368.5. サンプル
368.5.1. 読み取り + フィルター + 書き込み
この最初の例は、ファイルコンポーネントを使用して CSV ファイルを読み取り、それを Weka に渡す方法を示しています。Weka では、データセットにいくつかのフィルターを適用し、それをファイルコンポーネントに渡して書き込みます。
@Override public void configure() throws Exception { // Use the file component to read the CSV file from("file:src/test/resources/data?fileName=sfny.csv") // Convert the 'in_sf' attribute to nominal .to("weka:filter?apply=NumericToNominal -R first") // Move the 'in_sf' attribute to the end .to("weka:filter?apply=Reorder -R 2-last,1") // Rename the relation .to("weka:filter?apply=RenameRelation -modify sfny") // Use the file component to write the Arff file .to("file:target/data?fileName=sfny.arff") }
@Override public void configure() throws Exception { // Initiate the route from somewhere .from("...") // Use Weka to read the CSV file .to("weka:read?path=src/test/resources/data/sfny.csv") // Convert the 'in_sf' attribute to nominal .to("weka:filter?apply=NumericToNominal -R first") // Move the 'in_sf' attribute to the end .to("weka:filter?apply=Reorder -R 2-last,1") // Rename the relation .to("weka:filter?apply=RenameRelation -modify sfny") // Use Weka to write the Arff file .to("weka:write?path=target/data/sfny.arff"); }
@Override public void configure() throws Exception { // Initiate the route from somewhere .from("...") // Convert the 'in_sf' attribute to nominal .to("weka:filter?apply=NumericToNominal -R first") // Move the 'in_sf' attribute to the end .to("weka:filter?apply=Reorder -R 2-last,1") // Rename the relation .to("weka:filter?apply=RenameRelation -modify sfny") // Use Weka to write the Arff file .to("weka:write?path=target/data/sfny.arff"); }
368.5.2. モデルの構築
ここでは、10 フォールドクロスバリデーションを使用して J48 をトレーニングします。
try (CamelContext camelctx = new DefaultCamelContext()) { camelctx.addRoutes(new RouteBuilder() { @Override public void configure() throws Exception { // Use the file component to read the training data from("file:src/test/resources/data?fileName=sfny-train.arff") // Build a J48 classifier using cross-validation with 10 folds .to("weka:model?build=J48&xval=true&folds=10&seed=1") // Persist the J48 model .to("weka:model?saveTo=src/test/resources/data/sfny-j48.model") } }); camelctx.start(); }
368.5.3. クラスの予測
を使用して、エンドポイント URI から直接利用できない機能にアクセスします。
直接ここに来て、この構文が少し圧倒的に見える場合、Nessus API Concepts のセクションを簡単に見ておくとよいでしょう。
try (CamelContext camelctx = new DefaultCamelContext()) { camelctx.addRoutes(new RouteBuilder() { @Override public void configure() throws Exception { // Use the file component to read the test data from("file:src/test/resources/data?fileName=sfny-test.arff") // Remove the class attribute .to("weka:filter?apply=Remove -R last") // Add the 'prediction' placeholder attribute .to("weka:filter?apply=Add -N predicted -T NOM -L 0,1") // Rename the relation .to("weka:filter?apply=RenameRelation -modify sfny-predicted") // Load an already existing model .to("weka:model?loadFrom=src/test/resources/data/sfny-j48.model") // Use a processor to do the prediction .process(new Processor() { public void process(Exchange exchange) throws Exception { Dataset dataset = exchange.getMessage().getBody(Dataset.class); dataset.applyToInstances(new NominalPredictor()); } }) // Write the data file .to("weka:write?path=src/test/resources/data/sfny-predicted.arff") } }); camelctx.start(); }