
Chapter 1. Release notes

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1.1. Logging 5.7


Logging is provided as an installable component, with a distinct release cycle from the core OpenShift Container Platform. The Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform Life Cycle Policy outlines release compatibility.


The stable channel only provides updates to the most recent release of logging. To continue receiving updates for prior releases, you must change your subscription channel to stable-x.y, where x.y represents the major and minor version of logging you have installed. For example, stable-5.7.

1.1.1. Logging 5.7.10

This release includes OpenShift Logging Bug Fix Release 5.7.10. Bug fix

Before this update, the LokiStack ruler pods would not format the IPv6 pod IP in HTTP URLs used for cross pod communication, causing querying rules and alerts through the Prometheus-compatible API to fail. With this update, the LokiStack ruler pods encapsulate the IPv6 pod IP in square brackets, resolving the issue. (LOG-4891) CVEs

1.1.2. Logging 5.7.9

This release includes OpenShift Logging Bug Fix Release 5.7.9. Bug fixes

  • Before this fix, IPv6 addresses would not be parsed correctly after evaluating a host or multiple hosts for placeholders. With this update, IPv6 addresses are correctly parsed. (LOG-4281)
  • Before this update, the Vector failed to start on IPv4-only nodes. As a result, it failed to create a listener for its metrics endpoint with the following error: Failed to start Prometheus exporter: TCP bind failed: Address family not supported by protocol (os error 97). With this update, the Vector operates normally on IPv4-only nodes. (LOG-4589)
  • Before this update, during the process of creating index patterns, the default alias was missing from the initial index in each log output. As a result, Kibana users were unable to create index patterns by using OpenShift Elasticsearch Operator. This update adds the missing aliases to OpenShift Elasticsearch Operator, resolving the issue. Kibana users can now create index patterns that include the {app,infra,audit}-000001 indexes. (LOG-4806)
  • Before this update, the Loki Operator did not mount a custom CA bundle to the ruler pods. As a result, during the process to evaluate alerting or recording rules, object storage access failed. With this update, the Loki Operator mounts the custom CA bundle to all ruler pods. The ruler pods can download logs from object storage to evaluate alerting or recording rules. (LOG-4837)
  • Before this update, changing a LogQL query using controls such as time range or severity changed the label matcher operator as though it was defined like a regular expression. With this update, regular expression operators remain unchanged when updating the query. (LOG-4842)
  • Before this update, the Vector collector deployments relied upon the default retry and buffering behavior. As a result, the delivery pipeline backed up trying to deliver every message when the availability of an output was unstable. With this update, the Vector collector deployments limit the number of message retries and drop messages after the threshold has been exceeded. (LOG-4536) CVEs

1.1.3. Logging 5.7.8

This release includes OpenShift Logging Bug Fix Release 5.7.8. Bug fixes

  • Before this update, there was a potential conflict when the same name was used for the outputRefs and inputRefs parameters in the ClusterLogForwarder custom resource (CR). As a result, the collector pods entered in a CrashLoopBackOff status. With this update, the output labels contain the OUTPUT_ prefix to ensure a distinction between output labels and pipeline names. (LOG-4383)
  • Before this update, while configuring the JSON log parser, if you did not set the structuredTypeKey or structuredTypeName parameters for the Cluster Logging Operator, no alert would display about an invalid configuration. With this update, the Cluster Logging Operator informs you about the configuration issue. (LOG-4441)
  • Before this update, if the hecToken key was missing or incorrect in the secret specified for a Splunk output, the validation failed because the Vector forwarded logs to Splunk without a token. With this update, if the hecToken key is missing or incorrect, the validation fails with the A non-empty hecToken entry is required error message. (LOG-4580)
  • Before this update, selecting a date from the Custom time range for logs caused an error in the web console. With this update, you can select a date from the time range model in the web console successfully. (LOG-4684) CVEs

1.1.4. Logging 5.7.7

This release includes OpenShift Logging Bug Fix Release 5.7.7. Bug fixes

  • Before this update, FluentD normalized the logs emitted by the EventRouter differently from Vector. With this update, the Vector produces log records in a consistent format. (LOG-4178)
  • Before this update, there was an error in the query used for the FluentD Buffer Availability graph in the metrics dashboard created by the Cluster Logging Operator as it showed the minimum buffer usage. With this update, the graph shows the maximum buffer usage and is now renamed to FluentD Buffer Usage. (LOG-4555)
  • Before this update, deploying a LokiStack on IPv6-only or dual-stack OpenShift Container Platform clusters caused the LokiStack memberlist registration to fail. As a result, the distributor pods went into a crash loop. With this update, an administrator can enable IPv6 by setting the lokistack.spec.hashRing.memberlist.enableIPv6: value to true, which resolves the issue. (LOG-4569)
  • Before this update, the log collector relied on the default configuration settings for reading the container log lines. As a result, the log collector did not read the rotated files efficiently. With this update, there is an increase in the number of bytes read, which allows the log collector to efficiently process rotated files. (LOG-4575)
  • Before this update, the unused metrics in the Event Router caused the container to fail due to excessive memory usage. With this update, there is reduction in the memory usage of the Event Router by removing the unused metrics. (LOG-4686) CVEs

1.1.5. Logging 5.7.6

This release includes OpenShift Logging Bug Fix Release 5.7.6. Bug fixes

  • Before this update, the collector relied on the default configuration settings for reading the container log lines. As a result, the collector did not read the rotated files efficiently. With this update, there is an increase in the number of bytes read, which allows the collector to efficiently process rotated files. (LOG-4501)
  • Before this update, when users pasted a URL with predefined filters, some filters did not reflect. With this update, the UI reflects all the filters in the URL. (LOG-4459)
  • Before this update, forwarding to Loki using custom labels generated an error when switching from Fluentd to Vector. With this update, the Vector configuration sanitizes labels in the same way as Fluentd to ensure the collector starts and correctly processes labels. (LOG-4460)
  • Before this update, the Observability Logs console search field did not accept special characters that it should escape. With this update, it is escaping special characters properly in the query. (LOG-4456)
  • Before this update, the following warning message appeared while sending logs to Splunk: Timestamp was not found. With this update, the change overrides the name of the log field used to retrieve the Timestamp and sends it to Splunk without warning. (LOG-4413)
  • Before this update, the CPU and memory usage of Vector was increasing over time. With this update, the Vector configuration now contains the expire_metrics_secs=60 setting to limit the lifetime of the metrics and cap the associated CPU usage and memory footprint. (LOG-4171)
  • Before this update, the LokiStack gateway cached authorized requests very broadly. As a result, this caused wrong authorization results. With this update, LokiStack gateway caches on a more fine-grained basis which resolves this issue. (LOG-4393)
  • Before this update, the Fluentd runtime image included builder tools which were unnecessary at runtime. With this update, the builder tools are removed, resolving the issue. (LOG-4467) CVEs

1.1.6. Logging 5.7.4

This release includes OpenShift Logging Bug Fix Release 5.7.4. Bug fixes

  • Before this update, when forwarding logs to CloudWatch, a namespaceUUID value was not appended to the logGroupName field. With this update, the namespaceUUID value is included, so a logGroupName in CloudWatch appears as logGroupName: vectorcw.b443fb9e-bd4c-4b6a-b9d3-c0097f9ed286. (LOG-2701)
  • Before this update, when forwarding logs over HTTP to an off-cluster destination, the Vector collector was unable to authenticate to the cluster-wide HTTP proxy even though correct credentials were provided in the proxy URL. With this update, the Vector log collector can now authenticate to the cluster-wide HTTP proxy. (LOG-3381)
  • Before this update, the Operator would fail if the Fluentd collector was configured with Splunk as an output, due to this configuration being unsupported. With this update, configuration validation rejects unsupported outputs, resolving the issue. (LOG-4237)
  • Before this update, when the Vector collector was updated an enabled = true value in the TLS configuration for AWS Cloudwatch logs and the GCP Stackdriver caused a configuration error. With this update, enabled = true value will be removed for these outputs, resolving the issue. (LOG-4242)
  • Before this update, the Vector collector occasionally panicked with the following error message in its log: thread 'vector-worker' panicked at 'all branches are disabled and there is no else branch', src/kubernetes/ With this update, the error has been resolved. (LOG-4275)
  • Before this update, an issue in the Loki Operator caused the alert-manager configuration for the application tenant to disappear if the Operator was configured with additional options for that tenant. With this update, the generated Loki configuration now contains both the custom and the auto-generated configuration. (LOG-4361)
  • Before this update, when multiple roles were used to authenticate using STS with AWS Cloudwatch forwarding, a recent update caused the credentials to be non-unique. With this update, multiple combinations of STS roles and static credentials can once again be used to authenticate with AWS Cloudwatch. (LOG-4368)
  • Before this update, Loki filtered label values for active streams but did not remove duplicates, making Grafana’s Label Browser unusable. With this update, Loki filters out duplicate label values for active streams, resolving the issue. (LOG-4389)
  • Pipelines with no name field specified in the ClusterLogForwarder custom resource (CR) stopped working after upgrading to OpenShift Logging 5.7. With this update, the error has been resolved. (LOG-4120) CVEs

1.1.7. Logging 5.7.3

This release includes OpenShift Logging Bug Fix Release 5.7.3. Bug fixes

  • Before this update, when viewing logs within the OpenShift Container Platform web console, cached files caused the data to not refresh. With this update the bootstrap files are not cached, resolving the issue. (LOG-4100)
  • Before this update, the Loki Operator reset errors in a way that made identifying configuration problems difficult to troubleshoot. With this update, errors persist until the configuration error is resolved. (LOG-4156)
  • Before this update, the LokiStack ruler did not restart after changes were made to the RulerConfig custom resource (CR). With this update, the Loki Operator restarts the ruler pods after the RulerConfig CR is updated. (LOG-4161)
  • Before this update, the vector collector terminated unexpectedly when input match label values contained a / character within the ClusterLogForwarder. This update resolves the issue by quoting the match label, enabling the collector to start and collect logs. (LOG-4176)
  • Before this update, the Loki Operator terminated unexpectedly when a LokiStack CR defined tenant limits, but not global limits. With this update, the Loki Operator can process LokiStack CRs without global limits, resolving the issue. (LOG-4198)
  • Before this update, Fluentd did not send logs to an Elasticsearch cluster when the private key provided was passphrase-protected. With this update, Fluentd properly handles passphrase-protected private keys when establishing a connection with Elasticsearch. (LOG-4258)
  • Before this update, clusters with more than 8,000 namespaces caused Elasticsearch to reject queries because the list of namespaces was larger than the http.max_header_size setting. With this update, the default value for header size has been increased, resolving the issue. (LOG-4277)
  • Before this update, label values containing a / character within the ClusterLogForwarder CR would cause the collector to terminate unexpectedly. With this update, slashes are replaced with underscores, resolving the issue. (LOG-4095)
  • Before this update, the Cluster Logging Operator terminated unexpectedly when set to an unmanaged state. With this update, a check to ensure that the ClusterLogging resource is in the correct Management state before initiating the reconciliation of the ClusterLogForwarder CR, resolving the issue. (LOG-4177)
  • Before this update, when viewing logs within the OpenShift Container Platform web console, selecting a time range by dragging over the histogram didn’t work on the aggregated logs view inside the pod detail. With this update, the time range can be selected by dragging on the histogram in this view. (LOG-4108)
  • Before this update, when viewing logs within the OpenShift Container Platform web console, queries longer than 30 seconds timed out. With this update, the timeout value can be configured in the configmap/logging-view-plugin. (LOG-3498)
  • Before this update, when viewing logs within the OpenShift Container Platform web console, clicking the more data available option loaded more log entries only the first time it was clicked. With this update, more entries are loaded with each click. (OU-188)
  • Before this update, when viewing logs within the OpenShift Container Platform web console, clicking the streaming option would only display the streaming logs message without showing the actual logs. With this update, both the message and the log stream are displayed correctly. (OU-166) CVEs

1.1.8. Logging 5.7.2

This release includes OpenShift Logging Bug Fix Release 5.7.2. Bug fixes

  • Before this update, it was not possible to delete the openshift-logging namespace directly due to the presence of a pending finalizer. With this update, the finalizer is no longer utilized, enabling direct deletion of the namespace. (LOG-3316)
  • Before this update, the script would display an incorrect chunk_limit_size value if it was changed according to the OpenShift Container Platform documentation. However, when setting the chunk_limit_size via the environment variable $BUFFER_SIZE_LIMIT, the script would show the correct value. With this update, the script now consistently displays the correct chunk_limit_size value in both scenarios. (LOG-3330)
  • Before this update, the OpenShift Container Platform web console’s logging view plugin did not allow for custom node placement or tolerations. This update adds the ability to define node placement and tolerations for the logging view plugin. (LOG-3749)
  • Before this update, the Cluster Logging Operator encountered an Unsupported Media Type exception when trying to send logs to DataDog via the Fluentd HTTP Plugin. With this update, users can seamlessly assign the content type for log forwarding by configuring the HTTP header Content-Type. The value provided is automatically assigned to the content_type parameter within the plugin, ensuring successful log transmission. (LOG-3784)
  • Before this update, when the detectMultilineErrors field was set to true in the ClusterLogForwarder custom resource (CR), PHP multi-line errors were recorded as separate log entries, causing the stack trace to be split across multiple messages. With this update, multi-line error detection for PHP is enabled, ensuring that the entire stack trace is included in a single log message. (LOG-3878)
  • Before this update, ClusterLogForwarder pipelines containing a space in their name caused the Vector collector pods to continuously crash. With this update, all spaces, dashes (-), and dots (.) in pipeline names are replaced with underscores (_). (LOG-3945)
  • Before this update, the log_forwarder_output metric did not include the http parameter. This update adds the missing parameter to the metric. (LOG-3997)
  • Before this update, Fluentd did not identify some multi-line JavaScript client exceptions when they ended with a colon. With this update, the Fluentd buffer name is prefixed with an underscore, resolving the issue. (LOG-4019)
  • Before this update, when configuring log forwarding to write to a Kafka output topic which matched a key in the payload, logs dropped due to an error. With this update, Fluentd’s buffer name has been prefixed with an underscore, resolving the issue.(LOG-4027)
  • Before this update, the LokiStack gateway returned label values for namespaces without applying the access rights of a user. With this update, the LokiStack gateway applies permissions to label value requests, resolving the issue. (LOG-4049)
  • Before this update, the Cluster Logging Operator API required a certificate to be provided by a secret when the tls.insecureSkipVerify option was set to true. With this update, the Cluster Logging Operator API no longer requires a certificate to be provided by a secret in such cases. The following configuration has been added to the Operator’s CR:

    tls.verify_certificate = false
    tls.verify_hostname = false


  • Before this update, the LokiStack route configuration caused queries running longer than 30 seconds to timeout. With this update, the LokiStack global and per-tenant queryTimeout settings affect the route timeout settings, resolving the issue. (LOG-4052)
  • Before this update, a prior fix to remove defaulting of the collection.type resulted in the Operator no longer honoring the deprecated specs for resource, node selections, and tolerations. This update modifies the Operator behavior to always prefer the collection.logs spec over those of collection. This varies from previous behavior that allowed using both the preferred fields and deprecated fields but would ignore the deprecated fields when collection.type was populated. (LOG-4185)
  • Before this update, the Vector log collector did not generate TLS configuration for forwarding logs to multiple Kafka brokers if the broker URLs were not specified in the output. With this update, TLS configuration is generated appropriately for multiple brokers. (LOG-4163)
  • Before this update, the option to enable passphrase for log forwarding to Kafka was unavailable. This limitation presented a security risk as it could potentially expose sensitive information. With this update, users now have a seamless option to enable passphrase for log forwarding to Kafka. (LOG-3314)
  • Before this update, Vector log collector did not honor the tlsSecurityProfile settings for outgoing TLS connections. After this update, Vector handles TLS connection settings appropriately. (LOG-4011)
  • Before this update, not all available output types were included in the log_forwarder_output_info metrics. With this update, metrics contain Splunk and Google Cloud Logging data which was missing previously. (LOG-4098)
  • Before this update, when follow_inodes was set to true, the Fluentd collector could crash on file rotation. With this update, the follow_inodes setting does not crash the collector. (LOG-4151)
  • Before this update, the Fluentd collector could incorrectly close files that should be watched because of how those files were tracked. With this update, the tracking parameters have been corrected. (LOG-4149)
  • Before this update, forwarding logs with the Vector collector and naming a pipeline in the ClusterLogForwarder instance audit, application or infrastructure resulted in collector pods staying in the CrashLoopBackOff state with the following error in the collector log:

    ERROR vector::cli: Configuration error. error=redefinition of table transforms.audit for key transforms.audit

    After this update, pipeline names no longer clash with reserved input names, and pipelines can be named audit, application or infrastructure. (LOG-4218)

  • Before this update, when forwarding logs to a syslog destination with the Vector collector and setting the addLogSource flag to true, the following extra empty fields were added to the forwarded messages: namespace_name=, container_name=, and pod_name=. With this update, these fields are no longer added to journal logs. (LOG-4219)
  • Before this update, when a structuredTypeKey was not found, and a structuredTypeName was not specified, log messages were still parsed into structured object. With this update, parsing of logs is as expected. (LOG-4220) CVEs

1.1.9. Logging 5.7.1

This release includes: OpenShift Logging Bug Fix Release 5.7.1. Bug fixes

  • Before this update, the presence of numerous noisy messages within the Cluster Logging Operator pod logs caused reduced log readability, and increased difficulty in identifying important system events. With this update, the issue is resolved by significantly reducing the noisy messages within Cluster Logging Operator pod logs. (LOG-3482)
  • Before this update, the API server would reset the value for the CollectorSpec.Type field to vector, even when the custom resource used a different value. This update removes the default for the CollectorSpec.Type field to restore the previous behavior. (LOG-4086)
  • Before this update, a time range could not be selected in the OpenShift Container Platform web console by clicking and dragging over the logs histogram. With this update, clicking and dragging can be used to successfully select a time range. (LOG-4501)
  • Before this update, clicking on the Show Resources link in the OpenShift Container Platform web console did not produce any effect. With this update, the issue is resolved by fixing the functionality of the "Show Resources" link to toggle the display of resources for each log entry. (LOG-3218) CVEs

1.1.10. Logging 5.7.0

This release includes OpenShift Logging Bug Fix Release 5.7.0. Enhancements

With this update, you can enable logging to detect multi-line exceptions and reassemble them into a single log entry.

To enable logging to detect multi-line exceptions and reassemble them into a single log entry, ensure that the ClusterLogForwarder Custom Resource (CR) contains a detectMultilineErrors field, with a value of true. Known Issues

None. Bug fixes

  • Before this update, the nodeSelector attribute for the Gateway component of the LokiStack did not impact node scheduling. With this update, the nodeSelector attribute works as expected. (LOG-3713) CVEs

1.2. Logging 5.6


Logging is provided as an installable component, with a distinct release cycle from the core OpenShift Container Platform. The Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform Life Cycle Policy outlines release compatibility.


The stable channel only provides updates to the most recent release of logging. To continue receiving updates for prior releases, you must change your subscription channel to stable-x.y, where x.y represents the major and minor version of logging you have installed. For example, stable-5.7.

1.2.1. Logging 5.6.16

This release includes Logging Bug Fix 5.6.16 Bug fixes

  • Before this update, when configured to read a custom S3 Certificate Authority the Loki Operator would not automatically update the configuration when the name of the ConfigMap or the contents changed. With this update, the Loki Operator is watching for changes to the ConfigMap and automatically updates the generated configuration. (LOG-4967) CVEs

1.2.2. Logging 5.6.15

This release includes OpenShift Logging Bug Fix Release 5.6.15. Bug fixes

Before this update, the LokiStack ruler pods would not format the IPv6 pod IP in HTTP URLs used for cross pod communication, causing querying rules and alerts through the Prometheus-compatible API to fail. With this update, the LokiStack ruler pods encapsulate the IPv6 pod IP in square brackets, resolving the issue. (LOG-4892) CVEs

1.2.3. Logging 5.6.14

This release includes OpenShift Logging Bug Fix Release 5.6.14. Bug fixes

  • Before this update, during the process of creating index patterns, the default alias was missing from the initial index in each log output. As a result, Kibana users were unable to create index patterns by using OpenShift Elasticsearch Operator. This update adds the missing aliases to OpenShift Elasticsearch Operator, resolving the issue. Kibana users can now create index patterns that include the {app,infra,audit}-000001 indexes. (LOG-4807)
  • Before this update, the Loki Operator did not mount a custom CA bundle to the ruler pods. As a result, during the process to evaluate alerting or recording rules, object storage access failed. With this update, the Loki Operator mounts the custom CA bundle to all ruler pods. The ruler pods can download logs from object storage to evaluate alerting or recording rules. (LOG-4838) CVEs

1.2.4. Logging 5.6.13

This release includes OpenShift Logging Bug Fix Release 5.6.13. Bug fixes

None. CVEs

1.2.5. Logging 5.6.12

This release includes OpenShift Logging Bug Fix Release 5.6.12. Bug fixes

  • Before this update, deploying a LokiStack on IPv6-only or dual-stack OpenShift Container Platform clusters caused the LokiStack memberlist registration to fail. As a result, the distributor pods went into a crash loop. With this update, an administrator can enable IPv6 by setting the lokistack.spec.hashRing.memberlist.enableIPv6: value to true, which resolves the issue. Currently, the log alert is not available on an IPv6-enabled cluster. (LOG-4570)
  • Before this update, there was an error in the query used for the FluentD Buffer Availability graph in the metrics dashboard created by the Cluster Logging Operator as it showed the minimum buffer usage. With this update, the graph shows the maximum buffer usage and is now renamed to FluentD Buffer Usage. (LOG-4579)
  • Before this update, the unused metrics in the Event Router caused the container to fail due to excessive memory usage. With this update, there is reduction in the memory usage of the Event Router by removing the unused metrics. (LOG-4687) CVEs

1.2.6. Logging 5.6.11

This release includes OpenShift Logging Bug Fix Release 5.6.11. Bug fixes

  • Before this update, the LokiStack gateway cached authorized requests very broadly. As a result, this caused wrong authorization results. With this update, LokiStack gateway caches on a more fine-grained basis which resolves this issue. (LOG-4435) CVEs

1.2.7. Logging 5.6.9

This release includes OpenShift Logging Bug Fix Release 5.6.9. Bug fixes

  • Before this update, when multiple roles were used to authenticate using STS with AWS Cloudwatch forwarding, a recent update caused the credentials to be non-unique. With this update, multiple combinations of STS roles and static credentials can once again be used to authenticate with AWS Cloudwatch. (LOG-4084)
  • Before this update, the Vector collector occasionally panicked with the following error message in its log: thread 'vector-worker' panicked at 'all branches are disabled and there is no else branch', src/kubernetes/ With this update, the error has been resolved. (LOG-4276)
  • Before this update, Loki filtered label values for active streams but did not remove duplicates, making Grafana’s Label Browser unusable. With this update, Loki filters out duplicate label values for active streams, resolving the issue. (LOG-4390) CVEs

1.2.8. Logging 5.6.8

This release includes OpenShift Logging Bug Fix Release 5.6.8. Bug fixes

  • Before this update, the vector collector terminated unexpectedly when input match label values contained a / character within the ClusterLogForwarder. This update resolves the issue by quoting the match label, enabling the collector to start and collect logs. (LOG-4091)
  • Before this update, when viewing logs within the OpenShift Container Platform web console, clicking the more data available option loaded more log entries only the first time it was clicked. With this update, more entries are loaded with each click. (OU-187)
  • Before this update, when viewing logs within the OpenShift Container Platform web console, clicking the streaming option would only display the streaming logs message without showing the actual logs. With this update, both the message and the log stream are displayed correctly. (OU-189)
  • Before this update, the Loki Operator reset errors in a way that made identifying configuration problems difficult to troubleshoot. With this update, errors persist until the configuration error is resolved. (LOG-4158)
  • Before this update, clusters with more than 8,000 namespaces caused Elasticsearch to reject queries because the list of namespaces was larger than the http.max_header_size setting. With this update, the default value for header size has been increased, resolving the issue. (LOG-4278) CVEs

1.2.9. Logging 5.6.5

This release includes OpenShift Logging Bug Fix Release 5.6.5. Bug fixes

  • Before this update, the template definitions prevented Elasticsearch from indexing some labels and namespace_labels, causing issues with data ingestion. With this update, the fix replaces dots and slashes in labels to ensure proper ingestion, effectively resolving the issue. (LOG-3419)
  • Before this update, if the Logs page of the OpenShift Web Console failed to connect to the LokiStack, a generic error message was displayed, providing no additional context or troubleshooting suggestions. With this update, the error message has been enhanced to include more specific details and recommendations for troubleshooting. (LOG-3750)
  • Before this update, time range formats were not validated, leading to errors selecting a custom date range. With this update, time formats are now validated, enabling users to select a valid range. If an invalid time range format is selected, an error message is displayed to the user. (LOG-3583)
  • Before this update, when searching logs in Loki, even if the length of an expression did not exceed 5120 characters, the query would fail in many cases. With this update, query authorization label matchers have been optimized, resolving the issue. (LOG-3480)
  • Before this update, the Loki Operator failed to produce a memberlist configuration that was sufficient for locating all the components when using a memberlist for private IPs. With this update, the fix ensures that the generated configuration includes the advertised port, allowing for successful lookup of all components. (LOG-4008) CVEs

1.2.10. Logging 5.6.4

This release includes OpenShift Logging Bug Fix Release 5.6.4. Bug fixes

  • Before this update, when LokiStack was deployed as the log store, the logs generated by Loki pods were collected and sent to LokiStack. With this update, the logs generated by Loki are excluded from collection and will not be stored. (LOG-3280)
  • Before this update, when the query editor on the Logs page of the OpenShift Web Console was empty, the drop-down menus did not populate. With this update, if an empty query is attempted, an error message is displayed and the drop-down menus now populate as expected. (LOG-3454)
  • Before this update, when the tls.insecureSkipVerify option was set to true, the Cluster Logging Operator would generate incorrect configuration. As a result, the operator would fail to send data to Elasticsearch when attempting to skip certificate validation. With this update, the Cluster Logging Operator generates the correct TLS configuration even when tls.insecureSkipVerify is enabled. As a result, data can be sent successfully to Elasticsearch even when attempting to skip certificate validation. (LOG-3475)
  • Before this update, when structured parsing was enabled and messages were forwarded to multiple destinations, they were not deep copied. This resulted in some of the received logs including the structured message, while others did not. With this update, the configuration generation has been modified to deep copy messages before JSON parsing. As a result, all received messages now have structured messages included, even when they are forwarded to multiple destinations. (LOG-3640)
  • Before this update, if the collection field contained {} it could result in the Operator crashing. With this update, the Operator will ignore this value, allowing the operator to continue running smoothly without interruption. (LOG-3733)
  • Before this update, the nodeSelector attribute for the Gateway component of LokiStack did not have any effect. With this update, the nodeSelector attribute functions as expected. (LOG-3783)
  • Before this update, the static LokiStack memberlist configuration relied solely on private IP networks. As a result, when the OpenShift Container Platform cluster pod network was configured with a public IP range, the LokiStack pods would crashloop. With this update, the LokiStack administrator now has the option to use the pod network for the memberlist configuration. This resolves the issue and prevents the LokiStack pods from entering a crashloop state when the OpenShift Container Platform cluster pod network is configured with a public IP range. (LOG-3814)
  • Before this update, if the tls.insecureSkipVerify field was set to true, the Cluster Logging Operator would generate an incorrect configuration. As a result, the Operator would fail to send data to Elasticsearch when attempting to skip certificate validation. With this update, the Operator generates the correct TLS configuration even when tls.insecureSkipVerify is enabled. As a result, data can be sent successfully to Elasticsearch even when attempting to skip certificate validation. (LOG-3838)
  • Before this update, if the Cluster Logging Operator (CLO) was installed without the Elasticsearch Operator, the CLO pod would continuously display an error message related to the deletion of Elasticsearch. With this update, the CLO now performs additional checks before displaying any error messages. As a result, error messages related to Elasticsearch deletion are no longer displayed in the absence of the Elasticsearch Operator.(LOG-3763) CVEs

1.2.11. Logging 5.6.3

This release includes OpenShift Logging Bug Fix Release 5.6.3. Bug fixes

  • Before this update, the operator stored gateway tenant secret information in a config map. With this update, the operator stores this information in a secret. (LOG-3717)
  • Before this update, the Fluentd collector did not capture OAuth login events stored in /var/log/auth-server/audit.log. With this update, Fluentd captures these OAuth login events, resolving the issue. (LOG-3729) CVEs

1.2.12. Logging 5.6.2

This release includes OpenShift Logging Bug Fix Release 5.6.2. Bug fixes

  • Before this update, the collector did not set level fields correctly based on priority for systemd logs. With this update, level fields are set correctly. (LOG-3429)
  • Before this update, the Operator incorrectly generated incompatibility warnings on OpenShift Container Platform 4.12 or later. With this update, the Operator max OpenShift Container Platform version value has been corrected, resolving the issue. (LOG-3584)
  • Before this update, creating a ClusterLogForwarder custom resource (CR) with an output value of default did not generate any errors. With this update, an error warning that this value is invalid generates appropriately. (LOG-3437)
  • Before this update, when the ClusterLogForwarder custom resource (CR) had multiple pipelines configured with one output set as default, the collector pods restarted. With this update, the logic for output validation has been corrected, resolving the issue. (LOG-3559)
  • Before this update, collector pods restarted after being created. With this update, the deployed collector does not restart on its own. (LOG-3608)
  • Before this update, patch releases removed previous versions of the Operators from the catalog. This made installing the old versions impossible. This update changes bundle configurations so that previous releases of the same minor version stay in the catalog. (LOG-3635) CVEs

1.2.13. Logging 5.6.1

This release includes OpenShift Logging Bug Fix Release 5.6.1. Bug fixes

  • Before this update, the compactor would report TLS certificate errors from communications with the querier when retention was active. With this update, the compactor and querier no longer communicate erroneously over HTTP. (LOG-3494)
  • Before this update, the Loki Operator would not retry setting the status of the LokiStack CR, which caused stale status information. With this update, the Operator retries status information updates on conflict. (LOG-3496)
  • Before this update, the Loki Operator Webhook server caused TLS errors when the kube-apiserver-operator Operator checked the webhook validity. With this update, the Loki Operator Webhook PKI is managed by the Operator Lifecycle Manager (OLM), resolving the issue. (LOG-3510)
  • Before this update, the LokiStack Gateway Labels Enforcer generated parsing errors for valid LogQL queries when using combined label filters with boolean expressions. With this update, the LokiStack LogQL implementation supports label filters with boolean expression and resolves the issue. (LOG-3441), (LOG-3397)
  • Before this update, records written to Elasticsearch would fail if multiple label keys had the same prefix and some keys included dots. With this update, underscores replace dots in label keys, resolving the issue. (LOG-3463)
  • Before this update, the Red Hat OpenShift Logging Operator was not available for OpenShift Container Platform 4.10 clusters because of an incompatibility between OpenShift Container Platform console and the logging-view-plugin. With this update, the plugin is properly integrated with the OpenShift Container Platform 4.10 admin console. (LOG-3447)
  • Before this update the reconciliation of the ClusterLogForwarder custom resource would incorrectly report a degraded status of pipelines that reference the default logstore. With this update, the pipeline validates properly.(LOG-3477) CVEs

1.2.14. Logging 5.6.0

This release includes OpenShift Logging Release 5.6. Deprecation notice

In logging version 5.6, Fluentd is deprecated and is planned to be removed in a future release. Red Hat will provide bug fixes and support for this feature during the current release lifecycle, but this feature will no longer receive enhancements and will be removed. As an alternative to Fluentd, you can use Vector instead. Enhancements

  • With this update, Logging is compliant with OpenShift Container Platform cluster-wide cryptographic policies. (LOG-895)
  • With this update, you can declare per-tenant, per-stream, and global policies retention policies through the LokiStack custom resource, ordered by priority. (LOG-2695)
  • With this update, Splunk is an available output option for log forwarding. (LOG-2913)
  • With this update, Vector replaces Fluentd as the default Collector. (LOG-2222)
  • With this update, the Developer role can access the per-project workload logs they are assigned to within the Log Console Plugin on clusters running OpenShift Container Platform 4.11 and higher. (LOG-3388)
  • With this update, logs from any source contain a field openshift.cluster_id, the unique identifier of the cluster in which the Operator is deployed. You can view the clusterID value by using the following command:

    $ oc get clusterversion/version -o jsonpath='{.spec.clusterID}{"\n"}'

    (LOG-2715) Known Issues

  • Before this update, Elasticsearch would reject logs if multiple label keys had the same prefix and some keys included the . character. This fixes the limitation of Elasticsearch by replacing . in the label keys with _. As a workaround for this issue, remove the labels that cause errors, or add a namespace to the label. (LOG-3463) Bug fixes

  • Before this update, if you deleted the Kibana Custom Resource, the OpenShift Container Platform web console continued displaying a link to Kibana. With this update, removing the Kibana Custom Resource also removes that link. (LOG-2993)
  • Before this update, a user was not able to view the application logs of namespaces they have access to. With this update, the Loki Operator automatically creates a cluster role and cluster role binding allowing users to read application logs. (LOG-3072)
  • Before this update, the Operator removed any custom outputs defined in the ClusterLogForwarder custom resource when using LokiStack as the default log storage. With this update, the Operator merges custom outputs with the default outputs when processing the ClusterLogForwarder custom resource. (LOG-3090)
  • Before this update, the CA key was used as the volume name for mounting the CA into Loki, causing error states when the CA Key included non-conforming characters, such as dots. With this update, the volume name is standardized to an internal string which resolves the issue. (LOG-3331)
  • Before this update, a default value set within the LokiStack Custom Resource Definition, caused an inability to create a LokiStack instance without a ReplicationFactor of 1. With this update, the operator sets the actual value for the size used. (LOG-3296)
  • Before this update, Vector parsed the message field when JSON parsing was enabled without also defining structuredTypeKey or structuredTypeName values. With this update, a value is required for either structuredTypeKey or structuredTypeName when writing structured logs to Elasticsearch. (LOG-3195)
  • Before this update, the secret creation component of the Elasticsearch Operator modified internal secrets constantly. With this update, the existing secret is properly handled. (LOG-3161)
  • Before this update, the Operator could enter a loop of removing and recreating the collector daemonset while the Elasticsearch or Kibana deployments changed their status. With this update, a fix in the status handling of the Operator resolves the issue. (LOG-3157)
  • Before this update, Kibana had a fixed 24h OAuth cookie expiration time, which resulted in 401 errors in Kibana whenever the accessTokenInactivityTimeout field was set to a value lower than 24h. With this update, Kibana’s OAuth cookie expiration time synchronizes to the accessTokenInactivityTimeout, with a default value of 24h. (LOG-3129)
  • Before this update, the Operators general pattern for reconciling resources was to try and create before attempting to get or update which would lead to constant HTTP 409 responses after creation. With this update, Operators first attempt to retrieve an object and only create or update it if it is either missing or not as specified. (LOG-2919)
  • Before this update, the .level and`.structure.level` fields in Fluentd could contain different values. With this update, the values are the same for each field. (LOG-2819)
  • Before this update, the Operator did not wait for the population of the trusted CA bundle and deployed the collector a second time once the bundle updated. With this update, the Operator waits briefly to see if the bundle has been populated before it continues the collector deployment. (LOG-2789)
  • Before this update, logging telemetry info appeared twice when reviewing metrics. With this update, logging telemetry info displays as expected. (LOG-2315)
  • Before this update, Fluentd pod logs contained a warning message after enabling the JSON parsing addition. With this update, that warning message does not appear. (LOG-1806)
  • Before this update, the must-gather script did not complete because oc needs a folder with write permission to build its cache. With this update, oc has write permissions to a folder, and the must-gather script completes successfully. (LOG-3446)
  • Before this update the log collector SCC could be superseded by other SCCs on the cluster, rendering the collector unusable. This update sets the priority of the log collector SCC so that it takes precedence over the others. (LOG-3235)
  • Before this update, Vector was missing the field sequence, which was added to fluentd as a way to deal with a lack of actual nanoseconds precision. With this update, the field openshift.sequence has been added to the event logs. (LOG-3106) CVEs

1.3. Logging 5.5


Logging is provided as an installable component, with a distinct release cycle from the core OpenShift Container Platform. The Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform Life Cycle Policy outlines release compatibility.

1.3.1. Logging 5.5.18

This release includes OpenShift Logging Bug Fix Release 5.5.18. Bug fixes

None. CVEs

1.3.2. Logging 5.5.17

This release includes OpenShift Logging Bug Fix Release 5.5.17. Bug fixes

  • Before this update, the unused metrics in the Event Router caused the container to fail due to excessive memory usage. With this update, there is reduction in the memory usage of the Event Router by removing the unused metrics. (LOG-4688) CVEs

1.3.3. Logging 5.5.16

This release includes OpenShift Logging Bug Fix Release 5.5.16. Bug fixes

  • Before this update, the LokiStack gateway cached authorized requests very broadly. As a result, this caused wrong authorization results. With this update, LokiStack gateway caches on a more fine-grained basis which resolves this issue. (LOG-4434) CVEs

1.3.4. Logging 5.5.14

This release includes OpenShift Logging Bug Fix Release 5.5.14. Bug fixes

  • Before this update, the Vector collector occasionally panicked with the following error message in its log: thread 'vector-worker' panicked at 'all branches are disabled and there is no else branch', src/kubernetes/ With this update, the error does not show in the Vector collector. (LOG-4279) CVEs

1.3.5. Logging 5.5.13

This release includes OpenShift Logging Bug Fix Release 5.5.13. Bug fixes

None. CVEs

1.3.6. Logging 5.5.11

This release includes OpenShift Logging Bug Fix Release 5.5.11. Bug fixes

  • Before this update, a time range could not be selected in the OpenShift Container Platform web console by clicking and dragging over the logs histogram. With this update, clicking and dragging can be used to successfully select a time range. (LOG-4102)
  • Before this update, clicking on the Show Resources link in the OpenShift Container Platform web console did not produce any effect. With this update, the issue is resolved by fixing the functionality of the Show Resources link to toggle the display of resources for each log entry. (LOG-4117) CVEs

1.3.7. Logging 5.5.10

This release includes OpenShift Logging Bug Fix Release 5.5.10. Bug fixes

  • Before this update, the logging view plugin of the OpenShift Web Console showed only an error text when the LokiStack was not reachable. After this update the plugin shows a proper error message with details on how to fix the unreachable LokiStack. (LOG-2874) CVEs

1.3.8. Logging 5.5.9

This release includes OpenShift Logging Bug Fix Release 5.5.9. Bug fixes

  • Before this update, a problem with the Fluentd collector caused it to not capture OAuth login events stored in /var/log/auth-server/audit.log. This led to incomplete collection of login events from the OAuth service. With this update, the Fluentd collector now resolves this issue by capturing all login events from the OAuth service, including those stored in /var/log/auth-server/audit.log, as expected.(LOG-3730)
  • Before this update, when structured parsing was enabled and messages were forwarded to multiple destinations, they were not deep copied. This resulted in some of the received logs including the structured message, while others did not. With this update, the configuration generation has been modified to deep copy messages before JSON parsing. As a result, all received logs now have structured messages included, even when they are forwarded to multiple destinations.(LOG-3767) CVEs

1.3.9. Logging 5.5.8

This release includes OpenShift Logging Bug Fix Release 5.5.8. Bug fixes

  • Before this update, the priority field was missing from systemd logs due to an error in how the collector set level fields. With this update, these fields are set correctly, resolving the issue. (LOG-3630) CVEs

1.3.10. Logging 5.5.7

This release includes OpenShift Logging Bug Fix Release 5.5.7. Bug fixes

  • Before this update, the LokiStack Gateway Labels Enforcer generated parsing errors for valid LogQL queries when using combined label filters with boolean expressions. With this update, the LokiStack LogQL implementation supports label filters with boolean expression and resolves the issue. (LOG-3534)
  • Before this update, the ClusterLogForwarder custom resource (CR) did not pass TLS credentials for syslog output to Fluentd, resulting in errors during forwarding. With this update, credentials pass correctly to Fluentd, resolving the issue. (LOG-3533) CVEs


1.3.11. Logging 5.5.6

This release includes OpenShift Logging Bug Fix Release 5.5.6. Bug fixes

  • Before this update, the Pod Security admission controller added the label podSecurityLabelSync = true to the openshift-logging namespace. This resulted in our specified security labels being overwritten, and as a result Collector pods would not start. With this update, the label podSecurityLabelSync = false preserves security labels. Collector pods deploy as expected. (LOG-3340)
  • Before this update, the Operator installed the console view plugin, even when it was not enabled on the cluster. This caused the Operator to crash. With this update, if an account for a cluster does not have the console view enabled, the Operator functions normally and does not install the console view. (LOG-3407)
  • Before this update, a prior fix to support a regression where the status of the Elasticsearch deployment was not being updated caused the Operator to crash unless the Red Hat Elasticsearch Operator was deployed. With this update, that fix has been reverted so the Operator is now stable but re-introduces the previous issue related to the reported status. (LOG-3428)
  • Before this update, the Loki Operator only deployed one replica of the LokiStack gateway regardless of the chosen stack size. With this update, the number of replicas is correctly configured according to the selected size. (LOG-3478)
  • Before this update, records written to Elasticsearch would fail if multiple label keys had the same prefix and some keys included dots. With this update, underscores replace dots in label keys, resolving the issue. (LOG-3341)
  • Before this update, the logging view plugin contained an incompatible feature for certain versions of OpenShift Container Platform. With this update, the correct release stream of the plugin resolves the issue. (LOG-3467)
  • Before this update, the reconciliation of the ClusterLogForwarder custom resource would incorrectly report a degraded status of one or more pipelines causing the collector pods to restart every 8-10 seconds. With this update, reconciliation of the ClusterLogForwarder custom resource processes correctly, resolving the issue. (LOG-3469)
  • Before this change the spec for the outputDefaults field of the ClusterLogForwarder custom resource would apply the settings to every declared Elasticsearch output type. This change corrects the behavior to match the enhancement specification where the setting specifically applies to the default managed Elasticsearch store. (LOG-3342)
  • Before this update, the OpenShift CLI (oc) must-gather script did not complete because the OpenShift CLI (oc) needs a folder with write permission to build its cache. With this update, the OpenShift CLI (oc) has write permissions to a folder, and the must-gather script completes successfully. (LOG-3472)
  • Before this update, the Loki Operator webhook server caused TLS errors. With this update, the Loki Operator webhook PKI is managed by the Operator Lifecycle Manager’s dynamic webhook management resolving the issue. (LOG-3511) CVEs

1.3.12. Logging 5.5.5

This release includes OpenShift Logging Bug Fix Release 5.5.5. Bug fixes

  • Before this update, Kibana had a fixed 24h OAuth cookie expiration time, which resulted in 401 errors in Kibana whenever the accessTokenInactivityTimeout field was set to a value lower than 24h. With this update, Kibana’s OAuth cookie expiration time synchronizes to the accessTokenInactivityTimeout, with a default value of 24h. (LOG-3305)
  • Before this update, Vector parsed the message field when JSON parsing was enabled without also defining structuredTypeKey or structuredTypeName values. With this update, a value is required for either structuredTypeKey or structuredTypeName when writing structured logs to Elasticsearch. (LOG-3284)
  • Before this update, the FluentdQueueLengthIncreasing alert could fail to fire when there was a cardinality issue with the set of labels returned from this alert expression. This update reduces labels to only include those required for the alert. (LOG-3226)
  • Before this update, Loki did not have support to reach an external storage in a disconnected cluster. With this update, proxy environment variables and proxy trusted CA bundles are included in the container image to support these connections. (LOG-2860)
  • Before this update, OpenShift Container Platform web console users could not choose the ConfigMap object that includes the CA certificate for Loki, causing pods to operate without the CA. With this update, web console users can select the config map, resolving the issue. (LOG-3310)
  • Before this update, the CA key was used as volume name for mounting the CA into Loki, causing error states when the CA Key included non-conforming characters (such as dots). With this update, the volume name is standardized to an internal string which resolves the issue. (LOG-3332) CVEs

1.3.13. Logging 5.5.4

This release includes OpenShift Logging Bug Fix Release 5.5.4. Bug fixes

  • Before this update, an error in the query parser of the logging view plugin caused parts of the logs query to disappear if the query contained curly brackets {}. This made the queries invalid, leading to errors being returned for valid queries. With this update, the parser correctly handles these queries. (LOG-3042)
  • Before this update, the Operator could enter a loop of removing and recreating the collector daemonset while the Elasticsearch or Kibana deployments changed their status. With this update, a fix in the status handling of the Operator resolves the issue. (LOG-3049)
  • Before this update, no alerts were implemented to support the collector implementation of Vector. This change adds Vector alerts and deploys separate alerts, depending upon the chosen collector implementation. (LOG-3127)
  • Before this update, the secret creation component of the Elasticsearch Operator modified internal secrets constantly. With this update, the existing secret is properly handled. (LOG-3138)
  • Before this update, a prior refactoring of the logging must-gather scripts removed the expected location for the artifacts. This update reverts that change to write artifacts to the /must-gather folder. (LOG-3213)
  • Before this update, on certain clusters, the Prometheus exporter would bind on IPv4 instead of IPv6. After this update, Fluentd detects the IP version and binds to for IPv4 or [::] for IPv6. (LOG-3162) CVEs

1.3.14. Logging 5.5.3

This release includes OpenShift Logging Bug Fix Release 5.5.3. Bug fixes

  • Before this update, log entries that had structured messages included the original message field, which made the entry larger. This update removes the message field for structured logs to reduce the increased size. (LOG-2759)
  • Before this update, the collector configuration excluded logs from collector, default-log-store, and visualization pods, but was unable to exclude logs archived in a .gz file. With this update, archived logs stored as .gz files of collector, default-log-store, and visualization pods are also excluded. (LOG-2844)
  • Before this update, when requests to an unavailable pod were sent through the gateway, no alert would warn of the disruption. With this update, individual alerts will generate if the gateway has issues completing a write or read request. (LOG-2884)
  • Before this update, pod metadata could be altered by fluent plugins because the values passed through the pipeline by reference. This update ensures each log message receives a copy of the pod metadata so each message processes independently. (LOG-3046)
  • Before this update, selecting unknown severity in the OpenShift Console Logs view excluded logs with a level=unknown value. With this update, logs without level and with level=unknown values are visible when filtering by unknown severity. (LOG-3062)
  • Before this update, log records sent to Elasticsearch had an extra field named write-index that contained the name of the index to which the logs needed to be sent. This field is not a part of the data model. After this update, this field is no longer sent. (LOG-3075)
  • With the introduction of the new built-in Pod Security Admission Controller, Pods not configured in accordance with the enforced security standards defined globally or on the namespace level cannot run. With this update, the Operator and collectors allow privileged execution and run without security audit warnings or errors. (LOG-3077)
  • Before this update, the Operator removed any custom outputs defined in the ClusterLogForwarder custom resource when using LokiStack as the default log storage. With this update, the Operator merges custom outputs with the default outputs when processing the ClusterLogForwarder custom resource. (LOG-3095) CVEs

1.3.15. Logging 5.5.2

This release includes OpenShift Logging Bug Fix Release 5.5.2. Bug fixes

  • Before this update, alerting rules for the Fluentd collector did not adhere to the OpenShift Container Platform monitoring style guidelines. This update modifies those alerts to include the namespace label, resolving the issue. (LOG-1823)
  • Before this update, the index management rollover script failed to generate a new index name whenever there was more than one hyphen character in the name of the index. With this update, index names generate correctly. (LOG-2644)
  • Before this update, the Kibana route was setting a caCertificate value without a certificate present. With this update, no caCertificate value is set. (LOG-2661)
  • Before this update, a change in the collector dependencies caused it to issue a warning message for unused parameters. With this update, removing unused configuration parameters resolves the issue. (LOG-2859)
  • Before this update, pods created for deployments that Loki Operator created were mistakenly scheduled on nodes with non-Linux operating systems, if such nodes were available in the cluster the Operator was running in. With this update, the Operator attaches an additional node-selector to the pod definitions which only allows scheduling the pods on Linux-based nodes. (LOG-2895)
  • Before this update, the OpenShift Console Logs view did not filter logs by severity due to a LogQL parser issue in the LokiStack gateway. With this update, a parser fix resolves the issue and the OpenShift Console Logs view can filter by severity. (LOG-2908)
  • Before this update, a refactoring of the Fluentd collector plugins removed the timestamp field for events. This update restores the timestamp field, sourced from the event’s received time. (LOG-2923)
  • Before this update, absence of a level field in audit logs caused an error in vector logs. With this update, the addition of a level field in the audit log record resolves the issue. (LOG-2961)
  • Before this update, if you deleted the Kibana Custom Resource, the OpenShift Container Platform web console continued displaying a link to Kibana. With this update, removing the Kibana Custom Resource also removes that link. (LOG-3053)
  • Before this update, each rollover job created empty indices when the ClusterLogForwarder custom resource had JSON parsing defined. With this update, new indices are not empty. (LOG-3063)
  • Before this update, when the user deleted the LokiStack after an update to Loki Operator 5.5 resources originally created by Loki Operator 5.4 remained. With this update, the resources' owner-references point to the 5.5 LokiStack. (LOG-2945)
  • Before this update, a user was not able to view the application logs of namespaces they have access to. With this update, the Loki Operator automatically creates a cluster role and cluster role binding allowing users to read application logs. (LOG-2918)
  • Before this update, users with cluster-admin privileges were not able to properly view infrastructure and audit logs using the logging console. With this update, the authorization check has been extended to also recognize users in cluster-admin and dedicated-admin groups as admins. (LOG-2970) CVEs

1.3.16. Logging 5.5.1

This release includes OpenShift Logging Bug Fix Release 5.5.1. Enhancements

  • This enhancement adds an Aggregated Logs tab to the Pod Details page of the OpenShift Container Platform web console when the Logging Console Plug-in is in use. This enhancement is only available on OpenShift Container Platform 4.10 and later. (LOG-2647)
  • This enhancement adds Google Cloud Logging as an output option for log forwarding. (LOG-1482) Bug fixes

  • Before this update, the Operator did not ensure that the pod was ready, which caused the cluster to reach an inoperable state during a cluster restart. With this update, the Operator marks new pods as ready before continuing to a new pod during a restart, which resolves the issue. (LOG-2745)
  • Before this update, Fluentd would sometimes not recognize that the Kubernetes platform rotated the log file and would no longer read log messages. This update corrects that by setting the configuration parameter suggested by the upstream development team. (LOG-2995)
  • Before this update, the addition of multi-line error detection caused internal routing to change and forward records to the wrong destination. With this update, the internal routing is correct. (LOG-2801)
  • Before this update, changing the OpenShift Container Platform web console’s refresh interval created an error when the Query field was empty. With this update, changing the interval is not an available option when the Query field is empty. (LOG-2917) CVEs

1.3.17. Logging 5.5.0

This release includes:OpenShift Logging Bug Fix Release 5.5.0. Enhancements

  • With this update, you can forward structured logs from different containers within the same pod to different indices. To use this feature, you must configure the pipeline with multi-container support and annotate the pods. (LOG-1296)

JSON formatting of logs varies by application. Because creating too many indices impacts performance, limit your use of this feature to creating indices for logs that have incompatible JSON formats. Use queries to separate logs from different namespaces, or applications with compatible JSON formats.

  • With this update, you can filter logs with Elasticsearch outputs by using the Kubernetes common labels,,,, and Non-Elasticsearch output types can use all labels included in kubernetes.labels. (LOG-2388)
  • With this update, clusters with AWS Security Token Service (STS) enabled may use STS authentication to forward logs to Amazon CloudWatch. (LOG-1976)
  • With this update, the Loki Operator and Vector collector move from Technical Preview to General Availability. Full feature parity with prior releases are pending, and some APIs remain Technical Previews. See the Logging with the LokiStack section for details. Bug fixes

  • Before this update, clusters configured to forward logs to Amazon CloudWatch wrote rejected log files to temporary storage, causing cluster instability over time. With this update, chunk backup for all storage options has been disabled, resolving the issue. (LOG-2746)
  • Before this update, the Operator was using versions of some APIs that are deprecated and planned for removal in future versions of OpenShift Container Platform. This update moves dependencies to the supported API versions. (LOG-2656)
  • Before this update, multiple ClusterLogForwarder pipelines configured for multiline error detection caused the collector to go into a crashloopbackoff error state. This update fixes the issue where multiple configuration sections had the same unique ID. (LOG-2241)
  • Before this update, the collector could not save non UTF-8 symbols to the Elasticsearch storage logs. With this update the collector encodes non UTF-8 symbols, resolving the issue. (LOG-2203)
  • Before this update, non-latin characters displayed incorrectly in Kibana. With this update, Kibana displays all valid UTF-8 symbols correctly. (LOG-2784) CVEs

1.4. Logging 5.4


Logging is provided as an installable component, with a distinct release cycle from the core OpenShift Container Platform. The Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform Life Cycle Policy outlines release compatibility.

1.4.1. Logging 5.4.14

This release includes OpenShift Logging Bug Fix Release 5.4.14. Bug fixes

None. CVEs

1.4.2. Logging 5.4.13

This release includes OpenShift Logging Bug Fix Release 5.4.13. Bug fixes

  • Before this update, a problem with the Fluentd collector caused it to not capture OAuth login events stored in /var/log/auth-server/audit.log. This led to incomplete collection of login events from the OAuth service. With this update, the Fluentd collector now resolves this issue by capturing all login events from the OAuth service, including those stored in /var/log/auth-server/audit.log, as expected. (LOG-3731) CVEs

1.4.3. Logging 5.4.12

This release includes OpenShift Logging Bug Fix Release 5.4.12. Bug fixes

None. CVEs

1.4.4. Logging 5.4.11

This release includes OpenShift Logging Bug Fix Release 5.4.11. Bug fixes CVEs

1.4.5. Logging 5.4.10

This release includes OpenShift Logging Bug Fix Release 5.4.10. Bug fixes

None. CVEs

1.4.6. Logging 5.4.9

This release includes OpenShift Logging Bug Fix Release 5.4.9. Bug fixes

  • Before this update, the Fluentd collector would warn of unused configuration parameters. This update removes those configuration parameters and their warning messages. (LOG-3074)
  • Before this update, Kibana had a fixed 24h OAuth cookie expiration time, which resulted in 401 errors in Kibana whenever the accessTokenInactivityTimeout field was set to a value lower than 24h. With this update, Kibana’s OAuth cookie expiration time synchronizes to the accessTokenInactivityTimeout, with a default value of 24h. (LOG-3306) CVEs

1.4.7. Logging 5.4.8

This release includes RHSA-2022:7435-OpenShift Logging Bug Fix Release 5.4.8. Bug fixes

None. CVEs

1.4.8. Logging 5.4.6

This release includes OpenShift Logging Bug Fix Release 5.4.6. Bug fixes

  • Before this update, Fluentd would sometimes not recognize that the Kubernetes platform rotated the log file and would no longer read log messages. This update corrects that by setting the configuration parameter suggested by the upstream development team. (LOG-2792)
  • Before this update, each rollover job created empty indices when the ClusterLogForwarder custom resource had JSON parsing defined. With this update, new indices are not empty. (LOG-2823)
  • Before this update, if you deleted the Kibana Custom Resource, the OpenShift Container Platform web console continued displaying a link to Kibana. With this update, removing the Kibana Custom Resource also removes that link. (LOG-3054) CVEs

1.4.9. Logging 5.4.5

This release includes RHSA-2022:6183-OpenShift Logging Bug Fix Release 5.4.5. Bug fixes

  • Before this update, the Operator did not ensure that the pod was ready, which caused the cluster to reach an inoperable state during a cluster restart. With this update, the Operator marks new pods as ready before continuing to a new pod during a restart, which resolves the issue. (LOG-2881)
  • Before this update, the addition of multi-line error detection caused internal routing to change and forward records to the wrong destination. With this update, the internal routing is correct. (LOG-2946)
  • Before this update, the Operator could not decode index setting JSON responses with a quoted Boolean value and would result in an error. With this update, the Operator can properly decode this JSON response. (LOG-3009)
  • Before this update, Elasticsearch index templates defined the fields for labels with the wrong types. This change updates those templates to match the expected types forwarded by the log collector. (LOG-2972) CVEs

1.4.10. Logging 5.4.4

This release includes RHBA-2022:5907-OpenShift Logging Bug Fix Release 5.4.4. Bug fixes

  • Before this update, non-latin characters displayed incorrectly in Elasticsearch. With this update, Elasticsearch displays all valid UTF-8 symbols correctly. (LOG-2794)
  • Before this update, non-latin characters displayed incorrectly in Fluentd. With this update, Fluentd displays all valid UTF-8 symbols correctly. (LOG-2657)
  • Before this update, the metrics server for the collector attempted to bind to the address using a value exposed by an environment value. This change modifies the configuration to bind to any available interface. (LOG-2821)
  • Before this update, the cluster-logging Operator relied on the cluster to create a secret. This cluster behavior changed in OpenShift Container Platform 4.11, which caused logging deployments to fail. With this update, the cluster-logging Operator resolves the issue by creating the secret if needed. (LOG-2840) CVEs

1.4.11. Logging 5.4.3

This release includes RHSA-2022:5556-OpenShift Logging Bug Fix Release 5.4.3. Elasticsearch Operator deprecation notice

In logging 5.4.3 the Elasticsearch Operator is deprecated and is planned to be removed in a future release. Red Hat will provide bug fixes and support for this feature during the current release lifecycle, but this feature will no longer receive enhancements and will be removed. As an alternative to using the Elasticsearch Operator to manage the default log storage, you can use the Loki Operator. Bug fixes

  • Before this update, the OpenShift Logging Dashboard showed the number of active primary shards instead of all active shards. With this update, the dashboard displays all active shards. (LOG-2781)
  • Before this update, a bug in a library used by elasticsearch-operator contained a denial of service attack vulnerability. With this update, the library has been updated to a version that does not contain this vulnerability. (LOG-2816)
  • Before this update, when configuring Vector to forward logs to Loki, it was not possible to set a custom bearer token or use the default token if Loki had TLS enabled. With this update, Vector can forward logs to Loki using tokens with TLS enabled. (LOG-2786
  • Before this update, the ElasticSearch Operator omitted the referencePolicy property of the ImageStream custom resource when selecting an oauth-proxy image. This omission caused the Kibana deployment to fail in specific environments. With this update, using referencePolicy resolves the issue, and the Operator can deploy Kibana successfully. (LOG-2791)
  • Before this update, alerting rules for the ClusterLogForwarder custom resource did not take multiple forward outputs into account. This update resolves the issue. (LOG-2640)
  • Before this update, clusters configured to forward logs to Amazon CloudWatch wrote rejected log files to temporary storage, causing cluster instability over time. With this update, chunk backup for CloudWatch has been disabled, resolving the issue. (LOG-2768) CVEs

1.4.12. Logging 5.4.2

This release includes RHBA-2022:4874-OpenShift Logging Bug Fix Release 5.4.2 Bug fixes

  • Before this update, editing the Collector configuration using oc edit was difficult because it had inconsistent use of white-space. This change introduces logic to normalize and format the configuration prior to any updates by the Operator so that it is easy to edit using oc edit. (LOG-2319)
  • Before this update, the FluentdNodeDown alert could not provide instance labels in the message section appropriately. This update resolves the issue by fixing the alert rule to provide instance labels in cases of partial instance failures. (LOG-2607)
  • Before this update, several log levels, such as`critical`, that were documented as supported by the product were not. This update fixes the discrepancy so the documented log levels are now supported by the product. (LOG-2033) CVEs

1.4.13. Logging 5.4.1

This release includes RHSA-2022:2216-OpenShift Logging Bug Fix Release 5.4.1. Bug fixes

  • Before this update, the log file metric exporter only reported logs created while the exporter was running, which resulted in inaccurate log growth data. This update resolves this issue by monitoring /var/log/pods. (LOG-2442)
  • Before this update, the collector would be blocked because it continually tried to use a stale connection when forwarding logs to fluentd forward receivers. With this release, the keepalive_timeout value has been set to 30 seconds (30s) so that the collector recycles the connection and re-attempts to send failed messages within a reasonable amount of time. (LOG-2534)
  • Before this update, an error in the gateway component enforcing tenancy for reading logs limited access to logs with a Kubernetes namespace causing "audit" and some "infrastructure" logs to be unreadable. With this update, the proxy correctly detects users with admin access and allows access to logs without a namespace. (LOG-2448)
  • Before this update, the system:serviceaccount:openshift-monitoring:prometheus-k8s service account had cluster level privileges as a clusterrole and clusterrolebinding. This update restricts the service account` to the openshift-logging namespace with a role and rolebinding. (LOG-2437)
  • Before this update, Linux audit log time parsing relied on an ordinal position of a key/value pair. This update changes the parsing to use a regular expression to find the time entry. (LOG-2321) CVEs

1.4.14. Logging 5.4

The following advisories are available for logging 5.4: {logging-title-uc} Release 5.4 Technology Previews

The following features are available a Technology Previews on OpenShift Container Platform. Vector collector

Vector is a log collector offered as a Technology Preview alternative to the current default collector for the logging.

The Vector collector supports the following outputs:

  • elasticsearch. An external Elasticsearch instance. The elasticsearch output can use a TLS connection.
  • kafka. A Kafka broker. The kafka output can use an unsecured or TLS connection.
  • loki. Loki, a horizontally scalable, highly available, multi-tenant log aggregation system.

Vector does not support FIPS Enabled Clusters.

Vector is not enabled by default. To enable Vector on your OpenShift Container Platform cluster, you must add the enabled annotation to the ClusterLogging custom resource (CR), and add vector as a collection type:

Example ClusterLogging CR

  apiVersion: ""
  kind: "ClusterLogging"
    name: "instance"
    namespace: "openshift-logging"
    annotations: enabled
        type: "vector"
        vector: {} Loki log store

Loki is a horizontally scalable, highly available, multi-tenant log aggregation system currently offered as an alternative to Elasticsearch as a log store for the logging. See the "Logging using LokiStack" documentation for more information about installing Loki. Bug fixes

  • Before this update, the cluster-logging-operator used cluster scoped roles and bindings to establish permissions for the Prometheus service account to scrape metrics. These permissions were created when deploying the Operator using the console interface but were missing when deploying from the command line. This update fixes the issue by making the roles and bindings namespace-scoped. (LOG-2286)
  • Before this update, a prior change to fix dashboard reconciliation introduced a ownerReferences field to the resource across namespaces. As a result, both the config map and dashboard were not created in the namespace. With this update, the removal of the ownerReferences field resolves the issue, and the OpenShift Logging dashboard is available in the console. (LOG-2163)
  • Before this update, changes to the metrics dashboards did not deploy because the cluster-logging-operator did not correctly compare existing and modified config maps that contain the dashboard. With this update, the addition of a unique hash value to object labels resolves the issue. (LOG-2071)
  • Before this update, the OpenShift Logging dashboard did not correctly display the pods and namespaces in the table, which displays the top producing containers collected over the last 24 hours. With this update, the pods and namespaces are displayed correctly. (LOG-2069)
  • Before this update, when the ClusterLogForwarder was set up with Elasticsearch OutputDefault and Elasticsearch outputs did not have structured keys, the generated configuration contained the incorrect values for authentication. This update corrects the secret and certificates used. (LOG-2056)
  • Before this update, the OpenShift Logging dashboard displayed an empty CPU graph because of a reference to an invalid metric. With this update, the correct data point has been selected, resolving the issue. (LOG-2026)
  • Before this update, the Fluentd container image included builder tools that were unnecessary at run time. This update removes those tools from the image.(LOG-1927)
  • Before this update, a name change of the deployed collector in the 5.3 release caused the logging collector to generate the FluentdNodeDown alert. This update resolves the issue by fixing the job name for the Prometheus alert. (LOG-1918)
  • Before this update, the log collector was collecting its own logs due to a refactoring of the component name change. This lead to a potential feedback loop of the collector processing its own log that might result in memory and log message size issues. This update resolves the issue by excluding the collector logs from the collection. (LOG-1774)
  • Before this update, Elasticsearch generated the error Unable to create PersistentVolumeClaim due to forbidden: exceeded quota: infra-storage-quota. if the PVC already existed. With this update, Elasticsearch checks for existing PVCs, resolving the issue. (LOG-2131)
  • Before this update, Elasticsearch was unable to return to the ready state when the elasticsearch-signing secret was removed. With this update, Elasticsearch is able to go back to the ready state after that secret is removed. (LOG-2171)
  • Before this update, the change of the path from which the collector reads container logs caused the collector to forward some records to the wrong indices. With this update, the collector now uses the correct configuration to resolve the issue. (LOG-2160)
  • Before this update, clusters with a large number of namespaces caused Elasticsearch to stop serving requests because the list of namespaces reached the maximum header size limit. With this update, headers only include a list of namespace names, resolving the issue. (LOG-1899)
  • Before this update, the OpenShift Container Platform Logging dashboard showed the number of shards 'x' times larger than the actual value when Elasticsearch had 'x' nodes. This issue occurred because it was printing all primary shards for each Elasticsearch pod and calculating a sum on it, although the output was always for the whole Elasticsearch cluster. With this update, the number of shards is now correctly calculated. (LOG-2156)
  • Before this update, the secrets kibana and kibana-proxy were not recreated if they were deleted manually. With this update, the elasticsearch-operator will watch the resources and automatically recreate them if deleted. (LOG-2250)
  • Before this update, tuning the buffer chunk size could cause the collector to generate a warning about the chunk size exceeding the byte limit for the event stream. With this update, you can also tune the read line limit, resolving the issue. (LOG-2379)
  • Before this update, the logging console link in OpenShift web console was not removed with the ClusterLogging CR. With this update, deleting the CR or uninstalling the Cluster Logging Operator removes the link. (LOG-2373)
  • Before this update, a change to the container logs path caused the collection metric to always be zero with older releases configured with the original path. With this update, the plugin which exposes metrics about collected logs supports reading from either path to resolve the issue. (LOG-2462) CVEs

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