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Chapter 2. Learn more about ROSA with HCP

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Red Hat OpenShift Service on AWS (ROSA) with hosted control planes (HCP) offers a reduced-cost solution to create a managed ROSA cluster with a focus on efficiency. You can quickly create a new cluster and deploy applications in minutes.

2.1. Key features of ROSA with HCP

  • ROSA with HCP requires a minimum of only two nodes, making it ideal for smaller projects while still being able to scale to support larger projects and enterprises.
  • The underlying control plane infrastructure is fully managed. Control plane components, such as the API server and etcd database, are hosted in a Red Hat-owned AWS account.
  • Provisioning time is approximately 10 minutes.
  • Customers can upgrade the control plane and machine pools separately, which means they do not have to shut down the entire cluster during upgrades.

2.2. Getting started with ROSA with HCP

Use the following sections to find content to help you learn about and use ROSA with HCP.

2.2.1. Architect

Learn about ROSA with HCPPlan ROSA with HCP deploymentAdditional resources

Architecture overview

Back up and restore

ROSA with HCP life cycle

ROSA with HCP architecture


ROSA with HCP service definition


Getting support

2.2.2. Cluster Administrator

Learn about ROSA with HCPDeploy ROSA with HCPManage ROSA with HCPAdditional resources

ROSA with HCP architecture

Installing ROSA with HCP


Getting Support

OpenShift Interactive Learning Portal


Monitoring overview

ROSA with HCP life cycle


Back up and restore




2.2.3. Developer

Learn about application development in ROSA with HCPDeploy applicationsAdditional resources

Red Hat Developers site

Building applications overview

Getting support

Red Hat OpenShift Dev Spaces (formerly Red Hat CodeReady Workspaces)

Operators overview




Developer-focused CLI

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