

19.7. Additional Resources

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For more information about Kerberos, refer to the following resources.

19.7.1. Installed Documentation

  • The /usr/share/doc/krb5-server-<version-number>/ directory — The Kerberos V5 Installation Guide and the Kerberos V5 System Administrator's Guide in PostScript and HTML formats. The krb5-server package must be installed.
  • The /usr/share/doc/krb5-workstation-<version-number>/ directory — The Kerberos V5 UNIX User's Guide in PostScript and HTML formats. The krb5-workstation package must be installed.
  • Kerberos man pages — There are a number of man pages for the various applications and configuration files involved with a Kerberos implementation. The following is a list of some of the more important man pages.
    Client Applications
    • man kerberos — An introduction to the Kerberos system which describes how credentials work and provides recommendations for obtaining and destroying Kerberos tickets. The bottom of the man page references a number of related man pages.
    • man kinit — Describes how to use this command to obtain and cache a ticket-granting ticket.
    • man kdestroy — Describes how to use this command to destroy Kerberos credentials.
    • man klist — Describes how to use this command to list cached Kerberos credentials.
    Administrative Applications
    • man kadmin — Describes how to use this command to administer the Kerberos V5 database.
    • man kdb5_util — Describes how to use this command to create and perform low-level administrative functions on the Kerberos V5 database.
    Server Applications
    • man krb5kdc — Describes available command line options for the Kerberos V5 KDC.
    • man kadmind — Describes available command line options for the Kerberos V5 administration server.
    Configuration Files
    • man krb5.conf — Describes the format and options available within the configuration file for the Kerberos V5 library.
    • man kdc.conf — Describes the format and options available within the configuration file for the Kerberos V5 AS and KDC.
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