
18.5. Enhancing Remote Management of Virtual Machines with NSS

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In Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.3 and later, you can use the libvirt Name Service Switch (NSS) module to make it easier to connect to guests with SSH, TLS, SSL, as well as other remote login services. In addition, the module also benefits utilities that use host name translation, such as ping.
To be able to use this functionality, install the libvirt-nss package:
# yum install libvirt-nss


If installing libvirt-nss fails, make sure that the Optional repository for Red Hat Enterprise Linux is enabled. For instructions, see the System Administrator's Guide.
Finally, enable the module by adding libvirt_guest to the hosts line of the /etc/nsswitch.conf file, for example as follows:
passwd:      compat
shadow:      compat
group:       compat
hosts:       files libvirt_guest dns
The order in which modules are listed on the hosts line determines the order in which these modules are consulted to find the specified remote guest. As a result, libvirt's NSS module is added to modules that translate host domain names to IP addresses. This for example enables connecting to a remote guest in NAT mode without setting a static IP address and only using the guest's name:
# ssh root@guestname
root@guestname's password:
Last login: Thu Aug 10 09:12:31 2017 from
[root@guestname ~]#


If you do not know the guest's name, you can obtain it by using the virsh list --all command.
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