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Chapter 52. Box Component
Available as of Camel version 2.14
The Box component provides access to all of the Box.com APIs accessible using https://github.com/box/box-java-sdk. It allows producing messages to upload and download files, create, edit, and manage folders, etc. It also supports APIs that allow polling for updates to user accounts and even changes to enterprise accounts, etc.
Box.com requires the use of OAuth2.0 for all client application authentication. In order to use camel-box with your account, you’ll need to create a new application within Box.com at https://developer.box.com. The Box application’s client id and secret will allow access to Box APIs which require a current user. A user access token is generated and managed by the API for an end user.
Maven users will need to add the following dependency to their pom.xml for this component:
<dependency> <groupId>org.apache.camel</groupId> <artifactId>camel-box</artifactId> <version>${camel-version}</version> </dependency>
52.1. Connection Authentication Types
The Box component supports three different types of authenticated connections.
52.1.1. Standard Authentication
Standard Authentication uses the OAuth 2.0 three-legged authentication process to authenticate its connections with Box.com. This type of authentication enables Box managed users and external users to access, edit, and save their Box content through the Box component.
52.1.2. App Enterprise Authentication
App Enterprise Authentication uses the OAuth 2.0 with JSON Web Tokens (JWT) to authenticate its connections as a Service Account for a Box Application. This type of authentication enables a service account to access, edit, and save the Box content of its Box Application through the Box component.
52.1.3. App User Authentication
App User Authentication uses the OAuth 2.0 with JSON Web Tokens (JWT) to authenticate its connections as an App User for a Box Application. This type of authentication enables app users to access, edit, and save their Box content in its Box Application through the Box component.
52.2. Box Options
The Box component supports 2 options which are listed below.
Name | Description | Default | Type |
configuration (common) | To use the shared configuration | BoxConfiguration | |
resolveProperty Placeholders (advanced) | Whether the component should resolve property placeholders on itself when starting. Only properties which are of String type can use property placeholders. | true | boolean |
The Box endpoint is configured using URI syntax:
with the following path and query parameters:
52.2.1. Path Parameters (2 parameters):
Name | Description | Default | Type |
apiName | Required What kind of operation to perform | BoxApiName | |
methodName | Required What sub operation to use for the selected operation | String |
52.2.2. Query Parameters (20 parameters):
Name | Description | Default | Type |
clientId (common) | Box application client ID | String | |
enterpriseId (common) | The enterprise ID to use for an App Enterprise. | String | |
inBody (common) | Sets the name of a parameter to be passed in the exchange In Body | String | |
userId (common) | The user ID to use for an App User. | String | |
bridgeErrorHandler (consumer) | Allows for bridging the consumer to the Camel routing Error Handler, which mean any exceptions occurred while the consumer is trying to pickup incoming messages, or the likes, will now be processed as a message and handled by the routing Error Handler. By default the consumer will use the org.apache.camel.spi.ExceptionHandler to deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | false | boolean |
exceptionHandler (consumer) | To let the consumer use a custom ExceptionHandler. Notice if the option bridgeErrorHandler is enabled then this options is not in use. By default the consumer will deal with exceptions, that will be logged at WARN or ERROR level and ignored. | ExceptionHandler | |
exchangePattern (consumer) | Sets the exchange pattern when the consumer creates an exchange. | ExchangePattern | |
httpParams (advanced) | Custom HTTP params for settings like proxy host | Map | |
synchronous (advanced) | Sets whether synchronous processing should be strictly used, or Camel is allowed to use asynchronous processing (if supported). | false | boolean |
accessTokenCache (security) | Custom Access Token Cache for storing and retrieving access tokens. | IAccessTokenCache | |
clientSecret (security) | Box application client secret | String | |
encryptionAlgorithm (security) | The type of encryption algorithm for JWT. Supported Algorithms: RSA_SHA_256 RSA_SHA_384 RSA_SHA_512 | RSA_SHA_256 | EncryptionAlgorithm |
maxCacheEntries (security) | The maximum number of access tokens in cache. | 100 | int |
authenticationType (authentication) | The type of authentication for connection. Types of Authentication: STANDARD_AUTHENTICATION - OAuth 2.0 (3-legged) SERVER_AUTHENTICATION - OAuth 2.0 with JSON Web Tokens | APP_USER_AUTHENTICATION | String |
privateKeyFile (security) | The private key for generating the JWT signature. | String | |
privateKeyPassword (security) | The password for the private key. | String | |
publicKeyId (security) | The ID for public key for validating the JWT signature. | String | |
sslContextParameters (security) | To configure security using SSLContextParameters. | SSLContextParameters | |
userName (security) | Box user name, MUST be provided | String | |
userPassword (security) | Box user password, MUST be provided if authSecureStorage is not set, or returns null on first call | String |
52.3. URI format
apiName can be one of:
- collaborations
- comments
- event-logs
- files
- folders
- groups
- events
- search
- tasks
- users
52.4. Producer Endpoints:
Producer endpoints can use endpoint prefixes followed by endpoint names and associated options described next. A shorthand alias can be used for some endpoints. The endpoint URI MUST contain a prefix.
Endpoint options that are not mandatory are denoted by []. When there are no mandatory options for an endpoint, one of the set of [] options MUST be provided. Producer endpoints can also use a special option inBody
that in turn should contain the name of the endpoint option whose value will be contained in the Camel Exchange In message.
Any of the endpoint options can be provided in either the endpoint URI, or dynamically in a message header. The message header name must be of the format CamelBox.<option>
. Note that the inBody
option overrides message header, i.e. the endpoint option inBody=option
would override a CamelBox.option
If a value is not provided for the option defaultRequest either in the endpoint URI or in a message header, it will be assumed to be null
. Note that the null
value will only be used if other options do not satisfy matching endpoints.
In case of Box API errors the endpoint will throw a RuntimeCamelException with a com.box.sdk.BoxAPIException derived exception cause.
52.4.1. Endpoint Prefix collaborations
For more information on Box collaborations see https://developer.box.com/reference#collaboration-object. The following endpoints can be invoked with the prefix collaborations
as follows:
Endpoint | Shorthand Alias | Options | Result Body Type |
addFolderCollaboration | add | folderId, collaborator, role | com.box.sdk.BoxCollaboration |
addFolderCollaborationByEmail | addByEmail | folderId, email, role | com.box.sdk.BoxCollaboration |
deleteCollaboration | delete | collaborationId | |
getFolderCollaborations | collaborations | folderId | java.util.Collection |
getPendingCollaborations | pendingCollaborations | java.util.Collection | |
getCollaborationInfo | info | collaborationId | com.box.sdk.BoxCollaboration.Info |
updateCollaborationInfo | updateInfo | collaborationId, info | com.box.sdk.BoxCollaboration |
URI Options for collaborations
Name | Type |
collaborationId | String |
collaborator | com.box.sdk.BoxCollaborator |
role | com.box.sdk.BoxCollaboration.Role |
folderId | String |
| String |
info | com.box.sdk.BoxCollaboration.Info |
52.4.2. Endpoint Prefix comments
For more information on Box comments see https://developer.box.com/reference#comment-object. The following endpoints can be invoked with the prefix comments
as follows:
Endpoint | Shorthand Alias | Options | Result Body Type |
addFileComment | add | fileId, message | com.box.sdk.BoxFile |
changeCommentMessage | updateMessage | commentId, message | com.box.sdk.BoxComment |
deleteComment | delete | commentId | |
getCommentInfo | info | commentId | com.box.sdk.BoxComment.Info |
getFileComments | comments | fileId | java.util.List |
replyToComment | reply | commentId, message | com.box.sdk.BoxComment |
URI Options for collaborations
Name | Type |
commentId | String |
fileId | String |
message | String |
52.4.3. Endpoint Prefix events-logs
For more information on Box event logs see https://developer.box.com/reference#events. The following endpoints can be invoked with the prefix events
as follows:
Endpoint | Shorthand Alias | Options | Result Body Type |
getEnterpriseEvents | events | position, after, before, [types] | java.util.List |
URI Options for event-logs
Name | Type |
position | String |
after | Date |
before | Date |
types | com.box.sdk.BoxEvent.Types[] |
52.4.4. Endpoint Prefix files
For more information on Box files see https://developer.box.com/reference#file-object. The following endpoints can be invoked with the prefix files
as follows.
Endpoint | Shorthand Alias | Options | Result Body Type |
uploadFile | upload | parentFolderId, content, fileName, [created], [modified], [size], [listener] | com.box.sdk.BoxFile |
downloadFile | download | fileId, output, [rangeStart], [rangeEnd], [listener] | java.io.OutputStream |
copyFile | copy | fileId, destinationFolderId, [newName] | com.box.sdk.BoxFile |
moveFile | move | fileId, destinationFolderId, [newName] | com.box.sdk.BoxFile |
renameFile | rename | fileId, newFileName | com.box.sdk.BoxFile |
createFileSharedLink | link | fileId, access, [unshareDate], [permissions] | com.box.sdk.BoxSharedLink |
deleteFile | delete | fileId | |
uploadNewFileVersion | uploadVersion | fileId, fileContent, [modified], [fileSize], [listener] | com.box.boxsdk.BoxFile |
promoteFileVersion | promoteVersion | fileId, version | com.box.sdk.BoxFileVersion |
getFileVersions | versions | fileId | java.util.Collection |
downloadPreviousFileVersions | downloadVersion | fileId, version, output, [listener] | java.io.OutputStream |
deleteFileVersion | deleteVersion | fileId, version | |
getFileInfo | info | fileId, fields | com.box.sdk.BoxFile.Info |
updateFileInfo | updateInfo | fileId, info | com.box.sdk.BoxFile |
createFileMetadata | createMetadata | fileId, metadata, [typeName] | com.box.sdk.Metadata |
getFileMetadata | metadata | fileId, [typeName] | com.box.sdk.Metadata |
updateFileMetadata | updateMetadata | fileId, metadata | com.box.sdk.Metadata |
deleteFileMetadata | deleteMetadata | fileId | |
getDownloadUrl | url | fileId | java.net.URL |
getPreviewLink | preview | fileId | java.net.URL |
getFileThumbnail | thumbnail | fileId, fileType, minWidth, minHeight, maxWidth, maxHeight | byte[] |
URI Options for files
Name | Type |
parentFolderId | String |
content | java.io.InputStream |
fileName | String |
created | Date |
modified | Date |
size | Long |
listener | com.box.sdk.ProgressListener |
output | java.io.OutputStream |
rangeStart | Long |
rangeEnd | Long |
outputStreams | java.io.OutputStream[] |
destinationFolderId | String |
newName | String |
fields | String[] |
info | com.box.sdk.BoxFile.Info |
fileSize | Long |
version | Integer |
access | com.box.sdk.BoxSharedLink.Access |
unshareDate | Date |
permissions | com.box.sdk.BoxSharedLink.Permissions |
fileType | com.box.sdk.BoxFile.ThumbnailFileType |
minWidth | Integer |
minHeight | Integer |
maxWidth | Integer |
maxHeight | Integer |
metadata | com.box.sdk.Metadata |
typeName | String |
52.4.5. Endpoint Prefix folders
For more information on Box folders see https://developer.box.com/reference#folder-object. The following endpoints can be invoked with the prefix folders
as follows.
Endpoint | Shorthand Alias | Options | Result Body Type |
getRootFolder | root | com.box.sdk.BoxFolder | |
createFolder | create | parentFolderId, folderName | com.box.sdk.BoxFolder |
createFolder | create | parentFolderId, path | com.box.sdk.BoxFolder |
copyFolder | copy | folderId, destinationfolderId, [newName] | com.box.sdk.BoxFolder |
moveFolder | move | folderId, destinationFolderId, newName | com.box.sdk.BoxFolder |
renameFolder | rename | folderId, newFolderName | com.box.sdk.BoxFolder |
createFolderSharedLink | link | folderId, access, [unsharedDate], [permissions] | java.util.List |
deleteFolder | delete | folderId | |
getFolder | folder | path | com.box.sdk.BoxFolder |
getFolderInfo | info | folderId, fields | com.box.sdk.BoxFolder.Info |
getFolderItems | items | folderId, offset, limit, fields | com.box.sdk.BoxFolder |
updateFolderInfo | updateInfo | folderId, info | com.box.sdk.BoxFolder |
URI Options for folders
Name | Type |
path | String[] |
folderId | String |
offset | Long |
limit | Long |
fields | String[] |
parentFolderId | String |
folderName | String |
destinationFolderId | String |
newName | String |
newFolderName | String |
info | String |
access | com.box.sdk.BoxSharedLink.Access |
unshareDate | Date |
permissions | com.box.sdk.BoxSharedLink.Permissions |
52.4.6. Endpoint Prefix groups
For more information on Box groups see https://developer.box.com/reference#group-object. The following endpoints can be invoked with the prefix groups
as follows:
Endpoint | Shorthand Alias | Options | Result Body Type |
createGroup | create | name, [provenance, externalSyncIdentifier, description, invitabilityLevel, memberViewabilityLevel] | com.box.sdk.BoxGroup |
addGroupMembership | createMembership | groupId, userId, role | com.box.sdk.BoxGroupMembership |
deleteGroup | delete | groupId | |
getAllGroups | groups | java.util.Collection | |
getGroupInfo | info | groupId | com.box.sdk.BoxGroup.Info |
updateGroupInfo | updateInfo | groupId, groupInfo | com.box.sdk.BoxGroup |
addGroupMembership | addMembership | groupId, userId, role | com.box.sdk.BoxGroupMembership |
deleteGroupMembership | deleteMembership | groupMembershipId | |
getGroupMemberships | memberships | groupId | java.uti.Collection |
getGroupMembershipInfo | membershipInfo | groupMemebershipId | com.box.sdk.BoxGroup.Info |
updateGroupMembershipInfo | updateMembershipInfo | groupMemebershipId, info | com.box.sdk.BoxGroupMembership |
URI Options for groups
Name | Type |
name | String |
groupId | String |
userId | String |
role | com.box.sdk.BoxGroupMembership.Role |
groupMembershipId | String |
info | com.box.sdk.BoxGroupMembership.Info |
52.4.7. Endpoint Prefix search
For more information on Box search API see https://developer.box.com/reference#searching-for-content. The following endpoints can be invoked with the prefix search
as follows:
Endpoint | Shorthand Alias | Options | Result Body Type |
searchFolder | search | folderId, query | java.util.Collection |
URI Options for search
Name | Type |
folderId | String |
query | String |
52.4.8. Endpoint Prefix tasks
For information on Box tasks see https://developer.box.com/reference#task-object-1. The following endpoints can be invoked with the prefix tasks
as follows:
Endpoint | Shorthand Alias | Options | Result Body Type |
addFileTask | add | fileId, action, dueAt, [message] | com.box.sdk.BoxUser |
deleteTask | delete | taskId | |
getFileTasks | tasks | fileId | java.util.List |
getTaskInfo | info | taskId | com.box.sdk.BoxTask.Info |
updateTaskInfo | updateInfo | taskId, info | com.box.sdk.BoxTask |
addAssignmentToTask | addAssignment | taskId, assignTo | com.box.sdk.BoxTask |
deleteTaskAssignment | deleteAssignment | taskAssignmentId | |
getTaskAssignments | assignments | taskId | java.util.List |
getTaskAssignmentInfo | assignmentInfo | taskAssignmentId | com.box.sdk.BoxTaskAssignment.Info |
URI Options for tasks
Name | Type |
fileId | String |
action | com.box.sdk.BoxTask.Action |
dueAt | Date |
message | String |
taskId | String |
info | com.box.sdk.BoxTask.Info |
assignTo | com.box.sdk.BoxUser |
taskAssignmentId | String |
52.4.9. Endpoint Prefix users
For information on Box users see https://developer.box.com/reference#user-object. The following endpoints can be invoked with the prefix users
as follows:
Endpoint | Shorthand Alias | Options | Result Body Type |
getCurrentUser | currentUser | com.box.sdk.BoxUser | |
getAllEnterpriseOrExternalUsers | users | filterTerm, [fields] | com.box.sdk.BoxUser |
createAppUser | create | name, [params] | com.box.sdk.BoxUser |
createEnterpriseUser | create | login, name, [params] | com.box.sdk.BoxUser |
deleteUser | delete | userId, notifyUser, force | |
getUserEmailAlias | emailAlias | userId | com.box.sdk.BoxUser |
deleteUserEmailAlias | deleteEmailAlias | userId, emailAliasId | java.util.List |
getUserInfo | info | userId | com.box.sdk.BoxUser.Info |
updateUserInfo | updateInfo | userId, info | com.box.sdk.BoxUser |
moveFolderToUser | - | userId, sourceUserId | com.box.sdk.BoxFolder.Info |
URI Options for users
Name | Type |
defaultRequest | com.box.restclientv2.requestsbase.BoxDefaultRequestObject |
emailAliasRequest | com.box.boxjavalibv2.requests.requestobjects.BoxEmailAliasRequestObject |
emailId | String |
filterTerm | String |
folderId | String |
simpleUserRequest | com.box.boxjavalibv2.requests.requestobjects.BoxSimpleUserRequestObject |
userDeleteRequest | com.box.boxjavalibv2.requests.requestobjects.BoxUserDeleteRequestObject |
userId | String |
userRequest | com.box.boxjavalibv2.requests.requestobjects.BoxUserRequestObject |
userUpdateLoginRequest | com.box.boxjavalibv2.requests.requestobjects.BoxUserUpdateLoginRequestObject |
52.5. Consumer Endpoints:
For more information on Box events see https://developer.box.com/reference#events. Consumer endpoints can only use the endpoint prefix events as shown in the example next.
Endpoint | Shorthand Alias | Options | Result Body Type |
events | [startingPosition] | com.box.sdk.BoxEvent |
URI Options for events
Name | Type |
startingPosition | Long |
52.6. Message header
Any of the options can be provided in a message header for producer endpoints with CamelBox. prefix.
52.7. Message body
All result message bodies utilize objects provided by the Box Java SDK. Producer endpoints can specify the option name for incoming message body in the inBody endpoint parameter.
52.8. Samples
The following route uploads new files to the user’s root folder:
from("file:...") .to("box://files/upload/inBody=fileUploadRequest");
The following route polls user’s account for updates:
from("box://events/listen?startingPosition=-1") .to("bean:blah");
The following route uses a producer with dynamic header options. The fileId property has the Box file id and the output property has the output stream of the file contents, so they are assigned to the CamelBox.fileId header and CamelBox.output header respectively as follows:
from("direct:foo") .setHeader("CamelBox.fileId", header("fileId")) .setHeader("CamelBox.output", header("output")) .to("box://files/download") .to("file://...");