
Chapter 21. Securing networks

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21.1. Using secure communications between two systems with OpenSSH

SSH (Secure Shell) is a protocol which provides secure communications between two systems using a client-server architecture and allows users to log in to server host systems remotely. Unlike other remote communication protocols, such as FTP or Telnet, SSH encrypts the login session, which prevents intruders to collect unencrypted passwords from the connection.

Red Hat Enterprise Linux includes the basic OpenSSH packages: the general openssh package, the openssh-server package and the openssh-clients package. Note that the OpenSSH packages require the OpenSSL package openssl-libs, which installs several important cryptographic libraries that enable OpenSSH to provide encrypted communications.

21.1.1. SSH and OpenSSH

SSH (Secure Shell) is a program for logging into a remote machine and executing commands on that machine. The SSH protocol provides secure encrypted communications between two untrusted hosts over an insecure network. You can also forward X11 connections and arbitrary TCP/IP ports over the secure channel.

The SSH protocol mitigates security threats, such as interception of communication between two systems and impersonation of a particular host, when you use it for remote shell login or file copying. This is because the SSH client and server use digital signatures to verify their identities. Additionally, all communication between the client and server systems is encrypted.

A host key authenticates hosts in the SSH protocol. Host keys are cryptographic keys that are generated automatically when OpenSSH is first installed, or when the host boots for the first time.

OpenSSH is an implementation of the SSH protocol supported by Linux, UNIX, and similar operating systems. It includes the core files necessary for both the OpenSSH client and server. The OpenSSH suite consists of the following user-space tools:

  • ssh is a remote login program (SSH client).
  • sshd is an OpenSSH SSH daemon.
  • scp is a secure remote file copy program.
  • sftp is a secure file transfer program.
  • ssh-agent is an authentication agent for caching private keys.
  • ssh-add adds private key identities to ssh-agent.
  • ssh-keygen generates, manages, and converts authentication keys for ssh.
  • ssh-copy-id is a script that adds local public keys to the authorized_keys file on a remote SSH server.
  • ssh-keyscan gathers SSH public host keys.

Two versions of SSH currently exist: version 1, and the newer version 2. The OpenSSH suite in RHEL supports only SSH version 2. It has an enhanced key-exchange algorithm that is not vulnerable to exploits known in version 1.

OpenSSH, as one of core cryptographic subsystems of RHEL, uses system-wide crypto policies. This ensures that weak cipher suites and cryptographic algorithms are disabled in the default configuration. To modify the policy, the administrator must either use the update-crypto-policies command to adjust the settings or manually opt out of the system-wide crypto policies.

The OpenSSH suite uses two sets of configuration files: one for client programs (that is, ssh, scp, and sftp), and another for the server (the sshd daemon).

System-wide SSH configuration information is stored in the /etc/ssh/ directory. User-specific SSH configuration information is stored in ~/.ssh/ in the user’s home directory. For a detailed list of OpenSSH configuration files, see the FILES section in the sshd(8) man page.

Additional resources

21.1.2. Configuring and starting an OpenSSH server

Use the following procedure for a basic configuration that might be required for your environment and for starting an OpenSSH server. Note that after the default RHEL installation, the sshd daemon is already started and server host keys are automatically created.


  • The openssh-server package is installed.


  1. Start the sshd daemon in the current session and set it to start automatically at boot time:

    # systemctl start sshd
    # systemctl enable sshd
  2. To specify different addresses than the default (IPv4) or :: (IPv6) for the ListenAddress directive in the /etc/ssh/sshd_config configuration file and to use a slower dynamic network configuration, add the dependency on the target unit to the sshd.service unit file. To achieve this, create the /etc/systemd/system/sshd.service.d/local.conf file with the following content:

  3. Review if OpenSSH server settings in the /etc/ssh/sshd_config configuration file meet the requirements of your scenario.
  4. Optionally, change the welcome message that your OpenSSH server displays before a client authenticates by editing the /etc/issue file, for example:

    Welcome to
    Warning: By accessing this server, you agree to the referenced terms and conditions.

    Ensure that the Banner option is not commented out in /etc/ssh/sshd_config and its value contains /etc/issue:

    # less /etc/ssh/sshd_config | grep Banner
    Banner /etc/issue

    Note that to change the message displayed after a successful login you have to edit the /etc/motd file on the server. See the pam_motd man page for more information.

  5. Reload the systemd configuration and restart sshd to apply the changes:

    # systemctl daemon-reload
    # systemctl restart sshd


  1. Check that the sshd daemon is running:

    # systemctl status sshd
    ● sshd.service - OpenSSH server daemon
       Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/sshd.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
       Active: active (running) since Mon 2019-11-18 14:59:58 CET; 6min ago
         Docs: man:sshd(8)
     Main PID: 1149 (sshd)
        Tasks: 1 (limit: 11491)
       Memory: 1.9M
       CGroup: /system.slice/sshd.service
               └─1149 /usr/sbin/sshd -D -oCiphers=aes128-ctr,aes256-ctr,aes128-cbc,aes256-cbc -oMACs=hmac-sha2-256,>
    Nov 18 14:59:58 systemd[1]: Starting OpenSSH server daemon...
    Nov 18 14:59:58 sshd[1149]: Server listening on port 22.
    Nov 18 14:59:58 sshd[1149]: Server listening on :: port 22.
    Nov 18 14:59:58 systemd[1]: Started OpenSSH server daemon.
  2. Connect to the SSH server with an SSH client.

    # ssh
    ECDSA key fingerprint is SHA256:dXbaS0RG/UzlTTku8GtXSz0S1++lPegSy31v3L/FAEc.
    Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])? yes
    Warning: Permanently added '' (ECDSA) to the list of known hosts.'s password:

Additional resources

  • sshd(8) and sshd_config(5) man pages.

21.1.3. Setting an OpenSSH server for key-based authentication

To improve system security, enforce key-based authentication by disabling password authentication on your OpenSSH server.


  • The openssh-server package is installed.
  • The sshd daemon is running on the server.


  1. Open the /etc/ssh/sshd_config configuration in a text editor, for example:

    # vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config
  2. Change the PasswordAuthentication option to no:

    PasswordAuthentication no

    On a system other than a new default installation, check that PubkeyAuthentication no has not been set and the ChallengeResponseAuthentication directive is set to no. If you are connected remotely, not using console or out-of-band access, test the key-based login process before disabling password authentication.

  3. To use key-based authentication with NFS-mounted home directories, enable the use_nfs_home_dirs SELinux boolean:

    # setsebool -P use_nfs_home_dirs 1
  4. Reload the sshd daemon to apply the changes:

    # systemctl reload sshd

Additional resources

  • sshd(8), sshd_config(5), and setsebool(8) man pages.

21.1.4. Generating SSH key pairs

Use this procedure to generate an SSH key pair on a local system and to copy the generated public key to an OpenSSH server. If the server is configured accordingly, you can log in to the OpenSSH server without providing any password.


If you complete the following steps as root, only root is able to use the keys.


  1. To generate an ECDSA key pair for version 2 of the SSH protocol:

    $ ssh-keygen -t ecdsa
    Generating public/private ecdsa key pair.
    Enter file in which to save the key (/home/joesec/.ssh/id_ecdsa):
    Enter passphrase (empty for no passphrase):
    Enter same passphrase again:
    Your identification has been saved in /home/joesec/.ssh/id_ecdsa.
    Your public key has been saved in /home/joesec/.ssh/
    The key fingerprint is:
    The key's randomart image is:
    +---[ECDSA 256]---+
    |.oo..o=++        |
    |.. o .oo .       |
    |. .. o. o        |
    |....o.+...       |
    |o.oo.o +S .      |
    |.=.+.   .o       |
    |E.*+.  .  . .    |
    |.=..+ +..  o     |
    |  .  oo*+o.      |

    You can also generate an RSA key pair by using the -t rsa option with the ssh-keygen command or an Ed25519 key pair by entering the ssh-keygen -t ed25519 command.

  2. To copy the public key to a remote machine:

    $ ssh-copy-id
    /usr/bin/ssh-copy-id: INFO: attempting to log in with the new key(s), to filter out any that are already installed's password:
    Number of key(s) added: 1
    Now try logging into the machine, with: "ssh ''" and check to make sure that only the key(s) you wanted were added.

    If you do not use the ssh-agent program in your session, the previous command copies the most recently modified ~/.ssh/id*.pub public key if it is not yet installed. To specify another public-key file or to prioritize keys in files over keys cached in memory by ssh-agent, use the ssh-copy-id command with the -i option.


If you reinstall your system and want to keep previously generated key pairs, back up the ~/.ssh/ directory. After reinstalling, copy it back to your home directory. You can do this for all users on your system, including root.


  1. Log in to the OpenSSH server without providing any password:

    $ ssh
    Welcome message.
    Last login: Mon Nov 18 18:28:42 2019 from ::1

Additional resources

  • ssh-keygen(1) and ssh-copy-id(1) man pages.

21.1.5. Using SSH keys stored on a smart card

Red Hat Enterprise Linux enables you to use RSA and ECDSA keys stored on a smart card on OpenSSH clients. Use this procedure to enable authentication using a smart card instead of using a password.


  • On the client side, the opensc package is installed and the pcscd service is running.


  1. List all keys provided by the OpenSC PKCS #11 module including their PKCS #11 URIs and save the output to the file:

    $ ssh-keygen -D pkcs11: >
    $ ssh-keygen -D pkcs11:
    ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2E...KKZMzcQZzx pkcs11:id=%02;object=SIGN%20pubkey;token=SSH%20key;manufacturer=piv_II?module-path=/usr/lib64/pkcs11/
    ecdsa-sha2-nistp256 AAA...J0hkYnnsM= pkcs11:id=%01;object=PIV%20AUTH%20pubkey;token=SSH%20key;manufacturer=piv_II?module-path=/usr/lib64/pkcs11/
  2. To enable authentication using a smart card on a remote server (, transfer the public key to the remote server. Use the ssh-copy-id command with created in the previous step:

    $ ssh-copy-id -f -i
  3. To connect to using the ECDSA key from the output of the ssh-keygen -D command in step 1, you can use just a subset of the URI, which uniquely references your key, for example:

    $ ssh -i "pkcs11:id=%01?module-path=/usr/lib64/pkcs11/"
    Enter PIN for 'SSH key':
    [] $
  4. You can use the same URI string in the ~/.ssh/config file to make the configuration permanent:

    $ cat ~/.ssh/config
    IdentityFile "pkcs11:id=%01?module-path=/usr/lib64/pkcs11/"
    $ ssh
    Enter PIN for 'SSH key':
    [] $

    Because OpenSSH uses the p11-kit-proxy wrapper and the OpenSC PKCS #11 module is registered to PKCS#11 Kit, you can simplify the previous commands:

    $ ssh -i "pkcs11:id=%01"
    Enter PIN for 'SSH key':
    [] $

If you skip the id= part of a PKCS #11 URI, OpenSSH loads all keys that are available in the proxy module. This can reduce the amount of typing required:

$ ssh -i pkcs11:
Enter PIN for 'SSH key':
[] $

Additional resources

21.1.6. Making OpenSSH more secure

The following tips help you to increase security when using OpenSSH. Note that changes in the /etc/ssh/sshd_config OpenSSH configuration file require reloading the sshd daemon to take effect:

# systemctl reload sshd

The majority of security hardening configuration changes reduce compatibility with clients that do not support up-to-date algorithms or cipher suites.

Disabling insecure connection protocols

  • To make SSH truly effective, prevent the use of insecure connection protocols that are replaced by the OpenSSH suite. Otherwise, a user’s password might be protected using SSH for one session only to be captured later when logging in using Telnet. For this reason, consider disabling insecure protocols, such as telnet, rsh, rlogin, and ftp.

Enabling key-based authentication and disabling password-based authentication

  • Disabling passwords for authentication and allowing only key pairs reduces the attack surface and it also might save users’ time. On clients, generate key pairs using the ssh-keygen tool and use the ssh-copy-id utility to copy public keys from clients on the OpenSSH server. To disable password-based authentication on your OpenSSH server, edit /etc/ssh/sshd_config and change the PasswordAuthentication option to no:

    PasswordAuthentication no

Key types

  • Although the ssh-keygen command generates a pair of RSA keys by default, you can instruct it to generate ECDSA or Ed25519 keys by using the -t option. The ECDSA (Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Algorithm) offers better performance than RSA at the equivalent symmetric key strength. It also generates shorter keys. The Ed25519 public-key algorithm is an implementation of twisted Edwards curves that is more secure and also faster than RSA, DSA, and ECDSA.

    OpenSSH creates RSA, ECDSA, and Ed25519 server host keys automatically if they are missing. To configure the host key creation in RHEL, use the sshd-keygen@.service instantiated service. For example, to disable the automatic creation of the RSA key type:

    # systemctl mask sshd-keygen@rsa.service

    In images with cloud-init enabled, the ssh-keygen units are automatically disabled. This is because the ssh-keygen template service can interfere with the cloud-init tool and cause problems with host key generation. To prevent these problems the etc/systemd/system/sshd-keygen@.service.d/disable-sshd-keygen-if-cloud-init-active.conf drop-in configuration file disables the ssh-keygen units if cloud-init is running.

  • To exclude particular key types for SSH connections, comment out the relevant lines in /etc/ssh/sshd_config, and reload the sshd service. For example, to allow only Ed25519 host keys:

    # HostKey /etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key
    # HostKey /etc/ssh/ssh_host_ecdsa_key
    HostKey /etc/ssh/ssh_host_ed25519_key

Non-default port

  • By default, the sshd daemon listens on TCP port 22. Changing the port reduces the exposure of the system to attacks based on automated network scanning and therefore increase security through obscurity. You can specify the port using the Port directive in the /etc/ssh/sshd_config configuration file.

    You also have to update the default SELinux policy to allow the use of a non-default port. To do so, use the semanage tool from the policycoreutils-python-utils package:

    # semanage port -a -t ssh_port_t -p tcp port_number

    Furthermore, update firewalld configuration:

    # firewall-cmd --add-port port_number/tcp
    # firewall-cmd --runtime-to-permanent

    In the previous commands, replace port_number with the new port number specified using the Port directive.

No root login

  • If your particular use case does not require the possibility of logging in as the root user, you should consider setting the PermitRootLogin configuration directive to no in the /etc/ssh/sshd_config file. By disabling the possibility of logging in as the root user, the administrator can audit which users run what privileged commands after they log in as regular users and then gain root rights.

    Alternatively, set PermitRootLogin to prohibit-password:

    PermitRootLogin prohibit-password

    This enforces the use of key-based authentication instead of the use of passwords for logging in as root and reduces risks by preventing brute-force attacks.

Using the X Security extension

  • The X server in Red Hat Enterprise Linux clients does not provide the X Security extension. Therefore, clients cannot request another security layer when connecting to untrusted SSH servers with X11 forwarding. Most applications are not able to run with this extension enabled anyway.

    By default, the ForwardX11Trusted option in the /etc/ssh/ssh_config.d/05-redhat.conf file is set to yes, and there is no difference between the ssh -X remote_machine (untrusted host) and ssh -Y remote_machine (trusted host) command.

    If your scenario does not require the X11 forwarding feature at all, set the X11Forwarding directive in the /etc/ssh/sshd_config configuration file to no.

Restricting access to specific users, groups, or domains

  • The AllowUsers and AllowGroups directives in the /etc/ssh/sshd_config configuration file server enable you to permit only certain users, domains, or groups to connect to your OpenSSH server. You can combine AllowUsers and AllowGroups to restrict access more precisely, for example:

    AllowUsers *@192.168.1.*,*@10.0.0.*,!*@
    AllowGroups example-group

    The previous configuration lines accept connections from all users from systems in 192.168.1.* and 10.0.0.* subnets except from the system with the address. All users must be in the example-group group. The OpenSSH server denies all other connections.

    Note that using allowlists (directives starting with Allow) is more secure than using blocklists (options starting with Deny) because allowlists block also new unauthorized users or groups.

Changing system-wide cryptographic policies

  • OpenSSH uses RHEL system-wide cryptographic policies, and the default system-wide cryptographic policy level offers secure settings for current threat models. To make your cryptographic settings more strict, change the current policy level:

    # update-crypto-policies --set FUTURE
    Setting system policy to FUTURE
  • To opt-out of the system-wide crypto policies for your OpenSSH server, uncomment the line with the CRYPTO_POLICY= variable in the /etc/sysconfig/sshd file. After this change, values that you specify in the Ciphers, MACs, KexAlgoritms, and GSSAPIKexAlgorithms sections in the /etc/ssh/sshd_config file are not overridden. Note that this task requires deep expertise in configuring cryptographic options.
  • See Using system-wide cryptographic policies in the Security hardening title for more information.

Additional resources

  • sshd_config(5), ssh-keygen(1), crypto-policies(7), and update-crypto-policies(8) man pages.

21.1.7. Connecting to a remote server using an SSH jump host

Use this procedure for connecting your local system to a remote server through an intermediary server, also called jump host.


  • A jump host accepts SSH connections from your local system.
  • A remote server accepts SSH connections only from the jump host.


  1. Define the jump host by editing the ~/.ssh/config file on your local system, for example:

    Host jump-server1
    • The Host parameter defines a name or alias for the host you can use in ssh commands. The value can match the real host name, but can also be any string.
    • The HostName parameter sets the actual host name or IP address of the jump host.
  2. Add the remote server jump configuration with the ProxyJump directive to ~/.ssh/config file on your local system, for example:

    Host remote-server
      ProxyJump jump-server1
  3. Use your local system to connect to the remote server through the jump server:

    $ ssh remote-server

    The previous command is equivalent to the ssh -J jump-server1 remote-server command if you omit the configuration steps 1 and 2.


You can specify more jump servers and you can also skip adding host definitions to the configurations file when you provide their complete host names, for example:

$ ssh -J,,

Change the host name-only notation in the previous command if the user names or SSH ports on the jump servers differ from the names and ports on the remote server, for example:

$ ssh -J,,

Additional resources

  • ssh_config(5) and ssh(1) man pages.

21.1.8. Connecting to remote machines with SSH keys using ssh-agent

To avoid entering a passphrase each time you initiate an SSH connection, you can use the ssh-agent utility to cache the private SSH key. The private key and the passphrase remain secure.


  • You have a remote host with SSH daemon running and reachable through the network.
  • You know the IP address or hostname and credentials to log in to the remote host.
  • You have generated an SSH key pair with a passphrase and transferred the public key to the remote machine.


  1. Optional: Verify you can use the key to authenticate to the remote host:

    1. Connect to the remote host using SSH:

      $ ssh example.user1@ hostname
    2. Enter the passphrase you set while creating the key to grant access to the private key.

      $ ssh example.user1@ hostname
  2. Start the ssh-agent.

    $ eval $(ssh-agent)
    Agent pid 20062
  3. Add the key to ssh-agent.

    $ ssh-add ~/.ssh/id_rsa
    Enter passphrase for ~/.ssh/id_rsa:
    Identity added: ~/.ssh/id_rsa (example.user0@


  • Optional: Log in to the host machine using SSH.

    $ ssh example.user1@
    Last login: Mon Sep 14 12:56:37 2020

    Note that you did not have to enter the passphrase.

21.1.9. Additional resources

21.2. Planning and implementing TLS

TLS (Transport Layer Security) is a cryptographic protocol used to secure network communications. When hardening system security settings by configuring preferred key-exchange protocols, authentication methods, and encryption algorithms, it is necessary to bear in mind that the broader the range of supported clients, the lower the resulting security. Conversely, strict security settings lead to limited compatibility with clients, which can result in some users being locked out of the system. Be sure to target the strictest available configuration and only relax it when it is required for compatibility reasons.

21.2.1. SSL and TLS protocols

The Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol was originally developed by Netscape Corporation to provide a mechanism for secure communication over the Internet. Subsequently, the protocol was adopted by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) and renamed to Transport Layer Security (TLS).

The TLS protocol sits between an application protocol layer and a reliable transport layer, such as TCP/IP. It is independent of the application protocol and can thus be layered underneath many different protocols, for example: HTTP, FTP, SMTP, and so on.

Protocol versionUsage recommendation

SSL v2

Do not use. Has serious security vulnerabilities. Removed from the core crypto libraries since RHEL 7.

SSL v3

Do not use. Has serious security vulnerabilities. Removed from the core crypto libraries since RHEL 8.

TLS 1.0

Not recommended to use. Has known issues that cannot be mitigated in a way that guarantees interoperability, and does not support modern cipher suites. In RHEL 8, enabled only in the LEGACY system-wide cryptographic policy profile.

TLS 1.1

Use for interoperability purposes where needed. Does not support modern cipher suites. In RHEL 8, enabled only in the LEGACY policy.

TLS 1.2

Supports the modern AEAD cipher suites. This version is enabled in all system-wide crypto policies, but optional parts of this protocol contain vulnerabilities and TLS 1.2 also allows outdated algorithms.

TLS 1.3

Recommended version. TLS 1.3 removes known problematic options, provides additional privacy by encrypting more of the negotiation handshake and can be faster thanks usage of more efficient modern cryptographic algorithms. TLS 1.3 is also enabled in all system-wide crypto policies.

21.2.2. Security considerations for TLS in RHEL 8

In RHEL 8, cryptography-related considerations are significantly simplified thanks to the system-wide crypto policies. The DEFAULT crypto policy allows only TLS 1.2 and 1.3. To allow your system to negotiate connections using the earlier versions of TLS, you need to either opt out from following crypto policies in an application or switch to the LEGACY policy with the update-crypto-policies command. See Using system-wide cryptographic policies for more information.

The default settings provided by libraries included in RHEL 8 are secure enough for most deployments. The TLS implementations use secure algorithms where possible while not preventing connections from or to legacy clients or servers. Apply hardened settings in environments with strict security requirements where legacy clients or servers that do not support secure algorithms or protocols are not expected or allowed to connect.

The most straightforward way to harden your TLS configuration is switching the system-wide cryptographic policy level to FUTURE using the update-crypto-policies --set FUTURE command.


Algorithms disabled for the LEGACY cryptographic policy do not conform to Red Hat’s vision of RHEL 8 security, and their security properties are not reliable. Consider moving away from using these algorithms instead of re-enabling them. If you do decide to re-enable them, for example for interoperability with old hardware, treat them as insecure and apply extra protection measures, such as isolating their network interactions to separate network segments. Do not use them across public networks.

If you decide to not follow RHEL system-wide crypto policies or create custom cryptographic policies tailored to your setup, use the following recommendations for preferred protocols, cipher suites, and key lengths on your custom configuration: Protocols

The latest version of TLS provides the best security mechanism. Unless you have a compelling reason to include support for older versions of TLS, allow your systems to negotiate connections using at least TLS version 1.2.

Note that even though RHEL 8 supports TLS version 1.3, not all features of this protocol are fully supported by RHEL 8 components. For example, the 0-RTT (Zero Round Trip Time) feature, which reduces connection latency, is not yet fully supported by the Apache web server. Cipher suites

Modern, more secure cipher suites should be preferred to old, insecure ones. Always disable the use of eNULL and aNULL cipher suites, which do not offer any encryption or authentication at all. If at all possible, ciphers suites based on RC4 or HMAC-MD5, which have serious shortcomings, should also be disabled. The same applies to the so-called export cipher suites, which have been intentionally made weaker, and thus are easy to break.

While not immediately insecure, cipher suites that offer less than 128 bits of security should not be considered for their short useful life. Algorithms that use 128 bits of security or more can be expected to be unbreakable for at least several years, and are thus strongly recommended. Note that while 3DES ciphers advertise the use of 168 bits, they actually offer 112 bits of security.

Always prefer cipher suites that support (perfect) forward secrecy (PFS), which ensures the confidentiality of encrypted data even in case the server key is compromised. This rules out the fast RSA key exchange, but allows for the use of ECDHE and DHE. Of the two, ECDHE is the faster and therefore the preferred choice.

You should also prefer AEAD ciphers, such as AES-GCM, over CBC-mode ciphers as they are not vulnerable to padding oracle attacks. Additionally, in many cases, AES-GCM is faster than AES in CBC mode, especially when the hardware has cryptographic accelerators for AES.

Note also that when using the ECDHE key exchange with ECDSA certificates, the transaction is even faster than a pure RSA key exchange. To provide support for legacy clients, you can install two pairs of certificates and keys on a server: one with ECDSA keys (for new clients) and one with RSA keys (for legacy ones). Public key length

When using RSA keys, always prefer key lengths of at least 3072 bits signed by at least SHA-256, which is sufficiently large for true 128 bits of security.


The security of your system is only as strong as the weakest link in the chain. For example, a strong cipher alone does not guarantee good security. The keys and the certificates are just as important, as well as the hash functions and keys used by the Certification Authority (CA) to sign your keys.

Additional resources

21.2.3. Hardening TLS configuration in applications

In RHEL, system-wide crypto policies provide a convenient way to ensure that your applications using cryptographic libraries do not allow known insecure protocols, ciphers, or algorithms.

If you want to harden your TLS-related configuration with your customized cryptographic settings, you can use the cryptographic configuration options described in this section, and override the system-wide crypto policies just in the minimum required amount.

Regardless of the configuration you choose to use, always ensure that your server application enforces server-side cipher order, so that the cipher suite to be used is determined by the order you configure. Configuring the Apache HTTP server to use TLS

The Apache HTTP Server can use both OpenSSL and NSS libraries for its TLS needs. RHEL 8 provides the mod_ssl functionality through eponymous packages:

# yum install mod_ssl

The mod_ssl package installs the /etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf configuration file, which can be used to modify the TLS-related settings of the Apache HTTP Server.

Install the httpd-manual package to obtain complete documentation for the Apache HTTP Server, including TLS configuration. The directives available in the /etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf configuration file are described in detail in the /usr/share/httpd/manual/mod/mod_ssl.html file. Examples of various settings are described in the /usr/share/httpd/manual/ssl/ssl_howto.html file.

When modifying the settings in the /etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf configuration file, be sure to consider the following three directives at the minimum:

Use this directive to specify the version of TLS or SSL you want to allow.
Use this directive to specify your preferred cipher suite or disable the ones you want to disallow.
Uncomment and set this directive to on to ensure that the connecting clients adhere to the order of ciphers you specified.

For example, to use only the TLS 1.2 and 1.3 protocol:

SSLProtocol             all -SSLv3 -TLSv1 -TLSv1.1

See the Configuring TLS encryption on an Apache HTTP Server chapter in the Deploying different types of servers document for more information. Configuring the Nginx HTTP and proxy server to use TLS

To enable TLS 1.3 support in Nginx, add the TLSv1.3 value to the ssl_protocols option in the server section of the /etc/nginx/nginx.conf configuration file:

server {
    listen 443 ssl http2;
    listen [::]:443 ssl http2;
    ssl_protocols TLSv1.2 TLSv1.3;

See the Adding TLS encryption to an Nginx web server chapter in the Deploying different types of servers document for more information. Configuring the Dovecot mail server to use TLS

To configure your installation of the Dovecot mail server to use TLS, modify the /etc/dovecot/conf.d/10-ssl.conf configuration file. You can find an explanation of some of the basic configuration directives available in that file in the /usr/share/doc/dovecot/wiki/SSL.DovecotConfiguration.txt file, which is installed along with the standard installation of Dovecot.

When modifying the settings in the /etc/dovecot/conf.d/10-ssl.conf configuration file, be sure to consider the following three directives at the minimum:

Use this directive to specify the version of TLS or SSL you want to allow or disable.
Use this directive to specify your preferred cipher suites or disable the ones you want to disallow.
Uncomment and set this directive to yes to ensure that the connecting clients adhere to the order of ciphers you specified.

For example, the following line in /etc/dovecot/conf.d/10-ssl.conf allows only TLS 1.1 and later:

ssl_protocols = !SSLv2 !SSLv3 !TLSv1

21.3. Configuring a VPN with IPsec

In RHEL 8, a virtual private network (VPN) can be configured using the IPsec protocol, which is supported by the Libreswan application.

21.3.1. Libreswan as an IPsec VPN implementation

In RHEL, a Virtual Private Network (VPN) can be configured using the IPsec protocol, which is supported by the Libreswan application. Libreswan is a continuation of the Openswan application, and many examples from the Openswan documentation are interchangeable with Libreswan.

The IPsec protocol for a VPN is configured using the Internet Key Exchange (IKE) protocol. The terms IPsec and IKE are used interchangeably. An IPsec VPN is also called an IKE VPN, IKEv2 VPN, XAUTH VPN, Cisco VPN or IKE/IPsec VPN. A variant of an IPsec VPN that also uses the Layer 2 Tunneling Protocol (L2TP) is usually called an L2TP/IPsec VPN, which requires the xl2tpd package provided by the optional repository.

Libreswan is an open-source, user-space IKE implementation. IKE v1 and v2 are implemented as a user-level daemon. The IKE protocol is also encrypted. The IPsec protocol is implemented by the Linux kernel, and Libreswan configures the kernel to add and remove VPN tunnel configurations.

The IKE protocol uses UDP port 500 and 4500. The IPsec protocol consists of two protocols:

  • Encapsulated Security Payload (ESP), which has protocol number 50.
  • Authenticated Header (AH), which has protocol number 51.

The AH protocol is not recommended for use. Users of AH are recommended to migrate to ESP with null encryption.

The IPsec protocol provides two modes of operation:

  • Tunnel Mode (the default)
  • Transport Mode.

You can configure the kernel with IPsec without IKE. This is called Manual Keying. You can also configure manual keying using the ip xfrm commands, however, this is strongly discouraged for security reasons. Libreswan interfaces with the Linux kernel using netlink. Packet encryption and decryption happen in the Linux kernel.

Libreswan uses the Network Security Services (NSS) cryptographic library. Both Libreswan and NSS are certified for use with the Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) Publication 140-2.


IKE/IPsec VPNs, implemented by Libreswan and the Linux kernel, is the only VPN technology recommended for use in RHEL. Do not use any other VPN technology without understanding the risks of doing so.

In RHEL, Libreswan follows system-wide cryptographic policies by default. This ensures that Libreswan uses secure settings for current threat models including IKEv2 as a default protocol. See Using system-wide crypto policies for more information.

Libreswan does not use the terms "source" and "destination" or "server" and "client" because IKE/IPsec are peer to peer protocols. Instead, it uses the terms "left" and "right" to refer to end points (the hosts). This also allows you to use the same configuration on both end points in most cases. However, administrators usually choose to always use "left" for the local host and "right" for the remote host.

The leftid and rightid options serve as identification of the respective hosts in the authentication process. See the ipsec.conf(5) man page for more information.

21.3.2. Authentication methods in Libreswan

Libreswan supports several authentication methods, each of which fits a different scenario.

Pre-Shared key (PSK)

Pre-Shared Key (PSK) is the simplest authentication method. For security reasons, do not use PSKs shorter than 64 random characters. In FIPS mode, PSKs must comply with a minimum-strength requirement depending on the integrity algorithm used. You can set PSK by using the authby=secret connection.

Raw RSA keys

Raw RSA keys are commonly used for static host-to-host or subnet-to-subnet IPsec configurations. Each host is manually configured with the public RSA keys of all other hosts, and Libreswan sets up an IPsec tunnel between each pair of hosts. This method does not scale well for large numbers of hosts.

You can generate a raw RSA key on a host using the ipsec newhostkey command. You can list generated keys by using the ipsec showhostkey command. The leftrsasigkey= line is required for connection configurations that use CKA ID keys. Use the authby=rsasig connection option for raw RSA keys.

X.509 certificates

X.509 certificates are commonly used for large-scale deployments with hosts that connect to a common IPsec gateway. A central certificate authority (CA) signs RSA certificates for hosts or users. This central CA is responsible for relaying trust, including the revocations of individual hosts or users.

For example, you can generate X.509 certificates using the openssl command and the NSS certutil command. Because Libreswan reads user certificates from the NSS database using the certificates' nickname in the leftcert= configuration option, provide a nickname when you create a certificate.

If you use a custom CA certificate, you must import it to the Network Security Services (NSS) database. You can import any certificate in the PKCS #12 format to the Libreswan NSS database by using the ipsec import command.


Libreswan requires an Internet Key Exchange (IKE) peer ID as a subject alternative name (SAN) for every peer certificate as described in section 3.1 of RFC 4945. Disabling this check by changing the require-id-on-certificated= option can make the system vulnerable to man-in-the-middle attacks.

Use the authby=rsasig connection option for authentication based on X.509 certificates using RSA with SHA-1 and SHA-2. You can further limit it for ECDSA digital signatures using SHA-2 by setting authby= to ecdsa and RSA Probabilistic Signature Scheme (RSASSA-PSS) digital signatures based authentication with SHA-2 through authby=rsa-sha2. The default value is authby=rsasig,ecdsa.

The certificates and the authby= signature methods should match. This increases interoperability and preserves authentication in one digital-signature system.

NULL authentication

NULL authentication is used to gain mesh encryption without authentication. It protects against passive attacks but not against active attacks. However, because IKEv2 allows asymmetric authentication methods, NULL authentication can also be used for internet-scale opportunistic IPsec. In this model, clients authenticate the server, but servers do not authenticate the client. This model is similar to secure websites using TLS. Use authby=null for NULL authentication.

Protection against quantum computers

In addition to the previously mentioned authentication methods, you can use the Post-quantum Pre-shared Key (PPK) method to protect against possible attacks by quantum computers. Individual clients or groups of clients can use their own PPK by specifying a PPK ID that corresponds to an out-of-band configured pre-shared key.

Using IKEv1 with pre-shared keys provides protection against quantum attackers. The redesign of IKEv2 does not offer this protection natively. Libreswan offers the use of Post-quantum Pre-shared Key (PPK) to protect IKEv2 connections against quantum attacks.

To enable optional PPK support, add ppk=yes to the connection definition. To require PPK, add ppk=insist. Then, each client can be given a PPK ID with a secret value that is communicated out-of-band (and preferably quantum safe). The PPK’s should be very strong in randomness and not based on dictionary words. The PPK ID and PPK data are stored in ipsec.secrets, for example:

@west @east : PPKS "user1" "thestringismeanttobearandomstr"

The PPKS option refers to static PPKs. This experimental function uses one-time-pad-based Dynamic PPKs. Upon each connection, a new part of the one-time pad is used as the PPK. When used, that part of the dynamic PPK inside the file is overwritten with zeros to prevent re-use. If there is no more one-time-pad material left, the connection fails. See the ipsec.secrets(5) man page for more information.


The implementation of dynamic PPKs is provided as an unsupported Technology Preview. Use with caution.

21.3.3. Installing Libreswan

This procedure describes the steps for installing and starting the Libreswan IPsec/IKE VPN implementation.


  • The AppStream repository is enabled.


  1. Install the libreswan packages:

    # yum install libreswan
  2. If you are re-installing Libreswan, remove its old database files and create a new database:

    # systemctl stop ipsec
    # rm /etc/ipsec.d/*db
    # ipsec initnss
  3. Start the ipsec service, and enable the service to be started automatically on boot:

    # systemctl enable ipsec --now
  4. Configure the firewall to allow 500 and 4500/UDP ports for the IKE, ESP, and AH protocols by adding the ipsec service:

    # firewall-cmd --add-service="ipsec"
    # firewall-cmd --runtime-to-permanent

21.3.4. Creating a host-to-host VPN

To configure [application]Libreswan to create a host-to-host IPsec VPN between two hosts referred to as left and right using authentication by raw RSA keys, enter the following commands on both of the hosts:


  • Libreswan is installed and the ipsec service is started on each node.


  1. Generate a raw RSA key pair on each host:

    # ipsec newhostkey
  2. The previous step returned the generated key’s ckaid. Use that ckaid with the following command on left, for example:

    # ipsec showhostkey --left --ckaid 2d3ea57b61c9419dfd6cf43a1eb6cb306c0e857d

    The output of the previous command generated the leftrsasigkey= line required for the configuration. Do the same on the second host (right):

    # ipsec showhostkey --right --ckaid a9e1f6ce9ecd3608c24e8f701318383f41798f03
  3. In the /etc/ipsec.d/ directory, create a new my_host-to-host.conf file. Write the RSA host keys from the output of the ipsec showhostkey commands in the previous step to the new file. For example:

    conn mytunnel
        leftrsasigkey=0sAQOrlo+hOafUZDlCQmXFrje/oZm [...] W2n417C/4urYHQkCvuIQ==
        rightrsasigkey=0sAQO3fwC6nSSGgt64DWiYZzuHbc4 [...] D/v8t5YTQ==
  4. After importing keys, restart the ipsec service:

    # systemctl restart ipsec
  5. Load the connection:

    # ipsec auto --add mytunnel
  6. Establish the tunnel:

    # ipsec auto --up mytunnel
  7. To automatically start the tunnel when the ipsec service is started, add the following line to the connection definition:


21.3.5. Configuring a site-to-site VPN

To create a site-to-site IPsec VPN, by joining two networks, an IPsec tunnel between the two hosts, is created. The hosts thus act as the end points, which are configured to permit traffic from one or more subnets to pass through. Therefore you can think of the host as gateways to the remote portion of the network.

The configuration of the site-to-site VPN only differs from the host-to-host VPN in that one or more networks or subnets must be specified in the configuration file.



  1. Copy the file with the configuration of your host-to-host VPN to a new file, for example:

    # cp /etc/ipsec.d/my_host-to-host.conf /etc/ipsec.d/my_site-to-site.conf
  2. Add the subnet configuration to the file created in the previous step, for example:

    conn mysubnet
    conn mysubnet6
    # the following part of the configuration file is the same for both host-to-host and site-to-site connections:
    conn mytunnel
        leftrsasigkey=0sAQOrlo+hOafUZDlCQmXFrje/oZm [...] W2n417C/4urYHQkCvuIQ==
        rightrsasigkey=0sAQO3fwC6nSSGgt64DWiYZzuHbc4 [...] D/v8t5YTQ==

21.3.6. Configuring a remote access VPN

Road warriors are traveling users with mobile clients and a dynamically assigned IP address. The mobile clients authenticate using X.509 certificates.

The following example shows configuration for IKEv2, and it avoids using the IKEv1 XAUTH protocol.

On the server:

conn roadwarriors
    # support (roaming) MOBIKE clients (RFC 4555)
    # if access to the LAN is given, enable this, otherwise use
    # leftsubnet=
    # trust our own Certificate Agency
    # pick an IP address pool to assign to remote users
    # prevents RFC1918 clashes when remote users are behind NAT
    # if you want remote clients to use some local DNS zones and servers
    modecfgdomains=", corp"
    # optionally, run the client X.509 ID through pam to allow or deny client
    # pam-authorize=yes
    # load connection, do not initiate
    # kill vanished roadwarriors

On the mobile client, the road warrior’s device, use a slight variation of the previous configuration:

conn to-vpn-server
    # pick up our dynamic IP
    # right can also be a DNS hostname
    # if access to the remote LAN is required, enable this, otherwise use
    # rightsubnet=
    # trust our own Certificate Agency
    # allow narrowing to the server’s suggested assigned IP and remote subnet
    # support (roaming) MOBIKE clients (RFC 4555)
    # initiate connection

21.3.7. Configuring a mesh VPN

A mesh VPN network, which is also known as an any-to-any VPN, is a network where all nodes communicate using IPsec. The configuration allows for exceptions for nodes that cannot use IPsec. The mesh VPN network can be configured in two ways:

  • To require IPsec.
  • To prefer IPsec but allow a fallback to clear-text communication.

Authentication between the nodes can be based on X.509 certificates or on DNS Security Extensions (DNSSEC).

The following procedure uses X.509 certificates. These certificates can be generated using any kind of Certificate Authority (CA) management system, such as the Dogtag Certificate System. Dogtag assumes that the certificates for each node are available in the PKCS #12 format (.p12 files), which contain the private key, the node certificate, and the Root CA certificate used to validate other nodes' X.509 certificates.

Each node has an identical configuration with the exception of its X.509 certificate. This allows for adding new nodes without reconfiguring any of the existing nodes in the network. The PKCS #12 files require a "friendly name", for which we use the name "node" so that the configuration files referencing the friendly name can be identical for all nodes.


  • Libreswan is installed, and the ipsec service is started on each node.


  1. On each node, import PKCS #12 files. This step requires the password used to generate the PKCS #12 files:

    # ipsec import nodeXXX.p12
  2. Create the following three connection definitions for the IPsec required (private), IPsec optional (private-or-clear), and No IPsec (clear) profiles:

    # cat /etc/ipsec.d/mesh.conf
    conn clear
    conn private
    	# left
    	# right
    conn private-or-clear
    	# left
    	# right
  3. Add the IP address of the network in the proper category. For example, if all nodes reside in the network, and all nodes should mandate IPsec encryption:

    # echo "" >> /etc/ipsec.d/policies/private
  4. To allow certain nodes, for example,, to work with and without IPsec, add those nodes to the private-or-clear group using:

    # echo "" >> /etc/ipsec.d/policies/private-or-clear
  5. To define a host, for example,, that is not capable of IPsec into the clear group, use:

    # echo "" >> /etc/ipsec.d/policies/clear

    The files in the /etc/ipsec.d/policies directory can be created from a template for each new node, or can be provisioned using Puppet or Ansible.

    Note that every node has the same list of exceptions or different traffic flow expectations. Two nodes, therefore, might not be able to communicate because one requires IPsec and the other cannot use IPsec.

  6. Restart the node to add it to the configured mesh:

    # systemctl restart ipsec
  7. Once you finish with the addition of nodes, a ping command is sufficient to open an IPsec tunnel. To see which tunnels a node has opened:

    # ipsec trafficstatus

21.3.8. Deploying a FIPS-compliant IPsec VPN

Use this procedure to deploy a FIPS-compliant IPsec VPN solution based on Libreswan. The following steps also enable you to identify which cryptographic algorithms are available and which are disabled for Libreswan in FIPS mode.


  • The AppStream repository is enabled.


  1. Install the libreswan packages:

    # yum install libreswan
  2. If you are re-installing Libreswan, remove its old NSS database:

    # systemctl stop ipsec
    # rm /etc/ipsec.d/*db
  3. Start the ipsec service, and enable the service to be started automatically on boot:

    # systemctl enable ipsec --now
  4. Configure the firewall to allow 500 and 4500/UDP ports for the IKE, ESP, and AH protocols by adding the ipsec service:

    # firewall-cmd --add-service="ipsec"
    # firewall-cmd --runtime-to-permanent
  5. Switch the system to FIPS mode:

    # fips-mode-setup --enable
  6. Restart your system to allow the kernel to switch to FIPS mode:

    # reboot


  1. To confirm Libreswan is running in FIPS mode:

    # ipsec whack --fipsstatus
    000 FIPS mode enabled
  2. Alternatively, check entries for the ipsec unit in the systemd journal:

    $ journalctl -u ipsec
    Jan 22 11:26:50 localhost.localdomain pluto[3076]: FIPS Product: YES
    Jan 22 11:26:50 localhost.localdomain pluto[3076]: FIPS Kernel: YES
    Jan 22 11:26:50 localhost.localdomain pluto[3076]: FIPS Mode: YES
  3. To see the available algorithms in FIPS mode:

    # ipsec pluto --selftest 2>&1 | head -11
    FIPS Product: YES
    FIPS Kernel: YES
    FIPS Mode: YES
    NSS DB directory: sql:/etc/ipsec.d
    Initializing NSS
    Opening NSS database "sql:/etc/ipsec.d" read-only
    NSS initialized
    NSS crypto library initialized
    FIPS HMAC integrity support [enabled]
    FIPS mode enabled for pluto daemon
    NSS library is running in FIPS mode
    FIPS HMAC integrity verification self-test passed
  4. To query disabled algorithms in FIPS mode:

    # ipsec pluto --selftest 2>&1 | grep disabled
    Encryption algorithm CAMELLIA_CTR disabled; not FIPS compliant
    Encryption algorithm CAMELLIA_CBC disabled; not FIPS compliant
    Encryption algorithm SERPENT_CBC disabled; not FIPS compliant
    Encryption algorithm TWOFISH_CBC disabled; not FIPS compliant
    Encryption algorithm TWOFISH_SSH disabled; not FIPS compliant
    Encryption algorithm NULL disabled; not FIPS compliant
    Encryption algorithm CHACHA20_POLY1305 disabled; not FIPS compliant
    Hash algorithm MD5 disabled; not FIPS compliant
    PRF algorithm HMAC_MD5 disabled; not FIPS compliant
    PRF algorithm AES_XCBC disabled; not FIPS compliant
    Integrity algorithm HMAC_MD5_96 disabled; not FIPS compliant
    Integrity algorithm HMAC_SHA2_256_TRUNCBUG disabled; not FIPS compliant
    Integrity algorithm AES_XCBC_96 disabled; not FIPS compliant
    DH algorithm MODP1024 disabled; not FIPS compliant
    DH algorithm MODP1536 disabled; not FIPS compliant
    DH algorithm DH31 disabled; not FIPS compliant
  5. To list all allowed algorithms and ciphers in FIPS mode:

    # ipsec pluto --selftest 2>&1 | grep ESP | grep FIPS | sed "s/^.*FIPS//"
    {256,192,*128}  aes_ccm, aes_ccm_c
    {256,192,*128}  aes_ccm_b
    {256,192,*128}  aes_ccm_a
    [*192]  3des
    {256,192,*128}  aes_gcm, aes_gcm_c
    {256,192,*128}  aes_gcm_b
    {256,192,*128}  aes_gcm_a
    {256,192,*128}  aesctr
    {256,192,*128}  aes
    {256,192,*128}  aes_gmac
    sha, sha1, sha1_96, hmac_sha1
    sha512, sha2_512, sha2_512_256, hmac_sha2_512
    sha384, sha2_384, sha2_384_192, hmac_sha2_384
    sha2, sha256, sha2_256, sha2_256_128, hmac_sha2_256
    null, dh0
    ecp_256, ecp256
    ecp_384, ecp384
    ecp_521, ecp521

21.3.9. Protecting the IPsec NSS database by a password

By default, the IPsec service creates its Network Security Services (NSS) database with an empty password during the first start. Add password protection by using the following steps.


In the previous releases of RHEL up to version 6.6, you had to protect the IPsec NSS database with a password to meet the FIPS 140-2 requirements because the NSS cryptographic libraries were certified for the FIPS 140-2 Level 2 standard. In RHEL 8, NIST certified NSS to Level 1 of this standard, and this status does not require password protection for the database.


  • The /etc/ipsec.d/ directory contains NSS database files.


  1. Enable password protection for the NSS database for Libreswan:

    # certutil -N -d sql:/etc/ipsec.d
    Enter Password or Pin for "NSS Certificate DB":
    Enter a password which will be used to encrypt your keys.
    The password should be at least 8 characters long,
    and should contain at least one non-alphabetic character.
    Enter new password:
  2. Create the /etc/ipsec.d/nsspassword file containing the password you have set in the previous step, for example:

    # cat /etc/ipsec.d/nsspassword
    NSS Certificate DB:MyStrongPasswordHere

    Note that the nsspassword file use the following syntax:


    The default NSS software token is NSS Certificate DB. If your system is running in FIPS mode, the name of the token is NSS FIPS 140-2 Certificate DB.

  3. Depending on your scenario, either start or restart the ipsec service after you finish the nsspassword file:

    # systemctl restart ipsec


  1. Check that the ipsec service is running after you have added a non-empty password to its NSS database:

    # systemctl status ipsec
    ● ipsec.service - Internet Key Exchange (IKE) Protocol Daemon for IPsec
       Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/ipsec.service; enabled; vendor preset: disable>
       Active: active (running)...
  2. Optionally, check that the Journal log contains entries confirming a successful initialization:

    # journalctl -u ipsec
    pluto[6214]: Initializing NSS using read-write database "sql:/etc/ipsec.d"
    pluto[6214]: NSS Password from file "/etc/ipsec.d/nsspassword" for token "NSS Certificate DB" with length 20 passed to NSS
    pluto[6214]: NSS crypto library initialized

Additional resources

21.3.10. Configuring an IPsec VPN to use TCP

Libreswan supports TCP encapsulation of IKE and IPsec packets as described in RFC 8229. With this feature, you can establish IPsec VPNs on networks that prevent traffic transmitted via UDP and Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP). You can configure VPN servers and clients to use TCP either as a fallback or as the main VPN transport protocol. Because TCP encapsulation has bigger performance costs, use TCP as the main VPN protocol only if UDP is permanently blocked in your scenario.



  1. Add the following option to the /etc/ipsec.conf file in the config setup section:

  2. To use TCP encapsulation as a fallback option when the first attempt over UDP fails, add the following two options to the client’s connection definition:


    Alternatively, if you know that UDP is permanently blocked, use the following options in the client’s connection configuration:


21.3.11. Configuring automatic detection and usage of ESP hardware offload to accelerate an IPsec connection

Offloading Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP) to the hardware accelerates IPsec connections over Ethernet. By default, Libreswan detects if hardware supports this feature and, as a result, enables ESP hardware offload. In case that the feature was disabled or explicitly enabled, you can switch back to automatic detection.


  • The network card supports ESP hardware offload.
  • The network driver supports ESP hardware offload.
  • The IPsec connection is configured and works.


  1. Edit the Libreswan configuration file in the /etc/ipsec.d/ directory of the connection that should use automatic detection of ESP hardware offload support.
  2. Ensure the nic-offload parameter is not set in the connection’s settings.
  3. If you removed nic-offload, restart the ipsec service:

    # systemctl restart ipsec


If the network card supports ESP hardware offload support, following these steps to verify the result:

  1. Display the tx_ipsec and rx_ipsec counters of the Ethernet device the IPsec connection uses:

    # ethtool -S enp1s0 | egrep "_ipsec"
         tx_ipsec: 10
         rx_ipsec: 10
  2. Send traffic through the IPsec tunnel. For example, ping a remote IP address:

    # ping -c 5 remote_ip_address
  3. Display the tx_ipsec and rx_ipsec counters of the Ethernet device again:

    # ethtool -S enp1s0 | egrep "_ipsec"
         tx_ipsec: 15
         rx_ipsec: 15

    If the counter values have increased, ESP hardware offload works.

Additional resources

21.3.12. Configuring ESP hardware offload on a bond to accelerate an IPsec connection

Offloading Encapsulating Security Payload (ESP) to the hardware accelerates IPsec connections. If you use a network bond for fail-over reasons, the requirements and the procedure to configure ESP hardware offload are different from those using a regular Ethernet device. For example, in this scenario, you enable the offload support on the bond, and the kernel applies the settings to the ports of the bond.


  • All network cards in the bond support ESP hardware offload.
  • The network driver supports ESP hardware offload on a bond device. In RHEL, only the ixgbe driver supports this feature.
  • The bond is configured and works.
  • The bond uses the active-backup mode. The bonding driver does not support any other modes for this feature.
  • The IPsec connection is configured and works.


  1. Enable ESP hardware offload support on the network bond:

    # nmcli connection modify bond0 ethtool.feature-esp-hw-offload on

    This command enables ESP hardware offload support on the bond0 connection.

  2. Reactivate the bond0 connection:

    # nmcli connection up bond0
  3. Edit the Libreswan configuration file in the /etc/ipsec.d/ directory of the connection that should use ESP hardware offload, and append the nic-offload=yes statement to the connection entry:

    conn example
  4. Restart the ipsec service:

    # systemctl restart ipsec


  1. Display the active port of the bond:

    # grep "Currently Active Slave" /proc/net/bonding/bond0
    Currently Active Slave: enp1s0
  2. Display the tx_ipsec and rx_ipsec counters of the active port:

    # ethtool -S enp1s0 | egrep "_ipsec"
         tx_ipsec: 10
         rx_ipsec: 10
  3. Send traffic through the IPsec tunnel. For example, ping a remote IP address:

    # ping -c 5 remote_ip_address
  4. Display the tx_ipsec and rx_ipsec counters of the active port again:

    # ethtool -S enp1s0 | egrep "_ipsec"
         tx_ipsec: 15
         rx_ipsec: 15

    If the counter values have increased, ESP hardware offload works.

Additional resources

21.3.13. Configuring IPsec connections that opt out of the system-wide crypto policies

Overriding system-wide crypto-policies for a connection

The RHEL system-wide cryptographic policies create a special connection called %default. This connection contains the default values for the ikev2, esp, and ike options. However, you can override the default values by specifying the mentioned option in the connection configuration file.

For example, the following configuration allows connections that use IKEv1 with AES and SHA-1 or SHA-2, and IPsec (ESP) with either AES-GCM or AES-CBC:

conn MyExample

Note that AES-GCM is available for IPsec (ESP) and for IKEv2, but not for IKEv1.

Disabling system-wide crypto policies for all connections

To disable system-wide crypto policies for all IPsec connections, comment out the following line in the /etc/ipsec.conf file:

include /etc/crypto-policies/back-ends/libreswan.config

Then add the ikev2=never option to your connection configuration file.

21.3.14. Troubleshooting IPsec VPN configurations

Problems related to IPsec VPN configurations most commonly occur due to several main reasons. If you are encountering such problems, you can check if the cause of the problem corresponds to any of the following scenarios, and apply the corresponding solution.

Basic connection troubleshooting

Most problems with VPN connections occur in new deployments, where administrators configured endpoints with mismatched configuration options. Also, a working configuration can suddenly stop working, often due to newly introduced incompatible values. This could be the result of an administrator changing the configuration. Alternatively, an administrator may have installed a firmware update or a package update with different default values for certain options, such as encryption algorithms.

To confirm that an IPsec VPN connection is established:

# ipsec trafficstatus
006 #8: ""[1], type=ESP, add_time=1595296930, inBytes=5999, outBytes=3231, id='', lease=

If the output is empty or does not show an entry with the connection name, the tunnel is broken.

To check that the problem is in the connection:

  1. Reload the connection:

    # ipsec auto --add
    002 added connection description ""
  2. Next, initiate the VPN connection:

    # ipsec auto --up

Firewall-related problems

The most common problem is that a firewall on one of the IPsec endpoints or on a router between the endpoints is dropping all Internet Key Exchange (IKE) packets.

  • For IKEv2, an output similar to the following example indicates a problem with a firewall:

    # ipsec auto --up
    181 ""[1] #15: initiating IKEv2 IKE SA
    181 ""[1] #15: STATE_PARENT_I1: sent v2I1, expected v2R1
    010 ""[1] #15: STATE_PARENT_I1: retransmission; will wait 0.5 seconds for response
    010 ""[1] #15: STATE_PARENT_I1: retransmission; will wait 1 seconds for response
    010 ""[1] #15: STATE_PARENT_I1: retransmission; will wait 2 seconds for
  • For IKEv1, the output of the initiating command looks like:

    # ipsec auto --up
    002 "" #9: initiating Main Mode
    102 "" #9: STATE_MAIN_I1: sent MI1, expecting MR1
    010 "" #9: STATE_MAIN_I1: retransmission; will wait 0.5 seconds for response
    010 "" #9: STATE_MAIN_I1: retransmission; will wait 1 seconds for response
    010 "" #9: STATE_MAIN_I1: retransmission; will wait 2 seconds for response

Because the IKE protocol, which is used to set up IPsec, is encrypted, you can troubleshoot only a limited subset of problems using the tcpdump tool. If a firewall is dropping IKE or IPsec packets, you can try to find the cause using the tcpdump utility. However, tcpdump cannot diagnose other problems with IPsec VPN connections.

  • To capture the negotiation of the VPN and all encrypted data on the eth0 interface:

    # tcpdump -i eth0 -n -n esp or udp port 500 or udp port 4500 or tcp port 4500

Mismatched algorithms, protocols, and policies

VPN connections require that the endpoints have matching IKE algorithms, IPsec algorithms, and IP address ranges. If a mismatch occurs, the connection fails. If you identify a mismatch by using one of the following methods, fix it by aligning algorithms, protocols, or policies.

  • If the remote endpoint is not running IKE/IPsec, you can see an ICMP packet indicating it. For example:

    # ipsec auto --up
    000 ""[1] #16: ERROR: asynchronous network error report on wlp2s0 (, complainant Connection refused [errno 111, origin ICMP type 3 code 3 (not authenticated)]
  • Example of mismatched IKE algorithms:

    # ipsec auto --up
    003 ""[1] #3: dropping unexpected IKE_SA_INIT message containing NO_PROPOSAL_CHOSEN notification; message payloads: N; missing payloads: SA,KE,Ni
  • Example of mismatched IPsec algorithms:

    # ipsec auto --up
    182 ""[1] #5: STATE_PARENT_I2: sent v2I2, expected v2R2 {auth=IKEv2 cipher=AES_GCM_16_256 integ=n/a prf=HMAC_SHA2_256 group=MODP2048}
    002 ""[1] #6: IKE_AUTH response contained the error notification NO_PROPOSAL_CHOSEN

    A mismatched IKE version could also result in the remote endpoint dropping the request without a response. This looks identical to a firewall dropping all IKE packets.

  • Example of mismatched IP address ranges for IKEv2 (called Traffic Selectors - TS):

    # ipsec auto --up
    1v2 "" #1: STATE_PARENT_I2: sent v2I2, expected v2R2 {auth=IKEv2 cipher=AES_GCM_16_256 integ=n/a prf=HMAC_SHA2_512 group=MODP2048}
    002 "" #2: IKE_AUTH response contained the error notification TS_UNACCEPTABLE
  • Example of mismatched IP address ranges for IKEv1:

    # ipsec auto --up
    031 "" #2: STATE_QUICK_I1: 60 second timeout exceeded after 0 retransmits.  No acceptable response to our first Quick Mode message: perhaps peer likes no proposal
  • When using PreSharedKeys (PSK) in IKEv1, if both sides do not put in the same PSK, the entire IKE message becomes unreadable:

    # ipsec auto --up
    003 "" #1: received Hash Payload does not match computed value
    223 "" #1: sending notification INVALID_HASH_INFORMATION to
  • In IKEv2, the mismatched-PSK error results in an AUTHENTICATION_FAILED message:

    # ipsec auto --up
    002 "" #1: IKE SA authentication request rejected by peer: AUTHENTICATION_FAILED

Maximum transmission unit

Other than firewalls blocking IKE or IPsec packets, the most common cause of networking problems relates to an increased packet size of encrypted packets. Network hardware fragments packets larger than the maximum transmission unit (MTU), for example, 1500 bytes. Often, the fragments are lost and the packets fail to re-assemble. This leads to intermittent failures, when a ping test, which uses small-sized packets, works but other traffic fails. In this case, you can establish an SSH session but the terminal freezes as soon as you use it, for example, by entering the 'ls -al /usr' command on the remote host.

To work around the problem, reduce MTU size by adding the mtu=1400 option to the tunnel configuration file.

Alternatively, for TCP connections, enable an iptables rule that changes the MSS value:

# iptables -I FORWARD -p tcp --tcp-flags SYN,RST SYN -j TCPMSS --clamp-mss-to-pmtu

If the previous command does not solve the problem in your scenario, directly specify a lower size in the set-mss parameter:

# iptables -I FORWARD -p tcp --tcp-flags SYN,RST SYN -j TCPMSS --set-mss 1380

Network address translation (NAT)

When an IPsec host also serves as a NAT router, it could accidentally remap packets. The following example configuration demonstrates the problem:

conn myvpn

The system with address have a NAT rule:

iptables -t nat -I POSTROUTING -o eth0 -j MASQUERADE

If the system on address sends a packet to, then the router translates the source to before it applies the IPsec encryption.

Then, the packet with the source address no longer matches the conn myvpn configuration, and IPsec does not encrypt this packet.

To solve this problem, insert rules that exclude NAT for target IPsec subnet ranges on the router, in this example:

iptables -t nat -I POSTROUTING -s -d -j RETURN

Kernel IPsec subsystem bugs

The kernel IPsec subsystem might fail, for example, when a bug causes a desynchronizing of the IKE user space and the IPsec kernel. To check for such problems:

$ cat /proc/net/xfrm_stat
XfrmInError                 0
XfrmInBufferError           0

Any non-zero value in the output of the previous command indicates a problem. If you encounter this problem, open a new support case, and attach the output of the previous command along with the corresponding IKE logs.

Libreswan logs

Libreswan logs using the syslog protocol by default. You can use the journalctl command to find log entries related to IPsec. Because the corresponding entries to the log are sent by the pluto IKE daemon, search for the “pluto” keyword, for example:

$ journalctl -b | grep pluto

To show a live log for the ipsec service:

$ journalctl -f -u ipsec

If the default level of logging does not reveal your configuration problem, enable debug logs by adding the plutodebug=all option to the config setup section in the /etc/ipsec.conf file.

Note that debug logging produces a lot of entries, and it is possible that either the journald or syslogd service rate-limits the syslog messages. To ensure you have complete logs, redirect the logging to a file. Edit the /etc/ipsec.conf, and add the logfile=/var/log/pluto.log in the config setup section.

Additional resources

21.4. Using MACsec to encrypt layer-2 traffic in the same physical network

You can use MACsec to secure the communication between two devices (point-to-point). For example, your branch office is connected over a Metro-Ethernet connection with the central office, you can configure MACsec on the two hosts that connect the offices to increase the security.

Media Access Control security (MACsec) is a layer 2 protocol that secures different traffic types over the Ethernet links including:

  • dynamic host configuration protocol (DHCP)
  • address resolution protocol (ARP)
  • Internet Protocol version 4 / 6 (IPv4 / IPv6) and
  • any traffic over IP such as TCP or UDP

MACsec encrypts and authenticates all traffic in LANs, by default with the GCM-AES-128 algorithm, and uses a pre-shared key to establish the connection between the participant hosts. If you want to change the pre-shared key, you need to update the NM configuration on all hosts in the network that uses MACsec.

A MACsec connection uses an Ethernet device, such as an Ethernet network card, VLAN, or tunnel device, as parent. You can either set an IP configuration only on the MACsec device to communicate with other hosts only using the encrypted connection, or you can also set an IP configuration on the parent device. In the latter case, you can use the parent device to communicate with other hosts using an unencrypted connection and the MACsec device for encrypted connections.

MACsec does not require any special hardware. For example, you can use any switch, except if you want to encrypt traffic only between a host and a switch. In this scenario, the switch must also support MACsec.

In other words, there are 2 common methods to configure MACsec;

  • host to host and
  • host to switch then switch to other host(s)

You can use MACsec only between hosts that are in the same (physical or virtual) LAN.

21.4.1. Configuring a MACsec connection using nmcli

You can configure Ethernet interfaces to use MACsec using the nmcli utility. For example, you can create a MACsec connection between two hosts that are connected over Ethernet.


  1. On the first host on which you configure MACsec:

    • Create the connectivity association key (CAK) and connectivity-association key name (CKN) for the pre-shared key:

      1. Create a 16-byte hexadecimal CAK:

        # dd if=/dev/urandom count=16 bs=1 2> /dev/null | hexdump -e '1/2 "%04x"'
      2. Create a 32-byte hexadecimal CKN:

        # dd if=/dev/urandom count=32 bs=1 2> /dev/null | hexdump -e '1/2 "%04x"'
  2. On both hosts you want to connect over a MACsec connection:
  3. Create the MACsec connection:

    # nmcli connection add type macsec con-name macsec0 ifname macsec0 connection.autoconnect yes macsec.parent enp1s0 macsec.mode psk macsec.mka-cak 50b71a8ef0bd5751ea76de6d6c98c03a macsec.mka-ckn f2b4297d39da7330910a7abc0449feb45b5c0b9fc23df1430e1898fcf1c4550

    Use the CAK and CKN generated in the previous step in the macsec.mka-cak and macsec.mka-ckn parameters. The values must be the same on every host in the MACsec-protected network.

  4. Configure the IP settings on the MACsec connection.

    1. Configure the IPv4 settings. For example, to set a static IPv4 address, network mask, default gateway, and DNS server to the macsec0 connection, enter:

      # nmcli connection modify macsec0 ipv4.method manual ipv4.addresses '' ipv4.gateway '' ipv4.dns ''
    2. Configure the IPv6 settings. For example, to set a static IPv6 address, network mask, default gateway, and DNS server to the macsec0 connection, enter:

      # nmcli connection modify macsec0 ipv6.method manual ipv6.addresses '2001:db8:1::1/32' ipv6.gateway '2001:db8:1::fffe' ipv6.dns '2001:db8:1::fffd'
  5. Activate the connection:

    # nmcli connection up macsec0


  1. Verify that the traffic is encrypted:

    # tcpdump -nn -i enp1s0
  2. Optional: Display the unencrypted traffic:

    # tcpdump -nn -i macsec0
  3. Display MACsec statistics:

    # ip macsec show
  4. Display individual counters for each type of protection: integrity-only (encrypt off) and encryption (encrypt on)

    # ip -s macsec show

21.4.2. Additional resources

21.5. Using and configuring firewalld

A firewall is a way to protect machines from any unwanted traffic from outside. It enables users to control incoming network traffic on host machines by defining a set of firewall rules. These rules are used to sort the incoming traffic and either block it or allow through.

firewalld is a firewall service daemon that provides a dynamic customizable host-based firewall with a D-Bus interface. Being dynamic, it enables creating, changing, and deleting the rules without the necessity to restart the firewall daemon each time the rules are changed.

firewalld uses the concepts of zones and services, that simplify the traffic management. Zones are predefined sets of rules. Network interfaces and sources can be assigned to a zone. The traffic allowed depends on the network your computer is connected to and the security level this network is assigned. Firewall services are predefined rules that cover all necessary settings to allow incoming traffic for a specific service and they apply within a zone.

Services use one or more ports or addresses for network communication. Firewalls filter communication based on ports. To allow network traffic for a service, its ports must be open. firewalld blocks all traffic on ports that are not explicitly set as open. Some zones, such as trusted, allow all traffic by default.

Note that firewalld with nftables backend does not support passing custom nftables rules to firewalld, using the --direct option.

21.5.1. Getting started with firewalld

The following is an introduction to firewalld features, such as services and zones, and how to manage the firewalld systemd service. When to use firewalld, nftables, or iptables

The following is a brief overview in which scenario you should use one of the following utilities:

  • firewalld: Use the firewalld utility for simple firewall use cases. The utility is easy to use and covers the typical use cases for these scenarios.
  • nftables: Use the nftables utility to set up complex and performance-critical firewalls, such as for a whole network.
  • iptables: The iptables utility on Red Hat Enterprise Linux uses the nf_tables kernel API instead of the legacy back end. The nf_tables API provides backward compatibility so that scripts that use iptables commands still work on Red Hat Enterprise Linux. For new firewall scripts, Red Hat recommends to use nftables.

To prevent the different firewall services from influencing each other, run only one of them on a RHEL host, and disable the other services. Zones

firewalld can be used to separate networks into different zones according to the level of trust that the user has decided to place on the interfaces and traffic within that network. A connection can only be part of one zone, but a zone can be used for many network connections.

NetworkManager notifies firewalld of the zone of an interface. You can assign zones to interfaces with:

  • NetworkManager
  • firewall-config tool
  • firewall-cmd command-line tool
  • The RHEL web console

The latter three can only edit the appropriate NetworkManager configuration files. If you change the zone of the interface using the web console, firewall-cmd or firewall-config, the request is forwarded to NetworkManager and is not handled by ⁠firewalld.

The predefined zones are stored in the /usr/lib/firewalld/zones/ directory and can be instantly applied to any available network interface. These files are copied to the /etc/firewalld/zones/ directory only after they are modified. The default settings of the predefined zones are as follows:

Any incoming network connections are rejected with an icmp-host-prohibited message for IPv4 and icmp6-adm-prohibited for IPv6. Only network connections initiated from within the system are possible.
For computers in your demilitarized zone that are publicly-accessible with limited access to your internal network. Only selected incoming connections are accepted.
Any incoming network packets are dropped without any notification. Only outgoing network connections are possible.
For use on external networks with masquerading enabled, especially for routers. You do not trust the other computers on the network to not harm your computer. Only selected incoming connections are accepted.
For use at home when you mostly trust the other computers on the network. Only selected incoming connections are accepted.
For use on internal networks when you mostly trust the other computers on the network. Only selected incoming connections are accepted.
For use in public areas where you do not trust other computers on the network. Only selected incoming connections are accepted.
All network connections are accepted.
For use at work where you mostly trust the other computers on the network. Only selected incoming connections are accepted.

One of these zones is set as the default zone. When interface connections are added to NetworkManager, they are assigned to the default zone. On installation, the default zone in firewalld is set to be the public zone. The default zone can be changed.


The network zone names should be self-explanatory and to allow users to quickly make a reasonable decision. To avoid any security problems, review the default zone configuration and disable any unnecessary services according to your needs and risk assessments.

Additional resources

  • The man page. Predefined services

A service can be a list of local ports, protocols, source ports, and destinations, as well as a list of firewall helper modules automatically loaded if a service is enabled. Using services saves users time because they can achieve several tasks, such as opening ports, defining protocols, enabling packet forwarding and more, in a single step, rather than setting up everything one after another.

Service configuration options and generic file information are described in the firewalld.service(5) man page. The services are specified by means of individual XML configuration files, which are named in the following format: service-name.xml. Protocol names are preferred over service or application names in firewalld.

Services can be added and removed using the graphical firewall-config tool, firewall-cmd, and firewall-offline-cmd.

Alternatively, you can edit the XML files in the /etc/firewalld/services/ directory. If a service is not added or changed by the user, then no corresponding XML file is found in /etc/firewalld/services/. The files in the /usr/lib/firewalld/services/ directory can be used as templates if you want to add or change a service.

Additional resources

  • The firewalld.service(5) man page Starting firewalld


  1. To start firewalld, enter the following command as root:

    # systemctl unmask firewalld
    # systemctl start firewalld
  2. To ensure firewalld starts automatically at system start, enter the following command as root:

    # systemctl enable firewalld Stopping firewalld


  1. To stop firewalld, enter the following command as root:

    # systemctl stop firewalld
  2. To prevent firewalld from starting automatically at system start:

    # systemctl disable firewalld
  3. To make sure firewalld is not started by accessing the firewalld D-Bus interface and also if other services require firewalld:

    # systemctl mask firewalld Verifying the permanent firewalld configuration

In certain situations, for example after manually editing firewalld configuration files, administrators want to verify that the changes are correct. You can use the firewall-cmd utility to verify the configuration.


  • The firewalld service is running.


  1. Verify the permanent configuration of the firewalld service:

    # firewall-cmd --check-config

    If the permanent configuration is valid, the command returns success. In other cases, the command returns an error with further details, such as the following:

    # firewall-cmd --check-config
    Error: INVALID_PROTOCOL: 'public.xml': 'tcpx' not from {'tcp'|'udp'|'sctp'|'dccp'}

21.5.2. Viewing the current status and settings of firewalld

To monitor the firewalld service, you can display the status, allowed services, and settings. Viewing the current status of firewalld

The firewall service, firewalld, is installed on the system by default. Use the firewalld CLI interface to check that the service is running.


  1. To see the status of the service:

    # firewall-cmd --state
  2. For more information about the service status, use the systemctl status sub-command:

    # systemctl status firewalld
    firewalld.service - firewalld - dynamic firewall daemon
       Loaded: loaded (/usr/lib/systemd/system/firewalld.service; enabled; vendor pr
       Active: active (running) since Mon 2017-12-18 16:05:15 CET; 50min ago
         Docs: man:firewalld(1)
     Main PID: 705 (firewalld)
        Tasks: 2 (limit: 4915)
       CGroup: /system.slice/firewalld.service
               └─705 /usr/bin/python3 -Es /usr/sbin/firewalld --nofork --nopid Viewing allowed services using GUI

To view the list of services using the graphical firewall-config tool, press the Super key to enter the Activities Overview, type firewall, and press Enter. The firewall-config tool appears. You can now view the list of services under the Services tab.

You can start the graphical firewall configuration tool using the command-line.


  • You installed the firewall-config package.


  • To start the graphical firewall configuration tool using the command-line:

    $ firewall-config

The Firewall Configuration window opens. Note that this command can be run as a normal user, but you are prompted for an administrator password occasionally. Viewing firewalld settings using CLI

With the CLI client, it is possible to get different views of the current firewall settings. The --list-all option shows a complete overview of the firewalld settings.

firewalld uses zones to manage the traffic. If a zone is not specified by the --zone option, the command is effective in the default zone assigned to the active network interface and connection.


  • To list all the relevant information for the default zone:

    # firewall-cmd --list-all
      target: default
      icmp-block-inversion: no
      services: ssh dhcpv6-client
      masquerade: no
      rich rules:
  • To specify the zone for which to display the settings, add the --zone=zone-name argument to the firewall-cmd --list-all command, for example:

    # firewall-cmd --list-all --zone=home
      target: default
      icmp-block-inversion: no
      services: ssh mdns samba-client dhcpv6-client
  • To see the settings for particular information, such as services or ports, use a specific option. See the firewalld manual pages or get a list of the options using the command help:

    # firewall-cmd --help
  • To see which services are allowed in the current zone:

    # firewall-cmd --list-services
    ssh dhcpv6-client

Listing the settings for a certain subpart using the CLI tool can sometimes be difficult to interpret. For example, you allow the SSH service and firewalld opens the necessary port (22) for the service. Later, if you list the allowed services, the list shows the SSH service, but if you list open ports, it does not show any. Therefore, it is recommended to use the --list-all option to make sure you receive a complete information.

21.5.3. Controlling network traffic using firewalld

The firewalld package installs a large number of predefined service files and you can add more or customize them. You can then use these service definitions to open or close ports for services without knowing the protocol and port numbers they use. Disabling all traffic in case of emergency using CLI

In an emergency situation, such as a system attack, it is possible to disable all network traffic and cut off the attacker.


  1. To immediately disable networking traffic, switch panic mode on:

    # firewall-cmd --panic-on

    Enabling panic mode stops all networking traffic. For this reason, it should be used only when you have the physical access to the machine or if you are logged in using a serial console.

  2. Switching off panic mode reverts the firewall to its permanent settings. To switch panic mode off, enter:

    # firewall-cmd --panic-off


  • To see whether panic mode is switched on or off, use:

    # firewall-cmd --query-panic Controlling traffic with predefined services using CLI

The most straightforward method to control traffic is to add a predefined service to firewalld. This opens all necessary ports and modifies other settings according to the service definition file.


  1. Check that the service is not already allowed:

    # firewall-cmd --list-services
    ssh dhcpv6-client
  2. List all predefined services:

    # firewall-cmd --get-services
    RH-Satellite-6 amanda-client amanda-k5-client bacula bacula-client bitcoin bitcoin-rpc bitcoin-testnet bitcoin-testnet-rpc ceph ceph-mon cfengine condor-collector ctdb dhcp dhcpv6 dhcpv6-client dns docker-registry ...
  3. Add the service to the allowed services:

    # firewall-cmd --add-service=<service_name>
  4. Make the new settings persistent:

    # firewall-cmd --runtime-to-permanent Controlling traffic with predefined services using GUI

You can control the network traffic with predefined services using graphical user interface.


  • You installed the firewall-config package


  1. To enable or disable a predefined or custom service:

    1. Start the firewall-config tool and select the network zone whose services are to be configured.
    2. Select the Zones tab and then the Services tab below.
    3. Select the check box for each type of service you want to trust or clear the check box to block a service in the selected zone.
  2. To edit a service:

    1. Start the firewall-config tool.
    2. Select Permanent from the menu labeled Configuration. Additional icons and menu buttons appear at the bottom of the Services window.
    3. Select the service you want to configure.

The Ports, Protocols, and Source Port tabs enable adding, changing, and removing of ports, protocols, and source port for the selected service. The modules tab is for configuring Netfilter helper modules. The Destination tab enables limiting traffic to a particular destination address and Internet Protocol (IPv4 or IPv6).


It is not possible to alter service settings in the Runtime mode. Adding new services

Services can be added and removed using the graphical firewall-config tool, firewall-cmd, and firewall-offline-cmd. Alternatively, you can edit the XML files in /etc/firewalld/services/. If a service is not added or changed by the user, then no corresponding XML file are found in /etc/firewalld/services/. The files /usr/lib/firewalld/services/ can be used as templates if you want to add or change a service.


Service names must be alphanumeric and can, additionally, include only _ (underscore) and - (dash) characters.


To add a new service in a terminal, use firewall-cmd, or firewall-offline-cmd in case of not active firewalld.

  1. Enter the following command to add a new and empty service:

    $ firewall-cmd --new-service=<service_name> --permanent
  2. To add a new service using a local file, use the following command:

    $ firewall-cmd --new-service-from-file=<service_xml_file> --permanent

    You can change the service name with the additional --name=<service_name> option.

  3. As soon as service settings are changed, an updated copy of the service is placed into /etc/firewalld/services/.

    As root, you can enter the following command to copy a service manually:

    # cp /usr/lib/firewalld/services/service-name.xml /etc/firewalld/services/service-name.xml

firewalld loads files from /usr/lib/firewalld/services in the first place. If files are placed in /etc/firewalld/services and they are valid, then these will override the matching files from /usr/lib/firewalld/services. The overridden files in /usr/lib/firewalld/services are used as soon as the matching files in /etc/firewalld/services have been removed or if firewalld has been asked to load the defaults of the services. This applies to the permanent environment only. A reload is needed to get these fallbacks also in the runtime environment. Opening ports using GUI

To permit traffic through the firewall to a certain port, you can open the port in the GUI.


  • You installed the firewall-config package


  1. Start the firewall-config tool and select the network zone whose settings you want to change.
  2. Select the Ports tab and click the Add button on the right-hand side. The Port and Protocol window opens.
  3. Enter the port number or range of ports to permit.
  4. Select tcp or udp from the list. Controlling traffic with protocols using GUI

To permit traffic through the firewall using a certain protocol, you can use the GUI.


  • You installed the firewall-config package


  1. Start the firewall-config tool and select the network zone whose settings you want to change.
  2. Select the Protocols tab and click the Add button on the right-hand side. The Protocol window opens.
  3. Either select a protocol from the list or select the Other Protocol check box and enter the protocol in the field. Opening source ports using GUI

To permit traffic through the firewall from a certain port, you can use the GUI.


  • You installed the firewall-config package


  1. Start the firewall-config tool and select the network zone whose settings you want to change.
  2. Select the Source Port tab and click the Add button on the right-hand side. The Source Port window opens.
  3. Enter the port number or range of ports to permit. Select tcp or udp from the list.

21.5.4. Controlling ports using CLI

Ports are logical devices that enable an operating system to receive and distinguish network traffic and forward it accordingly to system services. These are usually represented by a daemon that listens on the port, that is it waits for any traffic coming to this port.

Normally, system services listen on standard ports that are reserved for them. The httpd daemon, for example, listens on port 80. However, system administrators by default configure daemons to listen on different ports to enhance security or for other reasons. Opening a port

Through open ports, the system is accessible from the outside, which represents a security risk. Generally, keep ports closed and only open them if they are required for certain services.


To get a list of open ports in the current zone:

  1. List all allowed ports:

    # firewall-cmd --list-ports
  2. Add a port to the allowed ports to open it for incoming traffic:

    # firewall-cmd --add-port=port-number/port-type

    The port types are either tcp, udp, sctp, or dccp. The type must match the type of network communication.

  3. Make the new settings persistent:

    # firewall-cmd --runtime-to-permanent

    The port types are either tcp, udp, sctp, or dccp. The type must match the type of network communication. Closing a port

When an open port is no longer needed, close that port in firewalld. It is highly recommended to close all unnecessary ports as soon as they are not used because leaving a port open represents a security risk.


To close a port, remove it from the list of allowed ports:

  1. List all allowed ports:

    # firewall-cmd --list-ports

    This command will only give you a list of ports that have been opened as ports. You will not be able to see any open ports that have been opened as a service. Therefore, you should consider using the --list-all option instead of --list-ports.

  2. Remove the port from the allowed ports to close it for the incoming traffic:

    # firewall-cmd --remove-port=port-number/port-type
  3. Make the new settings persistent:

    # firewall-cmd --runtime-to-permanent

21.5.5. Working with firewalld zones

Zones represent a concept to manage incoming traffic more transparently. The zones are connected to networking interfaces or assigned a range of source addresses. You manage firewall rules for each zone independently, which enables you to define complex firewall settings and apply them to the traffic. Listing zones

You can list zones using the command line.


  1. To see which zones are available on your system:

    # firewall-cmd --get-zones

    The firewall-cmd --get-zones command displays all zones that are available on the system, but it does not show any details for particular zones.

  2. To see detailed information for all zones:

    # firewall-cmd --list-all-zones
  3. To see detailed information for a specific zone:

    # firewall-cmd --zone=zone-name --list-all Modifying firewalld settings for a certain zone

The Controlling traffic with predefined services using cli and Controlling ports using cli explain how to add services or modify ports in the scope of the current working zone. Sometimes, it is required to set up rules in a different zone.


  • To work in a different zone, use the --zone=<zone_name> option. For example, to allow the SSH service in the zone public:

    # firewall-cmd --add-service=ssh --zone=public Changing the default zone

System administrators assign a zone to a networking interface in its configuration files. If an interface is not assigned to a specific zone, it is assigned to the default zone. After each restart of the firewalld service, firewalld loads the settings for the default zone and makes it active.


To set up the default zone:

  1. Display the current default zone:

    # firewall-cmd --get-default-zone
  2. Set the new default zone:

    # firewall-cmd --set-default-zone <zone_name>

    Following this procedure, the setting is a permanent setting, even without the --permanent option. Assigning a network interface to a zone

It is possible to define different sets of rules for different zones and then change the settings quickly by changing the zone for the interface that is being used. With multiple interfaces, a specific zone can be set for each of them to distinguish traffic that is coming through them.


To assign the zone to a specific interface:

  1. List the active zones and the interfaces assigned to them:

    # firewall-cmd --get-active-zones
  2. Assign the interface to a different zone:

    # firewall-cmd --zone=zone_name --change-interface=interface_name --permanent Assigning a zone to a connection using nmcli

You can add a firewalld zone to a NetworkManager connection using the nmcli utility.


  1. Assign the zone to the NetworkManager connection profile:

    # nmcli connection modify profile zone_name
  2. Activate the connection:

    # nmcli connection up profile Manually assigning a zone to a network connection in an ifcfg file

When the connection is managed by NetworkManager, it must be aware of a zone that it uses. For every network connection, a zone can be specified, which provides the flexibility of various firewall settings according to the location of the computer with portable devices. Thus, zones and settings can be specified for different locations, such as company or home.


  • To set a zone for a connection, edit the /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-connection_name file and add a line that assigns a zone to this connection:

    ZONE=zone_name Creating a new zone

To use custom zones, create a new zone and use it just like a predefined zone. New zones require the --permanent option, otherwise the command does not work.


  1. Create a new zone:

    # firewall-cmd --permanent --new-zone=zone-name
  2. Check if the new zone is added to your permanent settings:

    # firewall-cmd --get-zones
  3. Make the new settings persistent:

    # firewall-cmd --runtime-to-permanent Zone configuration files

Zones can also be created using a zone configuration file. This approach can be helpful when you need to create a new zone, but want to reuse the settings from a different zone and only alter them a little.

A firewalld zone configuration file contains the information for a zone. These are the zone description, services, ports, protocols, icmp-blocks, masquerade, forward-ports and rich language rules in an XML file format. The file name has to be zone-name.xml where the length of zone-name is currently limited to 17 chars. The zone configuration files are located in the /usr/lib/firewalld/zones/ and /etc/firewalld/zones/ directories.

The following example shows a configuration that allows one service (SSH) and one port range, for both the TCP and UDP protocols:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
  <short>My Zone</short>
  <description>Here you can describe the characteristic features of the zone.</description>
  <service name="ssh"/>
  <port protocol="udp" port="1025-65535"/>
  <port protocol="tcp" port="1025-65535"/>

To change settings for that zone, add or remove sections to add ports, forward ports, services, and so on.

Additional resources

  • manual page Using zone targets to set default behavior for incoming traffic

For every zone, you can set a default behavior that handles incoming traffic that is not further specified. Such behavior is defined by setting the target of the zone. There are four options:

  • ACCEPT: Accepts all incoming packets except those disallowed by specific rules.
  • REJECT: Rejects all incoming packets except those allowed by specific rules. When firewalld rejects packets, the source machine is informed about the rejection.
  • DROP: Drops all incoming packets except those allowed by specific rules. When firewalld drops packets, the source machine is not informed about the packet drop.
  • default: Similar behavior as for REJECT, but with special meanings in certain scenarios. For details, see the Options to Adapt and Query Zones and Policies section in the firewall-cmd(1) man page.


To set a target for a zone:

  1. List the information for the specific zone to see the default target:

    # firewall-cmd --zone=zone-name --list-all
  2. Set a new target in the zone:

    # firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=zone-name --set-target=<default|ACCEPT|REJECT|DROP>

Additional resources

  • firewall-cmd(1) man page

21.5.6. Using zones to manage incoming traffic depending on a source

You can use zones to manage incoming traffic based on its source. That enables you to sort incoming traffic and route it through different zones to allow or disallow services that can be reached by that traffic.

If you add a source to a zone, the zone becomes active and any incoming traffic from that source will be directed through it. You can specify different settings for each zone, which is applied to the traffic from the given sources accordingly. You can use more zones even if you only have one network interface. Adding a source

To route incoming traffic into a specific zone, add the source to that zone. The source can be an IP address or an IP mask in the classless inter-domain routing (CIDR) notation.


In case you add multiple zones with an overlapping network range, they are ordered alphanumerically by zone name and only the first one is considered.

  • To set the source in the current zone:

    # firewall-cmd --add-source=<source>
  • To set the source IP address for a specific zone:

    # firewall-cmd --zone=zone-name --add-source=<source>

The following procedure allows all incoming traffic from in the trusted zone:


  1. List all available zones:

    # firewall-cmd --get-zones
  2. Add the source IP to the trusted zone in the permanent mode:

    # firewall-cmd --zone=trusted --add-source=
  3. Make the new settings persistent:

    # firewall-cmd --runtime-to-permanent Removing a source

Removing a source from the zone cuts off the traffic coming from it.


  1. List allowed sources for the required zone:

    # firewall-cmd --zone=zone-name --list-sources
  2. Remove the source from the zone permanently:

    # firewall-cmd --zone=zone-name --remove-source=<source>
  3. Make the new settings persistent:

    # firewall-cmd --runtime-to-permanent Adding a source port

To enable sorting the traffic based on a port of origin, specify a source port using the --add-source-port option. You can also combine this with the --add-source option to limit the traffic to a certain IP address or IP range.


  • To add a source port:

    # firewall-cmd --zone=zone-name --add-source-port=<port-name>/<tcp|udp|sctp|dccp> Removing a source port

By removing a source port you disable sorting the traffic based on a port of origin.


  • To remove a source port:

    # firewall-cmd --zone=zone-name --remove-source-port=<port-name>/<tcp|udp|sctp|dccp> Using zones and sources to allow a service for only a specific domain

To allow traffic from a specific network to use a service on a machine, use zones and source. The following procedure allows only HTTP traffic from the network while any other traffic is blocked.


When you configure this scenario, use a zone that has the default target. Using a zone that has the target set to ACCEPT is a security risk, because for traffic from, all network connections would be accepted.


  1. List all available zones:

    # firewall-cmd --get-zones
    block dmz drop external home internal public trusted work
  2. Add the IP range to the internal zone to route the traffic originating from the source through the zone:

    # firewall-cmd --zone=internal --add-source=
  3. Add the http service to the internal zone:

    # firewall-cmd --zone=internal --add-service=http
  4. Make the new settings persistent:

    # firewall-cmd --runtime-to-permanent


  • Check that the internal zone is active and that the service is allowed in it:

    # firewall-cmd --zone=internal --list-all
    internal (active)
      target: default
      icmp-block-inversion: no
      services: cockpit dhcpv6-client mdns samba-client ssh http

Additional resources

  • firewalld.zones(5) man page

21.5.7. Filtering forwarded traffic between zones

With a policy object, users can group different identities that require similar permissions in the policy. You can apply policies depending on the direction of the traffic.

The policy objects feature provides forward and output filtering in firewalld. You can use firewalld to filter traffic between different zones to allow access to locally hosted VMs to connect the host. The relationship between policy objects and zones

Policy objects allow the user to attach firewalld’s primitives’ such as services, ports, and rich rules to the policy. You can apply the policy objects to traffic that passes between zones in a stateful and unidirectional manner.

# firewall-cmd --permanent --new-policy myOutputPolicy

# firewall-cmd --permanent --policy myOutputPolicy --add-ingress-zone HOST

# firewall-cmd --permanent --policy myOutputPolicy --add-egress-zone ANY

HOST and ANY are the symbolic zones used in the ingress and egress zone lists.

  • The HOST symbolic zone allows policies for the traffic originating from or has a destination to the host running firewalld.
  • The ANY symbolic zone applies policy to all the current and future zones. ANY symbolic zone acts as a wildcard for all zones. Using priorities to sort policies

Multiple policies can apply to the same set of traffic, therefore, priorities should be used to create an order of precedence for the policies that may be applied.

To set a priority to sort the policies:

# firewall-cmd --permanent --policy mypolicy --set-priority -500

In the above example -500 is a lower priority value but has higher precedence. Thus, -500 will execute before -100. Higher priority values have precedence over lower values.

The following rules apply to policy priorities:

  • Policies with negative priorities apply before rules in zones.
  • Policies with positive priorities apply after rules in zones.
  • Priority 0 is reserved and hence is unusable. Using policy objects to filter traffic between locally hosted Containers and a network physically connected to the host

The policy objects feature allows users to filter their container and virtual machine traffic.


  1. Create a new policy.

    # firewall-cmd --permanent --new-policy podmanToHost
  2. Block all traffic.

    # firewall-cmd --permanent --policy podmanToHost --set-target REJECT
    # firewall-cmd --permanent --policy podmanToHost --add-service dhcp
    # firewall-cmd --permanent --policy podmanToHost --add-service dns

    Red Hat recommends that you block all traffic to the host by default and then selectively open the services you need for the host.

  3. Define the ingress zone to use with the policy.

    # firewall-cmd --permanent --policy podmanToHost --add-ingress-zone podman
  4. Define the egress zone to use with the policy.

    # firewall-cmd --permanent --policy podmanToHost --add-egress-zone ANY


  • Verify information about the policy.

    # firewall-cmd --info-policy podmanToHost Setting the default target of policy objects

You can specify --set-target options for policies. The following targets are available:

  • ACCEPT - accepts the packet
  • DROP - drops the unwanted packets
  • REJECT - rejects unwanted packets with an ICMP reply
  • CONTINUE (default) - packets will be subject to rules in following policies and zones.

    # firewall-cmd --permanent --policy mypolicy --set-target CONTINUE


  • Verify information about the policy

    # firewall-cmd --info-policy mypolicy

21.5.8. Configuring NAT using firewalld

With firewalld, you can configure the following network address translation (NAT) types:

  • Masquerading
  • Source NAT (SNAT)
  • Destination NAT (DNAT)
  • Redirect NAT types

These are the different network address translation (NAT) types:

Masquerading and source NAT (SNAT)

Use one of these NAT types to change the source IP address of packets. For example, Internet Service Providers do not route private IP ranges, such as If you use private IP ranges in your network and users should be able to reach servers on the Internet, map the source IP address of packets from these ranges to a public IP address.

Masquerading and SNAT are very similar to one another. The differences are:

  • Masquerading automatically uses the IP address of the outgoing interface. Therefore, use masquerading if the outgoing interface uses a dynamic IP address.
  • SNAT sets the source IP address of packets to a specified IP and does not dynamically look up the IP of the outgoing interface. Therefore, SNAT is faster than masquerading. Use SNAT if the outgoing interface uses a fixed IP address.
Destination NAT (DNAT)
Use this NAT type to rewrite the destination address and port of incoming packets. For example, if your web server uses an IP address from a private IP range and is, therefore, not directly accessible from the Internet, you can set a DNAT rule on the router to redirect incoming traffic to this server.
This type is a special case of DNAT that redirects packets to the local machine depending on the chain hook. For example, if a service runs on a different port than its standard port, you can redirect incoming traffic from the standard port to this specific port. Configuring IP address masquerading

You can enable IP masquerading on your system. IP masquerading hides individual machines behind a gateway when accessing the Internet.


  1. To check if IP masquerading is enabled (for example, for the external zone), enter the following command as root:

    # firewall-cmd --zone=external --query-masquerade

    The command prints yes with exit status 0 if enabled. It prints no with exit status 1 otherwise. If zone is omitted, the default zone will be used.

  2. To enable IP masquerading, enter the following command as root:

    # firewall-cmd --zone=external --add-masquerade
  3. To make this setting persistent, pass the --permanent option to the command.
  4. To disable IP masquerading, enter the following command as root:

    # firewall-cmd --zone=external --remove-masquerade

    To make this setting permanent, pass the --permanent option to the command.

21.5.9. Using DNAT to forward HTTPS traffic to a different host

If your web server runs in a DMZ with private IP addresses, you can configure destination network address translation (DNAT) to enable clients on the internet to connect to this web server. In this case, the host name of the web server resolves to the public IP address of the router. When a client establishes a connection to a defined port on the router, the router forwards the packets to the internal web server.


  • The DNS server resolves the host name of the web server to the router’s IP address.
  • You know the following settings:

    • The private IP address and port number that you want to forward
    • The IP protocol to be used
    • The destination IP address and port of the web server where you want to redirect the packets


  1. Create a firewall policy:

    # firewall-cmd --permanent --new-policy ExamplePolicy

    The policies, as opposed to zones, allow packet filtering for input, output, and forwarded traffic. This is important, because forwarding traffic to endpoints on locally run web servers, containers, or virtual machines requires such capability.

  2. Configure symbolic zones for the ingress and egress traffic to also enable the router itself to connect to its local IP address and forward this traffic:

    # firewall-cmd --permanent --policy=ExamplePolicy --add-ingress-zone=HOST
    # firewall-cmd --permanent --policy=ExamplePolicy --add-egress-zone=ANY

    The --add-ingress-zone=HOST option refers to packets generated locally, which are transmitted out of the local host. The --add-egress-zone=ANY option refers to traffic destined to any zone.

  3. Add a rich rule that forwards traffic to the web server:

    # firewall-cmd --permanent --policy=ExamplePolicy --add-rich-rule='rule family="ipv4" destination address="" forward-port port="443" protocol="tcp" to-port="443" to-addr=""'

    The rich rule forwards TCP traffic from port 443 on the router’s IP address to port 443 of the web server’s IP The rule uses the ExamplePolicy to ensure that the router can also connect to its local IP address.

  4. Reload the firewall configuration files:

    # firewall-cmd --reload
  5. Activate routing of in the kernel:

    # echo "net.ipv4.conf.all.route_localnet=1" > /etc/sysctl.d/90-enable-route-localnet.conf
    # sysctl -p /etc/sysctl.d/90-enable-route-localnet.conf


  1. Connect to the router’s IP address and port that you have forwarded to the web server:

    # curl
  2. Optional: Verify that net.ipv4.conf.all.route_localnet is active:

    # sysctl net.ipv4.conf.all.route_localnet
    net.ipv4.conf.all.route_localnet = 1
  3. Verify that ExamplePolicy is active and contains the settings you need. Especially the source IP address and port, protocol to be used, and the destination IP address and port:

    # firewall-cmd --info-policy=ExamplePolicy
    ExamplePolicy (active)
      priority: -1
      target: CONTINUE
      ingress-zones: HOST
      egress-zones: ANY
      masquerade: no
      rich rules:
    	rule family="ipv4" destination address="" forward-port port="443" protocol="tcp" to-port="443" to-addr=""

Additional resources

21.5.10. Managing ICMP requests

The Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) is a supporting protocol that is used by various network devices to send error messages and operational information indicating a connection problem, for example, that a requested service is not available. ICMP differs from transport protocols such as TCP and UDP because it is not used to exchange data between systems.

Unfortunately, it is possible to use the ICMP messages, especially echo-request and echo-reply, to reveal information about your network and misuse such information for various kinds of fraudulent activities. Therefore, firewalld enables blocking the ICMP requests to protect your network information. Listing and blocking ICMP requests

Listing ICMP requests

The ICMP requests are described in individual XML files that are located in the /usr/lib/firewalld/icmptypes/ directory. You can read these files to see a description of the request. The firewall-cmd command controls the ICMP requests manipulation.

  • To list all available ICMP types:

    # firewall-cmd --get-icmptypes
  • The ICMP request can be used by IPv4, IPv6, or by both protocols. To see for which protocol the ICMP request has used:

    # firewall-cmd --info-icmptype=<icmptype>
  • The status of an ICMP request shows yes if the request is currently blocked or no if it is not. To see if an ICMP request is currently blocked:

    # firewall-cmd --query-icmp-block=<icmptype>

Blocking or unblocking ICMP requests

When your server blocks ICMP requests, it does not provide the information that it normally would. However, that does not mean that no information is given at all. The clients receive information that the particular ICMP request is being blocked (rejected). Blocking the ICMP requests should be considered carefully, because it can cause communication problems, especially with IPv6 traffic.

  • To see if an ICMP request is currently blocked:

    # firewall-cmd --query-icmp-block=<icmptype>
  • To block an ICMP request:

    # firewall-cmd --add-icmp-block=<icmptype>
  • To remove the block for an ICMP request:

    # firewall-cmd --remove-icmp-block=<icmptype>

Blocking ICMP requests without providing any information at all

Normally, if you block ICMP requests, clients know that you are blocking it. So, a potential attacker who is sniffing for live IP addresses is still able to see that your IP address is online. To hide this information completely, you have to drop all ICMP requests.

  • To block and drop all ICMP requests:
  • Set the target of your zone to DROP:

    # firewall-cmd --permanent --set-target=DROP

Now, all traffic, including ICMP requests, is dropped, except traffic which you have explicitly allowed.

To block and drop certain ICMP requests and allow others:

  1. Set the target of your zone to DROP:

    # firewall-cmd --permanent --set-target=DROP
  2. Add the ICMP block inversion to block all ICMP requests at once:

    # firewall-cmd --add-icmp-block-inversion
  3. Add the ICMP block for those ICMP requests that you want to allow:

    # firewall-cmd --add-icmp-block=<icmptype>
  4. Make the new settings persistent:

    # firewall-cmd --runtime-to-permanent

The block inversion inverts the setting of the ICMP requests blocks, so all requests, that were not previously blocked, are blocked because of the target of your zone changes to DROP. The requests that were blocked are not blocked. This means that if you want to unblock a request, you must use the blocking command.

To revert the block inversion to a fully permissive setting:

  1. Set the target of your zone to default or ACCEPT:

    # firewall-cmd --permanent --set-target=default
  2. Remove all added blocks for ICMP requests:

    # firewall-cmd --remove-icmp-block=<icmptype>
  3. Remove the ICMP block inversion:

    # firewall-cmd --remove-icmp-block-inversion
  4. Make the new settings persistent:

    # firewall-cmd --runtime-to-permanent Configuring the ICMP filter using GUI

  • To enable or disable an ICMP filter, start the firewall-config tool and select the network zone whose messages are to be filtered. Select the ICMP Filter tab and select the check box for each type of ICMP message you want to filter. Clear the check box to disable a filter. This setting is per direction and the default allows everything.
  • To enable inverting the ICMP Filter, click the Invert Filter check box on the right. Only marked ICMP types are now accepted, all other are rejected. In a zone using the DROP target, they are dropped.

21.5.11. Setting and controlling IP sets using firewalld

To see the list of IP set types supported by firewalld, enter the following command as root.

# firewall-cmd --get-ipset-types
hash:ip hash:ip,mark hash:ip,port hash:ip,port,ip hash:ip,port,net hash:mac hash:net hash:net,iface hash:net,net hash:net,port hash:net,port,net

Red Hat does not recommend using IP sets that are not managed through firewalld. To use such IP sets, a permanent direct rule is required to reference the set, and a custom service must be added to create these IP sets. This service needs to be started before firewalld starts, otherwise firewalld is not able to add the direct rules using these sets. You can add permanent direct rules with the /etc/firewalld/direct.xml file. Configuring IP set options using CLI

IP sets can be used in firewalld zones as sources and also as sources in rich rules. In Red Hat Enterprise Linux, the preferred method is to use the IP sets created with firewalld in a direct rule.

  • To list the IP sets known to firewalld in the permanent environment, use the following command as root:

    # firewall-cmd --permanent --get-ipsets
  • To add a new IP set, use the following command using the permanent environment as root:

    # firewall-cmd --permanent --new-ipset=test --type=hash:net

    The previous command creates a new IP set with the name test and the hash:net type for IPv4. To create an IP set for use with IPv6, add the --option=family=inet6 option. To make the new setting effective in the runtime environment, reload firewalld.

  • List the new IP set with the following command as root:

    # firewall-cmd --permanent --get-ipsets
  • To get more information about the IP set, use the following command as root:

    # firewall-cmd --permanent --info-ipset=test
    type: hash:net

    Note that the IP set does not have any entries at the moment.

  • To add an entry to the test IP set, use the following command as root:

    # firewall-cmd --permanent --ipset=test --add-entry=

    The previous command adds the IP address to the IP set.

  • To get the list of current entries in the IP set, use the following command as root:

    # firewall-cmd --permanent --ipset=test --get-entries
  • Create the iplist.txt file that contains a list of IP addresses, for example:

    The file with the list of IP addresses for an IP set should contain an entry per line. Lines starting with a hash, a semi-colon, or empty lines are ignored.

  • To add the addresses from the iplist.txt file, use the following command as root:

    # firewall-cmd --permanent --ipset=test --add-entries-from-file=iplist.txt
  • To see the extended entries list of the IP set, use the following command as root:

    # firewall-cmd --permanent --ipset=test --get-entries
  • To remove the addresses from the IP set and to check the updated entries list, use the following commands as root:

    # firewall-cmd --permanent --ipset=pass:_test_ --remove-entries-from-file=iplist.txt
    # firewall-cmd --permanent --ipset=test --get-entries
  • You can add the IP set as a source to a zone to handle all traffic coming in from any of the addresses listed in the IP set with a zone. For example, to add the test IP set as a source to the drop zone to drop all packets coming from all entries listed in the test IP set, use the following command as root:

    # firewall-cmd --permanent --zone=drop --add-source=ipset:test

    The ipset: prefix in the source shows firewalld that the source is an IP set and not an IP address or an address range.

Only the creation and removal of IP sets is limited to the permanent environment, all other IP set options can be used also in the runtime environment without the --permanent option.

21.5.12. Prioritizing rich rules

By default, rich rules are organized based on their rule action. For example, deny rules have precedence over allow rules. The priority parameter in rich rules provides administrators fine-grained control over rich rules and their execution order. How the priority parameter organizes rules into different chains

You can set the priority parameter in a rich rule to any number between -32768 and 32767, and lower values have higher precedence.

The firewalld service organizes rules based on their priority value into different chains:

  • Priority lower than 0: the rule is redirected into a chain with the _pre suffix.
  • Priority higher than 0: the rule is redirected into a chain with the _post suffix.
  • Priority equals 0: based on the action, the rule is redirected into a chain with the _log, _deny, or _allow the action.

Inside these sub-chains, firewalld sorts the rules based on their priority value. Setting the priority of a rich rule

The following is an example of how to create a rich rule that uses the priority parameter to log all traffic that is not allowed or denied by other rules. You can use this rule to flag unexpected traffic.


  • Add a rich rule with a very low precedence to log all traffic that has not been matched by other rules:

    # firewall-cmd --add-rich-rule='rule priority=32767 log prefix="UNEXPECTED: " limit value="5/m"'

    The command additionally limits the number of log entries to 5 per minute.


  • Display the nftables rule that the command in the previous step created:

    # nft list chain inet firewalld filter_IN_public_post
    table inet firewalld {
      chain filter_IN_public_post {
        log prefix "UNEXPECTED: " limit rate 5/minute

21.5.13. Configuring firewall lockdown

Local applications or services are able to change the firewall configuration if they are running as root (for example, libvirt). With this feature, the administrator can lock the firewall configuration so that either no applications or only applications that are added to the lockdown allow list are able to request firewall changes. The lockdown settings default to disabled. If enabled, the user can be sure that there are no unwanted configuration changes made to the firewall by local applications or services. Configuring lockdown using CLI

You can enable or disable the lockdown feature using the command line.


  1. To query whether lockdown is enabled, use the following command as root:

    # firewall-cmd --query-lockdown

    The command prints yes with exit status 0 if lockdown is enabled. It prints no with exit status 1 otherwise.

  2. To enable lockdown, enter the following command as root:

    # firewall-cmd --lockdown-on
  3. To disable lockdown, use the following command as root:

    # firewall-cmd --lockdown-off Configuring lockdown allowlist options using CLI

The lockdown allowlist can contain commands, security contexts, users and user IDs. If a command entry on the allowlist ends with an asterisk "*", then all command lines starting with that command will match. If the "*" is not there then the absolute command including arguments must match.

  • The context is the security (SELinux) context of a running application or service. To get the context of a running application use the following command:

    $ ps -e --context

    That command returns all running applications. Pipe the output through the grep tool to get the application of interest. For example:

    $ ps -e --context | grep example_program
  • To list all command lines that are in the allowlist, enter the following command as root:

    # firewall-cmd --list-lockdown-whitelist-commands
  • To add a command command to the allowlist, enter the following command as root:

    # firewall-cmd --add-lockdown-whitelist-command='/usr/bin/python3 -Es /usr/bin/command'
  • To remove a command command from the allowlist, enter the following command as root:

    # firewall-cmd --remove-lockdown-whitelist-command='/usr/bin/python3 -Es /usr/bin/command'
  • To query whether the command command is in the allowlist, enter the following command as root:

    # firewall-cmd --query-lockdown-whitelist-command='/usr/bin/python3 -Es /usr/bin/command'

    The command prints yes with exit status 0 if true. It prints no with exit status 1 otherwise.

  • To list all security contexts that are in the allowlist, enter the following command as root:

    # firewall-cmd --list-lockdown-whitelist-contexts
  • To add a context context to the allowlist, enter the following command as root:

    # firewall-cmd --add-lockdown-whitelist-context=context
  • To remove a context context from the allowlist, enter the following command as root:

    # firewall-cmd --remove-lockdown-whitelist-context=context
  • To query whether the context context is in the allowlist, enter the following command as root:

    # firewall-cmd --query-lockdown-whitelist-context=context

    Prints yes with exit status 0, if true, prints no with exit status 1 otherwise.

  • To list all user IDs that are in the allowlist, enter the following command as root:

    # firewall-cmd --list-lockdown-whitelist-uids
  • To add a user ID uid to the allowlist, enter the following command as root:

    # firewall-cmd --add-lockdown-whitelist-uid=uid
  • To remove a user ID uid from the allowlist, enter the following command as root:

    # firewall-cmd --remove-lockdown-whitelist-uid=uid
  • To query whether the user ID uid is in the allowlist, enter the following command:

    $ firewall-cmd --query-lockdown-whitelist-uid=uid

    Prints yes with exit status 0, if true, prints no with exit status 1 otherwise.

  • To list all user names that are in the allowlist, enter the following command as root:

    # firewall-cmd --list-lockdown-whitelist-users
  • To add a user name user to the allowlist, enter the following command as root:

    # firewall-cmd --add-lockdown-whitelist-user=user
  • To remove a user name user from the allowlist, enter the following command as root:

    # firewall-cmd --remove-lockdown-whitelist-user=user
  • To query whether the user name user is in the allowlist, enter the following command:

    $ firewall-cmd --query-lockdown-whitelist-user=user

    Prints yes with exit status 0, if true, prints no with exit status 1 otherwise. Configuring lockdown allowlist options using configuration files

The default allowlist configuration file contains the NetworkManager context and the default context of libvirt. The user ID 0 is also on the list.

+ The allowlist configuration files are stored in the /etc/firewalld/ directory.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
	  <selinux context="system_u:system_r:NetworkManager_t:s0"/>
	  <selinux context="system_u:system_r:virtd_t:s0-s0:c0.c1023"/>
	  <user id="0"/>

Following is an example allowlist configuration file enabling all commands for the firewall-cmd utility, for a user called user whose user ID is 815:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
	  <command name="/usr/libexec/platform-python -s /bin/firewall-cmd*"/>
	  <selinux context="system_u:system_r:NetworkManager_t:s0"/>
	  <user id="815"/>
	  <user name="user"/>

This example shows both user id and user name, but only one option is required. Python is the interpreter and is prepended to the command line. You can also use a specific command, for example:

# /usr/bin/python3 /bin/firewall-cmd --lockdown-on

In that example, only the --lockdown-on command is allowed.

In Red Hat Enterprise Linux, all utilities are placed in the /usr/bin/ directory and the /bin/ directory is sym-linked to the /usr/bin/ directory. In other words, although the path for firewall-cmd when entered as root might resolve to /bin/firewall-cmd, /usr/bin/firewall-cmd can now be used. All new scripts should use the new location. But be aware that if scripts that run as root are written to use the /bin/firewall-cmd path, then that command path must be added in the allowlist in addition to the /usr/bin/firewall-cmd path traditionally used only for non-root users.

The * at the end of the name attribute of a command means that all commands that start with this string match. If the * is not there then the absolute command including arguments must match.

21.5.14. Enabling traffic forwarding between different interfaces or sources within a firewalld zone

Intra-zone forwarding is a firewalld feature that enables traffic forwarding between interfaces or sources within a firewalld zone. The difference between intra-zone forwarding and zones with the default target set to ACCEPT

When intra-zone forwarding is enabled, the traffic within a single firewalld zone can flow from one interface or source to another interface or source. The zone specifies the trust level of interfaces and sources. If the trust level is the same, communication between interfaces or sources is possible.

Note that, if you enable intra-zone forwarding in the default zone of firewalld, it applies only to the interfaces and sources added to the current default zone.

The trusted zone of firewalld uses a default target set to ACCEPT. This zone accepts all forwarded traffic, and intra-zone forwarding is not applicable for it.

As for other default target values, forwarded traffic is dropped by default, which applies to all standard zones except the trusted zone. Using intra-zone forwarding to forward traffic between an Ethernet and Wi-Fi network

You can use intra-zone forwarding to forward traffic between interfaces and sources within the same firewalld zone. For example, use this feature to forward traffic between an Ethernet network connected to enp1s0 and a Wi-Fi network connected to wlp0s20.


  1. Enable packet forwarding in the kernel:

    # echo "net.ipv4.ip_forward=1" > /etc/sysctl.d/95-IPv4-forwarding.conf
    # sysctl -p /etc/sysctl.d/95-IPv4-forwarding.conf
  2. Ensure that interfaces between which you want to enable intra-zone forwarding are not assigned to a zone different than the internal zone:

    # firewall-cmd --get-active-zones
  3. If the interface is currently assigned to a zone other than internal, reassign it:

    # firewall-cmd --zone=internal --change-interface=interface_name --permanent
  4. Add the enp1s0 and wlp0s20 interfaces to the internal zone:

    # firewall-cmd --zone=internal --add-interface=enp1s0 --add-interface=wlp0s20
  5. Enable intra-zone forwarding:

    # firewall-cmd --zone=internal --add-forward


The following verification steps require that the nmap-ncat package is installed on both hosts.

  1. Log in to a host that is in the same network as the enp1s0 interface of the host you enabled zone forwarding on.
  2. Start an echo service with ncat to test connectivity:

    # ncat -e /usr/bin/cat -l 12345
  3. Log in to a host that is in the same network as the wlp0s20 interface.
  4. Connect to the echo server running on the host that is in the same network as the enp1s0:

    # ncat <other_host> 12345
  5. Type something and press Enter, and verify the text is sent back.

Additional resources

  • firewalld.zones(5) man page

21.5.15. Configuring firewalld using System Roles

You can use the firewall System Role to configure settings of the firewalld service on multiple clients at once. This solution:

  • Provides an interface with efficient input settings.
  • Keeps all intended firewalld parameters in one place.

After you run the firewall role on the control node, the System Role applies the firewalld parameters to the managed node immediately and makes them persistent across reboots. Introduction to the firewall RHEL System Role

RHEL System Roles is a set of contents for the Ansible automation utility. This content together with the Ansible automation utility provides a consistent configuration interface to remotely manage multiple systems.

The rhel-system-roles.firewall role from the RHEL System Roles was introduced for automated configurations of the firewalld service. The rhel-system-roles package contains this System Role, and also the reference documentation.

To apply the firewalld parameters on one or more systems in an automated fashion, use the firewall System Role variable in a playbook. A playbook is a list of one or more plays that is written in the text-based YAML format.

You can use an inventory file to define a set of systems that you want Ansible to configure.

With the firewall role you can configure many different firewalld parameters, for example:

  • Zones.
  • The services for which packets should be allowed.
  • Granting, rejection, or dropping of traffic access to ports.
  • Forwarding of ports or port ranges for a zone.

Additional resources Resetting the firewalld settings using the firewall RHEL System Role

With the firewall RHEL system role, you can reset the firewalld settings to their default state. If you add the previous:replaced parameter to the variable list, the System Role removes all existing user-defined settings and resets firewalld to the defaults. If you combine the previous:replaced parameter with other settings, the firewall role removes all existing settings before applying new ones.

Perform this procedure on the Ansible control node.


  • You have prepared the control node and the managed nodes
  • You are logged in to the control node as a user who can run playbooks on the managed nodes.
  • The account you use to connect to the managed nodes has sudo permissions on the them.
  • The managed nodes or groups of managed nodes on which you want to run this playbook are listed in the Ansible inventory file.


  1. Create a playbook file, for example ~/reset-firewalld.yml, with the following content:

    - name: Reset firewalld example
      - name: Reset firewalld
          name: rhel-system-roles.firewall
            - previous: replaced
  2. Run the playbook:

    # ansible-playbook ~/configuring-a-dmz.yml


  • Run this command as root on the managed node to check all the zones:

    # firewall-cmd --list-all-zones

Additional resources

  • /usr/share/ansible/roles/rhel-system-roles.firewall/
  • ansible-playbook(1)
  • firewalld(1) Forwarding incoming traffic from one local port to a different local port

With the firewall role you can remotely configure firewalld parameters with persisting effect on multiple managed hosts.

Perform this procedure on the Ansible control node.


  • You have prepared the control node and the managed nodes
  • You are logged in to the control node as a user who can run playbooks on the managed nodes.
  • The account you use to connect to the managed nodes has sudo permissions on the them.
  • The managed nodes or groups of managed nodes on which you want to run this playbook are listed in the Ansible inventory file.


  1. Create a playbook file, for example ~/port_forwarding.yml, with the following content:

    - name: Configure firewalld
      - name: Forward incoming traffic on port 8080 to 443
          name: rhel-system-roles.firewall
            - { forward_port: 8080/tcp;443;, state: enabled, runtime: true, permanent: true }
  2. Run the playbook:

    # ansible-playbook ~/port_forwarding.yml


  • On the managed host, display the firewalld settings:

    # firewall-cmd --list-forward-ports

Additional resources

  • /usr/share/ansible/roles/rhel-system-roles.firewall/ Configuring ports using System Roles

You can use the RHEL firewall System Role to open or close ports in the local firewall for incoming traffic and make the new configuration persist across reboots. For example you can configure the default zone to permit incoming traffic for the HTTPS service.

Perform this procedure on the Ansible control node.


  • You have prepared the control node and the managed nodes
  • You are logged in to the control node as a user who can run playbooks on the managed nodes.
  • The account you use to connect to the managed nodes has sudo permissions on the them.
  • The managed nodes or groups of managed nodes on which you want to run this playbook are listed in the Ansible inventory file.


  1. Create a playbook file, for example ~/opening-a-port.yml, with the following content:

    - name: Configure firewalld
      - name: Allow incoming HTTPS traffic to the local host
          name: rhel-system-roles.firewall
            - port: 443/tcp
              service: http
              state: enabled
              runtime: true
              permanent: true

    The permanent: true option makes the new settings persistent across reboots.

  2. Run the playbook:

    # ansible-playbook ~/opening-a-port.yml


  • On the managed node, verify that the 443/tcp port associated with the HTTPS service is open:

    # firewall-cmd --list-ports

Additional resources

  • /usr/share/ansible/roles/rhel-system-roles.firewall/ Configuring a DMZ firewalld zone by using the firewalld RHEL System Role

As a system administrator, you can use the firewall System Role to configure a dmz zone on the enp1s0 interface to permit HTTPS traffic to the zone. In this way, you enable external users to access your web servers.

Perform this procedure on the Ansible control node.


  • You have prepared the control node and the managed nodes
  • You are logged in to the control node as a user who can run playbooks on the managed nodes.
  • The account you use to connect to the managed nodes has sudo permissions on the them.
  • The managed nodes or groups of managed nodes on which you want to run this playbook are listed in the Ansible inventory file.


  1. Create a playbook file, for example ~/configuring-a-dmz.yml, with the following content:

    - name: Configure firewalld
      - name: Creating a DMZ with access to HTTPS port and masquerading for hosts in DMZ
          name: rhel-system-roles.firewall
            - zone: dmz
              interface: enp1s0
              service: https
              state: enabled
              runtime: true
              permanent: true
  2. Run the playbook:

    # ansible-playbook ~/configuring-a-dmz.yml


  • On the managed node, view detailed information about the dmz zone:

    # firewall-cmd --zone=dmz --list-all
    dmz (active)
      target: default
      icmp-block-inversion: no
      interfaces: enp1s0
      services: https ssh
      forward: no
      masquerade: no

Additional resources

  • /usr/share/ansible/roles/rhel-system-roles.firewall/

21.5.16. Additional resources

  • firewalld(1) man page
  • firewalld.conf(5) man page
  • firewall-cmd(1) man page
  • firewall-config(1) man page
  • firewall-offline-cmd(1) man page
  • firewalld.icmptype(5) man page
  • firewalld.ipset(5) man page
  • firewalld.service(5) man page
  • man page
  • man page
  • firewalld.lockdown-whitelist(5)
  • firewalld.richlanguage(5)
  • firewalld.zones(5) man page
  • firewalld.dbus(5) man page

21.6. Getting started with nftables

The nftables framework classifies packets and it is the successor to the iptables, ip6tables, arptables, ebtables, and ipset utilities. It offers numerous improvements in convenience, features, and performance over previous packet-filtering tools, most notably:

  • Built-in lookup tables instead of linear processing
  • A single framework for both the IPv4 and IPv6 protocols
  • All rules applied atomically instead of fetching, updating, and storing a complete rule set
  • Support for debugging and tracing in the rule set (nftrace) and monitoring trace events (in the nft tool)
  • More consistent and compact syntax, no protocol-specific extensions
  • A Netlink API for third-party applications

The nftables framework uses tables to store chains. The chains contain individual rules for performing actions. The nft utility replaces all tools from the previous packet-filtering frameworks. You can use the libnftnl library for low-level interaction with nftables Netlink API through the libmnl library.

To display the effect of rule set changes, use the nft list ruleset command. Because these utilities add tables, chains, rules, sets, and other objects to the nftables rule set, be aware that nftables rule-set operations, such as the nft flush ruleset command, might affect rule sets installed using the iptables command.

21.6.1. Migrating from iptables to nftables

If your firewall configuration still uses iptables rules, you can migrate your iptables rules to nftables. When to use firewalld, nftables, or iptables

The following is a brief overview in which scenario you should use one of the following utilities:

  • firewalld: Use the firewalld utility for simple firewall use cases. The utility is easy to use and covers the typical use cases for these scenarios.
  • nftables: Use the nftables utility to set up complex and performance-critical firewalls, such as for a whole network.
  • iptables: The iptables utility on Red Hat Enterprise Linux uses the nf_tables kernel API instead of the legacy back end. The nf_tables API provides backward compatibility so that scripts that use iptables commands still work on Red Hat Enterprise Linux. For new firewall scripts, Red Hat recommends to use nftables.

To prevent the different firewall services from influencing each other, run only one of them on a RHEL host, and disable the other services. Converting iptables and ip6tables rule sets to nftables

Use the iptables-restore-translate and ip6tables-restore-translate utilities to translate iptables and ip6tables rule sets to nftables.


  • The nftables and iptables packages are installed.
  • The system has iptables and ip6tables rules configured.


  1. Write the iptables and ip6tables rules to a file:

    # iptables-save >/root/iptables.dump
    # ip6tables-save >/root/ip6tables.dump
  2. Convert the dump files to nftables instructions:

    # iptables-restore-translate -f /root/iptables.dump > /etc/nftables/ruleset-migrated-from-iptables.nft
    # ip6tables-restore-translate -f /root/ip6tables.dump > /etc/nftables/ruleset-migrated-from-ip6tables.nft
  3. Review and, if needed, manually update the generated nftables rules.
  4. To enable the nftables service to load the generated files, add the following to the /etc/sysconfig/nftables.conf file:

    include "/etc/nftables/ruleset-migrated-from-iptables.nft"
    include "/etc/nftables/ruleset-migrated-from-ip6tables.nft"
  5. Stop and disable the iptables service:

    # systemctl disable --now iptables

    If you used a custom script to load the iptables rules, ensure that the script no longer starts automatically and reboot to flush all tables.

  6. Enable and start the nftables service:

    # systemctl enable --now nftables


  • Display the nftables rule set:

    # nft list ruleset Converting single iptables and ip6tables rules to nftables

Red Hat Enterprise Linux provides the iptables-translate and ip6tables-translate utilities to convert an iptables or ip6tables rule into the equivalent one for nftables.


  • The nftables package is installed.


  • Use the iptables-translate or ip6tables-translate utility instead of iptables or ip6tables to display the corresponding nftables rule, for example:

    # iptables-translate -A INPUT -s -j ACCEPT
    nft add rule ip filter INPUT ip saddr counter accept

    Note that some extensions lack translation support. In these cases, the utility prints the untranslated rule prefixed with the # sign, for example:

    # iptables-translate -A INPUT -j CHECKSUM --checksum-fill
    nft # -A INPUT -j CHECKSUM --checksum-fill

Additional resources

  • iptables-translate --help Comparison of common iptables and nftables commands

The following is a comparison of common iptables and nftables commands:

  • Listing all rules:



    nft list ruleset

  • Listing a certain table and chain:


    iptables -L

    nft list table ip filter

    iptables -L INPUT

    nft list chain ip filter INPUT

    iptables -t nat -L PREROUTING

    nft list chain ip nat PREROUTING

    The nft command does not pre-create tables and chains. They exist only if a user created them manually.

    Listing rules generated by firewalld:

    # nft list table inet firewalld
    # nft list table ip firewalld
    # nft list table ip6 firewalld Additional resources

21.6.2. Writing and executing nftables scripts

The major benefit of using the nftables` framework is that the execution of scripts is atomic. This means that the system either applies the whole script or prevents the execution if an error occurs. This guarantees that the firewall is always in a consistent state.

Additionally, with the nftables script environment, you can:

  • Add comments
  • Define variables
  • Include other rule-set files

When you install the nftables package, Red Hat Enterprise Linux automatically creates *.nft scripts in the /etc/nftables/ directory. These scripts contain commands that create tables and empty chains for different purposes. Supported nftables script formats

You can write scripts in the nftables scripting environment in the following formats:

  • The same format as the nft list ruleset command displays the rule set:

    #!/usr/sbin/nft -f
    # Flush the rule set
    flush ruleset
    table inet example_table {
      chain example_chain {
        # Chain for incoming packets that drops all packets that
        # are not explicitly allowed by any rule in this chain
        type filter hook input priority 0; policy drop;
        # Accept connections to port 22 (ssh)
        tcp dport ssh accept
  • The same syntax as for nft commands:

    #!/usr/sbin/nft -f
    # Flush the rule set
    flush ruleset
    # Create a table
    add table inet example_table
    # Create a chain for incoming packets that drops all packets
    # that are not explicitly allowed by any rule in this chain
    add chain inet example_table example_chain { type filter hook input priority 0 ; policy drop ; }
    # Add a rule that accepts connections to port 22 (ssh)
    add rule inet example_table example_chain tcp dport ssh accept Running nftables scripts

You can run an nftables script either by passing it to the nft utility or by executing the script directly.


  • To run an nftables script by passing it to the nft utility, enter:

    # nft -f /etc/nftables/<example_firewall_script>.nft
  • To run an nftables script directly:

    1. For the single time that you perform this:

      1. Ensure that the script starts with the following shebang sequence:

        #!/usr/sbin/nft -f

        If you omit the -f parameter, the nft utility does not read the script and displays: Error: syntax error, unexpected newline, expecting string.

      2. Optional: Set the owner of the script to root:

        # chown root /etc/nftables/<example_firewall_script>.nft
      3. Make the script executable for the owner:

        # chmod u+x /etc/nftables/<example_firewall_script>.nft
    2. Run the script:

      # /etc/nftables/<example_firewall_script>.nft

      If no output is displayed, the system executed the script successfully.


Even if nft executes the script successfully, incorrectly placed rules, missing parameters, or other problems in the script can cause that the firewall behaves not as expected.

Additional resources Using comments in nftables scripts

The nftables scripting environment interprets everything to the right of a # character to the end of a line as a comment.

Comments can start at the beginning of a line, or next to a command:

# Flush the rule set
flush ruleset

add table inet example_table  # Create a table
... Using variables in nftables script

To define a variable in an nftables script, use the define keyword. You can store single values and anonymous sets in a variable. For more complex scenarios, use sets or verdict maps.

Variables with a single value

The following example defines a variable named INET_DEV with the value enp1s0:

define INET_DEV = enp1s0

You can use the variable in the script by entering the $ sign followed by the variable name:

add rule inet example_table example_chain iifname $INET_DEV tcp dport ssh accept
Variables that contain an anonymous set

The following example defines a variable that contains an anonymous set:

define DNS_SERVERS = {, }

You can use the variable in the script by writing the $ sign followed by the variable name:

add rule inet example_table example_chain ip daddr $DNS_SERVERS accept

Curly braces have special semantics when you use them in a rule because they indicate that the variable represents a set. Including files in nftables scripts

In the nftables scripting environment, you can include other scripts by using the include statement.

If you specify only a file name without an absolute or relative path, nftables includes files from the default search path, which is set to /etc on Red Hat Enterprise Linux.

Example 21.1. Including files from the default search directory

To include a file from the default search directory:

include "example.nft"

Example 21.2. Including all *.nft files from a directory

To include all files ending with *.nft that are stored in the /etc/nftables/rulesets/ directory:

include "/etc/nftables/rulesets/*.nft"

Note that the include statement does not match files beginning with a dot.

Additional resources

  • The Include files section in the nft(8) man page Automatically loading nftables rules when the system boots

The nftables systemd service loads firewall scripts that are included in the /etc/sysconfig/nftables.conf file.


  • The nftables scripts are stored in the /etc/nftables/ directory.


  1. Edit the /etc/sysconfig/nftables.conf file.

    • If you modified the *.nft scripts that were created in /etc/nftables/ with the installation of the nftables package, uncomment the include statement for these scripts.
    • If you wrote new scripts, add include statements to include these scripts. For example, to load the /etc/nftables/example.nft script when the nftables service starts, add:

      include "/etc/nftables/_example_.nft"
  2. Optional: Start the nftables service to load the firewall rules without rebooting the system:

    # systemctl start nftables
  3. Enable the nftables service.

    # systemctl enable nftables

Additional resources

21.6.3. Creating and managing nftables tables, chains, and rules

You can display nftables rule sets and manage them. Basics of nftables tables

A table in nftables is a namespace that contains a collection of chains, rules, sets, and other objects.

Each table must have an address family assigned. The address family defines the packet types that this table processes. You can set one of the following address families when you create a table:

  • ip: Matches only IPv4 packets. This is the default if you do not specify an address family.
  • ip6: Matches only IPv6 packets.
  • inet: Matches both IPv4 and IPv6 packets.
  • arp: Matches IPv4 address resolution protocol (ARP) packets.
  • bridge: Matches packets that pass through a bridge device.
  • netdev: Matches packets from ingress.

If you want to add a table, the format to use depends on your firewall script:

  • In scripts in native syntax, use:

    table <table_address_family> <table_name> {
  • In shell scripts, use:

    nft add table <table_address_family> <table_name> Basics of nftables chains

Tables consist of chains which in turn are containers for rules. The following two rule types exists:

  • Base chain: You can use base chains as an entry point for packets from the networking stack.
  • Regular chain: You can use regular chains as a jump target to better organize rules.

If you want to add a base chain to a table, the format to use depends on your firewall script:

  • In scripts in native syntax, use:

    table <table_address_family> <table_name> {
      chain <chain_name> {
        type <type> hook <hook> priority <priority>
        policy <policy> ;
  • In shell scripts, use:

    nft add chain <table_address_family> <table_name> <chain_name> { type <type> hook <hook> priority <priority> \; policy <policy> \; }

    To avoid that the shell interprets the semicolons as the end of the command, place the \ escape character in front of the semicolons.

Both examples create base chains. To create a regular chain, do not set any parameters in the curly brackets.

Chain types

The following are the chain types and an overview with which address families and hooks you can use them:

TypeAddress familiesHooksDescription




Standard chain type


ip, ip6, inet

prerouting, input, output, postrouting

Chains of this type perform native address translation based on connection tracking entries. Only the first packet traverses this chain type.


ip, ip6


Accepted packets that traverse this chain type cause a new route lookup if relevant parts of the IP header have changed.

Chain priorities

The priority parameter specifies the order in which packets traverse chains with the same hook value. You can set this parameter to an integer value or use a standard priority name.

The following matrix is an overview of the standard priority names and their numeric values, and with which address families and hooks you can use them:

Textual valueNumeric valueAddress familiesHooks



ip, ip6, inet




ip, ip6, inet




ip, ip6, inet







ip, ip6, inet, arp, netdev







ip, ip6, inet




ip, ip6, inet









Chain policies

The chain policy defines whether nftables should accept or drop packets if rules in this chain do not specify any action. You can set one of the following policies in a chain:

  • accept (default)
  • drop Basics of nftables rules

Rules define actions to perform on packets that pass a chain that contains this rule. If the rule also contains matching expressions, nftables performs the actions only if all previous expressions apply.

If you want to add a rule to a chain, the format to use depends on your firewall script:

  • In scripts in native syntax, use:

    table <table_address_family> <table_name> {
      chain <chain_name> {
        type <type> hook <hook> priority <priority> ; policy <policy> ;
  • In shell scripts, use:

    nft add rule <table_address_family> <table_name> <chain_name> <rule>

    This shell command appends the new rule at the end of the chain. If you prefer to add a rule at the beginning of the chain, use the nft insert command instead of nft add. Managing tables, chains, and rules using nft commands

To manage an nftables firewall on the command line or in shell scripts, use the nft utility.


The commands in this procedure do not represent a typical workflow and are not optimized. This procedure only demonstrates how to use nft commands to manage tables, chains, and rules in general.


  1. Create a table named nftables_svc with the inet address family so that the table can process both IPv4 and IPv6 packets:

    # nft add table inet nftables_svc
  2. Add a base chain named INPUT, that processes incoming network traffic, to the inet nftables_svc table:

    # nft add chain inet nftables_svc INPUT { type filter hook input priority filter \; policy accept \; }

    To avoid that the shell interprets the semicolons as the end of the command, escape the semicolons using the \ character.

  3. Add rules to the INPUT chain. For example, allow incoming TCP traffic on port 22 and 443, and, as the last rule of the INPUT chain, reject other incoming traffic with an Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) port unreachable message:

    # nft add rule inet nftables_svc INPUT tcp dport 22 accept
    # nft add rule inet nftables_svc INPUT tcp dport 443 accept
    # nft add rule inet nftables_svc INPUT reject with icmpx type port-unreachable

    If you enter the nft add rule commands as shown, nft adds the rules in the same order to the chain as you run the commands.

  4. Display the current rule set including handles:

    # nft -a list table inet nftables_svc
    table inet nftables_svc { # handle 13
      chain INPUT { # handle 1
        type filter hook input priority filter; policy accept;
        tcp dport 22 accept # handle 2
        tcp dport 443 accept # handle 3
        reject # handle 4
  5. Insert a rule before the existing rule with handle 3. For example, to insert a rule that allows TCP traffic on port 636, enter:

    # nft insert rule inet nftables_svc INPUT position 3 tcp dport 636 accept
  6. Append a rule after the existing rule with handle 3. For example, to insert a rule that allows TCP traffic on port 80, enter:

    # nft add rule inet nftables_svc INPUT position 3 tcp dport 80 accept
  7. Display the rule set again with handles. Verify that the later added rules have been added to the specified positions:

    # nft -a list table inet nftables_svc
    table inet nftables_svc { # handle 13
      chain INPUT { # handle 1
        type filter hook input priority filter; policy accept;
        tcp dport 22 accept # handle 2
        tcp dport 636 accept # handle 5
        tcp dport 443 accept # handle 3
        tcp dport 80 accept # handle 6
        reject # handle 4
  8. Remove the rule with handle 6:

    # nft delete rule inet nftables_svc INPUT handle 6

    To remove a rule, you must specify the handle.

  9. Display the rule set, and verify that the removed rule is no longer present:

    # nft -a list table inet nftables_svc
    table inet nftables_svc { # handle 13
      chain INPUT { # handle 1
        type filter hook input priority filter; policy accept;
        tcp dport 22 accept # handle 2
        tcp dport 636 accept # handle 5
        tcp dport 443 accept # handle 3
        reject # handle 4
  10. Remove all remaining rules from the INPUT chain:

    # nft flush chain inet nftables_svc INPUT
  11. Display the rule set, and verify that the INPUT chain is empty:

    # nft list table inet nftables_svc
    table inet nftables_svc {
      chain INPUT {
        type filter hook input priority filter; policy accept
  12. Delete the INPUT chain:

    # nft delete chain inet nftables_svc INPUT

    You can also use this command to delete chains that still contain rules.

  13. Display the rule set, and verify that the INPUT chain has been deleted:

    # nft list table inet nftables_svc
    table inet nftables_svc {
  14. Delete the nftables_svc table:

    # nft delete table inet nftables_svc

    You can also use this command to delete tables that still contain chains.


    To delete the entire rule set, use the nft flush ruleset command instead of manually deleting all rules, chains, and tables in separate commands.

Additional resources

nft(8) man page

21.6.4. Configuring NAT using nftables

With nftables, you can configure the following network address translation (NAT) types:

  • Masquerading
  • Source NAT (SNAT)
  • Destination NAT (DNAT)
  • Redirect

You can only use real interface names in iifname and oifname parameters, and alternative names (altname) are not supported. NAT types

These are the different network address translation (NAT) types:

Masquerading and source NAT (SNAT)

Use one of these NAT types to change the source IP address of packets. For example, Internet Service Providers do not route private IP ranges, such as If you use private IP ranges in your network and users should be able to reach servers on the Internet, map the source IP address of packets from these ranges to a public IP address.

Masquerading and SNAT are very similar to one another. The differences are:

  • Masquerading automatically uses the IP address of the outgoing interface. Therefore, use masquerading if the outgoing interface uses a dynamic IP address.
  • SNAT sets the source IP address of packets to a specified IP and does not dynamically look up the IP of the outgoing interface. Therefore, SNAT is faster than masquerading. Use SNAT if the outgoing interface uses a fixed IP address.
Destination NAT (DNAT)
Use this NAT type to rewrite the destination address and port of incoming packets. For example, if your web server uses an IP address from a private IP range and is, therefore, not directly accessible from the Internet, you can set a DNAT rule on the router to redirect incoming traffic to this server.
This type is a special case of DNAT that redirects packets to the local machine depending on the chain hook. For example, if a service runs on a different port than its standard port, you can redirect incoming traffic from the standard port to this specific port. Configuring masquerading using nftables

Masquerading enables a router to dynamically change the source IP of packets sent through an interface to the IP address of the interface. This means that if the interface gets a new IP assigned, nftables automatically uses the new IP when replacing the source IP.

Replace the source IP of packets leaving the host through the ens3 interface to the IP set on ens3.


  1. Create a table:

    # nft add table nat
  2. Add the prerouting and postrouting chains to the table:

    # nft add chain nat postrouting { type nat hook postrouting priority 100 \; }

    Even if you do not add a rule to the prerouting chain, the nftables framework requires this chain to match incoming packet replies.

    Note that you must pass the -- option to the nft command to prevent the shell from interpreting the negative priority value as an option of the nft command.

  3. Add a rule to the postrouting chain that matches outgoing packets on the ens3 interface:

    # nft add rule nat postrouting oifname "ens3" masquerade Configuring source NAT using nftables

On a router, Source NAT (SNAT) enables you to change the IP of packets sent through an interface to a specific IP address. The router then replaces the source IP of outgoing packets.


  1. Create a table:

    # nft add table nat
  2. Add the prerouting and postrouting chains to the table:

    # nft add chain nat postrouting { type nat hook postrouting priority 100 \; }

    Even if you do not add a rule to the postrouting chain, the nftables framework requires this chain to match outgoing packet replies.

    Note that you must pass the -- option to the nft command to prevent the shell from interpreting the negative priority value as an option of the nft command.

  3. Add a rule to the postrouting chain that replaces the source IP of outgoing packets through ens3 with

    # nft add rule nat postrouting oifname "ens3" snat to Configuring destination NAT using nftables

Destination NAT (DNAT) enables you to redirect traffic on a router to a host that is not directly accessible from the Internet.

For example, with DNAT the router redirects incoming traffic sent to port 80 and 443 to a web server with the IP address


  1. Create a table:

    # nft add table nat
  2. Add the prerouting and postrouting chains to the table:

    # nft -- add chain nat prerouting { type nat hook prerouting priority -100 \; }
    # nft add chain nat postrouting { type nat hook postrouting priority 100 \; }

    Even if you do not add a rule to the postrouting chain, the nftables framework requires this chain to match outgoing packet replies.

    Note that you must pass the -- option to the nft command to prevent the shell from interpreting the negative priority value as an option of the nft command.

  3. Add a rule to the prerouting chain that redirects incoming traffic to port 80 and 443 on the ens3 interface of the router to the web server with the IP address"

    # nft add rule nat prerouting iifname ens3 tcp dport { 80, 443 } dnat to
  4. Depending on your environment, add either a SNAT or masquerading rule to change the source address for packets returning from the web server to the sender:

    1. If the ens3 interface uses a dynamic IP addresses, add a masquerading rule:

      # nft add rule nat postrouting oifname "ens3" masquerade
    2. If the ens3 interface uses a static IP address, add a SNAT rule. For example, if the ens3 uses the IP address:

      # nft add rule nat postrouting oifname "ens3" snat to
  5. Enable packet forwarding:

    # echo "net.ipv4.ip_forward=1" > /etc/sysctl.d/95-IPv4-forwarding.conf
    # sysctl -p /etc/sysctl.d/95-IPv4-forwarding.conf

Additional resources Configuring a redirect using nftables

The redirect feature is a special case of destination network address translation (DNAT) that redirects packets to the local machine depending on the chain hook.

For example, you can redirect incoming and forwarded traffic sent to port 22 of the local host to port 2222.


  1. Create a table:

    # nft add table nat
  2. Add the prerouting chain to the table:

    # nft -- add chain nat prerouting { type nat hook prerouting priority -100 \; }

    Note that you must pass the -- option to the nft command to prevent the shell from interpreting the negative priority value as an option of the nft command.

  3. Add a rule to the prerouting chain that redirects incoming traffic on port 22 to port 2222:

    # nft add rule nat prerouting tcp dport 22 redirect to 2222

Additional resources

21.6.5. Using sets in nftables commands

The nftables framework natively supports sets. You can use sets, for example, if a rule should match multiple IP addresses, port numbers, interfaces, or any other match criteria. Using anonymous sets in nftables

An anonymous set contains comma-separated values enclosed in curly brackets, such as { 22, 80, 443 }, that you use directly in a rule. You can use anonymous sets also for IP addresses and any other match criteria.

The drawback of anonymous sets is that if you want to change the set, you must replace the rule. For a dynamic solution, use named sets as described in Using named sets in nftables.


  • The example_chain chain and the example_table table in the inet family exists.


  1. For example, to add a rule to example_chain in example_table that allows incoming traffic to port 22, 80, and 443:

    # nft add rule inet example_table example_chain tcp dport { 22, 80, 443 } accept
  2. Optional: Display all chains and their rules in example_table:

    # nft list table inet example_table
    table inet example_table {
      chain example_chain {
        type filter hook input priority filter; policy accept;
        tcp dport { ssh, http, https } accept
    } Using named sets in nftables

The nftables framework supports mutable named sets. A named set is a list or range of elements that you can use in multiple rules within a table. Another benefit over anonymous sets is that you can update a named set without replacing the rules that use the set.

When you create a named set, you must specify the type of elements the set contains. You can set the following types:

  • ipv4_addr for a set that contains IPv4 addresses or ranges, such as or
  • ipv6_addr for a set that contains IPv6 addresses or ranges, such as 2001:db8:1::1 or 2001:db8:1::1/64.
  • ether_addr for a set that contains a list of media access control (MAC) addresses, such as 52:54:00:6b:66:42.
  • inet_proto for a set that contains a list of Internet protocol types, such as tcp.
  • inet_service for a set that contains a list of Internet services, such as ssh.
  • mark for a set that contains a list of packet marks. Packet marks can be any positive 32-bit integer value (0 to 2147483647).


  • The example_chain chain and the example_table table exists.


  1. Create an empty set. The following examples create a set for IPv4 addresses:

    • To create a set that can store multiple individual IPv4 addresses:

      # nft add set inet example_table example_set { type ipv4_addr \; }
    • To create a set that can store IPv4 address ranges:

      # nft add set inet example_table example_set { type ipv4_addr \; flags interval \; }

    To prevent the shell from interpreting the semicolons as the end of the command, you must escape the semicolons with a backslash.

  2. Optional: Create rules that use the set. For example, the following command adds a rule to the example_chain in the example_table that will drop all packets from IPv4 addresses in example_set.

    # nft add rule inet example_table example_chain ip saddr @example_set drop

    Because example_set is still empty, the rule has currently no effect.

  3. Add IPv4 addresses to example_set:

    • If you create a set that stores individual IPv4 addresses, enter:

      # nft add element inet example_table example_set {, }
    • If you create a set that stores IPv4 ranges, enter:

      # nft add element inet example_table example_set { }

      When you specify an IP address range, you can alternatively use the Classless Inter-Domain Routing (CIDR) notation, such as in the above example. Additional resources

  • The Sets section in the nft(8) man page

21.6.6. Using verdict maps in nftables commands

Verdict maps, which are also known as dictionaries, enable nft to perform an action based on packet information by mapping match criteria to an action. Using anonymous maps in nftables

An anonymous map is a { match_criteria : action } statement that you use directly in a rule. The statement can contain multiple comma-separated mappings.

The drawback of an anonymous map is that if you want to change the map, you must replace the rule. For a dynamic solution, use named maps as described in Using named maps in nftables.

For example, you can use an anonymous map to route both TCP and UDP packets of the IPv4 and IPv6 protocol to different chains to count incoming TCP and UDP packets separately.


  1. Create a new table:

    # nft add table inet example_table
  2. Create the tcp_packets chain in example_table:

    # nft add chain inet example_table tcp_packets
  3. Add a rule to tcp_packets that counts the traffic in this chain:

    # nft add rule inet example_table tcp_packets counter
  4. Create the udp_packets chain in example_table

    # nft add chain inet example_table udp_packets
  5. Add a rule to udp_packets that counts the traffic in this chain:

    # nft add rule inet example_table udp_packets counter
  6. Create a chain for incoming traffic. For example, to create a chain named incoming_traffic in example_table that filters incoming traffic:

    # nft add chain inet example_table incoming_traffic { type filter hook input priority 0 \; }
  7. Add a rule with an anonymous map to incoming_traffic:

    # nft add rule inet example_table incoming_traffic ip protocol vmap { tcp : jump tcp_packets, udp : jump udp_packets }

    The anonymous map distinguishes the packets and sends them to the different counter chains based on their protocol.

  8. To list the traffic counters, display example_table:

    # nft list table inet example_table
    table inet example_table {
      chain tcp_packets {
        counter packets 36379 bytes 2103816
      chain udp_packets {
        counter packets 10 bytes 1559
      chain incoming_traffic {
        type filter hook input priority filter; policy accept;
        ip protocol vmap { tcp : jump tcp_packets, udp : jump udp_packets }

    The counters in the tcp_packets and udp_packets chain display both the number of received packets and bytes. Using named maps in nftables

The nftables framework supports named maps. You can use these maps in multiple rules within a table. Another benefit over anonymous maps is that you can update a named map without replacing the rules that use it.

When you create a named map, you must specify the type of elements:

  • ipv4_addr for a map whose match part contains an IPv4 address, such as
  • ipv6_addr for a map whose match part contains an IPv6 address, such as 2001:db8:1::1.
  • ether_addr for a map whose match part contains a media access control (MAC) address, such as 52:54:00:6b:66:42.
  • inet_proto for a map whose match part contains an Internet protocol type, such as tcp.
  • inet_service for a map whose match part contains an Internet services name port number, such as ssh or 22.
  • mark for a map whose match part contains a packet mark. A packet mark can be any positive 32-bit integer value (0 to 2147483647).
  • counter for a map whose match part contains a counter value. The counter value can be any positive 64-bit integer value.
  • quota for a map whose match part contains a quota value. The quota value can be any positive 64-bit integer value.

For example, you can allow or drop incoming packets based on their source IP address. Using a named map, you require only a single rule to configure this scenario while the IP addresses and actions are dynamically stored in the map.


  1. Create a table. For example, to create a table named example_table that processes IPv4 packets:

    # nft add table ip example_table
  2. Create a chain. For example, to create a chain named example_chain in example_table:

    # nft add chain ip example_table example_chain { type filter hook input priority 0 \; }

    To prevent the shell from interpreting the semicolons as the end of the command, you must escape the semicolons with a backslash.

  3. Create an empty map. For example, to create a map for IPv4 addresses:

    # nft add map ip example_table example_map { type ipv4_addr : verdict \; }
  4. Create rules that use the map. For example, the following command adds a rule to example_chain in example_table that applies actions to IPv4 addresses which are both defined in example_map:

    # nft add rule example_table example_chain ip saddr vmap @example_map
  5. Add IPv4 addresses and corresponding actions to example_map:

    # nft add element ip example_table example_map { : accept, : drop }

    This example defines the mappings of IPv4 addresses to actions. In combination with the rule created above, the firewall accepts packet from and drops packets from

  6. Optional: Enhance the map by adding another IP address and action statement:

    # nft add element ip example_table example_map { : accept }
  7. Optional: Remove an entry from the map:

    # nft delete element ip example_table example_map { }
  8. Optional: Display the rule set:

    # nft list ruleset
    table ip example_table {
      map example_map {
        type ipv4_addr : verdict
        elements = { : drop, : accept }
      chain example_chain {
        type filter hook input priority filter; policy accept;
        ip saddr vmap @example_map
    } Additional resources

  • The Maps section in the nft(8) man page

21.6.7. Example: Protecting a LAN and DMZ using an nftables script

Use the nftables framework on a RHEL router to write and install a firewall script that protects the network clients in an internal LAN and a web server in a DMZ from unauthorized access from the Internet and from other networks.


This example is only for demonstration purposes and describes a scenario with specific requirements.

Firewall scripts highly depend on the network infrastructure and security requirements. Use this example to learn the concepts of nftables firewalls when you write scripts for your own environment. Network conditions

The network in this example has the following conditions:

  • The router is connected to the following networks:

    • The Internet through interface enp1s0
    • The internal LAN through interface enp7s0
    • The DMZ through enp8s0
  • The Internet interface of the router has both a static IPv4 address ( and IPv6 address (2001:db8:a::1) assigned.
  • The clients in the internal LAN use only private IPv4 addresses from the range Consequently, traffic from the LAN to the Internet requires source network address translation (SNAT).
  • The administrator PCs in the internal LAN use the IP addresses and
  • The DMZ uses public IP addresses from the ranges and 2001:db8:b::/56.
  • The web server in the DMZ uses the IP addresses and 2001:db8:b::5.
  • The router acts as a caching DNS server for hosts in the LAN and DMZ. Security requirements to the firewall script

The following are the requirements to the nftables firewall in the example network:

  • The router must be able to:

    • Recursively resolve DNS queries.
    • Perform all connections on the loopback interface.
  • Clients in the internal LAN must be able to:

    • Query the caching DNS server running on the router.
    • Access the HTTPS server in the DMZ.
    • Access any HTTPS server on the Internet.
  • The PCs of the administrators must be able to access the router and every server in the DMZ using SSH.
  • The web server in the DMZ must be able to:

    • Query the caching DNS server running on the router.
    • Access HTTPS servers on the Internet to download updates.
  • Hosts on the Internet must be able to:

    • Access the HTTPS servers in the DMZ.
  • Additionally, the following security requirements exists:

    • Connection attempts that are not explicitly allowed should be dropped.
    • Dropped packets should be logged. Configuring logging of dropped packets to a file

By default, systemd logs kernel messages, such as for dropped packets, to the journal. Additionally, you can configure the rsyslog service to log such entries to a separate file. To ensure that the log file does not grow infinitely, configure a rotation policy.


  • The rsyslog package is installed.
  • The rsyslog service is running.


  1. Create the /etc/rsyslog.d/nftables.conf file with the following content:

    :msg, startswith, "nft drop" -/var/log/nftables.log
    & stop

    Using this configuration, the rsyslog service logs dropped packets to the /var/log/nftables.log file instead of /var/log/messages.

  2. Restart the rsyslog service:

    # systemctl restart rsyslog
  3. Create the /etc/logrotate.d/nftables file with the following content to rotate /var/log/nftables.log if the size exceeds 10 MB:

    /var/log/nftables.log {
      size +10M
      maxage 30
        /usr/bin/systemctl kill -s HUP rsyslog.service >/dev/null 2>&1 || true

    The maxage 30 setting defines that logrotate removes rotated logs older than 30 days during the next rotation operation.

Additional resources

  • rsyslog.conf(5) man page
  • logrotate(8) man page Writing and activating the nftables script

This example is an nftables firewall script that runs on a RHEL router and protects the clients in an internal LAN and a web server in a DMZ. For details about the network and the requirements for the firewall used in the example, see Network conditions and Security requirements to the firewall script.


This nftables firewall script is only for demonstration purposes. Do not use it without adapting it to your environments and security requirements.



  1. Create the /etc/nftables/firewall.nft script with the following content:

    # Remove all rules
    flush ruleset
    # Table for both IPv4 and IPv6 rules
    table inet nftables_svc {
      # Define variables for the interface name
      define INET_DEV = enp1s0
      define LAN_DEV  = enp7s0
      define DMZ_DEV  = enp8s0
      # Set with the IPv4 addresses of admin PCs
      set admin_pc_ipv4 {
        type ipv4_addr
        elements = {, }
      # Chain for incoming trafic. Default policy: drop
      chain INPUT {
        type filter hook input priority filter
        policy drop
        # Accept packets in established and related state, drop invalid packets
        ct state vmap { established:accept, related:accept, invalid:drop }
        # Accept incoming traffic on loopback interface
        iifname lo accept
        # Allow request from LAN and DMZ to local DNS server
        iifname { $LAN_DEV, $DMZ_DEV } meta l4proto { tcp, udp } th dport 53 accept
        # Allow admins PCs to access the router using SSH
        iifname $LAN_DEV ip saddr @admin_pc_ipv4 tcp dport 22 accept
        # Last action: Log blocked packets
        # (packets that were not accepted in previous rules in this chain)
        log prefix "nft drop IN : "
      # Chain for outgoing traffic. Default policy: drop
      chain OUTPUT {
        type filter hook output priority filter
        policy drop
        # Accept packets in established and related state, drop invalid packets
        ct state vmap { established:accept, related:accept, invalid:drop }
        # Accept outgoing traffic on loopback interface
        oifname lo accept
        # Allow local DNS server to recursively resolve queries
        oifname $INET_DEV meta l4proto { tcp, udp } th dport 53 accept
        # Last action: Log blocked packets
        log prefix "nft drop OUT: "
      # Chain for forwarding traffic. Default policy: drop
      chain FORWARD {
        type filter hook forward priority filter
        policy drop
        # Accept packets in established and related state, drop invalid packets
        ct state vmap { established:accept, related:accept, invalid:drop }
        # IPv4 access from LAN and Internet to the HTTPS server in the DMZ
        iifname { $LAN_DEV, $INET_DEV } oifname $DMZ_DEV ip daddr tcp dport 443 accept
        # IPv6 access from Internet to the HTTPS server in the DMZ
        iifname $INET_DEV oifname $DMZ_DEV ip6 daddr 2001:db8:b::5 tcp dport 443 accept
        # Access from LAN and DMZ to HTTPS servers on the Internet
        iifname { $LAN_DEV, $DMZ_DEV } oifname $INET_DEV tcp dport 443 accept
        # Last action: Log blocked packets
        log prefix "nft drop FWD: "
      # Postrouting chain to handle SNAT
      chain postrouting {
        type nat hook postrouting priority srcnat; policy accept;
        # SNAT for IPv4 traffic from LAN to Internet
        iifname $LAN_DEV oifname $INET_DEV snat ip to
  2. Include the /etc/nftables/firewall.nft script in the /etc/sysconfig/nftables.conf file:

    include "/etc/nftables/firewall.nft"
  3. Enable IPv4 forwarding:

    # echo "net.ipv4.ip_forward=1" > /etc/sysctl.d/95-IPv4-forwarding.conf
    # sysctl -p /etc/sysctl.d/95-IPv4-forwarding.conf
  4. Enable and start the nftables service:

    # systemctl enable --now nftables


  1. Optional: Verify the nftables rule set:

    # nft list ruleset
  2. Try to perform an access that the firewall prevents. For example, try to access the router using SSH from the DMZ:

    # ssh
    ssh: connect to host port 22: Network is unreachable
  3. Depending on your logging settings, search:

    • The systemd journal for the blocked packets:

      # journalctl -k -g "nft drop"
      Oct 14 17:27:18 router kernel: nft drop IN : IN=enp8s0 OUT= MAC=... SRC= DST= ... PROTO=TCP SPT=40464 DPT=22 ... SYN ...
    • The /var/log/nftables.log file for the blocked packets:

      Oct 14 17:27:18 router kernel: nft drop IN : IN=enp8s0 OUT= MAC=... SRC= DST= ... PROTO=TCP SPT=40464 DPT=22 ... SYN ...

21.6.8. Configuring port forwarding using nftables

Port forwarding enables administrators to forward packets sent to a specific destination port to a different local or remote port.

For example, if your web server does not have a public IP address, you can set a port forwarding rule on your firewall that forwards incoming packets on port 80 and 443 on the firewall to the web server. With this firewall rule, users on the internet can access the web server using the IP or host name of the firewall. Forwarding incoming packets to a different local port

You can use nftables to forward packets. For example, you can forward incoming IPv4 packets on port 8022 to port 22 on the local system.


  1. Create a table named nat with the ip address family:

    # nft add table ip nat
  2. Add the prerouting and postrouting chains to the table:

    # nft -- add chain ip nat prerouting { type nat hook prerouting priority -100 \; }

    Pass the -- option to the nft command to prevent the shell from interpreting the negative priority value as an option of the nft command.

  3. Add a rule to the prerouting chain that redirects incoming packets on port 8022 to the local port 22:

    # nft add rule ip nat prerouting tcp dport 8022 redirect to :22 Forwarding incoming packets on a specific local port to a different host

You can use a destination network address translation (DNAT) rule to forward incoming packets on a local port to a remote host. This enables users on the Internet to access a service that runs on a host with a private IP address.

For example, you can forward incoming IPv4 packets on the local port 443 to the same port number on the remote system with the IP address.


  • You are logged in as the root user on the system that should forward the packets.


  1. Create a table named nat with the ip address family:

    # nft add table ip nat
  2. Add the prerouting and postrouting chains to the table:

    # nft -- add chain ip nat prerouting { type nat hook prerouting priority -100 \; }
    # nft add chain ip nat postrouting { type nat hook postrouting priority 100 \; }

    Pass the -- option to the nft command to prevent the shell from interpreting the negative priority value as an option of the nft command.

  3. Add a rule to the prerouting chain that redirects incoming packets on port 443 to the same port on

    # nft add rule ip nat prerouting tcp dport 443 dnat to
  4. Add a rule to the postrouting chain to masquerade outgoing traffic:

    # nft add rule ip nat postrouting daddr masquerade
  5. Enable packet forwarding:

    # echo "net.ipv4.ip_forward=1" > /etc/sysctl.d/95-IPv4-forwarding.conf
    # sysctl -p /etc/sysctl.d/95-IPv4-forwarding.conf

21.6.9. Using nftables to limit the amount of connections

You can use nftables to limit the number of connections or to block IP addresses that attempt to establish a given amount of connections to prevent them from using too many system resources. Limiting the number of connections using nftables

The ct count parameter of the nft utility enables administrators to limit the number of connections.


  • The base example_chain in example_table exists.


  1. Create a dynamic set for IPv4 addresses:

    # nft add set inet example_table example_meter { type ipv4_addr\; flags dynamic \;}
  2. Add a rule that allows only two simultaneous connections to the SSH port (22) from an IPv4 address and rejects all further connections from the same IP:

    # nft add rule ip example_table example_chain tcp dport ssh meter example_meter { ip saddr ct count over 2 } counter reject
  3. Optional: Display the set created in the previous step:

    # nft list set inet example_table example_meter
    table inet example_table {
      meter example_meter {
        type ipv4_addr
        size 65535
        elements = { ct count over 2 , ct count over 2  }

    The elements entry displays addresses that currently match the rule. In this example, elements lists IP addresses that have active connections to the SSH port. Note that the output does not display the number of active connections or if connections were rejected. Blocking IP addresses that attempt more than ten new incoming TCP connections within one minute

You can temporarily block hosts that are establishing more than ten IPv4 TCP connections within one minute.


  1. Create the filter table with the ip address family:

    # nft add table ip filter
  2. Add the input chain to the filter table:

    # nft add chain ip filter input { type filter hook input priority 0 \; }
  3. Add a rule that drops all packets from source addresses that attempt to establish more than ten TCP connections within one minute:

    # nft add rule ip filter input ip protocol tcp ct state new, untracked meter ratemeter { ip saddr timeout 5m limit rate over 10/minute } drop

    The timeout 5m parameter defines that nftables automatically removes entries after five minutes to prevent that the meter fills up with stale entries.


  • To display the meter’s content, enter:

    # nft list meter ip filter ratemeter
    table ip filter {
      meter ratemeter {
        type ipv4_addr
        size 65535
        flags dynamic,timeout
        elements = { limit rate over 10/minute timeout 5m expires 4m58s224ms }

21.6.10. Debugging nftables rules

The nftables framework provides different options for administrators to debug rules and if packets match them. Creating a rule with a counter

To identify if a rule is matched, you can use a counter.


  • The chain to which you want to add the rule exists.


  1. Add a new rule with the counter parameter to the chain. The following example adds a rule with a counter that allows TCP traffic on port 22 and counts the packets and traffic that match this rule:

    # nft add rule inet example_table example_chain tcp dport 22 *counter accept*
  2. To display the counter values:

    # nft list ruleset
    table inet example_table {
      chain example_chain {
        type filter hook input priority filter; policy accept;
        tcp dport ssh counter packets 6872 bytes 105448565 accept
    } Adding a counter to an existing rule

To identify if a rule is matched, you can use a counter.


  • The rule to which you want to add the counter exists.


  1. Display the rules in the chain including their handles:

    # nft --handle list chain inet example_table example_chain
    table inet example_table {
      chain example_chain { # handle 1
        type filter hook input priority filter; policy accept;
        tcp dport ssh accept # handle 4
  2. Add the counter by replacing the rule but with the counter parameter. The following example replaces the rule displayed in the previous step and adds a counter:

    # nft replace rule inet example_table example_chain handle 4 tcp dport 22 counter accept
  3. To display the counter values:

    # nft list ruleset
    table inet example_table {
      chain example_chain {
        type filter hook input priority filter; policy accept;
        tcp dport ssh counter packets 6872 bytes 105448565 accept
    } Monitoring packets that match an existing rule

The tracing feature in nftables in combination with the nft monitor command enables administrators to display packets that match a rule. You can enable tracing for a rule an use it to monitoring packets that match this rule.


  • The rule to which you want to add the counter exists.


  1. Display the rules in the chain including their handles:

    # nft --handle list chain inet example_table example_chain
    table inet example_table {
      chain example_chain { # handle 1
        type filter hook input priority filter; policy accept;
        tcp dport ssh accept # handle 4
  2. Add the tracing feature by replacing the rule but with the meta nftrace set 1 parameters. The following example replaces the rule displayed in the previous step and enables tracing:

    # nft replace rule inet example_table example_chain handle 4 tcp dport 22 meta nftrace set 1 accept
  3. Use the nft monitor command to display the tracing. The following example filters the output of the command to display only entries that contain inet example_table example_chain:

    # nft monitor | grep "inet example_table example_chain"
    trace id 3c5eb15e inet example_table example_chain packet: iif "enp1s0" ether saddr 52:54:00:17:ff:e4 ether daddr 52:54:00:72:2f:6e ip saddr ip daddr ip dscp cs0 ip ecn not-ect ip ttl 64 ip id 49710 ip protocol tcp ip length 60 tcp sport 56728 tcp dport ssh tcp flags == syn tcp window 64240
    trace id 3c5eb15e inet example_table example_chain rule tcp dport ssh nftrace set 1 accept (verdict accept)

    Depending on the number of rules with tracing enabled and the amount of matching traffic, the nft monitor command can display a lot of output. Use grep or other utilities to filter the output.

21.6.11. Backing up and restoring the nftables rule set

You can backup nftables rules to a file and later restoring them. Also, administrators can use a file with the rules to, for example, transfer the rules to a different server. Backing up the nftables rule set to a file

You can use the nft utility to back up the nftables rule set to a file.


  • To backup nftables rules:

    • In a format produced by nft list ruleset format:

      # nft list ruleset > file.nft
    • In JSON format:

      # nft -j list ruleset > file.json Restoring the nftables rule set from a file

You can restore the nftables rule set from a file.


  • To restore nftables rules:

    • If the file to restore is in the format produced by nft list ruleset or contains nft commands directly:

      # nft -f file.nft
    • If the file to restore is in JSON format:

      # nft -j -f file.json

21.6.12. Additional resources

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