12.5. Suppressing Repetitive Log Messages
Repetitive log messages in the Red Hat Gluster Storage Server can be configured by setting a
period and by defining a log-buf-size
buffer size options with the gluster volume set
Suppressing Repetitive Log Messages with a Timeout Period
To set the timeout period on the bricks:
# gluster volume set VOLNAME diagnostics.brick-log-flush-timeout <value>
Example 12.13. Set a timeout period on the bricks
# gluster volume set testvol diagnostics.brick-log-flush-timeout 200 volume set: success
To set the timeout period on the clients:
# gluster volume set VOLNAME diagnostics.client-log-flush-timeout <value>
Example 12.14. Set a timeout period on the clients
# gluster volume set testvol diagnostics.client-log-flush-timeout 180 volume set: success
To set the timeout period on
# glusterd --log-flush-timeout=<value>
Example 12.15. Set a timeout period on the glusterd
# glusterd --log-flush-timeout=60
Suppressing Repetitive Log Messages by defining a Buffer Size
The maximum number of unique log messages that can be suppressed until the timeout or buffer overflow, whichever occurs first on the bricks.
To set the buffer size on the bricks:
# gluster volume set VOLNAME diagnostics.brick-log-buf-size <value>
Example 12.16. Set a buffer size on the bricks
# gluster volume set testvol diagnostics.brick-log-buf-size 10 volume set: success
To set the buffer size on the clients:
# gluster volume set VOLNAME diagnostics.client-log-buf-size <value>
Example 12.17. Set a buffer size on the clients
# gluster volume set testvol diagnostics.client-log-buf-size 15 volume set: success
To set the log buffer size on
# glusterd --log-buf-size=<value>
Example 12.18. Set a log buffer size on the glusterd
# glusterd --log-buf-size=10
To disable suppression of repetitive log messages, set the log-buf-size to zero.