39.11. 配置功能的应用程序
Web 控制台在其登录页面目录中有一个可选的应用程序链接列表。这些显示在页面顶部,并且可以具有一个图标、标题、简短描述和链接。

// Add featured applications to the top of the catalog. window.OPENSHIFT_CONSTANTS.SAAS_OFFERINGS = [{ title: "Dashboard", // The text label icon: "fa fa-dashboard", // The icon you want to appear url: "http://example.com/dashboard", // Where to go when this item is clicked description: "Open application dashboard." // Short description }, { title: "System Status", icon: "fa fa-heartbeat", url: "http://example.com/status", description: "View system alerts and outages." }, { title: "Manage Account", icon: "pficon pficon-user", url: "http://example.com/account", description: "Update email address or password." }];
添加脚本,如 Loading Extension Scripts 和 Stylesheets 所述。