terminal and execute the following command:

    $ echo $PATH

After you install the OpenShift CLI, it is available using the oc command:

$ oc <command>

2.10.17. Logging in to the cluster by using the CLI

You can log in to your cluster as a default system user by exporting the cluster kubeconfig file. The kubeconfig file contains information about the cluster that is used by the CLI to connect a client to the correct cluster and API server. The file is specific to a cluster and is created during OpenShift Container Platform installation.


  • You deployed an OpenShift Container Platform cluster.
  • You installed the oc CLI.


  1. Export the kubeadmin credentials:

    $ export KUBECONFIG=<installation_directory>/auth/kubeconfig 1
    For <installation_directory>, specify the path to the directory that you stored the installation files in.
  2. Verify you can run oc commands successfully using the exported configuration:

    $ oc whoami

    Example output


2.10.18. Approving the certificate signing requests for your machines

When you add machines to a cluster, two pending certificate signing requests (CSRs) are generated for each machine that you added. You must confirm that these CSRs are approved or, if necessary, approve them yourself. The client requests must be approved first, followed by the server requests.


  • You added machines to your cluster.


  1. Confirm that the cluster recognizes the machines:

    $ oc get nodes

    Example output

    master-0  Ready     master  63m  v1.19.0
    master-1  Ready     master  63m  v1.19.0
    master-2  Ready     master  64m  v1.19.0

    The output lists all of the machines that you created.


    The preceding output might not include the compute nodes, also known as worker nodes, until some CSRs are approved.

  2. Review the pending CSRs and ensure that you see the client requests with the Pending or Approved status for each machine that you added to the cluster:

    $ oc get csr

    Example output

    NAME        AGE     REQUESTOR                                                                   CONDITION
    csr-8b2br   15m     system:serviceaccount:openshift-machine-config-operator:node-bootstrapper   Pending
    csr-8vnps   15m     system:serviceaccount:openshift-machine-config-operator:node-bootstrapper   Pending

    In this example, two machines are joining the cluster. You might see more approved CSRs in the list.

  3. If the CSRs were not approved, after all of the pending CSRs for the machines you added are in Pending status, approve the CSRs for your cluster machines:


    Because the CSRs rotate automatically, approve your CSRs within an hour of adding the machines to the cluster. If you do not approve them within an hour, the certificates will rotate, and more than two certificates will be present for each node. You must approve all of these certificates. Once the client CSR is approved, the Kubelet creates a secondary CSR for the serving certificate, which requires manual approval. Then, subsequent serving certificate renewal requests are automatically approved by the machine-approver if the Kubelet requests a new certificate with identical parameters.


    For clusters running on platforms that are not machine API enabled, such as bare metal and other user-provisioned infrastructure, you must implement a method of automatically approving the kubelet serving certificate requests (CSRs). If a request is not approved, then the oc exec, oc rsh, and oc logs commands cannot succeed, because a serving certificate is required when the API server connects to the kubelet. Any operation that contacts the Kubelet endpoint requires this certificate approval to be in place. The method must watch for new CSRs, confirm that the CSR was submitted by the node-bootstrapper service account in the system:node or system:admin groups, and confirm the identity of the node.

    • To approve them individually, run the following command for each valid CSR:

      $ oc adm certificate approve <csr_name> 1
      <csr_name> is the name of a CSR from the list of current CSRs.
    • To approve all pending CSRs, run the following command:

      $ oc get csr -o go-template='{{range .items}}{{if not .status}}{{}}{{"\n"}}{{end}}{{end}}' | xargs --no-run-if-empty oc adm certificate approve

      Some Operators might not become available until some CSRs are approved.

  4. Now that your client requests are approved, you must review the server requests for each machine that you added to the cluster:

    $ oc get csr

    Example output

    NAME        AGE     REQUESTOR                                                                   CONDITION
    csr-bfd72   5m26s                       Pending
    csr-c57lv   5m26s                       Pending

  5. If the remaining CSRs are not approved, and are in the Pending status, approve the CSRs for your cluster machines:

    • To approve them individually, run the following command for each valid CSR:

      $ oc adm certificate approve <csr_name> 1
      <csr_name> is the name of a CSR from the list of current CSRs.
    • To approve all pending CSRs, run the following command:

      $ oc get csr -o go-template='{{range .items}}{{if not .status}}{{}}{{"\n"}}{{end}}{{end}}' | xargs oc adm certificate approve
  6. After all client and server CSRs have been approved, the machines have the Ready status. Verify this by running the following command:

    $ oc get nodes

    Example output

    master-0  Ready     master  73m  v1.20.0
    master-1  Ready     master  73m  v1.20.0
    master-2  Ready     master  74m  v1.20.0
    worker-0  Ready     worker  11m  v1.20.0
    worker-1  Ready     worker  11m  v1.20.0


    It can take a few minutes after approval of the server CSRs for the machines to transition to the Ready status.

Additional information

2.10.19. Initial Operator configuration

After the control plane initializes, you must immediately configure some Operators so that they all become available.


  • Your control plane has initialized.


  1. Watch the cluster components come online:

    $ watch -n5 oc get clusteroperators

    Example output

    NAME                                       VERSION AVAILABLE   PROGRESSING   DEGRADED   SINCE
    authentication                             4.6.0   True        False         False      3h56m
    cloud-credential                           4.6.0   True        False         False      29h
    cluster-autoscaler                         4.6.0   True        False         False      29h
    config-operator                            4.6.0   True        False         False      6h39m
    console                                    4.6.0   True        False         False      3h59m
    csi-snapshot-controller                    4.6.0   True        False         False      4h12m
    dns                                        4.6.0   True        False         False      4h15m
    etcd                                       4.6.0   True        False         False      29h
    image-registry                             4.6.0   True        False         False      3h59m
    ingress                                    4.6.0   True        False         False      4h30m
    insights                                   4.6.0   True        False         False      29h
    kube-apiserver                             4.6.0   True        False         False      29h
    kube-controller-manager                    4.6.0   True        False         False      29h
    kube-scheduler                             4.6.0   True        False         False      29h
    kube-storage-version-migrator              4.6.0   True        False         False      4h2m
    machine-api                                4.6.0   True        False         False      29h
    machine-approver                           4.6.0   True        False         False      6h34m
    machine-config                             4.6.0   True        False         False      3h56m
    marketplace                                4.6.0   True        False         False      4h2m
    monitoring                                 4.6.0   True        False         False      6h31m
    network                                    4.6.0   True        False         False      29h
    node-tuning                                4.6.0   True        False         False      4h30m
    openshift-apiserver                        4.6.0   True        False         False      3h56m
    openshift-controller-manager               4.6.0   True        False         False      4h36m
    openshift-samples                          4.6.0   True        False         False      4h30m
    operator-lifecycle-manager                 4.6.0   True        False         False      29h
    operator-lifecycle-manager-catalog         4.6.0   True        False         False      29h
    operator-lifecycle-manager-packageserver   4.6.0   True        False         False      3h59m
    service-ca                                 4.6.0   True        False         False      29h
    storage                                    4.6.0   True        False         False      4h30m

  2. Configure the Operators that are not available. Image registry storage configuration

Amazon Web Services provides default storage, which means the Image Registry Operator is available after installation. However, if the Registry Operator cannot create an S3 bucket and automatically configure storage, you must manually configure registry storage.

Instructions are shown for configuring a persistent volume, which is required for production clusters. Where applicable, instructions are shown for configuring an empty directory as the storage location, which is available for only non-production clusters.

Additional instructions are provided for allowing the image registry to use block storage types by using the Recreate rollout strategy during upgrades.

You can configure registry storage for user-provisioned infrastructure in AWS to deploy OpenShift Container Platform to hidden regions. See Configuring the registry for AWS user-provisioned infrastructure for more information. Configuring registry storage for AWS with user-provisioned infrastructure

During installation, your cloud credentials are sufficient to create an Amazon S3 bucket and the Registry Operator will automatically configure storage.

If the Registry Operator cannot create an S3 bucket and automatically configure storage, you can create an S3 bucket and configure storage with the following procedure.


  • You have a cluster on AWS with user-provisioned infrastructure.
  • For Amazon S3 storage, the secret is expected to contain two keys:



Use the following procedure if the Registry Operator cannot create an S3 bucket and automatically configure storage.

  1. Set up a Bucket Lifecycle Policy to abort incomplete multipart uploads that are one day old.
  2. Fill in the storage configuration in

    $ oc edit

    Example configuration

        bucket: <bucket-name>
        region: <region-name>


To secure your registry images in AWS, block public access to the S3 bucket. Configuring storage for the image registry in non-production clusters

You must configure storage for the Image Registry Operator. For non-production clusters, you can set the image registry to an empty directory. If you do so, all images are lost if you restart the registry.


  • To set the image registry storage to an empty directory:

    $ oc patch cluster --type merge --patch '{"spec":{"storage":{"emptyDir":{}}}}'

    Configure this option for only non-production clusters.

    If you run this command before the Image Registry Operator initializes its components, the oc patch command fails with the following error:

    Error from server (NotFound): "cluster" not found

    Wait a few minutes and run the command again.

2.10.20. Deleting the bootstrap resources

After you complete the initial Operator configuration for the cluster, remove the bootstrap resources from Amazon Web Services (AWS).


  • You completed the initial Operator configuration for your cluster.


  1. Delete the bootstrap resources. If you used the CloudFormation template, delete its stack:

    • Delete the stack by using the AWS CLI:

      $ aws cloudformation delete-stack --stack-name <name> 1
      <name> is the name of your bootstrap stack.
    • Delete the stack by using the AWS CloudFormation console.

2.10.21. Creating the Ingress DNS Records

If you removed the DNS Zone configuration, manually create DNS records that point to the Ingress load balancer. You can create either a wildcard record or specific records. While the following procedure uses A records, you can use other record types that you require, such as CNAME or alias.



  1. Determine the routes to create.

    • To create a wildcard record, use *.apps.<cluster_name>.<domain_name>, where <cluster_name> is your cluster name, and <domain_name> is the Route 53 base domain for your OpenShift Container Platform cluster.
    • To create specific records, you must create a record for each route that your cluster uses, as shown in the output of the following command:

      $ oc get --all-namespaces -o jsonpath='{range .items[*]}{range .status.ingress[*]}{.host}{"\n"}{end}{end}' routes

      Example output


  2. Retrieve the Ingress Operator load balancer status and note the value of the external IP address that it uses, which is shown in the EXTERNAL-IP column:

    $ oc -n openshift-ingress get service router-default

    Example output

    NAME             TYPE           CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP                            PORT(S)                      AGE
    router-default   LoadBalancer   80:31499/TCP,443:30693/TCP   5m

  3. Locate the hosted zone ID for the load balancer:

    $ aws elb describe-load-balancers | jq -r '.LoadBalancerDescriptions[] | select(.DNSName == "<external_ip>").CanonicalHostedZoneNameID' 1
    For <external_ip>, specify the value of the external IP address of the Ingress Operator load balancer that you obtained.

    Example output


    The output of this command is the load balancer hosted zone ID.

  4. Obtain the public hosted zone ID for your cluster’s domain:

    $ aws route53 list-hosted-zones-by-name \
                --dns-name "<domain_name>" \ 1
                --query 'HostedZones[? Config.PrivateZone != `true` && Name == `<domain_name>.`].Id' 2
                --output text
    1 2
    For <domain_name>, specify the Route 53 base domain for your OpenShift Container Platform cluster.

    Example output


    The public hosted zone ID for your domain is shown in the command output. In this example, it is Z3URY6TWQ91KVV.

  5. Add the alias records to your private zone:

    $ aws route53 change-resource-record-sets --hosted-zone-id "<private_hosted_zone_id>" --change-batch '{ 1
    >   "Changes": [
    >     {
    >       "Action": "CREATE",
    >       "ResourceRecordSet": {
    >         "Name": "\\052.apps.<cluster_domain>", 2
    >         "Type": "A",
    >         "AliasTarget":{
    >           "HostedZoneId": "<hosted_zone_id>", 3
    >           "DNSName": "<external_ip>.", 4
    >           "EvaluateTargetHealth": false
    >         }
    >       }
    >     }
    >   ]
    > }'
    For <private_hosted_zone_id>, specify the value from the output of the CloudFormation template for DNS and load balancing.
    For <cluster_domain>, specify the domain or subdomain that you use with your OpenShift Container Platform cluster.
    For <hosted_zone_id>, specify the public hosted zone ID for the load balancer that you obtained.
    For <external_ip>, specify the value of the external IP address of the Ingress Operator load balancer. Ensure that you include the trailing period (.) in this parameter value.
  6. Add the records to your public zone:

    $ aws route53 change-resource-record-sets --hosted-zone-id "<public_hosted_zone_id>"" --change-batch '{ 1
    >   "Changes": [
    >     {
    >       "Action": "CREATE",
    >       "ResourceRecordSet": {
    >         "Name": "\\052.apps.<cluster_domain>", 2
    >         "Type": "A",
    >         "AliasTarget":{
    >           "HostedZoneId": "<hosted_zone_id>", 3
    >           "DNSName": "<external_ip>.", 4
    >           "EvaluateTargetHealth": false
    >         }
    >       }
    >     }
    >   ]
    > }'
    For <public_hosted_zone_id>, specify the public hosted zone for your domain.
    For <cluster_domain>, specify the domain or subdomain that you use with your OpenShift Container Platform cluster.
    For <hosted_zone_id>, specify the public hosted zone ID for the load balancer that you obtained.
    For <external_ip>, specify the value of the external IP address of the Ingress Operator load balancer. Ensure that you include the trailing period (.) in this parameter value.

2.10.22. Completing an AWS installation on user-provisioned infrastructure

After you start the OpenShift Container Platform installation on Amazon Web Service (AWS) user-provisioned infrastructure, monitor the deployment to completion.


  • You removed the bootstrap node for an OpenShift Container Platform cluster on user-provisioned AWS infrastructure.
  • You installed the oc CLI.


  • From the directory that contains the installation program, complete the cluster installation:

    $ ./openshift-install --dir <installation_directory> wait-for install-complete 1
    For <installation_directory>, specify the path to the directory that you stored the installation files in.

    Example output

    INFO Waiting up to 40m0s for the cluster at to initialize...
    INFO Waiting up to 10m0s for the openshift-console route to be created...
    INFO Install complete!
    INFO To access the cluster as the system:admin user when using 'oc', run 'export KUBECONFIG=/home/myuser/install_dir/auth/kubeconfig'
    INFO Access the OpenShift web-console here:
    INFO Login to the console with user: "kubeadmin", and password: "4vYBz-Fe5en-ymBEc-Wt6NL"
    INFO Time elapsed: 1s

    • The Ignition config files that the installation program generates contain certificates that expire after 24 hours, which are then renewed at that time. If the cluster is shut down before renewing the certificates and the cluster is later restarted after the 24 hours have elapsed, the cluster automatically recovers the expired certificates. The exception is that you must manually approve the pending node-bootstrapper certificate signing requests (CSRs) to recover kubelet certificates. See the documentation for Recovering from expired control plane certificates for more information.
    • It is recommended that you use Ignition config files within 12 hours after they are generated because the 24-hour certificate rotates from 16 to 22 hours after the cluster is installed. By using the Ignition config files within 12 hours, you can avoid installation failure if the certificate update runs during installation.

2.10.23. Logging in to the cluster by using the web console

The kubeadmin user exists by default after an OpenShift Container Platform installation. You can log in to your cluster as the kubeadmin user by using the OpenShift Container Platform web console.


  • You have access to the installation host.
  • You completed a cluster installation and all cluster Operators are available.


  1. Obtain the password for the kubeadmin user from the kubeadmin-password file on the installation host:

    $ cat <installation_directory>/auth/kubeadmin-password

    Alternatively, you can obtain the kubeadmin password from the <installation_directory>/.openshift_install.log log file on the installation host.

  2. List the OpenShift Container Platform web console route:

    $ oc get routes -n openshift-console | grep 'console-openshift'

    Alternatively, you can obtain the OpenShift Container Platform route from the <installation_directory>/.openshift_install.log log file on the installation host.

    Example output

    console     console-openshift-console.apps.<cluster_name>.<base_domain>            console     https   reencrypt/Redirect   None

  3. Navigate to the route detailed in the output of the preceding command in a web browser and log in as the kubeadmin user.

Additional resources

  • See Accessing the web console for more details about accessing and understanding the OpenShift Container Platform web console.

2.10.24. Telemetry access for OpenShift Container Platform

In OpenShift Container Platform 4.6, the Telemetry service, which runs by default to provide metrics about cluster health and the success of updates, requires internet access. If your cluster is connected to the internet, Telemetry runs automatically, and your cluster is registered to OpenShift Cluster Manager.

After you confirm that your OpenShift Cluster Manager inventory is correct, either maintained automatically by Telemetry or manually by using OpenShift Cluster Manager, use subscription watch to track your OpenShift Container Platform subscriptions at the account or multi-cluster level.

Additional resources

2.10.25. Additional resources

  • See Working with stacks in the AWS documentation for more information about AWS CloudFormation stacks.

2.10.26. Next steps

2.11. Installing a cluster on AWS in a restricted network with user-provisioned infrastructure

In OpenShift Container Platform version 4.6, you can install a cluster on Amazon Web Services (AWS) using infrastructure that you provide and an internal mirror of the installation release content.


While you can install an OpenShift Container Platform cluster by using mirrored installation release content, your cluster still requires Internet access to use the AWS APIs.

One way to create this infrastructure is to use the provided CloudFormation templates. You can modify the templates to customize your infrastructure or use the information that they contain to create AWS objects according to your company’s policies.


The steps for performing a user-provisioned infrastructure installation are provided as an example only. Installing a cluster with infrastructure you provide requires knowledge of the cloud provider and the installation process of OpenShift Container Platform. Several CloudFormation templates are provided to assist in completing these steps or to help model your own. You are also free to create the required resources through other methods; the templates are just an example.

2.11.1. Prerequisites

2.11.2. About installations in restricted networks

In OpenShift Container Platform 4.6, you can perform an installation that does not require an active connection to the Internet to obtain software components. Restricted network installations can be completed using installer-provisioned infrastructure or user-provisioned infrastructure, depending on the cloud platform to which you are installing the cluster.

If you choose to perform a restricted network installation on a cloud platform, you still require access to its cloud APIs. Some cloud functions, like Amazon Web Service’s Route 53 DNS and IAM services, require internet access. Depending on your network, you might require less Internet access for an installation on bare metal hardware or on VMware vSphere.

To complete a restricted network installation, you must create a registry that mirrors the contents of the OpenShift Container Platform registry and contains the installation media. You can create this registry on a mirror host, which can access both the Internet and your closed network, or by using other methods that meet your restrictions.


Because of the complexity of the configuration for user-provisioned installations, consider completing a standard user-provisioned infrastructure installation before you attempt a restricted network installation using user-provisioned infrastructure. Completing this test installation might make it easier to isolate and troubleshoot any issues that might arise during your installation in a restricted network. Additional limits

Clusters in restricted networks have the following additional limitations and restrictions:

  • The ClusterVersion status includes an Unable to retrieve available updates error.
  • By default, you cannot use the contents of the Developer Catalog because you cannot access the required image stream tags.

2.11.3. Internet access for OpenShift Container Platform

In OpenShift Container Platform 4.6, you require access to the Internet to obtain the images that are necessary to install your cluster.

You must have Internet access to:

  • Access OpenShift Cluster Manager to download the installation program and perform subscription management. If the cluster has internet access and you do not disable Telemetry, that service automatically entitles your cluster.
  • Access to obtain the packages that are required to install your cluster.
  • Obtain the packages that are required to perform cluster updates.

If your cluster cannot have direct Internet access, you can perform a restricted network installation on some types of infrastructure that you provision. During that process, you download the content that is required and use it to populate a mirror registry with the packages that you need to install a cluster and generate the installation program. With some installation types, the environment that you install your cluster in will not require Internet access. Before you update the cluster, you update the content of the mirror registry.

2.11.4. Required AWS infrastructure components

To install OpenShift Container Platform on user-provisioned infrastructure in Amazon Web Services (AWS), you must manually create both the machines and their supporting infrastructure.

For more information about the integration testing for different platforms, see the OpenShift Container Platform 4.x Tested Integrations page.

By using the provided CloudFormation templates, you can create stacks of AWS resources that represent the following components:

  • An AWS Virtual Private Cloud (VPC)
  • Networking and load balancing components
  • Security groups and roles
  • An OpenShift Container Platform bootstrap node
  • OpenShift Container Platform control plane nodes
  • An OpenShift Container Platform compute node

Alternatively, you can manually create the components or you can reuse existing infrastructure that meets the cluster requirements. Review the CloudFormation templates for more details about how the components interrelate. Cluster machines

You need AWS::EC2::Instance objects for the following machines:

  • A bootstrap machine. This machine is required during installation, but you can remove it after your cluster deploys.
  • Three control plane machines. The control plane machines are not governed by a machine set.
  • Compute machines. You must create at least two compute machines, which are also known as worker machines, during installation. These machines are not governed by a machine set.

You can use the following instance types for the cluster machines with the provided CloudFormation templates.


If m4 instance types are not available in your region, such as with eu-west-3, use m5 types instead.

Table 2.32. Instance types for machines
Instance typeBootstrapControl planeCompute

































































































You might be able to use other instance types that meet the specifications of these instance types. Other infrastructure components

  • A VPC
  • DNS entries
  • Load balancers (classic or network) and listeners
  • A public and a private Route 53 zone
  • Security groups
  • IAM roles
  • S3 buckets

If you are working in a disconnected environment or use a proxy, you cannot reach the public IP addresses for EC2 and ELB endpoints. To reach these endpoints, you must create a VPC endpoint and attach it to the subnet that the clusters are using. Create the following endpoints:

  • ec2.<region>
  • elasticloadbalancing.<region>
  • s3.<region>

Required VPC components

You must provide a suitable VPC and subnets that allow communication to your machines.

ComponentAWS typeDescription


  • AWS::EC2::VPC
  • AWS::EC2::VPCEndpoint

You must provide a public VPC for the cluster to use. The VPC uses an endpoint that references the route tables for each subnet to improve communication with the registry that is hosted in S3.

Public subnets

  • AWS::EC2::Subnet
  • AWS::EC2::SubnetNetworkAclAssociation

Your VPC must have public subnets for between 1 and 3 availability zones and associate them with appropriate Ingress rules.

Internet gateway

  • AWS::EC2::InternetGateway
  • AWS::EC2::VPCGatewayAttachment
  • AWS::EC2::RouteTable
  • AWS::EC2::Route
  • AWS::EC2::SubnetRouteTableAssociation
  • AWS::EC2::NatGateway
  • AWS::EC2::EIP

You must have a public Internet gateway, with public routes, attached to the VPC. In the provided templates, each public subnet has a NAT gateway with an EIP address. These NAT gateways allow cluster resources, like private subnet instances, to reach the Internet and are not required for some restricted network or proxy scenarios.

Network access control

  • AWS::EC2::NetworkAcl
  • AWS::EC2::NetworkAclEntry

You must allow the VPC to access the following ports:




Inbound HTTP traffic


Inbound HTTPS traffic


Inbound SSH traffic

1024 - 65535

Inbound ephemeral traffic

0 - 65535

Outbound ephemeral traffic

Private subnets

  • AWS::EC2::Subnet
  • AWS::EC2::RouteTable
  • AWS::EC2::SubnetRouteTableAssociation

Your VPC can have private subnets. The provided CloudFormation templates can create private subnets for between 1 and 3 availability zones. If you use private subnets, you must provide appropriate routes and tables for them.

Required DNS and load balancing components

Your DNS and load balancer configuration needs to use a public hosted zone and can use a private hosted zone similar to the one that the installation program uses if it provisions the cluster’s infrastructure. You must create a DNS entry that resolves to your load balancer. An entry for api.<cluster_name>.<domain> must point to the external load balancer, and an entry for api-int.<cluster_name>.<domain> must point to the internal load balancer.

The cluster also requires load balancers and listeners for port 6443, which are required for the Kubernetes API and its extensions, and port 22623, which are required for the Ignition config files for new machines. The targets will be the control plane nodes (also known as the master nodes). Port 6443 must be accessible to both clients external to the cluster and nodes within the cluster. Port 22623 must be accessible to nodes within the cluster.

ComponentAWS typeDescription



The hosted zone for your internal DNS.

etcd record sets


The registration records for etcd for your control plane machines.

Public load balancer


The load balancer for your public subnets.

External API server record


Alias records for the external API server.

External listener


A listener on port 6443 for the external load balancer.

External target group


The target group for the external load balancer.

Private load balancer


The load balancer for your private subnets.

Internal API server record


Alias records for the internal API server.

Internal listener


A listener on port 22623 for the internal load balancer.

Internal target group


The target group for the internal load balancer.

Internal listener


A listener on port 6443 for the internal load balancer.

Internal target group


The target group for the internal load balancer.

Security groups

The control plane and worker machines require access to the following ports:

GroupTypeIP ProtocolPort range























Control plane Ingress

The control plane machines require the following Ingress groups. Each Ingress group is a AWS::EC2::SecurityGroupIngress resource.

Ingress groupDescriptionIP protocolPort range




2379- 2380


Vxlan packets




Vxlan packets




Internal cluster communication and Kubernetes proxy metrics


9000 - 9999


Internal cluster communication


9000 - 9999


Kubernetes kubelet, scheduler and controller manager


10250 - 10259


Kubernetes kubelet, scheduler and controller manager


10250 - 10259


Kubernetes Ingress services


30000 - 32767


Kubernetes Ingress services


30000 - 32767


Geneve packets




Geneve packets




IPsec IKE packets




IPsec IKE packets




IPsec NAT-T packets




IPsec NAT-T packets




IPsec ESP packets




IPsec ESP packets




Internal cluster communication


9000 - 9999


Internal cluster communication


9000 - 9999


Kubernetes Ingress services


30000 - 32767


Kubernetes Ingress services


30000 - 32767

Worker Ingress

The worker machines require the following Ingress groups. Each Ingress group is a AWS::EC2::SecurityGroupIngress resource.

Ingress groupDescriptionIP protocolPort range


Vxlan packets




Vxlan packets




Internal cluster communication


9000 - 9999


Internal cluster communication


9000 - 9999


Kubernetes kubelet, scheduler, and controller manager




Kubernetes kubelet, scheduler, and controller manager




Kubernetes Ingress services


30000 - 32767


Kubernetes Ingress services


30000 - 32767


Geneve packets




Geneve packets




IPsec IKE packets




IPsec IKE packets




IPsec NAT-T packets




IPsec NAT-T packets




IPsec ESP packets




IPsec ESP packets




Internal cluster communication


9000 - 9999


Internal cluster communication


9000 - 9999


Kubernetes Ingress services


30000 - 32767


Kubernetes Ingress services


30000 - 32767

Roles and instance profiles

You must grant the machines permissions in AWS. The provided CloudFormation templates grant the machines Allow permissions for the following AWS::IAM::Role objects and provide a AWS::IAM::InstanceProfile for each set of roles. If you do not use the templates, you can grant the machines the following broad permissions or the following individual permissions.




























* Certificate signing requests management

Because your cluster has limited access to automatic machine management when you use infrastructure that you provision, you must provide a mechanism for approving cluster certificate signing requests (CSRs) after installation. The kube-controller-manager only approves the kubelet client CSRs. The machine-approver cannot guarantee the validity of a serving certificate that is requested by using kubelet credentials because it cannot confirm that the correct machine issued the request. You must determine and implement a method of verifying the validity of the kubelet serving certificate requests and approving them. Required AWS permissions


Your IAM user must have the permission tag:GetResources in the region us-east-1 to delete the base cluster resources. As part of the AWS API requirement, the OpenShift Container Platform installation program performs various actions in this region.

When you attach the AdministratorAccess policy to the IAM user that you create in Amazon Web Services (AWS), you grant that user all of the required permissions. To deploy all components of an OpenShift Container Platform cluster, the IAM user requires the following permissions:

Example 2.31. Required EC2 permissions for installation

  • tag:TagResources
  • tag:UntagResources
  • ec2:AllocateAddress
  • ec2:AssociateAddress
  • ec2:AuthorizeSecurityGroupEgress
  • ec2:AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngress
  • ec2:CopyImage
  • ec2:CreateNetworkInterface
  • ec2:AttachNetworkInterface
  • ec2:CreateSecurityGroup
  • ec2:CreateTags
  • ec2:CreateVolume
  • ec2:DeleteSecurityGroup
  • ec2:DeleteSnapshot
  • ec2:DeleteTags
  • ec2:DeregisterImage
  • ec2:DescribeAccountAttributes
  • ec2:DescribeAddresses
  • ec2:DescribeAvailabilityZones
  • ec2:DescribeDhcpOptions
  • ec2:DescribeImages
  • ec2:DescribeInstanceAttribute
  • ec2:DescribeInstanceCreditSpecifications
  • ec2:DescribeInstances
  • ec2:DescribeInternetGateways
  • ec2:DescribeKeyPairs
  • ec2:DescribeNatGateways
  • ec2:DescribeNetworkAcls
  • ec2:DescribeNetworkInterfaces
  • ec2:DescribePrefixLists
  • ec2:DescribeRegions
  • ec2:DescribeRouteTables
  • ec2:DescribeSecurityGroups
  • ec2:DescribeSubnets
  • ec2:DescribeTags
  • ec2:DescribeVolumes
  • ec2:DescribeVpcAttribute
  • ec2:DescribeVpcClassicLink
  • ec2:DescribeVpcClassicLinkDnsSupport
  • ec2:DescribeVpcEndpoints
  • ec2:DescribeVpcs
  • ec2:GetEbsDefaultKmsKeyId
  • ec2:ModifyInstanceAttribute
  • ec2:ModifyNetworkInterfaceAttribute
  • ec2:ReleaseAddress
  • ec2:RevokeSecurityGroupEgress
  • ec2:RevokeSecurityGroupIngress
  • ec2:RunInstances
  • ec2:TerminateInstances

Example 2.32. Required permissions for creating network resources during installation

  • ec2:AssociateDhcpOptions
  • ec2:AssociateRouteTable
  • ec2:AttachInternetGateway
  • ec2:CreateDhcpOptions
  • ec2:CreateInternetGateway
  • ec2:CreateNatGateway
  • ec2:CreateRoute
  • ec2:CreateRouteTable
  • ec2:CreateSubnet
  • ec2:CreateVpc
  • ec2:CreateVpcEndpoint
  • ec2:ModifySubnetAttribute
  • ec2:ModifyVpcAttribute

If you use an existing VPC, your account does not require these permissions for creating network resources.

Example 2.33. Required Elastic Load Balancing permissions (ELB) for installation

  • elasticloadbalancing:AddTags
  • elasticloadbalancing:ApplySecurityGroupsToLoadBalancer
  • elasticloadbalancing:AttachLoadBalancerToSubnets
  • elasticloadbalancing:ConfigureHealthCheck
  • elasticloadbalancing:CreateLoadBalancer
  • elasticloadbalancing:CreateLoadBalancerListeners
  • elasticloadbalancing:DeleteLoadBalancer
  • elasticloadbalancing:DeregisterInstancesFromLoadBalancer
  • elasticloadbalancing:DescribeInstanceHealth
  • elasticloadbalancing:DescribeLoadBalancerAttributes
  • elasticloadbalancing:DescribeLoadBalancers
  • elasticloadbalancing:DescribeTags
  • elasticloadbalancing:ModifyLoadBalancerAttributes
  • elasticloadbalancing:RegisterInstancesWithLoadBalancer
  • elasticloadbalancing:SetLoadBalancerPoliciesOfListener

Example 2.34. Required Elastic Load Balancing permissions (ELBv2) for installation

  • elasticloadbalancing:AddTags
  • elasticloadbalancing:CreateListener
  • elasticloadbalancing:CreateLoadBalancer
  • elasticloadbalancing:CreateTargetGroup
  • elasticloadbalancing:DeleteLoadBalancer
  • elasticloadbalancing:DeregisterTargets
  • elasticloadbalancing:DescribeListeners
  • elasticloadbalancing:DescribeLoadBalancerAttributes
  • elasticloadbalancing:DescribeLoadBalancers
  • elasticloadbalancing:DescribeTargetGroupAttributes
  • elasticloadbalancing:DescribeTargetHealth
  • elasticloadbalancing:ModifyLoadBalancerAttributes
  • elasticloadbalancing:ModifyTargetGroup
  • elasticloadbalancing:ModifyTargetGroupAttributes
  • elasticloadbalancing:RegisterTargets

Example 2.35. Required IAM permissions for installation

  • iam:AddRoleToInstanceProfile
  • iam:CreateInstanceProfile
  • iam:CreateRole
  • iam:DeleteInstanceProfile
  • iam:DeleteRole
  • iam:DeleteRolePolicy
  • iam:GetInstanceProfile
  • iam:GetRole
  • iam:GetRolePolicy
  • iam:GetUser
  • iam:ListInstanceProfilesForRole
  • iam:ListRoles
  • iam:ListUsers
  • iam:PassRole
  • iam:PutRolePolicy
  • iam:RemoveRoleFromInstanceProfile
  • iam:SimulatePrincipalPolicy
  • iam:TagRole

If you have not created an elastic load balancer (ELB) in your AWS account, the IAM user also requires the iam:CreateServiceLinkedRole permission.

Example 2.36. Required Route 53 permissions for installation

  • route53:ChangeResourceRecordSets
  • route53:ChangeTagsForResource
  • route53:CreateHostedZone
  • route53:DeleteHostedZone
  • route53:GetChange
  • route53:GetHostedZone
  • route53:ListHostedZones
  • route53:ListHostedZonesByName
  • route53:ListResourceRecordSets
  • route53:ListTagsForResource
  • route53:UpdateHostedZoneComment

Example 2.37. Required S3 permissions for installation

  • s3:CreateBucket
  • s3:DeleteBucket
  • s3:GetAccelerateConfiguration
  • s3:GetBucketAcl
  • s3:GetBucketCors
  • s3:GetBucketLocation
  • s3:GetBucketLogging
  • s3:GetBucketObjectLockConfiguration
  • s3:GetBucketReplication
  • s3:GetBucketRequestPayment
  • s3:GetBucketTagging
  • s3:GetBucketVersioning
  • s3:GetBucketWebsite
  • s3:GetEncryptionConfiguration
  • s3:GetLifecycleConfiguration
  • s3:GetReplicationConfiguration
  • s3:ListBucket
  • s3:PutBucketAcl
  • s3:PutBucketTagging
  • s3:PutEncryptionConfiguration

Example 2.38. S3 permissions that cluster Operators require

  • s3:DeleteObject
  • s3:GetObject
  • s3:GetObjectAcl
  • s3:GetObjectTagging
  • s3:GetObjectVersion
  • s3:PutObject
  • s3:PutObjectAcl
  • s3:PutObjectTagging

Example 2.39. Required permissions to delete base cluster resources

  • autoscaling:DescribeAutoScalingGroups
  • ec2:DeleteNetworkInterface
  • ec2:DeleteVolume
  • elasticloadbalancing:DeleteTargetGroup
  • elasticloadbalancing:DescribeTargetGroups
  • iam:DeleteAccessKey
  • iam:DeleteUser
  • iam:ListAttachedRolePolicies
  • iam:ListInstanceProfiles
  • iam:ListRolePolicies
  • iam:ListUserPolicies
  • s3:DeleteObject
  • s3:ListBucketVersions
  • tag:GetResources

Example 2.40. Required permissions to delete network resources

  • ec2:DeleteDhcpOptions
  • ec2:DeleteInternetGateway
  • ec2:DeleteNatGateway
  • ec2:DeleteRoute
  • ec2:DeleteRouteTable
  • ec2:DeleteSubnet
  • ec2:DeleteVpc
  • ec2:DeleteVpcEndpoints
  • ec2:DetachInternetGateway
  • ec2:DisassociateRouteTable
  • ec2:ReplaceRouteTableAssociation

If you use an existing VPC, your account does not require these permissions to delete network resources.

Example 2.41. Additional IAM and S3 permissions that are required to create manifests

  • iam:DeleteAccessKey
  • iam:DeleteUser
  • iam:DeleteUserPolicy
  • iam:GetUserPolicy
  • iam:ListAccessKeys
  • iam:PutUserPolicy
  • iam:TagUser
  • iam:GetUserPolicy
  • iam:ListAccessKeys
  • s3:PutBucketPublicAccessBlock
  • s3:GetBucketPublicAccessBlock
  • s3:PutLifecycleConfiguration
  • s3:HeadBucket
  • s3:ListBucketMultipartUploads
  • s3:AbortMultipartUpload

If you are managing your cloud provider credentials with mint mode, the IAM user also requires the iam:CreateAccessKey and iam:CreateUser permissions.

Example 2.42. Optional permission for quota checks for installation

  • servicequotas:ListAWSDefaultServiceQuotas

2.11.5. Generating an SSH private key and adding it to the agent

If you want to perform installation debugging or disaster recovery on your cluster, you must provide an SSH key to both your ssh-agent and the installation program. You can use this key to access the bootstrap machine in a public cluster to troubleshoot installation issues.


In a production environment, you require disaster recovery and debugging.

You can use this key to SSH into the master nodes as the user core. When you deploy the cluster, the key is added to the core user’s ~/.ssh/authorized_keys list.


You must use a local key, not one that you configured with platform-specific approaches such as AWS key pairs.


  1. If you do not have an SSH key that is configured for password-less authentication on your computer, create one. For example, on a computer that uses a Linux operating system, run the following command:

    $ ssh-keygen -t ed25519 -N '' \
        -f <path>/<file_name> 1
    Specify the path and file name, such as ~/.ssh/id_rsa, of the new SSH key. If you have an existing key pair, ensure your public key is in the your ~/.ssh directory.

    Running this command generates an SSH key that does not require a password in the location that you specified.


    If you plan to install an OpenShift Container Platform cluster that uses FIPS Validated / Modules in Process cryptographic libraries on the x86_64 architecture, do not create a key that uses the ed25519 algorithm. Instead, create a key that uses the rsa or ecdsa algorithm.

  2. Start the ssh-agent process as a background task:

    $ eval "$(ssh-agent -s)"

    Example output

    Agent pid 31874


    If your cluster is in FIPS mode, only use FIPS-compliant algorithms to generate the SSH key. The key must be either RSA or ECDSA.

  3. Add your SSH private key to the ssh-agent:

    $ ssh-add <path>/<file_name> 1

    Example output

    Identity added: /home/<you>/<path>/<file_name> (<computer_name>)

    Specify the path and file name for your SSH private key, such as ~/.ssh/id_rsa

Next steps

  • When you install OpenShift Container Platform, provide the SSH public key to the installation program. If you install a cluster on infrastructure that you provision, you must provide this key to your cluster’s machines.

2.11.6. Creating the installation files for AWS

To install OpenShift Container Platform on Amazon Web Services (AWS) using user-provisioned infrastructure, you must generate the files that the installation program needs to deploy your cluster and modify them so that the cluster creates only the machines that it will use. You generate and customize the install-config.yaml file, Kubernetes manifests, and Ignition config files. You also have the option to first set up a separate var partition during the preparation phases of installation. Optional: Creating a separate /var partition

It is recommended that disk partitioning for OpenShift Container Platform be left to the installer. However, there are cases where you might want to create separate partitions in a part of the filesystem that you expect to grow.

OpenShift Container Platform supports the addition of a single partition to attach storage to either the /var partition or a subdirectory of /var. For example:

  • /var/lib/containers: Holds container-related content that can grow as more images and containers are added to a system.
  • /var/lib/etcd: Holds data that you might want to keep separate for purposes such as performance optimization of etcd storage.
  • /var: Holds data that you might want to keep separate for purposes such as auditing.

Storing the contents of a /var directory separately makes it easier to grow storage for those areas as needed and reinstall OpenShift Container Platform at a later date and keep that data intact. With this method, you will not have to pull all your containers again, nor will you have to copy massive log files when you update systems.

Because /var must be in place before a fresh installation of Red Hat Enterprise Linux CoreOS (RHCOS), the following procedure sets up the separate /var partition by creating a machine config that is inserted during the openshift-install preparation phases of an OpenShift Container Platform installation.


If you follow the steps to create a separate /var partition in this procedure, it is not necessary to create the Kubernetes manifest and Ignition config files again as described later in this section.


  1. Create a directory to hold the OpenShift Container Platform installation files:

    $ mkdir $HOME/clusterconfig
  2. Run openshift-install to create a set of files in the manifest and openshift subdirectories. Answer the system questions as you are prompted:

    $ openshift-install create manifests --dir $HOME/clusterconfig

    Example output

    ? SSH Public Key ...
    INFO Credentials loaded from the "myprofile" profile in file "/home/myuser/.aws/credentials"
    INFO Consuming Install Config from target directory
    INFO Manifests created in: $HOME/clusterconfig/manifests and $HOME/clusterconfig/openshift

  3. Optional: Confirm that the installation program created manifests in the clusterconfig/openshift directory:

    $ ls $HOME/clusterconfig/openshift/

    Example output


  4. Create a MachineConfig object and add it to a file in the openshift directory. For example, name the file 98-var-partition.yaml, change the disk device name to the name of the storage device on the worker systems, and set the storage size as appropriate. This example places the /var directory on a separate partition:

    kind: MachineConfig
      labels: worker
      name: 98-var-partition
          version: 3.1.0
          - device: /dev/<device_name> 1
            - label: var
              startMiB: <partition_start_offset> 2
              sizeMiB: <partition_size> 3
            - device: /dev/disk/by-partlabel/var
              path: /var
              format: xfs
            - name: var.mount 4
              enabled: true
              contents: |
                Options=defaults,prjquota 5
    The storage device name of the disk that you want to partition.
    When adding a data partition to the boot disk, a minimum value of 25000 MiB (Mebibytes) is recommended. The root file system is automatically resized to fill all available space up to the specified offset. If no value is specified, or if the specified value is smaller than the recommended minimum, the resulting root file system will be too small, and future reinstalls of RHCOS might overwrite the beginning of the data partition.
    The size of the data partition in mebibytes.
    The name of the mount unit must match the directory specified in the Where= directive. For example, for a filesystem mounted on /var/lib/containers, the unit must be named var-lib-containers.mount.
    The prjquota mount option must be enabled for filesystems used for container storage.

    When creating a separate /var partition, you cannot use different instance types for worker nodes, if the different instance types do not have the same device name.

  5. Run openshift-install again to create Ignition configs from a set of files in the manifest and openshift subdirectories:

    $ openshift-install create ignition-configs --dir $HOME/clusterconfig
    $ ls $HOME/clusterconfig/
    auth  bootstrap.ign  master.ign  metadata.json  worker.ign

Now you can use the Ignition config files as input to the installation procedures to install Red Hat Enterprise Linux CoreOS (RHCOS) systems. Creating the installation configuration file

Generate and customize the installation configuration file that the installation program needs to deploy your cluster.


  • You obtained the OpenShift Container Platform installation program for user-provisioned infrastructure and the pull secret for your cluster. For a restricted network installation, these files are on your mirror host.
  • You checked that you are deploying your cluster to a region with an accompanying Red Hat Enterprise Linux CoreOS (RHCOS) AMI published by Red Hat. If you are deploying to a region that requires a custom AMI, such as an AWS GovCloud region, you must create the install-config.yaml file manually.


  1. Create the install-config.yaml file.

    1. Change to the directory that contains the installation program and run the following command:

      $ ./openshift-install create install-config --dir <installation_directory> 1
      For <installation_directory>, specify the directory name to store the files that the installation program creates.

      Specify an empty directory. Some installation assets, like bootstrap X.509 certificates have short expiration intervals, so you must not reuse an installation directory. If you want to reuse individual files from another cluster installation, you can copy them into your directory. However, the file names for the installation assets might change between releases. Use caution when copying installation files from an earlier OpenShift Container Platform version.

    2. At the prompts, provide the configuration details for your cloud:

      1. Optional: Select an SSH key to use to access your cluster machines.


        For production OpenShift Container Platform clusters on which you want to perform installation debugging or disaster recovery, specify an SSH key that your ssh-agent process uses.

      2. Select aws as the platform to target.
      3. If you do not have an AWS profile stored on your computer, enter the AWS access key ID and secret access key for the user that you configured to run the installation program.


        The AWS access key ID and secret access key are stored in ~/.aws/credentials in the home directory of the current user on the installation host. You are prompted for the credentials by the installation program if the credentials for the exported profile are not present in the file. Any credentials that you provide to the installation program are stored in the file.

      4. Select the AWS region to deploy the cluster to.
      5. Select the base domain for the Route 53 service that you configured for your cluster.
      6. Enter a descriptive name for your cluster.
      7. Paste the pull secret from the Red Hat OpenShift Cluster Manager.
  2. Edit the install-config.yaml file to provide the additional information that is required for an installation in a restricted network.

    1. Update the pullSecret value to contain the authentication information for your registry:

      pullSecret: '{"auths":{"<local_registry>": {"auth": "<credentials>","email": ""}}}'

      For <local_registry>, specify the registry domain name, and optionally the port, that your mirror registry uses to serve content. For example or For <credentials>, specify the base64-encoded user name and password for your mirror registry.

    2. Add the additionalTrustBundle parameter and value. The value must be the contents of the certificate file that you used for your mirror registry, which can be an existing, trusted certificate authority or the self-signed certificate that you generated for the mirror registry.

      additionalTrustBundle: |
        -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
        -----END CERTIFICATE-----
    3. Add the image content resources:

      - mirrors:
        - <local_registry>/<local_repository_name>/release
      - mirrors:
        - <local_registry>/<local_repository_name>/release

      Use the imageContentSources section from the output of the command to mirror the repository or the values that you used when you mirrored the content from the media that you brought into your restricted network.

    4. Optional: Set the publishing strategy to Internal:

      publish: Internal

      By setting this option, you create an internal Ingress Controller and a private load balancer.

  3. Optional: Back up the install-config.yaml file.


    The install-config.yaml file is consumed during the installation process. If you want to reuse the file, you must back it up now.

Additional resources Configuring the cluster-wide proxy during installation

Production environments can deny direct access to the Internet and instead have an HTTP or HTTPS proxy available. You can configure a new OpenShift Container Platform cluster to use a proxy by configuring the proxy settings in the install-config.yaml file.


  • You have an existing install-config.yaml file.
  • You reviewed the sites that your cluster requires access to and determined whether any of them need to bypass the proxy. By default, all cluster egress traffic is proxied, including calls to hosting cloud provider APIs. You added sites to the Proxy object’s spec.noProxy field to bypass the proxy if necessary.


    The Proxy object status.noProxy field is populated with the values of the networking.machineNetwork[].cidr, networking.clusterNetwork[].cidr, and networking.serviceNetwork[] fields from your installation configuration.

    For installations on Amazon Web Services (AWS), Google Cloud Platform (GCP), Microsoft Azure, and Red Hat OpenStack Platform (RHOSP), the Proxy object status.noProxy field is also populated with the instance metadata endpoint (

  • If your cluster is on AWS, you added the ec2.<region>, elasticloadbalancing.<region>, and s3.<region> endpoints to your VPC endpoint. These endpoints are required to complete requests from the nodes to the AWS EC2 API. Because the proxy works on the container level, not the node level, you must route these requests to the AWS EC2 API through the AWS private network. Adding the public IP address of the EC2 API to your allowlist in your proxy server is not sufficient.


  1. Edit your install-config.yaml file and add the proxy settings. For example:

    apiVersion: v1
      httpProxy: http://<username>:<pswd>@<ip>:<port> 1
      httpsProxy: https://<username>:<pswd>@<ip>:<port> 2
      noProxy: 3
    additionalTrustBundle: | 4
        -----BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----
        -----END CERTIFICATE-----
    A proxy URL to use for creating HTTP connections outside the cluster. The URL scheme must be http.
    A proxy URL to use for creating HTTPS connections outside the cluster.
    A comma-separated list of destination domain names, IP addresses, or other network CIDRs to exclude from proxying. Preface a domain with . to match subdomains only. For example, matches, but not Use * to bypass the proxy for all destinations.
    If provided, the installation program generates a config map that is named user-ca-bundle in the openshift-config namespace to hold the additional CA certificates. If you provide additionalTrustBundle and at least one proxy setting, the Proxy object is configured to reference the user-ca-bundle config map in the trustedCA field. The Cluster Network Operator then creates a trusted-ca-bundle config map that merges the contents specified for the trustedCA parameter with the RHCOS trust bundle. The additionalTrustBundle field is required unless the proxy’s identity certificate is signed by an authority from the RHCOS trust bundle.

    The installation program does not support the proxy readinessEndpoints field.

  2. Save the file and reference it when installing OpenShift Container Platform.

The installation program creates a cluster-wide proxy that is named cluster that uses the proxy settings in the provided install-config.yaml file. If no proxy settings are provided, a cluster Proxy object is still created, but it will have a nil spec.


Only the Proxy object named cluster is supported, and no additional proxies can be created. Creating the Kubernetes manifest and Ignition config files

Because you must modify some cluster definition files and manually start the cluster machines, you must generate the Kubernetes manifest and Ignition config files that the cluster needs to make its machines.

The installation configuration file transforms into the Kubernetes manifests. The manifests wrap into the Ignition configuration files, which are later used to create the cluster.

  • The Ignition config files that the installation program generates contain certificates that expire after 24 hours, which are then renewed at that time. If the cluster is shut down before renewing the certificates and the cluster is later restarted after the 24 hours have elapsed, the cluster automatically recovers the expired certificates. The exception is that you must manually approve the pending node-bootstrapper certificate signing requests (CSRs) to recover kubelet certificates. See the documentation for Recovering from expired control plane certificates for more information.
  • It is recommended that you use Ignition config files within 12 hours after they are generated because the 24-hour certificate rotates from 16 to 22 hours after the cluster is installed. By using the Ignition config files within 12 hours, you can avoid installation failure if the certificate update runs during installation.


  • You obtained the OpenShift Container Platform installation program. For a restricted network installation, these files are on your mirror host.
  • You created the install-config.yaml installation configuration file.


  1. Change to the directory that contains the installation program and generate the Kubernetes manifests for the cluster:

    $ ./openshift-install create manifests --dir <installation_directory> 1
    For <installation_directory>, specify the installation directory that contains the install-config.yaml file you created.
  2. Remove the Kubernetes manifest files that define the control plane machines:

    $ rm -f <installation_directory>/openshift/99_openshift-cluster-api_master-machines-*.yaml

    By removing these files, you prevent the cluster from automatically generating control plane machines.

  3. Remove the Kubernetes manifest files that define the worker machines:

    $ rm -f <installation_directory>/openshift/99_openshift-cluster-api_worker-machineset-*.yaml

    Because you create and manage the worker machines yourself, you do not need to initialize these machines.

  4. Check that the mastersSchedulable parameter in the <installation_directory>/manifests/cluster-scheduler-02-config.yml Kubernetes manifest file is set to false. This setting prevents pods from being scheduled on the control plane machines:

    1. Open the <installation_directory>/manifests/cluster-scheduler-02-config.yml file.
    2. Locate the mastersSchedulable parameter and ensure that it is set to false.
    3. Save and exit the file.
  5. Optional: If you do not want the Ingress Operator to create DNS records on your behalf, remove the privateZone and publicZone sections from the <installation_directory>/manifests/cluster-dns-02-config.yml DNS configuration file:

    kind: DNS
      creationTimestamp: null
      name: cluster
      privateZone: 1
        id: mycluster-100419-private-zone
      publicZone: 2
    status: {}
    1 2
    Remove this section completely.

    If you do so, you must add ingress DNS records manually in a later step.

  6. To create the Ignition configuration files, run the following command from the directory that contains the installation program:

    $ ./openshift-install create ignition-configs --dir <installation_directory> 1
    For <installation_directory>, specify the same installation directory.

    The following files are generated in the directory:

    ├── auth
    │   ├── kubeadmin-password
    │   └── kubeconfig
    ├── bootstrap.ign
    ├── master.ign
    ├── metadata.json
    └── worker.ign

2.11.7. Extracting the infrastructure name

The Ignition config files contain a unique cluster identifier that you can use to uniquely identify your cluster in Amazon Web Services (AWS). The infrastructure name is also used to locate the appropriate AWS resources during an OpenShift Container Platform installation. The provided CloudFormation templates contain references to this infrastructure name, so you must extract it.


  • You obtained the OpenShift Container Platform installation program and the pull secret for your cluster.
  • You generated the Ignition config files for your cluster.
  • You installed the jq package.


  • To extract and view the infrastructure name from the Ignition config file metadata, run the following command:

    $ jq -r .infraID <installation_directory>/metadata.json 1
    For <installation_directory>, specify the path to the directory that you stored the installation files in.

    Example output

    openshift-vw9j6 1

    The output of this command is your cluster name and a random string.

2.11.8. Creating a VPC in AWS

You must create a Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) in Amazon Web Services (AWS) for your OpenShift Container Platform cluster to use. You can customize the VPC to meet your requirements, including VPN and route tables.

You can use the provided CloudFormation template and a custom parameter file to create a stack of AWS resources that represent the VPC.


If you do not use the provided CloudFormation template to create your AWS infrastructure, you must review the provided information and manually create the infrastructure. If your cluster does not initialize correctly, you might have to contact Red Hat support with your installation logs.


  • You configured an AWS account.
  • You added your AWS keys and region to your local AWS profile by running aws configure.
  • You generated the Ignition config files for your cluster.


  1. Create a JSON file that contains the parameter values that the template requires:

        "ParameterKey": "VpcCidr", 1
        "ParameterValue": "" 2
        "ParameterKey": "AvailabilityZoneCount", 3
        "ParameterValue": "1" 4
        "ParameterKey": "SubnetBits", 5
        "ParameterValue": "12" 6
    The CIDR block for the VPC.
    Specify a CIDR block in the format x.x.x.x/16-24.
    The number of availability zones to deploy the VPC in.
    Specify an integer between 1 and 3.
    The size of each subnet in each availability zone.
    Specify an integer between 5 and 13, where 5 is /27 and 13 is /19.
  2. Copy the template from the CloudFormation template for the VPC section of this topic and save it as a YAML file on your computer. This template describes the VPC that your cluster requires.
  3. Launch the CloudFormation template to create a stack of AWS resources that represent the VPC:


    You must enter the command on a single line.

    $ aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name <name> 1
         --template-body file://<template>.yaml 2
         --parameters file://<parameters>.json 3
    <name> is the name for the CloudFormation stack, such as cluster-vpc. You need the name of this stack if you remove the cluster.
    <template> is the relative path to and name of the CloudFormation template YAML file that you saved.
    <parameters> is the relative path to and name of the CloudFormation parameters JSON file.

    Example output


  4. Confirm that the template components exist:

    $ aws cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name <name>

    After the StackStatus displays CREATE_COMPLETE, the output displays values for the following parameters. You must provide these parameter values to the other CloudFormation templates that you run to create your cluster:


    The ID of your VPC.


    The IDs of the new public subnets.


    The IDs of the new private subnets. CloudFormation template for the VPC

You can use the following CloudFormation template to deploy the VPC that you need for your OpenShift Container Platform cluster.

Example 2.43. CloudFormation template for the VPC

AWSTemplateFormatVersion: 2010-09-09
Description: Template for Best Practice VPC with 1-3 AZs

    AllowedPattern: ^(([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])\.){3}([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])(\/(1[6-9]|2[0-4]))$
    ConstraintDescription: CIDR block parameter must be in the form x.x.x.x/16-24.
    Description: CIDR block for VPC.
    Type: String
    ConstraintDescription: "The number of availability zones. (Min: 1, Max: 3)"
    MinValue: 1
    MaxValue: 3
    Default: 1
    Description: "How many AZs to create VPC subnets for. (Min: 1, Max: 3)"
    Type: Number
    ConstraintDescription: CIDR block parameter must be in the form x.x.x.x/19-27.
    MinValue: 5
    MaxValue: 13
    Default: 12
    Description: "Size of each subnet to create within the availability zones. (Min: 5 = /27, Max: 13 = /19)"
    Type: Number

    - Label:
        default: "Network Configuration"
      - VpcCidr
      - SubnetBits
    - Label:
        default: "Availability Zones"
      - AvailabilityZoneCount
        default: "Availability Zone Count"
        default: "VPC CIDR"
        default: "Bits Per Subnet"

  DoAz3: !Equals [3, !Ref AvailabilityZoneCount]
  DoAz2: !Or [!Equals [2, !Ref AvailabilityZoneCount], Condition: DoAz3]

    Type: "AWS::EC2::VPC"
      EnableDnsSupport: "true"
      EnableDnsHostnames: "true"
      CidrBlock: !Ref VpcCidr
    Type: "AWS::EC2::Subnet"
      VpcId: !Ref VPC
      CidrBlock: !Select [0, !Cidr [!Ref VpcCidr, 6, !Ref SubnetBits]]
      AvailabilityZone: !Select
      - 0
      - Fn::GetAZs: !Ref "AWS::Region"
    Type: "AWS::EC2::Subnet"
    Condition: DoAz2
      VpcId: !Ref VPC
      CidrBlock: !Select [1, !Cidr [!Ref VpcCidr, 6, !Ref SubnetBits]]
      AvailabilityZone: !Select
      - 1
      - Fn::GetAZs: !Ref "AWS::Region"
    Type: "AWS::EC2::Subnet"
    Condition: DoAz3
      VpcId: !Ref VPC
      CidrBlock: !Select [2, !Cidr [!Ref VpcCidr, 6, !Ref SubnetBits]]
      AvailabilityZone: !Select
      - 2
      - Fn::GetAZs: !Ref "AWS::Region"
    Type: "AWS::EC2::InternetGateway"
    Type: "AWS::EC2::VPCGatewayAttachment"
      VpcId: !Ref VPC
      InternetGatewayId: !Ref InternetGateway
    Type: "AWS::EC2::RouteTable"
      VpcId: !Ref VPC
    Type: "AWS::EC2::Route"
    DependsOn: GatewayToInternet
      RouteTableId: !Ref PublicRouteTable
      GatewayId: !Ref InternetGateway
    Type: "AWS::EC2::SubnetRouteTableAssociation"
      SubnetId: !Ref PublicSubnet
      RouteTableId: !Ref PublicRouteTable
    Type: "AWS::EC2::SubnetRouteTableAssociation"
    Condition: DoAz2
      SubnetId: !Ref PublicSubnet2
      RouteTableId: !Ref PublicRouteTable
    Condition: DoAz3
    Type: "AWS::EC2::SubnetRouteTableAssociation"
      SubnetId: !Ref PublicSubnet3
      RouteTableId: !Ref PublicRouteTable
    Type: "AWS::EC2::Subnet"
      VpcId: !Ref VPC
      CidrBlock: !Select [3, !Cidr [!Ref VpcCidr, 6, !Ref SubnetBits]]
      AvailabilityZone: !Select
      - 0
      - Fn::GetAZs: !Ref "AWS::Region"
    Type: "AWS::EC2::RouteTable"
      VpcId: !Ref VPC
    Type: "AWS::EC2::SubnetRouteTableAssociation"
      SubnetId: !Ref PrivateSubnet
      RouteTableId: !Ref PrivateRouteTable
    - GatewayToInternet
    Type: "AWS::EC2::NatGateway"
        - EIP
        - AllocationId
      SubnetId: !Ref PublicSubnet
    Type: "AWS::EC2::EIP"
      Domain: vpc
    Type: "AWS::EC2::Route"
        Ref: PrivateRouteTable
        Ref: NAT
    Type: "AWS::EC2::Subnet"
    Condition: DoAz2
      VpcId: !Ref VPC
      CidrBlock: !Select [4, !Cidr [!Ref VpcCidr, 6, !Ref SubnetBits]]
      AvailabilityZone: !Select
      - 1
      - Fn::GetAZs: !Ref "AWS::Region"
    Type: "AWS::EC2::RouteTable"
    Condition: DoAz2
      VpcId: !Ref VPC
    Type: "AWS::EC2::SubnetRouteTableAssociation"
    Condition: DoAz2
      SubnetId: !Ref PrivateSubnet2
      RouteTableId: !Ref PrivateRouteTable2
    - GatewayToInternet
    Type: "AWS::EC2::NatGateway"
    Condition: DoAz2
        - EIP2
        - AllocationId
      SubnetId: !Ref PublicSubnet2
    Type: "AWS::EC2::EIP"
    Condition: DoAz2
      Domain: vpc
    Type: "AWS::EC2::Route"
    Condition: DoAz2
        Ref: PrivateRouteTable2
        Ref: NAT2
    Type: "AWS::EC2::Subnet"
    Condition: DoAz3
      VpcId: !Ref VPC
      CidrBlock: !Select [5, !Cidr [!Ref VpcCidr, 6, !Ref SubnetBits]]
      AvailabilityZone: !Select
      - 2
      - Fn::GetAZs: !Ref "AWS::Region"
    Type: "AWS::EC2::RouteTable"
    Condition: DoAz3
      VpcId: !Ref VPC
    Type: "AWS::EC2::SubnetRouteTableAssociation"
    Condition: DoAz3
      SubnetId: !Ref PrivateSubnet3
      RouteTableId: !Ref PrivateRouteTable3
    - GatewayToInternet
    Type: "AWS::EC2::NatGateway"
    Condition: DoAz3
        - EIP3
        - AllocationId
      SubnetId: !Ref PublicSubnet3
    Type: "AWS::EC2::EIP"
    Condition: DoAz3
      Domain: vpc
    Type: "AWS::EC2::Route"
    Condition: DoAz3
        Ref: PrivateRouteTable3
        Ref: NAT3
    Type: AWS::EC2::VPCEndpoint
        Version: 2012-10-17
        - Effect: Allow
          Principal: '*'
          - '*'
          - '*'
      - !Ref PublicRouteTable
      - !Ref PrivateRouteTable
      - !If [DoAz2, !Ref PrivateRouteTable2, !Ref "AWS::NoValue"]
      - !If [DoAz3, !Ref PrivateRouteTable3, !Ref "AWS::NoValue"]
      ServiceName: !Join
      - ''
      - - com.amazonaws.
        - !Ref 'AWS::Region'
        - .s3
      VpcId: !Ref VPC

    Description: ID of the new VPC.
    Value: !Ref VPC
    Description: Subnet IDs of the public subnets.
      !Join [
        [!Ref PublicSubnet, !If [DoAz2, !Ref PublicSubnet2, !Ref "AWS::NoValue"], !If [DoAz3, !Ref PublicSubnet3, !Ref "AWS::NoValue"]]
    Description: Subnet IDs of the private subnets.
      !Join [
        [!Ref PrivateSubnet, !If [DoAz2, !Ref PrivateSubnet2, !Ref "AWS::NoValue"], !If [DoAz3, !Ref PrivateSubnet3, !Ref "AWS::NoValue"]]

2.11.9. Creating networking and load balancing components in AWS

You must configure networking and classic or network load balancing in Amazon Web Services (AWS) that your OpenShift Container Platform cluster can use.

You can use the provided CloudFormation template and a custom parameter file to create a stack of AWS resources. The stack represents the networking and load balancing components that your OpenShift Container Platform cluster requires. The template also creates a hosted zone and subnet tags.

You can run the template multiple times within a single Virtual Private Cloud (VPC).


If you do not use the provided CloudFormation template to create your AWS infrastructure, you must review the provided information and manually create the infrastructure. If your cluster does not initialize correctly, you might have to contact Red Hat support with your installation logs.


  • You configured an AWS account.
  • You added your AWS keys and region to your local AWS profile by running aws configure.
  • You generated the Ignition config files for your cluster.
  • You created and configured a VPC and associated subnets in AWS.


  1. Obtain the hosted zone ID for the Route 53 base domain that you specified in the install-config.yaml file for your cluster. You can obtain details about your hosted zone by running the following command:

    $ aws route53 list-hosted-zones-by-name --dns-name <route53_domain> 1
    For the <route53_domain>, specify the Route 53 base domain that you used when you generated the install-config.yaml file for the cluster.

    Example output	False	100
    HOSTEDZONES	65F8F38E-2268-B835-E15C-AB55336FCBFA	/hostedzone/Z21IXYZABCZ2A4	10

    In the example output, the hosted zone ID is Z21IXYZABCZ2A4.

  2. Create a JSON file that contains the parameter values that the template requires:

        "ParameterKey": "ClusterName", 1
        "ParameterValue": "mycluster" 2
        "ParameterKey": "InfrastructureName", 3
        "ParameterValue": "mycluster-<random_string>" 4
        "ParameterKey": "HostedZoneId", 5
        "ParameterValue": "<random_string>" 6
        "ParameterKey": "HostedZoneName", 7
        "ParameterValue": "" 8
        "ParameterKey": "PublicSubnets", 9
        "ParameterValue": "subnet-<random_string>" 10
        "ParameterKey": "PrivateSubnets", 11
        "ParameterValue": "subnet-<random_string>" 12
        "ParameterKey": "VpcId", 13
        "ParameterValue": "vpc-<random_string>" 14
    A short, representative cluster name to use for hostnames, etc.
    Specify the cluster name that you used when you generated the install-config.yaml file for the cluster.
    The name for your cluster infrastructure that is encoded in your Ignition config files for the cluster.
    Specify the infrastructure name that you extracted from the Ignition config file metadata, which has the format <cluster-name>-<random-string>.
    The Route 53 public zone ID to register the targets with.
    Specify the Route 53 public zone ID, which as a format similar to Z21IXYZABCZ2A4. You can obtain this value from the AWS console.
    The Route 53 zone to register the targets with.
    Specify the Route 53 base domain that you used when you generated the install-config.yaml file for the cluster. Do not include the trailing period (.) that is displayed in the AWS console.
    The public subnets that you created for your VPC.
    Specify the PublicSubnetIds value from the output of the CloudFormation template for the VPC.
    The private subnets that you created for your VPC.
    Specify the PrivateSubnetIds value from the output of the CloudFormation template for the VPC.
    The VPC that you created for the cluster.
    Specify the VpcId value from the output of the CloudFormation template for the VPC.
  3. Copy the template from the CloudFormation template for the network and load balancers section of this topic and save it as a YAML file on your computer. This template describes the networking and load balancing objects that your cluster requires.


    If you are deploying your cluster to an AWS government region, you must update the InternalApiServerRecord in the CloudFormation template to use CNAME records. Records of type ALIAS are not supported for AWS government regions.

  4. Launch the CloudFormation template to create a stack of AWS resources that provide the networking and load balancing components:


    You must enter the command on a single line.

    $ aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name <name> 1
         --template-body file://<template>.yaml 2
         --parameters file://<parameters>.json 3
         --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM 4
    <name> is the name for the CloudFormation stack, such as cluster-dns. You need the name of this stack if you remove the cluster.
    <template> is the relative path to and name of the CloudFormation template YAML file that you saved.
    <parameters> is the relative path to and name of the CloudFormation parameters JSON file.
    You must explicitly declare the CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM capability because the provided template creates some AWS::IAM::Role resources.

    Example output


  5. Confirm that the template components exist:

    $ aws cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name <name>

    After the StackStatus displays CREATE_COMPLETE, the output displays values for the following parameters. You must provide these parameter values to the other CloudFormation templates that you run to create your cluster:


    Hosted zone ID for the private DNS.


    Full name of the external API load balancer.


    Full name of the internal API load balancer.


    Full hostname of the API server.


    Lambda ARN useful to help register/deregister IP targets for these load balancers.


    ARN of external API target group.


    ARN of internal API target group.


    ARN of internal service target group. CloudFormation template for the network and load balancers

You can use the following CloudFormation template to deploy the networking objects and load balancers that you need for your OpenShift Container Platform cluster.

Example 2.44. CloudFormation template for the network and load balancers

AWSTemplateFormatVersion: 2010-09-09
Description: Template for OpenShift Cluster Network Elements (Route53 & LBs)

    AllowedPattern: ^([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9\-]{0,26})$
    MaxLength: 27
    MinLength: 1
    ConstraintDescription: Cluster name must be alphanumeric, start with a letter, and have a maximum of 27 characters.
    Description: A short, representative cluster name to use for host names and other identifying names.
    Type: String
    AllowedPattern: ^([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9\-]{0,26})$
    MaxLength: 27
    MinLength: 1
    ConstraintDescription: Infrastructure name must be alphanumeric, start with a letter, and have a maximum of 27 characters.
    Description: A short, unique cluster ID used to tag cloud resources and identify items owned or used by the cluster.
    Type: String
    Description: The Route53 public zone ID to register the targets with, such as Z21IXYZABCZ2A4.
    Type: String
    Description: The Route53 zone to register the targets with, such as Omit the trailing period.
    Type: String
    Default: ""
    Description: The internet-facing subnets.
    Type: List<AWS::EC2::Subnet::Id>
    Description: The internal subnets.
    Type: List<AWS::EC2::Subnet::Id>
    Description: The VPC-scoped resources will belong to this VPC.
    Type: AWS::EC2::VPC::Id

    - Label:
        default: "Cluster Information"
      - ClusterName
      - InfrastructureName
    - Label:
        default: "Network Configuration"
      - VpcId
      - PublicSubnets
      - PrivateSubnets
    - Label:
        default: "DNS"
      - HostedZoneName
      - HostedZoneId
        default: "Cluster Name"
        default: "Infrastructure Name"
        default: "VPC ID"
        default: "Public Subnets"
        default: "Private Subnets"
        default: "Public Hosted Zone Name"
        default: "Public Hosted Zone ID"

    Type: AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::LoadBalancer
      Name: !Join ["-", [!Ref InfrastructureName, "ext"]]
      IpAddressType: ipv4
      Subnets: !Ref PublicSubnets
      Type: network

    Type: AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::LoadBalancer
      Name: !Join ["-", [!Ref InfrastructureName, "int"]]
      Scheme: internal
      IpAddressType: ipv4
      Subnets: !Ref PrivateSubnets
      Type: network

    Type: "AWS::Route53::HostedZone"
        Comment: "Managed by CloudFormation"
      Name: !Join [".", [!Ref ClusterName, !Ref HostedZoneName]]
      - Key: Name
        Value: !Join ["-", [!Ref InfrastructureName, "int"]]
      - Key: !Join ["", ["", !Ref InfrastructureName]]
        Value: "owned"
      - VPCId: !Ref VpcId
        VPCRegion: !Ref "AWS::Region"

    Type: AWS::Route53::RecordSetGroup
      Comment: Alias record for the API server
      HostedZoneId: !Ref HostedZoneId
      - Name:
          !Join [
            ["api", !Ref ClusterName, !Join ["", [!Ref HostedZoneName, "."]]],
        Type: A
          HostedZoneId: !GetAtt ExtApiElb.CanonicalHostedZoneID
          DNSName: !GetAtt ExtApiElb.DNSName

    Type: AWS::Route53::RecordSetGroup
      Comment: Alias record for the API server
      HostedZoneId: !Ref IntDns
      - Name:
          !Join [
            ["api", !Ref ClusterName, !Join ["", [!Ref HostedZoneName, "."]]],
        Type: A
          HostedZoneId: !GetAtt IntApiElb.CanonicalHostedZoneID
          DNSName: !GetAtt IntApiElb.DNSName
      - Name:
          !Join [
            ["api-int", !Ref ClusterName, !Join ["", [!Ref HostedZoneName, "."]]],
        Type: A
          HostedZoneId: !GetAtt IntApiElb.CanonicalHostedZoneID
          DNSName: !GetAtt IntApiElb.DNSName

    Type: AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::Listener
      - Type: forward
          Ref: ExternalApiTargetGroup
        Ref: ExtApiElb
      Port: 6443
      Protocol: TCP

    Type: AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::TargetGroup
      HealthCheckIntervalSeconds: 10
      HealthCheckPath: "/readyz"
      HealthCheckPort: 6443
      HealthCheckProtocol: HTTPS
      HealthyThresholdCount: 2
      UnhealthyThresholdCount: 2
      Port: 6443
      Protocol: TCP
      TargetType: ip
        Ref: VpcId
      - Key: deregistration_delay.timeout_seconds
        Value: 60

    Type: AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::Listener
      - Type: forward
          Ref: InternalApiTargetGroup
        Ref: IntApiElb
      Port: 6443
      Protocol: TCP

    Type: AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::TargetGroup
      HealthCheckIntervalSeconds: 10
      HealthCheckPath: "/readyz"
      HealthCheckPort: 6443
      HealthCheckProtocol: HTTPS
      HealthyThresholdCount: 2
      UnhealthyThresholdCount: 2
      Port: 6443
      Protocol: TCP
      TargetType: ip
        Ref: VpcId
      - Key: deregistration_delay.timeout_seconds
        Value: 60

    Type: AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::Listener
      - Type: forward
          Ref: InternalServiceTargetGroup
        Ref: IntApiElb
      Port: 22623
      Protocol: TCP

    Type: AWS::ElasticLoadBalancingV2::TargetGroup
      HealthCheckIntervalSeconds: 10
      HealthCheckPath: "/healthz"
      HealthCheckPort: 22623
      HealthCheckProtocol: HTTPS
      HealthyThresholdCount: 2
      UnhealthyThresholdCount: 2
      Port: 22623
      Protocol: TCP
      TargetType: ip
        Ref: VpcId
      - Key: deregistration_delay.timeout_seconds
        Value: 60

    Type: AWS::IAM::Role
      RoleName: !Join ["-", [!Ref InfrastructureName, "nlb", "lambda", "role"]]
        Version: "2012-10-17"
        - Effect: "Allow"
            - ""
          - "sts:AssumeRole"
      Path: "/"
      - PolicyName: !Join ["-", [!Ref InfrastructureName, "master", "policy"]]
          Version: "2012-10-17"
          - Effect: "Allow"
            Resource: !Ref InternalApiTargetGroup
          - Effect: "Allow"
            Resource: !Ref InternalServiceTargetGroup
          - Effect: "Allow"
            Resource: !Ref ExternalApiTargetGroup

    Type: "AWS::Lambda::Function"
      Handler: "index.handler"
        - "RegisterTargetLambdaIamRole"
        - "Arn"
        ZipFile: |
          import json
          import boto3
          import cfnresponse
          def handler(event, context):
            elb = boto3.client('elbv2')
            if event['RequestType'] == 'Delete':
              elb.deregister_targets(TargetGroupArn=event['ResourceProperties']['TargetArn'],Targets=[{'Id': event['ResourceProperties']['TargetIp']}])
            elif event['RequestType'] == 'Create':
              elb.register_targets(TargetGroupArn=event['ResourceProperties']['TargetArn'],Targets=[{'Id': event['ResourceProperties']['TargetIp']}])
            responseData = {}
            cfnresponse.send(event, context, cfnresponse.SUCCESS, responseData, event['ResourceProperties']['TargetArn']+event['ResourceProperties']['TargetIp'])
      Runtime: "python3.7"
      Timeout: 120

    Type: AWS::IAM::Role
      RoleName: !Join ["-", [!Ref InfrastructureName, "subnet-tags-lambda-role"]]
        Version: "2012-10-17"
        - Effect: "Allow"
            - ""
          - "sts:AssumeRole"
      Path: "/"
      - PolicyName: !Join ["-", [!Ref InfrastructureName, "subnet-tagging-policy"]]
          Version: "2012-10-17"
          - Effect: "Allow"
            Resource: "arn:aws:ec2:*:*:subnet/*"
          - Effect: "Allow"
            Resource: "*"

    Type: "AWS::Lambda::Function"
      Handler: "index.handler"
        - "RegisterSubnetTagsLambdaIamRole"
        - "Arn"
        ZipFile: |
          import json
          import boto3
          import cfnresponse
          def handler(event, context):
            ec2_client = boto3.client('ec2')
            if event['RequestType'] == 'Delete':
              for subnet_id in event['ResourceProperties']['Subnets']:
                ec2_client.delete_tags(Resources=[subnet_id], Tags=[{'Key': '' + event['ResourceProperties']['InfrastructureName']}]);
            elif event['RequestType'] == 'Create':
              for subnet_id in event['ResourceProperties']['Subnets']:
                ec2_client.create_tags(Resources=[subnet_id], Tags=[{'Key': '' + event['ResourceProperties']['InfrastructureName'], 'Value': 'shared'}]);
            responseData = {}
            cfnresponse.send(event, context, cfnresponse.SUCCESS, responseData, event['ResourceProperties']['InfrastructureName']+event['ResourceProperties']['Subnets'][0])
      Runtime: "python3.7"
      Timeout: 120

    Type: Custom::SubnetRegister
      ServiceToken: !GetAtt RegisterSubnetTags.Arn
      InfrastructureName: !Ref InfrastructureName
      Subnets: !Ref PublicSubnets

    Type: Custom::SubnetRegister
      ServiceToken: !GetAtt RegisterSubnetTags.Arn
      InfrastructureName: !Ref InfrastructureName
      Subnets: !Ref PrivateSubnets

    Description: Hosted zone ID for the private DNS, which is required for private records.
    Value: !Ref IntDns
    Description: Full name of the external API load balancer.
    Value: !GetAtt ExtApiElb.LoadBalancerFullName
    Description: Full name of the internal API load balancer.
    Value: !GetAtt IntApiElb.LoadBalancerFullName
    Description: Full hostname of the API server, which is required for the Ignition config files.
    Value: !Join [".", ["api-int", !Ref ClusterName, !Ref HostedZoneName]]
    Description: Lambda ARN useful to help register or deregister IP targets for these load balancers.
    Value: !GetAtt RegisterNlbIpTargets.Arn
    Description: ARN of the external API target group.
    Value: !Ref ExternalApiTargetGroup
    Description: ARN of the internal API target group.
    Value: !Ref InternalApiTargetGroup
    Description: ARN of the internal service target group.
    Value: !Ref InternalServiceTargetGroup

If you are deploying your cluster to an AWS government region, you must update the InternalApiServerRecord to use CNAME records. Records of type ALIAS are not supported for AWS government regions. For example:

TTL: 10
- !GetAtt IntApiElb.DNSName

Additional resources

2.11.10. Creating security group and roles in AWS

You must create security groups and roles in Amazon Web Services (AWS) for your OpenShift Container Platform cluster to use.

You can use the provided CloudFormation template and a custom parameter file to create a stack of AWS resources. The stack represents the security groups and roles that your OpenShift Container Platform cluster requires.


If you do not use the provided CloudFormation template to create your AWS infrastructure, you must review the provided information and manually create the infrastructure. If your cluster does not initialize correctly, you might have to contact Red Hat support with your installation logs.


  • You configured an AWS account.
  • You added your AWS keys and region to your local AWS profile by running aws configure.
  • You generated the Ignition config files for your cluster.
  • You created and configured a VPC and associated subnets in AWS.


  1. Create a JSON file that contains the parameter values that the template requires:

        "ParameterKey": "InfrastructureName", 1
        "ParameterValue": "mycluster-<random_string>" 2
        "ParameterKey": "VpcCidr", 3
        "ParameterValue": "" 4
        "ParameterKey": "PrivateSubnets", 5
        "ParameterValue": "subnet-<random_string>" 6
        "ParameterKey": "VpcId", 7
        "ParameterValue": "vpc-<random_string>" 8
    The name for your cluster infrastructure that is encoded in your Ignition config files for the cluster.
    Specify the infrastructure name that you extracted from the Ignition config file metadata, which has the format <cluster-name>-<random-string>.
    The CIDR block for the VPC.
    Specify the CIDR block parameter that you used for the VPC that you defined in the form x.x.x.x/16-24.
    The private subnets that you created for your VPC.
    Specify the PrivateSubnetIds value from the output of the CloudFormation template for the VPC.
    The VPC that you created for the cluster.
    Specify the VpcId value from the output of the CloudFormation template for the VPC.
  2. Copy the template from the CloudFormation template for security objects section of this topic and save it as a YAML file on your computer. This template describes the security groups and roles that your cluster requires.
  3. Launch the CloudFormation template to create a stack of AWS resources that represent the security groups and roles:


    You must enter the command on a single line.

    $ aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name <name> 1
         --template-body file://<template>.yaml 2
         --parameters file://<parameters>.json 3
         --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM 4
    <name> is the name for the CloudFormation stack, such as cluster-sec. You need the name of this stack if you remove the cluster.
    <template> is the relative path to and name of the CloudFormation template YAML file that you saved.
    <parameters> is the relative path to and name of the CloudFormation parameters JSON file.
    You must explicitly declare the CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM capability because the provided template creates some AWS::IAM::Role and AWS::IAM::InstanceProfile resources.

    Example output


  4. Confirm that the template components exist:

    $ aws cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name <name>

    After the StackStatus displays CREATE_COMPLETE, the output displays values for the following parameters. You must provide these parameter values to the other CloudFormation templates that you run to create your cluster:


    Master Security Group ID


    Worker Security Group ID


    Master IAM Instance Profile


    Worker IAM Instance Profile CloudFormation template for security objects

You can use the following CloudFormation template to deploy the security objects that you need for your OpenShift Container Platform cluster.

Example 2.45. CloudFormation template for security objects

AWSTemplateFormatVersion: 2010-09-09
Description: Template for OpenShift Cluster Security Elements (Security Groups & IAM)

    AllowedPattern: ^([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9\-]{0,26})$
    MaxLength: 27
    MinLength: 1
    ConstraintDescription: Infrastructure name must be alphanumeric, start with a letter, and have a maximum of 27 characters.
    Description: A short, unique cluster ID used to tag cloud resources and identify items owned or used by the cluster.
    Type: String
    AllowedPattern: ^(([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])\.){3}([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])(\/(1[6-9]|2[0-4]))$
    ConstraintDescription: CIDR block parameter must be in the form x.x.x.x/16-24.
    Description: CIDR block for VPC.
    Type: String
    Description: The VPC-scoped resources will belong to this VPC.
    Type: AWS::EC2::VPC::Id
    Description: The internal subnets.
    Type: List<AWS::EC2::Subnet::Id>

    - Label:
        default: "Cluster Information"
      - InfrastructureName
    - Label:
        default: "Network Configuration"
      - VpcId
      - VpcCidr
      - PrivateSubnets
        default: "Infrastructure Name"
        default: "VPC ID"
        default: "VPC CIDR"
        default: "Private Subnets"

    Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup
      GroupDescription: Cluster Master Security Group
      - IpProtocol: icmp
        FromPort: 0
        ToPort: 0
        CidrIp: !Ref VpcCidr
      - IpProtocol: tcp
        FromPort: 22
        ToPort: 22
        CidrIp: !Ref VpcCidr
      - IpProtocol: tcp
        ToPort: 6443
        FromPort: 6443
        CidrIp: !Ref VpcCidr
      - IpProtocol: tcp
        FromPort: 22623
        ToPort: 22623
        CidrIp: !Ref VpcCidr
      VpcId: !Ref VpcId

    Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup
      GroupDescription: Cluster Worker Security Group
      - IpProtocol: icmp
        FromPort: 0
        ToPort: 0
        CidrIp: !Ref VpcCidr
      - IpProtocol: tcp
        FromPort: 22
        ToPort: 22
        CidrIp: !Ref VpcCidr
      VpcId: !Ref VpcId

    Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroupIngress
      GroupId: !GetAtt MasterSecurityGroup.GroupId
      SourceSecurityGroupId: !GetAtt MasterSecurityGroup.GroupId
      Description: etcd
      FromPort: 2379
      ToPort: 2380
      IpProtocol: tcp

    Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroupIngress
      GroupId: !GetAtt MasterSecurityGroup.GroupId
      SourceSecurityGroupId: !GetAtt MasterSecurityGroup.GroupId
      Description: Vxlan packets
      FromPort: 4789
      ToPort: 4789
      IpProtocol: udp

    Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroupIngress
      GroupId: !GetAtt MasterSecurityGroup.GroupId
      SourceSecurityGroupId: !GetAtt WorkerSecurityGroup.GroupId
      Description: Vxlan packets
      FromPort: 4789
      ToPort: 4789
      IpProtocol: udp

    Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroupIngress
      GroupId: !GetAtt MasterSecurityGroup.GroupId
      SourceSecurityGroupId: !GetAtt MasterSecurityGroup.GroupId
      Description: Geneve packets
      FromPort: 6081
      ToPort: 6081
      IpProtocol: udp

    Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroupIngress
      GroupId: !GetAtt MasterSecurityGroup.GroupId
      SourceSecurityGroupId: !GetAtt WorkerSecurityGroup.GroupId
      Description: Geneve packets
      FromPort: 6081
      ToPort: 6081
      IpProtocol: udp

    Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroupIngress
      GroupId: !GetAtt MasterSecurityGroup.GroupId
      SourceSecurityGroupId: !GetAtt MasterSecurityGroup.GroupId
      Description: Internal cluster communication
      FromPort: 9000
      ToPort: 9999
      IpProtocol: tcp

    Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroupIngress
      GroupId: !GetAtt MasterSecurityGroup.GroupId
      SourceSecurityGroupId: !GetAtt WorkerSecurityGroup.GroupId
      Description: Internal cluster communication
      FromPort: 9000
      ToPort: 9999
      IpProtocol: tcp

    Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroupIngress
      GroupId: !GetAtt MasterSecurityGroup.GroupId
      SourceSecurityGroupId: !GetAtt MasterSecurityGroup.GroupId
      Description: Internal cluster communication
      FromPort: 9000
      ToPort: 9999
      IpProtocol: udp

    Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroupIngress
      GroupId: !GetAtt MasterSecurityGroup.GroupId
      SourceSecurityGroupId: !GetAtt WorkerSecurityGroup.GroupId
      Description: Internal cluster communication
      FromPort: 9000
      ToPort: 9999
      IpProtocol: udp

    Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroupIngress
      GroupId: !GetAtt MasterSecurityGroup.GroupId
      SourceSecurityGroupId: !GetAtt MasterSecurityGroup.GroupId
      Description: Kubernetes kubelet, scheduler and controller manager
      FromPort: 10250
      ToPort: 10259
      IpProtocol: tcp

    Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroupIngress
      GroupId: !GetAtt MasterSecurityGroup.GroupId
      SourceSecurityGroupId: !GetAtt WorkerSecurityGroup.GroupId
      Description: Kubernetes kubelet, scheduler and controller manager
      FromPort: 10250
      ToPort: 10259
      IpProtocol: tcp

    Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroupIngress
      GroupId: !GetAtt MasterSecurityGroup.GroupId
      SourceSecurityGroupId: !GetAtt MasterSecurityGroup.GroupId
      Description: Kubernetes ingress services
      FromPort: 30000
      ToPort: 32767
      IpProtocol: tcp

    Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroupIngress
      GroupId: !GetAtt MasterSecurityGroup.GroupId
      SourceSecurityGroupId: !GetAtt WorkerSecurityGroup.GroupId
      Description: Kubernetes ingress services
      FromPort: 30000
      ToPort: 32767
      IpProtocol: tcp

    Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroupIngress
      GroupId: !GetAtt MasterSecurityGroup.GroupId
      SourceSecurityGroupId: !GetAtt MasterSecurityGroup.GroupId
      Description: Kubernetes ingress services
      FromPort: 30000
      ToPort: 32767
      IpProtocol: udp

    Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroupIngress
      GroupId: !GetAtt MasterSecurityGroup.GroupId
      SourceSecurityGroupId: !GetAtt WorkerSecurityGroup.GroupId
      Description: Kubernetes ingress services
      FromPort: 30000
      ToPort: 32767
      IpProtocol: udp

    Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroupIngress
      GroupId: !GetAtt WorkerSecurityGroup.GroupId
      SourceSecurityGroupId: !GetAtt WorkerSecurityGroup.GroupId
      Description: Vxlan packets
      FromPort: 4789
      ToPort: 4789
      IpProtocol: udp

    Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroupIngress
      GroupId: !GetAtt WorkerSecurityGroup.GroupId
      SourceSecurityGroupId: !GetAtt MasterSecurityGroup.GroupId
      Description: Vxlan packets
      FromPort: 4789
      ToPort: 4789
      IpProtocol: udp

    Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroupIngress
      GroupId: !GetAtt WorkerSecurityGroup.GroupId
      SourceSecurityGroupId: !GetAtt WorkerSecurityGroup.GroupId
      Description: Geneve packets
      FromPort: 6081
      ToPort: 6081
      IpProtocol: udp

    Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroupIngress
      GroupId: !GetAtt WorkerSecurityGroup.GroupId
      SourceSecurityGroupId: !GetAtt MasterSecurityGroup.GroupId
      Description: Geneve packets
      FromPort: 6081
      ToPort: 6081
      IpProtocol: udp

    Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroupIngress
      GroupId: !GetAtt WorkerSecurityGroup.GroupId
      SourceSecurityGroupId: !GetAtt WorkerSecurityGroup.GroupId
      Description: Internal cluster communication
      FromPort: 9000
      ToPort: 9999
      IpProtocol: tcp

    Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroupIngress
      GroupId: !GetAtt WorkerSecurityGroup.GroupId
      SourceSecurityGroupId: !GetAtt MasterSecurityGroup.GroupId
      Description: Internal cluster communication
      FromPort: 9000
      ToPort: 9999
      IpProtocol: tcp

    Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroupIngress
      GroupId: !GetAtt WorkerSecurityGroup.GroupId
      SourceSecurityGroupId: !GetAtt WorkerSecurityGroup.GroupId
      Description: Internal cluster communication
      FromPort: 9000
      ToPort: 9999
      IpProtocol: udp

    Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroupIngress
      GroupId: !GetAtt WorkerSecurityGroup.GroupId
      SourceSecurityGroupId: !GetAtt MasterSecurityGroup.GroupId
      Description: Internal cluster communication
      FromPort: 9000
      ToPort: 9999
      IpProtocol: udp

    Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroupIngress
      GroupId: !GetAtt WorkerSecurityGroup.GroupId
      SourceSecurityGroupId: !GetAtt WorkerSecurityGroup.GroupId
      Description: Kubernetes secure kubelet port
      FromPort: 10250
      ToPort: 10250
      IpProtocol: tcp

    Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroupIngress
      GroupId: !GetAtt WorkerSecurityGroup.GroupId
      SourceSecurityGroupId: !GetAtt MasterSecurityGroup.GroupId
      Description: Internal Kubernetes communication
      FromPort: 10250
      ToPort: 10250
      IpProtocol: tcp

    Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroupIngress
      GroupId: !GetAtt WorkerSecurityGroup.GroupId
      SourceSecurityGroupId: !GetAtt WorkerSecurityGroup.GroupId
      Description: Kubernetes ingress services
      FromPort: 30000
      ToPort: 32767
      IpProtocol: tcp

    Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroupIngress
      GroupId: !GetAtt WorkerSecurityGroup.GroupId
      SourceSecurityGroupId: !GetAtt MasterSecurityGroup.GroupId
      Description: Kubernetes ingress services
      FromPort: 30000
      ToPort: 32767
      IpProtocol: tcp

    Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroupIngress
      GroupId: !GetAtt WorkerSecurityGroup.GroupId
      SourceSecurityGroupId: !GetAtt WorkerSecurityGroup.GroupId
      Description: Kubernetes ingress services
      FromPort: 30000
      ToPort: 32767
      IpProtocol: udp

    Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroupIngress
      GroupId: !GetAtt WorkerSecurityGroup.GroupId
      SourceSecurityGroupId: !GetAtt MasterSecurityGroup.GroupId
      Description: Kubernetes ingress services
      FromPort: 30000
      ToPort: 32767
      IpProtocol: udp

    Type: AWS::IAM::Role
        Version: "2012-10-17"
        - Effect: "Allow"
            - ""
          - "sts:AssumeRole"
      - PolicyName: !Join ["-", [!Ref InfrastructureName, "master", "policy"]]
          Version: "2012-10-17"
          - Effect: "Allow"
            - "ec2:AttachVolume"
            - "ec2:AuthorizeSecurityGroupIngress"
            - "ec2:CreateSecurityGroup"
            - "ec2:CreateTags"
            - "ec2:CreateVolume"
            - "ec2:DeleteSecurityGroup"
            - "ec2:DeleteVolume"
            - "ec2:Describe*"
            - "ec2:DetachVolume"
            - "ec2:ModifyInstanceAttribute"
            - "ec2:ModifyVolume"
            - "ec2:RevokeSecurityGroupIngress"
            - "elasticloadbalancing:AddTags"
            - "elasticloadbalancing:AttachLoadBalancerToSubnets"
            - "elasticloadbalancing:ApplySecurityGroupsToLoadBalancer"
            - "elasticloadbalancing:CreateListener"
            - "elasticloadbalancing:CreateLoadBalancer"
            - "elasticloadbalancing:CreateLoadBalancerPolicy"
            - "elasticloadbalancing:CreateLoadBalancerListeners"
            - "elasticloadbalancing:CreateTargetGroup"
            - "elasticloadbalancing:ConfigureHealthCheck"
            - "elasticloadbalancing:DeleteListener"
            - "elasticloadbalancing:DeleteLoadBalancer"
            - "elasticloadbalancing:DeleteLoadBalancerListeners"
            - "elasticloadbalancing:DeleteTargetGroup"
            - "elasticloadbalancing:DeregisterInstancesFromLoadBalancer"
            - "elasticloadbalancing:DeregisterTargets"
            - "elasticloadbalancing:Describe*"
            - "elasticloadbalancing:DetachLoadBalancerFromSubnets"
            - "elasticloadbalancing:ModifyListener"
            - "elasticloadbalancing:ModifyLoadBalancerAttributes"
            - "elasticloadbalancing:ModifyTargetGroup"
            - "elasticloadbalancing:ModifyTargetGroupAttributes"
            - "elasticloadbalancing:RegisterInstancesWithLoadBalancer"
            - "elasticloadbalancing:RegisterTargets"
            - "elasticloadbalancing:SetLoadBalancerPoliciesForBackendServer"
            - "elasticloadbalancing:SetLoadBalancerPoliciesOfListener"
            - "kms:DescribeKey"
            Resource: "*"

    Type: "AWS::IAM::InstanceProfile"
      - Ref: "MasterIamRole"

    Type: AWS::IAM::Role
        Version: "2012-10-17"
        - Effect: "Allow"
            - ""
          - "sts:AssumeRole"
      - PolicyName: !Join ["-", [!Ref InfrastructureName, "worker", "policy"]]
          Version: "2012-10-17"
          - Effect: "Allow"
            - "ec2:DescribeInstances"
            - "ec2:DescribeRegions"
            Resource: "*"

    Type: "AWS::IAM::InstanceProfile"
      - Ref: "WorkerIamRole"

    Description: Master Security Group ID
    Value: !GetAtt MasterSecurityGroup.GroupId

    Description: Worker Security Group ID
    Value: !GetAtt WorkerSecurityGroup.GroupId

    Description: Master IAM Instance Profile
    Value: !Ref MasterInstanceProfile

    Description: Worker IAM Instance Profile
    Value: !Ref WorkerInstanceProfile

2.11.11. RHCOS AMIs for the AWS infrastructure

Red Hat provides Red Hat Enterprise Linux CoreOS (RHCOS) AMIs valid for the various Amazon Web Services (AWS) zones you can specify for your OpenShift Container Platform nodes.


You can also install to regions that do not have a RHCOS AMI published by importing your own AMI.

Table 2.33. RHCOS AMIs









































2.11.12. Creating the bootstrap node in AWS

You must create the bootstrap node in Amazon Web Services (AWS) to use during OpenShift Container Platform cluster initialization.

You can use the provided CloudFormation template and a custom parameter file to create a stack of AWS resources. The stack represents the bootstrap node that your OpenShift Container Platform installation requires.


If you do not use the provided CloudFormation template to create your bootstrap node, you must review the provided information and manually create the infrastructure. If your cluster does not initialize correctly, you might have to contact Red Hat support with your installation logs.


  • You configured an AWS account.
  • You added your AWS keys and region to your local AWS profile by running aws configure.
  • You generated the Ignition config files for your cluster.
  • You created and configured a VPC and associated subnets in AWS.
  • You created and configured DNS, load balancers, and listeners in AWS.
  • You created the security groups and roles required for your cluster in AWS.


  1. Provide a location to serve the bootstrap.ign Ignition config file to your cluster. This file is located in your installation directory. One way to do this is to create an S3 bucket in your cluster’s region and upload the Ignition config file to it.


    The provided CloudFormation Template assumes that the Ignition config files for your cluster are served from an S3 bucket. If you choose to serve the files from another location, you must modify the templates.


    If you are deploying to a region that has endpoints that differ from the AWS SDK, or you are providing your own custom endpoints, you must use a presigned URL for your S3 bucket instead of the s3:// schema.


    The bootstrap Ignition config file does contain secrets, like X.509 keys. The following steps provide basic security for the S3 bucket. To provide additional security, you can enable an S3 bucket policy to allow only certain users, such as the OpenShift IAM user, to access objects that the bucket contains. You can avoid S3 entirely and serve your bootstrap Ignition config file from any address that the bootstrap machine can reach.

    1. Create the bucket:

      $ aws s3 mb s3://<cluster-name>-infra 1
      <cluster-name>-infra is the bucket name. When creating the install-config.yaml file, replace <cluster-name> with the name specified for the cluster.
    2. Upload the bootstrap.ign Ignition config file to the bucket:

      $ aws s3 cp <installation_directory>/bootstrap.ign s3://<cluster-name>-infra/bootstrap.ign 1
      For <installation_directory>, specify the path to the directory that you stored the installation files in.
    3. Verify that the file uploaded:

      $ aws s3 ls s3://<cluster-name>-infra/

      Example output

      2019-04-03 16:15:16     314878 bootstrap.ign

  2. Create a JSON file that contains the parameter values that the template requires:

        "ParameterKey": "InfrastructureName", 1
        "ParameterValue": "mycluster-<random_string>" 2
        "ParameterKey": "RhcosAmi", 3
        "ParameterValue": "ami-<random_string>" 4
        "ParameterKey": "AllowedBootstrapSshCidr", 5
        "ParameterValue": "" 6
        "ParameterKey": "PublicSubnet", 7
        "ParameterValue": "subnet-<random_string>" 8
        "ParameterKey": "MasterSecurityGroupId", 9
        "ParameterValue": "sg-<random_string>" 10
        "ParameterKey": "VpcId", 11
        "ParameterValue": "vpc-<random_string>" 12
        "ParameterKey": "BootstrapIgnitionLocation", 13
        "ParameterValue": "s3://<bucket_name>/bootstrap.ign" 14
        "ParameterKey": "AutoRegisterELB", 15
        "ParameterValue": "yes" 16
        "ParameterKey": "RegisterNlbIpTargetsLambdaArn", 17
        "ParameterValue": "arn:aws:lambda:<region>:<account_number>:function:<dns_stack_name>-RegisterNlbIpTargets-<random_string>" 18
        "ParameterKey": "ExternalApiTargetGroupArn", 19
        "ParameterValue": "arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:<region>:<account_number>:targetgroup/<dns_stack_name>-Exter-<random_string>" 20
        "ParameterKey": "InternalApiTargetGroupArn", 21
        "ParameterValue": "arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:<region>:<account_number>:targetgroup/<dns_stack_name>-Inter-<random_string>" 22
        "ParameterKey": "InternalServiceTargetGroupArn", 23
        "ParameterValue": "arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:<region>:<account_number>:targetgroup/<dns_stack_name>-Inter-<random_string>" 24
    The name for your cluster infrastructure that is encoded in your Ignition config files for the cluster.
    Specify the infrastructure name that you extracted from the Ignition config file metadata, which has the format <cluster-name>-<random-string>.
    Current Red Hat Enterprise Linux CoreOS (RHCOS) AMI to use for the bootstrap node.
    Specify a valid AWS::EC2::Image::Id value.
    CIDR block to allow SSH access to the bootstrap node.
    Specify a CIDR block in the format x.x.x.x/16-24.
    The public subnet that is associated with your VPC to launch the bootstrap node into.
    Specify the PublicSubnetIds value from the output of the CloudFormation template for the VPC.
    The master security group ID (for registering temporary rules)
    Specify the MasterSecurityGroupId value from the output of the CloudFormation template for the security group and roles.
    The VPC created resources will belong to.
    Specify the VpcId value from the output of the CloudFormation template for the VPC.
    Location to fetch bootstrap Ignition config file from.
    Specify the S3 bucket and file name in the form s3://<bucket_name>/bootstrap.ign.
    Whether or not to register a network load balancer (NLB).
    Specify yes or no. If you specify yes, you must provide a Lambda Amazon Resource Name (ARN) value.
    The ARN for NLB IP target registration lambda group.
    Specify the RegisterNlbIpTargetsLambda value from the output of the CloudFormation template for DNS and load balancing. Use arn:aws-us-gov if deploying the cluster to an AWS GovCloud region.
    The ARN for external API load balancer target group.
    Specify the ExternalApiTargetGroupArn value from the output of the CloudFormation template for DNS and load balancing. Use arn:aws-us-gov if deploying the cluster to an AWS GovCloud region.
    The ARN for internal API load balancer target group.
    Specify the InternalApiTargetGroupArn value from the output of the CloudFormation template for DNS and load balancing. Use arn:aws-us-gov if deploying the cluster to an AWS GovCloud region.
    The ARN for internal service load balancer target group.
    Specify the InternalServiceTargetGroupArn value from the output of the CloudFormation template for DNS and load balancing. Use arn:aws-us-gov if deploying the cluster to an AWS GovCloud region.
  3. Copy the template from the CloudFormation template for the bootstrap machine section of this topic and save it as a YAML file on your computer. This template describes the bootstrap machine that your cluster requires.
  4. Launch the CloudFormation template to create a stack of AWS resources that represent the bootstrap node:


    You must enter the command on a single line.

    $ aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name <name> 1
         --template-body file://<template>.yaml 2
         --parameters file://<parameters>.json 3
         --capabilities CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM 4
    <name> is the name for the CloudFormation stack, such as cluster-bootstrap. You need the name of this stack if you remove the cluster.
    <template> is the relative path to and name of the CloudFormation template YAML file that you saved.
    <parameters> is the relative path to and name of the CloudFormation parameters JSON file.
    You must explicitly declare the CAPABILITY_NAMED_IAM capability because the provided template creates some AWS::IAM::Role and AWS::IAM::InstanceProfile resources.

    Example output


  5. Confirm that the template components exist:

    $ aws cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name <name>

    After the StackStatus displays CREATE_COMPLETE, the output displays values for the following parameters. You must provide these parameter values to the other CloudFormation templates that you run to create your cluster:


    The bootstrap Instance ID.


    The bootstrap node public IP address.


    The bootstrap node private IP address. CloudFormation template for the bootstrap machine

You can use the following CloudFormation template to deploy the bootstrap machine that you need for your OpenShift Container Platform cluster.

Example 2.46. CloudFormation template for the bootstrap machine

AWSTemplateFormatVersion: 2010-09-09
Description: Template for OpenShift Cluster Bootstrap (EC2 Instance, Security Groups and IAM)

    AllowedPattern: ^([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9\-]{0,26})$
    MaxLength: 27
    MinLength: 1
    ConstraintDescription: Infrastructure name must be alphanumeric, start with a letter, and have a maximum of 27 characters.
    Description: A short, unique cluster ID used to tag cloud resources and identify items owned or used by the cluster.
    Type: String
    Description: Current Red Hat Enterprise Linux CoreOS AMI to use for bootstrap.
    Type: AWS::EC2::Image::Id
    AllowedPattern: ^(([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])\.){3}([0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9]{2}|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])(\/([0-9]|1[0-9]|2[0-9]|3[0-2]))$
    ConstraintDescription: CIDR block parameter must be in the form x.x.x.x/0-32.
    Description: CIDR block to allow SSH access to the bootstrap node.
    Type: String
    Description: The public subnet to launch the bootstrap node into.
    Type: AWS::EC2::Subnet::Id
    Description: The master security group ID for registering temporary rules.
    Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup::Id
    Description: The VPC-scoped resources will belong to this VPC.
    Type: AWS::EC2::VPC::Id
    Default: s3://my-s3-bucket/bootstrap.ign
    Description: Ignition config file location.
    Type: String
    Default: "yes"
    - "yes"
    - "no"
    Description: Do you want to invoke NLB registration, which requires a Lambda ARN parameter?
    Type: String
    Description: ARN for NLB IP target registration lambda.
    Type: String
    Description: ARN for external API load balancer target group.
    Type: String
    Description: ARN for internal API load balancer target group.
    Type: String
    Description: ARN for internal service load balancer target group.
    Type: String

    - Label:
        default: "Cluster Information"
      - InfrastructureName
    - Label:
        default: "Host Information"
      - RhcosAmi
      - BootstrapIgnitionLocation
      - MasterSecurityGroupId
    - Label:
        default: "Network Configuration"
      - VpcId
      - AllowedBootstrapSshCidr
      - PublicSubnet
    - Label:
        default: "Load Balancer Automation"
      - AutoRegisterELB
      - RegisterNlbIpTargetsLambdaArn
      - ExternalApiTargetGroupArn
      - InternalApiTargetGroupArn
      - InternalServiceTargetGroupArn
        default: "Infrastructure Name"
        default: "VPC ID"
        default: "Allowed SSH Source"
        default: "Public Subnet"
        default: "Red Hat Enterprise Linux CoreOS AMI ID"
        default: "Bootstrap Ignition Source"
        default: "Master Security Group ID"
        default: "Use Provided ELB Automation"

  DoRegistration: !Equals ["yes", !Ref AutoRegisterELB]

    Type: AWS::IAM::Role
        Version: "2012-10-17"
        - Effect: "Allow"
            - ""
          - "sts:AssumeRole"
      Path: "/"
      - PolicyName: !Join ["-", [!Ref InfrastructureName, "bootstrap", "policy"]]
          Version: "2012-10-17"
          - Effect: "Allow"
            Action: "ec2:Describe*"
            Resource: "*"
          - Effect: "Allow"
            Action: "ec2:AttachVolume"
            Resource: "*"
          - Effect: "Allow"
            Action: "ec2:DetachVolume"
            Resource: "*"
          - Effect: "Allow"
            Action: "s3:GetObject"
            Resource: "*"

    Type: "AWS::IAM::InstanceProfile"
      Path: "/"
      - Ref: "BootstrapIamRole"

    Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup
      GroupDescription: Cluster Bootstrap Security Group
      - IpProtocol: tcp
        FromPort: 22
        ToPort: 22
        CidrIp: !Ref AllowedBootstrapSshCidr
      - IpProtocol: tcp
        ToPort: 19531
        FromPort: 19531
      VpcId: !Ref VpcId

    Type: AWS::EC2::Instance
      ImageId: !Ref RhcosAmi
      IamInstanceProfile: !Ref BootstrapInstanceProfile
      InstanceType: "i3.large"
      - AssociatePublicIpAddress: "true"
        DeviceIndex: "0"
        - !Ref "BootstrapSecurityGroup"
        - !Ref "MasterSecurityGroupId"
        SubnetId: !Ref "PublicSubnet"
        Fn::Base64: !Sub
        - '{"ignition":{"config":{"replace":{"source":"${S3Loc}"}},"version":"3.1.0"}}'
        - {
          S3Loc: !Ref BootstrapIgnitionLocation

    Condition: DoRegistration
    Type: Custom::NLBRegister
      ServiceToken: !Ref RegisterNlbIpTargetsLambdaArn
      TargetArn: !Ref ExternalApiTargetGroupArn
      TargetIp: !GetAtt BootstrapInstance.PrivateIp

    Condition: DoRegistration
    Type: Custom::NLBRegister
      ServiceToken: !Ref RegisterNlbIpTargetsLambdaArn
      TargetArn: !Ref InternalApiTargetGroupArn
      TargetIp: !GetAtt BootstrapInstance.PrivateIp

    Condition: DoRegistration
    Type: Custom::NLBRegister
      ServiceToken: !Ref RegisterNlbIpTargetsLambdaArn
      TargetArn: !Ref InternalServiceTargetGroupArn
      TargetIp: !GetAtt BootstrapInstance.PrivateIp

    Description: Bootstrap Instance ID.
    Value: !Ref BootstrapInstance

    Description: The bootstrap node public IP address.
    Value: !GetAtt BootstrapInstance.PublicIp

    Description: The bootstrap node private IP address.
    Value: !GetAtt BootstrapInstance.PrivateIp

Additional resources

2.11.13. Creating the control plane machines in AWS

You must create the control plane machines in Amazon Web Services (AWS) that your cluster will use.

You can use the provided CloudFormation template and a custom parameter file to create a stack of AWS resources that represent the control plane nodes.


The CloudFormation template creates a stack that represents three control plane nodes.


If you do not use the provided CloudFormation template to create your control plane nodes, you must review the provided information and manually create the infrastructure. If your cluster does not initialize correctly, you might have to contact Red Hat support with your installation logs.


  • You configured an AWS account.
  • You added your AWS keys and region to your local AWS profile by running aws configure.
  • You generated the Ignition config files for your cluster.
  • You created and configured a VPC and associated subnets in AWS.
  • You created and configured DNS, load balancers, and listeners in AWS.
  • You created the security groups and roles required for your cluster in AWS.
  • You created the bootstrap machine.


  1. Create a JSON file that contains the parameter values that the template requires:

        "ParameterKey": "InfrastructureName", 1
        "ParameterValue": "mycluster-<random_string>" 2
        "ParameterKey": "RhcosAmi", 3
        "ParameterValue": "ami-<random_string>" 4
        "ParameterKey": "AutoRegisterDNS", 5
        "ParameterValue": "yes" 6
        "ParameterKey": "PrivateHostedZoneId", 7
        "ParameterValue": "<random_string>" 8
        "ParameterKey": "PrivateHostedZoneName", 9
        "ParameterValue": "" 10
        "ParameterKey": "Master0Subnet", 11
        "ParameterValue": "subnet-<random_string>" 12
        "ParameterKey": "Master1Subnet", 13
        "ParameterValue": "subnet-<random_string>" 14
        "ParameterKey": "Master2Subnet", 15
        "ParameterValue": "subnet-<random_string>" 16
        "ParameterKey": "MasterSecurityGroupId", 17
        "ParameterValue": "sg-<random_string>" 18
        "ParameterKey": "IgnitionLocation", 19
        "ParameterValue": "https://api-int.<cluster_name>.<domain_name>:22623/config/master" 20
        "ParameterKey": "CertificateAuthorities", 21
        "ParameterValue": "data:text/plain;charset=utf-8;base64,ABC...xYz==" 22
        "ParameterKey": "MasterInstanceProfileName", 23
        "ParameterValue": "<roles_stack>-MasterInstanceProfile-<random_string>" 24
        "ParameterKey": "MasterInstanceType", 25
        "ParameterValue": "m4.xlarge" 26
        "ParameterKey": "AutoRegisterELB", 27
        "ParameterValue": "yes" 28
        "ParameterKey": "RegisterNlbIpTargetsLambdaArn", 29
        "ParameterValue": "arn:aws:lambda:<region>:<account_number>:function:<dns_stack_name>-RegisterNlbIpTargets-<random_string>" 30
        "ParameterKey": "ExternalApiTargetGroupArn", 31
        "ParameterValue": "arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:<region>:<account_number>:targetgroup/<dns_stack_name>-Exter-<random_string>" 32
        "ParameterKey": "InternalApiTargetGroupArn", 33
        "ParameterValue": "arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:<region>:<account_number>:targetgroup/<dns_stack_name>-Inter-<random_string>" 34
        "ParameterKey": "InternalServiceTargetGroupArn", 35
        "ParameterValue": "arn:aws:elasticloadbalancing:<region>:<account_number>:targetgroup/<dns_stack_name>-Inter-<random_string>" 36
    The name for your cluster infrastructure that is encoded in your Ignition config files for the cluster.
    Specify the infrastructure name that you extracted from the Ignition config file metadata, which has the format <cluster-name>-<random-string>.
    CurrentRed Hat Enterprise Linux CoreOS (RHCOS) AMI to use for the control plane machines.
    Specify an AWS::EC2::Image::Id value.
    Whether or not to perform DNS etcd registration.
    Specify yes or no. If you specify yes, you must provide hosted zone information.
    The Route 53 private zone ID to register the etcd targets with.
    Specify the PrivateHostedZoneId value from the output of the CloudFormation template for DNS and load balancing.
    The Route 53 zone to register the targets with.
    Specify <cluster_name>.<domain_name> where <domain_name> is the Route 53 base domain that you used when you generated install-config.yaml file for the cluster. Do not include the trailing period (.) that is displayed in the AWS console.
    11 13 15
    A subnet, preferably private, to launch the control plane machines on.
    12 14 16
    Specify a subnet from the PrivateSubnets value from the output of the CloudFormation template for DNS and load balancing.
    The master security group ID to associate with control plane nodes (also known as the master nodes).
    Specify the MasterSecurityGroupId value from the output of the CloudFormation template for the security group and roles.
    The location to fetch control plane Ignition config file from.
    Specify the generated Ignition config file location, https://api-int.<cluster_name>.<domain_name>:22623/config/master.
    The base64 encoded certificate authority string to use.
    Specify the value from the master.ign file that is in the installation directory. This value is the long string with the format data:text/plain;charset=utf-8;base64,ABC…​xYz==.
    The IAM profile to associate with control plane nodes.
    Specify the MasterInstanceProfile parameter value from the output of the CloudFormation template for the security group and roles.
    The type of AWS instance to use for the control plane machines.
    Allowed values:
    • m4.xlarge
    • m4.2xlarge
    • m4.4xlarge
    • m4.8xlarge
    • m4.10xlarge
    • m4.16xlarge
    • m5.xlarge
    • m5.2xlarge
    • m5.4xlarge
    • m5.8xlarge
    • m5.10xlarge
    • m5.16xlarge
    • m6i.xlarge
    • c4.2xlarge
    • c4.4xlarge
    • c4.8xlarge
    • r4.xlarge
    • r4.2xlarge
    • r4.4xlarge
    • r4.8xlarge
    • r4.16xlarge


      If m4 instance types are not available in your region, such as with eu-west-3, specify an m5 type, such as m5.xlarge, instead.

    Whether or not to register a network load balancer (NLB).
    Specify yes or no. If you specify yes, you must provide a Lambda Amazon Resource Name (ARN) value.
    The ARN for NLB IP target registration lambda group.
    Specify the RegisterNlbIpTargetsLambda value from the output of the CloudFormation template for DNS and load balancing. Use arn:aws-us-gov if deploying the cluster to an AWS GovCloud region.
    The ARN for external API load balancer target group.
    Specify the ExternalApiTargetGroupArn value from the output of the CloudFormation template for DNS and load balancing. Use arn:aws-us-gov if deploying the cluster to an AWS GovCloud region.
    The ARN for internal API load balancer target group.
    Specify the InternalApiTargetGroupArn value from the output of the CloudFormation template for DNS and load balancing. Use arn:aws-us-gov if deploying the cluster to an AWS GovCloud region.
    The ARN for internal service load balancer target group.
    Specify the InternalServiceTargetGroupArn value from the output of the CloudFormation template for DNS and load balancing. Use arn:aws-us-gov if deploying the cluster to an AWS GovCloud region.
  2. Copy the template from the CloudFormation template for control plane machines section of this topic and save it as a YAML file on your computer. This template describes the control plane machines that your cluster requires.
  3. If you specified an m5 instance type as the value for MasterInstanceType, add that instance type to the MasterInstanceType.AllowedValues parameter in the CloudFormation template.
  4. Launch the CloudFormation template to create a stack of AWS resources that represent the control plane nodes:


    You must enter the command on a single line.

    $ aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name <name> 1
         --template-body file://<template>.yaml 2
         --parameters file://<parameters>.json 3
    <name> is the name for the CloudFormation stack, such as cluster-control-plane. You need the name of this stack if you remove the cluster.
    <template> is the relative path to and name of the CloudFormation template YAML file that you saved.
    <parameters> is the relative path to and name of the CloudFormation parameters JSON file.

    Example output



    The CloudFormation template creates a stack that represents three control plane nodes.

  5. Confirm that the template components exist:

    $ aws cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name <name> CloudFormation template for control plane machines

You can use the following CloudFormation template to deploy the control plane machines that you need for your OpenShift Container Platform cluster.

Example 2.47. CloudFormation template for control plane machines

AWSTemplateFormatVersion: 2010-09-09
Description: Template for OpenShift Cluster Node Launch (EC2 master instances)

    AllowedPattern: ^([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9\-]{0,26})$
    MaxLength: 27
    MinLength: 1
    ConstraintDescription: Infrastructure name must be alphanumeric, start with a letter, and have a maximum of 27 characters.
    Description: A short, unique cluster ID used to tag nodes for the kubelet cloud provider.
    Type: String
    Description: Current Red Hat Enterprise Linux CoreOS AMI to use for bootstrap.
    Type: AWS::EC2::Image::Id
    Default: "yes"
    - "yes"
    - "no"
    Description: Do you want to invoke DNS etcd registration, which requires Hosted Zone information?
    Type: String
    Description: The Route53 private zone ID to register the etcd targets with, such as Z21IXYZABCZ2A4.
    Type: String
    Description: The Route53 zone to register the targets with, such as Omit the trailing period.
    Type: String
    Description: The subnets, recommend private, to launch the master nodes into.
    Type: AWS::EC2::Subnet::Id
    Description: The subnets, recommend private, to launch the master nodes into.
    Type: AWS::EC2::Subnet::Id
    Description: The subnets, recommend private, to launch the master nodes into.
    Type: AWS::EC2::Subnet::Id
    Description: The master security group ID to associate with master nodes.
    Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup::Id
    Default: https://api-int.$CLUSTER_NAME.$DOMAIN:22623/config/master
    Description: Ignition config file location.
    Type: String
    Default: data:text/plain;charset=utf-8;base64,ABC...xYz==
    Description: Base64 encoded certificate authority string to use.
    Type: String
    Description: IAM profile to associate with master nodes.
    Type: String
    Default: m5.xlarge
    Type: String
    - "m4.xlarge"
    - "m4.2xlarge"
    - "m4.4xlarge"
    - "m4.10xlarge"
    - "m4.16xlarge"
    - "m5.xlarge"
    - "m5.2xlarge"
    - "m5.4xlarge"
    - "m5.8xlarge"
    - "m5.12xlarge"
    - "m5.16xlarge"
    - "m5a.xlarge"
    - "m5a.2xlarge"
    - "m5a.4xlarge"
    - "m5a.8xlarge"
    - "m5a.10xlarge"
    - "m5a.16xlarge"
    - "c4.2xlarge"
    - "c4.4xlarge"
    - "c4.8xlarge"
    - "c5.2xlarge"
    - "c5.4xlarge"
    - "c5.9xlarge"
    - "c5.12xlarge"
    - "c5.18xlarge"
    - "c5.24xlarge"
    - "c5a.2xlarge"
    - "c5a.4xlarge"
    - "c5a.8xlarge"
    - "c5a.12xlarge"
    - "c5a.16xlarge"
    - "c5a.24xlarge"
    - "r4.xlarge"
    - "r4.2xlarge"
    - "r4.4xlarge"
    - "r4.8xlarge"
    - "r4.16xlarge"
    - "r5.xlarge"
    - "r5.2xlarge"
    - "r5.4xlarge"
    - "r5.8xlarge"
    - "r5.12xlarge"
    - "r5.16xlarge"
    - "r5.24xlarge"
    - "r5a.xlarge"
    - "r5a.2xlarge"
    - "r5a.4xlarge"
    - "r5a.8xlarge"
    - "r5a.12xlarge"
    - "r5a.16xlarge"
    - "r5a.24xlarge"

    Default: "yes"
    - "yes"
    - "no"
    Description: Do you want to invoke NLB registration, which requires a Lambda ARN parameter?
    Type: String
    Description: ARN for NLB IP target registration lambda. Supply the value from the cluster infrastructure or select "no" for AutoRegisterELB.
    Type: String
    Description: ARN for external API load balancer target group. Supply the value from the cluster infrastructure or select "no" for AutoRegisterELB.
    Type: String
    Description: ARN for internal API load balancer target group. Supply the value from the cluster infrastructure or select "no" for AutoRegisterELB.
    Type: String
    Description: ARN for internal service load balancer target group. Supply the value from the cluster infrastructure or select "no" for AutoRegisterELB.
    Type: String

    - Label:
        default: "Cluster Information"
      - InfrastructureName
    - Label:
        default: "Host Information"
      - MasterInstanceType
      - RhcosAmi
      - IgnitionLocation
      - CertificateAuthorities
      - MasterSecurityGroupId
      - MasterInstanceProfileName
    - Label:
        default: "Network Configuration"
      - VpcId
      - AllowedBootstrapSshCidr
      - Master0Subnet
      - Master1Subnet
      - Master2Subnet
    - Label:
        default: "DNS"
      - AutoRegisterDNS
      - PrivateHostedZoneName
      - PrivateHostedZoneId
    - Label:
        default: "Load Balancer Automation"
      - AutoRegisterELB
      - RegisterNlbIpTargetsLambdaArn
      - ExternalApiTargetGroupArn
      - InternalApiTargetGroupArn
      - InternalServiceTargetGroupArn
        default: "Infrastructure Name"
        default: "VPC ID"
        default: "Master-0 Subnet"
        default: "Master-1 Subnet"
        default: "Master-2 Subnet"
        default: "Master Instance Type"
        default: "Master Instance Profile Name"
        default: "Red Hat Enterprise Linux CoreOS AMI ID"
        default: "Master Ignition Source"
        default: "Ignition CA String"
        default: "Master Security Group ID"
        default: "Use Provided DNS Automation"
        default: "Use Provided ELB Automation"
        default: "Private Hosted Zone Name"
        default: "Private Hosted Zone ID"

  DoRegistration: !Equals ["yes", !Ref AutoRegisterELB]
  DoDns: !Equals ["yes", !Ref AutoRegisterDNS]

    Type: AWS::EC2::Instance
      ImageId: !Ref RhcosAmi
      - DeviceName: /dev/xvda
          VolumeSize: "120"
          VolumeType: "gp2"
      IamInstanceProfile: !Ref MasterInstanceProfileName
      InstanceType: !Ref MasterInstanceType
      - AssociatePublicIpAddress: "false"
        DeviceIndex: "0"
        - !Ref "MasterSecurityGroupId"
        SubnetId: !Ref "Master0Subnet"
        Fn::Base64: !Sub
        - '{"ignition":{"config":{"merge":[{"source":"${SOURCE}"}]},"security":{"tls":{"certificateAuthorities":[{"source":"${CA_BUNDLE}"}]}},"version":"3.1.0"}}'
        - {
          SOURCE: !Ref IgnitionLocation,
          CA_BUNDLE: !Ref CertificateAuthorities,
      - Key: !Join ["", ["", !Ref InfrastructureName]]
        Value: "shared"

    Condition: DoRegistration
    Type: Custom::NLBRegister
      ServiceToken: !Ref RegisterNlbIpTargetsLambdaArn
      TargetArn: !Ref ExternalApiTargetGroupArn
      TargetIp: !GetAtt Master0.PrivateIp

    Condition: DoRegistration
    Type: Custom::NLBRegister
      ServiceToken: !Ref RegisterNlbIpTargetsLambdaArn
      TargetArn: !Ref InternalApiTargetGroupArn
      TargetIp: !GetAtt Master0.PrivateIp

    Condition: DoRegistration
    Type: Custom::NLBRegister
      ServiceToken: !Ref RegisterNlbIpTargetsLambdaArn
      TargetArn: !Ref InternalServiceTargetGroupArn
      TargetIp: !GetAtt Master0.PrivateIp

    Type: AWS::EC2::Instance
      ImageId: !Ref RhcosAmi
      - DeviceName: /dev/xvda
          VolumeSize: "120"
          VolumeType: "gp2"
      IamInstanceProfile: !Ref MasterInstanceProfileName
      InstanceType: !Ref MasterInstanceType
      - AssociatePublicIpAddress: "false"
        DeviceIndex: "0"
        - !Ref "MasterSecurityGroupId"
        SubnetId: !Ref "Master1Subnet"
        Fn::Base64: !Sub
        - '{"ignition":{"config":{"merge":[{"source":"${SOURCE}"}]},"security":{"tls":{"certificateAuthorities":[{"source":"${CA_BUNDLE}"}]}},"version":"3.1.0"}}'
        - {
          SOURCE: !Ref IgnitionLocation,
          CA_BUNDLE: !Ref CertificateAuthorities,
      - Key: !Join ["", ["", !Ref InfrastructureName]]
        Value: "shared"

    Condition: DoRegistration
    Type: Custom::NLBRegister
      ServiceToken: !Ref RegisterNlbIpTargetsLambdaArn
      TargetArn: !Ref ExternalApiTargetGroupArn
      TargetIp: !GetAtt Master1.PrivateIp

    Condition: DoRegistration
    Type: Custom::NLBRegister
      ServiceToken: !Ref RegisterNlbIpTargetsLambdaArn
      TargetArn: !Ref InternalApiTargetGroupArn
      TargetIp: !GetAtt Master1.PrivateIp

    Condition: DoRegistration
    Type: Custom::NLBRegister
      ServiceToken: !Ref RegisterNlbIpTargetsLambdaArn
      TargetArn: !Ref InternalServiceTargetGroupArn
      TargetIp: !GetAtt Master1.PrivateIp

    Type: AWS::EC2::Instance
      ImageId: !Ref RhcosAmi
      - DeviceName: /dev/xvda
          VolumeSize: "120"
          VolumeType: "gp2"
      IamInstanceProfile: !Ref MasterInstanceProfileName
      InstanceType: !Ref MasterInstanceType
      - AssociatePublicIpAddress: "false"
        DeviceIndex: "0"
        - !Ref "MasterSecurityGroupId"
        SubnetId: !Ref "Master2Subnet"
        Fn::Base64: !Sub
        - '{"ignition":{"config":{"merge":[{"source":"${SOURCE}"}]},"security":{"tls":{"certificateAuthorities":[{"source":"${CA_BUNDLE}"}]}},"version":"3.1.0"}}'
        - {
          SOURCE: !Ref IgnitionLocation,
          CA_BUNDLE: !Ref CertificateAuthorities,
      - Key: !Join ["", ["", !Ref InfrastructureName]]
        Value: "shared"

    Condition: DoRegistration
    Type: Custom::NLBRegister
      ServiceToken: !Ref RegisterNlbIpTargetsLambdaArn
      TargetArn: !Ref ExternalApiTargetGroupArn
      TargetIp: !GetAtt Master2.PrivateIp

    Condition: DoRegistration
    Type: Custom::NLBRegister
      ServiceToken: !Ref RegisterNlbIpTargetsLambdaArn
      TargetArn: !Ref InternalApiTargetGroupArn
      TargetIp: !GetAtt Master2.PrivateIp

    Condition: DoRegistration
    Type: Custom::NLBRegister
      ServiceToken: !Ref RegisterNlbIpTargetsLambdaArn
      TargetArn: !Ref InternalServiceTargetGroupArn
      TargetIp: !GetAtt Master2.PrivateIp

    Condition: DoDns
    Type: AWS::Route53::RecordSet
      HostedZoneId: !Ref PrivateHostedZoneId
      Name: !Join [".", ["_etcd-server-ssl._tcp", !Ref PrivateHostedZoneName]]
      - !Join [
        " ",
        ["0 10 2380", !Join [".", ["etcd-0", !Ref PrivateHostedZoneName]]],
      - !Join [
        " ",
        ["0 10 2380", !Join [".", ["etcd-1", !Ref PrivateHostedZoneName]]],
      - !Join [
        " ",
        ["0 10 2380", !Join [".", ["etcd-2", !Ref PrivateHostedZoneName]]],
      TTL: 60
      Type: SRV

    Condition: DoDns
    Type: AWS::Route53::RecordSet
      HostedZoneId: !Ref PrivateHostedZoneId
      Name: !Join [".", ["etcd-0", !Ref PrivateHostedZoneName]]
      - !GetAtt Master0.PrivateIp
      TTL: 60
      Type: A

    Condition: DoDns
    Type: AWS::Route53::RecordSet
      HostedZoneId: !Ref PrivateHostedZoneId
      Name: !Join [".", ["etcd-1", !Ref PrivateHostedZoneName]]
      - !GetAtt Master1.PrivateIp
      TTL: 60
      Type: A

    Condition: DoDns
    Type: AWS::Route53::RecordSet
      HostedZoneId: !Ref PrivateHostedZoneId
      Name: !Join [".", ["etcd-2", !Ref PrivateHostedZoneName]]
      - !GetAtt Master2.PrivateIp
      TTL: 60
      Type: A

    Description: The control-plane node private IP addresses.
      !Join [
        [!GetAtt Master0.PrivateIp, !GetAtt Master1.PrivateIp, !GetAtt Master2.PrivateIp]

2.11.14. Creating the worker nodes in AWS

You can create worker nodes in Amazon Web Services (AWS) for your cluster to use.

You can use the provided CloudFormation template and a custom parameter file to create a stack of AWS resources that represent a worker node.


The CloudFormation template creates a stack that represents one worker node. You must create a stack for each worker node.


If you do not use the provided CloudFormation template to create your worker nodes, you must review the provided information and manually create the infrastructure. If your cluster does not initialize correctly, you might have to contact Red Hat support with your installation logs.


  • You configured an AWS account.
  • You added your AWS keys and region to your local AWS profile by running aws configure.
  • You generated the Ignition config files for your cluster.
  • You created and configured a VPC and associated subnets in AWS.
  • You created and configured DNS, load balancers, and listeners in AWS.
  • You created the security groups and roles required for your cluster in AWS.
  • You created the bootstrap machine.
  • You created the control plane machines.


  1. Create a JSON file that contains the parameter values that the CloudFormation template requires:

        "ParameterKey": "InfrastructureName", 1
        "ParameterValue": "mycluster-<random_string>" 2
        "ParameterKey": "RhcosAmi", 3
        "ParameterValue": "ami-<random_string>" 4
        "ParameterKey": "Subnet", 5
        "ParameterValue": "subnet-<random_string>" 6
        "ParameterKey": "WorkerSecurityGroupId", 7
        "ParameterValue": "sg-<random_string>" 8
        "ParameterKey": "IgnitionLocation", 9
        "ParameterValue": "https://api-int.<cluster_name>.<domain_name>:22623/config/worker" 10
        "ParameterKey": "CertificateAuthorities", 11
        "ParameterValue": "" 12
        "ParameterKey": "WorkerInstanceProfileName", 13
        "ParameterValue": "" 14
        "ParameterKey": "WorkerInstanceType", 15
        "ParameterValue": "m4.large" 16
    The name for your cluster infrastructure that is encoded in your Ignition config files for the cluster.
    Specify the infrastructure name that you extracted from the Ignition config file metadata, which has the format <cluster-name>-<random-string>.
    Current Red Hat Enterprise Linux CoreOS (RHCOS) AMI to use for the worker nodes.
    Specify an AWS::EC2::Image::Id value.
    A subnet, preferably private, to launch the worker nodes on.
    Specify a subnet from the PrivateSubnets value from the output of the CloudFormation template for DNS and load balancing.
    The worker security group ID to associate with worker nodes.
    Specify the WorkerSecurityGroupId value from the output of the CloudFormation template for the security group and roles.
    The location to fetch bootstrap Ignition config file from.
    Specify the generated Ignition config location, https://api-int.<cluster_name>.<domain_name>:22623/config/worker.
    Base64 encoded certificate authority string to use.
    Specify the value from the worker.ign file that is in the installation directory. This value is the long string with the format data:text/plain;charset=utf-8;base64,ABC…​xYz==.
    The IAM profile to associate with worker nodes.
    Specify the WorkerInstanceProfile parameter value from the output of the CloudFormation template for the security group and roles.
    The type of AWS instance to use for the control plane machines.
    Allowed values:
    • m4.large
    • m4.xlarge
    • m4.2xlarge
    • m4.4xlarge
    • m4.8xlarge
    • m4.10xlarge
    • m4.16xlarge
    • m5.large
    • m5.xlarge
    • m5.2xlarge
    • m5.4xlarge
    • m5.8xlarge
    • m5.10xlarge
    • m5.16xlarge
    • m6i.xlarge
    • c4.2xlarge
    • c4.4xlarge
    • c4.8xlarge
    • r4.large
    • r4.xlarge
    • r4.2xlarge
    • r4.4xlarge
    • r4.8xlarge
    • r4.16xlarge


      If m4 instance types are not available in your region, such as with eu-west-3, use m5 types instead.

  2. Copy the template from the CloudFormation template for worker machines section of this topic and save it as a YAML file on your computer. This template describes the networking objects and load balancers that your cluster requires.
  3. If you specified an m5 instance type as the value for WorkerInstanceType, add that instance type to the WorkerInstanceType.AllowedValues parameter in the CloudFormation template.
  4. Launch the CloudFormation template to create a stack of AWS resources that represent a worker node:


    You must enter the command on a single line.

    $ aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name <name> 1
         --template-body file://<template>.yaml \ 2
         --parameters file://<parameters>.json 3
    <name> is the name for the CloudFormation stack, such as cluster-worker-1. You need the name of this stack if you remove the cluster.
    <template> is the relative path to and name of the CloudFormation template YAML file that you saved.
    <parameters> is the relative path to and name of the CloudFormation parameters JSON file.

    Example output



    The CloudFormation template creates a stack that represents one worker node.

  5. Confirm that the template components exist:

    $ aws cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name <name>
  6. Continue to create worker stacks until you have created enough worker machines for your cluster. You can create additional worker stacks by referencing the same template and parameter files and specifying a different stack name.


    You must create at least two worker machines, so you must create at least two stacks that use this CloudFormation template. CloudFormation template for worker machines

You can use the following CloudFormation template to deploy the worker machines that you need for your OpenShift Container Platform cluster.

Example 2.48. CloudFormation template for worker machines

AWSTemplateFormatVersion: 2010-09-09
Description: Template for OpenShift Cluster Node Launch (EC2 worker instance)

    AllowedPattern: ^([a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9\-]{0,26})$
    MaxLength: 27
    MinLength: 1
    ConstraintDescription: Infrastructure name must be alphanumeric, start with a letter, and have a maximum of 27 characters.
    Description: A short, unique cluster ID used to tag nodes for the kubelet cloud provider.
    Type: String
    Description: Current Red Hat Enterprise Linux CoreOS AMI to use for bootstrap.
    Type: AWS::EC2::Image::Id
    Description: The subnets, recommend private, to launch the master nodes into.
    Type: AWS::EC2::Subnet::Id
    Description: The master security group ID to associate with master nodes.
    Type: AWS::EC2::SecurityGroup::Id
    Default: https://api-int.$CLUSTER_NAME.$DOMAIN:22623/config/worker
    Description: Ignition config file location.
    Type: String
    Default: data:text/plain;charset=utf-8;base64,ABC...xYz==
    Description: Base64 encoded certificate authority string to use.
    Type: String
    Description: IAM profile to associate with master nodes.
    Type: String
    Default: m5.large
    Type: String
    - "m4.large"
    - "m4.xlarge"
    - "m4.2xlarge"
    - "m4.4xlarge"
    - "m4.10xlarge"
    - "m4.16xlarge"
    - "m5.large"
    - "m5.xlarge"
    - "m5.2xlarge"
    - "m5.4xlarge"
    - "m5.8xlarge"
    - "m5.12xlarge"
    - "m5.16xlarge"
    - "m5a.large"
    - "m5a.xlarge"
    - "m5a.2xlarge"
    - "m5a.4xlarge"
    - "m5a.8xlarge"
    - "m5a.10xlarge"
    - "m5a.16xlarge"
    - "c4.large"
    - "c4.xlarge"
    - "c4.2xlarge"
    - "c4.4xlarge"
    - "c4.8xlarge"
    - "c5.large"
    - "c5.xlarge"
    - "c5.2xlarge"
    - "c5.4xlarge"
    - "c5.9xlarge"
    - "c5.12xlarge"
    - "c5.18xlarge"
    - "c5.24xlarge"
    - "c5a.large"
    - "c5a.xlarge"
    - "c5a.2xlarge"
    - "c5a.4xlarge"
    - "c5a.8xlarge"
    - "c5a.12xlarge"
    - "c5a.16xlarge"
    - "c5a.24xlarge"
    - "r4.large"
    - "r4.xlarge"
    - "r4.2xlarge"
    - "r4.4xlarge"
    - "r4.8xlarge"
    - "r4.16xlarge"
    - "r5.large"
    - "r5.xlarge"
    - "r5.2xlarge"
    - "r5.4xlarge"
    - "r5.8xlarge"
    - "r5.12xlarge"
    - "r5.16xlarge"
    - "r5.24xlarge"
    - "r5a.large"
    - "r5a.xlarge"
    - "r5a.2xlarge"
    - "r5a.4xlarge"
    - "r5a.8xlarge"
    - "r5a.12xlarge"
    - "r5a.16xlarge"
    - "r5a.24xlarge"
    - "t3.large"
    - "t3.xlarge"
    - "t3.2xlarge"
    - "t3a.large"
    - "t3a.xlarge"
    - "t3a.2xlarge"

    - Label:
        default: "Cluster Information"
      - InfrastructureName
    - Label:
        default: "Host Information"
      - WorkerInstanceType
      - RhcosAmi
      - IgnitionLocation
      - CertificateAuthorities
      - WorkerSecurityGroupId
      - WorkerInstanceProfileName
    - Label:
        default: "Network Configuration"
      - Subnet
        default: "Subnet"
        default: "Infrastructure Name"
        default: "Worker Instance Type"
        default: "Worker Instance Profile Name"
        default: "Red Hat Enterprise Linux CoreOS AMI ID"
        default: "Worker Ignition Source"
        default: "Ignition CA String"
        default: "Worker Security Group ID"

    Type: AWS::EC2::Instance
      ImageId: !Ref RhcosAmi
      - DeviceName: /dev/xvda
          VolumeSize: "120"
          VolumeType: "gp2"
      IamInstanceProfile: !Ref WorkerInstanceProfileName
      InstanceType: !Ref WorkerInstanceType
      - AssociatePublicIpAddress: "false"
        DeviceIndex: "0"
        - !Ref "WorkerSecurityGroupId"
        SubnetId: !Ref "Subnet"
        Fn::Base64: !Sub
        - '{"ignition":{"config":{"merge":[{"source":"${SOURCE}"}]},"security":{"tls":{"certificateAuthorities":[{"source":"${CA_BUNDLE}"}]}},"version":"3.1.0"}}'
        - {
          SOURCE: !Ref IgnitionLocation,
          CA_BUNDLE: !Ref CertificateAuthorities,
      - Key: !Join ["", ["", !Ref InfrastructureName]]
        Value: "shared"

    Description: The compute node private IP address.
    Value: !GetAtt Worker0.PrivateIp

2.11.15. Initializing the bootstrap sequence on AWS with user-provisioned infrastructure

After you create all of the required infrastructure in Amazon Web Services (AWS), you can start the bootstrap sequence that initializes the OpenShift Container Platform control plane.


  • You configured an AWS account.
  • You added your AWS keys and region to your local AWS profile by running aws configure.
  • You generated the Ignition config files for your cluster.
  • You created and configured a VPC and associated subnets in AWS.
  • You created and configured DNS, load balancers, and listeners in AWS.
  • You created the security groups and roles required for your cluster in AWS.
  • You created the bootstrap machine.
  • You created the control plane machines.
  • You created the worker nodes.


  1. Change to the directory that contains the installation program and start the bootstrap process that initializes the OpenShift Container Platform control plane:

    $ ./openshift-install wait-for bootstrap-complete --dir <installation_directory> \ 1
        --log-level=info 2
    For <installation_directory>, specify the path to the directory that you stored the installation files in.
    To view different installation details, specify warn, debug, or error instead of info.

    Example output

    INFO Waiting up to 20m0s for the Kubernetes API at
    INFO API v1.19.0+9f84db3 up
    INFO Waiting up to 30m0s for bootstrapping to complete...
    INFO It is now safe to remove the bootstrap resources
    INFO Time elapsed: 1s

    If the command exits without a FATAL warning, your OpenShift Container Platform control plane has initialized.


    After the control plane initializes, it sets up the compute nodes and installs additional services in the form of Operators.

Additional resources

2.11.16. Logging in to the cluster by using the CLI

You can log in to your cluster as a default system user by exporting the cluster kubeconfig file. The kubeconfig file contains information about the cluster that is used by the CLI to connect a client to the correct cluster and API server. The file is specific to a cluster and is created during OpenShift Container Platform installation.


  • You deployed an OpenShift Container Platform cluster.
  • You installed the oc CLI.


  1. Export the kubeadmin credentials:

    $ export KUBECONFIG=<installation_directory>/auth/kubeconfig 1
    For <installation_directory>, specify the path to the directory that you stored the installation files in.
  2. Verify you can run oc commands successfully using the exported configuration:

    $ oc whoami

    Example output


2.11.17. Approving the certificate signing requests for your machines

When you add machines to a cluster, two pending certificate signing requests (CSRs) are generated for each machine that you added. You must confirm that these CSRs are approved or, if necessary, approve them yourself. The client requests must be approved first, followed by the server requests.


  • You added machines to your cluster.


  1. Confirm that the cluster recognizes the machines:

    $ oc get nodes

    Example output

    master-0  Ready     master  63m  v1.19.0
    master-1  Ready     master  63m  v1.19.0
    master-2  Ready     master  64m  v1.19.0

    The output lists all of the machines that you created.


    The preceding output might not include the compute nodes, also known as worker nodes, until some CSRs are approved.

  2. Review the pending CSRs and ensure that you see the client requests with the Pending or Approved status for each machine that you added to the cluster:

    $ oc get csr

    Example output

    NAME        AGE     REQUESTOR                                                                   CONDITION
    csr-8b2br   15m     system:serviceaccount:openshift-machine-config-operator:node-bootstrapper   Pending
    csr-8vnps   15m     system:serviceaccount:openshift-machine-config-operator:node-bootstrapper   Pending

    In this example, two machines are joining the cluster. You might see more approved CSRs in the list.

  3. If the CSRs were not approved, after all of the pending CSRs for the machines you added are in Pending status, approve the CSRs for your cluster machines:


    Because the CSRs rotate automatically, approve your CSRs within an hour of adding the machines to the cluster. If you do not approve them within an hour, the certificates will rotate, and more than two certificates will be present for each node. You must approve all of these certificates. Once the client CSR is approved, the Kubelet creates a secondary CSR for the serving certificate, which requires manual approval. Then, subsequent serving certificate renewal requests are automatically approved by the machine-approver if the Kubelet requests a new certificate with identical parameters.


    For clusters running on platforms that are not machine API enabled, such as bare metal and other user-provisioned infrastructure, you must implement a method of automatically approving the kubelet serving certificate requests (CSRs). If a request is not approved, then the oc exec, oc rsh, and oc logs commands cannot succeed, because a serving certificate is required when the API server connects to the kubelet. Any operation that contacts the Kubelet endpoint requires this certificate approval to be in place. The method must watch for new CSRs, confirm that the CSR was submitted by the node-bootstrapper service account in the system:node or system:admin groups, and confirm the identity of the node.

    • To approve them individually, run the following command for each valid CSR:

      $ oc adm certificate approve <csr_name> 1
      <csr_name> is the name of a CSR from the list of current CSRs.
    • To approve all pending CSRs, run the following command:

      $ oc get csr -o go-template='{{range .items}}{{if not .status}}{{}}{{"\n"}}{{end}}{{end}}' | xargs --no-run-if-empty oc adm certificate approve

      Some Operators might not become available until some CSRs are approved.

  4. Now that your client requests are approved, you must review the server requests for each machine that you added to the cluster:

    $ oc get csr

    Example output

    NAME        AGE     REQUESTOR                                                                   CONDITION
    csr-bfd72   5m26s                       Pending
    csr-c57lv   5m26s                       Pending

  5. If the remaining CSRs are not approved, and are in the Pending status, approve the CSRs for your cluster machines:

    • To approve them individually, run the following command for each valid CSR:

      $ oc adm certificate approve <csr_name> 1
      <csr_name> is the name of a CSR from the list of current CSRs.
    • To approve all pending CSRs, run the following command:

      $ oc get csr -o go-template='{{range .items}}{{if not .status}}{{}}{{"\n"}}{{end}}{{end}}' | xargs oc adm certificate approve
  6. After all client and server CSRs have been approved, the machines have the Ready status. Verify this by running the following command:

    $ oc get nodes

    Example output

    master-0  Ready     master  73m  v1.20.0
    master-1  Ready     master  73m  v1.20.0
    master-2  Ready     master  74m  v1.20.0
    worker-0  Ready     worker  11m  v1.20.0
    worker-1  Ready     worker  11m  v1.20.0


    It can take a few minutes after approval of the server CSRs for the machines to transition to the Ready status.

Additional information

2.11.18. Initial Operator configuration

After the control plane initializes, you must immediately configure some Operators so that they all become available.


  • Your control plane has initialized.


  1. Watch the cluster components come online:

    $ watch -n5 oc get clusteroperators

    Example output

    NAME                                       VERSION AVAILABLE   PROGRESSING   DEGRADED   SINCE
    authentication                             4.6.0   True        False         False      3h56m
    cloud-credential                           4.6.0   True        False         False      29h
    cluster-autoscaler                         4.6.0   True        False         False      29h
    config-operator                            4.6.0   True        False         False      6h39m
    console                                    4.6.0   True        False         False      3h59m
    csi-snapshot-controller                    4.6.0   True        False         False      4h12m
    dns                                        4.6.0   True        False         False      4h15m
    etcd                                       4.6.0   True        False         False      29h
    image-registry                             4.6.0   True        False         False      3h59m
    ingress                                    4.6.0   True        False         False      4h30m
    insights                                   4.6.0   True        False         False      29h
    kube-apiserver                             4.6.0   True        False         False      29h
    kube-controller-manager                    4.6.0   True        False         False      29h
    kube-scheduler                             4.6.0   True        False         False      29h
    kube-storage-version-migrator              4.6.0   True        False         False      4h2m
    machine-api                                4.6.0   True        False         False      29h
    machine-approver                           4.6.0   True        False         False      6h34m
    machine-config                             4.6.0   True        False         False      3h56m
    marketplace                                4.6.0   True        False         False      4h2m
    monitoring                                 4.6.0   True        False         False      6h31m
    network                                    4.6.0   True        False         False      29h
    node-tuning                                4.6.0   True        False         False      4h30m
    openshift-apiserver                        4.6.0   True        False         False      3h56m
    openshift-controller-manager               4.6.0   True        False         False      4h36m
    openshift-samples                          4.6.0   True        False         False      4h30m
    operator-lifecycle-manager                 4.6.0   True        False         False      29h
    operator-lifecycle-manager-catalog         4.6.0   True        False         False      29h
    operator-lifecycle-manager-packageserver   4.6.0   True        False         False      3h59m
    service-ca                                 4.6.0   True        False         False      29h
    storage                                    4.6.0   True        False         False      4h30m

  2. Configure the Operators that are not available. Disabling the default OperatorHub sources

Operator catalogs that source content provided by Red Hat and community projects are configured for OperatorHub by default during an OpenShift Container Platform installation. In a restricted network environment, you must disable the default catalogs as a cluster administrator.


  • Disable the sources for the default catalogs by adding disableAllDefaultSources: true to the OperatorHub object:

    $ oc patch OperatorHub cluster --type json \
        -p '[{"op": "add", "path": "/spec/disableAllDefaultSources", "value": true}]'

Alternatively, you can use the web console to manage catalog sources. From the Administration Cluster Settings Global Configuration OperatorHub page, click the Sources tab, where you can create, delete, disable, and enable individual sources. Image registry storage configuration

Amazon Web Services provides default storage, which means the Image Registry Operator is available after installation. However, if the Registry Operator cannot create an S3 bucket and automatically configure storage, you must manually configure registry storage.

Instructions are shown for configuring a persistent volume, which is required for production clusters. Where applicable, instructions are shown for configuring an empty directory as the storage location, which is available for only non-production clusters.

Additional instructions are provided for allowing the image registry to use block storage types by using the Recreate rollout strategy during upgrades. Configuring registry storage for AWS with user-provisioned infrastructure

During installation, your cloud credentials are sufficient to create an Amazon S3 bucket and the Registry Operator will automatically configure storage.

If the Registry Operator cannot create an S3 bucket and automatically configure storage, you can create an S3 bucket and configure storage with the following procedure.


  • You have a cluster on AWS with user-provisioned infrastructure.
  • For Amazon S3 storage, the secret is expected to contain two keys:



Use the following procedure if the Registry Operator cannot create an S3 bucket and automatically configure storage.

  1. Set up a Bucket Lifecycle Policy to abort incomplete multipart uploads that are one day old.
  2. Fill in the storage configuration in

    $ oc edit

    Example configuration

        bucket: <bucket-name>
        region: <region-name>


To secure your registry images in AWS, block public access to the S3 bucket. Configuring storage for the image registry in non-production clusters

You must configure storage for the Image Registry Operator. For non-production clusters, you can set the image registry to an empty directory. If you do so, all images are lost if you restart the registry.


  • To set the image registry storage to an empty directory:

    $ oc patch cluster --type merge --patch '{"spec":{"storage":{"emptyDir":{}}}}'

    Configure this option for only non-production clusters.

    If you run this command before the Image Registry Operator initializes its components, the oc patch command fails with the following error:

    Error from server (NotFound): "cluster" not found

    Wait a few minutes and run the command again.

2.11.19. Deleting the bootstrap resources

After you complete the initial Operator configuration for the cluster, remove the bootstrap resources from Amazon Web Services (AWS).


  • You completed the initial Operator configuration for your cluster.


  1. Delete the bootstrap resources. If you used the CloudFormation template, delete its stack:

    • Delete the stack by using the AWS CLI:

      $ aws cloudformation delete-stack --stack-name <name> 1
      <name> is the name of your bootstrap stack.
    • Delete the stack by using the AWS CloudFormation console.

2.11.20. Creating the Ingress DNS Records

If you removed the DNS Zone configuration, manually create DNS records that point to the Ingress load balancer. You can create either a wildcard record or specific records. While the following procedure uses A records, you can use other record types that you require, such as CNAME or alias.



  1. Determine the routes to create.

    • To create a wildcard record, use *.apps.<cluster_name>.<domain_name>, where <cluster_name> is your cluster name, and <domain_name> is the Route 53 base domain for your OpenShift Container Platform cluster.
    • To create specific records, you must create a record for each route that your cluster uses, as shown in the output of the following command:

      $ oc get --all-namespaces -o jsonpath='{range .items[*]}{range .status.ingress[*]}{.host}{"\n"}{end}{end}' routes

      Example output


  2. Retrieve the Ingress Operator load balancer status and note the value of the external IP address that it uses, which is shown in the EXTERNAL-IP column:

    $ oc -n openshift-ingress get service router-default

    Example output

    NAME             TYPE           CLUSTER-IP      EXTERNAL-IP                            PORT(S)                      AGE
    router-default   LoadBalancer   80:31499/TCP,443:30693/TCP   5m

  3. Locate the hosted zone ID for the load balancer:

    $ aws elb describe-load-balancers | jq -r '.LoadBalancerDescriptions[] | select(.DNSName == "<external_ip>").CanonicalHostedZoneNameID' 1
    For <external_ip>, specify the value of the external IP address of the Ingress Operator load balancer that you obtained.

    Example output


    The output of this command is the load balancer hosted zone ID.

  4. Obtain the public hosted zone ID for your cluster’s domain:

    $ aws route53 list-hosted-zones-by-name \
                --dns-name "<domain_name>" \ 1
                --query 'HostedZones[? Config.PrivateZone != `true` && Name == `<domain_name>.`].Id' 2
                --output text
    1 2
    For <domain_name>, specify the Route 53 base domain for your OpenShift Container Platform cluster.

    Example output


    The public hosted zone ID for your domain is shown in the command output. In this example, it is Z3URY6TWQ91KVV.

  5. Add the alias records to your private zone:

    $ aws route53 change-resource-record-sets --hosted-zone-id "<private_hosted_zone_id>" --change-batch '{ 1
    >   "Changes": [
    >     {
    >       "Action": "CREATE",
    >       "ResourceRecordSet": {
    >         "Name": "\\052.apps.<cluster_domain>", 2
    >         "Type": "A",
    >         "AliasTarget":{
    >           "HostedZoneId": "<hosted_zone_id>", 3
    >           "DNSName": "<external_ip>.", 4
    >           "EvaluateTargetHealth": false
    >         }
    >       }
    >     }
    >   ]
    > }'
    For <private_hosted_zone_id>, specify the value from the output of the CloudFormation template for DNS and load balancing.
    For <cluster_domain>, specify the domain or subdomain that you use with your OpenShift Container Platform cluster.
    For <hosted_zone_id>, specify the public hosted zone ID for the load balancer that you obtained.
    For <external_ip>, specify the value of the external IP address of the Ingress Operator load balancer. Ensure that you include the trailing period (.) in this parameter value.
  6. Add the records to your public zone:

    $ aws route53 change-resource-record-sets --hosted-zone-id "<public_hosted_zone_id>"" --change-batch '{ 1
    >   "Changes": [
    >     {
    >       "Action": "CREATE",
    >       "ResourceRecordSet": {
    >         "Name": "\\052.apps.<cluster_domain>", 2
    >         "Type": "A",
    >         "AliasTarget":{
    >           "HostedZoneId": "<hosted_zone_id>", 3
    >           "DNSName": "<external_ip>.", 4
    >           "EvaluateTargetHealth": false
    >         }
    >       }
    >     }
    >   ]
    > }'
    For <public_hosted_zone_id>, specify the public hosted zone for your domain.
    For <cluster_domain>, specify the domain or subdomain that you use with your OpenShift Container Platform cluster.
    For <hosted_zone_id>, specify the public hosted zone ID for the load balancer that you obtained.
    For <external_ip>, specify the value of the external IP address of the Ingress Operator load balancer. Ensure that you include the trailing period (.) in this parameter value.

2.11.21. Completing an AWS installation on user-provisioned infrastructure

After you start the OpenShift Container Platform installation on Amazon Web Service (AWS) user-provisioned infrastructure, monitor the deployment to completion.


  • You removed the bootstrap node for an OpenShift Container Platform cluster on user-provisioned AWS infrastructure.
  • You installed the oc CLI.


  1. From the directory that contains the installation program, complete the cluster installation:

    $ ./openshift-install --dir <installation_directory> wait-for install-complete 1
    For <installation_directory>, specify the path to the directory that you stored the installation files in.

    Example output

    INFO Waiting up to 40m0s for the cluster at to initialize...
    INFO Waiting up to 10m0s for the openshift-console route to be created...
    INFO Install complete!
    INFO To access the cluster as the system:admin user when using 'oc', run 'export KUBECONFIG=/home/myuser/install_dir/auth/kubeconfig'
    INFO Access the OpenShift web-console here:
    INFO Login to the console with user: "kubeadmin", and password: "4vYBz-Fe5en-ymBEc-Wt6NL"
    INFO Time elapsed: 1s

    • The Ignition config files that the installation program generates contain certificates that expire after 24 hours, which are then renewed at that time. If the cluster is shut down before renewing the certificates and the cluster is later restarted after the 24 hours have elapsed, the cluster automatically recovers the expired certificates. The exception is that you must manually approve the pending node-bootstrapper certificate signing requests (CSRs) to recover kubelet certificates. See the documentation for Recovering from expired control plane certificates for more information.
    • It is recommended that you use Ignition config files within 12 hours after they are generated because the 24-hour certificate rotates from 16 to 22 hours after the cluster is installed. By using the Ignition config files within 12 hours, you can avoid installation failure if the certificate update runs during installation.
  2. Register your cluster on the Cluster registration page.

2.11.22. Logging in to the cluster by using the web console

The kubeadmin user exists by default after an OpenShift Container Platform installation. You can log in to your cluster as the kubeadmin user by using the OpenShift Container Platform web console.


  • You have access to the installation host.
  • You completed a cluster installation and all cluster Operators are available.


  1. Obtain the password for the kubeadmin user from the kubeadmin-password file on the installation host:

    $ cat <installation_directory>/auth/kubeadmin-password

    Alternatively, you can obtain the kubeadmin password from the <installation_directory>/.openshift_install.log log file on the installation host.

  2. List the OpenShift Container Platform web console route:

    $ oc get routes -n openshift-console | grep 'console-openshift'

    Alternatively, you can obtain the OpenShift Container Platform route from the <installation_directory>/.openshift_install.log log file on the installation host.

    Example output

    console     console-openshift-console.apps.<cluster_name>.<base_domain>            console     https   reencrypt/Redirect   None

  3. Navigate to the route detailed in the output of the preceding command in a web browser and log in as the kubeadmin user.

Additional resources

  • See Accessing the web console for more details about accessing and understanding the OpenShift Container Platform web console.

2.11.23. Telemetry access for OpenShift Container Platform

In OpenShift Container Platform 4.6, the Telemetry service, which runs by default to provide metrics about cluster health and the success of updates, requires internet access. If your cluster is connected to the internet, Telemetry runs automatically, and your cluster is registered to OpenShift Cluster Manager.

After you confirm that your OpenShift Cluster Manager inventory is correct, either maintained automatically by Telemetry or manually by using OpenShift Cluster Manager, use subscription watch to track your OpenShift Container Platform subscriptions at the account or multi-cluster level.

Additional resources

2.11.24. Additional resources

  • See Working with stacks in the AWS documentation for more information about AWS CloudFormation stacks.

2.11.25. Next steps

2.12. Uninstalling a cluster on AWS

You can remove a cluster that you deployed to Amazon Web Services (AWS).

2.12.1. Removing a cluster that uses installer-provisioned infrastructure

You can remove a cluster that uses installer-provisioned infrastructure from your cloud.


After uninstallation, check your cloud provider for any resources not removed properly, especially with User Provisioned Infrastructure (UPI) clusters. There might be resources that the installer did not create or that the installer is unable to access.


  • Have a copy of the installation program that you used to deploy the cluster.
  • Have the files that the installation program generated when you created your cluster.


  1. From the directory that contains the installation program on the computer that you used to install the cluster, run the following command:

    $ ./openshift-install destroy cluster \
    --dir <installation_directory> --log-level info 1 2
    For <installation_directory>, specify the path to the directory that you stored the installation files in.
    To view different details, specify warn, debug, or error instead of info.

    You must specify the directory that contains the cluster definition files for your cluster. The installation program requires the metadata.json file in this directory to delete the cluster.

  2. Optional: Delete the <installation_directory> directory and the OpenShift Container Platform installation program.
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